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Seku Numerology


The goal of any organization is to maximize the potential of its most valuable
asset – its people. Through personnel maximization, organizations can reach
their goals at the lowest possible cost and with the highest quality and
efficiency. The Seku Methodology is the number one tool to achieve this goal.


The most amazing quality of the Seku Methodology system is that the data is
derived from three key data points: (1) date of birth, (2) sex (gender) assigned
at birth, and (3) hemisphere (northern versus southern) of birth. That’s it. The
Seku Methodolgy can take these three data points and produce a powerfully
accurate assessment of personality type, thinking and leadership style,
relationship tendencies, dominant behavioral tendencies, and teamwork placement.
Take a test drive of the technology by running one of the reports below and see
the accuracy for yourself.

The Couples Compatibility Relationship Report (CCRR) is a ten-page report
designed for couples to understand their levels of romantic compatibility inside
their relationship. This report gives you your compatibility in the following
three areas: (1) Personality, (2) Roles & Responsibilities, and (3) Overall
Relationship Compatibility. On the product page, enter information for both you
and your partner and hit submit for each one. Click Add to Cart to add the
Couples Report to your cart. Once you’ve completed your order, you’ll receive
your report via email by the end of the day.

Purchase Now

The Corporate-Level Personality Assessment Report (CPAR) is a ten-page report
designed for businesses to assess their employees to determine their best roles
at the company, how they fit into teams, their styles of leadership, their
dominant emotional tendencies and emotional intelligence, and their predominant
leadership style. This report has four sections: Personality Area, Thinking
Style, Emotional Tendencies, and Leadership Style. Each of these sections uses a
series of attributes and scores them individually to assess each employee
accurately. The Personality Area section uses twenty-two personality traits and
scores them each. The final three sections each use nine traits and provide an
individual score for each.

Purchase Now

The Master Personality Profile Report (MPPR) is an eight-plus page report that
details key personality, energy, and behavioral tendencies. It contains three
parts: Personality, Relationships, and Spirituality. The Personality part
contains multiple sections that assess your energetic levels (i.e., masculine,
feminine, etc.) and what position and roles you tend to play in business and
relationships (i.e., dominant, submissive, etc.). The Relationship part contains
sections that describe your Love Style (i.e., avoidant, addict, etc.), your Love
Expression (i.e., power, support, romantic, etc.), and how you tend to choose
partners. The Spiritual part contains sections that assess your trigger points,
how you affect the environment around you, and what’s required to balance your
overall energy. This report is very detailed and will take time to read and

Purchase Now

The Character Map Report (CMP) is an eighteen-page summarizes your overall
personality and character by looking at your mind (mental), spirit (emotional),
and body (physical) makeup. Each of these areas is assigned one of nine
archetypes as a means of giving you insight into how you move, what your
dominant tendencies are, and how you view the world around you. The nine
DEVOTEE, MONK, LOVER, and SOLDIER. You’ll be given the primary archetypes for
each area (mind, spirit, body), but also shown how all nine archetypes affect
each area within you. You’ll also be provided with information about your
relationship and financial tendencies.

Purchase Now


Become a Pro-Member of this site and get half off of all of our reports and
consulting services. You’ll also gain access to our Seku Algorithm Calculator
where you can find the three primary archetypes for anyone you want just by
plugging in their date of birth information.



The Seku Methodology utilizes the Seku Algorithm as its foundation to interpret,
categorize, and predict human behavior. Nine primary personality types are
assigned to each of the three parts of the human makeup: MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, and

The nine personality types are defined using the following avatars:


The Seku Method was created by Carl E. Stevens, Jr, a metaphysician and
relationship expert who believes that all human behavior can be categorized into
nine primary groups. He also understands that our makeup as human beings isn’t
monolithic, but polylithic with various inner stakeholders influencing our
behavior and decision-making. The three primary stakeholders for every person
are their MIND, EMOTIONS, and BODY. The Seku Method assigns an avatar to each
one of these stakeholders as a means to understand a person’s makeup. These
assignments also help us understand the inner conflict people face that results
in them not achieving their potential. 

The Seku Method is different from other personality tests and models because it
doesn’t require the user to answer any questions to be effective. It only
requires three data points:

 * Date of Birth
 * Gender Assigned At Birth
 * Hemisphere of Birth

Once you input this data, the Seku Algorithm will do the rest. To give it a try,
go HERE where you can choose from one of two reports: Character Map (18 pages)
or  Master Personality Profile (80 pages). 

You can also join the site and become a Pro-Member to gain access to the Seku
Algorithm and determine your three avatars. You can also determine the avatars
of as many other people as you’d like. Just plug in their date of birth, sex
assigned at birth, and hemisphere of birth and that’s it. 

The data points are simple, but the information and insight into your
personality are quite detailed. 


The Seku Method can be used in business to maximize the potential of employees,
enhance team-building exercises, improve communication, cultivate future
leaders, and implement retention practices. It can also be applied to assess and
properly place company applicants. 

Human Resources departments can also use the data generated from the Seku Method
to customize health plans for employees as the model is also a predictor of
long-term human health and viability. 

These are some of the areas that can be assessed using the Seku Method. 

 * Empathy
 * Communication
 * Leadership
 * Teamwork 
 * Self Discipline 
 * Self Love
 * Self Awareness
 * Emotional Intelligence 
 * Active Listening
 * Problem-Solving
 * Conflict Resolution 
 * Adaptability
 * Decision Making 
 * Resilience 
 * Work Ethic
 * Time Management 
 * Persuasion
 * Critical Thinking 
 * Creativity
 * Perceptiveness
 * Customer Service 
 * Emotional Makeup
 * Tendencies
 * Thinking Style

The model can also be used to assess your relationship style, tendencies, and
preferences. Things like how you prefer to be loved, how you tend to love
others, the types of partners you choose, how quickly you enter or end a
relationship, etc. 

We can also offer customized employee assessments for companies that are looking
to maximize the productivity of their workforce. We have specialized reports for
businesses and corporations including the Corporate-Level Personality Assessment
Report (CPAR), which contains four sections: Personality Area, Thinking Style,
Emotional Tendencies, and Leadership Style. Each section contains a series of
performance indicators that can be used to determine a person’s dominant
personality, teamwork capabilities, leadership potential, emotional
intelligence, and more. 

Contact us to set up an appointment. We can help you build your teams and make
recommendations for employee training programs. 


We’d all like to know how much work and effort relationships require for
success; especially, after the honeymoon phase of the relationship is over. The
real question is, how easy will it be for two people to get along versus how
much of the relationship will be a struggle? The Couples’ Compatibility Report
answers that question for you by looking at two main areas: Personality and
Role. Your personality describes how you and your partner think and look at the
world. The more aligned your thinking, the better chance you’ll see things in
similar ways; thus, understanding one another. Even when you don’t agree on
something, you’ll each understand how and why you’ve come to that conclusion and
be able to respect it. When you don’t think alike, people won’t understand where
you’re coming from and think you’re just being difficult on purpose. They may
even think that you don’t understand them, which you might not. The Roles
describe what areas of the relationship you like to focus on and which position
you like to play inside of the relationship itself. Sometimes people want to
focus on certain details of the relationship while others would rather focus on
the relationship as a whole. We can see conflict when two people occupy the same
roles and desire to play the same roles. We can also see things not being
addressed inside of the relationship that need to be addressed; thus, causing
problems. When two people play complementary roles in the relationship, things
tend to work out and all areas of the relationship that need to be addressed,
get addressed. We’ll also have two people who don’t battle for specific
positions, but allow one another to do what comes naturally to them.

Get yours today…

Remember, Pro-Members of the site get 50% off of all reports and consulting
services. Become a Pro-Member today.


Would you like to ask questions about any of the information in your report?
Would you like relationship support and to understand what you can do to further
your relationship? You can book a consultation directly with me, Carl E.
Stevens, Jr. (Rakhem Seku) and get all of your questions answered. Whether it’s
about you specifically and what you can do to get your life on track or if it’s
about your relationship, I can support you. I can answer questions about any of
the reports you’ve pulled or even instruct you on the best report to guide you
at this time in your life.

Book your session today.

Book Coaching

Don’t forget that Pro-Members get 50% off of coaching with me. Become a
Pro-Member today.


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