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9 March 2021 Mik Aidt Leave a comment

On 4 March 2021, the Victorian Parliament voted in favour of enshrining the
State’s moratorium on fracking into the Act that supports the State’s

The Constitution Amendment Bill 2020, which passed the Victorian Upper House on
4 March 2021, fulfils the Andrew government’s 2018 election commitment to
“enshrine our legislated ban on fracking in the Constitution of Victoria”.

From 2013 to 2016, we campaigned together with Friends of the Earth and Lock the
Gate for a state-wide ban on fracking and unconventional gas drilling. We are
delighted finally to see the ban enshrined in the State’s constitution. The
outcome is an acknowledgment of a very powerful community campaign against gas –
a campaign driven by more than 70 regional communities.

It is a reminder that strategic and determined community campaigning gets


→ Friends of the Earth – 4 March 2021:
Community Win: Victoria’s Fracking Ban Enshrined in Constitution



24 February 2017 Mik Aidt Leave a comment

Second reading, Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Ms COUZENS (Geelong) — It is a great pleasure to rise to speak on the very
important Resources Legislation Amendment (Fracking Ban) Bill 2016. I am really
proud that I am debating this bill today. I am a bit confused about what the
opposition is doing. We keep hearing different approaches to the bill, but we
will see.

I want to start by thanking the Minister for Industry and Employment for his
tireless work and consultation with the community, along with the Premier of
Victoria. I also want to thank and congratulate the local communities who
actively campaigned for this ban. As the Premier highlighted, this is a victory
for our local communities. In particular I want to put on public record the
hardworking commitment of people like Alison Marchant, who is in the gallery
today, and all the dedicated people in the Geelong community who have worked
hard on this issue for a very long time.

It is people like Alison who help leave positive legacies for our future
generations, which is really, really important. Over the last, probably, three
or four years I have had the opportunity to speak to many people about their
concerns about fracking. It has been really interesting, particularly talking to
young people, because young people are much more up to speed with what is going
on in our community than we think they might be. Certainly when I was a kid I
would never have thought of these issues. They are much more articulate and they
have a much better understanding of the issues that are impacting our
environment in particular. It has been really heartening, and it has filled me
with confidence to talk to the up and coming young people in our community.

I also wanted to share with the chamber a couple of stories that I heard from
young men who left Geelong to look for work some years ago and went into the
mining industry. They worked in fracking operations in New South Wales and
Queensland. I caught up with them not long ago. They actually left that industry
because they knew the damage that they were causing for the companies they
worked for. They had concerns for their own families and for the future of our
community. I thought it was really interesting that they actually left those
jobs and came back to Geelong purely out of concern for what fracking was doing
to the environment. They had firsthand experience. They had to deal with
protesters, particularly in Queensland, which they found very difficult because
they knew what they were doing was not right. I wanted to share that story
because I think it is important that we do not underestimate what our younger
generations are thinking and the concerns that they have about our environment.

There is no doubt that this was a serious issue for people in Geelong and the
Geelong region. During the election campaign I was approached many times by many
groups and individuals asking what we were going to do about this particular
issue, so I am really proud of our local community and the work they have put
in. I know it has been hard for them, but they have stuck at it. Our farming
communities were concerned, but there was also concern from the community about
the great risk to our reputation as a clean, green region. Our farming
communities, agriculture, tourism, magnificent beaches, national parks and food
and wine trails were all put at risk. Our diverse communities were all getting
together and talking about this issue. They came together out of genuine
concern. They were concerned about the impact of fracking on farms; the
environment, including through water contamination; local industry; and the
health and wellbeing of our community.

The people that came together to work on this particular issue formed Frack Free
Geelong, Gasfield Free Torquay, Frack Free Grovedale, Frack Free Moriac, frack
free Freshwater Creek, No Fracking Birregurra, Gasfield Free Deans Marsh and
lots of other local environment groups. They are a diverse group of people from
many different backgrounds, industries and political views, but they all had one
thing in common — that is, the fight for a ban on fracking. The three local
government areas in the Geelong region — the City of Greater Geelong, Surf Coast
shire and Colac Otway shire — all passed motions in favour of a ban and
contributed to the parliamentary inquiries into onshore unconventional gas
activity in Victoria.

Sixteen hundred community members, groups, experts and representatives from the
resources sector made submissions to the inquiry. When the Honourable David
Davis, a member for Southern Metropolitan Region in the Legislative Council,
wrecked that process, resulting in four minority reports, the Andrews government
went out and spoke to farmers, industry and community groups across our region.
I note the comments earlier about the Minister for Resources in particular not
getting manure on his boots and all those sorts of ridiculous comments. That
sort of statement is just ridiculous. The minister, the Premier and lots of
members of Parliament were out there talking to the community about what
affected them and what their concerns were, and they were actually listening to
the community. And we heard the message. I heard the message, and it was very
clear: they did not want to support fracking, they did not support the long term
damaging effects of fracking, they did not support the risks to people’s health
and wellbeing, they did not support the destruction of our environment and water
supply, and they did not support the damage to tourism in our region.

Tourism was another big issue for many people and so many small businesses that
rely on tourism had grave concerns about what fracking would do to their
industry and their reputation in the community.

I note that the member for South Barwon in his contribution today mentioned that
he sent a letter to the Premier. It is good to hear that he is supporting this
bill. A number of local groups and individuals have complained recently that he
did not return their calls or respond to their requests for him to outline what
his position was on the ban and how he would respond to this bill, but I am
pleased to hear today that he is actually supporting the bill. These groups are
certainly not happy with the member for Polwarth, the member for South West
Coast or a member for Western Victoria Region in the Legislative Council, Simon
Ramsay, who have never responded to their requests to have a discussion about
fracking. Fracking would impact on all of these seats, but these members did not
listen. They were not interested in listening.

The federal member for Corangamite has also been silent. She has provided no
support, nor has she listened to her local community on this issue.

Ms Thomas — We know where she stands now.

Ms COUZENS — Yes, we do. This is not surprising given the commentary that is
coming out of the federal Liberal government. In fact the federal Minister for
the Environment and Energy has been highly critical of the ban, calling it
disappointing. The federal Minister for Resources and Northern Australia, a
Nationals member, echoed those comments. Then of course there were the Prime
Minister’s comments yesterday, and I quote:

There they are, with this ideological, left approach that the Labor Party adopt,
sitting on all of this gas and they are not prepared to touch it.
This is about them hiding the truth and their game of trickery. They do not want
anyone to notice that the leap in gas prices is because of their longstanding
federal policy. Those opposite cannot be trusted to continue a ban on fracking.
Their masters in Canberra will have them change their tune down the track. This
is a very real risk given that the community have strongly advocated for this
ban. The state and federal Liberals have not listened to them at all.

I am really pleased to be speaking on this bill today. I am so proud of our
local communities right across the Geelong region who have put in probably more
than four years of hard yards and lobbying to see this bill come to fruition. I
congratulate them. I congratulate the ministers involved and the Premier for the
hard work they have done. I commend the bill to the house.


Christine Couzens is Labor MP for Geelong

Campaign news


10 February 2017 Mik Aidt Leave a comment

Media release 8 February 2017:


Today the Lower House of the Victorian parliament is debating the Resources
Legislation Amendment (Fracking Ban) Bill 2016, which will permanently ban
fracking in the state.

This debate is unusual, because the ALP, Greens, Coalition and minor parties
have all announced their support for the ban. “This highlights the massive
community opposition to onshore gas drilling in Victoria” said Friends of the
Earth co-ordinator Cam Walker.

“This ban has been delivered because of an inspiring and determined community
campaign. Over a period of five years, 75 regional communities declared
themselves gasfield free. Regional communities refused to accept this
destructive industry. Sustained opposition forced the main political parties to
shift their position, and led to a state inquiry, which in turn delivered the
ban commitment.”

“The Greens supported the ban from day one of this campaign. The ALP held the
state inquiry and introduced the legislation. We must acknowledge the leadership
of Minister Lily D’Ambrosio on this issue while the ALP was in opposition, the
hard work of the Minister for Resources Wade Noonan, and the willingness of the
Premier, Daniel Andrews, to listen to the community. A range of MPs from The
Greens, ALP, Coalition and Shooters Party put in a huge effort during the state
inquiry. And of course this outcome has only happened because of determined,
sustained and strategic campaigning by many thousands of people and the 75
gasfield free communities who were the backbone of the opposition to fracking”
said Mr Walker.

“This is a wonderful victory for the community, for farmers and the climate. In
a time where there is ever greater cynicism about party politics, this shows
what is possible when ordinary people get organised and work together for the
greater good.”

“It’s an incredible day for so many communities like ours across the state, we
have all worked so hard together to get to this point and it feels amazing” said
Gayle Margaret, Mirboo North resident.

“Today’s history making legislation to ban unconventional gas and fracking
secures my grandchildrens clean, green future in this state and l couldn’t be
happier,” said Trevor Jennings, Geelong resident.

“We hope this permanent ban – the first one in Australia – will provide
inspiration to other Australian states and territories who are fighting the same
battle” said Mr Walker.

Cam Walker, Campaigns co-ordinator, Friends of the Earth


30 August 2016:
In a national first, the Andrews Labor Government today announced a permanent
ban on the exploration and development of all onshore unconventional gas in
Victoria, including hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’) and coal seam gas.

The permanent legislative ban, to be introduced to Parliament later this year,
will protect the ‘clean, green’ reputation of Victoria’s agriculture sector,
which employs more than 190,000 people. This will provide much-needed certainty
to regional communities.

Minister for Resources Wade Noonan confirmed it was visiting communities and
seeing the huge impact fracking was having and the potential destruction of
agriculture that confirmed for them only a total ban was appropriate. He also
said a moratorium on conventional gas would allow proper scientific studies on
the potential risks, in particular water pollution risks.

The announcement went global and actors like Mark Ruffalo and Susan Sarandon
tweeted about the ban.

We got ourselves organised
This didn’t just happen. This is the result of a tireless effort of hundreds of
anti-fracking activists working with determination and as a team. Cam Walker
from Friends of the Earth Melbourne wrote: “This outcome happened because
ordinary people across the state got themselves organised – and stayed
organised. The 75 gasfield free communities were the cornerstone of this

So first of all a big thank you to everyone in Geelong and in Victoria who
supported the anti-fracking campaign!

It is a great example of how we, the people, the ordinary citizens, can make
change and create a better, safer and cleaner world – even at times when we are
up against powerful industries that really couldn’t care less about anything
else than their own profits.

Thinking the unthinkable
This decision announced today gives hope for many more good things to come. It
still won’t happen without us stepping in, though.

If four years ago we hadn’t ‘thought the unthinkable’, things would never have
come to this. We would not have seen this fantastic outcome if a group of
determined residents had not got themselves organised – and stayed organised.

So it is time for Geelong region to get into thinking some more ‘unthinkable’
thoughts now, like for instance:

• Unthinkable thought #2: Geelong region powered by 100% renewable energy.

• Unthinkable thought #3: All local councils signed onto AND actively following
One Planet Living principles.

• Unthinkable thought #4: Hundred of thousands of people signing the
#climateemergencydeclaration petition on
– … Feel free to add!


Ten days after Daniel Andrews had announced Victoria’s policy — a first for any
Australian state government — he travelled to Moriac, in the South Barwon
electorate, to commend those who lobbied for the ban.

» More photos on Facebook


Please make an effort to thank Premier Daniel Andrews and Resources Minister
Wade Noonan for making this forward thinking and environment protecting decision
enacting the ban. For instance, you could retweet Friends of the Earth’s tweet:

or post your own, e.g.:

Thank you @DanielAndrewsMP & @wadenoonan for listening to the community!
#VicGasBan announced! Please get onto the Premier’s Facebook page and share his
post about the ban and thank him.

Show your support for the ban by writing to the newspapers, commenting on
articles – e.g. this one in The Weekly Times – and this one in Geelong
Advertiser – and calling in to talk back.


» The Premier’s statement on

» Friends of the Earth Melbourne’s reponse: Communities applaud Premier Andrews
decision to ban unconventional gas mining and fracking


Resource minister Wade Noonan and Alison Marchant


Audio Player


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11 minute live phone interview with Alison Marchant, Frack Free Moriac, about
the new permanent fracking ban in Victoria

> “What a day! Victoria is now frack free! It has been a long 3 & a bit years.
> At the start when we learnt about fracking, we discussed moving. But decided
> to stay and fight. Sometimes it felt like the world was against us. Sleepless
> nights and a few tears. But my faith has been restored today. Community banded
> together and our ripple turned into a wave. Then it was up to convincing the
> right decision makers. Some more receptive than others. Some listened and some
> pretended to listen. These MP’s made a stand. They didn’t sit on the barb wire
> fence.
> @DanielAndrewsMP Shaun Leane Lily D’Ambrosio @JaalaPulford @harrietshing
> @wadenoonan
> In addition I haven’t done this alone, family and friends (new and old) have
> supported me all the way. Damien Marchant speech writer Nomore Coalorgas my
> partner in crime. Cam Walker ninja! Kristin Morris cheerleader and now
> tweeter! Sammi Penning and Ian my go-to rocks! And all gasfield free community
> go-getters. Ursula G Alquier gippsland warrior.
> I may be a bit philosophical tonight, but today was momentous. I can now tell
> the kids, I gave it all, stay and fight for what is right. #vicgasban”
> Alison Marchant

Alison Marchant’s husband, Damien Marchant wrote on his Facebook page:
“Hi all, I guess I’m feeling a little reflective at the moment.
As you all know Ali and I have been involved in the anti fracking campaign for
about 4 years and abit over a week ago we won.
From that the greatest thing that I have taken out this is the importance of
Community gives us all a sense of belonging and inclusion. It gives power to our
voice, strength to our arguments and most importantly it provides support to
each other and assistance to those who need it. I feel honoured and proud to be
part of our strong community.
I am also extremely humbled to be married to such a remarkable woman and
community builder, Alison Marchant. To tell you I love you never seems to even
scratch the surface of my emotions for you, thankyou for being you. Whoever
knows you cannot help but love you.”

> This is why #VicGasBan was SO important @LilyDAmbrosioMP @wadenoonan
> @DanielAndrewsMP GOT IT RIGHT #springst
> — Alison Marchant (@alinojnat) September 1, 2016


> “This is a testament to the power of determined, creative, respectful
> community-driven activism. Years of it. Stand down tireless warriors Chloe,
> Ursula G Alquier, Cam Walker, Nicola Paris, Quit Coal crew and the countless
> numbers of people in threatened communities who stood up to insidious industry
> pressure. What a fully shining example you’ve set for a powerfully growing
> global movement.”
> Deborah Hart


Speeches in the Victorian Parliament can be found from page 41 of Hansard and
then again from page 69.

Good to have a read through and to send messages of thanks to those who spoke in
its favour!

The Premier’s address on 8 February 2017:

“I am delighted to rise to speak on this important piece of legislation today. I
could not be prouder than to lead a government that is putting before this house
and indeed the other place — this Parliament — a law to protect our clean, green
image, a law to protect our primary producers, our farmers, our exporters, a law
to protect our good name and good standing in international markets right across
the world, a law to protect jobs, investment and confidence.

But today is not a day for the politicians to be taking credit, although I am
sure some opposite will tell you that they were the architects of this bill,
that all good things can be traced back to those opposite if only you spend long
enough doing that tracing. This is not a day for politicians to be taking
credit. This victory — and that is what it is — is a victory for common sense.
It is a victory for jobs right throughout Victoria. It is a victory for farmers,
for environmentalists, for activists, for ordinary Victorians. It is their
victory because they said, ‘We will not stand for being ignored any longer. We
want what we value protected. We want what every Victorian should value
protected, and we want our voice heard’, and that is exactly what we delivered.

Whether it be farmers and environmentalists from the Otways, from Gippsland,
from every part of our state, and not just from regional Victoria— as beautiful
and important as regional Victoria is to the soul of our state, the production
and economy of our state, our story and our meaning and purpose for the future—
many people in metropolitan Melbourne have been just as passionate about these

What they have said to me and what my government has said is that there is no
splitting the environment and the economy when it comes to these issues. There
is no splitting those two things because they are the same thing, and if you are
prepared to compromise safety, certainty, our image, the health of our
communities, the health of our natural environment, then you will pay a very
significant economic price. It is not one that I am prepared to pay. It is not
one that regional communities are prepared to pay. It is not one that this
government is prepared to pay.

Others have a different view, and when they take a break from trying to claim
credit for things they had nothing to do with, they turn around and start
bagging those very same things they pretend to have actually delivered. That is
not leadership; that is fraud. That is what that is. It is fraud, but the
problem for those who operate in that way is that it is all too obvious. Chief
among that list are people who would say they are great listeners, they are
great people who support primary production, who support the environment, people
who used to get around with a leather jacket on, used to get around with a
conscience, used to get around with a ‘Don’t you know, you’d better watch out
for me, because I’m right in the middle and I’m going to deal with all the
truisms of politics. I can bring appeal from everywhere’. That thesis is not
going so well at the moment.

Chief among those who just do not get it on this issue are the Prime Minister
and his energy minister, Mr Frydenberg, because they are out there today saying
that this legislation to ban unconventional gas extraction for all of our state
now and forever is somehow wrong and that we should be ashamed of ourselves,
that it is the wrong thing to do.

I will say to all members assembled here and for Hansard for all time that if
anyone in the coalition, state or federal, is in any doubt about the community’s
views on this issue, I am happy to take them to one farm after another, to one
community after another, to one family after another, and hopefully they will
hear the message that I have heard — that is, that this precious environment,
our precious economy, all that we should cherish and hold dear are not worth
gambling with. They are not worth risking, and they are certainly not worth
trashing by putting up dangerous wells wherever you can see.

We are having none of that. We are having none of that in our state, and some
can sit smugly thinking that they can walk both sides of the street on this
No, you cannot. There might be some who will have three positions. They will say
it was their work, when of course it was not. They will bag it simultaneously,
and then they will cleverly just wave it through the Parliament thinking that
will allow their rampant hypocrisy to go unnoticed.

Well, no, I am afraid we are onto you, and so is the community. The fact of the
matter in the history of this state, once this bill passes this place and the
other, is that it is a Labor government that has delivered this outcome, a Labor
government that has listened to communities and a Labor government that proudly
says, ‘Do not take your time to thank us’. No, thank the communities who have
fought for this outcome. Thank the communities who said, ‘We will be ignored no
longer. A moratorium? Not good enough. We want certainty. We deserve it, and we
want a government that will deliver that’.

They are the people that should be congratulated. They are the people who should
be so very proud as they listen to this debate today and in the days to come.

I want to thank my honourable friends the Minister for Industry and Employment
and Minister for Resources, and the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate
Change — the first time we have ever seen those portfolios combined, and what a
great job she is doing in relation to those matters— and every member of our
team that has made sure they played their part as champions for their local
community and in making sure that I understood.

Little did they know that I was getting plenty of representations from lots of
good people without the representations they were making, but everyone did their
job to make sure that we understood that this was a change that had to be made.

Too much was at stake to allow this to go on, and I just say thank you to
everybody in the government for the work that they have done and to the
department. The consultations have been unprecedented.

Again, he is not here to defend himself, but I will make the point that we did
not go and get a certain former federal minister, not well known for
consultation, to go out and run a sham consultation. We did it properly. We did
not get Balaclava Pete to come out and do the sort of consultation that only he
could do. We did not do that”
Daniel Andrews

Mr M.O’Brien interjected.

Mr ANDREWS — “Well, are you for this or against it? That is a question for you.”

Honourable members interjecting.

The SPEAKER — “Order! Government members will come to order.”

Mr ANDREWS — “Are you for it or against it? That is the question for you, my
friend. You can keep interjecting all you want, but my microphone is on and
yours is not, so keep it up.”

“The question for you is: are you for this or against it, or are you sitting
there pretty well on your own as you are?”

Mr M.O’Brien interjected.

Mr ANDREWS — “There will be a vote, will there? There will be a vote apparently.
I sincerely hope so.”

Honourable members interjecting.

The SPEAKER — “Order! Government members will come to order, and the Premier
will continue through the Chair.”

Mr ANDREWS — “If there is a vote, we will be able to see who is actually for and
against protecting our environment, who is for and against protecting our
economy and who is for and against listening to our communities and acting in
their interest and who, quite frankly, is all over the shop and a disgrace. We
will be able to see that. There are no members of the National Party here.”

Mr McGuire interjected.

The SPEAKER — “Order! The member for Broadmeadows will resume his seat.”

Mr ANDREWS — “Interesting. Others can judge those who are serious about these
matters and those who are frankly frauds when it comes these matters. I will
leave it to the good judgement particularly of regional Victorians. They can
pick someone who might qualify as a fraud a long way off. I can tell you that. I
think it is fair to say they see those opposite coming. The final point… ”

Mr M.O’Brien interjected.

The SPEAKER— Order! The member for Malvern will come to order.

Mr ANDREWS — “‘Sunshine’, he is calling me. Mate, there would be no sunshine if
it was up to you. Heaven knows where we would be. I am very proud to have you
interject on me. I am very proud to have the member for Malvern opposed to me,
because I reckon if the member for Malvern is against it, it is probably a good
thing. They do not come any better than this bill, and I urge all members to
support its urgent passage.”

The bill is expected to pass unamended.


Media release from minister Wade Noonan


Media release from Victorian recourse minister Wade Noonan on 31 August 2016:

After years of Coalition inaction, indecision and infighting on onshore gas in
Victoria, the deep split between the Liberals and the Nationals is once again on
show following yesterday’s historic announcement by the Andrews Labor

In a national first, the Labor Government is introducing a permanent ban on the
exploration and development of all onshore unconventional gas in Victoria to
provide much needed certainty for regional communities.
The Liberals were quick off the mark to criticise the announcement for “shutting
the door on future exploration of conventional gas,” despite their previous
policy of a moratorium until 2020.
That’s a clear sign the Liberals are making policy on the run and renouncing
their own policies.
Meanwhile, in a short statement not published online, the Nationals leader Peter
Walsh was busy trying to claim credit: “Daniel Andrews has followed The
Nationals’ lead in announcing a permanent ban on unconventional gas, including
fracking and CSG activity, in Victoria.”
In fact, the Nationals had signed up to the 2020 moratorium, not a ban on
These conflicting statements speak volumes about the deep divide between the
Nationals and the Liberals on one of the biggest issues affecting regional
Will the Nationals stand up for country Victoria, or will they support the
Liberals calls for more uncertainty, indecision and inaction?
It is clear that the Victorian community has spoken – they simply don’t support
The Labor Government is calling on the Nationals to stand up for country
Victoria and declare their support for legislation that will be introduced into
Parliament later this year.”


Read also

» Geelong Advertiser – 9 September 2016:
Premier Daniel Andrews hails Victoria’s fracking ban a win for people power

» Weekly Times – 9 September 2016:
Delayed celebration for Victorian gas ban as Daniel Andrews meets anti-gas

» Counteract – 30 August 2016:
6 things that won the #VicGasBan

» Weekly Times – 30 August 2016:
Victoria bans unconventional gas mining forever


Pleased to say that this is probably the last post you will see from Frack Free

Campaign news


20 July 2016 Mik Aidt Leave a comment

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Please mark this event in your diaries, as we need to be kept vigilant as to
what is happening in the lead-up to the Andrews Government’s announcement on
Onshore Gas in Victoria.



22 January 2016 Web Editor Leave a comment

→ Send a submission!

Senator Glen Lazarus has successfully campaigned for an establishment of a
Senate Select Committee to inquire into the impact of Unconventional Gas mining
in Australia, after his shock in visiting communities affected by gasfield
developments in southern Queensland.

He is taking submissions just like the Victorian inquiry did and will hold
hearing across the country, including Victoria.

It is also being referred to as the “Bender Inquiry’ out of respects for George
Bender, a Queensland farmer who lost his fight against CSG companies.

Please take the time to make a submission.

The fact that the Victoria inquiry received over 1,700 submissions clearly
demonstrated that communities are concerned and stand firm that there is no
social licence for industry to operate.

You can submit a copy of your Victorian one or write a new submission, but
either way your voice counts!

» Send your submission by 14 March 2016 to

Please state if you wish for your name to be withheld, when sending, otherwise
your name will be published.

» More information at

Thank you all for your continued support!



20 December 2015 Web Editor Leave a comment

On 8 December 2015 the Inquiry Committee into Onshore Unconventional Gas tabled
its Final Report in the Victorian parliament. This long awaited report will be
used by the Labor Government to make a decision about the future of onshore and
unconventional gas mining in Victoria.



Friends of the Earth Melbourne wrote:

“The report at no time recommends a lifting of the current moratorium and
several additional minority reports recommend the Labor Government support a

Over 70 gasfield free communities across Victoria are calling on the Andrews
Government to focus on the recommendation made by Labor MPs Shaun Leane and
Harriet Shing, Greens MP Samantha Dunn and Fishers & Shooters MP Daniel Young,
who are calling for a permanent ban.

In minority reports, they clearly stated that this industry, if allowed to go
ahead threatened the agriculture industry, without any guarantees that water,
the environment and communities will be protected.”

» Read more

» Download the Committee’s Final Report.



Here’s Quit Coal‘s summary of the final report.


The ALP chose an Upper House committee to run the inquiry, meaning that there
were MPs from the ALP, Coalition, Greens and Shooters Party. The subsequent
inquiry received more submissions than any environment inquiry in Victoria’s
history (more than 1800), and at the public hearings, the committee heard
compelling evidence about the dangers posed by this industry.

But the cross-party MPs remain divided on the issue of what to do about the
moratorium on unconventional gas. Instead, the committee channeled their inner
Tom Cruise and the final report included four minority reports from all but one
of the voting MPs.

The Coalition MPs called for a five-year ban. Sadly, their report is party
political, focusing more on attacking the government than listening to the
community. Basically they recommend extending the moratorium for another 5 years
to examine the regulatory systems that exist interstate/overseas to know how to
go ahead in Victoria. They seem quite opposed to a permanent ban.

State Labor Government MPs Shaun Leane and Harriet Shing called for a permanent
ban on unconventional gas, as did Greens MP Samantha Dunn. Samantha said that,
based on the evidence received during the inquiry, UCG posed ‘an unacceptable
threat to Victoria’s farmland and communities which cannot be mitigated through
regulation.’ The Shooters and Fishers MP, Daniel Young, also supported a
permanent ban.

The majority ALP report was actually great: “The Inquiry was presented with
overwhelming evidence that Victoria’s regional communities, particularly those
in the Otway and Gippsland Basins, have refused to grant any substantive form of
“social licence” that might enable onshore unconventional gas exploration or
extraction to take place. It is clear that community opposition to any (further)
onshore unconventional industry growth or development in Victoria has grown
exponentially over time.

“In fact, the evidence indicated that the actual and/or perceived risks of an
unconventional gas exploration or extraction are, for an overwhelming majority
of communities in regional Victoria, too great to enable exploration or
extraction of onshore unconventional gas in the terms proposed by industry”.

They suggest that the funding and resourcing needed to properly manage an UCG
industry would be better spent on developing renewable energy.

A fourth report, provided by Government MP Adem Somyurek, called for a
three-year moratorium on fracking, but suggested conventional drilling be
permitted for onshore gas resources. He wants the government to support drilling
for conventional gas immediately. He suggests it is important to “allow
conventional non-fracking gas exploration” along with a reservation policy. He
wants conventional gas to be taken out of the moratorium. He even quotes the
very discredited Peter Reith! Bear in mind that Mr Somyurek only bothered to
show up at one of the public hearings!

Our analysis:

Overall, it is very optimistic that unconventional gas will not be allowed to go
ahead immediately in Victoria. However, what’s not clear is whether the
Victorian state Labor Government will commit to a total ban or just push through
a five year extension of the moratorium.

It will be tempting for the Government to put the decision off to be someone
else’s problem in five years. But that would make this the community’s problem:
a huge burden on every farmer trying to plan their future; a source of continual
stress and uncertainty for regional communities; a fight we must continue over
half a decade.

So, we must make it clear to the Government: Only a ban will do.

With the Parliamentary Committee reported, the decision is now with Premier
Daniel Andrews. For the next two to four months, we must make sure he hears our
voices at every opportunity. We can start today.


Below is a copy of an email Alan Manson from Frack Free Grovedale sent to
Premier Daniel Andrews:


Hon. Daniel Andrews MP
Premier of Victoria

Dear Premier Andrews,

On behalf of our members, I would like to thank you for arranging the
Parliamentary Inquiry Into Onshore Unconventional Gas in Victoria that provided
many Victorians and the UG industry a forum in which to present the facts about
Unconventional Gas (UG) through the report recently tabled in the Victorian

We also want to thank you for your tweeted comments sent to Alison Marchant
recently, saying:

> “We support a moratorium until the science is clear and community support
> exists…”

Our members have noted in the report, the following statements that relate to
your comments:

Minority Report – Harriet Shing MLC (Deputy Chair) and Shaun Leane MLC

“Social Licence: The Inquiry was presented with overwhelming evidence that
Victoria’s regional communities, particularly those in the Otway and Gippsland
Basins, have refused to grant any substantive form of “social licence” that
might enable onshore unconventional gas exploration or extraction to take place.
It is clear that community opposition to any (further) onshore unconventional
industry growth or development in Victoria has grown exponentially over time.”

“Alternative Energy Resources: On this basis [of massively funding the structure
needed to regulate any future UG mining industry], it is our view that funding
and resources that might otherwise be unconventional gas would simply delay the
making of a further decision about allocated to undertaking this further work
are more appropriately directed to the potential for an onshore unconventional
gas industry, and enable these investment in the certain, predictable and
long-term benefits of renewable energy initiatives, a number of which are
already the subject of investments by the Andrews Government.”

As the Liberal / National coalition remain wishy-washy about having an
Unconventional Gas industry in Victoria or not; our members would like you to
know that we fully endorse all of Harriet Shing and Shaun Leane’s Minority
Report comments; and we sincerely hope that you will place a permanent ban on
the UG industry in Victoria and then support the development of a renewable
energy industry.

As there are many long-established agricultural and tourism industries that
would be decimated if a UG industry was permitted into Victoria, your party’s
support for a renewable energy industry would be consistent with the
recommendations in the report and with the policies of your government.

Our members are looking forward to learning about your government’s decision
regarding these matters in the New Year.

Many thanks again Premier Andrews, and kind regards,

Alan Manson
Frack Free Grovedale


> 1Year Ban via @ecowatch @DanielAndrewsMP
> @LilyDAmbrosioMP your decision,watched by the world
> — Alison Marchant (@alinojnat) December 18, 2015


> "@theweeklytimes: Should Vic Gov allow onshore gas mining? your say:
>" Vic – @LockTheGate
> — Alison Marchant (@alinojnat) December 16, 2015


> Letter in @geelongaddy spot on! It's about communities. So who is standing
> with gasfield free communities?
> — Alison Marchant (@alinojnat) December 14, 2015


Chloe Aldenhoven and Alison Marchan from Western Vic community campaigners

“It’s been a very busy year, with many of you contributing written submissions
to the inquiry, attending hearings or rally’s and community events. It should be
noted that your voices have been heard loud and clear.

The final report of the Unconventional gas inquiry will now be used by the Labor
Government to make their final decision on Unconventional gas.

In a quick summary, the final report saw several minority reports written and
the committee split. Four committee members (Labor MP Shaun Leane, Labor MP
Harriet Shing, Greens MP Samantha Dunn and Shooters & Fisher Party MP Daniel
Young) called for a ban on Unconventional gas. The other committee members
(Liberal MP David Davis, Liberal MP Richard Dall-Riva and Nationals Melina Bath)
called for an extension of the current 5 Year moratorium for all onshore gas.
The committee also made 15 recommendations IF the industry was allowed to go

The report although heavily debated in parliament documented all the concerns
that communities have had over the past year.Early next year the Labor
government will need to make a decision, probably on a whole gas policy for
Victoria, encompassing unconventional gas. The government will also need to
decide whether to lift the current ban on conventional gas drilling. It is quite
likely we will need to deal with this issue, so it would be worthwhile
discussing your groups position about onshore conventional gas drilling.

There are a couple of important things you can do now to send make sure our
message is heard, that only a total ban on unconventional & onshore gas mining
will do.

1. Thank Harriet Shing, Shaun Leane (ALP) and Samantha Dunn (Greens) and Daniel
Young (Shooters and Fishers) for their leadership on the issue. Tell them you
support a ban and that the community appreciates their leadership.

2. Tell the Premier you support a permanent ban on ALL onshore gas drilling

We have made it very clear to the inquiry that communities will never give
social licence for this industry as we have have serious concerns with the risks
unconventional gas mining poses to our farmland, water, jobs & health of our
communities. Across Victoria people like you are protecting their towns from
gasfields. This includes conventional gas mining if it threatens our water, air,
agriculture, environment, health and cultural heritage.

So once again, we thank you, for all your ongoing support to keep Victoria
Gasfield Free.

Regarding Lock the Gate’s position on mining operations, their position is this.

Irresponsible Mining:  They are opposed to all coal and gas mining that is
regarded as irresponsible and invasive. So this definitely covers Unconventional

Conventional Gas Mining:  When it comes to Conventional Gas, Lock the Gate take
each project on the case by case basis. For example, one area that is ear marked
for Conventional may include ‘unsafe irresponsible’ practices; so therefore, it
would not be supported.

Unconventional Gas in Victoria:  As for gasfield free groups here in Vic, we are
asking for a total ban on Unconventional Gas. When it comes to Conventional Gas
mining we have some concerns; namely:

 1. There is no evidence of Conventional Gas pockets discovered onshore in
    Victoria; so are companies using this to get their foot in the door?
 2. The issue of land access and of being taken to VCAT for farmers is still the
 3. Regulatory systems are not in place (Auditor Generals report).
 4. If Conventional Gas operations are likely to threaten our water, land,
    agriculture, air and environment, it would not be supported. It is still the
    same things we are trying to protect from Unconventional.

We hope you have an enjoyable festive season and a safe New Year. We are very
much looking forward (along with your help) to making 2016 the year Victoria
officially becomes a gasfield free state.

To stay up to date (over the holidays) with upcoming events and how you can help
us keep Victoria gasfield free, check out our website at:

Kind regards

Chloe Aldenhoven and Alison Marchant

Western Vic community campaigners

Tel 0407 875123 ”

Campaign news


16 August 2015 Web Editor Leave a comment

Victoria can be the first state in Australia to put in place a total ban on all
unconventional gas mining. It is up to us.

Take part in the ‘Farmers & Friends Against Fracking’ rally in Melbourne on
Sunday 20 September 2015.
This will be great opportunity to bring our message to the city that gasfields
will never be welcome in Victoria.

» Going? Let other know – on Facebook

» Print this flyer and hand it out to colleagues and friends:


You are invited to the largest declaration in Australia! We need thousands to
take to the streets in Melbourne, to declare Victoria Gasfield Free.

The idea of the Unconventional Gas industry being forced upon communities has
seen a widespread movement. Over 60 Victorian communities have celebrated,
declaring their towns ‘gasfield free’, so we need you on September 20th. You may
live in a declared area, which you can walk with your community, or you may live
in another beautiful part of Victoria, either way, your attendance makes a

By walking united to Parliament house, we will be sending a clear message that
the Unconventional Gas industry in not welcome in Victoria.

We will start at 12pm at the State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston Street, and
walk to Parliament House at Spring Street. Afterwards you are welcome to
‘picnic’ in the Treasury Gardens.

Please join us, to celebrate where we live, and to keep Victoria Gasfield Free.

“From country to city, we come together to protect our land, our water and our
health from unconventional gas. Help us send a clear message that fracking and
gasfields will never be welcome in Victoria.”



20 July 2015 Web Editor Leave a comment

The Victorian state inquiry into unconventional gas in full swing. Gippsland and
Melbourne hearings took place in July, and a hearing in Western Victoria
– Torquay – took place on 12-13 August 2015.

Below are the transcripts which have been provided by



Hearing in Parliament House

Time Witness Transcript Written submission 12.00 noon Energy Users Association
of Australia Energy Users Association of Australia(PDF 291.27 KB) 12.35 pm
Environment Protection Authority Environment Protection Authority Victoria(PDF
6.14 MB)


Hearing in Parliament House

Time Witness Transcript Written submission 7.00 pm Plastics and Chemicals
Industries Association Corrected Transcript(PDF 49.44 KB) Plastics and Chemicals
Industries Association(PDF 948.95 KB) 7.30 pm CSR Limited  Corrected
Transcript(PDF 38.4 KB) CSR Limited(PDF 139.78 KB)



Hearing in Parliament House

Time Witness Transcript Written submission 12.00 noon Department of Health and
Human Services  Corrected Transcript(PDF 67.91 KB)

Presentation(PDF 82.25 KB)

Answers to QON(PDF 100.1 KB)

Government of Victoria(PDF 4.52 MB)


12.50 pm Doctors for the Environment Australia  Corrected Transcript(PDF 30.61

Handout(PDF 768.09 KB)

 Doctors for Environment Australia(PDF 580.83 KB)


Hearing in Parliament House

Time Witness Transcript Written submission 12.00 noon Department of Environment,
Land, Water and Planning

Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

 Corrected Transcript(PDF 103.64 KB)

Presentation(PDF 724.56 KB)

 Government of Victoria(PDF 4.52 MB)



Surf Coast Shire Council, 1 Merrijig Drive, Torquay

Time Witness Transcript Written submission 12.00 noon Surf Coast Shire Council

Greater Geelong City Council

Colac Otway Shire Council

Corrected Transcript(PDF 59.11 KB)

Surf Coast Shire Presentation.pdf(PDF 2.07 MB)

Answers to QON(PDF 754.54 KB)

City of Greater Geelong(PDF 601.66 KB)

Colac Otway Shire(PDF 292.12 KB)

1.30 pm Barwon Water  Corrected Transcript(PDF 44.64 KB)

Handout(PDF 504 KB)

Barwon Region Water Corporation(PDF 290.2 KB) 2.15 pm Frack Free Moriac
 Corrected Transcript(PDF 40.37 KB) 3.00 pm Mike Forrester  Corrected
Transcript(PDF 41.72 KB) Barwon Paediatricans(PDF 500.07 KB) 3.45 pm G21

Otway Harvest Trail

 Corrected Transcript(PDF 40.84 KB)

G21 Agribusiness Handout(PDF 274.03 KB)

4.15 pm Comments from the Floor Ian Clarke(PDF 12.96 KB)

Wendy Klason(PDF 11.04 KB)

Darren Noyes-Brown(PDF 10.42 KB)

Alan Manson(PDF 8.98 KB)

Suzanne Yandle(PDF 10.43 KB)

Chris Johnson(PDF 9.28 KB)

Kristin Bitmead(PDF 10.62 KB) 




Surf Coast Shire Council, 1 Merrijig Drive, Torquay

Time Witness Transcript Written submission 9.00 am 3228 Residents Association
 Corrected Transcript(PDF 42.4 KB) 9.45 am Friends Of The Earth  Corrected
Transcript(PDF 68.02 KB)


Friends of the Earth(PDF 373.1 KB)

Attachment 1(PDF 113.74 KB)

10.45 am Professor Samantha Hepburn, Deakin University Corrected Transcript(PDF
76.68 KB)  Samantha Hepburn(PDF 855.26 KB) 11.30 am Michael Blackam, Coffey
 Corrected Transcript(PDF 60.25 KB)

Presentation(PDF 1.31 MB)

Michael Blackam(PDF 1.89 MB) 12.45 pm Dr George Carman  Corrected Transcript(PDF
66.14 KB)

Presentation.pdf(PDF 266.41 KB)

Dr. George Carman(PDF 178.79 KB)  1.15 pm Frack Free Geelong
Gasfield Free Torquay Corrected Transcript(PDF 31.01 KB)  Frack Free Geelong(PDF
4.27 MB)  2.00 pm Wurdale Landcare Group Corrected Transcript(PDF 37.38 KB)
Wurdale Landcare Group(PDF 27.96 KB)  2.30 pm Environmental Justice Australia
Corrected Transcript(PDF 49.84 KB)

Handout 1(PDF 502.95 KB)

Handout 2(PDF 359.99 KB)

Environmental Justice Australia(PDF 2.8 MB)



Hearing in Parliament House

Time Witness Transcript Written submission 7.30 pm Environment Victoria
Dr Nick Aberle, Safe Climate Campaign Manager
Anne Martinelli, One Million Homes Energy Efficiency Campaigner  Corrected
Transcript(PDF 58.77 KB) Environment Victoria(PDF 538.08 KB) 8.15 pm Grattan
Tony Wood, Energy Program Director
David Blowers, Energy Fellow  Corrected Transcript(PDF 82.06 KB)  Grattan
Institute(PDF 10.59 MB)


Hearing in Parliament House

Time Witness Transcript Written submission 10.00 am Mr Tim Forcey, Melbourne
Energy Institute, University of Melbourne Transcript(PDF 86.94 KB)

Presentation(PDF 1003.12 KB)

University of Melbourne Energy Institute(PDF 436.3 KB) 10.45 am Professor Peter
Cook Transcript(PDF 71.89 KB) Australian Academy of Technological Sciences &
Engineering(PDF 263.44 KB)

Appendix 1(PDF 9.09 MB)

11.30 am Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Transcript(PDF
66.74 KB)

Presentation(PDF 1.65 MB)

  12.30 pm Victorian Farmers Federation Transcript(PDF 65.63 KB) Victorian
Farmers Federation(PDF 1.55 MB) 1.15 pm Australian Petroleum Production and
Exploration Association (APPEA) Transcript(PDF 91.45 KB) APPEA(PDF 1.88 MB) 2.00
pm Dr Matthew Currell, RMIT University, Hydrogeology and Environmental
Engineering Transcript(PDF 64.47 KB)

Presentation (PDF 2 MB)

Matthew Currell (PDF 197.98 KB) 2.45 pm Minerals Council of Australia
Transcript(PDF 328.4 KB) Minerals Council of Australia(PDF 5.99 MB)




Gippsland Regional Sports Complex (GRSC), 116 Cobains Road, Sale

Time Witness Transcript Written submission 9.00 am Dr Jo McCubbin Corrected
Transcript47.23 KB

Presentation(PDF 9.5 MB)

  9.45 am Dairy Australia Corrected Transcript44.38 KB 10.45 am Lakes Oil
Corrected Transcript101.60 KB

Presentation(PDF 3.21 MB)

Lakes Oil(PDF 1.51 MB) 11.30 am Ignite Energy Resources Corrected
Transcript46.52 KB

Presentation(PDF 891.11 KB)




Gippsland Regional Sports Complex (GRSC), 116 Cobains Road, Sale, Victoria

Time Witness Transcript 12.00 noon Wellington Shire
South Gippsland Shire
Baw Baw Shire
LaTrobe Shire
Bass Coast Shire Corrected Transcript72.64 KB  

Bass Coast Shire Council(PDF 88.32 KB)

1.30 pm Alex Arbuthnot Corrected Transcript48.50 KB Alexander Arbuthnot(PDF
183.78 KB) 2.15 pm Lock the Gate Corrected Transcript52.07 KB Lock the Gate(PDF
1.97 MB) 3.15 pm Ross Scott Corrected Transcript51.62 KB 4.00 pm Committee for
Gippsland Corrected Transcript38.28 KB 4.45 pm Comments from the Floor Corrected
Transcript64.29 KB




The transcripts above are all provided by



The the final report on 1 Dececember 2015. So there is still a few very vital
weeks to keep the pressure on the committee and government.

» Here is a list of things you still can do:

An article published in The Australian on 12 August 2015 under the headline ‘MPs
to cede to gas ban activists’, and with the subtitle: ‘A deluge of “Lock the
Gate”-style anti-exploration submissions to a parliamentary committee ­appear to
have crushed the chances of Victoria establishing its own onshore gas industry
in the short term.’ …would indicate that we are on the right track towards a
total ban.

» Transcripts from the first hearings can be found here:



Thank you so much to all of you that put in submissions to the inquiry
commission. They received a total of 1,600 submissions, most of which can be
read on the website here:

For instance:

» City of Greater Geelong (PDF 601.66 KB)

» Colac Otway Shire (PDF 292.12 KB)

» Frack Free Geelong (PDF 4.27 MB)

» Geelong Sustainability Group (PDF 802.98 KB)

» Doctors for Environment Australia (PDF 580.83 KB)

» Barwon Paediatricans (PDF 500.07 KB)

» Environment Victoria (PDF 538.08 KB)

» Friends of the Earth (PDF 373.1 KB)

» Lock the Gate (PDF 1.97 MB)

» University of Melbourne Energy Institute (PDF 436.3 KB)

» Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering

» Matthew Currell (PDF 197.98 KB)
Dr Matthew Currell, RMIT University, Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering,
spoke at the hearing in Melbourne on 22 July 2015.

» Climate Change Our Future (PDF 517.08 KB)

» Barwon Region Water Corporation (PDF 290.2 KB)
Barwon Water supplies drinking water to a permanent population of 285,000 people
– 20 percent of Victoria’s regional population – across an 8,100 square
kilometre service area. However, their submission is disappointingly weak.

» Surf Coast Air Action Inc (PDF 393.87 KB)

» Andrew Laird (PDF 314.96 KB)

» VFF – Victorian Farmers Federation (PDF 1.55 MB)

» Queenscliffe Community Association (PDF 465.87 KB)

» Lakes Oil (PDF 1.51 MB)

» APPEA (PDF 1.88 MB)

» Minerals Council of Australia (PDF 5.99 MB)


The Parliamentary Inquiry into Unconventional Gas in Victoria is holding a
public hearing on 22 July at Parliament House in Melbourne.  See below for

If you care to attend, your presence would help our numbers impact the hearing.


Media release from


On Wednesday 22 July, a Victorian parliamentary committee is holding a public
hearing in Melbourne in relation to the inquiry into unconventional gas in
Victoria. The Committee is examining the potential economic, social and
environmental impacts of onshore unconventional gas development.

Chair of the Victorian Parliament’s Environment and Planning Committee, Hon
David Davis, said “the inquiry is an opportunity for Victorian communities to
have input into the Committee’s terms of reference”.

“The Committee has received many submissions to date from individuals,
organisations and governments.

“The Committee has previously held two days of hearings and will continue to
seek community input as the inquiry progresses. This hearing in Melbourne will
be an opportunity for the Committee to receive evidence from expert witnesses
and peak bodies.”

WHAT: Public hearing into onshore unconventional gas

WHEN: Wednesday, 22 July 2015 from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm

WHERE: Legislative Council Committee Room, Parliament House, Melbourne

WHO: Environment and Planning Committee will conduct the hearing with the
following schedule:

10:00 am   Melbourne Energy Institute, University of Melbourne

10:45 am   Prof Peter Cook

11:30 am   Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

12:30 pm   Victorian Farmers Federation

1:15 pm   Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA)

2:00 pm   Dr Matthew Currell, RMIT University, Hydrogeology and Environmental

2:45 pm   Minerals Council of Australia

Further details can be found on the Committee’s website:

Enquiries: Keir Delaney, Secretary, Environment and Planning Committee –
03 8682 2816

Issued: 16 July 2015


» Source: Parliament of Victoria

Lakes OilVictoria


27 June 2015 Web Editor Leave a comment

You have until this Friday afternoon 10 July 2015 to get a submission in.

This is the best chance we will ever have to knock this toxic industry off
before it gets a foothold in our state. Please write a brief submission by close
of business Friday. A short letter is all that is required.

Below are some suggestions on how to write a submission to the Victorian
Government’s Unconventional Gas Mining Inquiry

Tips are in red font colour. Terms of Reference are in black

By Cam, Friends of the Earth, and Alison, Frack Free Moriac


Start by introducing yourself (a little bit about who you are/ where you live /
what you do for a living / why you’re concerned about unconventional gas mining)

Make it clear in your opening statement that you do not support any form
of unconventional gas mining (including coal seam gas, tight gas, shale gas
and underground coal gasification)

If you live in a community that has conducted a survey, mention these results
and that you and your community have removed the social licence for this
industry to operate in your area and that you will never support it, no matter
the potential regulations put in place.

When writing a submission it would be best to address all (of the following)
terms of reference, but you can add/ remove the issues that matter to you.

(ADD – That’s right, if the terms of reference do not cover all the issues you
want to talk about, then add them in, this is allowed and will strengthen your

Don’t forget to recommend that Victoria ban all unconventional gas drilling
permanently (and the benefits of a total ban eg. giving certainty to existing
industry (agriculture & tourism), making Victoria a more attractive place
for investments in these industries plus new investments such as renewables.
Which will create more long term jobs in sustainable industries.

The prospectivity of Victoria’s geology for commercial sources of
onshore unconventional gas.

Talk about why we would put at risk water, farmland, community health, food
security, environment and jobs in other sectors such as agriculture & tourism
for little or no financial gain.


The environmental, land productivity and public health risks, risk mitigations
and residual risks of onshore unconventional gas activities.

We can all go to town in this section, make references to peer reviewed studies
if you like or the experiences of those in the US and Queensland and that the
impacts felt in QLD will be even worse here due to our more densely populated

The coexistence of onshore unconventional gas activities with existing land
and water uses

A key issue relating to this industry is the question of its likely impacts on
agricultural production and domestic and export market requirements.

Use figures from local council and government websites to show what our existing
industries (agriculture in particular) are worth to the states economy and the
potential for growth here and why that cannot happen if unconventional gas
mining goes ahead.

If you’re a farmer talk about how the infrastructure required for gas wells (all
weather access roads, cleared well pads, compression stations, evaporation dams)
would make the day to day running of your farm unviable. 

Agricultural production and domestic and export market requirements

If you are a farmer, food producer or work in the agriculture industry please
answer point (a) in as much detail as possible. 

The legal rights of property owners and the impact on property values; and

Any implications for local and regional development, investment and jobs

Point (c) is very important and something that we can all answer as we will all
be impacted. Also the state labor government say they are a ‘jobs’ government so
we need to show them and give them examples of why UCG will not create jobs but
put at
risk jobs in other sectors.

The ability of potential onshore unconventional gas resources contributing to
the State’s overall energy sources

Unconventional gas is a fossil fuel. By definition, unconventional gases are
harder to extract than conventional gas.

an ability to provide a competitive source of energy and non energy inputs
for Victorian industries

An affordable energy source for domestic consumers

Because they need to be fracked to release the gas from the coal seam or rock,
the energy cost of the gas is high compared with conventional LNG. Additionally,
with the government plans to export massive volumes of gas through ports in
QLD, Victorian consumers will be competing with international energy prices in
coming year. So UCG is unlikely to be an affordable energy source for consumers.
A much better option is to look at ways we can reduce our need to use gas (for
instance through ensuring better energy efficiency standards in new homes and a
government funded energy efficiency retrofit program for existing houses etc

Carbon dioxide emissions from these sources;

Use examples of emissions and fugitive emissions from UCG comparing these to
renewable energy sources. Air pollution from gas treatment plants is also
important to mention and it’s human health impacts.

The resource knowledge requirements and policy and regulatory safeguards that
would be necessary to enable exploration and development of onshore
unconventional gas resources

Give examples of why this industry (regardless of regulation) has failed to
be proven safe elsewhere. Put forward that the industry has had a long time
to prove that their practices are safe and yet have been unable to do so.
Talk about why the industry, however much it can reduce it’s risks by
regulation will always pose a rick and any risk is too great.

Further scientific work to inform the effective regulation of an
onshore unconventional gas industry, including the role of industry and
government, particularly in relation to rigorous monitoring and enforcement, and
the effectiveness of impact mitigation responses; and

Performance standards for managing environmental and health risks,
including water quality, air quality, chemical use, waste disposal, land
contamination and geotechnical stability;


Relevant domestic and international reviews and inquiries covering the
management of risks for similar industries including, but not limited to, the
Victorian Auditor-General Office’s report Unconventional Gas: Managing Risks and
(contingent upon this report being presented to Parliament) and other
reports generated by the Victorian community and stakeholder engagement



Submissions can be sent via email: or ESubmission on
the government website:

Written submissions can be sent via post to:
Keir Delaney, Secretary, Environment & Planning Committee Parliament House,
Spring Street, Melbourne VIC 3002

Closing date for submissions: Friday 10 July 2015.



» Click here to download six examples of submissions, for your inspiration.

They were compiled by Frack Free Moriac, who wrote: “You are welcome to use the
attached submissions, you’ll just have to put your name and address at the
bottom, before sending. The submissions can be personal, how you feel about this
industry. It can be technical, quoting research, or just concerns you have. You
may like to edit some of the attached submission, to suit you.”

» Click here for a tip sheet which Friends of the Earth have put together (which
includes how to lodge the submission), a draft submission from Cam Walker (this
is to be used as a guideline, do not copy-paste) from Friends of the Earth, and
an email from Ali from the Frack Free Moriac group – for your inspiration.

» Click here for an easy submissions format by Ellen Sandell.

It is important that the submission is in your own words.

Every submission against the industry will help – and shows the Government how
many VOTES are at stake here. It only needs to be short and from the heart.


» If you would like to see submissions already posted by Victorians, go to



CSG is a hit and ruyn assault on families, communities and agricultural land.
CSG is the asbestos of our time.

Health Impacts

• local children have near universal and sever skin irritations and asthma which
worsens with proximity to the gas fields. Severe and recurrent nosebleeds are

• Severe neurological effects: McCarron found one third of children at Tara had
parasthesia (abnormal sensations and numbness) and some had “abnormal movements”
(central nervous damage).

• Severe effects on the unborn: US studies have shown 100% increase in neural
tube defects and 30% increase in congenital hear defects. Other studies have
shown under we

• Huge increase in particulates which are class one carcinogens

• Wide range of toxic chemicals which show levels 10-100x above safe levels

• Existing health reports have suffered from poor methodology such as being
based on affected people volunteering information only or intermittent testing
which was discontinued, and are also hampered by the confidentiality agreements

Enviromental Impacts

• release of very potent green house gases including methane, that nullify any
GHG saving associated with the transition from coal to gas

• unconventional gas extraction uses masses of water, draining our scarce water

• aquifer contamination with toxic chemicals

• release of naturally occurring BTEX compounds and other contaminates into the
atmosphere and into groundwater

• “produced water” is left in ponds that will inevitably leak or spill or
sprayed on local roads

• multiple earthquakes are associated with fracking and csg globally

• toxic acid rain which strops paint off cars (Ph 4.36 McCarron)

• failure rates of gas wells increase each year

Agricultural Impacts

• contamination of water (flammable water) with toxic chemicals, leading to
poisoning of livestock and contamination of our high quality agricultural
industry products

• increase in groundwater and soil salinity

• depletion of groundwater

• contamination of water (flammable water) with toxic chemicals

Community Impacts

• immediate community impacts include division and mistrust, then falling
property values as the industrial process occurs and health impacts start to
bite, agriculture being impacted, followed by families being bought out under
confidentiality agreements, and communities being closed or relocated.

• unconventional gas extraction has near universal local disapproval, is
strongly resisted, and proceeding is against communities self determination


We need jobs but not ones which poison our children and destroy our future.


Where to look for more information

Lock the Gate, Australia



New York

United Kingdom



Now that you are at it – your support in shape of a comment and your signature
is needed here as well:

Friends of the Earth’s petition: Ban UCG in Victoria



» Read more: Put a submission together and send it off before 10 July

Campaign news


26 June 2015 Web Editor Leave a comment

Alan Manson from Frack Free Grovedale sent the following letter to the Geelong
Mayor and Councillors, asking whether City of Greater Geelong – now that the
chamber unanimously has made a formal decision to reject fracking and call for a
permanent ban on onshore gas extraction in the region – will be following up on
this and submit an offical request for a permanent ban to state council before
the government’s inquiry submission closing date on 10 July 2015.

Alan Manson wrote:

“Dear Mayor and Councillors,

On Tuesday this week, I sent an email to each of you enquiring whether Council
planned to make a submission the government’s Parliamentary Inquiry into
Unconventional Gas Mining (i.e. Fracking). So far, I have not received any
response to my query.

Last Wednesday, I sent an email to my Ward Councillor – Andy Richards enquiring
as to whether the councillors had received my email – but I have had no
response. As there is a deadline looming, I am becoming concerned as to whether
Council intends to provide a submission to the inquiry or not.

On Thursday, it was reported in the Geelong Advertiser that the Surfcoast Shire
have “officially vowed to oppose unconventional gas exploration and mining” in
the region; so the various anti-fracking groups within the PEP163 exploration
area are wondering if the CoGG has any intentions of supporting the Surfcoast
Shire’s position?

As the date closing date of Friday, 10th July 2015 for submissions to be lodged
is not far away, our members are becoming concerned as to what Council’s
position is regarding this matter.

Any indication you could provide to me about Council’s intentions here (at the
earliest opportunity) would be most appreciated.

Kind regards,

Alan Manson
Frack Free Grovedale


City of Greater Geelong’s Manager of Environment and Waste Services, Rodney
Thomas, replied on 26 Jun 2015 at 2:47 PM:

“Thanks for your query in relation to this inquiry. I can confirm Council is
preparing a submission. This will be based upon the extensive community
consultation and Council resolution from last year.

We have also provided our position to the Municipal Association of Victoria
(MAV), which represents local governments in Victoria. This will help form the
MAV’s submission.”




1 2 … 5 Next →



 * Ban on fracking enshrined in the Constitution of Victoria
 * Christine Couzens’ speech in Parliament
 * Permanent ban on fracking in Victoria
 * Onshore gas community meeting in Torquay
 * National inquiry into the impact of unconventional gas mining in Australia


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