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Historia No Verificada 0 reseñas


Stasia Grey

Sarah, her Mom and sister has to move back in with her asshole father and her
hunky half brothers after they couldn't pay the rent...

Erótico Sólo para mayores de 18.

#incest #incest-story #taboo #kink #mature #explicit #brother #sister #mom #slut
#milf #daddy #daddydaughter #family #voyeur
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15min 8s tiempo de lectura


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I was packing my bags with no small amount of resentment. Despite numerous talks
and pleas and attempts at bargaining, every one of which ending up in a heated
argument, I still couldn't understand why we had to leave our home and move in
with him.


My biological father.

I couldn't understand why, despite abandoning us when my mother was pregnant
with my younger sister, my father was still the first one mom would call
whenever something truly bad happened to us.

I couldn’t understand why we had to now move in with him and my half-brothers
and worse... his new wife. And like, what was she, number five or six? The guy
was a player, he used and then dumped women whenever he felt like, it was the
only explanation.

I would have rather stayed homeless or worked my ass off at a shady diner,
sparing myself the humiliation and embarrassment this move would be bringing us
all, but I supposed me and Melanie, my sister, were the reasons behind mom's
sacrifice. So we had to pack and move in with daddy dearest and we had to do it
with a smile on our faces.

"Sarah!" I could hear mom shouting from downstairs. "Our ride is here!"

Ah, yes, to make sure we all got home in one piece, “daddy” asked his friend to
come pick us up. I sighed and hauled my ass and my two suitcases of bare
necessities downstairs, then allowed his friend to grab them and store them in
the trunk of his black SUV.

We all huddled together in the back, making for an interesting view, which was
probably why this guy kept staring at us and grinning. Me and Melanie were
spitting images of our mother, with our blonde hair, perky breasts and slim
waists. My mother herself was still looking amazing for her age. In certain
light and from certain angles, she even looked our age.

"Is there something the matter, sir?" I asked when I just couldn't stand the
staring anymore.

The man shook his head and with his eyes still on the road, answered my somewhat
rude question. Mom had nudged me, but the question was already asked and I
wanted my answer.

"In all the years I've known Mike, he never mentioned having such beautiful
daughters. See, all Missy gave him were boys and the ones that followed her just
gave him sass and attitude. A house full of dicks, literally and figuratively.
You'll see," he laughed.

Great. We were going to be living in Dude Central, with a side of bitchy

Six hours later, the SUV stopped in front of a large contemporary style house.

"Is this it?" Melanie asked, eyes glued to the car's window. Well, I supposed
the house was pretty cool. It had a sweet design and a spacious front yard.

"Home sweet home," the man asked.

"Thanks," I said and nudged my sister out. We needed to get off and get on with
our new lives. I supposed I should have been nicer to the guy, but mom's overly
thankful attitude made up for my shitty one. She had always been so submissive
regarding men, it was frustrating. It was like the moment a guy was in the
vicinity and somewhat related to us, all her fire and independence vanished and
a total stranger stood in this amazing woman's stead.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, I hadn't even noticed them approach us.

He was right, this was a house full of dicks. As of today, I officially had
three older brothers. And a father, but... he was not at the forefront of my
thoughts now. They were.

They wore football team jerseys, black and red, and ripped jeans, which
complimented their bad boy vibes and shit-eating grins. I recalled mom had
mentioned in passing how they were all future honor graduates with bright sports
careers. All I could see was testosterone and domineering attitudes.

"Hey, beautiful," one of the boys said and snatched the luggage from me.
"Welcome home!"

"Hello," I replied back, my eyes going from one to the other.

They were hot. If they weren't my brothers, I'd have fucked them all. Broad
shoulders, dark brown hair cropped short, army style, and they smelled of...
wilderness and barbecued meat. So unlike the guys back home.

The welcome dinner was a pretty relaxed, quite pleasant affair. Father's new
wife was as meek as my mom, barely talking, busying herself with clearing the
table or bringing out more dishes. The guys, Darren, Scott and Lexus, on the
other hand, seemed unable to take their eyes off me and my sister and it made me
more than a little uncomfortable. They weren't looking at us the way brothers
looked at their sisters. Their gazes lingered on our round breasts, on the way
we swallowed what we ate, Scott even winked at Melanie when she dropped
something in her blouse and had to fish it out with her fingers. In a way, it
was flattering, but also very, very wrong. Oh, if only we weren't related at

"I see you're a meat kind of girl," Darren teased me when we caught a moment
alone and I blushed.

I was helping my mom load the dishwasher and he trapped me there. My body
instantly reacted to his proximity and I kept repeating in my head that this was
my brother.

Brother. Brother. Brother.

"Yes, well, who wouldn't enjoy a juicy steak?" I replied in the sweetest tone I

"What other meats do you enjoy, then?" he asked and for a moment there, I could
swear he was referring to his cock, rather than venison, pork or cow.

"Same as anyone, I guess?"

I started the program for a quick clean and turned around. I gasped when I found
myself within inches of his face.

"What are you doing?" I asked, placing my hands between us. Wow, his pecs were
rock hard!

"I wanted to see the color of your eyes. You have dad's eyes," he added, "warm
brown, same as mine."

He winked and pulled away, leaving the rest of the plates for a second run of
the program. And I smiled and promised myself I needed to figure out something
about the thick tension we had between us before I said or did something stupid
and ruined this.

Once done with the kitchen stuff, I searched for my mom. I was about to call
her, when I saw something that turned my world upside down.

She was with my father, in a shadowy corner of the living room, her blouse
buttons all undone, her bra lowered to her waist, her skirt hitched up, eyes
wide and lips trembling. Father had his hands between her legs and she was
pressed against the wall, moaning and murmuring his name. I glued myself to the
wall, but I couldn't help watching what was happening.

"You're still as tight as I remember it, baby," he said and did something inside
her pussy that made my mom yelp. “Almost as if you haven’t allowed another cock
to fuck my pussy. Have you, Diana? Have you given away what is mine?”

"I haven't been with another man, I swear, please don’t punish me, Master."

Master? What the heck was that? He ran his hands all over her soft body and I
would have said or done something, but she bent her head back and allowed him to
touch her like that. She looked happy, relieved.

I sighed.

In all these years, I’ve never seen or heard my mom with another guy. Not like
this. She had guy coworkers, but she never even as much as texted them. Yet she
was still a woman, still alive, and beautiful and desirable. She must’ve craved
sex, the touching, the attention, the release. It was horrible enough for me, my
body screaming to be shared, so I assumed it was doubly worse for her, who knew
how good sex was.

"I can feel that," he said in a very lecherous way. "I was just messing with
you. But don't worry, you will get some cock soon. You will do everything I say,
like you promised, in return for helping you out."

“Yes, Master, I will worship your cock.”

My mom looked away, her cheeks red, clearly ashamed, and I lowered myself to the
floor before her gaze landed on me. It was suddenly so quiet in the living area.
Everyone else had gone to bed or to watch TV and it was just me on the main
floor. Me and the filthy scene taking place just a few feet away. They were so
close, I could hear it all, from his humiliating words, to the wet sounds her
pussy was making when he played with her pussy. Obscene squelching, never
stopping, my mother’s breaking becoming more rapid and erratic and punctuated by
gasps every time he changed his trick repertoire. He slapped her between her
legs, then pinched and caressed her, then slapped her again, the sound startling
me. Did that feel good? I really wanted to know.

"What about your wife?" mom asked. "What about the others?"

"Every one of them bitches is very obedient, don't you worry about that. Now
come, spread that cunt open for me and let me remember how it felt to plunge my
cock inside its heat. You will be my slave and let me use you any way I please.
That was our arrangement. If you want out, you can beg me once I've bred you
once again. And this time, the little bitch stays with me, no more letting you
keep your babies."


"Shut it, bitch, you and I both know you're a slut; that's why I left you. No
good woman fucks so much. A good girl needs to be taken, you gave too willingly.
Fucking whore.”

I was shocked. Frozen. I couldn't move, even if I wanted to. I was watching my
mother trade sex for a roof over our heads and father was talking to her in such
vulgar terms, making her know she was at his mercy and that he was going to be
taking full advantage of everything and shit, it was rather hot. He was so
dominant, so in control, so manly…

I watched him lift her skirt some more and better position himself between her
legs, revealing a monstrous, veiny cock. I’d never seen anything like it, so big
and thick and dripping with some clear liquid. Before long, he was thrusting
inside her. Mom yelped again and held onto his shoulders as he hammered his cock
in and out of her. She threw her head back and let herself go, eyes half lidded
with desire. She had probably missed sex, like I’d guessed, but more than that,
had missed him. The space began to smell of them, of her pussy juices, of his
sweat and my own hand started to work its way towards my panties, under the
oppressive chorus of moans and grunts coming from them. I felt so hot and the
scenarios my mind was conjuring were even more so, because I was imagining not
one, but several men holding me down like that, like mom was, while they plunged
their cocks into my virgin pussy. I lowered my panties to rest under the swell
of my ass and I reached a finger deeper along my slit, teasing my hole. Soon,
soon I would get a boyfriend and some cock.

"What a little slut," someone murmured in my ear and I almost fell face-forward
into the living area, interrupting my parents' intimate moment. Strong arms
caught me and pushed me back against the wall I was hiding behind, in a similar
fashion to how mom had been minutes ago.

Darren was staring at me with those brown eyes of his, an indecipherable look on
his features. I thought he was going to rat me out, call our parents, get me
punished, but he was just standing there, watching me intently.

"You're wrong, I'm not doing anything," I rushed to say and pulled my hand away,
letting it rest, wet against my thigh. Oh God, could he smell me? I could smell
my arousal, so he definitely could too.

This was so embarrassing! I felt my face flush and the ambient temperature

"What I meant was, carry on," he replied and took my wet hand and guided it back
between my legs, making me touch my pussy while he watched. His hand stayed on
top of mine, pressing and moving in circular motions, all the while his eyes
bore into mine.

"Like mother, like daughter," Darren taunted. “Dad said his first wife was the
sluttiest bitch he’d ever fucked, and I guess he was right. Look. At. You. Apple
doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

My eyes filled with tears, because damn it, I wasn't a slut! Sure, I liked to
talk trash and brag about sex and imagine fucking everyone I fancied, but I was
a virgin! If he knew, perhaps... perhaps he would let me go? But before I could
say anything else, my mother screamed out Mike's name, and I heard a mocking
laughter. I raised my gaze to look at my parents again. My father had stopped
thrusting inside my mother, but held himself between her legs.

“What do you say?” Mike demanded.

“Thank you for your cock and cum, Master,” my mother panted, all spent.

"Don't you dare clean yourself after, baby," he said and released her. "I want
you to fall asleep with my cum in your pussy and dream about this. Your cunt is
mine and from now on, it shall be filled with sperm, one way or another."

Darren drew in a sharp breath and whispered in my ear. "That was so hot, don't
you think?"

I couldn't think, not only because his hand was still moving mine, driving me
towards something I hadn't truly felt before, but also because I was so aware of
my parents in the other room, of my mother's labored breath and what they had
just done.

"Answer me when I ask you something, sis," he insisted and to make his
displeasure known, he pinched my pussy. I swallowed my little cry of shock.

”Yes, yes it was," I replied, looking at the patterned carpet, the grey walls,
the flowers in their glass vases, at anything and everything except Darren's
face. He had just touched my bare pussy! The first man to ever do that and he
was my brother!

"I am glad you think so, because I have news for you," he laughed.

I found it hard to focus, with the way he was making my body feel and the way my
eyes were glued to my mother cleaning father’s cock with her tongue before the
man kicked her to the floor, like he was discarding a rag. He was the man of the
house and she was at his feet, a bitch to fuck. I would have expected her to
look at him angry, but she wore a smile on her face. She seemed… glowing.

Darren pulled on my hair to draw my attention again. "The agreement your bitch
mother has with dad? You have that with me and my brothers. Your ass is ours.
Your cunt’s gonna get plowed tonight."

"What? NO!"

I covered my mouth with my free hand, afraid I had alerted my parents of my
presence there. What would my mother say… The hand near my pussy was trying to
get rid of Darren’s. I slapped at his digits, accomplishing little except
smearing my juice on his skin.

"Then you three can pack your bags and get lost," he said and pushed a finger
against my sensitive flesh. It hurt, but it hurt more when he removed it from my
body. His touch hadn’t been entirely unwelcomed, after all. And I kind of wanted
more, despite how wrong it would be.

Darren got up, wiped his hand on my hair and looked down at me. "If you agree to
my terms, come to my bedroom later tonight and we can continue this. If not, I
expect to be hearing from dad that you're all already leaving. And if you think
it's safer out there, need I remind you that winter is coming and you're all
just like... easy prey out there. You won't last a week alone, in the cold snow.
Such a shame, dead at 21. And if you think you will, your last resort would be
to suck and fuck some homeless dudes for stale bread. Imagine how they taste,
little sis."

I thought I stood there, leaning against the wall, feeling like the sky had
fallen on my head, for a good fifteen minutes of pure fright. I couldn't let my
mom know I knew what she'd done for me and Melanie. I also couldn't tell her I
watched it all and that it made me so hot and bothered, I was fingering myself
in rhythm to dad's thrusts in her pussy. I was better than that. At least as far
as she knew.

So I guessed I had to listen to Darren. I wondered what all he would do to me.
On shaky legs, I went to my room to change into something less easily
accessible. My pajamas, a blouse and pants, the least sexy things I owned, were
going to be my protective armor.

I was just throwing the skirt I had on in the laundry basket, when someone
knocked on my door. I called them to come in and braced myself for Darren to
appear, angry that I was taking too long. But instead of Darren, it was my mom.


She peeked inside my bedroom, taking in everything, from the furniture to my
current state of partial undress. "Getting ready for bed?"

"Something like that. Come on in mom, fully!”

“I, uh,” she began, but I noticed her gaze wouldn’t quite reach my face.

“What is it, mom?” I asked and went to her in a hurry. She was worrying me.

“Your daddy needs to see you. Alone,” she whispered and it sounded more like a
confession, a sin she was going to let surface for the first time.

“Why? What did I do?”

She looked up at me. “You watched us. I could hear you and Darren. He says to
come now. Hurry.”

Thank you for reading, click here to download a free copy with links to other
free epubs within~

Complete Series here!

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Stasia Grey


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Brain Hack Incest Chap…
Sister's Helping Hand …
Broken Family Incest -…
Oedipus Milf Club Chap…
Forced To Be My Mafia …
Granddaddy’s Love Chap…
Incest Cafe Chapter 01…
I Assfucked My Mindhac…
Barebacking My Tight T…
Mommy Teaches Son Abou…
Mom Caught Me Fingerin…
Hyperspermia Daddy Cha…


What Is Deserved: The …
SARTAM: The Tale Of Me…
The great seeds
Panna Cotta
King Of Lust
Picture This




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