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YOUR BROWSER IS OUT-OF-DATE! Please update your browser to view this website correctly. Update my browser now × Click here to find an office near you 1.800.746.7539 US * EN * FR * How We Can Help We help you safe guard your people and property, service and extend the life of your investments, and offer individual solutions to drive your operational efficiency. /wps/wcm/connect/2f986be0-428f-4e4d-8bf3-799e77e2782f/How+We+Can+Help+170x110.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-2f986be0-428f-4e4d-8bf3-799e77e2782f-mi9QYKb * Your Industry No matter your industry, our deep experience enables us to deliver solutions designed to address your specific needs and requirements. /wps/wcm/connect/b51a507a-81ef-449e-a876-d09ce08c3e53/Your+Industry+170x110.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-b51a507a-81ef-449e-a876-d09ce08c3e53-meetEXQ * Insights and Opinions We offer resources you can use to find smarter ways to protect your facilities and stay on top of industry trends and regulations. /wps/wcm/connect/2f986be0-428f-4e4d-8bf3-799e77e2782f/How+We+Can+Help+170x110.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-2f986be0-428f-4e4d-8bf3-799e77e2782f-mi9QYKb * Who We Are We are a leading provider of fire and life safety solutions to help organizations protect their people and property. Find out more about Tyco SimplexGrinnell. /wps/wcm/connect/25463b81-c91c-4d40-b8ec-7313117e4459/170x110-coming-soon.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-25463b81-c91c-4d40-b8ec-7313117e4459-mif4qcY * Get A Quote * Contact Us * Customer Portal * Online Services * Buy Online * Payment Methods * Pay with Credit Card * Protect Your Business There’s no cutting corners or almost good enough when it comes to protecting your business. /wps/wcm/connect/3fa79b6f-adca-4a19-8236-aa4d7d397a72/170x110-protect-your-business.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-3fa79b6f-adca-4a19-8236-aa4d7d397a72-mifZZbf * Service and Maintain Your Equipment * Enhance Your Operations For a partner who can support your life safety project from start to finish, talk to us. /wps/wcm/connect/0e906ee6-c5bb-4ce6-873c-3469bd021a79/170x110-enhance-your-operations.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-0e906ee6-c5bb-4ce6-873c-3469bd021a79-mif-5h5 * * Fire Detection And Alarm Our industry-leading fire detection and alarm solutions are scalable and customizable, so you can find the right fit for your needs. /wps/wcm/connect/7c1c6c19-2b77-4738-bea6-fa776c00053d/170x110-fire-detection-and-alarm.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-7c1c6c19-2b77-4738-bea6-fa776c00053d-mi0rsk9 * Control Panels Our fire alarm control panels are available with a range of capacities and feature sets, making it easier to find the right choice for your application. /wps/wcm/connect/5d922cab-d29b-483d-aa5c-41c5bac08563/170x110-control-panels.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-5d922cab-d29b-483d-aa5c-41c5bac08563-mpzy6Jm * Notification We’ve reinvented notification, which means better protection, more value and lower costs for engineers, installing contractors and building owners. /wps/wcm/connect/3b97789a-8266-4716-b079-0ea3269e505b/170x110-notification.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-3b97789a-8266-4716-b079-0ea3269e505b-mpzwwBl * Network Solutions Networked technology brings your information to one location, giving you better command and control. /wps/wcm/connect/b335e76e-3c88-4e13-a10f-b44b4bc1d89f/170x110-network-solutions.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-b335e76e-3c88-4e13-a10f-b44b4bc1d89f-mi4I7ra * Smoke Detector And Carbon Monoxide Detection Job number one is to protect your people and property, but that doesn’t have to include frequent nuisance disruptions. Our detection systems help you avoid unwelcome distractions in the workplace. /wps/wcm/connect/8975e177-5ec8-4c39-85aa-d00cd3f49f74/170x110-smoke-and-carbon-detection.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-8975e177-5ec8-4c39-85aa-d00cd3f49f74-mi4DCbO * * Fire Sprinkler And Suppression For projects large or small, conventional or addressing special hazards, we’ll help you find the best solution for your specific application. /wps/wcm/connect/5fa503a8-56e9-4422-ab55-81cdaac69244/170x110-sprinkler.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-5fa503a8-56e9-4422-ab55-81cdaac69244-mi0qjRO * Fire Extinguisher Fire extinguishers are not a one-size-fits-all proposition because every facility has different challenges. We’ll help equip your premises with extinguishers appropriate to each potential hazard. /wps/wcm/connect/acda2246-eac0-474e-9905-b12e4d976b00/170x110-fire-extinguishers.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-acda2246-eac0-474e-9905-b12e4d976b00-mi4F4dk * Special Hazards If you have high-risk, high-value environments and operations, you need a solution that goes beyond common fire protection sprinkler systems. We provide system planning, installation and maintenance of fire protection systems with specialized detection and extinguishing agents specifically for hazardous environments. /wps/wcm/connect/6f0045d9-8619-43ef-b5d8-4b74c9b9ce09/170x110-special-hazards.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-6f0045d9-8619-43ef-b5d8-4b74c9b9ce09-mi4FTEd * Sprinkler Frederick Grinnell patented the first automatic sprinkler in 1881 — and we’ve never stopped improving it. We bring our experience and expertise in every setting where sprinklers are needed to protect your people and property. /wps/wcm/connect/fd0cd4a2-70d4-457a-be1c-31fc857a3668/170x110-sprinkler.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-fd0cd4a2-70d4-457a-be1c-31fc857a3668-mi4E2Hu * * Sound And Communication In an emergency, your people need timely, accurate information that they can see and hear clearly. Our solutions can help move them away from danger in a controlled way. /wps/wcm/connect/5c54e9e8-d3f8-421f-8070-f419134c442d/170x110-sound-comm.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-5c54e9e8-d3f8-421f-8070-f419134c442d-mi0rSXj * Healthcare Communications We can tailor an advanced, cost-effective nurse call communication solution to help your life-safety systems work together as a unified whole. /wps/wcm/connect/095f9aca-088f-4a08-8968-f4472df1c2c9/170x110-healthcare-communication.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-095f9aca-088f-4a08-8968-f4472df1c2c9-mi4HRa3 * Emergency Communications In an emergency, the need is immediate. We can customize a real-time emergency notification system — audible and visual notification, as well as text displays — to share lifesaving information inside and outside of your buildings. /wps/wcm/connect/2cc05108-2c90-4ad4-a48b-63b3ae95dacc/170x110-emergency-communication.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-2cc05108-2c90-4ad4-a48b-63b3ae95dacc-mi4HHFt * Public Address And Intercom We can help you get maximum clarity and usability from your system, whether your need is for routine announcements or an additional component of your emergency notification. /wps/wcm/connect/2057bb86-d859-4e70-ae4c-994640ad6550/170x110-public-address-and-Intercom.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-2057bb86-d859-4e70-ae4c-994640ad6550-mi4DE8k * Sound Reinforcement Professional audio systems can play dual roles. Often viewed as mainly for speech reinforcement and entertainment, they do play their part in life-safety notification, expanding your communication abilities. /wps/wcm/connect/e81fdf6c-cc80-415c-aab8-7f9ddbf64ff7/170x110-sound-reinforcement.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-e81fdf6c-cc80-415c-aab8-7f9ddbf64ff7-mi4D-fC * Telephone Networks Telephones play an important role as a user interface with other communication systems. We can help you integrate them with external systems to expand their operation and usefulness. /wps/wcm/connect/7c30e753-5ff2-4d77-973d-7fbcef42ff0e/170x110-telephone-networks.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-7c30e753-5ff2-4d77-973d-7fbcef42ff0e-mi4GTRL * * Integrated Security With security challenges increasing in complexity, we can help you layer levels of protection with a multi-technology, integrated approach. /wps/wcm/connect/050871d7-7719-431b-9064-a7715f939e9e/170x110-integrated-security.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-050871d7-7719-431b-9064-a7715f939e9e-mi0pUS2 * Access Control Access control once meant simply preventing someone from entering or exiting your facility. Today, our collection of access control systems and technology can bring you more powerful protection for your employees, technology and critical business information. /wps/wcm/connect/8ae26b22-db66-4c3c-bfff-196c8a145f4d/170x110_access.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-8ae26b22-db66-4c3c-bfff-196c8a145f4d-mi4HBTr * Intrusion Detection When you need to monitor a critical area for unauthorized access, you’ll need to strengthen security with an added layer of protection. From small to mid-sized, public and private, we can protect your premises with comprehensive intrusion alarm systems and plans that are effective, easy to use, and act as overall deterrents to crime. /wps/wcm/connect/d3d24b17-5cf3-4d9d-b24f-ed747bce2f52/170x110_intrusion.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-d3d24b17-5cf3-4d9d-b24f-ed747bce2f52-mi4GIH1 * Property Surveillance “Blind spots” or areas that are out of sight and difficult to monitor can compromise the safety and security of your staff and facilities. Our integrated property surveillance systems can provide you with an uncompromising security solution that meets your specific challenges and budget. /wps/wcm/connect/75a35147-f634-457b-be9d-1249af8b9746/170x110-property-surveillance.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-75a35147-f634-457b-be9d-1249af8b9746-mi4IgKQ * Mass Notification Mass notification systems allow communication with large groups that may be impacted by a situation such as an emergency (fire, shooting, security breach) or a routine event (facility closing, traffic, weather). /wps/wcm/connect/77bfe6e7-e51b-41e1-96c7-50a7c29e4078/170x110-MassNotification.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-77bfe6e7-e51b-41e1-96c7-50a7c29e4078-mi4GddE * * Time Our time solution products can meet the demands of any organization that needs to track, control or synchronize time. /wps/wcm/connect/a7381638-3902-4734-ba15-212f81a0de83/170x110-time.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-a7381638-3902-4734-ba15-212f81a0de83-mi0qw3o * Master Time Control Synchronization is a key element in managing any business or facility. We can help you keep your facility and people running on the same clock. /wps/wcm/connect/d0b3d395-b2d5-4891-8283-918d6907b383/170x110-master-time-control.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-d0b3d395-b2d5-4891-8283-918d6907b383-mi4DFb5 * Time Recording Keep your business from slowing down. Feature-rich time recording products add speed and accuracy to your tracking. /wps/wcm/connect/ecc07cd7-2de2-4485-809c-250fd9d2b267/170x110-time-recording.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-ecc07cd7-2de2-4485-809c-250fd9d2b267-mi4GgwK * Time And Date Stamping Every business needs date validation. We have versatile products that can be used as clocks or stamps to help you simplify organization and provide proof of when documents were received and processed. /wps/wcm/connect/1e9f8cc1-982e-448e-961b-e69038512221/170x110-time-date-stamping.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-1e9f8cc1-982e-448e-961b-e69038512221-mi4IE3k * Explore our Next-in-Protection offering to discover how we can help protect and support your business with one of our four carefully designed service offers, each tailored to meet your needs. LEARN MORE Choose the Service Offering that Fits Your Needs * COMPREHENSIVE For the business that needs 360° protection and a high level of ongoing support * PRECISION For the business with unique requirements that require a tailored approach * ADVANCED For the business that needs a cost-effective service offering focusing on compliance * BASIC For organizations where compliance and life safety is critical for the business * * Planning And Design Our specialists can help you meet design, specification and approval process challenges across the nation. Owners, architects, engineers, contractors and consultants rely on us to help define and design code-compliant and cost-effective solutions. /wps/wcm/connect/daec25e8-b15f-4cf0-ac46-d86df96692ce/170x110-planning-design.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-daec25e8-b15f-4cf0-ac46-d86df96692ce-mi0qhR5 * CAD Design Good design plays a central role in system performance and costs. We can help you achieve the correct, code-compliant and cost-effective solution for your construction and installation needs. /wps/wcm/connect/f1bb8560-8e01-43aa-afd9-f2982506250c/170x110-cad-design.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-f1bb8560-8e01-43aa-afd9-f2982506250c-mi4HePn * Spec Building When time is of the essence, you can’t afford to wait for a design solution. From our fire-alarm specification tool to our Design Centers of Excellence, we can help you build detailed fire alarm specifications in minutes, saving you time and effort. /wps/wcm/connect/a5dbd0cd-50bc-4771-9cd8-58a85b83a8c8/170x110-spec-building.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-a5dbd0cd-50bc-4771-9cd8-58a85b83a8c8-mi4GOAp * * Professional Services Our array of professional services can benefit customers large and small. From our skilled project managers to comprehensive customer training on installed equipment, to a specialist helping you assess risk, we’re ready to help. /wps/wcm/connect/efe7396a-d493-4c56-831a-d185bffcfe9e/170x110-professional-services.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-efe7396a-d493-4c56-831a-d185bffcfe9e-mi0rNP4 * Customer Training And Education We provide hands-on training for your employees in the proper use of your fire and life-safety systems. You can train at one of our six North American training facilities, a SimplexGrinnell district office, or your facility. /wps/wcm/connect/e539b684-05a7-4661-bf8d-90d1e44f9147/170x110-customer-training-and-education.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-e539b684-05a7-4661-bf8d-90d1e44f9147-mi4GVi3 * Project Management You want your project delivered on time and on budget. Your SimplexGrinnell single point of contact will be an industry professional using advanced practices to control your project and help you reach your goals. /wps/wcm/connect/c492c6eb-28e1-44d7-95b7-b3914f149912/170x110-project-management.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-c492c6eb-28e1-44d7-95b7-b3914f149912-mi4FgsU * Risk Assessments Be proactive and bring one of our specialists onsite for an informal risk survey. There is no cost for this service and you’ll get a clearer picture of potential life-safety issues in your facility. /wps/wcm/connect/8e435915-8002-4faa-9c54-87bb8b015c52/170x110-risk-assessments.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-8e435915-8002-4faa-9c54-87bb8b015c52-mi4FGqz There’s no cutting corners or almost good enough when it comes to protecting your business. * * Commercial Whatever commercial business sector you operate in, we can help you protect your people and property. From strip malls to high-rises, five-star hotels to quick-serve restaurants, we’ll tailor to your single facility or multiple locations, providing consistency across the board. /wps/wcm/connect/e36a3592-a16d-4e44-b0f7-789bc4142fc8/170x110-commercial.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-e36a3592-a16d-4e44-b0f7-789bc4142fc8-mi0qCnH * Hospitality And Food Service You want the best in safety and security, but a critical part of your business is creating an atmosphere for your guests. We can help you reach your protection goals while minimizing disruptions. /wps/wcm/connect/8f177d69-1c4e-45a3-acc0-32e98b092901/170x110-hospitality-and-food-service.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-8f177d69-1c4e-45a3-acc0-32e98b092901-mi4DWM4 * Retail People are your greatest business asset. We can help keep your retail environment safe and secure for your customers and employees, and safeguard your inventory. /wps/wcm/connect/6bbebe17-58ae-4c00-9f33-4be041edea83/170x110-retail.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-6bbebe17-58ae-4c00-9f33-4be041edea83-mi4H9lH * Property Management Commercial property managers face a myriad of fire and life-safety issues, with security often playing a prominent role. Our integrated systems and total life-safety solutions can provide peace of mind /wps/wcm/connect/84100972-e3dc-4c15-b380-fc696bfa472a/170x110-commercial-property-management.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-84100972-e3dc-4c15-b380-fc696bfa472a-mi4FW4W * * Education Our integrated fire and security solutions span your needs from mass notification and access control to smarter fire alarms that transmit detailed data. Whether you’re protecting classrooms and dorms, or an expansive campus facility, we can help to simplify your role to save time and reduce costs. /wps/wcm/connect/5faf1b87-211a-44a5-90e8-dcdcec0331a9/170x110-education.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-5faf1b87-211a-44a5-90e8-dcdcec0331a9-mi0qu8- * K-12 We know schools struggle to stretch their dollars while still providing a safe environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. We offer scalable solutions and technology advancements that can save you time and control costs, while securing your property. /wps/wcm/connect/b1642b03-9556-4ddb-ad00-0f4a50d5e977/170x110-k12-schools.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-b1642b03-9556-4ddb-ad00-0f4a50d5e977-mi4Hzwl * Colleges And Universities Campus environments have certain vulnerabilities. We can help you find your best options across the entire fire and life safety spectrum, including emergency communications and integrated security systems that layer protection to address multiple risks. /wps/wcm/connect/d1d87300-8422-4ed8-9726-9ec78ef47248/170x110-colleges-and-univiversities.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-d1d87300-8422-4ed8-9726-9ec78ef47248-mi4DIKf * * Government We draw from our vast life-safety portfolio to tailor solutions that help protect the people and facilities of local, state and federal government. Our contract vehicles support efficient, streamlined procurement, and 130 offices nationwide bring prompt, expert service. /wps/wcm/connect/7b74ad5a-11f9-40d3-a5e5-800d48208fa9/170x110-government.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-7b74ad5a-11f9-40d3-a5e5-800d48208fa9-mi0rplg * Local City, county and municipal governments don’t have to deal with fire and life safety protection piecemeal. We help with streamlined procurement of comprehensive solutions that match your needs and budget. /wps/wcm/connect/63fd2a8a-1b69-4fb9-b09b-d88cb1892412/170x110-local.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-63fd2a8a-1b69-4fb9-b09b-d88cb1892412-mi4FNsr * State We offer a total solution with a full portfolio of fire and life safety products and services. Our contracting vehicles streamline purchasing for more efficient procurement. /wps/wcm/connect/7f78a14a-3a6b-41d2-96b5-4cdd410cc405/170x110-state.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-7f78a14a-3a6b-41d2-96b5-4cdd410cc405-mi4Gbll * Federal We serve all levels of government, law enforcement and military, with the best in fire and life safety solutions. Implementing integrated solutions can help you streamline and enhance your operational readiness and resilience, as well as your situational awareness. /wps/wcm/connect/be83ba47-43d5-4d35-ac4e-a73b8cb46508/170x110-federal.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-be83ba47-43d5-4d35-ac4e-a73b8cb46508-mi4CLJi * * Healthcare We offer integrated, comprehensive life safety, security, and communication solutions that can increase patient satisfaction, simplify Joint Commission compliance and reporting, protect your people and facilities, and provide a robust healthcare communications platform with a nurse call system at its core. /wps/wcm/connect/303a6810-d26d-4d1a-88d2-2ecca23c8abe/170x110-healthcare.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-303a6810-d26d-4d1a-88d2-2ecca23c8abe-mi0rMdP * Acute Care Quality patient care is your priority. Protecting people and property is ours. Together, we will combine advanced technology in fire alarm, nurse call and security with our expertise in life-safety codes to deliver the most comprehensive solution for your fire safety, communication and services needs. /wps/wcm/connect/ecd00321-5222-4d39-9da8-754f267dccf3/170x110-acute-care.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-ecd00321-5222-4d39-9da8-754f267dccf3-mi4GTeP * Surgical And Outpatient Clinics Surgical centers and outpatient clinics often represent state-of-the-art facilities, housing sensitive, expensive equipment that requires extra protection. Our advanced detector technologies and integrated solutions, while flexible for your budget, help ensure the safety of your assets and people. /wps/wcm/connect/adfa4b71-85d6-47c0-8768-e01c2aeda6a7/170x110-surgical.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-adfa4b71-85d6-47c0-8768-e01c2aeda6a7-mi4FRUV * Assisted Living And Long Term Care Effectively managing your facility’s critical fire and life-safety systems doesn’t have to overwhelm you. We offer advanced technology that can streamline administration while enhancing protection. /wps/wcm/connect/a42163ea-c468-498d-a167-cfb897e57e6b/170x110-assisted-living-and-care.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-a42163ea-c468-498d-a167-cfb897e57e6b-mi4IF3I * Nursing Home Nursing homes have special challenges beyond the standard healthcare facility regulations. Our flexible solutions let you add new functions as needed, from wander prevention that safeguards patients to flexible nurse call communications to increase caregiver efficiency. /wps/wcm/connect/61e93c3d-19df-40ad-9888-db7ec880e23d/170x110-nursing-home.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-61e93c3d-19df-40ad-9888-db7ec880e23d-mi4GfmN * EZCare Migration Solution Microsoft has stopped all support of Windows XP and soon Windows7. Johnson Controls, along with Ascom, have developed a solution that enables EZCare to migrate over to the Ascom Unite platform to protect your investment in EZCare VITALTouch. /wps/wcm/connect/22e97275-23f8-44b1-8d24-c62b82724390/EZCare+Migration+LP+170x110.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-22e97275-23f8-44b1-8d24-c62b82724390-mi4DhMc * Healthcare Communications We can tailor an advanced, cost-effective solution to help your life-safety systems work together as a unified whole. /wps/wcm/connect/095f9aca-088f-4a08-8968-f4472df1c2c9/170x110-healthcare-communication.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-095f9aca-088f-4a08-8968-f4472df1c2c9-mi4HRa3 * * Industrial Our complete fire and life-safety capabilities can help you better protect your people and assets. No matter your industry, from logistics to manufacturing to technology, you can get a comprehensive, customized fire and life-safety solution from a single source. /wps/wcm/connect/c86d4c16-7615-4c8e-8b8e-ecb33ba67a86/170x110-industrial.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-c86d4c16-7615-4c8e-8b8e-ecb33ba67a86-mi0rJzu * Technology You have some unique fire and life safety protection needs, particularly when it comes to the data centers that are the lifeblood of your business. We have an array of solutions to protect your information, including early warning detection and clean agent suppression systems. /wps/wcm/connect/101e51f8-ad7c-4c60-8d42-9967975f87b0/170x110-technology.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-101e51f8-ad7c-4c60-8d42-9967975f87b0-mi4F580 * Manufacturing Manufacturing isn’t a simple industry. You deal in materials, processes, inventory, and moving your products to market. Downtime is costly. Business continuity is essential. We have advanced technology that can help you proactively address potential problems. /wps/wcm/connect/6fae4651-3917-47b3-952c-c0c550b72c97/170x110-manufacturing.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-6fae4651-3917-47b3-952c-c0c550b72c97-mi4IAYX * Warehouse And Logistics When you’re a critical part of the supply chain, you can’t take chances in safeguarding the assets you store or move. We have integrated solutions that offer comprehensive protection. /wps/wcm/connect/8b35cf9d-1b26-4ab1-ae25-9e3d8aeee4dd/170x110Warehouse.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-8b35cf9d-1b26-4ab1-ae25-9e3d8aeee4dd-mi4I2Je * * Other Industries Each industry has different requirements for meeting its fire and life-safety challenges. Whether you’re protecting an oil platform, vessels, a greenfield mine, subway system or your membership, we’ll use our advanced technology and specialized knowledge to create a custom solution to fit your needs, schedule and budget. /wps/wcm/connect/2981eb13-a24d-47bb-b1e3-8113fbb1c014/170x110-other.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-2981eb13-a24d-47bb-b1e3-8113fbb1c014-mi0rS7h * Member Organizations And Religious Institutions We work with clubs and groups of all types and all sizes. We can help you identify your unique risks and identify solutions to safeguard your people and your property. /wps/wcm/connect/fa8aabef-8a17-4cb9-a746-1b0d217e8354/170x110-candles.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-fa8aabef-8a17-4cb9-a746-1b0d217e8354-mi4IahM * Transportation Our flexible systems and easy integration with suppression and security make our solutions a great choice for your industry. We can maintain the full lifecycle of your facilities, offering reliability, scalability, and forward/backward compatibility that lets you make the most of your existing systems. /wps/wcm/connect/ccf4c5cd-7b0d-4c53-9b01-e3b242f21212/170x110-transportation.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-ccf4c5cd-7b0d-4c53-9b01-e3b242f21212-mi4FUnR * Mining We serve customers ranging from the largest conglomerates to individual mines, from the smallest machines to the largest. We know the harsh environments you work in and we have rugged solutions ranging from fire suppression to traditional sprinkler systems to site security. /wps/wcm/connect/11491f28-d1f8-474d-a61a-1ab4285a445f/170x110-mining.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-11491f28-d1f8-474d-a61a-1ab4285a445f-mi4F9r2 * Oil, Power and Gas We help safeguard your people and your productivity. Whether its deluge protection in plants, flame and gas detection or suppression in control rooms, we’re your single source for vital detection, alarm and suppression solutions. /wps/wcm/connect/963e0342-65d7-4d76-9370-20dcce2315fe/170x110-oil-power-and-gas.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-963e0342-65d7-4d76-9370-20dcce2315fe-mi4GHpP * * National Properties As a one-stop provider we can help you streamline your efforts, from installing a new solution, retrofitting a previous investment, or implementing cost-saving standardization. With a full fire and life safety portfolio, we can tailor to your unique corporate standards. /wps/wcm/connect/aed472e0-7a6d-4ec1-8f6b-15af9896dc02/170x110-national-properties.jpg?MOD=AJPERES&CACHE=NONE&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-aed472e0-7a6d-4ec1-8f6b-15af9896dc02-mi0qzQP No matter your industry, our deep experience enables us to deliver solutions designed to address your specific needs and requirements. Knowledge By Solution View ways to boost your knowledge and better manage your fire and life safety risks, organized by solution. Knowledge By Industry What’s challenging your industry? Explore the best in fire and life safety knowledge, organized by industry. Datasheets For better decision making, make us your one stop for code information, data sheets, specifications and more. Knowledge For Architects And Engineers Review the data sheets, specifications and code information you’ll need for design and planning decisions. At A Glance We’re the longtime industry leader, offering single source solutions, trained and certified staff, and a nationwide network of offices that brings expertise direct to your door. Tyco International We’re part of Tyco, a market leader advancing safety and security worldwide. Tyco has over 65,000 people in nearly 50 countries, helping to protect over three million global customers. Our People And Careers Our employees are diverse, inclusive, driven and innovative. They’re proud to make a difference through their passion for safeguarding people and property. Events Keep an eye on your calendar and stay up-to-date on the latest fire and life safety industry events, updated regularly. Tap to Call * How We Can Help * Next-In Protection * Your Industry * Insights & Opinions * Who We Are * Get a Quote * TYCO IS NOW JOHNSON CONTROLS Tyco SimplexGrinnell is now Johnson Controls, the world leader in fire protection, security, HVAC, building controls and energy storage. LEARN MORE * THE ALL-NEW PATIENT INTERACTION DASHBOARD Get a fresh look at what's happening with your data. REQUEST A DEMO * ADDRESSABILITY COMES TO NOTIFICATION. SIMPLEX TrueAlert ES solutions help you take notification in a new direction. SEE THE BENEFITS * MASS NOTIFICATION THAT REACHES EVERYONE. Enhance existing fire and security systems with multi-layered emergency communications solutions. ARRANGE AN ASSESSMENT * JOIN THE SELF-MAINTAINER COMMUNITY The Self-Maintainer Community is an essential tool for any organization that maintains its own fire and life-safety equipment. REQUEST FREE ACCESS * REQUEST A QUOTE GET A QUOTE Let us help you select a solution that works best for your facility and your budget. Find Out More * LOCAL SUPPORT DISTRICT LOCATOR 130 district offices means expert Tyco SimplexGrinnell sales, service and support is always close. Find your local office today Find Out More * NATIONWIDE PRESENCE NATIONAL PROPERTIES As a one-stop provider we can help you streamline your efforts, from installing a new solution, retrofitting a previous investment, or implementing cost-saving standardization. With a full fire and life safety portfolio, we can tailor to your unique corporate standards. Find Out More 433 Inspections performed The number of inspections we’ve performed in the U.S. so far today 492 Customers serviced The number of customers we’ve serviced in the U.S. so far today * HOW WE CAN HELP We help you safe guard your people and property, service and extend the life of your investments, and offer individual solutions to drive your operational efficiency. * PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS Read More * SERVICE AND MAINTAIN YOUR EQUIPMENT Read More * ENHANCE YOUR OPERATIONS Read More View more solutions * WHO WE CAN HELP No matter your industry, our deep experience enables us to deliver solutions designed to address your specific needs and requirements. * National Properties * Education * Healthcare * Government * Industrial * Transportation * Mining * Oil, Power and Gas View all industries * WHY WE CAN HELP We offer resources you can use to find smarter ways to protect your facilities and stay on top of industry trends and regulations. * CASE STUDY: MAGNOLIA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Learn More * CASE STUDY: CRANDON PARK TENNIS CENTER Learn More * VIDEO: TRUEINSIGHT LEARN MORE View More Insights And Opinions BRANDS YOU MAY KNOW * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FIND YOUR TYCO BUSINESS * Security Installation & Services * Security Products * Fire Protection Installation & Services * Fire Protection Products CONTACT US 1.800.746.7539 Recall Information * Visit our Facebook page * Visit our Twitter page * Visit our LinkedIn page * Visit our Youtube page * Visit our RSS page ABOUT US Tyco SimplexGrinnell provides a comprehensive array of fire alarm, fire sprinkler, fire suppression, integrated security, emergency communications, sound, and nurse call systems and services. With one million customers, 130 local offices, and over 200 years of history in the fire business, Tyco SimplexGrinnell is advancing safety and security for organizations of all sizes in a wide range of industries. INDUSTRIES * National Properties * Healthcare * Education * Commercial Property Management * Hospitality and Food Service * Retail * Government * Industrial * Mining * Oil, Power & Gas * Transportation SOLUTIONS * Protect Your Business * Service and Maintain Your Equipment * Enhance Your Operations ONLINE SERVICES * Customer Portal * Buy Online * Pay with Credit Card RESOURCES * Brochures * White Papers * Videos * Case Studies * Articles * Datasheets * Webinars * Infographics ABOUT TYCOSG * Legal * Our People and Careers * District Locator * Press * Certifications * Advertising * Events * Contact Us National Reach with Local Expertise Copyright © 2022 Johnson Controls. 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