www.schemastore.org Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://schemastore.org/
Effective URL: https://www.schemastore.org/json/
Submission: On September 10 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content




 * .adonisrc.json
 * .agripparc.json
 * .aiproj.json
 * .angular-cli.json
 * .appsemblerc.yaml
 * .asmdef
 * .backportrc.json
 * .bootstraprc
 * .bowerrc
 * .build.yml
 * .cirrus.yml
 * .clasp.json
 * .creatomic
 * .cryproj (generic)
 * .eslintrc
 * .esmrc.json
 * .ffizer.yaml
 * .htmlhintrc
 * .htmlvalidate
 * .imgbotconfig
 * .jsbeautifyrc
 * .jsbeautifyrc-nested
 * .jscsrc
 * .jshintrc
 * .jsinspectrc
 * .mocharc
 * .modernizrrc
 * .mtaext
 * .NET Aspire 8.0 Manifest
 * .nodehawkrc
 * .npmpackagejsonlintrc
 * .omletrc
 * .phrase.yml
 * .phraseapp.yml
 * .pmbot.yml
 * .postcssrc
 * .powerpages-web-template-manifest
 * .pre-commit-config.yml
 * .pre-commit-hooks.yml
 * .putout.json
 * .rehyperc
 * .remarkrc
 * .sprite files
 * .versionrc.json
 * .vsconfig
 * .vsext
 * @factorial/drupal-breakpoints-css
 * *.jsonld
 * *.resjson
 * <div>RIOTS' studio configuration
 * 1Password SSH Agent Config
 * A micro editor config
 * ABCInventoryModuleData
 * ABCSupplyPlan
 * Adobe UXP Manifest
 * Aerleon Network & Service Definitions
 * Aerleon Policy
 * aerleon.yml
 * AIConfig
 * Airlock Microgateway
 * Airplane task
 * Alacritty Configuration
 * All Contributors configuration file
 * angular.json
 * Ansible Argument Specs
 * Ansible Collection Galaxy
 * Ansible Execution Environment
 * Ansible Inventory
 * Ansible Meta
 * Ansible Meta Runtime
 * Ansible Navigator Configuration
 * Ansible Playbook
 * Ansible Requirements
 * Ansible Rulebook
 * Ansible Tasks File
 * Ansible Vars File
 * Ansible-lint Configuration
 * Any
 * AnyWork Automation Configuration
 * API Builder
 * apko
 * App config Spotify Backstage
 * app-definition.yaml
 * apple-app-site-association
 * Application Accelerator
 * appsettings.json
 * appsscript.json
 * appveyor.yml
 * arc.json
 * architect.yml
 * Argo Events
 * Argo Workflows
 * artifacthub-repo.yml
 * asm-lsp
 * AssemblyScript
 * AsyncAPI
 * AsyncAPI Tool File
 * Atmos Manifests
 * Aurora Agile Meta-Framework
 * AutoAPICase
 * AVA Configuration
 * Avro Avsc
 * AWS AppConfig Feature Flags-v1
 * AWS CDK cdk.json
 * AWS CloudFormation
 * AWS CloudFormation Serverless Application Model (SAM)
 * AWS SAM CLI Samconfig
 * Azure Container App template for defining an immutable revision
 * Azure Device Update for IoT Hub import manifest
 * Azure Device Update for IoT Hub update manifest
 * Azure DevOps extension manifest
 * Azure IoT Edge deployment
 * Azure IoT Edge deployment template
 * Azure IoT EdgeAgent deployment
 * Azure IoT EdgeHub deployment
 * Azure Landing Zones Library archetype definition
 * Azure Landing Zones Library archetype override
 * Azure Landing Zones Library architecture definition
 * Azure Landing Zones Library metadata
 * Azure Landing Zones Library policy default values
 * Azure Pipelines
 * Azure Static Web Apps CLI configuration file
 * Azure Static Web Apps configuration file
 * babelrc.json
 * bamboo-spec
 * Bashly (bashly.yml)
 * Bashly Settings (bashly-settings.yml)
 * bashly-strings.yml
 * batect.yml
 * beef-database-codegen
 * beef-database-v5-codegen
 * beef-entity-codegen
 * beef-entity-v5-codegen
 * behat.yml
 * Better Code Hub
 * Better Scripts
 * Bigconfig
 * bigquery-table
 * bioimageio resource description
 * bitbucket-pipelines
 * bitrise
 * bitrise-step
 * BizTalkServerApplicationSchema
 * Bleep
 * Block Protocol Metadata
 * block.json
 * bottom configuration
 * bower.json
 * Boyka Framework
 * bozr.suite.json
 * bpkg
 * Briefcase
 * browser.i18n.json
 * browsh configuration
 * bucklescript
 * buf.gen.yaml
 * buf.plugin.yaml
 * buf.work.yaml
 * buf.yaml
 * Build Info
 * Buildkite
 * Bukkit plugin.yml
 * bundleconfig.json
 * bunfig.toml
 * BungeeCord plugin.yml
 * Butane Config
 * BX CI
 * Cache Warmup config
 * Calqulus pipeline
 * Camel YAML DSL
 * Carafe
 * Cargo Make
 * Cargo Manifest
 * Catalog Info Backstage
 * CGS Custom Card Game (CardGameDef.json)
 * changelogging
 * Changesets
 * Cheatsheets
 * chisel-slices.json
 * Chrome Extension
 * chrome-extension-locales-messages.json
 * Chromia Model
 * chutzpah.json
 * cibuildwheel
 * CICS TS region tagging
 * CICS TS resource import
 * CICS TS resource model
 * CICS TS resource overrides
 * CircleCI config.yml
 * Citation File Format
 * CityJSON
 * clang-format (.clang-format)
 * clang-tidy
 * clangd
 * Clawject config
 * clib
 * Cloud Foundry Application Manifest
 * Cloud Run Spec v1
 * cloud-init: cloud-config userdata
 * cloud-sdk-pipeline-configuration
 * cloudbuild.json
 * CloudEvents specification
 * cloudify
 * CMake Presets
 * CNC Codes
 * Code Climate
 * Codecov configuration files
 * CodeCV
 * codemagic
 * CodeRabbit
 * CodeShip Pro services configuration files
 * CodeShip Pro steps configuration files
 * CodifyCLI
 * Codux
 * coffeelint.json
 * Cog config file
 * Commandbox Box.json
 * Commandbox Server.json
 * commands.json
 * commitlint (.commitlintrc)
 * Common Catalog Data
 * compile_commands.json
 * compilerconfig.json
 * completely.yml
 * component-detection-manifest.json
 * component.json
 * composer.json
 * Concord
 * conda-forge
 * config.yaml
 * Configu .cfgu files
 * Configu .configu file
 * Conjure
 * Container Structure Test
 * Containerlab
 * contentmanifest.json
 * contribute.json
 * cosmos.config.json
 * crowdin.yml
 * Crowdsec collection config
 * Crowdsec parser config
 * Crowdsec scenario config
 * CRS WAF test file
 * CRS WAF test platform overrides file
 * CSpell (cspell.json)
 * CSS Comb (.csscomb.json)
 * CSS Lint (.csslintrc)
 * CumulusCI Config
 * Custom Machinery Machine
 * Custom Machinery Recipe
 * custom-elements.json
 * CVE Record Format
 * CWL
 * Cycle Stack File
 * cypress.json
 * Dart Build Config (dart-build.json)
 * Dart Test Config (dart-test.json)
 * DashLord Configuration
 * Data Contract Specification
 * Data Product Specification
 * Databricks Asset Bundles
 * Datadog Service Definition
 * Datadog Software Catalog
 * Datahub Ingestion Recipe
 * datalogic-scan2deploy-android
 * datalogic-scan2deploy-ce
 * DataYoga Connections
 * DataYoga Job
 * dbt Dependencies
 * dbt Packages
 * dbt Project
 * dbt Selectors
 * dbt YAML files
 * ddev-global
 * ddev-project
 * debugsettings.json
 * Dein Config
 * Deno Config (deno.json)
 * dependabot-v2.json
 * dependabot.json
 * Dependency cruiser
 * deployed-cli
 * Deployer Recipe
 * Deta Spacefile
 * Detekt Config (detekt.yml)
 * Devbox Config
 * Devbox Plugin
 * devcontainer.json
 * Devfile
 * devinit
 * devspace.yaml
 * DipDup
 * Discord Webhook
 * djlint
 * DocFx Config (docfx.json)
 * docker bake
 * docker sequencer
 * docker-compose.yml
 * dockerd.json
 * Dolittle Artifacts
 * Dolittle Bounded Context Configuration
 * Dolittle Event Horizons Configuration
 * Dolittle Resources Configuration
 * Dolittle Server Configuration
 * Dolittle Tenant Map Configuration
 * Dolittle Tenants Configuration
 * Dolittle Topology
 * dotnet Release Index manifest
 * dotnet-tools.json
 * dotnetcli.host.json
 * dprint.json
 * drone.json
 * Drupal Breakpoints
 * Drupal Config
 * Drupal Info
 * Drupal Layouts
 * Drupal Libraries
 * Drupal Links Action
 * Drupal Links Contextual
 * Drupal Links Menu
 * Drupal Links Task
 * Drupal Migration
 * Drupal Permissions
 * Drupal Recipe
 * Drupal Routing
 * Drupal Services
 * Drush site aliases
 * dss-2.0.0.json
 * dstack configuration
 * dvc.yaml
 * DWP Exchange - catalogue entry
 * DWP Exchange - gateway
 * DWP Exchange - meta
 * Dynamic Bash Aliases (.aliases)
 * EAS config
 * ecosystem.json
 * eksctl
 * electron-builder configuration file
 * Elgato Stream Deck
 * Elm
 * Embrace Config
 * Endurica
 * Enterprise Contract Policy Spec
 * epr-manifest.json
 * Erda Pipeline
 * Erda Runtime
 * Error pages
 * ES6 Import Sorter (.es6importsorterrc.json)
 * Esquio
 * Estuary Flow Catalog
 * evcc.yaml
 * EveryVoice TTS Toolkit Aligner Configuration
 * EveryVoice TTS Toolkit Data Configuration
 * EveryVoice TTS Toolkit E2E Configuration
 * EveryVoice TTS Toolkit Feature Prediction Configuration
 * EveryVoice TTS Toolkit Text Configuration
 * EveryVoice TTS Toolkit Vocoder Configuration
 * Expo SDK
 * ezd task runner
 * F-Droid Data metadata
 * fabric.mod.json
 * Facets - FSDL - Application
 * FasterCI Configuration
 * FiQuS
 * Firebase
 * first-timers-bot
 * flagd flag configuration
 * Flow.json Configurations
 * fly.io Configuration
 * Fossa configuration file
 * Fossa's fossa-deps file
 * Foundry VTT - Base package Manifest
 * Foundry VTT - Module Manifest
 * Foundry VTT - System Data Template
 * Foundry VTT - System Manifest
 * Foundry VTT - World Manifest
 * Foxx Manifest
 * Freifunk.de Community API
 * Frogbot Config
 * fulibWorkflows
 * function.json
 * G2P Mapping Configuration
 * Gaspar
 * GatewayCore API Gateway
 * GCP Blueprint Metadata
 * GeoJSON.json latest
 * GherKing
 * Gitea Issue Template configuration
 * Gitea Issue Template forms
 * GitHub Action
 * GitHub automatically generated release notes configuration
 * GitHub Discussion
 * GitHub Funding
 * GitHub Issue Template configuration
 * GitHub Issue Template forms
 * GitHub Workflow
 * GitHub Workflow Template Properties
 * GitLab Agent for Kubernetes configuration
 * gitlab-ci
 * Gitpod Configuration
 * GitVersion
 * GlazeWM settings
 * Global Privacy Control
 * global.json
 * go-feature-flag Flag Configuration
 * Goblet
 * Golangci-lint Configuration
 * Golangci-lint Custom Plugins Configuration
 * Google Chrome Related Website Sets
 * Google Cloud Workflows
 * Goreleaser
 * Goreleaser Pro
 * Goss
 * Gradle Build Cache Node
 * Gradle Enterprise
 * Grafana 5.x Dashboard
 * GraphQL Code Generator
 * GraphQL Config
 * GraphQL Mesh
 * gRPC API Gateway & OpenAPI Config
 * Grunt base task
 * Grunt clean task
 * Grunt copy task
 * Grunt cssmin task
 * Grunt JSHint task
 * Grunt Watch task
 * Hadolint
 * Hammerkit
 * Hardware Sentry Configuration
 * Hatch
 * haxelib.json
 * Hayson
 * Haystack Pipeline
 * Hazelcast 5 Configuration
 * Helm Chart.lock
 * Helm Chart.yaml
 * Helm Unittest Test Suite
 * helmfile
 * helmwave
 * host-meta.json
 * host.json
 * httparchive
 * httpmockrc
 * Hugo
 * Hugo Theme
 * huskyrc
 * Hyperfoil benchmark configuration
 * IBM Zapp document
 * IBM zCodeFormatSettings
 * ide.host.json
 * ifstate.conf
 * imageoptimizer.json
 * IMG Catapult PSP
 * importmap.json
 * Infrahub
 * ioBroker Configuration
 * ioBroker JSON UI
 * ioBroker Package manifest
 * Istanbul
 * IVMS101 by CODE Protocol
 * ize.toml
 * Jasmine
 * JDownloader2 crawler multi-rules
 * JDownloader2 crawler single-rules
 * Jekyll
 * Jenkins X Pipelines
 * Jenkins X Requirements
 * JFrog Applications Config
 * JFrog File Spec
 * JFrog Pipelines YML DSL
 * JMeter DSL cli config
 * Jovo Language Models
 * JReleaser
 * jsconfig.json
 * jscpd Configuration
 * jsdoc
 * JSON Document Transform
 * JSON Feed
 * JSON Resume
 * JSON Schema Draft 2020-12
 * JSON Schema Draft 4
 * JSON Schema Draft 4 (unofficial with '$ref' and 'format')
 * JSON Schema Draft 7
 * JSON Schema Draft 7 (unofficial strict)
 * JSON Schema Draft 8 (2019-09)
 * JSON-e templates
 * JSON-stat 2.0
 * JSONPatch
 * JSR Package Config (jsr.json)
 * k3d.yaml
 * k9s plugin.yml
 * Karakum configuration file
 * Kas
 * Kestra flow file
 * Keycloak REST API
 * KIMMDY config file
 * Knative Functions - func.yaml
 * KoDE/CI build.yaml
 * Kong DBLess config
 * kontinuous-config.yaml
 * kontinuous-values.yaml
 * KrakenD
 * KSY
 * Kubri Configuration
 * kustomization.yaml
 * label-commenter-config.yml
 * Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS - Accounts Config
 * Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS - Customizations Config
 * Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS - Global Config
 * Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS - IAM Config
 * Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS - Network Config
 * Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS - Organization Config
 * Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS - Replacements Config
 * Landing Zone Accelerator on AWS - Security Config
 * Language configuration
 * latexindent configuration
 * launchsettings.json
 * lazydocker
 * lazygit
 * Lefthook
 * lego.json
 * lerna.json
 * lgtm.yml
 * liblab.config.json
 * libman.json
 * license-report-config.json
 * Liferay client-extension.yaml
 * linkinator.config.json
 * LinkML Metamodel
 * lint-staged (.lintstagedrc)
 * Liquibase
 * Liquibase Flow File
 * Lively Properties
 * Lobe AI Agent
 * local.settings.json
 * localazy.json
 * Loki
 * LOOBin
 * lotus.yaml
 * lsdlschema.json
 * Madness (madness.yml)
 * MapEHR Mapping
 * markdown-link-check
 * Markdownlint
 * Mason Registry
 * mboats
 * MegaLinter configuration
 * MegaLinter descriptor
 * Melange
 * Meltano plugin discovery definition
 * Meltano project definition
 * Mergify Configuration
 * Metadata for a Bazel module
 * Metadata for a Cinnamon spice
 * MetricsHub Configuration
 * MetricsHub Connector Configuration
 * Micro Editor Syntax
 * micro-settings.json
 * Microsoft Band Web Tile
 * Microsoft RulesEngine workflow rules
 * Microsoft RulesEngine workflow rules list
 * mimetypes.json
 * Minecraft Custom Main Menu Mod
 * Minecraft Data Pack Advancement
 * Minecraft Data Pack Biome
 * Minecraft Data Pack Configured Carver
 * Minecraft Data Pack Damage Type
 * Minecraft Data Pack Dimension
 * Minecraft Data Pack Dimension Type
 * Minecraft Data Pack Item Modifier
 * Minecraft Data Pack Loot Table
 * Minecraft Data Pack Metadata
 * Minecraft Data Pack Predicate
 * Minecraft Data Pack Recipe
 * Minecraft Data Pack Tag
 * Minecraft Data Pack Template Pool
 * Minecraft Data Pack Trim Material
 * Minecraft Data Pack Trim Pattern
 * Minecraft Resource Pack Lang
 * Minecraft Resource Pack Particle
 * Minecraft Resource Pack Texture Mcmeta
 * Minecraft Resourcepack Sounds
 * mirrord config
 * mise
 * mise-settings
 * mkdocs.yml
 * MLOS Configs
 * Monade CLI Stack Configuration
 * MongoDB Atlas Search Index Definition
 * Monika Configuration
 * monospace.yml
 * Monoweave Configuration
 * Motif config
 * mprocs Configuration file
 * MS2Rescore Configuration
 * mta.yaml
 * mtad.yaml
 * mycode.json
 * napari plugin manifest
 * neoload
 * nest-cli
 * Netin Diagnostic System Template
 * Netlify config
 * Network-as-Code Data Model
 * Nightwatch.js
 * ninjs (News in JSON)
 * nixd configuration
 * nlu.json
 * nodemon.json
 * noodl config
 * notebook.mod.json
 * now
 * NOX Framework (Service)
 * npm-badges
 * nswag.json
 * ntangle
 * nuclei-template.yaml
 * nuget-project.json
 * Nuitka.yaml
 * ocelot.json
 * omnisharp.json
 * ONe's changelog entry
 * ONe's service descriptor
 * Opctl
 * Open Data Contract Standard (ODCS))
 * openapi.json
 * openfin.json
 * OpenRewrite Resource
 * openrpc.json
 * OpenUtau character yaml
 * OpenUtau ustx
 * OpenWeather Current Weather API
 * OpenWeather Road Risk API
 * ops.yaml
 * Ory Hydra configuration
 * Ory Keto configuration
 * Ory Kratos configuration
 * Ory Oathkeeper configuration
 * OSS Review Toolkit configuration
 * OSS Review Toolkit curation
 * OSS Review Toolkit package configuration
 * OSS Review Toolkit repository configuration
 * OSS Review Toolkit resolutions
 * Outblocks App configuration
 * Outblocks database table
 * Outblocks project configuration
 * package.json
 * package.manifest
 * Packer
 * Pantsbuild
 * Paper paper-plugin.yml
 * partial-black.json
 * pathfinder.yml
 * pattern.json
 * PDM
 * petstore-v1.0
 * pgap_yaml_input_reader
 * Pipeline component
 * pixi.toml
 * plagiarize-me.yaml
 * plagiarize.yaml
 * PocketMine plugin.yml
 * portman.json
 * Postman collection
 * prettierrc.json
 * prisma.yml
 * Problem object RFC9457
 * Problem package generators
 * project-1.0.0-beta3.json
 * project-1.0.0-beta4.json
 * project-1.0.0-beta5.json
 * project-1.0.0-beta6.json
 * project-1.0.0-beta8.json
 * project-1.0.0-rc1.json
 * project-1.0.0-rc2.json
 * project.json
 * prometheus.json
 * prometheus.rules.json
 * prometheus.rules.test.json
 * proxies.json
 * Pterodactyl
 * publiccode.yml
 * pubspec.yaml
 * Pull Request Labeler
 * Pulumi
 * PyProject
 * Pyright
 * pyrseas-0.8.json
 * Qgoda
 * Qodana
 * Qt Creator workspace file
 * Quali Torque Blueprint Spec 2
 * QueryFirst config file
 * quilt.mod.json
 * Rancher Fleet
 * Rattler-build
 * Ray
 * rc3 auth
 * rc3 collection
 * rc3 environment
 * rc3 folder
 * rc3 request
 * rc3 settings
 * Read the Docs
 * Red-DiscordBot Cog
 * Red-DiscordBot Cog Repo
 * Red-DiscordBot Trivia
 * release drafter
 * release-plz.toml
 * Render Blueprints
 * RenderCV
 * Renovate
 * Replit config
 * rivet.yaml
 * RKE Cluster Configuration JSON
 * RKE Cluster Configuration YAML
 * RoadRunner
 * rockcraft
 * Rudder techniques
 * Ruff
 * runny
 * Rust Project
 * Rust toolchain
 * rustfmt
 * Safebox Config
 * samt
 * samtrc
 * Sapphire CLI Config
 * sarif-1.0.0.json
 * sarif-2.0.0.json
 * sarif-2.1.0
 * sarif-2.1.0-rtm.2
 * sarif-2.1.0-rtm.3
 * sarif-2.1.0-rtm.4
 * sarif-2.1.0-rtm.5
 * sarif-2.1.0-rtm.6
 * sarif-external-property-file-2.1.0
 * sarif-external-property-file-2.1.0-rtm.2
 * sarif-external-property-file-2.1.0-rtm.3
 * sarif-external-property-file-2.1.0-rtm.4
 * sarif-external-property-file-2.1.0-rtm.5
 * SauceCTL Configuration
 * Schema Catalog
 * schema.org - Action
 * schema.org - ContactPoint
 * schema.org - Place
 * schema.org - Thing
 * Scoop manifest
 * SDMX data message
 * SDMX metadata message
 * SDMX structure message
 * secrethub.yml
 * Semantic Data Fabric (SDF) file
 * semantic-release
 * Semgrep Rule
 * Serenity Code Generator (Sergen)
 * Serverless Framework Configuration
 * Serverless Workflow
 * servicehub.config.json
 * servicehub.service.json
 * Settings for a Cinnamon spice
 * settings.job
 * Settings.paf
 * sfdx-hardis configuration
 * shard.yml
 * Shopware 6 Configuration
 * Shopware CLI Extension Store Configuration
 * Shopware CLI Project Store Configuration
 * Sigma
 * Sigrid scope configuration file
 * SIL Kit Participant Configuration
 * SIL Kit Registry Configuration
 * size-limit configuration
 * skaffold.yaml
 * SkyPilot Task JSON
 * skyuxconfig.json
 * Slack app manifest
 * snapcraft
 * Solidarity
 * Solution filters
 * Source Maps v3
 * Sourcery
 * Speakeasy Lint Configuration File
 * Speakeasy Test Generation Configuration File
 * Speakeasy Workflow File
 * SpecIF
 * spicepod.yaml
 * Sponge Mixin configuration
 * sqlc configuration
 * StackBlitz
 * StackHawk Scanner Configuration
 * Stale
 * Starlake Data Pipeline
 * Starship
 * Statamic Blueprint
 * Stella configuration file
 * stripe-app-local.json
 * stripe-app.json
 * StrmPrivacy batch job configuration file
 * StrmPrivacy Data Connector
 * StrmPrivacy Data Contract
 * StrmPrivacy SimpleSchema
 * StrmPrivacy Stream
 * Stryker Mutator
 * StyleCop Analyzers Configuration
 * Stylelint (.stylelintrc)
 * Sublime Syntax
 * Subsquid squid manifest
 * Swagger API 2.0
 * swcrc
 * Talhelper
 * Talisman configuration
 * task.json
 * taskcat
 * Taskfile config
 * Taurus
 * template.json
 * templatsources.json
 * TestEnvironment.json
 * TextMate Grammar
 * theme.json
 * Tier.run pricing.json
 * Tikibase
 * tizen_workspace.json
 * tldr
 * tmuxinator
 * Traefik v2
 * Traefik v2 File Provider
 * transcend.yml
 * Travis CI (.travis.yml)
 * tree-sitter grammar.json
 * trime.yaml
 * TrueScript for *.tscript files
 * trunk.yaml
 * ts-force-config.json
 * tsconfig.json
 * tsd.json
 * tsdrc.json
 * tslint.json
 * tsoa
 * TSTyche
 * tsup
 * TunnelHub
 * Turborepo
 * tusk.yml
 * Tycho
 * Tye
 * typedoc.json
 * typewiz.json
 * typings.json
 * typingsrc.json
 * typo3.json
 * Ubuntu Server Autoinstall
 * UET BuildConfig.json
 * UI5 Manifest
 * ui5-workspace.yaml
 * ui5.yaml
 * UNCORS configuration
 * unist
 * Uniswap Token List
 * Unreal Engine Uplugin
 * Unreal Engine Uproject
 * up.json
 * Updatecli Compose
 * Updatecli Policy Manifest
 * Updatecli Policy Metadata
 * Uplift
 * User Journey Map
 * UTAM Page Object
 * uv
 * V2Ray
 * v8r
 * vcluster
 * vcpkg configuration file
 * vcpkg manifest file
 * vega-lite.json
 * vega.json
 * Vela Pipeline Configuration
 * venvironment-basic.yaml
 * venvironment.yaml
 * Vercel
 * version.json
 * vhwdebugger-binding.yaml
 * vim-addon-info
 * Visivo
 * vs-2017.3.host.json
 * vs-nesting.json
 * VSCode Code Snippets
 * VSIX CLI publishing
 * vsls.json
 * vss-extension.json
 * vtesttree.yaml
 * vtestunit.yaml
 * warp-keysets.json
 * warp-themes.json
 * warp-workflows.json
 * Web App Manifest
 * Web types
 * WebExtensions
 * webhint.io
 * webjobpublishsettings.json
 * webjobs-list.json
 * Webman package recipe
 * well-known-fursona
 * Windows Package Manager Installer Manifest
 * Windows Package Manager Locale Manifest
 * Windows Package Manager Singleton Manifest
 * Woodpecker pipeline config
 * Wrangler CLI
 * xs-app.json
 * Xstate Machine
 * xunit.runner.json
 * yamllint
 * Yarn Config (.yarnrc.yml)
 * Yippee-Ki-JSON configuration YML
 * YouTrack App
 * zerops.io import file
 * zerops.yml
 * Žinoma
 * zuul


In supported JSON editors like Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code, schema
files can offer auto-completion and validation to make sure your JSON document
is correct.

See a list of editors, validators and other software supporting JSON schemas.


When a JSON editor supports schemas, tooltips can help inform the user about the
various properties and values.


The JSON API contains a list of JSON Schema files for known JSON file formats.
Each schema file can be used in tooling such as command line validators, editor
auto-completion etc.

The API exposes metadata about each schema in the following format:

  "name": "bower.json",
  "description": "Bower package description file",
  "fileMatch": [ "bower.json", ".bower.json" ],
  "url": "https://json.schemastore.org/bower.json"

name, description and url are all required properties.
The url property is an absolute URI pointing to the schema. It can be hosted
anywhere on the web.
The fileMatch property is for specifying what known file names corresponds with
the schema. This property is optional since not all JSON formats enforce a
specific file name.


Various editors and IDEs have direct support for schemas hosted on

 * Android Studio
 * CLion
 * IntelliJ IDEA
 * JSONBuddy
 * Neovim via SchemaStore.nvim
 * PhpStorm
 * PyCharm
 * ReSharper
 * Rider
 * RubyMine
 * SublimeText via LSP-json,LSP-yaml
 * Visual Studio
 * Visual Studio Code (YAML,TOML,JSON)
 * Visual Studio for Mac
 * WebStorm

Any schema on SchemaStore.org will automatically be synchronized to the
supporting editors.


Over 1 TB of JSON Schema files are served each day from SchemaStore.org. It's a
big effort to maintain and keep running, and it's all done by JSON Schema loving
volunteers. If your business gets value from SchemaStore.org, please consider
sponsoring to keep the project alive and healthy.

Premium sponsors:

 * Microsoft
 * Your business?

Do you build IDEs or editors that integrate with SchemaStore.org, or host a
schema for your paying customers, consider a sponsorship.

SchemaStore.org sponsorships ♡


CI/CD applications can detect all JSON and YAML files and validate them if a
matching schema is found on SchemaStore.org

 * MegaLinter


The goal of this API is to include schemas for all commonly known JSON file
formats. To do that we encourage contributions in terms of new schemas,
modifications and test files.

SchemaStore.org is owned by the community, and we have a history of accepting
most pull requests. Even if you're new to JSON Schemas, please submit new
schemas anyway. We have many contributors that will help turn the schemas into

Open source on GitHub