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 * News/Blog
 * Who?
 * Stories
 * Tutorials
 * Breakdown
 * Links
 * Stuff


 * 48k spectrum
 * ZX Spectrum Next


 * Code
 * Demos
 * Games
 * Audio
 * Misc files


 * SoLoud
 * FoodSofia
 * GalaXQL
 * Soundex broken telephone
 * Thesaurus broken telephone
 * Advent of Code GIFs


 *  Email
 *  Mastodon
 *  Discord
 *  Ko-Fi
 *  Github
 *  Linkedin
 *  RSS




So is going down by the end of the year. I mostly used it to host my
Advent of Code visualization animations, which I've now moved to this site. It's
still a bit of a work in progress, but probably easier to browse too. What's
missing are any comments I may have made related to the animation, but a lot is
gained as well. I'll see if there's anything worth saving in the comments.

Apart from that there were a few random blog posts, and I'll re-post the most
relevant ones here, below:



(post date 2023-12-04)

About a couple decades back I wrote a graphics/game programming tutorial
( based on SDL 1.2. It used to be a major
driver of traffic to my site, so one or two of you may have come across it.

Time has passed and because of the old SDL (and old compiler suites) the
tutorial has been more or less obsolete.

I've started to revamp it - not completely rewrite, as it still uses much of the
old material (as basics don't really change). I'm basing it on SDL3, so it
should be relevant for a while again. Well, as relevant as plotting pixels goes.

As of this writing the first 10 chapters are here:

If someone does drag themselves through the tutorial, feedback and inevitable
bug reports are welcome.



(post date 2023-10-03)

Like I mentioned in the last post (and in several other places), asking for
donations is illegal in Finland. I did set up a ko-fi account in the end, set
the donation minimum to 5 million eur so nobody will accidentally use it (if you
DO give me 5 mil, I'm pretty sure we can work something out), and created the
following commissions:

    $10 - ask me anything through email
    $20 - I'll photoshop your image, badly
    $50 - ask me anything via video call
    $100 - I'll critique your business plan
    $250 - you tell me what open source project I should update next
    $1000 - I'll workshop your software architecture with you

I may add other stuff there eventually. Ideas for other tiers welcome, too.

Am I expecting customers? Not really, but it's there:



(post date 2023-10-02)

I don't have a patreon, ko-fi or even a paypal "gimme donations" link anywhere,
primarily because it's legally complicated in Finland. Basically asking for
donations is illegal in Finland unless you have a permit, and pretty much the
only people with permits are churches. Which means churches fight against
freeing the donation drives. Fun, eh?

Anyway, that rules out a lot of the "creator economy" stuff like donations,
kickstarters etc. Giving donations is totally legal, it's just the Finnish
scammers that the world needs to be protected against.

Selling stuff is fine. Asking for money without giving something back is

So I guess I could sell .jpg:s that I send to people who want to give me money,
or something. Or I could sell services like "answering your email" or "I'll have
a 30 minute video call with you" for those who really want to splurge. Not that
I expect a lot of people to do so in any case..

The thing being, I do see myself as a creator, but the stuff I do is totally
random. I don't specialize in furry porn or cooking recepies. Someone who might
follow me because I do stuff for ZX Spectrum Next might be annoyed if I get
inspired to create printable 3d models for a while. Those who follow me because
of SoLoud might be annoyed that I decide to make animations about every single
Advent of Code puzzle ever.

I also don't hold myself to any kind of creation schedule, so you can't expect
me to post a new video on YouTube every month.

The stuff I do also doesn't quite fit in a typical commission format. I mean, I
could photoshop your image, badly (and at one point did a bunch of forum
avatars, actually), but it's not something people generally pay others for.

So anyway, even if I did set up something, I wouldn't use Patreon. I've had a
bad feeling about them for a long time, and things seem to be going downhill
there. Venture capital is like rocket fuel; you tend to burn your fingers
playing with it.

Ko-fi, at least based on all the information I can gather, seems to be healthier
in that aspect. They've kept themselves small and aren't at least publicly
talking about the millions of venture capital they've taken. So if I was to set
up something, I'd probably use them.

I couldn't use them as a tip jar, though. I'd have to figure out some
demonstrable way to give back for the money given. And after all the effort... I
don't know if anyone would actually give me money as thanks for whatever reason
they know about me.



(post date: 2023-07-03)

Answer to: "did you know I use soloud in luxe engine" -- ruby0x1

Nobody ever tells me anything. It took a few years from nintedo's shipping
SoLoud in the nes and snes "classic" mini consoles for me to learn about it. And
the reason I found out was when someone uploaded nintendo's open source dumps
(zip files in an obscure directory on nintendo's site) to github, and I just
happened to search github for my name.

I've found out similar things about other pieces of software I've written in
really roundabout ways. Someone posted modding tools for some game and that
happened to include an uncompressing tool (not by me) for a compressed file
library / virtual filesystem I wrote ages ago. Popped up in some search or
other. Thus, the game was using my code. In that case I contacted the company
that made said game and asked if there were any feedback; they never gave me any
feedback, but the game appeared in the mail..

Apart from all these open source projects I've also written some driver code for
some Rather Large Corporations, we're at the point where if you're living in a
western country it's more likely you've used a device that runs code I've
written than not.

But do I know where my code is used? Nope.



(post date: 2023-07-03)

Might as well post this here as well:

One of my various hobby projects is building an open source, free
multiple-choice adventure / game dialogue engine called "dialogtree".

I'd like it to have a nice logo, and I'm envisioning a tree made of comic dialog
bubbles, but I'm down with other ideas too. Could use AI but would rather have
human touch.

The logo should be good for print but also for low res.

Willing to pay an insultingly low fee for it.



(post date: 2023-06-04)

I wrote an implementation of the "three shears" sprite rotation inspired by
tomforsyth's post
I'm pretty sure it can be useful for developers for retro platforms.

Source code for the tool can be found at:

The code is relatively portable c++, but I've only tried it on windows.



(post date: 2023-05-19)

Starting next week I'll be posting gifs daily. I have quite few generated, and
if I posted them once weekly it would take YEARS.

The motivation for posting them once a week was to potentially get other people
interested in doing old AoC puzzles at a once-a-week pace, but that didn't quite
work out.

Since I recently finished 2019, meaning I should have gifs for basically every
single puzzle now, I might as well start posting them more rapidly.

A lot of them are of "least possible effort" quality.. and multiple puzzles
don't give much to visualize to begin with. But there's a few that turned out
pretty nice in my opinion.



(post date: 2023-02-09)

I tried solving some old advent of code years at some point, and get the itch to
do so every year that I take part in AoC, but it just doesn't motivate me when
it's not... "live".

A couple days ago when I was discussing this on a discord someone said that one
puzzle a week could work. Low-stress. And doing it in sync so that everyone
(who's participating) does one puzzle a week, so we can discuss them, might keep
the motivation up.

So I'm proposing that next Monday, 13th of February 2033, it's 1st of December,

Who's with me? No time pressure, day won't change for a week.



(post date: 2023-01-23)

Since a bunch of my hobby projects have gravitated into the land of vector
quantization (which I managed to rediscover by accident) I figured I'd make some
(more) generic code towards that, maybe solve some of the issues I've had with
my earlier implementations and maybe even learn some (more) modern c++ features
while at it.

I'm sure there's tons of ready built VQ libraries out there, but this is a
learning journey so I didn't even check.

I started off with a really simple use case. Have integers 0..1023 and ask for
16 groupings. So you'd expect 16 groups of 64 values, or to be more precise the
centers of those groups, so each center is 64 apart.

As a starting point, since from the algorithms point of view it "shouldn't"
matter what the initial selections are (typical instructions say "start from
random numbers"), I just selected values 0..15, which is pretty much the worst.
As seen in the image, it converges pretty nicely (yes, that's 284 iterations),
but to my surprise did not give optimal result.

I figured it must be about integer rounding so I changed the data type to
doubles, but got the exact same result.

expected actual delta 32 27.5 4.5 96 84 12 160 141.5 18.5 224 200 24 288 259.5
28.5 352 320 32 416 381.5 34.5 480 444.5 35.5 544 508.5 35.5 608 573.5 34.5 672
640 32 736 707.5 28.5 800 776 24 864 845.5 18.5 928 916 12 992 987.5 4.5

The steps range from 56.5 to 71.5. They do average to 64, though! The +/-11%
difference from optimum feels pretty high though.

If I start from the optimal position the algorithm doesn't muck it up, at
least.. but finding the optimal position is kinda what the algorithm is meant to

Either I'm missing something, or this is just one of those things I have to live



(post date: 2023-01-10)

I figured it would be time to get back to some Spectrum Next programming, and
since NextSync has been on my mind lately I figured it would be fun to update

Last time I was working on something for the next it was a video player, but I
hit some issues which required a new core and operating system version, which
were not quite ready at the time.

The new versions have been out for a while now and one thing that got broken by
the update was NextSync. Kind person with the nick SevenFFF figured out what was
wrong and made a fixed version, so me getting back to development should be
relatively pointless. Developing without NextSync is rather awkward =)

Longer-term goal for NextSync is to convert it from C-with-some-assembly to
purely assembly.

First thing was to simplify things. NextSync is too flashy for its own good, so
I ditched the custom font and custom text prints and real-time progress view.

Then I started pondering about one old idea I had: compressing on the server and
decompressing on the Next. The compression and decompression would have to be
fast enough not to slow things down too much, or there would be no point in
doing that. And in practice, we want to reduce the number of packets sent over
the network because handshaking between packets is what is taking a lot of time.

I figured I'd implement a very simple RLE compression scheme - if things worked
out, it would be relatively straightforward to add other compression schemes
later. Here's where I fell into python optimization rabbit hole.

Compressing with RLE comes down to finding spans of 3 or more bytes with the
same value, and then splitting the data to "run" blocks (do N copies of X) and
"skip" blocks (copy N bytes from input). I took a page from NextFli compressors
and the exact scheme is as follows:

    Skip: [len][bytes]
    Run: [len][byte]

Where length is encoded as follows: If length is less than 0xff, encode it as
one byte; if length is 0xff or more, encode it as 0xff followed by 16 bit length

After implementing the compressor and decompressor in python I run into a
problem: the compressor only managed about 0.5 megabytes per second, which,
while fine for most Spectrum Next related files (which tend to be 100k or less)
it was still really annoying when compressing a 150 megabyte file took 250

I wrote an external exe in C to do the compression and ran that exe from the
python script, and compressing that file took 0.78 seconds. That includes
loading it into memory in the script, spawning the process, loading the file
into memory in the exe, compressing it, writing compressed data out and loading
the compressed data in the script. Yay for disk caches!

While quite fast, using an external executable isn't portable and I know people
use the NextSync server on macs and linux boxes, so I went back to looking at
the script.

I found out python has built-in profiler, which let me spot some interesting
things, like calling len() of a list actually takes some time even though the
list doesn't change; storing the value in a temporary variable is faster. And
appending to a list was a clear bottleneck.

Since the decompressor was simpler and faster (taking about a minute to
decompress the 150 meg file) I concentrated on optimizing that. If I found
something, I might be able to apply the same optimizations to the compressor.

Through googling I found some suggestions. Apparently appending to a list is
slow because of memory allocations, so a common suggestion is to pre-allocate it
to a huge pile of "None".

This made the decompressor slower. Probably because handling the output wasn't
simple append but required additional variable to keep track where we're putting
the data.

Another suggestion was to use bytearray instead of list, since all my data were
bytes and the internal representation is a literal array of bytes.

This made the decompressor slower. I don't know why, but if I had to guess,
lists are so central to python that they've probably seen more optimization than
the byte array.

Yet another suggestion was to use memoryview to reduce copying.

This made the decompressor slower. I don't even care to figure out reasons why
at this point.

In the end I ditched all the above attempts and just made the decompressor more
pythonic; instead of playing with single indexes I used slices a lot. The
decompression time went from 60 seconds to about 12.

If it worked for the decompressor, what could I do to make the compressor more
pythonic? There's no ready function to find spans of bytes. Except, maybe,
regular expressions.. The python re module has a fun function called "split"
which I could use to split the input into a list of lists; each list would
contain either run or skip data.

By combining that list of lists to a single list, I should get the original
data. Or I could encode each sub-list to a compressed form.

Armed with I got to working. I'd need a regular expression that both
matches and captures the repeated sequences, or the split would not work. So
(.)\1{2,} for instance matches fine but only captures the first byte. Eventually
I found that the correct solution would be something like (?=.)(\1{2,}) but that
does not work with python since you can't refer to a non-capture group (which
makes them a bit useless). I ended up with ((.)\2{2,}) which does what I want,
almost: it captures the whole sequence and then captures the first item. I added
logic in python to just skip the next one after each run sequence. And as they
say, we were in business.

Compressing the 150 meg file now took about 25 seconds. Still far from C's 0.78,
and if someone really wanted, they could still use the C solution; but being 10
times faster than my original python compressor I figured it was a pretty good
cross platform solution.

I still haven't updated my Next to the new core or updated the operating
system... I guess that's Next, then. =)



(post date: 2022-12-28)


d(1)=line of characters

d(2)=page of text


d(4)=shelf of books


d(6)=row of bookcases

d(7)=room of bookcases

d(8)=library building

d(9)=street of libraries

d(10)=city block of libraries

d(11)=row of city blocks of libraries

d(12)=city of libraries

d(13)=continental coast of library cities

d(14)=library continent

d(15)=planet of libraries

d(16)=library starsystem

d(17)=library constellation



(post date: 2022-12-01)

I was recently moved to another project within The Company.

In the previous project I had to prove myself through a bunch of powerpoint
presentations to show that I can, in fact, design complex systems and what I
designed was correct. Once it clicked, people reacted to me and what I said
differently. People believed what I said without me having to actually go
through the effort of building presentations out of everything.

So, new project, back to square one. Feels like nobody just... believes me when
I say something. It's not active snubbing, but it's as if my words don't have
much weight. I'm sure it'll pass, but it's really annoying.

And then I realized, this is how women in IT feel all the time.



(post date: 2022-11-08)

Finally successfully finished a game of tiny epic dungeons by Gamelyn Games

Some thoughts.

 * Game may come in a tiny box but takes lots of desk space.
 * Gameplay setup is so complex we've ended up using the digital companion every
 * Gameplay icons are really confusing. There's a reference in the manual but
   it's not really useful. What we eneded up doing is looking up every second
   card on the digital companion just to know what the card does.
 * The digital companion always assumes you're playing for the first time, with
   no way to jump to the general index. This is pretty frustrating after a
   couple of times.

I'm pretty sure we would never have figured out how the game works without the
digital companion just trying to go by the manual.

But did we have fun? Yes. Definitely. Took us a couple of tries to even get to
the end boss.



(post date: 2022-11-08)

 * Hire a bunch of Tolkien Nerds(tm). They're pretty easy to find. Just go to
   some LOTR forum and ask if the nazgul were vegetarian. Don't worry, you won't
   need to talk to them.
 * Hire a bunch of screenwriters, force them to read the silmarillion and maybe
   lost tales or two, then submit up to three episode scripts.
 * Ask the Tolkien Nerds (tm) to sort the scripts in order they least dislike
 * The three best screenwriters are your writing team. Fire the rest. Keep the
   Nerds (tm) as consultants for the writers.
 * Spend a year just honing the scripts. This is cheap, you just need to pay the
   writers and the nerds.
 * Now you can start worrying about actually making the show.



Several years ago, during a refugee crisis, one refugee center was placed in our
town. One side effect of this was that we had an influx of foreign foods. The
refugees would come to markets and sell food of their making, from their various
cultures. I liked trying out different things, and apparently so did a lot of
other people. When the govenment closed the refugee center (with most of the
refugees deported, as far as I understand), the locals protested.

Anyhoo, one of the foods was the chipa, south american cheese bread. It has an
amazing chewy mouth feel, and the cheesiness makes it rather addictive. Not like
drugs addictive, more like salt chips addictive.

I missed it enough to start researching how to make my own. The original recipes
require south american cheeses, but those are a bit hard to come by. Luckily
they can be substituted with hard italian cheeses.

Another bit was the flour - the recipe calls for tapioca flour which isn't
carried by the local stores, so I tried a few different substitutes, none of
which worked - tapioca is essential to the recipe. I eventually just ordered
tapioca starch online, and it's become easier to source since.

Amount Ingredient Note 800 g (two bags) Tapioca starch Or tapioca flour. Haven't
tried. 240 g Butter, melted 3 Eggs 16 g Salt 416 g Cheese See below 3 dl Milk I
used fat-free

The original recipe I have modified required 550g of tapioca starch, but I
scaled it to full bags because that's the most annoying ingredient to measure.
As a side effect, this two-bag recipe would require 3.2 eggs, but what's an egg,

As far as I understand, if you manage to get your hands on actual tapioca flour
instead of starch, you can skip the milk.

For cheese, I've used a mix of mostly grana padano or parmesan and pecorino
romano, and a little bit (~30g) of aged cheddar. I've seen completely wild
variations of the recipe, some even using mozzarella, so your mileage may vary.

Prep time is around an hour, and makes a bunch of sets to freeze and prepare
quickly later.

Melt the butter, add the milk to the butter to cool it down - you don't want to
cook the eggs at this point. Shred the cheese finely using some kind of power
tool. Or by hand. But given the massive amount, you probably don't want to do it
by hand.

Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Be careful with the starch, it tends to
go everywhere. I've tried mixing the ingredients in different orders to minimize
the mess, but it doesn't really matter. Just don't mix boiling butter with raw

Do the mixing by hand, folding over and over and over again until the mixture is
uniform, and then some more. If the mixture doesn't turn into play-doh like mass
and feels too dry, add a little bit of milk. Be careful though, as too much will
ruin it. Well, not ruin, exactly, but the resulting breads will become flatter.

After you're utterly fed up of folding, start rolling little balls - I'd say
meatball-sized but since meatballs can be, like, anything, who knows how big
your mental image of a meatball would be. Something that's convenient to roll
into a ball between your palms. Not too big, not too little.

Place around 13 of those balls on a tray, leaving them some space to flatten
out, and cook in an oven at 175'C (or about 350 freedom units) for about 15
minutes. Once the breads start to have brown spots, they're done. Move into a
basket to cool down for a bit.

Now, that's just one tray - there's enough dough for about five trayfuls. So
while the first set is in the oven, roll those balls and freeze them in sets of
around 13. I've found that amount fits nicely on a plate, but again, your plates
are probably different than mine.

When freezing, try to avoid freezing them into one huge clump, as they are
really annoying to separate. Not impossble, but annoying. I've tried a few
different methods, like freezing them on a plate for a while and then bagging
them, or bagging them and putting the bags flat in a freezer. Your mileage may
vary and all that.

I've found the two-bags-of-starch amount to be fine, there's enough in the
freezer for later or when you're having guests, it's not too massive amount to
make at once (everything fits in one large bowl, etc). Maybe halve the recipe if
you plan to cook everything at once, when there's a family gathering or

Like most things, chipas are best eaten fresh. Just let them cool down a bit so
you don't burn yourself.

Anyhoo, enjoy.



I pushed a new update to the SoLoud repository a couple days ago, after years of
absence. What I uploaded was a SoLoud console, with 8000+ lines of generated
code. What it means that, if you have C code like..

SoLoud::Soloud soloud;
SoLoud::Wav sample;

..then, you can achieve the same through the console by:

SoLoud console 202002
Type "help" for help, "quit" to quit
s> s soloud create
s> w wav create
s> 0 soloud init s
s> 0 wav load w "pew_pew.wav"
s> 0 soloud play s w

The console commands are parsed and sent through the 'c' api. The commands
follow the format of destination variable, object, function, and zero to however
many parameters are required.

Since it follows the 'c' api, the first parameter is typically a created object.

The console is super easy to crash. Just use a wrong handle as the object, for
example. Everything is casted through a void pointer.

So what's the point? Well... the Spectrum Next has a Raspberry Pi Zero on it,
which is not used for much. Early on I had the idea to just drop SoLoud in
there, but it didn't feel right. I mean, when you have this retro-plus 8 bit
machine, you don't expect it to play several mp3 streams through a reverb

I've been requested to try it out nevertheless, so the first step was to ponder
what kind of program it would be, and the console makes most sense.

Next up is the hurdle to compile it to the nextpi. As it happens, I went through
a lot of that last year so I have most of the pieces.

What I didn't mention was the compile command line(s). Since it's been a while
that would have been annoying to re-research.

I rebuilt the frankensteinian setup I used last time - Raspberry Pi Zero
connected to an USB hub with a USB ethernet adapter which is connected to the
laptop, raspi is also taking power from the laptop USB; raspi's mini-hdmi goes
to a monitor and an USB keyboard is also connected to the hub so I can log in to
the NextPi so it can tell me the IP address I can ssh to from the laptop. (After
I know the IP I can take out about half of this config).

And looking at command history, I have this:

g++ nextgpio.cpp RtMidi.cpp nextpimidi.cpp -Os -lpthread -D__LINUX_ALSA__ -lasound -s

The console won't need GPIO. In fact, I want to leave the GPIO alone so audio
output works. I also won't need RtMidi, for that matter, but I will need ALSA.
Uh, which means I'll also need to plug in some USB audio device so I can test if
this works at all without having to send the binary to the Next.

To prep, I gathered all the sources and headers I needed in a single directory
(the ALSA sink, all audio sources, all headers, and the console sources). I
scp'd these to the pi, and compiled:

g++ *.cpp *.c -Os -lpthread -D__LINUX_ALSA__ -lasound -s -DWITH_ALSA

The __LINUX_ALSA__ bit is probably just for RtMidi, but it doesn't hurt to have
it there.

Executing this took a very long time. And failed due to some wrong include
paths, which is not surprising given that I had flattened everything to a single
directory. I had to edit a bunch of files to remove relative paths, after which
it... failed when linking. I stubbed the openmpt calls (it's not like I was
going to compile openmpt anyway) and to my surprise it built. To a 607204 byte
binary. Which is rather huge, but then, there's a lot of stuff in there.

It also ran, but since I had not bothered to plug in an audio device I couldn't
say if it plays or not at the time.

I then scp'd the binary out of the raspi, copied it over to my other PC on an
usb stick (they're on different networks... don't ask), nextsynced the binary to
the next, used .pisend to copy the binary over to the pi.

Next I hit .term and the following sequence:

SUP> chmod 777 nextpi-soloud
SUP> ./nextpi-soloud
Soloud console SOLOUD_VERSION
type "help" for help, "quit" to quit
> s soloud create
> 0 soloud init s
> p speech create
> p speech settext p "hello from spec next"
> 0 soloud play s p


(audio-tag not supported by your browser)

Audio through nextpi


Don't mind the noise floor.. I probably have a ground loop or two. Anyway, I did
try a couple different audio sources and it seems to be working fine.

The nextpi-soloud binary I used can be downloaded here. For more info about
SoLoud, point your browser this way, with the sources to it here on github.

I haven't stressed SoLoud on the zero, so I don't know how many mp3 files you
can decode at the same time, but consider this: we're talking about decoding
several mp3 files at the same time. On a retro platform. You now have great
power, so handle it with great responsibility.



I think this must be a record for my late start of blogging in a year.

Let's start with the new year demo, released almost 8 months ago already..

What can I say.. the start of the year was pretty stressful, largely for reasons
I'm not allowed to talk about. Since then, I've bicycled around 1000 km, and
found that doing physical things helps with stress. It's just generally super
boring. And you don't even lose weight. You just get hungrier. Cycling is not as
boring, though, and I've learned a lot about my local surroundings as I've
criss-crossed all sorts of paths.

One thing I haven't apparently mentioned in this blog (but you can see the links
around), I set up a Ko-Fi shop. As a finn it's illegal for me to ask for
donations (which also rules out stuff like kickstarter), but nothing stops me
from selling services. At a quick glance what I'm offering may seem like a joke,
but they're all serious offers, and in the past I've had (mostly) happy
customers for every single item I'm listing.

The prices I'm listing are really low-balling the actual value. I'll adjust the
prices if there's too much interest.

One update from a post from last year:

So I modded my 3d printer a bit. Only a bit. The Ikea Lack-table enclosure is
the obvious bit, with LED strip lighting, concrete slab to reduce vibrations,
two filament dryer/feeders on top, raspberry pi with OctoPrint somewhere below
along with two buckets, one for PLA and other for PETG waste. Less obvious are a
few smaller prints that do cable management and other tidyings-up.

I ran the printer basically nonstop for a couple of months, but now I only print
when I have a need for something. Most of the early prints were for playing with
the printer and/or modding it. The enclosure clearly lifts the temperature over
ambient which may help with the print stability, but in all honestly the primary
reason for it is to look nice.

As for look ahead.. I have a few ideas about what I want to blog about (that
don't fit in a toot), and I have one rather experimental project for the ZX
Spectrum Next cooking, so unless something happens, you should find a few more
blog posts here this year.

Next year
 * 24
 * 23
 * 22
 * 21
 * 20
 * 19
 * 18
 * 17
 * 16
 * 15
 * 14
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Possibly modified around: 22 September 2024

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