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strength daily buzz - 25mg cbd + 5mg thc daily buzz sour - 25mg cbd + 5mg thc
original - 25mg cbd + 2mg thc sleep - 25mg cbd + 2mg thc + 3mg melatonin sour -
25mg cbd + 2mg thc
count 20 Count40 Count60 Count
quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
39982483505242 39982483538010 39982483570778 39982483603546 39982483636314
39982483669082 39982483701850 39982483767386 39982483800154 39982483832922
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CBD+THC gummies are the best tasting way to take your five™ daily dose. Packed
with minor cannabinoids and terpenes, this is a full spectrum CBD+THC gummy
unlike any other. five™ gummies are produced in five™'s AA Rated BRC facility
which is the highest rating for food manufacturing. In addition to quality
manufacturing, five™'s CBD+THC gummies contain the highest quality CBD+THC
extract with up to 6x the minor cannabinoids of our competitors.

Our gummies are vegan (pectin based) and contain all-natural ingredients. With a
5:1 ratio of CBD to other powerful hemp compounds, this gummy is a delicious way
to take your daily dose.

Each gummy container contains a mix of different fruity flavors that are listed

Buzz: Blue Razz, Redberry, Lemon, and Orange

Buzz Sour: Sour Blue Razz, Sour Redberry, Sour Lemon, and Sour Orange

Original: Blue Razz, Berry, Lemon, and Orange

Sleep: Berry

Sour: Sour Blue Razz, Sour Redberry, Sour Lemon, and Sour Orange


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Robert T.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Bed time

Review by Robert T. on 22 Nov 2022 review stating Bed time
An hour before bet time for a relaxed nights sleep.
On Full Spectrum CBD + THC Gummies
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by Robert T. on 22 Nov 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by Robert T. on 22 Nov
2022 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Robert T. on 22 Nov 2022
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Alejandro R.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Great Product!

Review by Alejandro R. on 22 Nov 2022 review stating Great Product!
Gummies have been great. Sour gummies taste awesome and the sleep gummies have
been awesome for a full night of sleep
On Full Spectrum CBD + THC Gummies
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Review by Alejandro R. on 22 Nov 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by Alejandro
R. on 22 Nov 2022 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Alejandro R. on 22 Nov 2022
Reviewed on: Full Spectrum CBD + THC Lit Holidaze Gummy Pack
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Reginna K.
Verified Buyer

3.0 star rating

Decent taste poor strength

Review by Reginna K. on 22 Nov 2022 review stating Decent taste poor strength
Due to poor strength, results were lacking. Wanted to feel relaxed with minimal
muscles soarness.
On Full Spectrum CBD + THC Gummies
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by Reginna K. on 22 Nov 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by Reginna K. on 22
Nov 2022 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by Reginna K. on 22 Nov 2022
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James T.
Verified Buyer

3.0 star rating

Noticed a small buzz but

Review by James T. on 22 Nov 2022 review stating Noticed a small buzz but
Noticed a small buzz but that’s it.
On Full Spectrum CBD + THC Gummies
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by James T. on 22 Nov 2022 twitter twitter Share Review by James T. on 22 Nov
2022 LinkedIn linkedin Share Review by James T. on 22 Nov 2022
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Yulia P.
Verified Buyer

5.0 star rating

Helps me fall asleep

Review by Yulia P. on 22 Nov 2022 review stating Helps me fall asleep
I got the full spectrum sleep gummies and they have been effective in knocking
me out about 30-40 minutes after I take them. Usually half a gummy is enough.
There have been several times I gave my partner a full gummy and they slept
through several morning alarms ( which they never do!) So they absolutely do
what they are advertised to do and I wi...Read MoreRead more about I got the
full spectrum sleep gummies

ll continue using them. Read LessRead less about I got the full spectrum sleep

On Full Spectrum CBD + THC Gummies
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Verified Reviewer

Q: subscription is it only monthly

Answers (1)

Store Owner
A: Hi Tom! You can choose any frequency you'd like to have. Reach out to us at if you have any other questions and we're happy to help!
Was this answer helpful?



Verified Reviewer

Q: Is there a way to view the product ingredients and nutritional table? I don't
see an option for that.

Answers (1)

Store Owner
A: Hey Chloe! Yes, if you go to this link- you can click on any product which
will bring you to the nutritional table, as well as the Certificate of 3rd party
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Verified Reviewer

Q: Are the gummies gluten free?

Answers (1)

Store Owner
A: Hi Steve. All parts of the hemp plant are naturally gluten-free, including
the seeds. However, since hemp is a grain-like crop, it is frequently grown in
rotation with other crops that have gluten, like wheat, barley, and rye. We do
not test our products specifically for any presence of gluten, but because of
the possibility of cross-contamination during hemp growth, it seems remotely
possible that trace amounts could be detected in a sensitive enough test. Other
than that, the ingredients in our products do not contain gluten. We always
recommend any allergies, to take with caution. Feel free to reach out to if you have any additional questions. 🧡
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Ed T.
Verified Reviewer

Q: what are delta-8 thc gummies and do you carry them.

Answers (1)

Store Owner
A: Hi Ed! We actually don't carry any products formulated with Delta8. All of
our products are formulated using Delta-9 THC.
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Verified Reviewer

Q: Are your 25mg cbd+2 mg THC legal in TX?

Answers (1)

Store Owner
A: Hi Gayle! Per the 2018 Farm Bill, all of our products are able to legally be
shipped and consumed in all 50 states! 🙌🏼🇺🇸
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Start with taking one CBD gummy morning or night. If taking the CBD + Melatonin
Gummy, take one hour before desired sleep time. We recommend taking your five™
CBD gummies with food for best absorption, but it is not required.

If you need additional relief, take up to 3 gummies per day.

* Amount of cannabinoids approximated and is based on the most recent
certificate of analysis.



Sourced from the best hemp farms in the US, five™ CBD has the most stringent
standards for our suppliers.

Daily Buzz - 25mg CBD + 5mg THC / 20 CountDaily Buzz - 25mg CBD + 5mg THC / 40
CountDaily Buzz - 25mg CBD + 5mg THC / 60 CountDaily Buzz Sour - 25mg CBD + 5mg
THC / 20 CountDaily Buzz Sour - 25mg CBD + 5mg THC / 40 CountDaily Buzz Sour -
25mg CBD + 5mg THC / 60 CountOriginal - 25mg CBD + 2mg THC / 20 CountOriginal -
25mg CBD + 2mg THC / 40 CountOriginal - 25mg CBD + 2mg THC / 60 CountSleep -
25mg CBD + 2mg THC + 3mg Melatonin / 20 CountSleep - 25mg CBD + 2mg THC + 3mg
Melatonin / 40 CountSleep - 25mg CBD + 2mg THC + 3mg Melatonin / 60 CountSour -
25mg CBD + 2mg THC / 20 CountSour - 25mg CBD + 2mg THC / 40 CountSour - 25mg CBD
+ 2mg THC / 60 Count View Certificate

*Third party lab report that shows you what's actually in the product.



I got a great night sleep, I recently injured myself at work and I slept great
and i'm dosing one drop every night before bed. I also found it's better without
food but that's just me, thanks

shop relax


Like a treat before bed that helps me sleep. These work super well and i sleep
like a ROCK.

shop sleep


These and the gummies are just killer. I've never had CBD work this well. I just
feel good, it's hard to explain. Definitely sticking with these and highly

shop relief


4.7 star rating 1944 Reviews


daily buzz . 20ct

500mg CBD / 100mg THC


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4.6 star rating 275 Reviews



50mg CBD / 2mg THC


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4.7 star rating 1944 Reviews


sleep . 20ct

500mg CBD / 40mg THC


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4.7 star rating 1944 Reviews


original . 20ct

500mg CBD / 40mg THC


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4.7 star rating 1944 Reviews


sour . 20ct

500mg CBD / 40mg THC


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4.4 star rating 82 Reviews


original . 30ct

1500mg CBD / 60mg THC


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4.7 star rating 148 Reviews



50mg CBD / 2mg THC


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Are five™'s gummies vegan and natural?

five™ uses the highest-quality fruit pectin and all-natural flavorings in our
delicious gummies. We don't use cheap animal gelatin and are 100% vegan.

Will five™'s gummies get me high?

THC is the primary compound that causes the euphoric “high” associated with
cannabis and each person has a different tolerance. five™'s gummies contain THC
as well as additional minor cannabinoids that work synergistically to perform
better within our bodies. We suggest taking one gummy to start and waiting 45
minutes to an hour before consuming additional gummies. If you aren't sure of
your THC tolerance, do a little research beforehand. Additionally, if new to
five, we suggest you enjoy your product at home and stay away from operating any
machinery or executing a task that requires your complete attention, until you
know how our products affect you personally. Enjoy the five™ difference!

Do CBD gummies have an aftertaste?

While we cannot speak for everyone, we know that we expertly blend our
formulations using natural ingredients so that you can enjoy every part of your
fiveTM CBD wellness journey. Should you ever experience otherwise, you let us

Do CBD gummies / capsules make you sleepy?

Many studies and consumer reporting have shown that a common side effect to
enjoying CBD is a state of relaxation into drowsiness. We do advise that, if
you're new to CBD, that you talk to your physician first to be sure that CBD is
right for you. We also encourage that, if new to CBD, you choose to enjoy your
product at home and away from operating any machinery or executing a task that
requires your complete attention, until you know how CBD affects you personally.

Do fiveTM CBD Gummies contain THC?

Yes. Some contain more than others — our Daily Buzz Gummies contain 5 milligrams
of THC each! That's enough for most people to feel something. If you'd like a
mellower option just opt for the Original, Sleep, or Sour versions.

Do fiveTM CBD Gummies contain terpenes?

They sure do. All of our Gummies are truly full spectrum, terpenes included! The
terpenes in our Gummies make their CBD and THC even stronger.

How many Gummies should I take?

We suggest taking one gummy to start and waiting 45 minutes to an hour before
consuming additional gummies. If you aren't sure of your THC tolerance, do a
little research beforehand. We suggest you enjoy your product at home and stay
away from operating any machinery or executing a task that requires your
complete attention, until you know how our products affect you personally. Enjoy
the five difference!

Are five™'s Gummies full spectrum?

Yes. Our Gummies are rich in CBD, THC, other cannabinoids, terpenes, and more.
With a 5:1 blend of CBD:other compounds, they're actually more full spectrum
than anything else available on the marker today.

Are five™'s Gummies relaxing?

You bet they are. Most users find that the 25 milligrams of CBD and 2-5
milligrams of THC per gummy (depending on which option you choose) is more than
enough to usher in feelings of relaxation and calm. fiveTM Gummies can be a
suitable replacement for tobacco products or alcohol.

What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is the primary cannabinoid found in the hemp plant. If all
the word salad seems a little confusing, just think of it this way: CBD is the
“active ingredient” in hemp. A growing body of research has found that CBD helps
the human body stay synchronized and balanced.

What are CBD Gummies?

CBD Gummies are simply gummy candies that have been infused with a hefty dose of
CBD! These types of gummies make experiencing CBD's best effects easy — and

What are the best CBD Gummies made of?

This might seem a little counterintuitive, but the best CBD Gummies contain
several other active ingredients above and beyond their CBD. five™'s CBD Gummies
contain a true-to-nature 5:1 blend of CBD to other hemp compounds, like CBG,
CBG, terpenes, and more.

Why buy five™ CBD's Gummies?

Between the quality, the purity, the taste, and the affordability, it's hard to
single out just a few reasons! Many of our customers will tell you that our
Gummies worked for them when nothing else — including other brands' CBD Gummies
— would.

How long will a Gummy's effects last?

That depends on your sensitivity to CBD. Usually, though, a single CBD Gummy's
effects will last for a solid 4-8 hours. That's a whole lotta bliss.

Gummies vs. Oils: what's the difference?

CBD Gummies differ from CBD oils in several key ways. They're tastier, easier to
take, and arguably more likely to help you get in touch with your inner child.

THC Gummies vs. CBD Gummies: what's the difference?

As you might expect from their names, THC Gummies contain THC as their main
active ingredient, while CBD Gummies contain CBD as theirs. THC Gummies
typically come from high-THC cannabis, not industrial hemp.

Are five™ CBD's Gummies legal in my state?

If you live in any of the USA's 50 states, they sure are! The Federal farm Bill
made hemp-derived CBD products completely legal.

Can I take these Gummies for pain?

You sure can. Many of our customers do exactly that — often with great results.
We can't make any medical claims promising the same thing will happen to you,

Can I take these Gummies for stress?

Most definitely. When it comes to stopping chronic stress, most people find that
the 25 milligrams of CBD contained in each of our CBD Gummies is more than up to
the task. five™'s Gummies can be used to replace less healthy substances like
tobacco or alcohol.

Can I take too many CBD Gummies?

Possibly, though the worst thing that'll happen is that they'll make you a
little sleepy. We suggest taking one gummy to start, then waiting for at least
45 minutes before proceeding from there.

Will your Gummies make me fail a drug test?

Probably not. Some initial point of care drug tests, however, can mistake CBD
for THC. If that happens to you, just ask about confirmation testing. This type
of testing will verify that the Gummies you took are completely legal.

Why buy CBD Gummies online?

Buying CBD Gummies online offers several advantages over buying them at your
local dispensary, health food store, or gas station (yeah, let's not go there).
Buying online allows you to read real reviews from real customers, check out
product lab tests, and ensure you're getting a good deal — all without wasting
time or money.

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* The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the
Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been
confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant
as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners.
Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or
other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug,
and Cosmetic Act requires this notice.

All five CBD products comply with the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018
("2018 Farm Bill") and contain less than 0.3% THC by dry weight basis. If you
have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Copyright © 2022 fiveTM. All Rights Reserved.

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