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Submitted URL: https://freedommobile-credit.com/
Effective URL: https://www.interac.ca/en/
Submission: On January 12 via api from US — Scanned from PL
Effective URL: https://www.interac.ca/en/
Submission: On January 12 via api from US — Scanned from PL
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Skip to main content * fr * Consumers * Our Products * Interac e-TransferSend money via email or text message. * Enhanced FeaturesAdded capabilities of INTERAC e-Transfer * International TransfersSend money overseas. * Interac DebitMore than just a card. * Contactless PaymentsThe faster way to check out. * Chip and PIN * e-Commerce PaymentsShop the web and in mobile apps. * Cross-Border PaymentsPay with your card in the U.S. * ABM withdrawalsWithdraw cash at your convenience. * Find an ABMSearch for an ABM close to you. * Interac Verified * Interac sign-in service * Interac verification service * Interac document verification service * Safety & Security * Interac DebitThe security behind checking out. * Transaction LimitsAll transactions have a cap for security. * Zero Liability PolicyProtection for things you can’t control. * Interac e-TransferThe security behind sending money. * Support * FAQ – ConsumersFind answers to common questions. * Interac e-Transfer Support FormEmail support form. * Understanding FeesHow our fees work. * Contact UsKey contact information. * Business * New to Interac Payment Solutions? * BenefitsAdvantages for your business. * Our RoleHow we work for your business. * Find an AcquirerSearch for a solutions provider. * Our Products * Interac e-TransferEasy invoicing, payroll and deposits. * Interac DebitSecure point-of-sale payments. * Contactless PaymentsFaster checkout for smaller purchases. * e-Commerce PaymentsEasy payment on mobile devices. * Merchant GuideA technical guide for Interac Online. * ABM WithdrawalsOn-premise ABMs. * Transit Solutions * Interac Verified * Interac document verification service * Interac verification service * Safety & Security * Interac DebitSafety at point-of-sale checkout. * Interac Debit For Online PaymentsThe security of e-Commerce checkout. * Interac e-TransferThe security behind money transfer. * Point-of-Purchase Integrity ChecklistDownload a security checklist. * Support * Code of ConductReport a problem with a service provider. * Understanding FeesLearn about our solutions fee structure. * Business FAQsFind answers to common questions. * Contact UsKey contact information. * About * Our People * Leadership TeamThe members of our Executive Team. * Board of DirectorsThe members of our Board of Directors. * Diversity & Inclusion * The Ombudsman’s Office * Our Company * Community Impact * Corporate Year in Review * HistoryThe history of Interac. * Careers * Developer Life at Interac * Life at InteracOur company culture. * Student Life at InteracOur student work program. * Network ParticipantsRole definitions. * Contact Us * FAQs * Consumer * Business * How To Use * In The Know * Consumers * Back * Consumers – Home * Our Products * Back * Interac Products – Home * Interac e-Transfer * Back * Interac e-Transfer – Home * Enhanced Features * International Transfers * Interac Debit * Back * Interac Debit – Home * Contactless Payments * Chip and PIN * e-Commerce Payments * Cross-Border Payments * ABM withdrawals * Back * ABM withdrawals – Home * Find an ABM * Interac Verified * Back * Interac Verified – Home * Interac Sign-in service * Interac verification service * Interac document verification service * Safety & Security * Back * Security – Home * Interac Debit * Back * Interac Debit – Home * Transaction Limits * Zero Liability Policy * Interac e-Transfer * Back * Interac e-Transfer – Home * Support * Back * Support – Home * Interac e-Transfer Support Form * FAQ – Consumers * Understanding Fees * Contact Us * Business * Back * Business – Home * New to Interac Payment Solutions? * Back * New to Interac Payment Solutions – Home * Benefits * Our Role * Find an Acquirer * Our Products * Back * Our Solutions – Home * Interac e-Transfer * Interac Debit * Back * Interac Debit – Home * Contactless Payments * eCommerce Payments * Back * eCommerce Payments – Home * Merchant Guide * ABM Withdrawals * Transit Solutions * Interac Verified * Back * Interac Verified – Home * Interac document verification service * Interac verification service * Security * Back * Security – Home * Interac Debit * Back * Interac Debit – Home * Interac Debit For Online Payments * Interac e-Transfer * Point-of-Purchase Integrity Checklist * Support * Back * Support – Home * Code of Conduct * Understanding Fees * Business FAQs * Contact Us * About * Back * About – Home * Our People * Back * Our People – Home * Leadership Team * Board of Directors * Diversity and Inclusion * The Ombudsman’s Office * Our Company * Back * Our Company – Home * Community Impact * Corporate Year in Review * History * Careers * Back * Careers – Home * Developer Life at Interac * Student Life at Interac * Life at Interac * Network Participants * Contact Us * FAQs * Back * Consumer * Business * How To Use * In The Know * Back * In The Know – Home * News * Inside Interac * Ideas * Business * Life * Media * Back * Contact Us * Press Release * Spokespeople * fr * Close Menu YOU’RE INCHARGE Find the tools and resources you need at the From Dollar One business hub. Learn More HELPING YOU GET MORE OUT OF LIFE. Whether buying your morning coffee, paying back a friend or evolving your business payment system, Interac helps you stay in control of your money so you can get the most out of life. 6.6B Interac Debit Transactions (2023) 1.18B Interac e-Transfer Transactions (2023) $214M Verification and Authentication Transactions (2023) CONSUMERS EVERYDAY CONVENIENCES THAT MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER * Send money when and where you want * Pay and check out quickly Our solutions make payments faster and simpler – because you have better ways to spend your time. Discover More BUSINESS PAYMENT SOLUTIONS THAT HELP DRIVE YOUR BUSINESS * Speed up the billing and deposit cycle * Move customers through the checkout process quicker * Increase automated tracking and reliability We advance the ways that Canadians pay – so that you can focus on building your business. Explore how Interac solutions help businesses stay ahead. Discover More INTERAC NEWS AND STORIES, IN YOUR INBOX Stay up to date on news, industry insights and product updates with Interac news and stories. Subscribe Can music influence shopping habits? Learn more FOR CONSUMERS * Our Products * Safety & Security * Support FOR BUSINESS * New to Interac Payment Solutions? * Our Products * Safety & Security * Support * Code of Conduct ABOUT INTERAC * Careers * Our People * Our Company * Network Participants RESOURCES * In The Know * News LANGUAGE * fr * en FOLLOW * Opens in new tab * Opens in new tab * Opens in new tab * Opens in new tab * Legal * Accessibility * In The Know * Innovation Hub * CRIC Pledge to Canadians © Copyright 2024 Interac We use cookies and other technologies to improve your browsing experience on our Sites, to show focused ads and to analyze Site traffic. Learn more at our Cookie Notice. 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