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Submission: On July 05 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE
Submission: On July 05 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from DE
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Auf dieser Website suchen Zum Hauptinhalt springen Zur Navigation springen SAU70 Employee Tech Support * Home * "Phishing" and other email scams * Aggregator * Pink Sheets Archive * Employee Computer Purchase Payroll Deduction Program * For Departing Employees * For New Employees * Howtos * A Brief Intro to Databases * Adding something to the Dock * Connecting to a Mac file server * Connecting to the VPN * Connecting to the VPN with a Chromebook * Downloading YouTube Videos * Excel Eats Zip Codes For Lunch * File formats and compatibility * Fixing your wifi * Google * Authorize a script, what? * Automatic notifications for Google Sheets * Chrome Bookmarks Sync * Chromebook Accent Characters * Chromebook tips & tricks * Confirmation Emails for youngsters * Deleting an unwanted contact * Embedding a Google Doc in a Google Site * Embedding a Slideshow in a Google Site * Embedding a Twitter feed in a Google Sites page * Embedding an mp3 in a Google Site * Embedding an RSS slideshow in a Google Site * Getting your data out of Google Apps * Gmail Compose in a new windows * Google Classroom * Google Docs Conversion * How to share photos with specific people * Labels and Filters * Posting to YouTube * Prompt "Make a copy" * Read Write Gold Chrome extension * Running out of Google space * Self-grading quizzes with Google Forms * Setting Up Your School Google Account on an iPad * Sharing Google Docs * Student homework folders in Google Drive * Unmarking spam * Why can't I edit this Google Site? * Why can't my students copy/edit this Google Doc? * Your Site may be vulnerable! * How to set up an Airport wifi network * Infinite Visions Accounting basic stuff * Infinite Visions NETSHARE * Infinite Visions server connecting and printing * InfoSnap * Home Languages form * How to help parents * How to identify potential custody or contact issues * How to identify students with past services * InfoSnap, PowerSchool, and student name spellings * When to Use the Prereg Form * Installing Software * Locking your screen for privacy and security * Make a password-protected zip archive * Mealtime * Negative balances * Pages compatibility * PDF optimization * PowerSchool * Attendance audit by section * Attendance details * Attendance Totals by Month * Course counts * Data Mining * Discipline Log Entries * Enrolling a new student * Enrollment Totals in all schools * Exporting Medical Alert Info * Family link aka sibling link * Final Grades Complete in Gradebook * Listing students with their ages * Mac OS X and Java and Gradebook * Mailing Labels * Mass-assigning parent portal access * Midyear movers (district responsible changed) * PowerSchool and parent emails * PowerTeacher Section Descriptions * PowerTeacher viewing student alerts * Printing a student's Preferred Name * Report Cards post-graduation * Searching for students with certain grades * Second mailings * Smart Search * Student Photo Release * Summer Leavers * Teachers View Past Attendance * Using the period info dat * Viewing future course enrollments * Viewing Student Alerts * Printing a Mass Quantity of Emails * Printing from the Google Drive iPad app * Projector source switching * Re-enable Java under 10.6 * ReadWriteGold Chrome Extension * SchoolMessenger * Parent Portal + InfoSnap message * 16-17 version * OLD VERSION of message * Tuning your AppleTV * Where are my files? * Where are my programs? * Where did my scrollbar go? * Why can't I print this huge Word doc? * Why does this document open in the wrong program? * Why doesn't [thing] work in [browser]? * Internal Equipment Sales * Free Junk * Leaving Google * School Resources * Services Status * Tech Notes archive * 2012-09-HHS * 2012-10-HHS * 2012-11-HHS * 2012-12-HHS * 2012-12-RMS * Training Opportunities SAU70 Employee Tech Support HOME Here you will find resources to help you answer your tech questions and solve your tech problems. The "Howtos" section will be added to as frequently as we can manage. It will focus on basic computer/network operational stuff (read: boring but important stuff.) The "School Resources" section contains links to other SAU70 schools' tech resource pages, which contain a mix of school-specific support information AND technology integration/teaching resources. The "Training Opportunities" section contains a calendar of all known scheduled tech training events within SAU70. HHS/RMS/Ray people: Click HERE to open a new trouble ticket. (Same as emailing hhstech or rmstech.) We'll add to this as we go. Seite aktualisiert Missbrauch melden Diese Website verwendet Cookies von Google, um ihre Dienste bereitzustellen und Zugriffe zu analysieren. Informationen darüber, wie Sie die Website verwenden, werden an Google weitergegeben. Durch die Nutzung dieser Website erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass auf der Website Cookies verwendet werden. Weitere Informationen Ok