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Graphviz * Download * Documentation * Gallery * Forum * GitLab * Graphviz * About * Download * Source Code * Documentation * DOT Language * Command Line * acyclic * bcomps * ccomps * cluster * diffimg * dijkstra * dotty * edgepaint * gc * gml2gv * graphml2gv * gv2gxl * gvcolor * gvedit * gvgen * gvmap * gvpack * gvpr * gxl2gv * lefty * lneato * mingle * mm2gv * nop * sccmap * smyrna * tred * unflatten * vimdot * Layout Engines * dot * neato * fdp * sfdp * circo * twopi * nop * nop2 * osage * patchwork * Writing Layout Plugins * Output Formats * BMP * CGImage * DOT * EPS * EXR * FIG * GD/GD2 * GIF * GTK * ICO * Imagemap * JPEG * JPEG 2000 * JSON * PDF * PIC * PICT * Plain Text * PNG * POV-Ray * PS * PS/PDF * PSD * SGI * SVG * TGA * TIFF * Tk * VML * VRML * WBMP * WebP * X11 * Attributes * _background * area * arrowhead * arrowsize * arrowtail * bb * beautify * bgcolor * center * charset * class * cluster * clusterrank * color * colorscheme * comment * compound * concentrate * constraint * Damping * decorate * defaultdist * dim * dimen * dir * diredgeconstraints * distortion * dpi * edgehref * edgetarget * edgetooltip * edgeURL * epsilon * esep * fillcolor * fixedsize * fontcolor * fontname * fontnames * fontpath * fontsize * forcelabels * gradientangle * group * head_lp * headclip * headhref * headlabel * headport * headtarget * headtooltip * headURL * height * href * id * image * imagepath * imagepos * imagescale * inputscale * K * label * label_scheme * labelangle * labeldistance * labelfloat * labelfontcolor * labelfontname * labelfontsize * labelhref * labeljust * labelloc * labeltarget * labeltooltip * labelURL * landscape * layer * layerlistsep * layers * layerselect * layersep * layout * len * levels * levelsgap * lhead * lheight * linelength * lp * ltail * lwidth * margin * maxiter * mclimit * mindist * minlen * mode * model * newrank * nodesep * nojustify * normalize * notranslate * nslimit * nslimit1 * oneblock * ordering * orientation * outputorder * overlap * overlap_scaling * overlap_shrink * pack * packmode * pad * page * pagedir * pencolor * penwidth * peripheries * pin * pos * quadtree * quantum * rank * rankdir * ranksep * ratio * rects * regular * remincross * repulsiveforce * resolution * root * rotate * rotation * samehead * sametail * samplepoints * scale * searchsize * sep * shape * shapefile * showboxes * sides * size * skew * smoothing * sortv * splines * start * style * stylesheet * tail_lp * tailclip * tailhref * taillabel * tailport * tailtarget * tailtooltip * tailURL * target * TBbalance * tooltip * truecolor * URL * vertices * viewport * voro_margin * weight * width * xdotversion * xlabel * xlp * z * Attribute Types * addDouble * addPoint * arrowType * bool * clusterMode * color * colorList * dirType * double * doubleList * escString * int * layerList * layerRange * lblString * outputMode * packMode * pagedir * point * pointList * portPos * quadType * rankdir * rankType * rect * shape * smoothType * splineType * startType * string * style * viewPort * xdot * Graph Attributes * Node Attributes * Node Shapes * Cluster Attributes * Edge Attributes * Arrow Shapes * Color Names * Character Entities * Library Usage * Theory/Publications * License * External Resources * Credits * FAQ * Font FAQ * Contact * Building * Windows View page source Edit this page Create child page Create documentation issue * What is Graphviz? * Features * Download * Documentation * Discussions * Bug And Issue Tracking 1. Graphviz GRAPHVIZ Please join the Graphviz forum to ask questions and discuss Graphviz. WHAT IS GRAPHVIZ? Graphviz is open source graph visualization software. Graph visualization is a way of representing structural information as diagrams of abstract graphs and networks. It has important applications in networking, bioinformatics, software engineering, database and web design, machine learning, and in visual interfaces for other technical domains. FEATURES The Graphviz layout programs take descriptions of graphs in a simple text language, and make diagrams in useful formats, such as images and SVG for web pages; PDF or Postscript for inclusion in other documents; or display in an interactive graph browser. Graphviz has many useful features for concrete diagrams, such as options for colors, fonts, tabular node layouts, line styles, hyperlinks, and custom shapes. DOWNLOAD The current release of Graphviz can be downloaded here: Download The code base is stored here on GitLab. DOCUMENTATION Documentation is available in the released package and from here: Documentation DISCUSSIONS You can post questions and comments in the Graphviz forum. BUG AND ISSUE TRACKING You can report or view Graphviz bugs and issues by visiting the Graphviz Issues page. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THEORY/PUBLICATIONS LICENSE EXTERNAL RESOURCES CREDITS CONTACT GRAPHVIZ WISH LIST Last modified August 10, 2021: Make pages for each layout engine (8d2a3c0) * * * * © 2022 The Graphviz Authors All Rights Reserved About