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Pickup from 1539 5th Avenue South


Chocolate Chip Cookie

Indulge in the ultimate comfort treat with our irresistible chocolate chip
cookies. Baked to perfection, these cookies are loaded with rich, gooey
chocolate chips that will melt in your mouth with every bite. The combination of
the buttery, golden-brown cookie dough and the decadent chocolate chips creates
a heavenly taste that will satisfy your sweet cravings. Whether you enjoy them
warm from the oven or pair them with a glass of cold milk, our chocolate chip
cookies are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. Individually wrapped for
freshness. Treat yourself or surprise your loved ones with this classic,
timeless cookie.


Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie

Our mouthwatering oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are the perfect blend of chewy
and crunchy, with a delightful texture that will keep you coming back for more.
Each bite is packed with the comforting flavors of wholesome oats and decadent
chocolate chips, creating a truly satisfying treat. Whether you enjoy them as an
afternoon snack or a sweet ending to a meal, our oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
are sure to satisfy your cravings. Individually wrapped for freshness.


Red Velvet Cookie

These irresistible treats are the perfect combination of rich cocoa flavor and a
hint of tanginess, creating a truly decadent experience. Baked to perfection,
our red velvet cookies have a soft and chewy texture that will satisfy any sweet
tooth. Whether you're looking for a delightful snack or a stunning dessert to
impress your guests, our red velvet cookies are the answer. Individually wrapped
for freshness. Treat yourself or your loved ones to a mouthwatering delight!


Strawberry Cookie

These delightful treats are bursting with flavor, making them a perfect choice
for any strawberry lover. With each bite, you'll experience a heavenly
combination of buttery cookie dough and luscious strawberry flavor, creating a
mouthwatering sensation that will leave you craving for more. Whether you enjoy
them as a snack with your afternoon tea or as a dessert after a delicious meal,
our strawberry cookies are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. Individually
wrapped for freshness. Treat yourself to a box of these delectable cookies


White Chocolate Chip Cookie

These delectable treats are a perfect combination of sweet and creamy white
chocolate, blended with the rich, buttery goodness of a classic cookie. Each
bite is a heavenly experience, with the smooth white chocolate melting in your
mouth and the perfectly baked cookie providing a satisfying crunch. Whether
you're enjoying them as a snack, dessert, or even as a gift for someone special,
our White Chocolate Chip Cookies are sure to delight your taste buds. Individual
wrapped for freshness. Treat yourself to this delightful indulgence.


Almond Flour Choclate Chip Cookie

Indulge in the delectable goodness of almond flour chocolate chip cookies. Made
with the finest quality almond flour, these cookies offer a delightful twist on
the classic chocolate chip treat. The combination of the rich chocolate chips
and the subtle nuttiness of the almond flour creates a mouthwatering flavor
experience that will leave you craving for more. Perfectly soft and chewy, these
cookies are a guilt-free indulgence that you can enjoy any time of the day.
Whether you're a cookie connoisseur or simply looking for a healthier
alternative, these almond flour chocolate chip cookies are a must-have.
Individually wrapped for freshness. Treat yourself and your loved ones to a
batch of these scrumptious cookies!


Cinnamon Streusel Cookie

Warm cinnamon and buttery crumbly streusel. With every bite, you'll experience a
burst of rich flavors that will transport you to a cozy afternoon by the
fireplace. Whether you're enjoying them with a cup of coffee or sharing them
with loved ones, our Cinnamon Streusel Cookies are sure to satisfy your cravings
and leave you wanting more. Individually wrapped for freshness. Treat yourself
to these mouthwatering delights and elevate your snack time to a whole new level
of deliciousness!



Salted Caramel Bar

enjoy the heavenly combination of sweet and salty with our irresistible Salted
Caramel Bar. This delectable treat is crafted with the finest ingredients,
creating a perfect balance of rich caramel and a touch of sea salt. Each bite is
a symphony of flavors that will transport you to dessert heaven. Whether you're
craving a midday pick-me-up or a delightful after-dinner treat, our Salted
Caramel Bar is the ultimate indulgence. Individually packaged for freshness.
Treat yourself or surprise someone special with this decadent delight.


Toffee Bar

Rich and buttery goodness, that's our delectable toffee bar. This bar is a true
delight for your taste buds, with its smooth and creamy texture that melts in
your mouth. Crafted with the finest ingredients, our toffee bar is a sweet treat
that will satisfy your cravings and leave you wanting more. Whether you enjoy it
as a midday pick-me-up or as a decadent dessert, this toffee bar is the perfect
indulgence. Individually packaged for freshness. Treat yourself or surprise
someone special with this irresistible caramel bar.


Magic Bar

Our Magic Bar is a delightful chocolate coconut bar that will transport you to a
tropical paradise with each bite. This irresistible treat features a buttery
crust topped with chocolate and sweet shredded coconut, creating a symphony of
flavors that will leave you craving for more. With its irresistibly gooey
texture and heavenly combination of flavors, this bar is sure to become your new
favorite. Individually packaged for freshness.


Chewy Pecan Bar

Indulge in the irresistible goodness of our chewy pecan bar. Made with premium
pecans and a perfectly balanced blend of ingredients, this treat is sure to
satisfy your cravings. Sink your teeth into the soft, chewy texture and savor
the rich, nutty flavor with every bite. Whether you enjoy it as a quick snack on
the go or as a sweet ending to a meal, our chewy pecan bar is a delightful treat
that will leave you wanting more. Individually packaged for freshness. Treat
yourself or a loved one to this delicious and satisfying snack.



4:30 PM TO 6:30 PM


Rusty Moose Bakeshop
1539 5th Avenue South
South Saint Paul, Minnesota 55075

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6:30 pm
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6:30 pm

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Orders not picked up by Saturday March 30, 2024 by 8:30 am will be cancelled and
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