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Text Content

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 * ePortfolio Tools
 * Faculty Inquiry


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   * About
   * ePortfolio Tools
   * Faculty Inquiry

   * Lanquage Prejudice and ePortfolios
   * Faculty Inquiry Toolkit – Carnegie Foundation

   * E-Portfolios for Learning
   * elearnspace

 * 1 Development Pedagogy


Please add and review the eportfolio system you use at your school, college or

Below is a list of the eportfolios we are reviewing along with others we felt
were worth noting.  Please comment on the eportfolio platforms and make
suggestions for others we should review.  Please indicate which
eportfolio category (categories) best suit the eportfolio platform you are
reviewing…Showcase, Learning, Career and Course/Program Assessment.

 * Epsilen   http://www.epsilen.com
   Showcase eportfolio – no charge
   Epsilen Environment is the result of six years of research and development at
   the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology at Indiana University Purdue
   University Indianapolis (IUPUI).  The system is designed to engage today’s
   students in their digital world—combining fully integrated Web 2.0 social
   networking with the best practices of eLearning course delivery—so that
   faculty and students can collaborate and network easily on campus and around
   the world.
 * Digication http://www.digication.com/
   Used by Stony Brook.  Digication is the leading e-Portfolio provider for K-12
   and Higher Education schools across the U.S. Our e-Portfolio Editions are
   tailored to meet the needs of individual teachers and students, classrooms,
   departments, and campuses. Whether you’re looking to get started with your
   own e-Portfolio or evaluating a solution for your school, you’ve come to the
   right place.
 * RCampus  http://www.rcampus.com/
   Students can build a lifelong ePortfolios with RCampus. Use ePortfolios for
   your classes, degree program, career, or just to showcase your work. Build
   learning ePortfolios to reflect on your learning activities, submit them for
   reviews, and communicate with your teachers and peers. Compile your work at
   RCampus for years to come. Educators can build an ePortfolio Website and keep
   it for life. Have your students build their ePortfolios for a variety of
   purposes here. Engage them in reflective learning activities. And use our
   award winning iRubric to build a rich environment for communicating your
   expectations and assess student learning outcomes and artifacts with ease.
   School Administrators can get our ePortfolios and much more for your school
   at predictable and affordable licensing fees. See below for more information.
 * TaskStream https://www.taskstream.com/pub/
   LAT by TaskStream is employed at the course, program, or training (micro)
   level to facilitate the creation, collection and assessment of learner
   artifacts supporting individual and prgrammatic achievement of articulated
   standards, skills or competencies.
 * Mahara  http://mahara.org/
   Mahara is an open source e-portfolio system with a flexible display
   framework. Mahara, meaning ‘think’ or ‘thought’ in Te Reo Māori, is user
   centred environment with a permissions framework that enables different views
   of an e-portfolio to be easily managed. Mahara also features a weblog, resume
   builder and social networking system, connecting users and creating online
   learner communities.
 * Folio-ePortaro http://www.eportaro.com/index.html
   Folio by ePortaro™ is the leading, enterprise level electronic portfolio
   software system. Designed to support reflection, growth, accomplishment and
   collaboration, the ePortfolio system enables portfolio owners to
   demonstrate their skills, competencies, personality and mastery to third
   parties, over the internet; organizes diverse vocational and educational
   experiences; helps portfolio owners reflect on connections between apparently
   different accomplishments; and, supports work with counselors, advisors, and
   mentors fully supports multiple languages in a single installation.
 * Angel ePortfolio http://www.angellearning.com/products/eportfolio/
   ANGEL ePortfolio provides both students and institutions a digital
   destination to collect evidence of educational growth and assessment.
   Students can build electronic portfolios of their educational achievement and
   personal growth. Institutions can manage evidence of program achievement.
 * PebblePad http://www.pebblepad.co.uk/
   PebblePad is much more than an eportfolio. It is a Personal Learning System
   being used in learning contexts as diverse as schools, colleges, universities
   and professional bodies; by learners, teachers and assessors; for Personal
   Development Planning, Continuing Professional Development, and Learning,
   Teaching and Assessment. PebblePad has been designed with the learner at the
   centre of the system. It provides scaffolding to help users create records of
   learning, achievement and aspiration and has a reflective structure
   underpinning all of its core elements.PebblePad supports personal learning
   whilst providing a powerful suite of tools to improve learning in
   institutional contexts. Conversation, communication and collaboration is easy
   in PebblePad; items can be shared with trusted individuals, published to
   group pages or made public to the world-wide web.
 * Moofolio http://www.k12opensource.org/spdc/moofolio/moofolio.html
   Moofolio is a Moodle block that provides a platform for students and teachers
   to collect and reflect on portfolio artifacts. It is available as a solution
   for schools to implement the NH ICT Literacy standards. SPDC provides
   training on installing and configuring Moodle, adding the Portfolio module,
   administration, and teacher use of Moodle for online classrooms and the
 * My eCoach http://my-ecoach.com/
   Online resumés provide a place for job seekers to promote themselves and
   market their services and/or products. ePortfolios provide an online venue
   for students, teachers, artists, and photographers to showcase their work
   products. Students and teachers use ePortfolios to demonstrate how much they
   have learned or grown over a period of time.  There are several
   ePortfolio templates that members can clone and adapt. We are in the process
   of designing new templates for resumés and ePortfolios. Each ePortfolio or
   Resumé can have their own url or domain name, so employers can easily review
   their site without having to log in.
 * ePearl  http://grover.concordia.ca/epearl/en/epearl.php
   ePEARL is a free, bilingual, web-based electronic portfolio software. Based
   on sound research evidence, coupled with feedback from the field, ePEARL has
   been designed to encourage self-regulation in learners within student-centred
 * WordPress http://codex.wordpress.org/User:Lastnode/Wordpress_CMS  with Buddy
   Ever since the very early releases of WordPress, users have been eager to
   customize the software to suit their own needs. Indeed one of the more
   prevalent needs in today’s context is the need for content management, or
   more specifically, a Content Management System (CMS). With its flexibility
   and power, WordPress can be customized into a full fledged CMS, and many
   people are already doing just that.
 * FolioSpaces   http://www.foliospaces.com
   NEW to the eportfolio scene – developed by faculty at the University of
   Ballarat, AU
   FolioSpaces is the world-leading FREE fully featured electronic portfolio,
   weblog, resume builder and social networking system, connecting users and
   creating online communities. FolioSpaces free ePortfolio provides you with
   the tools to set up a personal learning and development environment.
 * LiveText  https://college.livetext.com/college/index.html
   It’s been said that “actions speak louder than words”. Don’t just tell people
   what you’ve accomplished in your studies, show them. With LiveText, you can
   create Visitor’s Passes, which enable you to quickly and easily showcase your
   portfolios, achievements, and exemplary work to prospective employers and
   other interested parties outside of LiveText. Because all of your course work
   has been digitally completed in LiveText, retrieval of past work is fast and
   simple. Many types of portfolios can also instantly be created and customized
   to target various audiences’ tastes or expectations. This digital environment
   means no more piles of papers and messy file cabinets!
 * Chalk and Wire http://www.chalkandwire.com
   Students can build electronic portfolios featuring completed assignments and
   their reflections, all integrated with an assessment system and linked to
   standards and rubrics. Students can also build as many personal and showcase
   portfolios as they wish, for whatever purposes they desire.Faculty and
   assessors can easily evaluate students’ work submitted work and
   provide valuable feedback. Administrators can easily create reports
   incorporating a wide variety of contexts and demographics. These reports are
   typically utilized for internal strategic goal setting, accreditation reports
   and research.
 * FolioTek http://www.foliotek.com/
   Improve your program accreditation effort with Foliotek’s Institutional
   Portfolio. Our Institutional Portfolio streamlines organization and improves
   visibility of your accreditation efforts. With Foliotek your staff can store,
   organize, and share the evidence compiled to meet the requirements for
   program accreditation. Motivate people with a clear picture of program
   accreditation targets. They will see how their work supports specific
   standards and expectations. In addition, you will be able to track your
   progress throughout the effort. Institutional Portfolios make the lives of
   your accreditation teams easier. Web access to program data makes on site
   visits less taxing and more focused.
 * iWebfolio http://www.nuventive.com/products_iwebfolio.html
   iWebfolio is an advanced electronic portfolio management system that helps
   individuals organize and archive work materials – ranging from text documents
   and presentations to graphics files, sound clips, video footage, and just
   about any other document or media format imaginable. Designed to help all
   individuals, whether they are students, faculty, staff or professionals,
   prepare, manage, reflect, share and present the results of their academic
   career, co-curricular, personal and professional experiences, iWebfolio puts
   the individual at the center of the solution, while helping organizations
   that need to acquire and present evidence of continuous improvement toward
   institutionally defined learning and performance outcomes


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    ePortfolio Tools | Maanxami's Blog, on October 23, 2013 at 5:19 pm said:
    […] See on eportfolioreview.wordpress.com […]
    Andreas Riepl, on October 23, 2013 at 5:23 pm said:
    hello, in addition there is an eportfolio-block for Moodle called exabis
    eportfolio – it allows to do eportfolio-work as well as documentation of
    competencies – take a look at http://www.exabis.at
    Richard Pallett, on March 19, 2014 at 7:16 am said:
    FolioSpaces.com has been replaced by FolioSpaces.org (with 2GB free storage
    and free institutional hosting)
    casley, on May 29, 2014 at 6:59 am said:
    We use Google Sites – free, lifelong access, no tie to organisation, easy to
    use, integration with other tools, integration with mobile, customization,
    portable data…
    ePortfolio Review – Final Project | Ryan's Portfolio, on July 30, 2014 at
    4:57 am said:
    […] 2. Various “Paid” ePortfolio options […]
    Nancy Wozniak, on September 11, 2016 at 9:46 am said:
    Can you recommend an alternative?
    What is an Eportfolio? – 161teacherblog, on October 7, 2016 at 2:45 am said:
    […] and limitations. For a fuller list and discussion of advantages and
    disadvantages, see this EPortfolio Review. Some of  these platforms are
    fee-based and some are  free. In the past I’ve used both […]
    Kim: Eportfolios, Encouraging Reflection and Transfer – Is it Legit?
    Multimodal Texts in Composition & Research Courses, on October 9, 2016 at
    4:43 am said:
    […] Technology: The technology for all its many benefits is also one of the
    major hurdles. Different platforms require different slopes of a learning
    curve. Some have set templates, which allow creators to simply plug in
    content, but those same templates can be very limiting in terms of
    arrangement. There are free platforms, such as Google Sites and
    WordPress.Some of  these platforms are fee-based and some are  free. In the
    past I’ve used both TaskStream and Digication. The benefits to those were,
    in differing degrees, the ease of using their templates, privacy settings,
    and sharing. The templates are both a benefit and a limitation. While
    students with little training in creating web pages found them helpful,
    students with some training found them very limiting. A greater limitation
    is the cost of using these platforms. Schools have to subscribe to them,
    thus they cost schools money. Further, students lose access to these
    platforms once they’re no longer a student. For a fuller list and discussion
    of advantages and disadvantages of various platforms, see this
    EPortfolio Review.  […]
    Kim // Eportfolios, Encouraging Reflection and Transfer – Is it Legit?
    Multimodal Texts in Composition & Research Courses, on October 9, 2016 at
    5:15 am said:
    […] Technology: The technology for all its many benefits is also one of the
    major hurdles. Different platforms require different slopes of a learning
    curve. Some have set templates, which allow creators to simply plug in
    content, but those same templates can be very limiting in terms of
    arrangement. There are free platforms, such as Google Sites and
    WordPress.Some of  these platforms are fee-based and some are  free. In the
    past I’ve used both TaskStream and Digication. The benefits to those were,
    in differing degrees, the ease of using their templates, privacy settings,
    and sharing. The templates are both a benefit and a limitation. While
    students with little training in creating web pages found them helpful,
    students with some training found them very limiting. A greater limitation
    is the cost of using these platforms. Schools have to subscribe to them,
    thus they cost schools money. Further, students lose access to these
    platforms once they’re no longer a student. For a fuller list and discussion
    of advantages and disadvantages of various platforms, see this
    EPortfolio Review.  […]


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