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Developing a positive human-companion animal relationship for our street
Educating, researching and litigating to end the use and abuse of animals in
food and clothing.
Campaigning to end the use of all animals in entertainment, sacrifice and
Bringing people together to improve the animal protection framework in the
Legally fighting for the right to personhood for elephants in the country.



13 regional and national organisations have called on Rajya Sabha
Parliamentarians ahead of the winter session to seek their cooperation in
removing the special exception created in the Wildlife (Protection) Amendment
Bill 2022, which allows the transfer of ownership of elephants for “religious
and any other purpose.” The letter urges each Rajya Sabha MP to:

1. Ask for the Bill to be re-examined by sending it back to the Lok Sabha

2. Demand that the government present a firm plan, consistent with past policy,
to demonstrate that private ownership of elephants will be phased out, in a
timely manner

3. Write to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and amplify
the threat to elephants, before the Bill is tabled.





SARRP (Spreading Awareness on Reptiles and Rehabilitation Program) is an NGO
which was registered in the year 2010. SARRP works for the cause of reptiles,
wild birds, and urban wildlife. However, the main agenda of the organization is
to rescue reptiles and wild birds.........


 * Study finds hazardous levels of insecticides, antibiotics in fish, shrimp
   farming in 10 states
   January 17, 2021
 * Study finds metal pollution in aquaculture farms
   January 17, 2021
 * Milch animals being treated like ‘milk-producing machines’ in dairies in
   Varanasi and Allahabad: Report
   December 25, 2020
 * Conservation of river dolphins: Experts pitch for trans-boundary commission
   November 27, 2020
 * World Vegan Day 2020: Experts Busts 6 Common Myths About Veganism
   November 1, 2020


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As a new vegan, i faced several challenges, the biggest of them being the
feeling of helplessness. FIAPO helped me get on the street with several
activisms and outreach programmes, helping me create a difference for animals in
the world we live in!  
I began volunteering with FIAPO's Living Free programme in 2016, and the
experience has been awesome! FIAPO offers grassroots activists immense support.
Loving animals and actually being able to do something for them are two totally
different things. The support I got from FIAPO helped me start campaigns of my
I’m so glad FIAPO is making the animal rights movement stronger and larger by
the day. It provides the much needed support to all of us working towards an
animal friendly country!
FIAPO was set up to bring activists and NGOs together, to be able to talk about
issues on animal welfare, to set higher goals, achieve them and look at the
factors that affected our success.
The purpose of FIAPO is to help us find each other in a storm i.e. struggle for
the animal rights movement.


Animals feel. They think, they know, they suffer. FIAPO fights for animals'
rights to freedom and joy.

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