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          skincare products? <span class="wpforms-required-label" aria-hidden="true">*</span></label><select id="wpforms-204184-field_7" class="wpforms-field-medium wpforms-field-required" name="wpforms[fields][7]" required="required">
          <option value="" class="placeholder" disabled="" selected="selected">Choose one</option>
          <option value="Weekly">Weekly</option>
          <option value="Monthly">Monthly</option>
          <option value="Every 3-6 months">Every 3-6 months</option>
          <option value="Once a year">Once a year</option>
          <option value="Less than once a year">Less than once a year</option>
        <div id="wpforms-204184-field_7-description" class="wpforms-field-description">Pick the one closest to your purchase habits. Don't worry if it's not an exact match.</div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_11-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-checkbox wpforms-conditional-trigger" data-field-id="11">
          <legend class="wpforms-field-label">Where do you typically purchase your skincare products?</legend>
          <ul id="wpforms-204184-field_11">
            <li class="choice-1 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_11_1" name="wpforms[fields][11][]" value="Online (Amazon, brand websites, etc.)" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_11_1-error"><label
                class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_11_1">Online (Amazon, brand websites, etc.)</label></li>
            <li class="choice-2 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_11_2" name="wpforms[fields][11][]" value="Department stores" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_11_2-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
                for="wpforms-204184-field_11_2">Department stores</label></li>
            <li class="choice-3 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_11_3" name="wpforms[fields][11][]" value="Drugstores" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_11_3-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
            <li class="choice-5 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_11_5" name="wpforms[fields][11][]" value="Specialty beauty stores (e.g., Sephora, Ulta)" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_11_5-error"><label
                class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_11_5">Specialty beauty stores (e.g., Sephora, Ulta)</label></li>
            <li class="choice-4 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_11_4" name="wpforms[fields][11][]" value="Directly from dermatologists" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_11_4-error"><label
                class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_11_4">Directly from dermatologists</label></li>
            <li class="choice-6 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_11_6" name="wpforms[fields][11][]" value="Other (please specify)" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_11_6-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
                for="wpforms-204184-field_11_6">Other (please specify)</label></li>
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      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_8-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-pagebreak" data-field-id="8">
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      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_12-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-checkbox wpforms-conditional-trigger" data-field-id="12">
          <legend class="wpforms-field-label">What type of skincare products do you use most often?</legend>
          <ul id="wpforms-204184-field_12">
            <li class="choice-2 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_12_2" name="wpforms[fields][12][]" value="Moisturizers" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_12_2-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_12-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_12_2">Moisturizers</label></li>
            <li class="choice-3 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_12_3" name="wpforms[fields][12][]" value="Serums" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_12_3-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_12-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_12_3">Serums</label></li>
            <li class="choice-5 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_12_5" name="wpforms[fields][12][]" value="Eye Creams" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_12_5-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_12-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_12_5">Eye Creams</label></li>
            <li class="choice-4 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_12_4" name="wpforms[fields][12][]" value="Sunscreens" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_12_4-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_12-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_12_4">Sunscreens</label></li>
            <li class="choice-10 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_12_10" name="wpforms[fields][12][]" value="Cleansers" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_12_10-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_12-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_12_10">Cleansers</label></li>
            <li class="choice-9 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_12_9" name="wpforms[fields][12][]" value="Toners" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_12_9-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_12-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_12_9">Toners</label></li>
            <li class="choice-8 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_12_8" name="wpforms[fields][12][]" value="Masks" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_12_8-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_12-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_12_8">Masks</label></li>
            <li class="choice-7 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_12_7" name="wpforms[fields][12][]" value="Exfoliators" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_12_7-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_12-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_12_7">Exfoliators</label></li>
            <li class="choice-6 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_12_6" name="wpforms[fields][12][]" value="Neck Creams" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_12_6-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_12-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_12_6">Neck Creams</label></li>
            <li class="choice-11 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_12_11" name="wpforms[fields][12][]" value="Other (please specify)" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_12_11-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_12-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_12_11">Other (please specify)</label></li>
          <div id="wpforms-204184-field_12-description" class="wpforms-field-description">Choose all that apply</div>
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          for="wpforms-204184-field_13">If other, specify</label><textarea id="wpforms-204184-field_13" class="wpforms-field-large" name="wpforms[fields][13]" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_13-error"></textarea></div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_14-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-checkbox wpforms-conditional-trigger" data-field-id="14">
          <legend class="wpforms-field-label">Which skincare concerns are most important to you?</legend>
          <ul id="wpforms-204184-field_14" data-choice-limit="3">
            <li class="choice-1 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_14_1" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][14][]" value="Wrinkles and fine lines" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_14_1-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_14-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_14_1">Wrinkles and fine lines</label></li>
            <li class="choice-2 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_14_2" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][14][]" value="Sagging skin" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_14_2-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_14-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_14_2">Sagging skin</label></li>
            <li class="choice-3 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_14_3" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][14][]" value="Age spots and discoloration" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_14_3-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_14-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_14_3">Age spots and discoloration</label></li>
            <li class="choice-8 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_14_8" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][14][]" value="Enlarged pores" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_14_8-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_14-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_14_8">Enlarged pores</label></li>
            <li class="choice-7 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_14_7" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][14][]" value="Dryness and dehydration" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_14_7-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_14-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_14_7">Dryness and dehydration</label></li>
            <li class="choice-6 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_14_6" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][14][]" value="Redness and irritation" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_14_6-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_14-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_14_6">Redness and irritation</label></li>
            <li class="choice-9 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_14_9" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][14][]" value="Dull complexion" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_14_9-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_14-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_14_9">Dull complexion</label></li>
            <li class="choice-5 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_14_5" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][14][]" value="Under eye bags and circles" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_14_5-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_14-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_14_5">Under eye bags and circles</label></li>
            <li class="choice-4 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_14_4" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][14][]" value="Other (please specify)" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_14_4-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_14-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_14_4">Other (please specify)</label></li>
          <div id="wpforms-204184-field_14-description" class="wpforms-field-description">Choose up to 3</div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_15-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-textarea wpforms-conditional-field wpforms-conditional-hide" data-field-id="15" style="display:none;"><label class="wpforms-field-label"
          for="wpforms-204184-field_15">If other, specify</label><textarea id="wpforms-204184-field_15" class="wpforms-field-large" name="wpforms[fields][15]" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_15-error"></textarea></div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_16-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-pagebreak" data-field-id="16">
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      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_17-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-likert_scale" data-field-id="17">
          <legend class="wpforms-field-label">How important are natural or organic ingredients in your skincare products?</legend>
          <table class="wpforms-field-large modern single-row">
                <th style="width:20%;">Not important</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Slightly important</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Moderately important</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Very important</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Extremely important</th>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Not important</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_1" class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option"
                      name="wpforms[fields][17][1]" value="1" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_1-error"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_1"><span class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">All natural ingredients Not
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Slightly important</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_2"
                      class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option" name="wpforms[fields][17][1]" value="2" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_2-error"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_2"><span
                        class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">All natural ingredients Slightly important</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Moderately important</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_3"
                      class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option" name="wpforms[fields][17][1]" value="3" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_3-error"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_3"><span
                        class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">All natural ingredients Moderately important</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Very important</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_4"
                      class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option" name="wpforms[fields][17][1]" value="4" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_4-error"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_4"><span
                        class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">All natural ingredients Very important</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Extremely important</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_5"
                      class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option" name="wpforms[fields][17][1]" value="5" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_5-error"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_17_1_5"><span
                        class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">All natural ingredients Extremely important</span></label></div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_18-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-checkbox wpforms-conditional-trigger" data-field-id="18">
          <legend class="wpforms-field-label">Which ingredients do you prefer in your skincare products?</legend>
          <ul id="wpforms-204184-field_18">
            <li class="choice-1 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_18_1" name="wpforms[fields][18][]" value="Hyaluronic acid" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_18_1-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
                for="wpforms-204184-field_18_1">Hyaluronic acid</label></li>
            <li class="choice-2 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_18_2" name="wpforms[fields][18][]" value="Retinol" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_18_2-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
            <li class="choice-3 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_18_3" name="wpforms[fields][18][]" value="Vitamin C" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_18_3-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
                for="wpforms-204184-field_18_3">Vitamin C</label></li>
            <li class="choice-10 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_18_10" name="wpforms[fields][18][]" value="Peptides" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_18_10-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
            <li class="choice-9 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_18_9" name="wpforms[fields][18][]" value="Collagen" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_18_9-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
            <li class="choice-8 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_18_8" name="wpforms[fields][18][]" value="Niacinamide" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_18_8-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
            <li class="choice-7 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_18_7" name="wpforms[fields][18][]" value="Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs)" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_18_7-error"><label
                class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_18_7">Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs)</label></li>
            <li class="choice-6 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_18_6" name="wpforms[fields][18][]" value="Antioxidants (e.g., green tea, vitamin E)" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_18_6-error"><label
                class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_18_6">Antioxidants (e.g., green tea, vitamin E)</label></li>
            <li class="choice-5 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_18_5" name="wpforms[fields][18][]" value="Natural oils (e.g., jojoba, rosehip)" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_18_5-error"><label
                class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_18_5">Natural oils (e.g., jojoba, rosehip)</label></li>
            <li class="choice-4 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_18_4" name="wpforms[fields][18][]" value="Other (please specify" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_18_4-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
                for="wpforms-204184-field_18_4">Other (please specify</label></li>
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          for="wpforms-204184-field_19">If other, specify.</label><textarea id="wpforms-204184-field_19" class="wpforms-field-large" name="wpforms[fields][19]" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_19-error"></textarea></div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_20-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-pagebreak" data-field-id="20">
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          any ingredients you avoid in skincare products?</label><select id="wpforms-204184-field_21" class="wpforms-field-medium" name="wpforms[fields][21]">
          <option value="" class="placeholder" disabled="" selected="selected">Choose one</option>
          <option value="No">No</option>
          <option value="Yes (specify)">Yes (specify)</option>
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          for="wpforms-204184-field_22">if yes, specify</label><textarea id="wpforms-204184-field_22" class="wpforms-field-large" name="wpforms[fields][22]" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_22-error"></textarea></div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_23-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-select wpforms-conditional-trigger wpforms-field-select-style-classic" data-field-id="23"><label class="wpforms-field-label" for="wpforms-204184-field_23">What is
          your preferred texture for skincare products?</label><select id="wpforms-204184-field_23" class="wpforms-field-medium" name="wpforms[fields][23][]" multiple="multiple">
          <option value="Light/gel-based">Light/gel-based</option>
          <option value="Creamy/thick">Creamy/thick</option>
          <option value="Oil based">Oil based</option>
          <option value="Serums/liquid">Serums/liquid</option>
          <option value="Other (please specify)">Other (please specify)</option>
        <div id="wpforms-204184-field_23-description" class="wpforms-field-description">hold the 'command' key to select more than 1</div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_24-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-textarea wpforms-conditional-field wpforms-conditional-hide" data-field-id="24" style="display:none;"><label class="wpforms-field-label"
          for="wpforms-204184-field_24">If other, specify:</label><textarea id="wpforms-204184-field_24" class="wpforms-field-large" name="wpforms[fields][24]" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_24-error"></textarea></div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_26-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-likert_scale" data-field-id="26">
          <legend class="wpforms-field-label">How do you feel about fragrance in skincare products?</legend>
          <table class="wpforms-field-large modern single-row">
                <th style="width:20%;">Strongly dislike</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Dislike</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Neutral</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Like</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Strongly like</th>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Strongly dislike</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_1"
                      class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option" name="wpforms[fields][26][1]" value="1" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_1-error" aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_26-description"><label
                      for="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_1"><span class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">Item #1 Strongly dislike</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Dislike</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_2" class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option"
                      name="wpforms[fields][26][1]" value="2" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_2-error" aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_26-description"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_2"><span
                        class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">Item #1 Dislike</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Neutral</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_3" class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option"
                      name="wpforms[fields][26][1]" value="3" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_3-error" aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_26-description"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_3"><span
                        class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">Item #1 Neutral</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Like</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_4" class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option"
                      name="wpforms[fields][26][1]" value="4" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_4-error" aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_26-description"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_4"><span
                        class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">Item #1 Like</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Strongly like</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_5" class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option"
                      name="wpforms[fields][26][1]" value="5" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_5-error" aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_26-description"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_26_1_5"><span
                        class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">Item #1 Strongly like</span></label></div>
          <div id="wpforms-204184-field_26-description" class="wpforms-field-description">Choose one</div>
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          single anti-aging skincare product?</label><select id="wpforms-204184-field_27" class="wpforms-field-medium" name="wpforms[fields][27]">
          <option value="Under $20">Under $20</option>
          <option value="$20-$40">$20-$40</option>
          <option value="$40-$60">$40-$60</option>
          <option value="$60-$100">$60-$100</option>
          <option value="Over $100">Over $100</option>
        <div id="wpforms-204184-field_27-description" class="wpforms-field-description">Choose one</div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_28-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-select wpforms-field-select-style-classic" data-field-id="28"><label class="wpforms-field-label" for="wpforms-204184-field_28">What price point do you feel most
          comfortable with for a high-quality anti-aging product?</label><select id="wpforms-204184-field_28" class="wpforms-field-medium" name="wpforms[fields][28]">
          <option value="Under $20">Under $20</option>
          <option value="$20-$40">$20-$40</option>
          <option value="$40-$60">$40-$60</option>
          <option value="$60-$100">$60-$100</option>
          <option value="Over $100">Over $100</option>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_29-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-likert_scale" data-field-id="29">
          <legend class="wpforms-field-label">How likely are you to try a new skincare brand if it’s recommended by a trusted source?</legend>
          <table class="wpforms-field-large modern single-row">
                <th style="width:20%;">Very unlikely</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Unlikely</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Neutral</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Likely</th>
                <th style="width:20%;">Highly likely</th>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Very unlikely</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_1" class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option"
                      name="wpforms[fields][29][1]" value="1" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_1-error"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_1"><span class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">Item #1 Very unlikely</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Unlikely</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_2" class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option"
                      name="wpforms[fields][29][1]" value="2" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_2-error"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_2"><span class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">Item #1 Unlikely</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Neutral</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_3" class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option"
                      name="wpforms[fields][29][1]" value="3" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_3-error"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_3"><span class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">Item #1 Neutral</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Likely</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_4" class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option"
                      name="wpforms[fields][29][1]" value="4" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_4-error"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_4"><span class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">Item #1 Likely</span></label></div>
                  <div class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-flex"><span class="wpforms-likert-scale-mobile-label">Highly likely</span><input type="radio" id="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_5" class="wpforms-screen-reader-element wpforms-likert-scale-option"
                      name="wpforms[fields][29][1]" value="5" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_5-error"><label for="wpforms-204184-field_29_1_5"><span class="wpforms-screen-reader-element">Item #1 Highly likely</span></label></div>
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          <legend class="wpforms-field-label">What factor most influences your decision to purchase a new skincare product?</legend>
          <ul id="wpforms-204184-field_31" data-choice-limit="3">
            <li class="choice-1 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_31_1" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][31][]" value="Brand reputation" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_31_1-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_31-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_31_1">Brand reputation</label></li>
            <li class="choice-2 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_31_2" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][31][]" value="Price" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_31_2-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_31-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_31_2">Price</label></li>
            <li class="choice-3 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_31_3" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][31][]" value="Product reviews" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_31_3-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_31-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_31_3">Product reviews</label></li>
            <li class="choice-8 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_31_8" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][31][]" value="Ingredient list" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_31_8-error"
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            <li class="choice-7 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_31_7" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][31][]" value="Recommendations from friends/family" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_31_7-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_31-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_31_7">Recommendations from friends/family</label></li>
            <li class="choice-6 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_31_6" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][31][]" value="Recommendations from a dermatologist" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_31_6-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_31-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_31_6">Recommendations from a dermatologist</label></li>
            <li class="choice-5 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_31_5" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][31][]" value="Advertising / marketing" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_31_5-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_31-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_31_5">Advertising / marketing</label></li>
            <li class="choice-4 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_31_4" data-rule-check-limit="true" name="wpforms[fields][31][]" value="Other (please specify)" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_31_4-error"
                aria-describedby="wpforms-204184-field_31-description"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_31_4">Other (please specify)</label></li>
          <div id="wpforms-204184-field_31-description" class="wpforms-field-description">Select up to 3</div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_32-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-textarea wpforms-conditional-field wpforms-conditional-hide" data-field-id="32" style="display:none;"><label class="wpforms-field-label"
          for="wpforms-204184-field_32">Other, please specify</label><textarea id="wpforms-204184-field_32" class="wpforms-field-large" name="wpforms[fields][32]" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_32-error"></textarea></div>
      <div id="wpforms-204184-field_33-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-select wpforms-conditional-trigger wpforms-field-select-style-classic" data-field-id="33"><label class="wpforms-field-label" for="wpforms-204184-field_33">Have you
          ever been disappointed with an anti-aging product you purchased?</label><select id="wpforms-204184-field_33" class="wpforms-field-medium" name="wpforms[fields][33]">
          <option value="" class="placeholder" disabled="" selected="selected">Choose one</option>
          <option value="Yes">Yes</option>
          <option value="No">No</option>
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          <legend class="wpforms-field-label">If yes, what was the main reason for your disappointment?</legend>
          <ul id="wpforms-204184-field_34">
            <li class="choice-1 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_34_1" name="wpforms[fields][34][]" value="No visible results" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_34_1-error"><label class="wpforms-field-label-inline"
                for="wpforms-204184-field_34_1">No visible results</label></li>
            <li class="choice-2 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_34_2" name="wpforms[fields][34][]" value="Caused skin irritation or allergic reaction" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_34_2-error"><label
                class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_34_2">Caused skin irritation or allergic reaction</label></li>
            <li class="choice-3 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_34_3" name="wpforms[fields][34][]" value="Did not like the texture or scent" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_34_3-error"><label
                class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_34_3">Did not like the texture or scent</label></li>
            <li class="choice-6 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_34_6" name="wpforms[fields][34][]" value="Too expensive for the value" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_34_6-error"><label
                class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_34_6">Too expensive for the value</label></li>
            <li class="choice-5 depth-1"><input type="checkbox" id="wpforms-204184-field_34_5" name="wpforms[fields][34][]" value="Did not meet expectations based on advertising/reviews" aria-errormessage="wpforms-204184-field_34_5-error"><label
                class="wpforms-field-label-inline" for="wpforms-204184-field_34_5">Did not meet expectations based on advertising/reviews</label></li>
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As an active consumer of skincare products, we value your opinion.  Our mission
is to aid consumers with insights from buyers of skincare product from top
retailers and e-commerce shops.   Your opinion and information in this survey
will help our guidance of millions of readers each month.



 FREE Membership to Elegant Enthusiast Newsletter™ ($200)

$60 Voucher to a Top Rated Eye Bag Remover

As an active consumer of skincare products, we value your opinion.  Our mission
is to aid consumers with insights from buyers of skincare product from top
retailers and e-commerce shops.   Your opinion and information in this survey
will help our guidance of millions of readers each month.


Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
First Name *
your source? purchase
Email *
How often do you purchase anti-aging skincare products? *Choose
oneWeeklyMonthlyEvery 3-6 monthsOnce a yearLess than once a year
Pick the one closest to your purchase habits. Don't worry if it's not an exact
Where do you typically purchase your skincare products?
 * Online (Amazon, brand websites, etc.)
 * Department stores
 * Drugstores
 * Specialty beauty stores (e.g., Sephora, Ulta)
 * Directly from dermatologists
 * Other (please specify)

If other, please specify
What type of skincare products do you use most often?
 * Moisturizers
 * Serums
 * Eye Creams
 * Sunscreens
 * Cleansers
 * Toners
 * Masks
 * Exfoliators
 * Neck Creams
 * Other (please specify)

Choose all that apply
If other, specify
Which skincare concerns are most important to you?
 * Wrinkles and fine lines
 * Sagging skin
 * Age spots and discoloration
 * Enlarged pores
 * Dryness and dehydration
 * Redness and irritation
 * Dull complexion
 * Under eye bags and circles
 * Other (please specify)

Choose up to 3
If other, specify
How important are natural or organic ingredients in your skincare products?

Not importantSlightly importantModerately importantVery importantExtremely
Not importantAll natural ingredients Not important
Slightly importantAll natural ingredients Slightly important
Moderately importantAll natural ingredients Moderately important
Very importantAll natural ingredients Very important
Extremely importantAll natural ingredients Extremely important

Which ingredients do you prefer in your skincare products?
 * Hyaluronic acid
 * Retinol
 * Vitamin C
 * Peptides
 * Collagen
 * Niacinamide
 * Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs)
 * Antioxidants (e.g., green tea, vitamin E)
 * Natural oils (e.g., jojoba, rosehip)
 * Other (please specify

If other, specify.
Are there any ingredients you avoid in skincare products?Choose oneNoYes
if yes, specify
What is your preferred texture for skincare
products?Light/gel-basedCreamy/thickOil basedSerums/liquidOther (please specify)
hold the 'command' key to select more than 1
If other, specify:
How do you feel about fragrance in skincare products?

Strongly dislikeDislikeNeutralLikeStrongly like
Strongly dislikeItem #1 Strongly dislike
DislikeItem #1 Dislike
NeutralItem #1 Neutral
LikeItem #1 Like
Strongly likeItem #1 Strongly like

Choose one
How much do you typically spend on a single anti-aging skincare product?Under
$20$20-$40$40-$60$60-$100Over $100
Choose one
What price point do you feel most comfortable with for a high-quality anti-aging
product?Under $20$20-$40$40-$60$60-$100Over $100
How likely are you to try a new skincare brand if it’s recommended by a trusted

Very unlikelyUnlikelyNeutralLikelyHighly likely
Very unlikelyItem #1 Very unlikely
UnlikelyItem #1 Unlikely
NeutralItem #1 Neutral
LikelyItem #1 Likely
Highly likelyItem #1 Highly likely

What factor most influences your decision to purchase a new skincare product?
 * Brand reputation
 * Price
 * Product reviews
 * Ingredient list
 * Recommendations from friends/family
 * Recommendations from a dermatologist
 * Advertising / marketing
 * Other (please specify)

Select up to 3
Other, please specify
Have you ever been disappointed with an anti-aging product you purchased?Choose
If yes, what was the main reason for your disappointment?
 * No visible results
 * Caused skin irritation or allergic reaction
 * Did not like the texture or scent
 * Too expensive for the value
 * Did not meet expectations based on advertising/reviews
 * Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)
specify most in



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Testimonials from Grateful Customers

Frank F

I had a slow draining problem and flooded back yard every spring, it was the
worst. Water would just come gushing out of the distribution boxes. When we had
many laundry loads the problem was worse. All year long. I had people come out
to give me advice and everyone was pointing to tearing up the back yard, ripping
out the old system and redesigning a new one. It is only 15 years old! I had to
find out if there was some other way.

I started reading everything I could on septic systems and the maintenance and
repair required to keep them working properly. All the products were just a
little different and, truthfully, I was confused! I landed on your website and
started to read. I was amazed at all the information and misinformation that
were on other websites. I finally took the jump and ordered your shock and
maintenance system and one year later it is working really well.

Thanks for putting the information out and the products that work!

Michael G

I am writing this letter to share my sincere appreciation for your septic
products. In December of 2013 my wife and I purchased a home in the country, a
life long dream. The home and all of its systems were 13 years old. I had no
experience with septic systems. The problems began the summer of 2014. Our
system had been running fine, or at least I thought things were okay. We had a
failure and discovered we had a blocked line at the entrance of the lateral
field. This involved excavating the line and doing some replacement. As you can
imagine it was not inexpensive.

After the repair I was determined not to let this happen again. I did some
investigation and found your website. I read about Septicleanse and considered
the reviews. I purchased the quick shock treatment and the monthly maintenance
program. I was pleasantly surprised that despite doing work on the system, the
shock program actually made the system run better. It was a smart decision.

We are now nearing the end of our initial maintenance product purchase. I
believe in your product and have purchased the 2 year maintenance program. In
this day and age when too many companies make promised to make a buck, I thank
you for providing a product that delivers what it promises.

Ralph M

Septicleanse is the best solution for helping my septic system work. When I
first discovered this product a couple of years ago I was having problems with
bad odors coming up the drain in the laundry room. My system is almost 20 years
old and, in spite of having is pumped every year, I was always getting odors. My
first purchase of Septicleanse was the heavy shock. I followed the instructions
and flushed the packets as directed. After just 3 days the odors had

Since that time I have continued to flush 1 packet at the beginning of every
month and my odors have never returned and my system is working like new. I have
researched this type of product on the web and, in my opinion, Septicleanse is
the best one out there – it actually does what it says will. I feel that the
combination of regular pumping and monthly packets will keep my system working
for many more years.

As you can probably tell I am a happy customer !!!

Joel H.

Last year we were having issues with our septic system. The ground was extremely
mushy and black. Even when we had excessively dry weather the area where the
lateral lines were in the yard stayed soft an smelly to say the least. We were
convinced that we would have to install a completely new septic system. I
decided to do some research on the cause of this and any possible remedies. We
have a large family, 2 parents and 5 kids. I found through some informational
reading that our system was more than likely undersized. I read about many
products and decided to try septicleanse. We felt like it was worth a try to
avoid the possibility of a completely new system. So we purchased the shock and
a year supply of monthly treatment.

We couldn’t be more pleased with the results. We made every effort to follow the
directions as to applying the product to the system. Within a month or so we
could notice visible results. While there are still minor issues with the system
being undersized the consistency of the soil and smell have drastically
improved. Even after soaking rains the area of the lateral lines remains in tact
even if wet. We are going to purchase the same treatment that we used last year
and I fully expect for continued improvement.

Damon B

A year ago, February 2015, my toilet started to back up. My first step was to
get my septic tank pumped. It was not good, lots of sludge and my septic field
drained very slowly. It was 14 years since it had been pumped. I was told I
needed a new septic field. My system is 29 years old and in British Columbia, if
anything is done to your system everything had to be brought up to code to a
cost of $10,000 to $12,000.

I did some research on the internet and found you guys. I was sceptical it would
work, but I thought it was worth the try. I purchased the heavy shock treatment
with the monthly maintenance. For over 2 months things improved but very slowly.
We had to wait an hour between loads of laundry, showers, etc. I contacted you
guys then and sent a second shock treatment at no charge based on quit a few
questions about my system. I applied that and by the second month things were
working really good with no problems since. Mark was very helpful through this
whole process answering all my questions.

I am very happy with your products and will continue to use it in the future.
Thank you for saving me thousands of dollars and the head ache of everything
being dug up with a special thanks to Mark.

Michael M

Purchased a future retirement place on 30 acres, four years ago. The home was
built in 1964. Not knowing the history of the single tank/single grease trap
system or fill lines concerned me. I considered a new system, or at least tank
pump outs. When I first examined the tanks by sliding over and/or lifting the
lid, could see a lot of solid waste in the system, especially on the grease trap

Based on a friends recommendation, I purchased Septicleanse and started with the
shock treatment. Followed up with monthly applications. As of today, have not
experienced any issue with the system. I will be a lifetime customer, and have
recommended your product to others.

Ron M.

I have used Septicleanse now for two years and have been amazed at the results.
I have had to have the septic pumped every two years but checking the tank last
year at the two year interval was told that I had at least another year or two
before I needed to get it serviced. I have been telling everyone I know that
Septicleanse beats the other treatments by a long way. By comparing price to the
competitors store prices I actually save money per treatment and get better
results to boot.

Peter G

Several years ago, before using Septicleanse, I noticed an odor in one of the
bathrooms. At first, I wasn’t sure it was the septic tank because the odor was
only noticeable in one bathroom. However, as it became even more noticeable, I
called a company to pump the septic tank.

Upon opening the cover of the tank, the gentleman informed me that there was a
thick crust that had formed on the opening. When he showed it to me, I was
surprised. He was able to break through the crust and proceeded to pump the tank

To his credit, he told me that I needed to provide some good bacteria into my
septic tank. Obviously, the better things work, the fewer calls would be
necessary for his services.

After he gave me that recommendation, I found Septicleanse. Since that time, I
have had no further problems with the system and no more costly pumping of the

David L.

I started using septicleanse after reading an ad about the product. I live in
central texas on a septic system for 45 years , so backups are a problem, I
tried the major shock and now just stay on the maintenance plan, it works for
me, and my sons bought a ranch in southwest texas for hunting which had an
old,old frame ranch house, I got some of the product and it has amazed them at
the improvement in that system . I would recommend septicleanse for any home ,
new or old david , texas im reordering for my house and ranch today.

Michael S

Dear SeptiCleanse,

I first purchased your product a couple of years ago after our septic tank guy
told us that our 35 year old system was not in very good shape. My wife operates
an in-home daycare, so our septic system gets a very serious workout week after
week. I did a lot of research before my purchase and decided that there was not
a better product on the market. I started out with Heavy Shock and the monthly
maintenance packs.

I can honestly say that we have had absolutely zero problems since starting to
use SeptiCleanse. A once-a-month treatment is simple and gives me one less thing
I have to worry about. It is now time to re-order and this time, I don’t have to
shop and compare, because I know I’m getting the best product on the market!


Michael S

Eddie H.

I came across this product on line by using a Web search for the Best solution
to septic backup other than drainage there were a few top consumer products so I
compare effectiveness and cost to make a choice on which product would meet my
needs for the right price and years later that choice was then and is now
Septi-cleanse . I have save time and money with the ease of application and no
had to drain my septic system but once and that was before septi-cleanse but not
after I started using it and now its been over well over 3 years and NO

Joe W

Every 3 years I would have my septic tank pumped out, there would be a very
thick sludge on top. The septic people would tell that I need an additive each
month. I told them I was using an additive that was purchased at the local
store. Since then I switched to septic cleanse. Its been several years using
septicleanse and every time I have my tank pumped, they want to know what I am
using. They make the comment that the tank is so clear, no sludge present. I
feel very confident using your product every month. Thanks

Ray R.

Three years ago we had a septic problem and were advised that we needed new
drain lines and system. I researched your product ordered it and gave it a shock
treatment. Within 24 hours the water flowed well, within 48 hours we were 100%.
We became instant fans and having used the monthly maintenance for the past 3
years we continue to be 100% satisfied.

Many thanks for the simple technology that really works!

Thomas C.

As you may know, I’ve been using Septicleanse for over 4 years now – with
complete satisfaction. I do not want to tempt fate by neglecting my septic
system, being penny wise and pound foolish, and earning a big repair bill, is
not for me.

Carl S

I wish to thank your company Septicleanse for a great product! It easy to use
and the most effective product that I have ever tried. The company that pumped
my septic tank informed me that my system had to be ripped out and a new one
installed. There was an ad in CLAVERAK and since I did not wish to spend
thousands of dollars on a new septic system, I called and ordered your product.

That was two years ago, Septicleanse has exceeded my expectations. The results
have been fantastic. I highly recommend your product SEPTICLEANSE to everyone
who has a problem with their septic systems.

Sincerely, Carl S

Pierre M

I am so far very satisfied with your product and I hope this will go on for ever
as the hole system seems to be getting back to normal functioning with no smell
whatsoever so thank you Septicleans the only thing I would ask is advice on and
if I should do a shock treatment at one point.

Ed D.

We have been using Septicleanse for years and intend to keep using it. It has
helped us maintain a 60+year old system which continues to function well.

Brenda B

We like Septicleanse! We have been on the maintenance plan for two years. Our
septic system is treated once a month. There has never been a problem with the
old septic system we inherited a number of years ago due to the monthly

Before we used Septicleanse, each month was a mess measuring and splashing
chemicals or powder down the drain. Septicleanse packets are so easy to use – no
measuring or messy pouring. The packets are easy to store and easy to use. No
worry about the smelly chemicals around people and pets.

We are confident our septic system is in balance.

Dale M

Hi my name is Dale I have been born and raised on septic system 2007 purchased
my own home built in 1913 on its original septic system septic system . I had
eight people living in the home and to this day have not had any problems with
it no clean outs no backup no plunged lines I called last year because the lawn
was always soggy so I assumed it need to be pumped out well that was not the
case the the septic man said I would need it for at at least 3 to 4 more years
if that keep doing what I’m doing it was a old water line or Fountain that had
been gone at least 10 years. I owe it all to Septicleanse products 5 stars


We have been using and loving our septicleanse product since we first ordered
it. We use the product faithfully and it has done wonders for our septic
system’s “health”. Since our supply was getting low we reordered more of this
wonderful product on March 23, 2016 so we can continue to treat our septic
system without interruption.

Melinda G

I was about to replace one of my two septic tank systems because it was
completely failing and oozing disgusting stuff all over out back. I came upon
your ad online that guaranteed results no matter how old, and this one was
ancient from what I can figure. I was skeptical but the guarantee made me

It didn’t stop the overflow right away but soon, the overflow wasn’t black
disgusting and smelly anymore. Long story shorter, you sent more shocks over the
coming months and even though I doubted it was going to work. IT REALLY WORKED,
I can’t believe it. You couldn’t take one half bath without it coming up in the
back, now we all used that shower one day to test, (5), and NOTHING came up!
It’s working perfectly now and I will use the monthly doses for life to both
systems. It doesn’t work overnight on a complete failure, but it did work and
saved me thousands! I am so glad I tried it! Thank you, Melinda

Cornelius M

My septic system is seventeen (17) years old. The last time that it was pumped
out was July, 2006. Shortly after it was pumped I started using Septicleanse. A
number of my neighbors have experienced drain field problems but I’ve had none.
I credit Septicleanse for continued trouble free performance. I recommend using
Septicleanse before septic system troubles begin.

Manuel A

A few years ago I read an article about Septic Cleanse from the Medina Electric
Newsletter with testimonials of success from users of this product.

I have 2 septic systems at our family home and was experiencing problems with
one of them (the unit although professionally installed over 15 years ago) was
draining slow.

I decided to try Septic Cleanse and bought the heavy shock package. I followed
the instructions (very easy and safe to apply) and noticed that after several
weeks, the system was still draining slow. I contacted customer service whereby,
they immediately dispatched a large order of heavy shock (at no charge). Upon
receipt, I applied to the source of the septic and within a week, I noticed
improvement. After several weeks, the septic tank is back to normal and working

I continue to buy this product to apply the maintenance packages.

Michael M

We live in central Illinois in the country, of course, and our 100-old-house has
always been on a septic system. Previous owners of our house had not adequately
maintained the septic system, and we were forced to have new laterals put in. We
are serious about maintaining the system, which is why we use Septicleanse and
do regular maintenance pumping. When our septic guy comes out to do the
maintenance pumping, he always says “I don’t know what you guys use, but I wish
all of my customers used it because this system is in great shape.” Thanks for
the quality product.

Our Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied by how well our products have maintained and
restored your septic system, you simply contact us and let us know.

Then, We will IMMEDIATELY issue you 100% credit to use on any SeptiCleanse

So, if you are not happy, you just let us know, and we will send you ANOTHER
supply of your order, absolutely free.

That’s right… this 100% satisfaction guarantee is as simple as that.
Septicleanse stands behind our product 100% and is here to support you, and to
ensure that your septic system is restored completely.. no matter if we have to
give you DOUBLE the product for free, to get the job done.

With this rock-solid guarantee, Septicleanse makes sure that every client ends
up happy, with a crystal clear septic or drainage system.

What if I send back my products?
If for some reason, products are returned without being used, we offer a refund
in full, minus the cost of shipping. Even though we offer free shipping on many
of our products, the cost of shipping is usually between $12 and $30 that we had
to pay, to ship the product out. In the event that you return a product to us
without using it, this cost of shipping is not refunded.

Example title

Completely Secure and Encrypted

We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your
personal information when you place an order or enter, submit, or access any
information on our website. We incorporate physical, electronic, and
administrative procedures to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal
information, including Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the encryption of all
financial transactions through the website. We use industry-standard, 256bit SSL
encryption to protect your personal information online, and we also take several
steps to protect your personal information in our facilities. For example, when
you visit the website, you access servers that are kept in a secure physical
environment, behind a locked cage and a hardware firewall. After a transaction,
your credit card information is not stored on our servers.

Dermagist is Committed to Being Cruelty Free.

All Dermagist products are 100% Vegan.   They contain NO animal products and are
all natural.   The Dermagist product line is never tested on animals.  
Dermagist conducts intense quality control and safety testing for the benefit of
our clients, but we are strongly committed to never animal testing, or
endangering or harming an animal in the creation or evaluation of our products.

Our Satisfaction Guarantee

You’re Protected By Our GUARANTEE. If the miraculous success stories, the
rock-solid science, and the amazing pictures aren’t enough to make you feel 100%
secure in purchasing our products, we will go 1 step further! You get a 30 day,
100% Satisfaction Guarantee, where if you are unsatisfied for any reason, just
return the products for a STORE CREDIT. This way, you get to try this fantastic
product practically risk free!

Completely Secure and Encrypted

We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your
personal information when you place an order or enter, submit, or access any
information on our website. We incorporate physical, electronic, and
administrative procedures to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal
information, including Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the encryption of all
financial transactions through the website. We use industry-standard, 256bit SSL
encryption to protect your personal information online, and we also take several
steps to protect your personal information in our facilities. For example, when
you visit the website, you access servers that are kept in a secure physical
environment, behind a locked cage and a hardware firewall. After a transaction,
your credit card information is not stored on our servers.

All Dermagist Products are Cruelty Free


 All Dermagist products are 100% Vegan.   They contain NO animal products and
are all natural.   The Dermagist product line is never tested on animals.  
Dermagist conducts intense quality control and safety testing for the benefit of
our clients, but we are strongly committed to never animal testing, or
endangering or harming an animal in the creation or evaluation of our products.

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