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ConSol is an IT consulting company. Enthusiasm for coding and hacking is what
unites us. ConSol Labs is a technical playing field where we can share our Open
Source involvement. We use this site to blog about our area of personal
interest, from the daily business at work and from our spare time projects.

14 Mar 2022 | Image Change Triggers for Tekton

One of our customers is in the process of decommisioning their OpenShift v3.11
cluster. This cluster is currently still used for building customer specific
base images. Over time quite a few elaborated pipeline builds (based on Jenkins)
have been developed for that purpose.

The customer wanted me to migrate the existing pipeline builds on their v3.11
cluster to Tekton (aka OpenShift Pipeline) builds running on their new v4.9
cluster. This task turned out to be quite pesky. Tekton is a beast in many


Author:Markus Hansmair Tags:CI/CD, Kubernetes, OpenShift Categories:development,
kubernetes, openshift

24 Feb 2022 | Visualisation and debugging of Apache Camel routes

The documentation of software is an everyday business of a software developer
and engineer. Especially for integration scenarios a diagram on the flow of a
message through the system or the whole landscape is an essential illustration.
Fortunately there are standardised messaging patterns which can be used.
Unfortunately, however, there is no tool which can create such visualizations
out of the box directly of source code. In this article we will have a look at
Apache Camel and how it is possible to get a graphical representation of an
integration route. We will also discuss about debugging it, as some tools have
the feature to do this.


Author:Martin Kurz Tags:integration, java, debugging Categories:integration,

24 Feb 2022 | A look insight Camel K

Today software often needs to be run in cloud environments. Newly developed
software, especially microservices are developed with cloud readiness in mind.
But we not only have microservices in business environments, we also have
integration software. This type of software is developed and designed to connect
external services to internal ones.


Author:Andy Degenkolbe Tags:Camel, Camel k, kubernetes, Openshift, knative

14 Jul 2021 | Streaming and Messaging


This article is the author’s opinion on similarities and differences between
Streaming and Messaging.


The first time I was busy with the terms messaging and streaming was during my
master thesis in 2016. Among other things, the thesis was about different
strategies of microservices integration. During that time, the term messaging
was popular. Moroever, Kafka, which is a streaming platform, was popular, too.
From a high-level perspective, messaging, kafka and streaming seem to be the
same thing… but I never understood, why we have these two terms which are used
synonymously in many contexts: messaging and streaming. This article is my
answer to that question.


Author:Niklas Enns Tags:Kafka, streaming, messaging Categories:messaging,

03 May 2021 | A journey of a Helm operator to and back again

Some time ago, I started a project to create a Helm based operator for an
OpenShift application. I used the Operator SDK to create the Helm operator. The
Operator SDK documentation describes the parameters pretty good, and it contains
a simple tutorial. it does not, however, describe the complete development
cycle. This article aims to describe everything from creating the operator to
the point where you can upload your operator to We start with a
basic Helm Chart. With this, you can install Nginx as a StatefulSet. You can
find the source code in my github repo. Before we can start with creating an
operator, we need to fulfill some prerequisites.


Author:Olaf Meyer Tags:openshift, kubernetes, operator, olm

09 Feb 2021 | RabbitMQ

The first version of RabbitMQ has been released in 2007. Back in these days, the
goal was to provide a complete open source implementation of Advanced Message
Queuing Protocol (AMQP), aiming at modern messaging needs such as high
availability, high performance, scalability and security.
Nowadays, RabbitMQ is one of the most popular message brokers and can be found
in several domains.
This article lights up core concepts and compares it with ActiveMQ Artemis and


Author:Niklas Enns Tags:messaging, queue, topic, publish, subscribe

02 Feb 2021 | How to integrate Kafka with Istio on OpenShift

Last summer I watched the Red Hat master course about Kafka from Sébastien
Blanc. The Kafka setup in Kubernetes presented in the course looked pretty easy.
The Kafka client implementation for Java seemed to be easy as well. Furthermore,
I wanted to use Kafka for a long time, so I got the idea to extend my Istio
example. Each time a service is called, a message is sent to a topic. The
service (implemented in Quarkus), as well as the Kafka cluster should be in an
Istio Service Mesh and secured with mTLS. I found descriptions of Joel Takvorian
that Kafka works with Istio, so I knew (or at least hoped) that my plan should

This article will describe the overall architecture of the example and which
obstacles I encountered during deployment.


Author:Olaf Meyer Tags:openshift, kubernetes, kafka, istio, kiali

03 Nov 2020 | AWS Comprehend and the output.tar.gz

AWS Comprehend is a great tool when you want to extract information from textual
data. As a managed service it is really easy to setup and can be used with next
to no prior knowledge of machine learning. But there is one minor thing that
bugs me about Comprehend: The Output.

TL;TR output.tar.gz bad, flat json file good.
See python code below for transformation.


Author:Lukas Höfer Tags:aws, comprehend Categories:aws, cloud, machine-learning

27 Oct 2020 | Integration testing with Testcontainers

Automatic integration tests as part of the development life cycle can save a lot
of time and money. Not only when dealing with other service APIs or offering
some, also if the application uses a database or other infrastructure services.

We at Consol made a lot of good experience to develop the integration tests as
part of the life cycle from the beginning of a project. Therefor the Citrus
framework is often a good choice to do it automated.

But there are other frameworks and libraries which can be useful. In this
article, we’ll have a look at Testcontainers. By using a sample microservice, we
will show how Testcontainers can be used and what chances it provides.


Author:Martin Kurz Tags:integration-tests, citrus, testcontainers, docker, java
Categories:integration-testing, development, docker, citrus

16 Sep 2020 | OpenShift and Let's Encrypt

So you have this nifty web application deployed on your OpenShift cluster and
you want to make it accessible by the whole world with HTTPS under the name
coolapp.<mydomain>. Unfortunately you face several issues:

 * Exposing the service to your web application leaves you with a route using
   the self-signed certificate that was generated during setup of the cluster.
   None of the browsers in the wild will trust this certificate.

 * The self-signed certificate dictates URLS of the form
   https://<appname>.apps.<clustername>.<mydomain> (or whatever domain suffix
   you configured). Not very nice.

 * You might mitigate the previous issues by getting an official certificate
   signed by a generally trusted institution. But you will have to pay for it.

 * And you will have to pay for it not only once but every year (latest every
   389 days) thanks to recently tightened certificate policies installed by all
   major browser vendors.

 * Worst of it all: You must not (by any means) forget to apply for a new
   certificate in a timely manner and replace the certificate in your route
   before the old expires. Otherwise some people might get pretty angry about

Let’s Encrypt to the rescue!


Author:Markus Hansmair Tags:openshift Categories:devops

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 * Java Caches
 * Java Caches: Summary
 * Part 0.1: Overview
 * Part 0.2: Caches and Big Data
 * Part 1.1: Brief introduction to the features of the User Event Cache
 * Part 1.2: REST interface exposed
 * Part 1.3: The common data types used
 * Part 1.4: Reference implementation with a ConcurrentHashMap
 * Part 2.1: Introduction to JSR 107
 * Part 2.2: Local cache with Ehcache
 * Part 2.3: Local cache with Hazelcast
 * Part 2.4: Local cache with Infinispan
 * Part 3.1: Introduction to peer-to-peer architectures
 * Part 3.2: Peer-to-peer with Ehcache
 * Part 3.3: Peer-to-peer with Hazelcast
 * Part 3.4: Peer-to-peer with Infinispan
 * Part 4.1: Introduction to client-server architectures
 * Part 4.2: Client-server with Ehcache
 * Part 4.3: Client-server with Hazelcast
 * Part 4.4: Client-server with Infinispan
 * Part 5.1 Second-level caches for databases
 * Part 5.2 Advanced features





 * Event broker options
 * Mod Gearman
 * NDO data processing options
 * Thruk
 * check_aaccli
 * check_db2_health
 * check_external_commands
 * check_fujitsu_health
 * check_hpasm
 * check_logfiles
 * check_mailbox_health
 * check_mssql_health
 * check_mysql_health
 * check_ntp_health
 * check_nwc_health
 * check_oracle_health
 * check_printer_health
 * check_sap_health
 * check_sqlbase_health
 * check_sstcam
 * check_storage_health
 * check_tl_health
 * check_ups_health
 * check_vmware_snapshots
 * check_vranger_jobstatus
 * check_webinject
 * coshsh


 * OMD Labs
 * OMD Labs - Backup / Restore
 * OMD Labs - Commands
 * OMD Labs - Daily Builds
 * OMD Labs - Differences to OMD
 * OMD Labs - Filesystem Layout
 * OMD Labs - Getting Started
 * OMD Labs - Howtos
 * OMD Labs - Migration to 3.x
 * OMD Labs - Migration to 4.x
 * OMD Labs - Migration to 5.x
 * OMD Labs - Packages
 * OMD Labs - Troubleshooting




android angular angular2 anomalieerkennung ansible api api transformation arm
ashost automation autoscaling avm aws aws-cdk aws-lambda backup bapi bash bdd
bgp big-data bigdata blade bladecenter bleeding-edge blue coat business process
c cache camel camel k ccms check_by_ssh check_db2_health check_hpasm
check_jmx4perl check_logfiles check_mailbox_health check_mssql_health
check_mysql_health check_nagios_external_commands check_nwc_health
check_oracle_health ci/cd cisco citrus cloud cloudwatch cluster comprehend
conference config::general configuration consol-cm consulting container
continuous integration controlmaster coshsh cpqrack cpu cucumber cyberattack
cyberdetection cyberprevention dashboard database datafiles datascryer db2 dbcc
debugging decision-tree dect devoxx distribution dmz docker dokuwiki dropbox
dwc_otg e2e ehcache eks eksctl elasticsearch elk end-2-end end-to-end end2end
endtoend esx esxi etcd eventlog experience-report extra-opts faas flexstor
fn_trace_gettable fosdem freemarker fritz!box gearman gen8 geomap git gitlab
glassfish gmaven go golang gotoaar gotocon gradle grafana graphql grok_exporter
grow event guide hamcrest hazelcast heartbeat heino herbstcampus holt-winters hp
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infrastructure-as-code integration integration-tests istio j2ee jaeger java
java9 javaland javamail javascript javazone jboss jcache jdbc jenkins jigsaw jmx
jmx4perl jolokia jsr-160 juniper junit k-means k8s kafka keycloak kiali knative
kubeadm kubernetes letsencrypt linux livestatus logstash lwp machine-learning
markdown, packer, documentation maven maven-rbc-plugin mdadm meetup messaging
microprofile microservices minikube mod-gearman modules mongodb monitoring
monitoringminutes mpls ms sql mshost mte mule mysql münchen naemon nagflux
nagios nagvis ndo ndo2db neb netweaver networking networkpolicy nfs nrpe ocf ocp
odroid olm omd omdistro oom_killer openshift operating-systems operator
ora-00059 oracle osgi osgish osmc ospf ovf ovftool performance-testing perl
plugin plugins pnp pnp4nagios postgres postgresql prediction prevent proliant
promagent prometheus prometheusio proxy proxyng publish python quantum queue
raid random-forest raspberry raspberry pi redhat reporting repository rest rfc
rman rolling-release rz20 sakuli sap saprouter scala security serverless shinken
shrink event simple linear regression sjobh snmp soap webservices spring spring
security springboot sql server ssh ssl stomp storever streaming subscribe sybase
system-oom talk technology terracotta terraform test-automation testautomation
testautomatisierung testcontainers testing testng thruk time series timescale
tls tomcat topic travis triple exponential smoothing ubuntu ui-testing undertow
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workflow xpath youtube


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