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SIGN UP TODAY! 1.800.525.5141 CONTACT US Mobile Navigation Contact Us Your Account Sign In / Order Status Cart image/svg+xml 0 $0.00 Search Go Close Account * Your Account * Your Orders Your Wish List * * GARDEN * HOME * FURNITURE * THEMES * HOLIDAY & GIFTS * GOTHIC * EGYPTIAN * BASIL STREET * HALLOWEEN * NEW * SALE Facet filters DESIGN TOSCANO BRING WARMTH AND ELEGANCE INTO YOUR HOME WITH OUR EXCLUSIVE SEATING ADD A UNIQUE SPLASH OF TOSCANO CREATIVITY TO YOUR DÉCOR CREATE A GARDEN FOCAL POINT WITH OUR EXCLUSIVE STATUARY FOR HOME AND GARDEN ADD INSTANT INTEREST TO YOUR HOME WITH OUR WALL DÉCOR SIGN ME UP FOR DT EXCLUSIVE OFFERS EXPLORE THE BEASTS OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS WITH OUR ANIMAL STATUE COLLECTION DRAW EYES TO YOUR CHERISHED COLLECTIBLES WITH OUR CURIO CABINETS BRING WARMTH AND ELEGANCE INTO YOUR HOME WITH OUR EXCLUSIVE FURNITURE COLLECTION ADD A TOUCH OF TOSCANO CHARM AND PANACHE TO YOUR HOME AND GARDEN ANGEL & CHERUB STATUES ANGEL & CHERUB STATUES With our angel garden statues and cherub statues at Toscano, it’s easy to create a tranquil garden setting. Place the outdoor cherub angel statues among your flowers, while our praying angel statue lends a sense of peace. Pick a life size garden angel statue for maximum impact, or creatively place small angel statues in the backyard for meditation. Shop Angel & Cherub Statues GARGOYLE & DRAGON STATUES Slay the giant dragon! Our dragon garden statues threaten unwelcome guests with their fire-breathing power while ancient stone Gargoyles protect your house as driveway statues. Like those found guarding castles of Europe, our fierce outdoor Dragon statues and garden Gargoyles are uniquely designed dragon lawn ornaments to bring the old-world to your outdoor spaces. Shop Gargoyle & Dragon Statues GARGOYLE & DRAGON STATUES PREHISTORIC DINOSAUR STATUES PREHISTORIC DINOSAUR STATUES Design Toscano's gargantuan collection of prehistoric dinosaur statues will have your guests enjoying a bit of frightful fun when they spot our famous raptor dinosaur or life-size dinosaur Triceratops in your Jurassic themed dinosaur garden. And don't forget the king of dinosaur sculptures: our mighty T-Rex statue prowls with deadly impact! Shop Prehistoric Dinosaur Statues GARDEN GNOME STATUES When you could use a little garden gnome statue magic, let our delightful, personality-packed lawn gnomes welcome your guests! Toscano’s back yard gnomes strike poses that stand heads above your standard, everyday garden gnome décor, whether you choose cute gnome figurines who are delightfully demure or naked gnomes who are downright naughty. Shop Garden Gnome Statues GARDEN GNOME STATUES SHOP ALL THE AMAZING DESIGN TOSCANO STATUE CATEGORIES Previous Unique Lamps & Light Fixtures Decorative Walking Sticks Christmas Décor & Ornaments Children Garden Statues Memorial Garden Statues Halloween Home Décor & Decorations Big Boy Statues Wall Sculptures Dragon Statues and Fountains Animal Statues Angel & Cherub Statues Garden Gnomes Prehistoric Dinosaur Statues Painting Replicas & Framed Art Religious Statues for the Garden SALE Medieval Gargoyles Fairy Garden Statues Bronze Statues for the Garden Tropical & Tiki Garden Statues Garden Fountains Gutter Downspout Statues Stained Glass Windows Christmas Ornaments Asian & Zen Garden Statues Urns, Plinths, Planters, Columns Greek & Roman Statues Mystic Creatures Greenman Sculptures Egyptian Unique Lamps & Light Fixtures Decorative Walking Sticks Christmas Décor & Ornaments Children Garden Statues Memorial Garden Statues Halloween Home Décor & Decorations Big Boy Statues Wall Sculptures Dragon Statues and Fountains Animal Statues Angel & Cherub Statues Garden Gnomes Prehistoric Dinosaur Statues Painting Replicas & Framed Art Religious Statues for the Garden SALE Next POPULAR SEARCHES ANGEL & CHERUB STATUES DRAGON STATUES GARDEN GNOME STATUES PREHISTORIC DINOSAUR STATUES Top of Page OUR COMPANY About Toscano Contact Us Trade Program Affiliate Partners Privacy Policy Gift Certificate Meet Our President Career EMAIL DT CUSTOMER SERVICE Order Tracking Customer Satisfaction Ordering/Payments Return and Exchange My Account Promo Details Shipping Information Terms of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility ©2022 Design Toscano 1-800-525-5141 DESIGN TOSCANO RESOURCES Shop by Artist Free Catalog Email Signup Blog Accessibility Terms of Use CONNECT WITH US AT: SIGN UP FOR EXCLUSIVE EMAIL OFFERS SUBMIT Terms of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility ©2022 Design Toscano Top of Page Close SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL LIST We pride ourselves on attention to detail by traveling directly to the source for all of our historical replicas. 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