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Jobs anzeigen Folgen * alle 2.306 Mitarbeiter:innen anzeigen * Dieses Unternehmen melden INFO Inc. delivers real solutions for today's innovative business builders. With information and advice covering virtually every business and management task, including marketing, sales, finding capital and managing people, Inc. helps business owners and CEOs start, run and grow their businesses. Website http://www.inc.com Externer Link zu Inc. Magazine Branche Technologie, Information und Medien Größe 51–200 Beschäftigte Hauptsitz New York, New York Art Privatunternehmen Gegründet 1979 Spezialgebiete Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Leadership, Business, Technology, Social Media, Innovation, Startups, News, Design, Sales, Marketing, Inc. 5000 und Management ORTE * Primär 7 World Trade Center 29th Floor New York, New York 10007, US Wegbeschreibung BESCHÄFTIGTE VON INC. MAGAZINE * LAUREN A. 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Magazine 3.049.427 Follower:innen 3 Wochen Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden “He’s a point guard on and off the court,” says Erick Peyton, co-founder and co-CEO of Unanimous Media, Curry’s Hollywood production company. “A point guard is the captain on the floor, able to take the shots or give up the ball, and that’s exactly what Stephen’s ability is within the business.” Professional athletes have been starting increasingly ambitious businesses for several decades, but Curry’s growing empire takes that trend to a level scarcely seen before. Time was, successful athletes would open a car wash upon retirement, accept a few endorsement deals, and watch the mostly passive income land in their accounts. Curry, 35, combines them all, with a dozen enterprises that span nearly as many industries. In addition to Unanimous and Underrated Golf, Thirty Ink (the name is a reference to his jersey number, and the spelling of Ink with a “k” is intentional, a reference to writing his own story) includes an Underrated Basketball tour and a bourbon brand called Gentleman’s Cut. Read more for how Stephen Curry built a billion-dollar business empire: http://on.inc.com/fF2PsD0 (Reporting by Tom Foster / 📷: Jessica Chou) * 137 10 Kommentare Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Inc. Magazine 3.049.427 Follower:innen 17 Min. * Diesen Beitrag melden Farmer's Fridge founder Luke Saunders relied heavily on customer feedback to design vending machine food. #YourNextMove (Produced by Inc. and Capital One Business) HOW FARMER'S FRIDGE USED DIRECT CUSTOMER FEEDBACK TO DEVELOP ITS BRAND INC.COM Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Inc. Magazine 3.049.427 Follower:innen 45 Min. * Diesen Beitrag melden This rises to the very top. THE DOJ ANTITRUST LAWSUIT AGAINST APPLE ISN’T ABOUT THE APP STORE. IT'S AN INDICTMENT OF TIM COOK'S LEADERSHIP INC.COM Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Inc. Magazine 3.049.427 Follower:innen 1 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden With Reddit going public, here’s a look back at the company’s emotional beginnings. THE EMOTIONAL STORY OF REDDIT'S START AND SALE INC.COM Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Inc. Magazine 3.049.427 Follower:innen 1 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden "It occurred to me that this was the best way to get in front of a large group of people." WITH 5 SIMPLE WORDS, TAYLOR SWIFT TAUGHT A BRILLIANT LESSON ABOUT ACHIEVING YOUR DREAMS INC.COM 3 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Inc. Magazine 3.049.427 Follower:innen 1 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden Give these things up and employees will give you their hearts and minds. 17 SACRIFICES THE BEST LEADERS WILLINGLY MAKE FOR THEIR TEAM INC.COM 14 1 Kommentar Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Inc. Magazine 3.049.427 Follower:innen 2 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden These are the top U.S. cities -- and foreign nations -- for millionaires. WHERE MILLIONAIRES LIVE -- AND WHERE THEY'RE FLOCKING TO INC.COM 4 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Inc. Magazine hat dies direkt geteilt Ali Donaldson Staff Reporter at Inc. Magazine | Business Journalist 4 Std. * Diesen Beitrag melden The Madness is officially here. The NCAA basketball tournament is back, so while checking your brackets, take some leadership advice from a basketball legend, who has won the big dance not just once-but twice. Pro-athlete turned entrepreneur Sue Bird, who is a co-founder of the women's sports-focused media and e-commerce company TOGETHXR, stopped by Inc. Magazine's Founders House at SXSW. Why she says the "shut-up-and-dribble era" is over-both on the court and at the office. https://lnkd.in/ehq2HNvr SUE BIRD SAYS 'THE SHUT-UP-AND-DRIBBLE ERA' IS OVER--ON THE COURT AND AT THE OFFICE INC.COM 4 Gefällt mir Kommentieren Teilen * Inc. Magazine hat dies direkt geteilt Alexis Ohanian Sr. Alexis Ohanian Sr. ist Influencer:in Founder at 7️⃣7️⃣6️⃣ 6 Std. Bearbeitet * Diesen Beitrag melden We did it, Mom! $RDDT IPO day successful. I've been thinking of all the people who took a chance on Reddit, Inc., when no one else did — back in 2014, when I came back as exec chair — I'm grateful for your belief in what we knew Reddit could be. And I'm extra grateful for all the ones who not only signed up to work with me on turning things around, and then have also gone on to build even more together with Seven Seven Six 7️⃣7️⃣6️⃣ + 776 Foundation — Katelin Holloway, Elisabeth Garvin, and Christopher Vanzetta. … mehr anzeigen Play Video Video Player is loading. 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