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            <p>THE RANCH Saloon gives country music and dancing a place to call home in Orange County! To ensure that our venue continues to be enjoyed by all our guests, we ask that certain standards of dress and etiquette be maintained.</p>
            <p><a href="/saloon/andrew-etiquette.aspx">View a word on Dance Floor Etiquette from Owner Andrew Edwards</a></p>
          <div class="section-body--offset">
            <div class="row relaxed text-left">
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                <strong class="text-center">Dress Code</strong>
                <p>Nightclub or country attire is considered appropriate for all. The following outlines the dress restrictions for both male and female guests while in the Saloon:</p>
                  <li>No shorts, sleeveless shirts or baggy attire for men</li>
                  <li>No bathing suit tops for women</li>
                  <li>No clothing that management considers vulgar, offensive, or otherwise likely to cause a disturbance</li>
                  <li>No flying colors</li>
                  <li>No bandanas</li>
                  <li>Hats are good!</li>
                  <li>All hats must be worn with brims forward</li>
                  <li>Footwear must be worn at all times</li>
                  <li>No baseball, golf or football cleats</li>
                  <li>Work boots are not permitted on the dance floor</li>
                  <li>No spurs</li>
                  <li>Any footwear with laces must be tied</li>
                  <li>All sandals need back strap to go on dance floor</li>
                  <li>Flip-flops and sandals without a backstrap are not permitted on the dance floor</li>
                  <li>No firearms, knives or weapons are allowed on the premises</li>
              <div class="col-12 col-md-6">
                <strong class="text-center h4">Dance Floor Etiquette</strong>
                <p>We are a Country Music Dance Venue, therefore we feature country western style dancing such as Two Stepping, West Coast Swing, and Line Dancing. The Ranch Saloon has a managed dance floor. Provocative and out of control dancing is
                  not condoned and you may be asked to leave the dance floor. Freestyle dancing is only allowed when called by the DJ or band.</p>
                <ul class="body_copy_light">
                  <li>The dance floor moves in a counterclockwise direction for Two Stepping. Fast and experienced dancers on the outside of the floor, slow and beginner dancers to the inside center of the floor.</li>
                  <li>The DJ or band calls every dance to maintain dance floor flow and safety.</li>
                  <li>Drinks of any nature are not allowed on the dance floor. This includes drinking across the rail. </li>
                  <li>No standing on the dance floor as it impedes the flow of dancing.</li>
                  <li>For the safety of our patrons, dance lifts are only allowed by experienced dancers and must be cleared by management or the DJ first.</li>
          <div class="section-body">
            <p class="lead text-center"> We are a non-smoking, non e-cigarette and non chewing tobacco environment </p>
            <p class="lead text-center">Ask about our designated smoking area</p>
            <p>THE RANCH management has been asked to provide any further guidance as deemed necessary and to bring to the attention of guests any departure from these standards.</p>
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      <p>Our restaurant requires a credit card guarantee at the time of reservation for all guests dining in THE RANCH Restaurant. Providing a credit card guarantees our guests a reservation and assists us in seating all guests in a timely manner, in
        addition to preventing dual reservations and no shows on weekends. All credit card information is securely processed. No-show reservations and cancellations less than one (1) day in advance will be subject to a charge of $25 per guest. For
        reservations on select holidays, we require a four (4) day advance cancellation. No-show or cancellations made after this four day period will be subject to a $50 charge per guest. These holidays include: Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day,
        Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Eve. </p>
      <strong class="h5">Reservation Cancellation FAQ :</strong>
      <p class="mb-0"><strong>How do I cancel my reservation?</strong></p>
      <p>Please call 714.817.4200, or via email at <a href="mailto:guestservices@theranch.com?Subject=Reservation%20Cancellation">guestservices@theranch.com</a>.</p>
      <p class="mb-0"><strong>What if an emergency happens and I have to cancel last minute?</strong></p>
      <p>Cancellations are handled on a case by case basis and at a manager's discretion. We will always be hospitable and take each instance into consideration.</p>
      <p class="mb-0"><strong>Reservation Reminders</strong></p>
      <p>THE RANCH attempts to give all our guests a courtesy reminder call one day prior to your reservation. In addition, if your reservation is made via Open Table, you should receive an email reminder.</p>
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Sunday, March 14, 2021: We are OPEN for indoor dining! Please call 714.817.4200
for more information.

American Regional Cuisine

Events Center
Corporate, Social & Weddings

Orange County's Premier Country Music & Dance Venue
Restaurant Location

1025 E. Ball Road Anaheim, CA 92805 714.817.4200

 * About
 * Band Inquiry
 * Careers
 * Contact Us
 * Donations
 * Gift Cards
 * Privacy Policy
 * Media
 * Sign Up
 * Site Map


5:00pm - 10:00pm


Events center

View Venues



Thursday - Saturday
5:30pm - Close

Restaurant Nightly
5:00pm - 10:00pm


© 2024 THE RANCH Restaurant & Saloon. All Rights Reserved.
THE RANCH Restaurant & Saloon® and logo, THE RANCH and Cow's Skull Logo®, and
the Cow's Skull Logo® are registered trademarks of THE RANCH Restaurant &
Saloon, Inc.

Buy Gift Cards
Dress Code & Dance Floor Etiquette

THE RANCH Saloon gives country music and dancing a place to call home in Orange
County! To ensure that our venue continues to be enjoyed by all our guests, we
ask that certain standards of dress and etiquette be maintained.

View a word on Dance Floor Etiquette from Owner Andrew Edwards

Dress Code

Nightclub or country attire is considered appropriate for all. The following
outlines the dress restrictions for both male and female guests while in the

 * No shorts, sleeveless shirts or baggy attire for men
 * No bathing suit tops for women
 * No clothing that management considers vulgar, offensive, or otherwise likely
   to cause a disturbance
 * No flying colors
 * No bandanas

 * Hats are good!
 * All hats must be worn with brims forward

 * Footwear must be worn at all times
 * No baseball, golf or football cleats
 * Work boots are not permitted on the dance floor
 * No spurs
 * Any footwear with laces must be tied
 * All sandals need back strap to go on dance floor
 * Flip-flops and sandals without a backstrap are not permitted on the dance

 * No firearms, knives or weapons are allowed on the premises

Dance Floor Etiquette

We are a Country Music Dance Venue, therefore we feature country western style
dancing such as Two Stepping, West Coast Swing, and Line Dancing. The Ranch
Saloon has a managed dance floor. Provocative and out of control dancing is not
condoned and you may be asked to leave the dance floor. Freestyle dancing is
only allowed when called by the DJ or band.

 * The dance floor moves in a counterclockwise direction for Two Stepping. Fast
   and experienced dancers on the outside of the floor, slow and beginner
   dancers to the inside center of the floor.
 * The DJ or band calls every dance to maintain dance floor flow and safety.
 * Drinks of any nature are not allowed on the dance floor. This includes
   drinking across the rail.
 * No standing on the dance floor as it impedes the flow of dancing.
 * For the safety of our patrons, dance lifts are only allowed by experienced
   dancers and must be cleared by management or the DJ first.

We are a non-smoking, non e-cigarette and non chewing tobacco environment

Ask about our designated smoking area

THE RANCH management has been asked to provide any further guidance as deemed
necessary and to bring to the attention of guests any departure from these

Reservation Cancellation Policy

Our restaurant requires a credit card guarantee at the time of reservation for
all guests dining in THE RANCH Restaurant. Providing a credit card guarantees
our guests a reservation and assists us in seating all guests in a timely
manner, in addition to preventing dual reservations and no shows on weekends.
All credit card information is securely processed. No-show reservations and
cancellations less than one (1) day in advance will be subject to a charge of
$25 per guest. For reservations on select holidays, we require a four (4) day
advance cancellation. No-show or cancellations made after this four day period
will be subject to a $50 charge per guest. These holidays include: Valentine’s
Day, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Eve.


Reservation Cancellation FAQ :


How do I cancel my reservation?

Please call 714.817.4200, or via email at guestservices@theranch.com.

What if an emergency happens and I have to cancel last minute?

Cancellations are handled on a case by case basis and at a manager's discretion.
We will always be hospitable and take each instance into consideration.

Reservation Reminders

THE RANCH attempts to give all our guests a courtesy reminder call one day prior
to your reservation. In addition, if your reservation is made via Open Table,
you should receive an email reminder.
