42.nauman.cc Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://42.nauman.cc/
Effective URL: https://42.nauman.cc/
Submission: On April 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

GET https://42.nauman.cc/

<form method="get" class="searchform themeform" action="https://42.nauman.cc/">
    <input type="text" class="search" name="s" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='To search type and hit enter';" onfocus="if(this.value=='To search type and hit enter')this.value='';" value="To search type and hit enter">

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Coding Chronicles: Journey through 42

Expand Menu

 * CursusToggle Child Menu
   * libftToggle Child Menu
     * Introduction
     * Part IToggle Child Menu
       * atoi – memcpyToggle Child Menu
         * ft_atoi
         * ft_bzero
         * ft_calloc
         * ft_isalnum
         * ft_isalpha
         * ft_isascii
         * ft_isdigit
         * ft_isprint
         * ft_memchr
         * ft_memcmp
         * ft_memcpy
       * memmove – toupperToggle Child Menu
         * ft_memmove
         * ft_memset
         * ft_strchr
         * ft_strdup
         * ft_strlcat
         * ft_strlcpy
         * ft_strlen
         * ft_strncmp
         * ft_strnstr
         * ft_strrchr
         * ft_tolower
         * ft_toupper
     * Part IIToggle Child Menu
       * ft_itoa
       * ft_putchar_fd
       * ft_putendl_fd
       * ft_putnbr_fd
       * ft_putstr_fd
       * ft_split
       * ft_striteri
       * ft_strjoin
       * ft_strmapi
       * ft_strtrim
       * ft_substr
     * BonusToggle Child Menu
       * ft_lstadd_back
       * ft_lstadd_front
       * ft_lstclear
       * ft_lstdelone
       * ft_lstiter
       * ft_lstlast
       * ft_lstmap
       * ft_lstnew
       * ft_lstsize
     * ExtensionToggle Child Menu
       * ft_isspace
     * Header
     * Makefile
   * ft_printfToggle Child Menu
     * Introduction
     * libftToggle Child Menu
       * ft_abs
       * ft_putaddress
       * ft_putbase_fd
       * ft_putchar
       * ft_putchar_fd
       * ft_puthexa
       * ft_putnbr
       * ft_putnbr_fd
       * ft_putstr
       * ft_putunsigned
       * ft_strchr
       * ft_strlen
     * Makefile
     * Header
     * ft_printf
   * get_next_lineToggle Child Menu
     * Introduction
     * get_next_line_utils.cToggle Child Menu
       * Summary
       * ft_strlen
       * ft_strchr
       * ft_strcpy
       * ft_strdup
       * ft_strjoin
     * get_next_line.cToggle Child Menu
       * Summary
       * find_next_line_break
       * create_substring
       * read_line
       * free_and_null
       * get_next_line
     * get_next_line.hToggle Child Menu
       * Header
     * get_next_line_bonus_utils.cToggle Child Menu
       * Summary
       * ft_strlen
       * ft_strchr
       * ft_strcpy
       * ft_strdup
       * ft_strjoin
     * get_next_line_bonus.cToggle Child Menu
       * Summary
       * find_next_line_break
       * create_substring
       * read_line
       * free_null
       * get_next_line
     * get_next_line_bonus.hToggle Child Menu
       * Header
   * Born2beroot (BEING UPDATED)Toggle Child Menu
     * Introduction
   * fract-ol (BEING UPDATED)Toggle Child Menu
     * Introduction
   * push_swap (BEING UPDATED)
   * pipex (BEING UPDATED)
   * minishell (BEING UPDATED)
   * Philosophers (BEING UPDATED)
 * PiscineToggle Child Menu
   * ShellToggle Child Menu
     * Shell 00Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: Z
       * Exercise 01 : testShell00
       * Exercise 02 : Oh yeah, mooore…
       * Exercise 03 : SSH me!
       * Exercise 04 : midLS
       * Exercise 05 : GiT commit
       * Exercise 06: gitignore
       * Exercise 07: diff
       * Exercise 08: clean
       * Exercise 09: Illusions, not tricks, Michael…
     * Shell 01Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 01: print_groups
       * Exercise 02: find_sh
       * Exercise 03: count_files
       * Exercise 04: MAC
       * Exercise 05: Can you create it ?
       * Exercise 06: Skip
   * CToggle Child Menu
     * C 00Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: ft_putchar
       * Exercise 01: ft_print_alphabet
       * Exercise 02: ft_print_reverse_alphabet
       * Exercise 03: ft_print_numbers
       * Exercise 04: ft_is_negative
       * Exercise 05: ft_print_comb
       * Exercise 06: ft_print_comb2
     * C 01Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: ft_ft
       * Exercise 01: ft_ultimate_ft
       * Exercise 02: ft_swap
       * Exercise 03: ft_div_mod
       * Exercise 04: ft_ultimate_div_mod
       * Exercise 05: ft_putstr
       * Exercise 06: ft_strlen
       * Exercise 07: ft_rev_int_tab
       * Exercise 08: ft_sort_int_tab
     * C 02Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: ft_strcpy
       * Exercise 01: ft_strncpy
       * Exercise 02: ft_str_is_alpha
       * Exercise 03: ft_str_is_numeric
       * Exercise 04: ft_str_is_lowercase
       * Exercise 05: ft_str_is_uppercase
       * Exercise 06: ft_str_is_printable
       * Exercise 07: ft_strupcase
       * Exercise 08: ft_strlowcase
       * Exercise 09: ft_strcapitalize
       * Exercise 10: ft_strlcpy
       * Exercise 11: ft_putstr_non_printable
     * C 03Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: ft_strcmp
       * Exercise 01: ft_strncmp
       * Exercise 02: ft_strcat
       * Exercise 03: ft_strncat
       * Exercise 04: ft_strstr
     * C 04Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: ft_strlen
       * Exercise 01: ft_putstr
       * Exercise 02: ft_putnbr
       * Exercise 03: ft_atoi
       * Exercise 04: ft_putnbr_base
     * C 05Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: ft_iterative_factorial
       * Exercise 01: ft_recursive_factorial
       * Exercise 02: ft_iterative_power
       * Exercise 03: ft_recursive_power
       * Exercise 04: ft_fibonacci
       * Exercise 05: ft_sqrt
       * Exercise 06: ft_is_prime
       * Exercise 07: ft_find_next_prime
     * C 06Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: ft_print_program_name
       * Exercise 01: ft_print_params
       * Exercise 02: ft_rev_params
       * Exercise 03: ft_sort_params
     * C 07Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: ft_strdup
       * Exercise 01: ft_range
       * Exercise 02: ft_ultimate_range
       * Exercise 03: ft_strjoin
     * C 08Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: ft.h
       * Exercise 01: ft_boolean.h
       * Exercise 02: ft_abs.h
       * Exercise 03: ft_point.h
       * Exercise 04: ft_strs_to_tab
       * Exercise 05: ft_show_tab
     * C 09Toggle Child Menu
       * Exercise 00: libft
       * Exercise 01: Makefile
       * Exercise 02: ft_split
   * RushToggle Child Menu
     * Rush 00
 * NotesToggle Child Menu
   * Prologue
   * Getting StartedToggle Child Menu
     * Shell, Vim, and GiT
     * Norminette
     * 42 Header
   * Basics of CToggle Child Menu
     * write()
     * Data Types
     * Type Casting
     * ASCII
     * Condition and IF
     * while
     * Array
     * Variable Scoping
     * Pointers
     * Nested while
     * Base Conversion
     * Recursion
     * Array of Strings
     * Arguments
     * malloc() and free()
     * Header Files
     * Static Library
     * Makefile
   * Intermediate CToggle Child Menu
     * Linked Lists
     * Variable Arguments
     * File I/O
     * MiniLibX (MLX)
 * 42 Network
 * About  
 * Donate
 * GamesToggle Child Menu
   * Classics
   * Dinosaur
   * Hangman

ft_printf / libft


Converts an integer ‘nbr’ into its string representation in the given ‘base’ and
writes it to the file descriptor ‘fd’. It handles negative numbers and
recursively prints digits. This function is useful for outputting numbers in
different bases to a specified file descriptor.

 * September 25, 2023

ft_printf / libft


Takes a pointer to a null-terminated string ‘s’ as input. If ‘s’ is NULL, it
writes the string “(null)” to the standard output (file descriptor 1) and
returns 6 (the number of characters written). Otherwise, it writes the content
of ‘s’ to the standard output using the “write” function and returns the number
of characters written, calculated by “ft_strlen(s)”. This function is used to
print strings to the console.

 * September 25, 2023



Function designed to read and retrieve one line at a time from a file. It
enables efficient file parsing by handling multiple file descriptors and
managing memory dynamically. This project challenges coders to implement error
handling and memory management while ensuring the smooth extraction of lines
from files.

 * September 20, 2023



Set up and secure a virtual server running a minimalistic operating system.
Designed to test skills in system administration, networking, and security. The
goal is to configure the server to withstand various attacks while maintaining
proper functionality.

 * September 18, 2023



Involves reading from and writing to files. It uses functions like fopen to open
files, fread to read data, fwrite to write data, and fclose to close files. It
enables programs to interact with external files for data storage or retrieval.

 * September 16, 2023

ft_printf / libft


The ft_putnbr function is a useful utility for printing integers to stdout and
obtaining the length of the printed integer.

 * September 14, 2023



MiniLibX library, a simple graphics library used for creating graphical
applications on Unix-based systems, particularly for rendering and manipulating
images and basic graphical elements. It is often used in conjunction with the X
Window System to create graphical user interfaces and interactive applications.

 * September 13, 2023



Provides a convenient way to release memory and set a pointer to NULL after
dynamic memory allocation. It is commonly used in scenarios where multiple
buffers or strings are allocated dynamically, and proper cleanup is required.

 * September 12, 2023



Reads lines from a file descriptor (fd) and returns each line as a dynamically
allocated string. It maintains a static buffer (read_buffer) to store and manage
content, reading in chunks until a newline character is found. It uses helper
functions for tasks like finding line breaks, creating substrings, and handling
memory allocation. If an error occurs, it returns NULL.

 * September 12, 2023

ft_printf / libft


Designed to calculate the absolute value of a long integer. It returns the
absolute value of the input integer, handling positive and negative cases.

 * September 11, 2023



Create a graphical fractal explorer using C and the minilibx library. Implement
real-time rendering and user interactions, exploring mathematical
representations of complex structures.

 * September 8, 2023



Adapted for multiple file descriptors using an array of static buffers
(read_buffer[MAX_FD]), reads lines from a file descriptor (fd). It validates fd
and BUFFER_SIZE, efficiently manages memory with functions like ft_strjoin, and
returns the read line while updating the buffer for subsequent calls. Error
handling is implemented to return NULL in case of issues.

 * September 8, 2023



Defines utility functions which are crucial for the get_next_line function and
its bonus counterpart, aiding in tasks like buffer management and string

 * September 8, 2023



The modified get_next_line code accommodates multiple file descriptors (fd)
using an array of static buffers (read_buffer[MAX_FD]). Other functions
(find_next_line_break, create_substring, read_line, free_null) remain unchanged.
Validating the fd range and managing content and buffers for each file
descriptor enables simultaneous reading from different sources while preserving
the original implementation’s simplicity.

 * September 8, 2023



The header file get_next_line_bonus.h is similar to get_next_line.h, but
includes a modification for handling multiple file descriptors. It introduces
the macro MAX_FD with a value of 1024 to define the maximum number of file
descriptors. This version maintains compatibility with the original functions
while extending support for multiple file descriptors in the get_next_line

 * September 8, 2023



Declares prototypes for the get_next_line function and several string
manipulation functions, including ft_strlen, ft_strchr, ft_strcpy, ft_strdup,
and ft_strjoin. It includes necessary standard library headers and defines a
default buffer size (BUFFER_SIZE) as 42 unless specified otherwise.

 * September 8, 2023

get_next_line_bonus_utils.c / get_next_line_utils.c


A critical utility for concatenating strings and managing memory efficiently. It
plays a specific role in the get_next_line function by combining the content of
a buffer and additional content from each read operation.

 * September 8, 2023

get_next_line_bonus_utils.c / get_next_line_utils.c


A valuable utility for duplicating strings, providing a new dynamically
allocated string with the same content as the source string. Can be incorporated
when there is a need to create a copy of a null-terminated string, especially
when handling dynamic memory allocation.

 * September 8, 2023

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Back in May 2023, I ventured into the uncharted territory of 42 Network. Time
flew by in a blink, and here I am, still buzzing with excitement in this
tech-infused wonderland. As I surf through the ever-changing landscapes of code,
I feel fortunate to stay afloat and lend a helping hand to my fellow adventurers
on this wild ride. Together, we’ll conquer challenges, unravel mysteries, and
carve our path to success, fueled by the electrifying energy of learning and


In the enchanted realm of academia, a notorious troublemaker hides in the
shadows – Plagiarism! This sly trickster thrives on sneaking around and stealing
others’ work, pretending it’s their own masterpiece. But fear not! Within the
mystical world of 42, courageous guardians stand tall, safeguarding the sacred
values of originality and ethical conduct. These heroes understand that copying
someone else’s work not only hampers personal growth but also unleashes a
deceitful dragon upon the kingdom of knowledge. So, let us unite, embrace our
unique voices, and craft extraordinary tales of discovery and imagination.
Together, we shall leave Plagiarism in the dust and rise as the true heroes of
our academic quests!


As you step into this digital wonderland, prepare to dive into a grand library
filled with endless knowledge and possibilities. But here’s the secret: within
these boundless pages, you might stumble upon a few hiccups—flaws, errors, and
inaccuracies. Fear not! Brave souls like you embrace the thrill of continuous
learning and exploration. If you encounter any issues or have genius suggestions
for improvement, don’t hesitate to speak up. Together, we’ll transform these
imperfections into stepping stones, forging our path to greatness in this
captivating world of coding.