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 * Augennotfall
   * Kurzfristiger Termin in Wollishofen
 * Unser Angebot
     * Augenentzündungen
     * Trockene Augen (Sicca-Syndrom)
     * Office Eye Syndrom (Büro-Augen-Syndrom)
     * Anatomie des Auges
     * Sehtest beim Augenoptiker
     * Kurzsichtigkeit (Myopie)
     * Weitsichtigkeit (Hyperopie)
     * Augenlaser und Linsenimplantate (Fehlsichtigkeiten)
     * Alterssichtigkeit
     * Alterbedingte Makuladegeneration (AMD)
     * Grauer Star (Katarakt)
     * Augendruckmessung zur Katarakt-Früherkennung
     * Grüner Star (Glaukom)
     * Erkrankungen der Hornhaut (Keratokonus)
     * Diabetische Retinopathie
     * Erkrankungen von Netzhaut und Glaskörper
     * Augenlider und Lidfehlstellungen (inkl. Schlupflider)
     * Entropium (eingerolltes Augenlid)
     * Ektropium (nach aussen gedrehtes Augenlid)
     * Ptosis (Herabhängen)
     * Schlupflid (Oberlidstafffung)
     * Lagophthalmus (Lähmung)
 * Kinderaugen
   * Vorsorge und Erkrankungen bei Kinderaugen
   * Kinder-Sehschule (Orthoptik)
   * Anmeldung Augen-Notfall
 * Team
   * Dr. med. Dominique Mustur
   * Dr. med. Jelena Farkas
   * Dr. med. Myron Kynigopoulos
   * Kinderaugenmedizin und Sehschule (Orthoptik)
   * Engagement als Augenärztin in Afrika (Dr. Mustur berichtet)
   * Neuigkeiten
 * Kontakt und Termine
   * Formular für Anfragen
   * Anreise Augencenter Wollishofen
   * Anreise für Augenoperationen in Zürich-Enge
   * Patienten Meinungen
   * Bewertungen schreiben
 * Deutsch
   * English
   * Français
   * Español
   * Italiano
   * Polski
   * Português
   * Magyar
   * Türkçe
   * Hrvatski
   * Srpski

 * Deutsch
   * English
   * Français
   * Español
   * Italiano
   * Polski
   * Português
   * Magyar
   * Türkçe
   * Hrvatski
   * Srpski
 * +41 44 244 10 44
   Montag bis Freitag 8h bis 18h
 * Termine online vereinbaren
 * Notfalltermin (Augenarzt)
 * Unser Angebot
 * Kinderaugen und Sehschule
 * Dr. Dominique Mustur
   und das Augencenter Team
 * Anreise Augencentrum in Zürich-Wollishofen
 * Anreise für Augenoperationen in Zürich-Enge
 * Zur Startseite



+41 44 244 10 44
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+41 44 244 10 44
Anfrage per Email

Buchen Sie hier direkt Ihren Termin für eine Erstberatung, einen Notfall oder
eine Nachuntersuchung im Augencenter Wollishofen.


Unter der Leitung von Dr. med. Dominique Muster bietet Ihnen das Augencenter
Wollishofen augenärztliche Kompetenz aus einer Hand: Von der Diagnose und
Therapie, bis zur Augenoperation und postoperativen Kontrolle.


Möchten Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit Ihrer Augen bei bei unseren Augenoptikern

Termin für Augen Check-Up


Trockene Augen (Sicca-Syndrom) entstehen durch verminderte Tränenproduktion oder
einer verstärkten Verdunstung der Tränenflüssigkeit.

Kurzfristige Termine


Bei Kindern ist es umso wichtiger nichts zu verpassen. Bereits kleine Störungen
können zu endgültigen Sehbehinderungen führen.

Augenarzt und Sehschule für Kinder


Kurzsichtigkeit (Myopie) kann in jedem Alter auftreten. Myopie ab -4.5 Dioptrien
sollte regelmässig kontrolliert werden.

Termin für Augen Check-Up


Es ist für alle Betroffenen ratsam, die Augen regelmässig vom Augenarzt
kontrollieren zu lassen.

Termin vereinbaren


Medizinisch indizierte Korrektur von Lidfehlstellungen. Ästhetische Korrektur
von Schlupflidern und Tränensäcken.

Augenlid-Beratung vereinbaren


Die angeboren oder altersbedingte eingetrübte Linse kann operativ entfernt und
durch eine künstliche Linse ersetzt werden.

Sprechstunde Katarakt


Die altersbedingte Makuladegeneration (AMD) ist die häufigste Ursache für eine
Sehbehinderung im Alter.

Sprechstunde AMD


Alterssichtigkeit beginnt meist im Alter zwischen 40 und 50 Jahren. Optionen
sind die Lesebrille oder eine Augelaser-Korrektur.

Sprechstunde Alterssichtigkeit


Ein Glaukom kann mit Medikamenten (Augentropfen), durch einen Lasereingriff oder
eine Operation behandelt werden.

Sprechstunde Glaukom


Entzündungen und Verletzungen, aber auch das Alter und Erbkrankheiten führen zu

Sprechstunde Hornhaut


Erkrankungen der Netzhaut (Retina) können schmerzfrei mit dem Laser behandelt

Termin vereinbaren



Medizinische Leiterin, Augenärztin, inkl. Augenchirurgie - Fachärztin FMH
Ophthalmologie und Ophthalmochirurgie

Kontakt & Termine



Facharzt FMH Ophthalmologie / -chirurgie

Kontakt & Termine



Fachärztin FMH 

Kontakt & Termine


Dipl. med. Praxisleiterin, Team- und Patientenadministration

Augencenter Wollishofen


Augenoptikerin, Augentests und Brillenrezepte

Augencenter Wollishofen


Dipl. Orthoptist, Sehschule & Schielsprechstunde

Augencenter Wollishofen


Eidg. Dipl. Orthoptistin, Sehschule & Schielsprechstunde

Sehschule für Kinder


Praxisempfang / -administration, telefonische Beratung

Augencenter Wollishofen


Augenoptiker EFZ, Augentests und Brillenrezepte, technische Support

Augencenter Wollishofen


Dipl. Augenoptikerin, Augentests und Brillenrezepte

Augencenter Wollishofen


Unser Patienten schätzen unsere professionelle und dynamische Augenarztpraxis.

Schreiben Sie eine Bewertung*


Die Gesundheit von unseren jungen und älteren Patientinnen und Patienten, den
Mitarbeitenden und Ärztinnen und Ärzte haben im Augencenter Wollishofen oberste
Priorität. Daher gelten bei uns die aktuellen Hygiene- und
COVID-Schutzmassnahmen. Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung.


Augencenter Wollishofen
Dr. med. Dominique Mustur
Seestrasse 353 | 1. Stock
CH-8038 Zürich

+41 44 244 10 44



Anreise per Google Maps


08:00 – 18:00 Uhr / Montag - Freitag

Abend- und Samstagsprechstunden nach individueller Vereinbarung

Online-Termine vereinbaren


Jeweils am Mittwoch oder Donnerstag sind die Kinder unsere Gäste für
Sprechstunden und die Sehschule.

Basierend auf 151 Bewertungen

bewerte uns auf
Rupal Majmudar
11h ago

I have been visiting Dr.Mustur and her team for a while now. She completed the
cataract surgeries for both eyes last week.Dr.Mustur was very open and honest
about the possibilities with the lenses I could get, given the special
(not-so-perfect) condition of my retina. We spent a lot of time discussing the
options and deciding what was best for my eyes. She and the team were always
very patient, responsive and clear, in person as well as over email, in
addressing my many questions, concerns and fears about what could go wrong. [
For those to whom this matters: they all speak great English too, that was
really helpful! ].The surgery itself was a very nice, comfortable experience.
The whole setup, organisation as well as the actual operations went through
quickly and painlessly as planned, without any stress. The scheduled followups
confirmed that all is indeed well - I’ve had no pain nor difficulty post-surgery
either. I am so happy now to be able to see and even read and work without
glasses!I would like to thank Dr.Mustur and her entire team - Gabriel, Rachael,
Samira and everyone else who helped - thank you so much, keep up the great
work!I would definitely highly recommend Dr.Mustur and her very friendly and
highly competent team at Augencenter Wollishofen.With Best RegardsRupal Majmudar
Bruno Hohl
16h ago

Matina Magklara
a day ago

Werner Lipp
10 days ago

Many thanks to the team of Dr. Mustur. A great team that handles the
appointments before and after eye surgery competently, quickly, very friendly
and organized. I quickly felt very comfortable and was treated like an important
person, even though I am a statutory health insurance patient. The two
operations were also prepared extremely professionally, quickly and with
confidence. Miss Dr. Mustur is wonderfully positioned and she enjoys the
extremely responsible, I call it art, operation on eyes. Thank you very much.
I'm already looking forward to the next appointment in spring 2024.Kind regards
to the teamWerner Lipp
Heinz Jenni
12 days ago

Very competent and extremely friendly and pleasant doctor and very friendly
employees. The only thing that is a bit negative is the sometimes long waiting
times. But all in all I am very satisfied with the outcome of my bilateral
Cali Flores
20 days ago

I feel very well cared for by Dr. Mustur and the team of professionals who
accompany her. I have to especially appreciate that they speak Spanish, I speak
very little German, and for me it is very important that they explain the
procedures and diagnoses to me in my original language. Juan Flores
22 days ago

Fantastic eye doctor - had to go myself for routine and emergency check up for
my both kids. Super fast appointment and thorough examination and follow up.
Very satisfied. Highly recommend. Dr Mustur and her extremely friendly team.
Thank you
Werner Herzog
22 days ago

After 20 years of wearing glasses after cataract surgery and comfort lenses, I
can see 100% at distance and 100% at close range. Would recommend this to
everyone!The whole team at the eye clinic was also very nice and accommodating.
Werner Laubscher
22 days ago

I have been looked after by the Wollishofen Eye Center for some time now. - I
would like to take this opportunity to thank you. - I'm excited! Both from Dr.
Dominique Mustur, as well as her employees. The competence and friendliness are
outstanding. - Clearly: “Five out of five stars!”
M.R. H.
23 days ago

We quickly had an appointment. Ms. Mustur had great empathy with a patient who
was afraid and unable to express himself well. Your explanations were good.
Didier Boillat
a month ago

What a joy to see again the beauty of colors and the balance of spaces! A big
thank you to Dominique and his team! He blows a beautiful spirit!
Beatrice Théraulaz
a month ago

Very good and very friendly staff. Ops was 100% successful. Thanks.
Sevin Sevin
a month ago

Rapha Escalona
a month ago

Jeffrey Rama
a month ago

1A ophthalmologist practice and very friendly and competent advice on the phone.
I can only recommend!
Monique Fankhauser
a month ago

Great doctor's office! very competent and well-positioned employees :-)
S. A.
a month ago

Everything went smoothly from start to finish, everyone was very accommodating
and friendly.
Peter Berger
a month ago

An eye center that I can only recommend. Very competent and friendly treatment
by Dr. Mustur and her employees.
Corina Keller
a month ago

From the reception to the medical examination and advice, everything is just
right. Very attentive and extremely friendly team, I felt very comfortable and
competently advised :)
hamlet peña
a month ago

Fantastic with the attention and especially the communication in Spanish with
Dr. Dominique Mustur
Franco Castellucci
a month ago

I had surgery on both eyes at the same time. Everything went well. The support
was very good and I am thrilled with the result. Thank you for everything.
Robert Kuster
a month ago

I have great respect for such bells that do a perfect job, listen to music and
are set up like that.Ms. Mustur operated on my cataract and performed vision
correction. Even though I was afraid, everything went so easily and yet with a
high professional quality.Very friendly team.I can only recommend.Thank you very
much for everything.
Tim Jordan
a month ago

Simon D
a month ago

2 months ago

Very bad customer service on the phone. I have an eye infection and I asked for
an appointment this week. The first nurse who answered the phone told me that
there is a free slot on Wed morning. However, when I asked for an afternoon
slot, she directed me to another nurse and she told me that I could only have an
appointment in November! I said my eye is painful and she showed no empathy at
all and claimed that I didn’t come back for a check up in April and now I am
asking for a quicker appointment and it is not possible! It’s totally irrelevant
and she was extremely rude. I told them clearly that I was not visiting again
last time because my eye pressure was higher due to an antibiotics with steroid
and my eye pressure level was normal before that. So I didn’t see the reason for
a 3rd time check up appointment….I believe that Dr Mustur is great but the staff
on the phone have to be trained especially speaking to English speakers. They
have no empathy at all to patients.
Adriana R
2 months ago

I am very disappointed!I went because when I called to make an appointment, the
secretary told me that Dr. Müster spoke Spanish, which is NOT the case!! My
disappointment is because I traveled 130 km for her to do a checkup. I have a
cornea transplant.I'm upset because he lied, I felt cheated since I had to pay
for the consultation.
Giovanni Di Pippo
2 months ago

Danny Hübner
2 months ago

In addition to the professional and quick treatment, I also particularly
appreciated the very friendly, helpful staff and the competent specialists. I
felt welcomed and taken seriously from minute 1 and left the practice after the
treatment with a very good feeling.
Brigitte Haertsch
2 months ago

I am a fan of this practice. Everyone is friendly and competent. Also
child-friendly. Highly recommended kind regards B. Can
Christian Mitchell
3 months ago

Top support from the team. They took their time with me and carried out all the
necessary eye tests etc. Everything was explained to me and any ambiguities were
clarified. I felt very well looked after and the customer experience was great.
Dr. med.Farkas then looked after me after the tests. I would love to come back.
Ilona Mihalek
3 months ago

I am very happy with the team and great care
René Obrecht
3 months ago

You don't need clairvoyant abilities to determine: specialist knowledge,
quality, organization and ambience are of the highest quality. Dr. Mustur and
her team meet the patient at eye level. You can blindly trust their expertise.
Silke Gantert
3 months ago

I am very satisfied with Dr. Mustur and can warmly recommend her. She is super
competent and very patient when dealing with anxious patients like me. What I
appreciate most is that she advocates for the patient and shows them all
treatment options. You can rely on their expertise. The practice is modern, the
employees are friendly and helpful. I'm glad I found such an ophthalmologist.
Wegener Ludwig
3 months ago

Hello dear Augenzentrum Wollishofen team,We have had the pleasure of receiving
treatments from Dr. Mustur Dominique claimed besides astigmatism, cataracts,
aspheric lenses and upper limb blepharoplasty operations, all of which were
without complications, now have 100% vision, no longer need glasses. We both
Dorli and Louis can only highly recommend this eye clinic, the whole team is
very friendly and competent. Kind regards, Wegener/ Leblè
Angela Novella
3 months ago

I am extremely satisfied with my experience at the Wollishofen Eye Center. The
staff was friendly and warm from the first moment. The approach of Doctor Mustur
and the entire team was impeccable: they treated me carefully and answered all
of my questions promptly and professionally.The surgery was carried out quickly
and precisely and throughout the process I felt cared for and supported at every
stage. I am truly grateful for the attention and help I received. A big thank
you to Dr. Mustur and the entire team. I am glad that I chose this practice and
this clinic. Thanks!
Clive Bagnall
3 months ago

The most thorough eye doctor I have ever been to. Detail oriented, very
personable and give great recommendations for products. They recommended I
switch my contact brand to one with a higher silicon percentage and the
difference has been amazing. Also great with my 9 year old son’s examinations.
Great English speaking if you need it.
Termina Rajkumar
3 months ago

Very friendly and helpful, competent advice. I always feel in good hands!
SuCuK_ Aldin
3 months ago

Friendly care
Jean-Michel Blanc
3 months ago

Dominique is a professional ophthalmologist and I can only recommend her
Jananthan Uthayakumar
3 months ago

For more than 6 months I had many and very conspicuous hailstones. Since I've
been with Dr. After Mustur was treated, my condition steadily improved. Today I
am glad to have found you as an ophthalmologist.
Flavia N
3 months ago

Very friendly and competent team. The processes appear well-established and
efficient. After registration, employees measure the eye pressure, ask for
initial information and check the correction. Then you come to the
ophthalmologist. I've had two emergencies. Both times I was able to get
appointments at short notice, which I really appreciated.
Patrick Hitz
4 months ago

Great eye doctor! Nice, uncomplicated and competent. It was a pleasure.
Jodi Khalil
4 months ago

Ms Mustur is a very nice doctor and very personable, she operated on my mother's
eyes and she is very satisfiedI recommend her to her and with full confidence
Heribert Bosbach
4 months ago

I feel very comfortable in this practice. Thanks!
Renato Rafaniello
4 months ago

A big thank you to the team. I am very satisfied with the treatment by Dr.
pattern. Everything to my satisfaction.Will recommend you!
Tali Fishman
5 months ago

As a patient, I feel well looked after and taken seriously. There is a
remarkable cheerfulness and relaxation in the team, which does not detract from
the extremely competent advice and treatment at all times. On the whole to be
recommended. Thank you very much!
Daniela Zoller
5 months ago

Highly recommended practice! Friendly and competent staff.Gorgeous and modern
Car LøS
6 months ago

I decided to have hyperhidrosis treatment because I'm struggling a lot with it.
dr Mustur did this to my complete satisfaction. Fast, uncomplicated and
painless. I'm already looking forward to the result. Many thanks to the entire
practice team for the very pleasant and nice service!Highly Recommended.
Camille Schwendener
10 months ago

AmaIng clinic-super nice doctors and staff. We’ve been coming for almost a year
now and we’re here to stay!
Kristina Hisari
a year ago

The team from the Augencenter is very kind and helpful. I've head great
experience being there and they are surely my choice for the eye doctor in
Michele Lin
a year ago

I had a very good experience with Dr. Mustur and her team. The doctor was
friendly, professional, thorough, competent, and reasonably priced. The office
was open, bright, modern, clean, and pleasant. Accommodating my preference for
English was not a problem.I am grateful because Dr. Mustur was able to assess
that I needed referral to a specialist that a prior ophthalmologist had missed.I
highly recommend trusting Dr. Mustur with the care of your eyes!
Ian Dawson
3 years ago

It is rare to find a friendly professional team so "switched on", and led by a
remarkable Dr Dominique Mustur, using the latest technology in eye care. I was
completely surprised and enjoyed my "new eyes" experience at the Augencenter
Wollishofen. The result is amazing!
4 years ago

As an American, who has experienced some of the best medical care on Earth, I
truly must say, that this is quite the clinic. Dr. Mustur is more than just an
expert, she is an absolute master of her craft. The extreme focus on customer
service, along with the quality and delivery of her services, is astounding, and
should be championed within her field's community. Five stars doesn't do her
phenomenal work justice. The world would be a better place if more doctors
orchestrated and conducted their work the way that Dr. Mustur does.
A Mackrill
4 years ago

I was very impressed with my first visit to this quite new practice. Everyone
was very welcoming and professional, as were the surroundings. The doctor and
her staff were also happy to work with me in English, my native tongue. Their
language skills were very good and much appreciated. Overall I couldn't fault
the services they offered. The location is great too, right by Wollishofen
Banhof with its easy train, bus and tram connections. We were originally refered
to a different doctor by a local optician. That doctor turned out to be on
holiday, but his answering machine message recommended Augencenter Wollishofen
in his absence. Some things are meant to be :-)

© 2023 Augencenter Wollishofen. All Rights Reserved by Dr. med. Dominique
Mustur. Imprint & Disclaimer

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+41 44 244 10 44