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GET /index

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26 2024  

🏷️ ssl 🏷️ dns

In an earlier essay, I went over the sticky reality that is the CA
infrastructure. I'd like to discuss a related subject, which is why nobody uses
client certificates to restrict access to and authenticate users of websites,
despite them being "supported" by browsers for many years. For those of you
unfamiliar with the concept, it goes like this:

 * I issue a certificate for $USER, just like you would if you were a CA and
   $USER were a vhost.
 * $USER installs this certificate in their browser, (not-so-optionally)
   inputting a password to unlock it.
 * $USER opens a web page configured with the Issuer's CABundle, which asks them
   if they'd like to identify themselves with the cert they installed
 * $USER clicks yes and goes on their merry way.

There are major hiccups at basically every single step of this process.
Naturally, I've got some ideas as to how one might resolve them, and will
speculate as to why nobody's even remotely considered them.


First, if you want to generate certs like a CA does, you have two choices --
self signed, or become an "Intermediate" CA with delegated authority from a
bigger CA. The big trouble with this is that getting delegation will never
happen for anyone without serious juice in the industry, as it can potentially
incur liability. This is why it is observed the only parties that generally use
client certificates at all are those which in fact are Intermediate CAs, such as
google, facebook and the like. On the other hand, if you go with self-signing,
the user that imports the certificate has to import the full chain, which now
means the issuer can issue certs for any site anywhere. Yes, the security model
for CAs is that laughingly, astonishingly bad; this is why CAA records exist to
limit the damage caused by this.

What is needed here is to dump Mozilla::CA, /etc/ssl/certs and all that towering
pile of excresence in favor of a reverse CAA record. If we placed the
fullchain.pem for each CA in a DNS record for a domain, we could say that this
PEM is valid to sign things under this domain. For the big boys, they'd get the
root zones to publish records with their PEM, and could go on signing anything
and everything. However for the individual owners of domains this finally frees
them to become intermediate CAs for their own domains only, and thereby not
expose the delegator to potential liability. LetsEncrypt could be entirely
dismantled in favor of every server becoming self-service. Thanks to these being
DNS lookups, we can also do away with every computer on earth caching a thousand
or so CABundles and having to keep them up to date into perpetuity.

With that implemented, each server would look at say /etc/server.key, or perhaps
a hardware key, and it's software could then happily go about issuing certs to
their hearts desire. One of the firms with juice at the IETF are the only ones
who will move this forward, and they don't care because this is not a problem
they have to solve. That leaves Pitching this as a new source of rents for the
TLD authorities; I'm sure they'd love to get the big CAs to pay yasak. This
could be the in to get domain owners to start paying CAs again -- nominal fee,
you can sign for your domain. It's a price worth paying, unlike EV certs.


Every single browser implements this differently. Some use the built in OS key
store, but the point is it's inevitably going to be putzing around in menus. A
far better UX would be for the browsers to ask "hey, do you have a certificate,
the page is asking for one", much like they prompt for usernames and passwords
under http simple auth. This would probably be the simplest problem of these to
solve, as google themselves use client certs extensively. It is a matter of
academic curiosity why they have failed as of yet to scratch their own back, but
a degree of schlep blindness ought to be expected at a tech firm.

Furthermore, while blank passwords are supported by openssl, some keystores will
not accept this. Either the keystores need to accept this, or openssl needs to
stop this. I consider the latter to be a non-starter, as there is too much
reliance on this behavior everywhere.


Browser support for having multiple certs corresponding to multiple possible
logins is lacking. Separate profiles ought to do the trick, but keystores tend
to be global. This problem would quickly sort itself out given the prior issues
get solved as part of an adoption campaign.



Since Amazon is about to start charging an arm and a leg for IPv4 addresses,
many have begun talking about the imminent migration to ipv6, which won't happen
because ISPs still haven't budged an inch as regards actually implementing this.
What's more likely is that everyone will raise prices and enjoy monopoly profits
rather than upgrading decrepit routing equipment.

What's worst about this situation is that the entire problem is unnecessary in
the era of ubiquitous gigabit internet. Suppose you need directions to 612 Wharf
Avenue. You simply consult a map, and note down "right on dulles, left on
crenshaw..." until you get to the destination. This only has to be done once,
and reversed on the return trip. This is essentially how BGP works under the

So the question arises: Why do we have glorified phone numbers passed in every
IP packet? Performance and cost. Encoding down into a bag of 4 or 16 bytes is
less work than reading 253 bytes (max for a domain name). But let's be real,
it's not much less work, especially if we adopt jumbo frames by default. This is
fully in the realm of "hurl more hardware & bandwidth at the problem".

The benefits to doing so are huge. You whack an entire layer of abstraction; DNS
translation alone adds more latency than the overhead of passing these names in
every packet. Much like how the Telcos whacked the POTS network and now emulate
it over SIP, you could emulate the v4 system where needed and move on.
Self-Hosted DNS (delegation) would still be possible; just like now you
ultimately have to have A records for your nameserver(s) with your registrar or
ISP. They would adapt the means they already use for IPs to map their own
internal network topology. This scheme would have the added benefit of being
able to do away with PTR records entirely.

The prospects for this happening anytime soon are quite grim, as I've never even
heard anyone discuss how obviously unnecessary the IP -> DNS abstraction layer
is. More's the pity; get yourself a /24 while you can.


NOV 13 2023  

Getting websites up and running is relatively straightforward. Automatically
configuring websites to run them is a bit more work. Configuring DNS to
automatically fail-over is another thing entirely. This involves three separate
disciplines, and is actually irreducibly complex.

First, you need at least 2 load balancers with Round Robin DNS that proxy all
requests to your application. Realistically this is going to be HAProxy or
something equivalent. The idea is that one of the proxies failing, or the
backends failing, is not going to bring down your application. Unfortunately,
this means that your backend data source has to also become robust, or you are
simply shuffling around your point of failure. Now you also need to learn about
software like pgPool to abstract away connecting to multiple replicated

Even if you manage to operationalize the setup of all these services via scripts
or makefiles, there's still the matter of provisioning all these servers which
must necessarily be on different IPs, and physically located apart from each
other. Which leads you to operationalize even the provisioning of servers with
mechanisms such as terraform, kubernetes and other orchestration frameworks. You
now likely also have to integrate multiple hosting vendors.

All of this adds up quickly. 99% of the cost of your web stack is going to be in
getting those last few sub 1% bits of reliability. Even the most slapdash
approach is quite likely going to respond correctly over 99.99% of the time.
Nevertheless, we all end up chasing it, supposing that the costs of building all
this will pay for itself versus the occasional hours of sysadmin time. This is
rarely the case until the scale of your business is tremendous (aka "A good
problem to have").

So much so that it was quite rare for even the virtualization providers to adopt
a "best practices" stack which was readily available to abstract all this
nonsense away. That is until the idea of "lambdas" came to be. The idea here is
that you just upload your program, and it goes whir without you ever having to
worry about all the nonsense. Even then these come with significant limitations
regarding state; if you don't use some load balancing "data lake" or DB as a
service you will be up a creek. This means even more configuration, so the
servers at intermediate layers know to poke holes in firewalls.

The vast majority of people see all this complexity and just say "I don't need
this". They don't or can't comprehend layers of abstraction this deep. As such
it's also lost on them why this all takes so much time and effort to do
correctly. If you've ever wondered why there's so much technical dysfunction in
software businesses it's usually some variant of this. Without developers
feeling the pain of the entire stack they make decisions that kneecap some layer
of this towering edifice.

It's why ops and sysadmins generally have low opinions of developers; everything
the devs give them reliably breaks core assumptions which are obvious to them.
These devs are of course siloed off from ops, and as such the problems just rot
forever. What should have been cost saving automation is now a machine for
spending infinite money on dev/ops. Error creeps in and productivity plummets,
as it does with any O-Ring process.

As you can see the costs are not just in computational resources, but
organizational complexity. Great care must be taken in the design and
abstraction of your systems to avoid these complexities.



For those of you not aware, there has been a new entry in the PSGI server
software field, this time by NGINX. Let's dig in.


Low Spec
# It may shock you to find I have worked with shared hosts.
Env: 4GB ram, 2cpu.

# This is basically saturating this host.
# we can do more, but we start falling down in ways ab stops working.
ab -n10000 -k -c1000 $APP_URI

Requests per second:    198.94 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       5026.727 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       5.027 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          3835.30 [Kbytes/sec] received

uWSGI (I could only get to ~5k reqs w/ 800 requestors before it fell over):
Requests per second:    74.44 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       10746.244 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       13.433 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          1481.30 [Kbytes/sec] received

Requests per second:    275.60 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       3628.429 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       3.628 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)
Transfer rate:          5333.22 [Kbytes/sec] received

This generally maps to my experiences thus far with starman and uWSGI -- while
the latter has more features, and performs better under nominal conditions, it
handles extreme load quite poorly. Unit was clearly superior by a roughly 60%
margin or better regardless of the level of load, and could be pushed a great
deal farther before falling down than starman or uWSGI. Much of this was due to
much more efficient memory usage. So, let's try things out on some (relatively)
big iron.

High Spec
# You will be pleased to know I'm writing this off on my taxes
Env: 64GB ram, 48vcpu

# This time we went straight with 100 workers each, and 1k concurrent connections each making 10 requests each.
# We switched to using wrk, because ab fails when you push it very hard.

 wrk -t10 -c1000 -d 2m http://localhost:5001/
Running 2m test @ http://localhost:5001/
  10 threads and 1000 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   239.60ms  188.61ms   2.00s    90.16%
    Req/Sec   335.32    180.29     1.26k    62.37%
  203464 requests in 2.00m, 799.57MB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 9680, write 14750, timeout 608
Requests/sec:   1694.14
Transfer/sec:      6.66MB

wrk -t10 -c1000 -d 2m http://localhost:5000/
Running 2m test @ http://localhost:5000/
  10 threads and 1000 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    60.56ms  112.75ms   1.99s    93.42%
    Req/Sec   268.76    188.69     2.66k    61.73%
  309011 requests in 2.00m, 1.17GB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 309491, write 0, timeout 597
Requests/sec:   2573.82
Transfer/sec:      9.97MB

 wrk -t10 -c1000 -d 2m http://localhost:5000/
Running 2m test @ http://localhost:5000/
  10 threads and 1000 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    24.90ms   47.06ms   1.99s    90.56%
    Req/Sec     4.04k   415.85     4.67k    92.86%
  480564 requests in 2.00m, 1.84GB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 58
Requests/sec:   4002.30
Transfer/sec:     15.73MB

These were surprising results. While unit outperformed uwsgi handily, both were
obviously falling down with quite a few failed requests. Meanwhile starman
handled them without breaking a sweat, and absolutely trounced both competitors.
Japanese perl still winning, clearly. Let's have a look at the automatic-scaling
features of uWSGI and unit.

# Same as above, but with cheaper=1
wrk -t10 -c1000 -d 2m http://localhost:5000/
Running 2m test @ http://localhost:5000/
  10 threads and 1000 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    72.26ms   98.85ms   1.99s    95.18%
    Req/Sec   212.68    157.93   810.00     60.82%
  196466 requests in 2.00m, 760.87MB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 196805, write 0, timeout 305
Requests/sec:   1635.89
Transfer/sec:      6.34MB

# Same as above, but processes are now set to 5min and 100 max.
wrk -t10 -c1000 -d 2m http://localhost:5001/
Running 2m test @ http://localhost:5001/
  10 threads and 1000 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   329.91ms   67.84ms   1.14s    81.80%
    Req/Sec   277.56    142.12   720.00     69.52%
  10000 requests in 2.00m, 39.28MB read
  Socket errors: connect 0, read 6795, write 0, timeout 0
Requests/sec:     83.26
Transfer/sec:    334.92KB

This is just so hilariously bad that I can't help but think I'm holding it wrong
for unit, but I can't see anything to mitigate this in the documentation. If you
need auto-scaling workloads, obviously uWSGI is still the place to be. Even
upping the ratio of 'stored' jobs to max to 80% isn't enough to beat uwsgi.


Here are the major features I use in uWSGI, and their counterpart in unit:

 * Max Requests per worker : Application Request Limits
 * lazy-apps : This is not configurable, but it seems it's COWing strategy isn't
   causing trouble for me, and is very cheap. YMMV.
 * cheaper: Application processes
 * fs-reload : This is the main thing missing from unit.

Both are configurable via APIs, which makes deploying new sites via
orchestration frameworks like kubernetes and so forth straightforward.


Given uWSGI is in "Maintenance only" mode (and has been for some time), I would
assume it's well on its way to being put out to pasture. NGINX is quite well
funded and well liked, for good cause. Unit gets me the vast majority of what I
wanted out of uWSGI, and performs a heck of a lot better, save for when scaling
is a concern. Not sure how sold I am on the name, given that's also what systemd
calls each service, but I'll take what I can get. I also suspect that given the
support this has, the performance problems versus something like starman will be
resolved in time. For performance constrained environments where scaling is
unlikely, unit gets my enthusiastic endorsement.


All testing was done on Ubuntu jammy using the official unit, starman and uwsgi
packages. Both hosts were KVM virtual machines. The testing was simply loading a
minimally configured tCMS homepage, which is a pure perl PSGI app using
Text::XSlate. It's the software hosting this website.

uWSGI configs used (with modifications detailed above) are here.
Starman configuration beyond defaults and specifying job count was not done.
Unit configs used (with modifications detailed above) are here.




After having done the independent software contractor gig for the last few
years, I suspect I've learned enough about the process to give a good primer for
those interested but that have not taken the plunge yet. The best reason to
become a contractor is simple. Because it's the best way to make a direct impact
for people and businesses. If you want to make serious money, helping wealthy
people become wealthier via the outsized impact of your skill is how that


Before I started out on the course of being a hired gun with a specific and
time-limited goal in mind, I had achieved about everything you could as a
developer short of entering management at a decently large software firm. Like
most "Staff Engineers" I knew where most issues with the codebase were lurking,
or could find out within an hour due to intimate familiarity. I'd also
accumulated a number of critical systems under my belt that were nearly 100%
written by myself. Similarly, I had multiple apprentices and was frequently one
of the few who could answer questions cropping up in developer chat, or
debugging thorny customer issues with senior support personnel. Practically
anyone who will actually succeed as a hired gun needs the sort of drive to have
achieved such things already. I've heard them called "glue stick" people, as
they are what holds organizations together by and large.

Anyone who gets here will inevitably make management nervous both because their
invisible influence is often more powerful than management's. Also, people like
this are pretty systematically underpaid for the sort of effort they actually
put in. It was doubly so in my case, as I've long been debt free, unencumbered
by family and had been developing successful non-programming business on the
side. In short, they recognized quickly that I was both essential to the
organization and trivially capable of leaving. Corporate is uncomfortable around
people who aren't over a barrel and can afford to rock the boat. Ever known a
manager without a family and that isn't in debt up to their eyballs? me neither.
It takes a lot of desperation to win the single-elimination ass-kissing

To be fair, I had ruthlessly leveraged this to secure far higher pay than they
admitted to paying people with their "transparency" report on salaries they
released to us hapless minions. It was at this point I began to notice signs
that a case was being built against me. When I was inevitably pushed out, I was

At the initial signs I started planning how to continue doing the sort of
essential, well-paid work I enjoy doing but without this expectation of being
handcuffed to one firm or another. This is because my financial plan required a
bit more capital to do what I actually want to; start a software firm myself. I
have managed to do this quite a bit ahead of schedule thanks to this actually
getting paid for the maniacal amount of hours I actually work. I'm currently
wrapping up a number of these. All so I can endure being paid nothing to work
harder at starting up my own business for some time. Perhaps being a deranged
masochist is the actual mechanism at work here.


When you finally take the plunge a number of illusions will quickly fall away as
you start speedrunning through organizations and individuals needing help.
Invariably, a brand's reputation generally has an inverse relationship to its
actual quality. You find that the companies with the most fanatically loyal
customers power this all with the most atrocious pile of shit you can imagine.
If you didn't yet believe that "worse is better" you will quickly be disabused
of this notion. Every successful organization is somewhere on the journey of
"prototype in production" to actually good software.

Keeping up appearances and managing customer expectations such that they remain
sated necessarily steals time from the sort of ruthless quality control and
brutal honesty necessary for good software. If you've ever wondered why LKML and
P5P have been rivers of flame and reliable drama-generators over the years, this
would be why. Appearing competent necessarily removes the mechanisms that force
participants to actually become competent, and these tensions will always be
present. I've seen this slowly corrupting software organizations subject to
regulation such as Sarbanes-Oxley. If you ever wonder why a developer chat is
dead as a doornail, there's probably a great deal of concern with "face"

> In this new Army, no one could afford to tell the truth, make an error, or
> admit ignorance. David Hackworth "About Face"

To succeed as a contractor, you will actually have to embrace this for good and
ill. The best paying customers are always the large orgs with huge problems, and
they almost never want to hear the unvarnished truth save as a last resort. The
niche for you to fill in order to be well paid is the guy who steps in precisely
at that last resort. Being an outsider, you don't care about your ability to
advance in the firm. You will naturally be able to see the problem clearly due
to not being awash in the control fraud they've been feeding themselves.
Similarly, you will be able to take risks that people concerned with remaining
employed are not capable of taking. This will allow you to make (and implement!)
the actual solutions to their problems in a prompt manner. You'll look like a
master despite being at a severe knowledge disadvantage versus their regulars.

That said, you can only lead a horse to water. Sometimes they will still fail to
drink even when to do so will save their life. As such you can't get too
attached to the outcome of your projects. Many of your projects will in fact
fail due to these organizational reasons. I've been on projects that dropped us
in favor of incompetents that were happy to lie all day.

You should neglect to mention this if you value your ability to secure new
contracts in the future. Focus instead on the improvements you can and do make
when describing the impact you have made for customers. You just sound like a
whiner if you focus on this stuff, because every large organization has a case
of this disease, and is blissfully ignorant. They also don't want to hear about
how they might go about curing themselves of this, despite it being a fairly
well understood subject. Happy customers is largely a matter of expectations
management; e.g. Don't "Break the spell". Every job, to some degree, is acting.

Aside from these sorts of jobs which have big impacts, firms will want people to
implement things they percieve as not worth building permanent expertise in.
These are usually trouble free, fast work. Great when you can get it.


If you don't like dealing with corporate buffoonery all day, you can still make
it by helping individuals and small organizations out so long as you juggle many
of them at a time. These inevitably come from referrals, job boards and cold
reach-outs from people reading your marketing and sales materials.

Speaking of marketing, CPAN and github are my best marketing, believe it or not.
Your portfolio of Open source software is usually a strong indicator of where
your actual strengths as a programmer lie. I've picked up a few clients already
that reached out to me cold because of this. There are a number of simple things
you can do to make sure this is more effective.

You can create a repository with the same name as your github account, and the therein will be presented instead of your normal github user page.
Example: Try and emphasize the specific kind of
projects you have taken on and how big a win they were for your prior clients
and employers. You need to remember that programming is just a superpower that
makes you far more efficient at a job than your manual alternative. This, or
something like it, is ultimately going to be the "bottom of the funnel", and you
know you got a conversion when an email appears in your inbox.

Speaking of funnels, you need to understand how online marketing works in
general. For those unfamiliar, generally you have a series of sites and steps a
random yahoo goes thru before they convert into a client. The top of the funnel
is always going to be a search engine or content aggregator (but I repeat
myself). Example: Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook To be seen at this layer,
you have to be regularly producing content so that the engines consider you

Don't post your longer form content directly on the aggregators, but link
instead to your site or substack, as that further boosts you in search engines.
As long as it properly presents the social meta information with an appealing
picture you will be set. (if you roll your own in perl, use HTML::SocialMeta).
Be sure to end your content with some sort of call to action of the form "like
this? Want to hire me? etc...". Remember that your potential clients aren't mind

In general you should produce an article monthly, a short video or podcast
weekly, and microblog about something at least daily. The idea is to produce
both generally helpful and informative content which coincidentally makes
obvious your expertise and links to your marketing pages. Don't use some of the
more sleazy engagement hacks that insult the readers' intelligence. You want
smart customers because unlike dumb customers, they actually have money. Repeat
until you have more clients than you can handle.

If you are doing this right, (I by no means am perfect at this) you should get
enough clients to fill your needs within 6 months or so. If not, you can
consider using ads (which is a talk in and of itself) or use a gig board, which
I'll let Brett fill you in on.


The most common question I get from peers thinking about hoisting the black flag
and saying "arr its a contractors life for me" is "what should I charge". The
short answer is pick a number for monthly income that you reasonably expect will
cover your expenses even during a dry spell. For me this was $10k, because it
means even if all I get is 2 months worth of solid work my yearly expenses are
covered; I'm a pretty frugal guy. As you might imagine this is extremely
conservative; I've beat this goal for two years running by a fair margin. Do
what's right for you.

So, how does your monthly income goal translate into an hourly rate? Depends on
how steady you expect the work to be. Somewhere between $100 and $200 an hour
works for me to reliably achieve my goal. That said, don't be afraid to charge
more than usual for work you know upside and down, or which you can tell will be
especially tricky. It's far from unheard of to do "lawyer rates" of $300 to $500
an hour for things which are specifically your specialty, and it's worth every
penny for the client. They ultimately pay less by hiring an expert who can get
it done in a fraction of the time, and you get away with your monthly goal in a

Similarly don't be afraid to offer introductory rates for people who are on the
fence about the subject. If it looks like they'll have plenty of work for you
it's worth doing until you have proven merit. If they don't want to pay full
rate past the introductory period, let them know that you can't guarantee when
it gets done because you have better paying work (or looking for that) jumping
in front of them. They'll either straighten up, find someone else, gets
done when it gets done.

Long term your goal ought to be to either a) maximize your free time to invest
in building a business of your own or b) maximize your income and minimize
expenses so as to accelerate savings to then plow into capital. You'll likely do
b) in pursuit of a), which is really just so you can further increase your free
time via exponentially increasing your income per hour of time invested. Like
with any other business you start, contracting pays even more poorly than salary
when you are still fishing. All that up-front investment pays off though. It
helps a lot if you get a head start while still employed, but practically nobody
does this and even when you think you are ready, you aren't. That said, you just
have to keep at it. You will eventually build enough clients and connections to
be living your best life. A good site/resource about this is called "stacking
the bricks". Keep making those small wins every single day and they truly do add
up to something greater than the sum of its parts. As to the books you should
actually read about sales and keeping customers, I would recommend Harry
Browne's "The secret of selling anything" and Carl Sewell's "Customers for



Making money obviously. The question of course is how. I believe the straightest
path from here to there is spam's more reputable cousin, SEO affiliate
marketing. These online plagarists have conquered the top of the sales funnel
for scribblers quite thoroughly. It is for this reason that things with
sophisticated recommender algorithms like twitter have overtaken search engines
for many hungry for the written word. The situation for video and youtube is
little different.

This market for content creators is quite large, and I'm sure these aggregators
would love to capture as much of the MRR from this as is possible. One
straightforward way to do this is to do all the content creation yourself, but
as we all know that does not scale well. LLMs have been built to solve that
specific problem -- scaling content creation.

So long as the output is a variation on a theme, LLMs will eventually conquer
it. Fiction & music will go first, as there are only so many archetypical
stories, everything past that is embellishment and entirely de gustibus. Talking
head newscasting (being little better than fiction) and pop journalism will be
soon to follow. Similarly, punditry and commentary will be easily dominated, as
it's already mindlessly chasing engagement mediated by algorithms. Online
learning will also succumb much like technical documentation did to SEO
spammers. Even more performative entertainment such as sports, video games and
camming will likely be dominated by generative approaches within the decade.

All to chase that sweet, sweet subscription MRR business model that content
creators have built up over the last 20 years. It's what has lead a great number
of young people to claim they want to grow up to be "influencers". LLMs will
gradually push prices down and result in consolidation of these forms of media
production, ending this boom. The only remaining place for independent content
creators will be to genuinely break new ground. Even then this will be quickly
fed into the large models.

As such, I expect those of us who previously chose to engage in cookie-cutter
content production (this includes much programming, being glorified glue) will
be forced to either learn to drive these tools or find a new line of work. This
is not necessarily a bad thing. There remain an incredible amount of things that
still need doing, and more free hands will lighten that lifting. It will be
inconvenient and painful for many, but it's hard to describe anyone's life
without those two adjectives.

There will certainly be some blind alleys we walk down with this technology
thanks to it enabling even easier mindless pursuit of irrational engagement. But
this pain will not be permanent. People will adapt as always to the troubles of
their time. We are, after all, still dealing with a social crisis largely
brought on by pervasive legibility of our lives (read: surveillance) enabled by
technology. In an era where everyone has a public "permanent record" online,
people would do well to remember that forgiveness is a virtue. Perhaps
automating the "internet hate machine" will make us remember.



🏷️ social 🏷️ dns

Services such as mastadon and nostr are doing way, way too much. Why in the hell
would you want to get into the content management and distribution game when we
already have really great systems for doing that? If you want something with a
chance of working, you need to do it using entirely COTS components. You are in
luck, because we have all of these and the problems are well understood.

The core problem is actually content indexing, so that users can filter by
author, date and tag. Software that does this (such as ElasticSearch) is very
common and well understood. So what is the missing link? Content sources need to
make it easier on the indexers, so that you don't have to be an industrial
gorilla like Google to get it done.

How do we make this easier? Via DNS and RSS. All that's missing are TXT records

 1. Provide a URI with the available tags/topics/authors at the domain (authors
    are actually tags after all)
 2. Provide a template string which we could interpolate the above two (and date
    / pagination info) into in order to grab the relevant RSS feed
 3. Provide a template string describing how users can reply to given posts

Nearly any CMS can do this with no code changes whatsoever. Anyways, this allows
indexers to radically reduce the work they have to do to put content into the
right buckets. It similarly provides a well understood means by which clients
can interact with posts from nearly any CMS.

From there retweets are actually just embeds tagged with the RT'd username and
RT author. Similarly, replies are just new posts but with an author from another
server, hosted locally. Facilitating this would likely require some code change
on the CMS end of things, but it would be quite minimal.

The fun part is that this is so flexible, you could even make it a "meta" social
network (it really is unfortunate Facebook camped this name) which pulls in
posts from all the big boys. That is supposing they actually published DNS
records of this kind. No such cooperation would ever be forthcoming, so such a
social network would necessarily be limited to people with hosting accounts.

This is of course the core reason we do not and will not have decentralized
social networking despite all the tools we need being right here, right now.
This is not to say that such a system is not worth implementing, or that it
would not eventually replace our existing systems.

The simple reality is that the users themselves are the core problem. The hordes
of freeloaders who want free attention will always far outnumber those willing
to pay for a hosting account to interact with people online. As such, having to
monetize these people will necessarily result in the outcome we have today,
repeated ad infinitum.

Any user of such a decentralized system would have to adjust their expectations.
Are people willing to sacrifice nothing to interact with you really worthy of
your time? Maybe being a bit more exclusive isn't such a bad thing. This is why
the phenomenon of "group chats" has become ubiquitous, after all.

Nevertheless, I find all the group chat solutions such as Matrix to be
overcomplicated. Would that they have taken such an approach to solve their
coordination problems as well.



The idea of the decentralized ID folks is to have some means to identify an
online entity is who they say they are, mostly to comply with the orwellianly
named Bank Secrecy Act and it's many international equivalents imposing some
level of "know your customer" (read: snitching to the tax man). That's of course
not the only use, but I sure as hell ain't sharing personal info if I don't have
anything to gain by doing so. As such, the success of such projects are
inherently hitched to whether they can dethrone the payment processors -- after
all credit cards are the most real form of ID there is.

Why do these blockchain guys think they're going to succeed when email and DNS
have all the tools to do precisely this right now off the shelf, but nobody
does? Encrypted email is solved by putting in and adopting an RFC to slap public
keys in DNS records, and then have cPanel, plesk and the email majors hop on
board. You could then layer anything you really want within that encrypted
protocol, and life's good right? Of course not. Good luck with reliable
delivery, as encryption breaks milters totally. This is one of the key
advantages to web5, as it imposes transaction costs to control spam.

Even then, it could probably work from a technical point of view. Suppose you
had a "pay via email" product, where you enter in the KYC foo like for a bank
account, and now your email and PGP keys are the key and door to that account.
Thanks to clients not reliably sending read reciepts, some TXs will be in limbo
thanks to random hellbans by servers. How long do you wait to follow up with a
heartbeat? You'd probably want tell users that if you don't respond to the
confirmation emails within some time, they are dropped. Which inevitably means
the transaction is on hold until you are double sure, making this little better
than putting in a CC on a web form.

This problem exists even in meatspace with real passports. Nations have invented
all manner of excuses to prevent the free movements of peoples and goods for
reasons both good and ill. Do not think that people will fail to dream up
reasons to deny this decentralized identity of yours from delivering messages to
their intended recipients. Much like bitcoin, all it takes is people refusing to
recognize your "decentralized self sovereign identity card" at a whim. The cost
to them of denying you is nothing, and the cost of accepting high. This reduces
the usefulness of the whole tech stack to 0.

At the end of the day, if you don't have a credible plan to straight-up beat
Visa and Mastercard in every KPI, your DeFi project will be stillborn:

 * You have to be able to handle transactions in all known jurisdictions and
   currencies. Prepare to drown in red tape.
 * You have to be accepted at every financial institution otherwise merchants
   will say no. Prepare to drown in red tape.
 * You have to have lower merchant fees, despite suffering the above red tape
   and Visa/MC putting their thumb on the scale to kill competitors like you
 * You have to have lower interest rates / client fees as well. Gotta get them
   airline miles and cash back too!
 * You have to be better at detecting/absorbing fraud, yet be as convenient as
   an unencrypted magnetic stripe

Seeing that laundry list, you may conclude that anyone actually trying "have to
be insane" as the last bullet point. I have yet to see any such plan by any
person in the web3 or "web5" space.

The most credible plan I can possibly think of (other than wait for a systemic
crisis to unseat these majors) would be to make such a product and intend to
sell it to Visa/MC as a solution to their own internal problems. It's either
that or try and grow in jurisdictions the majors don't care about, which comes
with its own unique set of problems. In that situation, email might actually be
the answer.



In short, it's because spammers use Judo throws against the mail providers who,
in their exhaustion overreact. Generally during a flood of spam what providers
will do is whack an entire /24 of IPs, taking the "Kill 'em all and let god sort
them out" strategy. It is for similar reasons many servers flat-out block IPs
originating from other countries.

Anyhow, this has lead to plenty of headache for services which market themselves
on deliverability. Mailchimp, sendgrid and Amazon SES all have to keep a hold of
far more IPs than they need at any given time to keep themselves squeaky clean.
They also have to rate-limit and aggressively ban anyone sending what looks like
spam either by AI analysis or bayesian filtering. Spammers on the other hand
aren't dummies and they have vast resources at their command. It's
straightforward to brute-force reverse engineer which markov chains actually get
thru, as mail servers normally tell the sender why they failed to deliver a

At a certain scale this becomes a real problem. After a spammer has crafted a
message they know will sail past the filters, they then can hook up to the
"reputable" mailers as relays in parallel and shoot out a huge wave of
un-interceptable spam before anyone can do anything about it. Everyone in the
value chain gets mad, and massive overreactions happen thanks to this harming
the bottom line.

The most important of these is to return 250 OK to messages which are known to
be bad, and then silently deleting them. This leaves the spammer none the wiser.
It's essentially a "hellban" where they will simply waste resources drilling a
dry hole. Crafting un-interceptable messages is essentially impossible under
this regime, and the spammers have to go back to their old tricks of smearing
wide swaths of previously clean IPs with their garbage.

On the other hand, legitimate servers in these IP blocks get run over. Even
servers which have been on the same IP for years get overwhelmed reputationally
as they would have to send out far more volume of email to build enough
reputation to overcome the insane volume of spam coming out of sibling IPs.
Worse yet, there is no sign of anything wrong and no recourse whatsoever. You
simply find out your email has NOT been delivered a few weeks later after its
cost you and your business untold quantities of money.

As such the only real way to protect yourself is buy a huge IP block, and
basically don't use any but one of them for mail. It's a "you must be this tall
to ride" mechanism, like much of the rest of the internet has become. Either
that or you have to sidle up to a firm which has a big IP block (and ruthlessly
protects it) via forwarding with things like postsrsd & postforward.

In short the only cure for spam that has worked is steadily increasing the
marginal cost of sending a message. Many feel anxious about this, as they
realize anything they have to say is essentially going to be held captive to
large firms. The weak are crushed into their usual condition of "nothing to say,
and no way to say it".

As always, prosperity is a necessary condition of your freedom of action. This
being a somewhat uncomfortable truth is probably why the reality of the Email
situation is seldom discussed.


AUG 22 2022  

entirely by accident

An old (ish) trick to speed up webpages is using sendfile() to DMA files to a
socket. Nowadays you use SSL_sendfile and Kernel TLS, (optionally offloaded to a
specialized TLS processor) but you get the idea. Bypass the CPU and just vomit
data out the NIC.

Couple that with the natural speed benefits to the "god algorithm" (already
knowing the answer, e.g. caching) and the strength of static rendering
frameworks became clear to everyone. That said, static renderers didn't really
catch on until recently and even now dynamic renderers are the overwhelming
majority of pages out there. This is because building a progressive render
pipeline that is actually fast and correctly invalidates caches at each step is
not an immediately obvious design.

Templating engines tend to encourage this approach, as they all have some kind
of #include directive. The step from there to static renders requires
integration with the data model, so that re-renders can detect changes in the
underlying data. Just like how strict typing helps optimize compiled programs,
well-structured data aids template renderers in reasoning about when to
re-render. In every imperative program this is how the actual source is linked
and built. It has been fun watching JS and typescript frameworks re-learn these
old lessons the hard way as they get frustrated with long build times.

The trouble then comes down to how do you serve this data up to the browser? You
can't simply hand it two HTML documents, one static and the other dynamic
without using things like frames (inline or via frameset). The best you can do
is use JavaScript to insert data into a page. Even then, if you insert new DOM,
this will be slow. It is much faster to *only* flesh out missing data in a fully
formed interface, and juggle visibility based on whether the data is loaded or

This is obviously far from the original promise of HTML's declarative nature.
Nevertheless, it means the only performant strategy is to divorce the interface
from the data and fill on the client side. If there were some standard means
(say via header in a HEAD request, or link tags) to instruct browsers to fetch
JSON DATA sections to fill the innerText of various selectors with we could
perhaps do away with nearly all XHRs and spinners on cold-loads entirely. If you
could do it on cold-loads, you could also do it within documents and on-the-fly,
leaving the only role for JS to be managing state transitions. Alas, that ship
has probably sailed for good.

HTML has become a widget toolkit rather than means to create documents as it was
originally envisioned. This happened because it was not openly trying to be a
cross-platform widget toolkit and thus this aspect was not actively suppressed
by the OS vendors. I don't think it's a coincidence that Javascript is now the
fastest growing programming language, despite frequently being hated more than
PHP over the past 20 years. Worse is better works to some degree because those
engaged in anti-competitive practices don't see things that are worse than their
crap as a real threat. HTML/CSS/JS was a far worse widget toolkit than any of
its competitors until relatively recently.

This is not to say that the browser wars and repeated embrace, extend,
extinguish attempts by Microsoft and other vendors didn't come very close to
killing HTML/CSS/JS. They very much wanted their own document standards to
succeed. As a result you still see a bunch of Word and PDF documents passed
around online. Things stagnated for a good long time as a result of this. But
when it turned out the OS vendors were too dysfunctional in the wake of the
dotcom crash to actually build something better, forward motion slowly resumed.

Despite the OS vendors rightly seeing the threat to their business open web
standards represented, they proved too useful to the new titans of tech. Being
the things powering social (read:advertising) networks ability to reach into
everyone's pockets ultimately tied the hands of OS vendors who had for decades
prevented anything truly cross-platform from working well. The stars have
finally aligned and the OS wars are mostly over. Hooray.

This is largely what is behind some of the questionable activities of the
WHATWG. The ham-fisted imposition of DRM and slavish pursuit of what the ad
networks want has sent the web down some blind alleys of late. Nevertheless it's
clearly not in their interest to deliberately kneecap the web and pages being
capable of performing well.

Anyways, since all this API data is going to require a hit to the CPU to stream
it, it must by necessity be returned in very small chunks if it can't be
delivered and stored persistently on the client side for future reference.
Hopefully the entire API to serve this stuff can fit inside cache. This requires
a uniform design to your backing data that can be queried simply. Dare we say
with a standard query language.

What I am observing is that the only role left for programming languages other
than JavaScript in the userspace is as batch processors and API servers that are
glorified proxies to SQL servers. Even then Node is a strong contender for use
in those jobs too. Thanks to recent developments such as tauri, we might
actually get truly cross platform interfaces and even window managers out of the



Oftentimes you will encounter a number of standards enforcement mechanisms to
prevent the junior programmers who don't know any better (and the senior ones
who should know better) from doing dumb stuff. When these are enforced at build
time, it is usually quite fine, as it is not very costly. However, some of them
are quite costly, as they are essentially runtime or interpreter modifications.

I grant that in a few exceptions, there is no other solution than to do so. Most
of the time there is always a behavior modification which is sufficient,
especially with proper incentivization. For example, do you go out and buy those
fancy mitre saws that know how to stop from cutting off your finger, or do you
just take care around circular saws? Of course you simply take care.

That said, at a certain scale stupidity will always creep in, and the overriding
impulse is to insulate yourself and the firm from their impact. Overcomplicated
safety devices and insurance schemes result, when the proper remedy is to fire
careless people. Just like people will write weeks of code to avoid hours of
meetings, they will also install huge and complicated gimcracks rather than
confront careless people.

This impulse to avoid conflict is the root of many evils in the firm. Like in
relationships, who cares if you make the other person mad? Sometimes making
people feel something is the only way to get your message across. At the end of
the day, they'll either stick around or leave; demonstrated preference reveals
the truth obscured by clouds of emotion. And there are always more people.



I read a Warren Buffet quote the other day that sort of underlines the
philosophy I try to take with my programs given the option:

> "We try to find businesses that an idiot can run, because eventually an idiot
> will run it."

This applies inevitably to your programs too. I'm not saying that you should
treat your customers like idiots. Idiots don't have much money and treating
customers like they are upsets the smart ones that actually do have money. You
must understand that they can cost you a lot of money without much effort on
their part. This is the thrust of a seminal article: The fundamental laws of
human stupidity.

This is why many good programs focus on having sane defaults, because that
catches 80% of the stupid mistakes people make. That said, the 20% of people who
are part of the "I know just enough to be dangerous" cohort (see illustration)
cause 80% of the damage. Aside from the discipline that comes with age (George,
why do you charge so much?), there are a few things you can do to whittle down
80% of that dangerous 20%. This usually involves erecting a Chesterton's Fence
of some kind, like a --force or --dryrun option. Beyond that lies the realm of
disaster recovery, as some people will just drop the table because a query

This also applies to the architecture of software stacks and the business in
general (as mentioned by Buffet). I see a lot of approaches advocated to the
independent software vendor because "google uses it" and similar nonsense.
They've got a huge blind spot they admit freely as "I can't count that low".
What has resulted from this desire to "ape our betters" is an epidemic of
swatting flies with elephant guns, and vault doors on crack houses. This time
could have been spent building win-wins with smart customers or limiting the
attack surface exploited by the dumb or malicious.

So long as you take a fairly arms-length approach with regard to the components
critical to your stack, swapping one out for another more capable one is the
kind of problem you like to have. This means you are scaling to the point you
can afford to solve it.



I've been wanting to migrate tCMS to uWSGI for some time now because it has
several nice features beyond what any one thing on CPAN offers:

 * Built in virtual hosting equivalent
 * Ability to re-load the code whenever it detects changes, simplifying
 * Automatic worker scaling
 * HUP to reload when needed
 * Auto-reloads of workers after X requests (some scripts are like Patriot
   missile batteries, and need a reboot every 24hrs)

There are of course modules on CPAN to do any one of these. That said, getting
familiar with this seems useful, given it supports many programming languages
with WSGI-ish interfaces. It also has a "stats server" which gives you a lot of
aggregate introspection for free, an *api* you can use to add vhosts on the fly,
and more.

To get this working you need to make sure its perl plugin is installed (search
your package manager of choice) or follow the compilation instructions. Once I
got a good configuration file (the distinction between the socket and
http-socket field is ths most obvious gotcha), I got a page loaded immediately.

Then I ran into a big problem. The way I store static renders is essentially as
a raw dump of what I'd print out were it a CGI script. I open a filehandle, read
until the double newline, parse the headers and pass them and the filehandle on
to starman. On starman and other psgi servers on CPAN, this follows the
"principle of least astonishment" and reads the filehandle as I handed it to
them. uWSGI on the other hand grabs the filename from the handle and then just
serves it up if the 'path' property is set (e.g. it's an IO::File instance).
This obviously resulted in a double-header print.

As such, you should instead use the 'streaming' response interface for psgi
(return a subroutine instead of the 3-arg arrayref). See the patch I made to do
precisely that here.

Update (5/15/2022):
It turns out there's yet another point where uWSGI performs differently, and
that's with how psgi.input is handled. It returns a uwsgi::input object, which
behaves sort of like a filehandle, with one important exception. You can't do
3-arg read() on it. Instead, you must use the 2-arg read() method on the
filehandle. This also applies to seek() and close() on input/output filehandles
you play with in uwsgi.



A great article came across my desk this morning: Can you know too much about
your organization? The TL:DR version is that a bunch of managers were tasked
with organizational transformation via reconsidering their processes from first
principles. What they found almost invariably shattered their mental model of
the firm and their role within it. This caused a crisis within them, resulting
in many of them abandoning their position of authority altogether.

This is because they derived a great deal of meaning from their profession. Like
rational science had in the early 20th century, they've peeled the onion and
discovered the world they thought they lived in was an illusion. Those given the
greatest authority in the firm turn out to be the most powerless to effect
positive change in the production process. The actual means by which decisions
get made in the firm are a rats' nest of bypasses often held up by the force of
will in singular individuals.

Many of these individuals (such as staff engineers) also have a crisis of
meaningness when and if they realize their vast skills are essentially wasted
being a glorified "glue stick" holding together a system which is perverse, and
for no real purpose.

This happened to me. Coming out of QA means I was very concerned with catching
things as early as possible, and thereby reducing the cost involved. This
evolved into a particular interest in shaving off the "sharp corners" of
software production processes, as it was time wasted on these largely preventing
better early scrutiny. Paul Graham has a great article on the subject called
Schlep Blindness, but the concept is well-encapsulated within Kanban.

The poster child for this in modern development organizations is using
CODEOWNERS files as a means to prevent howlers from slipping by in large
monorepos. Many like monorepos because it theoretically means that less time is
wasted by developers hunting down code and making many PRs. Having to impose a
CODEOWNERS regime in a monorepo implies that the automated testing corpus is far
from adequate for catching bad changes. It instantly negates 100% of the
possible advantage one can achieve through usage of a monorepo. In both
situations, every second spent chasing people down to approve changesets and
splitting changesets into multiple pull requests is time far better spent
writing tests. This purported solution only gives the feeling that things are
under control while slowly and corrosively making the problem worse.

I took a look at the PR history for one of these monorepos, and sorted it into
buckets. It turns out the vast majority of changes required approval by at least
3 groups, and had at least one merge conflict result in seeking approval
multiple times from the same people. Even the best case estimate of how much
time was wasted here (notwithstanding how many people simply drag feet and
become discouraged) was quite troubling. At least 1 man-lifetimes a year were
spent on this, and this was a firm with less than a thousand developers. This
amounts to human sacrifice to no productive end, and there are many more
examples of this and worse lurking in the modern software development
organization. Lord knows I've spent unhealthy amounts of my life dealing with
bikeshedding masquerading as "standards" over the years.

It is easy to then lose heart when you consider the consequences of actually
fixing these problems. Chesterton's Fence comes to mind. The problem that made
this feel necessary likely hasn't (and won't) go away anytime soon, and the
Lindy Effect is likely in play. This is why the managers in TFA reported huge
levels of alienation and many even changed careers once they understood they
were dealing with a gordian knot they could not just cut.

Similarly, most individual contributors simply "check out" mentally when they
realize there's not only nobody else willing to strike the root, but all
attempts to do so will be savagely punished. Like with the Rationalist's crisis
of Meaningness, thinking on another level of abstraction is required to actually
cut the knot.

Most seemingly intractable problems in production lines are because the approach
used does not scale. Like in computer science, you must re-frame the problem.
Rather than solve an NP-Hard problem, solve a subset of the problem which can be
handled in linear time.

The solution to the particular problem I've used as the example here (unwieldy
and untested big repos) involves understanding how they came to be so in the
first place. The reality of business is that the incentive to cut corners to
meet deadlines will always be present. The larger the organization becomes, the
more its decision-making will resemble total acephaly and incoherence. Steps
must be taken to reduce the impact of this.

To date the most effective mechanism for this has been Autocephaly. Regardless
of how many corners are cut, or doctrinal corruption is tolerated in one
bishopric, it cannot fully infect the body. In the modern firm this was first
implemented as divisions; Peter Drucker's Concept of the Corporation covered
this in 1946! The modern software firm's analog to this is called Service
Oriented Archetechure.

Meta-Rational approaches are always like this. They are strong because they
recognize the common and intractable failure modes present and contain them
rather than attempt to stamp them out. Much of this is why both free markets and
political decentralization have proven so durable. For all their faults, they
effectively limit the impact of any given group going catastrophically sideways.

Nevertheless, there are always growing pains. The reality of power dynamics
means that things subdivided will usually not subsequently subdivide once more
until far past the point it is once again necessary. Sometimes subdivision "in
name only" such as Scrum Teams occur. This introduces its' own set of
pathological behavior for which entire firms base their livelihood upon

Rather than become alienated and hopeless upon discovering the reality of
corporate existence, a re-orientation to not fight this flow re-establishes
meaning. The participants in the firm can once again proceed forward taking
pride in their corner of the great work. Even in firms which failed to scale and
reverted to de-facto acephaly you can do good work when you realize what does
and does not work there. Given I've had a lot of experience with the latter,
I'll write a follow-up soon on how to be effective in acephalous organizations.


🔗  SUN FEB 27 2022  

🏷️ programming

The scientific method is well understood by schoolchildren in theory, but thanks
to the realities of schooling systems they are rarely if ever exposed to its
actual practice. This is because the business of science can be quite expensive.
Every experiment takes time and nontrivial amounts of capital, much of which may
be irreversibly lost in each experiment. As such, academia is far behind modern
development organizations. In most cases they are not even aware to the extent
that we have made great strides towards actually doing experimentation.

Some of this is due to everyone capable of making a difference toward that
problem being able to achieve more gainful employment in the private sector.
Most of it is due to the other hard sciences not catching up to our way of
experimentation either. This is why SpaceX has been able to succeed where NASA
has failed -- by applying our way to a hard science. There's also a lack of
understanding at a policy level as to why it is the scientifically inclined are
overwhelmingly preferring computers to concrete sciences. The Chinese government
has made waves of late claiming they wish to address this, but I see no signs as
of yet that they are aware how this trend occurred in the first place.

Even if it were not the case that programming is a far quicker path to
life-changing income for most than the other sciences, I suspect most would
still prefer it. Why this income potential exists in the first place is actually
the reason for such preference. It is far, far quicker and cheaper to iterate
(and thus learn from) your experiments. Our tools for peer review are also far
superior to the legacy systems that still dominate in the other sciences.

Our process also systematically embraces the building of experiments
(control-groups, etc) to the point we've got entire automated orchestration
systems. The Dev, Staging/Testing and Production environments model works quite
well when applied to the other sciences. Your development environment is little
more than a crude simulator that allows you to do controlled, ceteris-paribus
experiments quickly. As changes percolate upward and mix they hit the much more
mutis mutandis environment of staging/testing. When you get to production your
likelihood of failure is much reduced versus the alternative. When failures do
happen, we "eat the dog food" and do our best to fix the problems in our
simulated environments.

Where applied in the other sciences, our approach has resurrected forward
momentum. Firms which do not adopt them in the coming years will be outcompeted
by those that do. Similarly, countries which do not re-orient their educational
systems away from rote memorization and towards guided experimental rediscovery
from first principles using tools very much like ours will also fall behind.



Much hay has been made of late about how everyone's favorite CAs, including
LetsEncrypt are worse than useless for their stated purpose of identity
verification. The entire idea that this "chain of trust" prevents man-in-the
middle attacks is completely nonsense, as the issuers are all capable of easily
being fooled or coerced by state power on a routine basis.

I remember the good old days of self-signed certs. All the anti-self-signed
hysteria was about the fact nobody read the certs, just like today. We could in
fact have it much better nowadays via DNSSEC, DANE, CAA Records and CT Headers.
The closest thing anyone has to identity verification is WHOIS (and anyone who
opts for WHOIS privacy is a fool opening themself up to arbitrary seizure). The
credit card companies are infinitely better at KYC than all the Certificate
Authorities thrown together, so don't fight the system.

There's still one thing missing to completely remove the possibility of MITMs
from any source other than smacking your registrar and host with a rubber hose.
Post your self-signed CABundle as a TXT record. If you did so, you could
implement the ultimate countermeasure to MITM attacks. Issuing a unique cert per
session. Talk about perfect forward secrecy! I sure as heck would prefer to pay
for a crypto accelerator card than send a dime to Certificate Authorities, being
as they're little better than scams. This would also make a lot of things go
whir at your friendly neighborhood gestapo agency. I wish I were shilling for
$NVDA here, but alas I hold no position as of this writing.

Why nobody's thought of this incredibly simple solution is for the same reason
as all my other "Why am I..." articles. It's easy to be dense when your
livelihood depends on using your cranium to store old rags. Thankfully
LetsEncrypt has almost totally put the CAs out of business at this point. It
shouldn't be much of a step to put them out of business too.

The bigger question is how to get the browsers to reverse their scaremongering
about self-signing. It will likely take dedicated lobbying to get them to
support mechanisms for feeling good about self-signed CAs. LetsEncrypt is
unfortunately "good enough" and has taken away the enthusiasm for further
reform. I consider it unlikely that server operators and domain owners will
fight for control being in their hands (where it ought to have been all along)
until a major and prolonged LetsEncrypt outage.



As my nephews are coming of age, I'm considering taking an apprentice. This has
resulted in me thinking more of how I might explain programming best practices
to the layman. Today I'd like to focus on performance.

Suppose you had to till, plant and water an arbitrary number of acres. Would you
propose ploughing a foot, planting a seed and watering ad nauseum? I suspect
not. This is because context switching costs a great deal. Indeed, the context
switches involved between planting, seeding and watering will end up being the
costliest action when scaling this (highly inefficient) process to many acres.

This is why batching of work is the solution everyone reaches for instinctively.
It is from this fact that economic specialization developed. I can only hold so
much in my own two hands and can't be in two places at once. It follows that I
can produce far more washed dishes or orders being a cook or dish-washer all day
than I can switching between the tasks repeatedly.

That said, doing so only makes sense at a particular scale of activity. If your
operational scale can't afford specialized people or equipment you will be
forced to "wear all the hats" yourself. Naturally this means that operating at a
larger scale will be more efficient, as it can avoid those context switching

Unfortunately, the practices adopted at small scale prove difficult to overcome.
When these are embodied in programs, they are like concreting in a plumbing
mistake (and thus quite costly to remedy). I have found this to be incredibly
common in the systems I have worked with. The only way to avoid such problems is
to insist your developers not test against trivial data-sets, but worst-case
data sets.


When ploughing you can choose a pattern of furroughing that ends up right where
you started to minimize the cost of the eventual context switch to seeding or
watering. Almost every young man has mowed a lawn and has come to this
understanding naturally. Why is it then that I repeatedly see simple performance
mistakes which a manual laborer would consider obvious?

For example, consider a file you are parsing to be a field, and lines to be the
furroughs. If we need to make multiple passes, it will behoove us to avoid a
seek to the beginning, much like we try to arrive close to the point of origin
in real life. We would instead iterate in reverse over the lines. Many
performance issues are essentially a failure to understand this problem. Which
is to say, a cache miss. Where we need to be is not within immediate sequential
reach of our working set. Now a costly context switch must be made.

All important software currently in use is precisely because it understood this,
and it's competitors did not. The reason preforking webservers and then
PSGI/WSGI + reverse proxies took over the world is because of this -- program
startup is an important context switch. Indeed, the rise of Event-Driven
programming is entirely due to this reality. It encourages the programmer to
keep as much as possible in the working set, where we can get acceptable
performance. Unfortunately, this is also behind the extreme bloat in working
sets of programs, as proper cache loading and eviction is a hard problem.

If we wish to avoid bloat and context switches, both our data and the implements
we wish to apply to it must be sequentially available to each other. Computers
are in fact built to exploit this; "Deep pipelining" is essentially this
concept. Unfortunately, a common abstraction which has made programming
understandable to many hinders this.


Object-Orientation encourages programmers to hang a bag on the side of their
data as a means of managing the complexity involved with "what should transform
this" and "what state do we need to keep track of doing so". The trouble with
this is that it encourages one-dimensional thinking. My plow object is calling
the aerateSoil() method of the land object, which is instantiated per square
foot, which calls back to the seedFurroughedSoil() method... You might laugh at
this example (given the problem is so obvious with it), but nearly every
"DataTable" component has this problem to some degree. Much of the slowness of
the modern web is indeed tied up in this simple failure to realize they are
context switching far too often.

This is not to say that object orientation is bad, but that one-dimensional
thinking (as is common with those of lesser mental faculties) is bad for
performance. Sometimes one-dimensional thinking is great -- every project is
filled with one-dimensional problems which do not require creative thinkers to
solve. We will need dishes washed until the end of time. That said, letting the
dish washers design the business is probably not the smartest of moves. I
wouldn't have trusted myself to design and run a restaurant back when I washed
dishes for a living.

You have to consider multiple dimensions. In 2D, your data will need to be
consumed in large batches. In practice, this means memoization and tight loops
rather than function composition or method chaining. Problems scale beyond this
-- into the third and fourth dimension, and the techniques used there are even
more interesting. Almost every problem in 3 dimensions can be seen as a matrix
translation, and in 4 dimensions as a series of relative shape rotations (rather
than as quaternion matrix translation).


Thankfully, this discussion of viewing things from multiple dimensions hits upon
the practical approach to fixing performance problems. Running many iterations
of a program with a large dataset under a profiling framework (hopefully
producing flame-graphs) is the change of perspective most developers need.
Considering the call stack forces you into the 2-dimensional mindset you need to
be in (data over time).

This should make sense intuitively, as the example of the ploughman. He calls
furrough(), seed() and water() upon the dataset consisting of many hectares of
soil. Which is taking the majority of time should be made immediately obvious
simply by observing how long it takes per foot of soil acted upon per call, and
context switch costs.



🏷️ tcms 🏷️ perl

The consistent theme I've been driving at with tCMS development is to transform
as much of the program out of code into data. The last thing I've done in this
vein was to create parent-child relationships between posts (series), and to
allow posts to embed other posts within themselves. The next thing I'm
interested in doing is to move the entire page structure into data as well.
Recently working with javascript component-based frameworks has given me the
core inspiration behind what I ought to do.

Any given page can be seen as little more than a concatenation of components in
a particular order. Components themselves can be seen in the same way,
simplifying rendering them to be a matter of recursive descent to build an
iterator you feed to the renderer. How do I implement this with the current

Every post needs to support an array of components. This will necessitate a
re-thinking of how the post interface itself works. I should probably have some
"preview" mechanism to show an idea how the post should work after you
frankenstein it together.

This will enable me to do the most significant performance improvement I can do
(static renders) incredibly easily. As a page render will be little more than a
SELECT CONCAT statement over a table of pre-rendered component instances for the
data. To make updates cheap, we need but check the relevant post timestamps to
see if anything in the recursive descent needs a re-render.

As of this writing, a render of the most complicated page of any tCMS install is
taking 21ms. This should bring that time down to 2-3ms. It will also enable me
to implement the feature which will turn tCMS into a best-of-breed content
publishing framework. Which is to automatically syndicate each page we render to
multiple CDNs and transparently redirect to them in a load-balancing fashion.

From there I see little more that needs to be done other than improving the
posting interface and adding userland features. I still want all of that, but
believe technical excellence comes first.



Good production processes are always characterized by a lack of friction in
intermediate stages. In software that mostly means that those involved "know
each other's minds", as the friction is almost always coming as pushback during
review or test. For most this doesn't come without "the feels" hitching a ride
too. This can make getting there a bumpy ride, as most are incapable of
articulating their boundaries without them first being crossed.

As you might imagine, any time feelings get involved, costs go through the roof.
Very little productive will happen until all those chemicals flush from the
system. Avoiding this involves setting expectations up-front. Which is hard, as
most people are incapable of doing so for a variety of reasons.

First, most are incapable of coherently articulating their boundaries and
preferences due to simple lack of spare time. This is almost always the case
with those who are in "survival" (read: instinct) reaction mode, such as is the
case during business emergencies. Many a new hire has failed to thrive due to
being onboarded during a "permanent emergency". This is how firms dig holes they
can't get out of, as they can't scale under this mindset. Such emergencies are
usually caused by excessive micromanagement in the first place. If you can't
"Trust the process" the firm isn't really set up to succeed.

Many others default to sub-communication of emotional state when communicating
rather than directly stating their desires. They tend to only resort to direct
comms when they've become so frustrated with their interlocutor that they put
their thoughts together in a coherent form. Deciphering sub-communications is
essentially mind-reading (especially in text communication), so I don't feel
particularly bad about failing to do so, or the emotional outbursts at my
failure to "just get it". Some people just need drama in their lives. It's a
pity that the time wasted in this pursuit wastes so much time and money.

The most pernicious difficulty you will encounter in this endeavor is the "nice
guy". These are people who simply never disclose their boundaries for fear they
will be perceived in a negative light. Software is packed to the gills with
these types, quietly grinding their axes for years until it explodes like a
land-mine under your production process. Thankfully, they can't help but tell on
themselves. Passive-aggressive commentary is almost always a sure sign some kind
of covert contract is lurking in their psyche. This results in expensive re-work
when their expectations are not met, or what they want clashes with what's


Like any other production line, you can sand off a lot of the sharp edges
causing friction. This is true even when dealing with problems between the chair
and keyboard. People instinctually get that no amount of whining can sway
automated linters, tidiers and CI pipelines. As such you should automate as much
of this process as is feasible. Much of helping people succeed is reliably
pointing them in the right direction.

RPA tools and chat bots have proven indispensable here as well. People knowing
that routine parts of the workflow will be handled in exactly the same manner
across a division can stop resentment over arbitrariness cold. Like with
automation on the IC side, some will chafe under this. It is important to remind
them that like children, we are best managed via rules applied consistently.
Breaking discipline even once means production stoppages.

People must also face real consequences for failing to responsibly shepherd the
production process. There will always be issues found in code review, for
example. Failing to resolve these (either by the submitter failing to take
action, or the review committee simply sitting on changes) should be
unacceptable. Similarly, failures to communicate requirements (which could
obviously have been), or to ask for clarification when requirements are vague
should be rooted out.

Which comes down to the fact that "no, this time is not different". Your
production process, like every single other one, can benefit from a check-list.
If it can't be automated, make sure you at least can't forget to think about it.
Making as much about the job as possible fully explicit reduces sources of error
(and hence friction).



🏷️ video 🏷️ troglovlog 🏷️ programming 🏷️ perl
Your browser does not support the video tag.
For those of you interested in parsing audit logs with perl.

Looks like I need to make some more business expenses if I want to be able to
stream 4k video!


 THU DEC 23 2021  

A common occurrence in firms is that the production line will innovate in a way
which breaks the underlying assumptions baked into the heads of those in
authority. Oftentimes in software projects serving said production lines, this
is manifested by a User Interface that evolves in emergent ways beyond that
which was envisioned by the data model. When this inevitably leads to undefined
behavior, something breaks. Sometimes, it's at an inconvenient time and the
impossibly hungry judges effect kicks in. (As an aside regarding that article,
"hangry people" is the most valid cause for any statistical phenomenon I've ever

As such, they're on the hunt for scalps. Which means if your name is on the
commit, doing the right thing and explaining the actual root cause is almost
always the wrong thing. Especially when the cause is, such as in this case, due
to a breakdown in communication between management and the managed. The most
likely result of this is simply that coups will be counted upon you for not
doing what is really wanted: a signal of submission.

Even offering a patch which will solve the immediate problem won't help. If it
has come to this point they will have an emotional need to seize direct control,
consequences be damned. Woe unto you if you offer the only correct solution with
your patch, as that means they will choose the wrong thing simply out of spite.

Having seen this happen repeatedly in my years in corporate, it's never gone any
other way. Indeed, this is yet another scenario explicitly discussed in Moral
Mazes, which was written when I was knee high. Which comes to the important
question: why after all these years do I persist in my impertinence? Why
continue to offer sound root cause analysis, even when it is embarrassing for
all involved?

Because it's worth the risk to get people mad at you. Most of the time this ends
in summary termination. Sometimes, it results in sober second thought, which
would not have happened without the emotional spike caused by "rubbing it in".
It's best that this happens sooner rather than later when working with someone,
as people who don't course correct here are ultimately incapable of greatness. I
don't have long-term interest in working with people lacking the necessary
maturity to do whatever it takes to smash the problems in their way. The biggest
organizational impediment that exists is our own pride.



Aside from being busy with work for clients, I haven't managed to do much
writing this December due to finally digesting a few marketing insights I've
been chewing on but not swallowing for the better part of a decade. Here at
Troglodyne we may be thick headed, but at least we're not smrrt.

Anyways, all types of content need an emotional appeal to get anywhere. Not
everyone's like me, and just wants to skip to the end and hear the answer. The
people want to hear about what motivated you, as a bearded road apple, to
finally shoot the damned computer out of a cannon!

Though I'm only exaggerating a little, it gets me back into a mood of prose I
haven't dipped into much since I was much younger and feeling my oats. I don't
think I wrote a serious essay even when I had to do so in order to make the
grade. Instead, I'd viciously and cruelly make the jokes too esoteric to be
detected (or at least proven guilty of cheek) by the faculty. Having grown up
consuming a steady diet of MAD magazine, it's a miracle that I've managed to
become such an accomplished bore.

I suppose it's a testament to how thoroughly corporate is capable of
domesticating a programming community known for eccentricity. This should shock
nobody, as it's the smartest dogs that are the easiest to train. That said,
there are still plenty of us off the leash having a grand old time.

All my writing and on-video time has made me quite a good deal better at
requiring less editing required to render the steaming heaps of drivel that you
see before you. Unfortunately, I sound almost as bad as the corporate borg
twerps I've been pillorying over the last year or so it's taken to de-brainwash
myself away from that set of cults. It's finally time to come into my own voice,
which is to say steal someone else's.

In that vein, I've generally seen a few patterns among successful tech content
creators. For those interested in Quality and Testing, you generally need to
embrace your mean streak. It's got that synthesis of wrath at the excrecable
piles of junk we work on all day and the thrill of the hunt when you finally
figure out a way to wreck that POS that feels...magnificent! This also bleeds
over into programming, as the experience is always one of smashing your head
into a brick wall until pure, beautiful victory is achieved just in time for the
acceptance criteria to change. Really some of the best fun you can have with
your pants on, I definitely recommend you try it. None of the content creators
of this stripe are ever sarcastic.

Then we have my favorite kind of technical creator -- we're talking Scotty
Kilmer types. Just talk about whatever the hell you feel like today, because
it's always gonna be the same old bullshit...but make sure your marketing is as
spectacular as humanly possible. Whether it has anything to do whatsoever with
the actual content is irrelevant. Don't care, got laid. It's the hacker ethos to
a T... and by T, I mean Tren! Hell, it's probably a fun game to see how
misleading you can have your sizzle be and still get hits. Excuse me while I eat
this whole fried catfish.

For those of you who skipped to the conclusion (like me), let me waste a bit
more of your time as a special bonus gift. We've got some exciting things coming
for you all in 2022! Whether or not they're actually exciting I sure am excited
about them. So excited I've gotta be vague about it. Definitely not because I
haven't thought of anything yet.

That reminds me, I still need to go get presents. Merry Christmas everyone!



There has been much controversy in recent times over censorship of search
engines and social media. According to those engaging in this, it's done with
good intentions. Whether this is true or not is missing the point. Why are we
relying on a centralized search engine at all that can censor, when we've had
decentralized search for a half-century?

DNS can be seen as little more than an indexing service. There is no fundamental
technical reason why the exact same approach can't be taken for resources at
particular domains. Every site could publish their sitemaps and tags quite
easily, and many do right now. They simply upload them to search engines rather
than having them be well-known records considered by peers.

A DNS model would in fact simplify search indexing a good deal, as you can drop
the crawling code entirely and simply wait until at least one person accesses a
resource to index it. This would put the burden of crawling/advertising their
available pages on site operators themselves, pushing costs down the stack, as
is appropriate in a decentralized system.

Much of the reason DNS is tolerated as a decentralized system rather than
centralized is that it takes so little resources relative to the rest of the web
stack. People love the idea of federation, but hate paying for it. The primary
question is whether incentives align for the current parties running DNS to also
index and cache content hierarchies.

The answer is obviously no, or they would be doing this right now. This is once
again due to the primary browser vendor (google) having no interest in
supporting such a thing, as it would actively undercut their business model. If
a browser did support such a system, many content creators and web hosters would
absolutely love to adopt a system with clear rules under their control rather
than the morass of inconsistency that is the centralized engine's rulesets.
Similarly, the ISPs and Web Hosts would happily hop on board to the idea of
offering yet another service they can charge for.

Therefore the question is can the existing business model of advertising that
subtly corrupts search results translate to a decentralized system? Of course it
can. The trouble is that it'd be the ISPs and web hosts in the position to
extract this profit. This is in fact the ray of hope in this situation, as both
Google and it's competitors in the (virtualized) hosting biz could get a large
piece of this pie.

So, if you wanted to know what a future with this would look like it'd be that
Microsoft or Amazon forks Chrome. This has already happened in Microsoft Edge.
From here it's but a matter of modifying and open-sourcing their existing
indexer, and making their fork support it's use. Introducing a system of
decentralized search would both hurt their competitor, and be another reason to
use Azure versus GCP and Amazon. They'd likely adapt Bing to leverage this as
well, to extend the benefit to all browsers.

That said, Amazon or any large host could execute on this. Much of the tech that
Cloudflare uses to cache content could likely be re-purposed towards these ends
as well. There's a lot of money to be made in disrupting the status quo. Whether
this translates into concrete action is anyone's guess.



Many hours have been wasted on calendaring servers, and they still don't solve
the problems people who use calendars want solved. This is because the problem
is approached from the wrong direction. People think from the client to the
server, as it's clients originating ics files which are then schlepped around
via email. Servers allowed people to do things like free-busy for attendees and
conference rooms, but required email clients to support things like itip. I'll
give you one guess how that went.

This model instantaneously breaks down when you go cross-organizational. The
widespread incompatibility between mailservers and no standardized way to
federate directory discoverability makes this impossible. As such, the meta
collapses back to schlepping around ics files. It should shock nobody that
embracing this fact and giving up on free/busy and presence has been the
solution that dominates. Microsoft has implemented on this approach better than
anyone decades ago.

Actually solving the presence problem requires that you get federation right.
Guess who's doing that? The chat apps. Both Slack and Teams have this figured
out. Doing this as a plugin to matrix or snikket would actually be quite
straightforward. As such my recommendation is that shared hosting software stop
distributing calendaring software. They should instead distribute chat servers
and good chatbots that can do things like meeting reminders.

You could even federate across incompatible chat apps and protocols via bots
that know how to talk to each other. I know it would work, because it worked
before computers. That's how secretaries coordinated all of it -- picking up a
phone. Implementing a UI for people to use would be as simple as wrapping your
secretary bot that knows how to book people and rooms.



Most people make Interviewing programming candidates way too much work. I've
setup (and taken) more HackerRank style puzzles than a person ought to have in a
lifetime. One of the problems with this tool is that it's basically handing
dynamite to children. Programmers are in general an over-specific lot that
delight in secrets. This results in unnecessary grief and makes you miss out on
otherwise good candidates.

The purpose of Job Descriptions, Programming Tests and Phone Screens are all the
same. The trouble is that most people neither understand or acknowledge this on
either side of the table. They're all just spam filters. The simplest path to
success for candidates is to simply spam cold approaches and leverage social
proof for everything it's worth.

Rather than allow negative feelings to build up and covert contracts to form,
you should simply be up-front about the reality. An "Early Frame Announcement"
of why you are doing the process the way you do, and what you expect out of it
helps a lot. Managing Expectations will never stop being important in your
relationships with those you work with, so you need to do this from the very

Sometimes you can be too explicit with your expectations. As with anything else
measured, people bend over backwards to conform to them. This can be good, when
what you measure actually matters. Unfortunately, very few things which get
measured in this way actually do.

Employers allow themselves to get bullshitted into hiring people very good at
telling them exactly what they want to hear. They then get blindsided when they
inevitably find out the candidate, like everyone else, is in fact far from
perfect. That said, people do manage to "fake it till they make it" more often
than not so this isn't something to get too worried about. As long as they keep
doing things you want, who cares if they were less than fully truthful during
the interview process? You as the interviewer can't and won't be fully
disclosing the facts of the situation on the ground either. What you actually
want is a system that exposes the faults and strengths of candidates as quickly
as possible.

First, you need to understand that nobody believes the posted requirements in
public openings (nor should they). Accept that you will just get spammed. Then
you need to tightly focus on your "Must Haves" rather than a laundry list of
wants. If there are more than 4 technical skills you need for a given position,
the solution you want someone to implement is probably ill-designed. You can't
prove an optimal solution exists for anything with more than 3 variables and
can't guarantee a closed form solution exists for systems with 5 variables,
after all.

If you still have too many candidates to pick from (you will), you should then
treat your "want" keyword list much like you would a digital ad campaign. Try
and find people with at least a pair of them and that usually winnows you down
to a list worth talking to. Don't get too excited here -- you won't be shocked
to find maybe 10% of even these can get past a phone screen.

The phone screen's only purpose is to determine whether or not you are being
catfished, and telling people this up-front tends to result in better outcomes.
Most of the technical questions here should be softballs which can be googled as
they talk to you. All you want to see is that they know and care enough at this
point to actually get you the right answer. This is all to lull them into a
false sense of security until you slip them the hilariously obvious false
question. If they don't call you out on making an obviously false statement and
try to bullshit you, just hang up.

Lots of people do tests and programming puzzles in lieu of the phone screen now.
This is actually a bad idea. Online tests should only be employed in lieu of
phone screens when you have too many candidates. Even then, they should be done
similar to what the phone screen would have been.

I personally prefer to save tests as prelim for the in person interview. I like
making the in-person basically a code review of the test, as this gets you into
mind-meld with the candidate quite quickly. This also more closely mimics how
they will actually be working, which is what you really want to know. Making
this clear to candidates up-front tends to get the best results (which is what
you actually want from candidates).

Nevertheless the online code test should consist of one straightforward
question, another less so. The ultimate goal is that they should take more time
than allotted for most people. This can be established by administering the test
to a sample of your existing staff. Be up-front that this is the point, lest
they get upset and corrupt the results with cheating and other such chicanery.
You should end up seeing an 80% solution from the candidates at the very least.

From here the question remains what to do with the candidates you are on the
fence about. Sometimes people just get a case of nerves, or aren't quite
experienced enough yet but still can do the work. It's here that you need to
understand that all deals can happen at the right price. Making it clear that
you're willing to take a risk on a candidate during a probationary period with
introductory rates can work out quite well. It's even better when you have a
candidate offer this themselves, go-getters like that almost always turn out

At this point you should have a candidate and a price. Now you need to take them
to lunch and fish for their victim puke. The last thing you need is a whipped
dog ready to snap. This is unfortunately common thanks to widespread
pathological behavior running rampant in corporate and public schools.

From there the problem is making sure they fit on a team. This means you have to
figure out how to make the others invest in the candidate's success and vice
versa. Too often things quickly turn adversarial, resulting in bad outcomes that
were totally avoidable. That is a pretty in-depth topic which is worthy of it's
own post.


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