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    <p>Hi Rene,</p>
    <p>I rarely answer calls from numbers I don’t know.&nbsp; So, I am guessing that you do the same!<br>
      <br> What’s the best way for us to connect?&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>
      <br> Let me know - either call me at (602) 834-1745 or reply back and we can set an appointment for a convenient time for you.<br>
      <br> But, I don’t want to bug you if this isn’t what you’re looking for.<br>
      <br> I’m here for YOU. So when you’re ready, reach out so I can help.
    <div><strong><em>To your health,</em></strong></div>
    <p>Kevin Simcox</p> (602) 834-1745&nbsp; <p>;</p>
      <br> Still interested? Start now!
    <p><a href="">GET ME STARTED!</a></p>
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            <p style="text-align: center;"><span class="apple-link" style="color: #2c2c2c;">ISSA | 11201 N. Tatum Blvd Ste 300 | PMB 28058 | Phoenix, AZ 85028</span></p>
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Hi Rene,

I rarely answer calls from numbers I don’t know.  So, I am guessing that you do
the same!

What’s the best way for us to connect?  

Let me know - either call me at (602) 834-1745 or reply back and we can set an
appointment for a convenient time for you.

But, I don’t want to bug you if this isn’t what you’re looking for.

I’m here for YOU. So when you’re ready, reach out so I can help.

To your health,

Kevin Simcox

(602) 834-1745 


Still interested? Start now!




ISSA | 11201 N. Tatum Blvd Ste 300 | PMB 28058 | Phoenix, AZ 85028

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