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urlscan Pro
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Submission: On July 10 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from US
Submission: On July 10 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from US
Form analysis
2 forms found in the DOMGET #
<form action="#" method="get">
<input class="text" type="tel" name="tel" placeholder="Enter Your Mobile Number" required="">
<input type="submit" value="Send Download Link">
<form action="#" method="post">
<div class="styled-input agile-styled-input-top">
<input type="text" placeholder="User Name" name="Name" required="">
<div class="styled-input">
<input type="password" placeholder="Password" name="password" required="">
<input type="submit" value="Login">
Text Content
MAAS * +91 90518 71351 * * Kolkata, India Login Toggle navigation MAASECURITY * Home * About * Features * Become a parnter * Contact MAAS MOBILE ANTI-THEFT & ANDROID SECURITY PROTECT YOUR DEVICE FROM UNAUTHORIZED USERS WE OFFER BEST SERVICES Mobile Anti-Theft & Android Security one of the best anti-theft android mobile security. We use future technology and Artificial Intelligence for secure and protecting your mobile. Read more » ANTI-THEFT SECURITY Find and Protect your lost phone with Online/Offline Location Tracking, Lock Screen Security, SIM Change Track,Contact Backup,App Lock, Remote Lock and Data Wipe Feature FAMILY PROTECTION Protect your family using Family Location, SOS Message. You can see your family member location. REMOTE CONTROLLING PHONE Using Voice and SMS Control Systems you can control your mobile anywhere without internet access. BEST FEATURES LOCATION TRACKING This is a physical system that describes the physical movement of some balls with the implementation of gravity LOCK SCREEN SECURITY This is a physical system that describes the physical movement of some balls with the implementation of gravity SOS MESSAGE This is a physical system that describes the physical movement of some balls with the implementation of gravity APP PROTECTION This is a physical system that describes the physical movement of some balls with the implementation of gravity BACKUP MOBILE DATA This is a physical system that describes the physical movement of some balls with the implementation of gravity FAMILY LOCATION This is a physical system that describes the physical movement of some balls with the implementation of gravity SIM CHANGE TRACK This is a physical system that describes the physical movement of some balls with the implementation of gravity REMOTELLY CONTROL This is a physical system that describes the physical movement of some balls with the implementation of gravity MAASECURITY MOBILE APP ON YOUR SMARTPHONE! Secure your mobile GET APP FROM PLAY STORE Google Play Protect works continuously to keep your Android-powered mobile device’s apps and data safe. It scans your device constantly to ensure your mobile phone conforms to the latest mobile security standards. Google Play Protect sets into an action both when an app shows up on Google Play and when it’s running on your device. The safety net not just looks out for malware, but also helps locate your lost or misplaced Android. DOWNLOAD THE APP : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet eum excepturi incidunt laudantium nesciunt omnis, provident repudiandae rerum sed! Amet blanditiis eaque eu! KELLI - WEB DEVELOPER Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet eum excepturi incidunt laudantium nesciunt omnis, provident repudiandae rerum sed! Amet blanditiis eaque eu PETER - WEB DEVELOPER Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet eum excepturi incidunt laudantium nesciunt omnis, provident repudiandae rerum sed! Amet blanditiis eaque eum odit repellendus! SALLY - WEB DEVELOPER OUR STATISTICS 2324 FACEBOK LIKES 1543 HAPPY CUSTOMERS 434 RECOMMEND 234 PARTNERS ABOUT US Sagittis quis turpis vel, facilisis posuere erat. Nulla facilisi. Proin vel commodo leo. Ut mauris tortor, cursus ut massa vitae, iaculis vehicula turpis. Nam libero tempore cum vulputate id posuere erat. Read more » IMPORTANT LINKS * Abc Apps * Dolor amet sed quam vitae * Lorem ipsum neque, vulputate * Dolor amet sed quam vitae * Lorem ipsum neque, vulputate CONTACT INFO * Kolkata, India * * +91 90518 71351 * RECENT WORKS © 2018 MAASecurity. All rights reserved × LOGIN TO YOUR ACCOUNT MAASecurity × Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur. " Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur. To Top