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Details will be shared after the registration. Advantages .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10% INSTANT DISCOUNT FOR ELECTRONICS RELIANCEDIGITAL.IN #Shopping Offer 10% Instant Discount for Electronics reliancedigital.in Deals Worth Grabbing .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOHNS HOPKINS BLOOMBERG SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, BALTIMORE, USA IN COOPERATION WITH IIHMR UNIVERSITY INAUGURATES ITS 9TH COHORT OF MASTER OF PUBLIC HEALTH #News Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA in cooperation with IIHMR University inaugurates its 9th Cohort of Master of Public Health JHSPH-IIHMR MPH program will allow students to join a global network of over 24,000 alumni Jaipur, 19th October 2021: IIHMR University, Jaipur in cooperation with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), Baltimore, USAE-Inaugurated Cohort 9 of the admired internati.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIHAR GOVERNMENT CALENDAR 2022 #Bihar Bihar Government Calendar 2022 .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- भगवा #Bhakti Sagar भगवा एक महातपस्वी मुनि का आश्रम था , वहां के वृक्ष भी तपस्वियों के अग्निहोत्रों के कारण धूमपंक्तियों से युक्त दिखाई पडते थे ! वहां से वेदमन्त्रों की ध्वनियों को सुस्पष्ट सुना .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- एका दशी व्रत का पारण कब और कैसे करें ..? #Bhakti Sagar *एका दशी व्रत का पारण कब और कैसे करें ..?* व्रत को पूर्ण करने या खोलने को व्रत का पारण करना कहते हैं...। एकादशी के पूà.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- दुर्गा सप्तशती बारहवां अध्याय #Bhakti Sagar दुर्गा सप्तशती बारहवां अध्याय-- (देवी के चरित्रों के पथ का माहात्म्य)-- देवी बोली - हे देवताओं ! जो पुरुष इन स्त्रोत्रों द्वारा एकाग्रचित होकर मेरी स्तुति करेà.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR APP DEVELOPMENT COMPANY? #Technology How to choose your app development company?Due to the mobile applications and custom software development boom, in the market we can find many and varied options when choosing who is going to develop our mobile application. They range from freelance developers to companies specializing in software and mobile solutions. Finding the right technology partne.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- रावणवध #Bhakti Sagar रावणवध ....... देवराज इन्द्र के सारथि मातलि ने रावण के रथ को दाहिने रखते हुए , अपने दिव्य रथ को चलाते हुए इतनी धूल उडायी कि रावण उसे देखकर काँप उठा और उसका चेहरा क ¥.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- भारत के 11 पर्वतों की यात्रा जरूर करें, जानिए उनका रहस्य #Bhakti Sagar भारत के 11 पर्वतों की यात्रा जरूर करें, जानिए उनका रहस्य* ----- हम यहां न तो सबसे ऊंचे पर्वतों की बात कर रहे हैं और न ही पर्वतमालाओं की। हम बात कर रहे हैं धार्मिक दृष्टि से सबसे पवित्र.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- सनातन संस्कृति में 8400000 योनियों का वर्णन है #Bhakti Sagar सनातन संस्कृति में 8400000 योनियों का वर्णन है,साथ ही इन के अलावा प्रेत,भूत,पिशाच के साथ ही मोक्षमार्ग भी वर्णित है,मनुष्य जब मनुष्य योनि में आता है,तो यह हमारी संस्कृति के ज्ञान के अनुसार अंतिम.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- माता वैष्णो देवी की अमर कथा #Bhakti Sagar माता वैष्णो देवी की अमर कथा .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- श्री संकट मोचन हनुमानजी #Bhakti Sagar ।।श्री संकट मोचन हनुमानजी।। देश के ऐतिहासिक मंदिरों में शामिल काशी के संकट मोचन मंदिर का इतिहास करीब 400 साल पुराना है। इसी मंदिर में हनुमान ने राम भक्त गोस्वामी तुलसीदा.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- जीवन में सब मिल जाए पर जो हरी न मिले तो धिक्कार है खुद पर #Bhakti Sagar एक बार एक सिद्ध संत श्री मोहन देव जी वृंदावन आए ! उन्होंने बोहोत सी सिद्धियाँ प्राप्त कर रखी थी ! वृंदावन में वो एक श्याम को यमुना जी की किनारे बैठे थे वहीं एक व्रध संत बैठे थे जो राधा राधा राधà.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ठाकुरजी और किशोरी जी का एक मार्मिक प्रसंग #Bhakti Sagar *ठाकुरजी और किशोरी जी का एक मार्मिक प्रसंग* *गोलू अपने मां-बाप का इकलौता बेटा था। गोलू की मां लोगों .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- आखिर है क्या रामायण ???? #Bhakti Sagar *आखिर है क्या रामायण ????* *अगर पढ़ो तो आंसुओ पे काबू रखना...प्यारे पाठको....छोटा सा वृतांत है* *एक रात की बात हैं,माता कौशिल्या जी को सोते में अपने महल की छत पर किसी के.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- पाप का गुरू कौन है ? #Bhakti Sagar पाप का गुरू कौन है?* एक पंडित जी कई वर्षों तक काशी में शास्त्रों का अध्ययन करने के बाद गांव लौटे। पूरे गांव में शोहरत हुई कि काशी से शिक्षित होकर आए हैं और धर्म से जुड़े किसी भी प ¤.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- दो सुन्दर प्रसंग एक श्रीकृष्ण का और एक श्री राम का* #Bhakti Sagar *दो सुन्दर प्रसंग एक श्रीकृष्ण का और एक श्री राम का* माखन चोर नटखट श्री कृष्ण को रंगे हाथों पकड़ने के लिये एक ग्वालिन ने एक अनोखी जुगत भिड़ाई। उसने माखन की मटकी के सà.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- देवी अहिल्या #Bhakti Sagar देवी अहिल्या देवी अहिल्या हिन्दू धर्म की सर्वाधिक सम्मानित महिलाओं में से एक है जिन्हे पञ्चसतियों में स्थान दिया गया है। अन्य चार हैं - मंदोदरी, तारा, कुंती एवं द्रौपदीà.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GET UPTO 50% OFF AT BATA.IN #Shopping Offer Get Upto 50% off at Bata.in .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- क्या शिवलिंग पर चढ़ा प्रसाद ग्रहण किया जा सकता है? #Bhakti Sagar क्या शिवलिंग पर चढ़ा प्रसाद ग्रहण किया जा सकता है? शास्त्र सम्मत दृष्टिकोण: शिव पुराण के अनुसार विशेष शिवलिंगो पर चढ़ाये गये प्रसाद को ग्रहण करने से व्यक्त.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- मणिकर्णिका #Bhakti Sagar मणिकर्णिका :- मणि यानि कुंडल और कर्णम मतलब कान कुछ लोगों का कहना है कि भगवान शिव और पार्वती के स्नान के लिए यहां विष्णु जी ने कुआं खोदा था, जिसे लोग अब मणिकर्णिका कुंड के नाम से भी.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- गोमंत्र जाप से पापनाश #Bhakti Sagar गोमंत्र जाप से पापनाश .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- आत्मा को खोज #Bhakti Sagar *आत्मा को खोज* बारह यात्री थे। वे एक नगर से दूसरे नगर को जा रहे थे। आगे बढ़े तो एक नदी आ गई। कोई पुल नहीं , कोई नाव नहीं। पार तो पहुँचना ही है , परंतु कैसे ? उनमें सà.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- पूजा के दौरान दीपक की लौ में फूल बनने का मतलब ! #Bhakti Sagar पूजा के दौरान दीपक की लौ में फूल बनने का मतलब ! दीपक की लो में फूल बनने का मतलब है कि, आपकी पूजा आपके ईष्टदेव तक पहुंच रही है, यानि इस प्रकार दीपक की लो में अगर फूल बनता है तो, ¤.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- पशु पक्षियों को दाना खिलाने से तमाम मुश्किलों एवं परेशानियों से छुटकारा मिलता है !! #Bhakti Sagar पशु पक्षियों को दाना खिलाने से तमाम मुश्किलों एवं परेशानियों से छुटकारा मिलता है !! पशु-पक्षियों को दाना-पानी खिलाने से मनुष्य के जीवन में आने वाली कई परेशानियों से छुटक.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- विश्व का सबसे बड़ा और वैज्ञानिक समय गणना तन्त्र (ऋषि मुनियों द्वारा किया गया अनुसंधान) #Education विश्व का सबसे बड़ा और वैज्ञानिक समय गणना तन्त्र (ऋषि मुनियों द्वारा किया गया अनुसंधान) .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- मिट जाएंगे, जीवन के अंधकार, आटे का दीपक जलाने से !! #Bhakti Sagar मिट जाएंगे, जीवन के अंधकार, आटे का दीपक जलाने से !! पूजा करते समय दीपक को जरूर जलाया जाता है, दीपक जलाना शुभ माना जाता है और दीपक जलाकर की गई पूजा सफल होती है, कई लोग मिट्टी का .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- भागवत महापुराण के द्वादश स्कन्ध, द्वितीय अध्याय में लिखी ये 11 भयंकर बातें कलयुग में सच हो रही हैं #Bhakti Sagar भागवत महापुराण के द्वादश स्कन्ध, द्वितीय अध्याय में लिखी ये 11 भयंकर बातें कलयुग में सच हो रही हैं ,... 1. श्रीशुकदेवजी परीक्षित से कहते हैं राजन! समय बड़ा बलवान् है; ज्यों-ज्यों घोर.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- कर्मो का फल #Bhakti Sagar *कर्मो का फल* एक बार à.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- भैरव का रुरु #Bhakti Sagar भैरव का रुरु (गुरु) रूप अत्यंत प्रभावी व आकर्षक है। उनके हाथों में कुल्हाड़ी, तलवार और कपाल है तथा उनकी कमर में सर्प लिपटा हुआ है। बैल की सवारी है और इनकी पूजा से ज्ञान की प्राप्त होती है। इनक.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- रोना हो तो कृष्ण के लिए ही रोयें..... #Bhakti Sagar रोना हो तो कृष्ण के लिए ही रोयें..... यह अभागा, पापी मन धन दौलत के लिए तो रोता पिटता है लेकिन भगवान् अपने हैं, फिर भी आज तक इसके लिए रोता नहीं है। क्या करें ?" .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- केदारनाथ को क्यों कहते हैं ‘जागृत महादेव’ ? #Bhakti Sagar *" केदारनाथ को क्यों कहते हैं ‘जागृत महादेव’ ?, दो मिनट की ये कहानी रौंगटे खड़े कर देगी "* *एक बार एक शिव-भक्त अपने गांव से केदारनाथ धाम की यात्रा पर निकला। पहले यातायात की सुà.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- रात्रि के अंतिम प्रहर में एक बुझी हुई चिता की भस्म पर अघोरी ने जैसे ही आसन लगाया, #Bhakti Sagar रात्रि के अंतिम प्रहर में एक बुझी हुई चिता की भस्म पर अघोरी ने जैसे ही आसन लगाया, एक प्रेत ने उसकी गर्दन जकड़ ली और बोला- मैं जीवन भर विज्ञान का छात्र रहा और जीवन के उत्तरार्ध में.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- त्रिजटा - राक्षसी से साध्वी तक #Bhakti Sagar त्रिजटा - राक्षसी से साध्वी तक रामायण का यह एक ऐसा पात्र है जिसकी चर्चा बहुत कम होती है। त्रिजटा को सीताजी ने बड़े प्रेम से मां कहा था। यह सौभाग्य और किसी को कभ.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- चारों युग में भगवान, विष्णु का ध्यान #Bhakti Sagar 1चारों युग में भगवान, विष्णु का ध्यान सतयुग में भगवान का स्वेत वर्ण होता है, चार भुजाएं, सिर पर जटा, वल्कल वस्त्र काले मृग का चर्म, यज्ञोपवी.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- बलराम - एक बहु आयामी व्यक्तित्व ! #Bhakti Sagar बलराम - एक बहु आयामी व्यक्तित्व ! बलराम कृष्ण के सौतेले भाई और वासुदेव व रोहिणी के पुत्र थे उनकी अपनी एक बहन थी , जिसका नाम सुभद्रा था बलराम सुभद्रा का विवाह दुर्योधन से करà.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- प्रति वर्ष दशहरे के ठीक 21 दिन बाद ही दीपावली क्यों आती है ? #Bhakti Sagar प्रति वर्ष दशहरे के ठीक 21 दिन बाद ही दीपावली क्यों आती है ? क्या कभी आपने इस पर विचार किया है। विश्वास न हो तो कैलेंडर देख लीजिएगा। रामायण में वाल्मिकी.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- सच्चे भक्त जीवन के हर क्षण को भगवान का आशीर्वाद मानकर उसे स्वीकार करते हैं #Bhakti Sagar एक किवदंती के अनुसार एक बार मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम प्रभु श्री राम और भ्राता लक्ष्मण एक सरोवर में स्नान के लिए उतरे। उतरते समय उन्होंने अपने-अपने धनुष बाहर तट पर गाड़ दिए जब वे स्नान करके बाहर ¤.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- वाराणसी का दुर्गाकुंड मंदिर एक भव्य विशाल मंदिर है। इस मंदिर का महत्व नवरात्र में और भी ज्यादा बढ़ जाता है। #Bhakti Sagar वाराणसी का दुर्गाकुंड मंदिर एक भव्य विशाल मंदिर है। इस मंदिर का महत्व नवरात्र में और भी ज्यादा बढ़ जाता है। काशी को भोले नाथ की नगरी कहा जाता है। लेकिन भगवान शिव के अलाव ¤.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREAT TOOLS TO TEST WEBSITE ACCESSIBILITY #Business Great tools to test website accessibilityBe it health, education, employment, commerce, socialization or banking, we need websites and applications to access information and take advantage of goods and services through it. However, people are not all the same. A large part of human beings suffer from certain disabilities; Some of them need special care to access .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOLLYWOOD DIVA KIARA ADVANI ROPED IN AS BRAND AMBASSADOR FOR SENCO GOLD & DIAMONDS #Fashion Bollywood Diva Kiara Advani Roped In As Brand Ambassador For Senco Gold & Diamonds For their new brand campaign – ‘Now is the time’ Kolkata, October 7, 2021: Senco Gold & Diamonds, one of India’s largest jewellery retail chains has signed Bollywood actress Kiara Advani as their brand ambassador. She will be promoting entire gold j.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HON'BLE CHIEF MINISTER OF KARNATAKA AND FICCI FLO BANGALORE FELICITATE AMISHA JAIN, CEO, ZIVAME #News HON'BLE CHIEF MINISTER OF KARNATAKA AND FICCI FLO BANGALORE FELICITATE AMISHA JAIN, CEO, ZIVAME Names her the “Woman Entrepreneur” of the year Mumbai, October 8th , 2021: Zivame, India's leading women's intimate-wear destination, is pleased to announce that its Chief Executive Officer - Amisha Jain has been named the Woman Entrepreneur of the Year by Hon'ble Ch.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIA’S LEADING WOMEN’S FASHION GROUP TCNS CLOTHING APPOINTS PUNEET SEWRA AS CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER #News India’s leading women’s fashion group TCNS Clothing appoints Puneet Sewra as Chief Marketing Officer ~ Plans to fuel the next leap by creating stronger brand identities and a consumer-centric approach ~ Mumbai, October 8, 2021: India’s leading women’s branded apparel company and the name behind hugely successful brands like W, Aurelia and Wishful, TCNS Clothin.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNACADEMY SIGNS MOU WITH GOVERNMENT OF TRIPURA TO EMPOWER GIRL STUDENTS FOR DEFENCE EXAMS #Education Unacademy Signs MoU with Government of Tripura to Empower Girl Students for Defence Exams Unacademy signs MoU with Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, Department of Education, Government of Tripura Unacademy to conduct 2 aptitude tests over 1 year in collaboration with Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan to identify and award meritorious girl students from Tripura A tot.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4000STUDENTS PARENTS AND TEACHERSACROSS PODAR WORLD SCHOOLS PARTICIPATED TO CONTRIBUTE THROUGH DAANUTSAV #News 4000Students Parents and TeachersAcross Podar World Schools participated to Contribute Through DaanUtsav .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMPLILEARN HOSTS ITS FIRST VIRTUAL GRADUATION CEREMONY WITH CALTECH CTME FOR OVER 140 LEARNERS #News Simplilearn Hosts its First Virtual Graduation Ceremony with Caltech CTME for Over 140 Learners Mumbai, October 9, 2021: Simplilearn, the world’s #1 Online Bootcamp and a frontrunner in the EdTech domain, hosted its first online convocation ceremony in partnership with Caltech CTME to felicitate and acknowledge over 140 learners for completing the Post Graduate Program. Gracing the event with their presence were Dr. Rick Hefner,.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ROLE OF ART IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN #Blog Along with developing methods such as the method of Glen Doman, Maria Montessori, upbringing according to the Makoto Shichida method, the use of elements of TRIZ pedagogy, it has become fashionable to introduce children to the history of art, the study of painting, and early acquaintance with music. The demand and popularity of such methods among parents is explained by the fact that modern society makes more and more demands on a person as a person. Being educated is no longer enough. It is important to.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 COMMON PITFALLS MADE WHEN DEVELOPING AN APP #Technology 10 common pitfalls made when developing an appMobile phone usage has already exceeded desktop´s. As a result, more and more companies are designing mobile applications to sell their products, provide their services and keep in touch with their users. Of course, mobile applications need much more than just an attractive design. From budget definition to the devel.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECENT JOBS RECRUITMENT OF GROUP-C JOB VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN NIFT PATNA 2021 #Bihar 20 Days Remaining for Apply The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Patna invites online applications in the prescribed format for Recruitment of the following Group-C Sarkari Naukri Vacancy posts of Administrative / Technical positions at NIFT Patna Campus. (Advertisement No. 1000(01)/Rectt. of Group C/2021-22) The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) Patna was established by the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, a premier educational institute and a premier institute of Fashion Business Educat ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT DRIVE FOR CONSULTANT POSITIONS UNDER DIFFERENT PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS OF JSLPS #Jharkhand 2 Days Remaining for Apply Department of Rural Development Government of Jharkhand Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society RECRUITMENT DRIVE FOR CONSULTANT POSITIONS UNDER DIFFERENT PROGRAMMES/PROJECTS OF JSLPS The Rural Development Department, Government of Jharkhand implements several programmes that aim at alleviating rural poverty through creating sustainable employment opportunities for the r ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT FOR FACULTY VACANCY IN NITIE MUMBAI 2021 #Maharashtra 13 Days Remaining for Apply Applications in the prescribed form format are invited for the following teaching faculty Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor of in National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai (an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education (earlier MHRD), Government of India in various areas/specialization in regular and in a Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC-NC/PwD/EWS candidates for the year 2021. (Advertisement No. 001/SDR/2021-22 & 003 ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT OF FACULTY AND NON-TEACHING VACANCY IN UNIVERSITY OF ALLAHABAD 2021 #Sarkari Naukri 1 Days Remaining for Apply The University of Allahabad (UoA), a Central University at Prayagraj (Uttar Pradesh) invites online applications in the prescribed format for Academic Faculty Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Assistant Librarian and some other Non-Teaching Administrative Group-A, Group-B and Group-C Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts, etc. on Direct Recruitment 2021 on a regular basis in University of Allahabad at Prayagraj (Advertisement No. UoA/Asst Prof/01/2 ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NIKON SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2021-22 #Scholorship 9 Days Remaining for Apply Scholarship Name : Nikon Scholarship Program 2021-22 Description: Nikon India Private Limited invites scholarship applications from students (Class 12 passed onwards) pursuing photography courses. The scholarship program is meant to support students from underprivileged sections of the society. ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHAEFFLER INDIA HOPE ENGINEERING SCHOLARSHIP 2021-22 #Scholorship 9 Days Remaining for Apply Scholarship Name 1: Schaeffler India Hope Engineering Scholarship 2021-22 Description: Schaeffler India invites applications from first-year engineering students (from states of Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu) to provide them with financial support for their engineering studies. The scholarship is ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT OF TRAINEE AND PROJECT ENGINEER IN BEL PANCHKULA 2021 #Sarkari Naukri 5 Days Remaining for Apply Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navratna Public Sector Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company require Project Trainee and Project Engineers on a short term basis for its various Units/Offices/Project Offices situated at Panchkula (Haryana). Application through Online mode in the prescribed format for these government job vacancies of Project and Trainee Engineer Recruitment in BEL Panchkula 2021 are invited by 27th October 2021 by BEL. SarkariNaukriBlog dot com ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT OF SENIOR OFFICERS IN INDIA POST PAYMENT BANK 2021 #Bank 1 Days Remaining for Apply India Post Payments Bank Limited (IPPB) has been set up under the Department of Post, Ministry of Communication with 100% equity owned by the Government of India. IPPB invites online recruitment application forms for the following 21 Govt. Job vacancy posts of Senior level Officers/Managers at various levels on a Regular/Deputation basis in various disciplines/areas in order to support our future growth and transformation challenges in India Post Payments Bank. Interested candidates who fulfil ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACULTY VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF PUNJAB 2021 #Punjab 0 Days Remaining for Apply The Central University of Punjab (CUP), Bathinda (Punjab) invites applications in prescribed format through the online method from eligible candidates for the following regular Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts of faculty as Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in various subjects/disciplines (Advt. No. (Advertisement No. CUPB/21-22/005-006). This is one of the latest government job vacancies in the state of Punjab. : CUP Faculty Recruitment 2021 Vacan ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT OF FACULTY AND OFFICER VACANCY IN WBNUJS 2021 #West Bengal 8 Days Remaining for Apply The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkata invites applications on prescribed format for Academic Faculty Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor and Administrative vacancy posts etc. on Direct Recruitment 2021 on a regular basis in WBNUJS Kolkata. Published Faculty Vacancies Professor (Forensic Science): 01 vacancies in Forensic Sci ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDIAN ARMY SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION (SSC) REMOUNT VETERINARY CORPS 2021 #Defense & Police 27 Days Remaining for Apply Application on the prescribed format is invited from qualified male veterinary graduates for Short Service Commission (SSC) in Remount Veterinary Corps of Indian Army for the year 2021. Army SSC Remount Veterinary Corps Recruitment 2021 Vacancies Age: 21-32 years as on 18/11/2021 Qualification : BVSc./BVSc. & AH degree from any recognised Indian University or equivalent. Pay Scale: 7th CPC Pay Matrix Pay Level- ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT OF ASSISTANT QUALITY CONTROL OFFICER IN INDIAN OIL #Sarkari Naukri 0 Days Remaining for Apply Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), the largest commercial undertaking in India and a Fortune “ Global 500” company, to fuel its future growth, is looking for Quality Control Officers from energetic and dedicated candidates having deep knowledge in Chemistry or equivalent subject and hence invites online application in the prescribed format for the recruitment of Government Jobs vacancy posts of Assistant Quality Control Officers. (Advertisement No. RD-2021). IOCL Assista ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIGH COURT HIMACHAL CLERK VACANCY RECRUITMENT 2021 #Himachal Pradesh 21 Days Remaining for Apply Online Applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible desirous candidates Indian Citizens for the Recruitment of Clerk/Proof Reader (Class-III) Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts in the High Court of Himachal Pradesh. (Advertisement No.HHC/Admn.2(21)/82-VI). Himachal High Court Clerk Recruitment 2021 Vacancies Clerk/ Proof Reader (Class-III): 19 vacancies 17 - regular (UR-11, EWS-02, SC-02, ST-01) (PH-01) and 2 - anticipated, Pay Scale: ₹5200-20200 Grad ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACULTY AND NON-TEACHING JOB VACANCY IN MGAHV WARDHA 2021 #Sarkari Naukri 10 Days Remaining for Apply Applications through online mode in the prescribed format for recruitment to fill up the following various Faculty Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts in various subject/disciplines and some other Non-Teaching Government Job vacancies in various department/administrative office in the महात्मा गांधी अंतरराष्ट्रीय हिंदी विश्वविद्यालय, वर्धा (Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha), Maharashtra. (Advertis ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBEDAR SUB-INSPECTOR PLATOON COMMANDER RECRUITMENT 2021 IN CHHATTISGARH POLICE #Chhattisgarh 9 Days Remaining for Apply Online Applications in the prescribed format are invited by the Chhattisgarh Police (CGPolice) for recruitment of the following Group-C 975 various Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts of Subedar, Sub-Inspector and Platoon Commander for Chhattisgarh Police. (Advertisement No. 01/2021). Chhattisgarh Police Subedar Sub-Inspector Platoon Commandar Recruitment 2021 Chhattisgarh Police Recruitment 2021 Vacancies Subedar: 58 vacancies (UR-24, OBC-08, SC-07, ST-19) ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT FOR JOB VACANCIES IN FOOD SAFETY AND STANDARDS AUTHORITY OF INDIA (FSSAI) 2021 #Sarkari Naukri 21 Days Remaining for Apply The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) invites online applications in the prescribed format for following various Sarkari Naukri Job Vacancies of Officers, Director, Managers, Engineers, Assistants etc. in Group-A, Group-B and Group-C on direct recruitment basis from dynamic, proficient and motivated candidates looking for exciting career opportunities in the Food Regulatory System and wanted to be a part of the FSSAI growth journey. (Advertisement No. DR-02-03-04/2021) ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENGINEER & GEO-SCIENCES TRAINEE RECRUITMENT IN ONGC BY GATE 2021 #Sarkari Naukri 10 Days Remaining for Apply Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) is embarking upon a major recruitment exercise of recruiting Graduate Engineer Trainees in E1 grade in various Engineering and Geo-Science disciplines. Candidates interested in joining as Graduate Engineer Trainees through GATE-2021 test score should apply Online in the prescribed format at the ONGC website only (Advt. No. 3/2021 (R&P)). ONGC is looking for young, promising and energetic aspirants with bright academic records to join the organizat ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SBI GENERAL SURAKSHA SUPPORT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 2021 #Scholorship 9 Days Remaining for Apply Scholarship Name : SBI General Suraksha Support Scholarship Program 2021 Description: ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCIENTIST VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN MINISTRY OF EARTH SCIENCES 2021 #Sarkari Naukri 21 Days Remaining for Apply Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) invites online applications in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for the recruitment of the following various 12 Sarkari Naukri Vacancy for Scientists on direct recruitment basis in its organisations. (Advt. No. MoES/A-12024/1/2021-Estt). Scientist Recruitment in Ministry of Earth Sciences 2021 MoES Scientist Recruitment 2021 Vacancies Scientist - 'C' : 09 vacancies, Pay Scale: Pay Level-11 ₹67700-20 ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NCC SPECIAL ENTRY SCHEME 51ST COURSE COMMENCING APRIL 2022 SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION (SSC) OFFICER FOR MALE & WOMEN IN INDIAN ARMY #Defense & Police 12 Days Remaining for Apply The Indian Army is looking for a few good Men and Women. Online applications on prescribed format are invited by Indian Army from unmarried male and female or widow of defence candidates for grant of Short Service Commission (SSC) in the Indian Army for 51st NCC April 2022 entry. 51st NCC Entry Vacancies 55 vacancies [50 posts for Male (Gen-45, Wards of Battle Casualties-5) and 05 posts for Female (Gen-4, Wards of Battle Casualties-1) Age &nb ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBPS 11TH CRP FOR CLERK VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN PSU BANKS 2022-23 #Bank 5 Days Remaining for Apply Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will conduct XIth (11th) Online Common Recruitment Process (CRP), Preliminary and Main Examination for the year 2022-23 for recruitment and selection of personnel for Clerical Cadre Government Job vacancy posts in participating Public Sector Bank or any other Financial Institution tentatively in the month of December 2021 through XIth (11th) CRP for Clerk Vacancy in PSU Banks by IBPS. Any eligible candidate, who aspires to join any of the Particip ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FACULTY VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN IIT BOMBAY 2021 #Faculty & Teaching 9 Days Remaining for Apply Application on prescribed format is invited by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay (Mumbai) (Maharashtra) from Indian citizens for the following 50 Teaching Faculty Sarkari Naukri vacancy positions of Assistant Professors Grade-I/II from SC/ST/OBC-NC/EWS category in various academic Departments, Centres, Schools and Interdisciplinary programs for the recruitment of the year 2021. (Advertisement No. H-3/2021-2022). IIT Bombay Faculty Vacancy Recruitment 2021 IIT Bombay F ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOB VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN ATOMIC MINERALS DIRECTORATE FOR EXPLORATION AND RESEARCH (AMDER) 2021 #Sarkari Naukri 2 Days Remaining for Apply Atomic Minerals Directorate (AMD) for Exploration and Research (AMDER) invites online applications for dynamic and result oriented Young Personnel for various Sarkari Naukri vacancy posts in Group-B and Group-C categories (Advertisement No. AMD-3/2021) The prime mandate of the Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research is to identify and evaluate uranium resources required for the successful implementation of the Atomic Energy program of the country. AMDER Group-B ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEEP INDIA SMILING FOUNDATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME 2021-22 #Scholorship 39 Days Remaining for Apply Scholarship Name : Keep India Smiling Foundational Scholarship Programme 2021-22 Descripti ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KOTAK SHIKSHA NIDHI #Scholorship 160 Days Remaining for Apply Scholarship Name : Kotak Shiksha Nidhi Description: Kotak Shiksha Nidhi invites applications from school and college students who have lost a primary earning member of their family due to COVID-19, for continuity of their education from Class 1st to diploma and graduation level courses. ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPSC GOVERNMENT JOBS VACANCY RECRUITMENT 14/2021 #UPSC 6 Days Remaining for Apply Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Dholpur House, New Delhi invites Online application on prescribed recruitment form by 28/10/2021 for recruitment of following various Sarkari Naukri Government Jobs vacancy posts of Officers, etc. (Group-A and Group-B) in various departments/organisations of Government of India in the prescribed online format (UPSC Advt. No. 14/2021). UPSC Government Jobs Recruitment 14/2021 Vacancies Data Processing Assistant: 01 vacancies (U ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT FOR RESEARCH OFFICER HOMOEOPATHY IN CCRH 2021 #Sarkari Naukri 17 Days Remaining for Apply Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), an autonomous organization, Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India intends to fill up a few Government Job vacancy posts of Research Officer (Homoeopathy) at their Council Hq./Institutes on direct recruitment basis. (Advertisement No. 20/2021) CCRH Research Officer Homoeopathy Vacancy Recruitment 2021 Online Applications in the prescribed format are invited from suitable candidates for these Research Officer (Homoeopathy) Governme ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TECHNICAL ASSISTANT VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN CDAC NOIDA 2021 #Engineering 10 Days Remaining for Apply The Noida Office of Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) is looking for bright & result- oriented persons for recruitment of the following Sarkari Naukri vacancy of Technical Assistants Group-B posts in various disciplines on regular basis in CDAC Noida (Advertisement No. CDAC-N/Grp B-S&T/2021/001). CDAC Noida Technical Assistant Recruitment 2021 Vacancies Technical Assistant: 09 vacancies (UR-04, SC-01, ST-01, OBC-02, EWS-01), Pay Scale: Pay ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JOB VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN UTTARAKHAND VIDHAN SABHA #Uttarakhand 8 Days Remaining for Apply Secretariat Uttarakhand (UK) Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly), Dehradun (Uttarakhand) invites online application in the prescribed proforma for the Recruitment of the following Group-B and Group-C various Government Job vacancies in Uttarakhand Vidhan Sabha only (Advertisement No. 01/2021). Uttarakhand Vidhan Sabha Recruitment 2021 Vacancies Reporter (प्रतिवेदक): 03 vacancies, Age: 1-42 years, Pay Scale: ₹15600-39100 Grade Pay ₹5400/- ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67TH COMBINED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BY BIHAR PSC #Bihar 14 Days Remaining for Apply Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) invites Online Applications in prescribed format from Indian Citizens for the various 723 Bihar Administrative Service Sarkari Naukri officer vacancy posts in General Administration Department, Bihar Government for 67th Combined Competitive Examination (Preliminary) 2021. 67th Bihar Administrative and Allied Service Exam vacancies 67th Bihar Administrative and Allied Service Officer: 723 vacancies ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2056 PROBATIONARY OFFICER VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN SBI 2021 #Bank 3 Days Remaining for Apply State Bank of India (SBI) invites Online applications in the prescribed format from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment for the recruitment of the following 2056 Sarkari Naukri vacancy position of Probationary Officers (PO) in State Bank of India (SBI) on regular basis for the year 2021. (Advertisement no. CRPD/PO/2021-22/18) SBI is the largest bank in India. Working as Probationary Officers (PO) in State Bank of India (SBI) is a prestigious career option and it gives a lot of good ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECRUITMENT OF IXTH 9TH SELECTION VACANCY POSTS BY 9 SSC REGIONS #SSC 3 Days Remaining for Apply Online applications in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for the following various 3261 Group-B and Group-C Selection Sarkari Naukri Vacancy Posts by 9 Regional Offices of Staff Selection Selection (SSC) situated at Kolkata (Eastern Region), Guwahati (North Eastern Region), Raipur (Madhya Pradesh Region), New Delhi (Northern Region), Mumbai (Western Region), Allahabad (Central Region), Bangalore (Karnataka Kerala Region), Chandigarh (North Western Region,), Chennai (S ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL FACULTY RECRUITMENT FOR SC/ST/OBC IN IIM AMRITSAR 2021 #Punjab 2 Days Remaining for Apply Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Amritsar (Punjab) invites online application in the prescribed proforma from outstanding academicians from the SC/ST/OBCA category for Group-A Faculty Government Job vacancies at the level of Assistant Professors on a Direct recruitment basis in IIM Amritsar in various Management disciplines/areas. (Advertisement No. IIM ASR/Facutry Rectt./09/21-104) IIM Amritsar Faculty Special Recruitment for SC-ST-OBC 2021 Management Disciplines/Ares of Faculty ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NSP PRE MATRIC SCHOLARSHIPS SCHEME FOR MINORITIES 2021-22 #Scholorship 24 Days Remaining for Apply NSP Pre Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities 2021-22 Scholarship Name : NSP Pre Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities 2021-22 Description: ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CENTRAL ARMED POLICE FORCES (CAPF) MEDICAL OFFICERS RECRUITMENT 2021 #Medical & Pharma 5 Days Remaining for Apply Online Applications in the prescribed format are invited from Indian Citizens (Male & Female) for Recruitment to the appointment of Sarkari Naukri Vacancy Group ‘A’ post of Specialist Medical Officers (Deputy Commandant), Medical Officers (Assistant Commandant), and Dental Surgeon (Assistant Commandant) 2021 in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) (BSF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB and Assam Rifles), Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. CAPF Medical Officer Recruitment 2 ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NSP PRE-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIP FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES 2021-22 #Scholorship 24 Days Remaining for Apply NSP Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2021-22 Scholarship Name : NSP Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with Disabilities 2021-22 Description: ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NSP FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR EDUCATION OF THE WARDS OF BEEDI/CINE/IOMC/LSDM WORKERS - PRE-MATRIC 2021-22 #Scholorship 24 Days Remaining for Apply NSP Financial Assistance for Education of the Wards of Beedi/Cine/IOMC/LSDM Workers - Pre-Matric 2021-22 Labor Welfare Organization, under the Ministry of Labor and Employment, Government of India, announced the Pre & Post Matric Scholarship Scheme on the National Scholarship Portal (NSP 2.0) to provide financial assistance for sons and daughters of beedi, limestone ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS DIRECTORY IN INDIA - FREE ONLINE BUSINESS LISTING INTERIA | INTERIOR DESIGNER Astrology | Thursday September 23 2021 A-610 Block A Sushant Lok Phase I Sector 43 Gurgaon , HARYANA , Gurgaon Pincode - 122009 Email - hello@theinteria.com Phone - Website - http://www.theinteria.com/ BUILDD SALES & MARKETING | Wednesday September 22 2021 Bangalore , KARNATAKA , Bangalore Urban Pincode - 560034 Email - karthik@flexiple.com Phone - Website - https://buildd.co/ TECH SHERLOCK Media Advertising | Monday September 20 2021 Kormangla , KARNATAKA , Bangalore Urban Pincode - 560102 Email - techsherlockofficial@gmail.com Phone - Website - https://techsherlock.com/ MEDEXPRESSRX Astrology | Monday September 20 2021 9011 Camden Street , ANDAMAN & NICOBAR , Nicobar Pincode - 101180 Email - cooke.lucifer@gmail.com Phone - +18008083375 Website - https://www.medexpressrx.com/nuvigil.aspx IVF JUNCTION Health Care | Monday September 13 2021 Sushant Apartments B-1 Sushant Lok Phase I Sector 43 Gurugram Haryana 12200 , HARYANA , Gurgaon Pincode - 122018 Email - ivfjunctionclinic@gmail.com Phone - 07292007145 Website - https://ivfjunction.com/ MEDITORE HEALTHCARE WBIS PVT. LTD. Health Care | Saturday September 11 2021 Jogani Complex 303 A-1 Building No. 5 VN Purav Marg Chunabhatti Sion Mumba , MAHARASHTRA , Mumbai-City Pincode - 400022 Email - meditore.in@gmail.com Phone - 7777076954 Website - http://meditore.com DRIDHON Education & Jobs | Friday September 10 2021 Bengaluru , KARNATAKA , Bangalore Urban Pincode - 560096 Email - kiran@dridhon.com Phone - 09066508122 Website - http://dridhon.com/ HASHTAGBAZAAR Shopping | Tuesday September 7 2021 Aliganj Lucknow , UTTAR PRADESH , Lucknow Pincode - 226024 Email - hashtagindia12@gmail.com Phone - 8176876092 Website - https://www.hashtagbazaar.com/ EAUCTIONSINDIA Real Estate | Monday September 6 2021 delhi , DELHI , New Delhi Pincode - 100001 Email - eauctionsindia@gmail.com Phone - Website - https://www.eauctionsindia.com/search EBIZFILING INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Legal & Financial Services | Friday September 3 2021 Science City Road Ahmedabad Gujarat , GUJRAT , Ahmedabad Pincode - 380060 Email - Support@ebizfiling.com Phone - Website - https://ebizfiling.com/ List your Business Organization on educratsweb.com for Free under Industrial Burner Dealers Home Textile and Furnishings Health Water Tank Suppliers Toy Shops Civil Contractors Glass Fitting Hardware Hospitals Notary Services Videographers Category Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. You might enjoy reading: YOGA POSES FOR BEGINNERS #HEALTH #EDUCRATSWEB AVAILABLE. EDUSEARCH (0) #EDUCRATSWEB CHAUDHARY CHARAN SINGH PHOTO GALLERY : IMAGES, GIF, ANIMATED GIF, WALLPAPER, STICKER FOR... GOD LOVES ART PAINTING PHOTO GALLERY : IMAGES, GIF, ANIMATED GIF, WALLPAPER, STICKER FOR... YOGA POSES FOR BEGINNERS #HEALTH #EDUCRATSWEB SRI NAWAB HIGH SCHOOL SHEOHAR, SHEOHAR EDUSEARCH (1) #EDUCRATSWEB HAPPY EID-UL-ADHA : BAKRID MUBARAK WISHES, MESSAGES, QUOTES, IMAGES, FACEBOOK & WHATSAPP STATUS... YOGA POSES FOR BEGINNERS #HEALTH #EDUCRATSWEB #EDUCRATSWEB YOGA POSES FOR BEGINNERS #HEALTH #EDUCRATSWEB PINCODE OF RAJASTHAN - PALI - JAITARAN PINCODE SEARCH, POST OFFICE DETAILS, ALL INDIA POST OFFICE... MALAVIKA MOHANAN PHOTO GALLERY : IMAGES, GIF, ANIMATED GIF, WALLPAPER, STICKER FOR WHATSAPP &... POPULAR CONTENTS PUBLIC HEALTH AND MENTAL WELLBEING DISCUSSION SERIES: ISSUES, CHALLENGES, AND SOLUTIONS AMID COVID 19 4309 Health Tuesday September 14 2021 LIST YOUR BUSINESS FOR FREE - JOIN US & BRING MORE CUSTOMERS 3127 Business Saturday August 14 2021 OVER 300 CROS PRESENTLY CLAIM TO POSSESS THE NECESSARY CAPABILITIES TO OFFER A WIDE RANGE OF PRECLINICAL AND CLINICAL RESEARCH-RELATED SERVICES TO MEDICAL DEVICE-FOCUSED BUSINESS ENTITIES, CLAIMS ROOTS ANALYSIS 1754 Health Sunday September 19 2021 BLOCKCHAIN TRAINING COURSES IN PUNE 879 Education Thursday August 12 2021 PMSONLINE.BIH.NIC.IN SCHOLARSHIP 2021-22 BIHAR POST MATRIC APPLY ONLINE, ELIGIBILITY, LAST DATE 527 Bihar Monday August 30 2021 वाराणसी का दुर्गाकुंड मंदिर एक भव्य विशाल मंदिर है। इस मंदिर का महत्व नवरात्र में और भी ज्यादा बढ़ जाता है। 494 Bhakti Sagar Monday October 18 2021 शाबर मंत्रों से पल भर में सिद्ध होते हैं हर काम 429 Mantra Sangrah Saturday July 24 2021 लक्ष्मी माता चालीसा 418 Chalisa Sangrah Saturday July 24 2021 ऐसे हुआ था भगवान गणेश का विवाह 339 Bhakti Sagar Tuesday August 10 2021 404 WE ARE SORRY, PAGE NOT FOUND! 301 Story Wednesday September 15 2021 SUBH SUKRAWAR (FRIDAY) FRIDAY 22ND OF OCTOBER 2021 BIHAR GOVERNMENT CALENDAR 2021 📂 SUBMIT YOUR RSS FEED ON OUR WEBSITE SUBMIT YOUR LINK ON OUR WEBSITE HAPPY CHHATH PUJA - PHOTOGRAPH DEVOTIONAL BOOKS - READ AND DOWNLOAD FOR FREE RECENT JOBS NSP FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR EDUCATION OF THE WARDS OF BEEDI/CINE/IOMC/LSDM WORKERS - PRE-MATRIC 2021-22 879 Scholorship Saturday September 11 2021 NSP PRE-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIP FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES 2021-22 878 Scholorship Wednesday September 8 2021 CENTRAL ARMED POLICE FORCES (CAPF) MEDICAL OFFICERS RECRUITMENT 2021 841 Medical & Pharma Tuesday September 7 2021 NSP PRE MATRIC SCHOLARSHIPS SCHEME FOR MINORITIES 2021-22 816 Scholorship Wednesday September 8 2021 SPECIAL FACULTY RECRUITMENT FOR SC/ST/OBC IN IIM AMRITSAR 2021 305 Punjab Sunday October 10 2021 2056 PROBATIONARY OFFICER VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN SBI 2021 303 Bank Sunday October 10 2021 RECRUITMENT OF IXTH 9TH SELECTION VACANCY POSTS BY 9 SSC REGIONS 303 SSC Sunday October 10 2021 TECHNICAL ASSISTANT VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN CDAC NOIDA 2021 302 Engineering Sunday October 10 2021 JOB VACANCY RECRUITMENT IN UTTARAKHAND VIDHAN SABHA 302 Uttarakhand Sunday October 10 2021 67TH COMBINED COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION BY BIHAR PSC 302 Bihar Sunday October 10 2021 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Admission Consultant Beautician Training Institutes Books Stores CA & ICWA Training Institutes Coaching College Competitive Exams Education & Jobs Education Consultants Fashion Designing Training Institutes Film And Television Institute Hardware And Network Training Institutes Institution Journalism Training Institutes Medical Colleges Music Academies Online Classes Online Examination Centre Radio Jockey Training Institutes Recruitment Agencies and Job Consultancy Research Institutes Robotics Training Institutes School School For Mentally Challenged Software Training Institutes Spoken English Institutes Sports Academies Sports Clubs Stationary Stores Training Institutes Tuitions Typing Institutes Universities University UPSC & IAS Coaching Centres Yoga Instructor RDS PUBLIC SCHOOL CHAPRA - SCHOOL By Pass Road Near Jagdam College BIHAR Saran( Chapra ) Monday February 22 2021 201 PERCENTILERS - EDUCATION & JOBS A-2103, Charms Castle, Raj Nagar Extension UTTAR PRADESH Ghaziabad Saturday July 17 2021 201 BIRLA INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGY - COLLEGE BIMTECH Plot No. 5, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida(NCR), Uttar Pradesh- 201306 DELHI New Delhi Monday June 14 2021 201 BALAJI COACHING CENTER - COACHING Near Police Station, Patel Nagar Sikandra District-Kanpur Dehat UTTAR PRADESH Kanpur Dehat Monday February 22 2021 202 TRAINING INSTITUTE PUNE - TRAINING INSTITUTES 1st Floor, Heritage Plaza, Manik Raj Park, Pune, PCMC Link Rd, P.C, M.C, Opp, Pi MAHARASHTRA Pune Tuesday May 11 2021 202 SHARMA ACADEMY - INSTITUTION 2nd Floor, National Typing Institute, Patnipura Square, Indore MADHYA PRADESH Indore Monday February 22 2021 203 DON BOSCO PRIMARY SCHOOL - SCHOOL Building # 66 - Patliputra Colony BIHAR Patna Thursday April 1 2021 203 PYTHON COURSE IN HYDERABAD-AI PATASALA - EDUCATION & JOBS Plot No.1-60, 2/A/5, Gachibowli - Miyapur Rd, Banjara Basthi, Anjaiah Nagar, Gac TELANGANA Karim Nagar Monday July 26 2021 203 YOUTHDESTINATION - EDUCATION & JOBS 639, Ground floor Dr. Mukherjee Nagar , In Front of Signature View Apartment DELHI New Delhi Tuesday August 17 2021 203 DEV BHOOMI GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS - COLLEGE Dev Bhoomi Campus, Chakrata Road Navgaon, Manduwala, Dehradun- 248007, Uttarakha UTTARAKHAND Dehradun Tuesday March 23 2021 203 List Your Business for Free | Login to manage your Business Page Submit Guest Post Guest Post Submit Job Information Submit Contents Category Contents Jobs Link Photo Video Business Directory Our presence in social media Twitter Facebook Telegram Whatsapp Grroup vk.com Flipboard Contact us Contact us Explore more Web Archive Free Online Practice Set Our Blog Search Pincode Search Bank IFSC Code Best Deal Greetings Recent Jobs RSS Advertise with us Question follow.it Sitemap Tag Tag Search SUBSCRIBE OUR NEWSLETTER * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name Birthday / ( mm / dd ) View previous campaigns. 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Save this page as PDF CONTENTS * Indian Railways transports more than 23.5 lacs passengers to their home states through Shramik Special trains in 20 days * Best Skin Specialist in Delhi * Online nominations for the year 2020-21 for MANAK programme of Deptt of S&T have resumed; students can submit their innovative ideas at the online portal www.inspireawards-dst.gov.in * Zupee Skilling Academy Launched to Improve Employability Skills, Promote Equal Opportunities * Copenhagen Destination Guide * Tips when hiring a software development company * Snapdeal rolls out additional wellness measures for its team * Venture Capital Fund for Scheduled Castes * JustRs. 1,299 #mobiles-and-tablets * New Opportunity Initiated for Early Career Researchers to Obtain Doctoral Degrees through Indo-German Joint Research Programme JOBS * Recruitment for Faculty vacancy in NITIE Mumbai 2021 * NSP Pre Matric Scholarships Scheme for Minorities 2021-22 * UPSC Government Jobs Vacancy Recruitment 14/2021 * Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) Medical Officers Recruitment 2021 * Recruitment of Faculty and Officer Vacancy in WBNUJS 2021 * Recruitment of IXth 9th Selection Vacancy posts by 9 SSC Regions * Recruitment for Research Officer Homoeopathy in CCRH 2021 * High Court Himachal Clerk Vacancy Recruitment 2021 * Keep India Smiling Foundational Scholarship Programme 2021-22 * Faculty and Non-Teaching Job Vacancy in MGAHV Wardha 2021 LINKS BY USER * Top digital marketing courses in Pune * https://www.mediscap.com/product/malegra-100-mg/ * Video on meditation for stress management (Hindi) * iTriage Health iTriage, LLC * State-wise Percentage of Population Below Poverty Line by Social Groups, 2004-05. * Prem Ratan Dhan Payo * LPG Gas Agency Dealership Form Appy * Car Repair In Parel * Bajaj Finserv Wallet - No Cost EMIs, Recharges Bajaj Finance Limited * Gavisapeog © 2021 educratsweb.com. | Designed & Developed by educratsweb.com Email us at educratsweb@gmail.com To Top AddThis Sharing PinterestFacebookEmailCopy Link AddThis Sharing * Facebook * Twitter * Print * Email * Pinterest ×