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Submitted URL: https://click.simon.com/suppliers-code-of-conduct
Effective URL: https://www.simon.com/legal/suppliers-code-of-conduct
Submission: On August 21 via manual from US — Scanned from US

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Last Updated: June 17, 2021


Simon Property Group, L.P. (“Simon Property Group”), and its respective
officers, directors, shareholders, members, subsidiaries, managers, agents, and
employees strive to conduct business with the highest standards of integrity and
seeks to conduct business with Suppliers whose ethical standards are consistent
with Simon Property Group’s ethical standards which are embodied in our Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics.

It is important to preserve our collective commitment to human rights and safety
in the workplace. Simon Property Group expects that all Suppliers, (including
Supplier’s subcontractors, suppliers, and agents as well as their employees),
will abide by all applicable laws, rules and regulations in the manufacture and
distribution of merchandise or services provided to Simon Property Group.

All Suppliers are strongly encouraged to exceed Simon Property Group’s
guidelines and promote continuous improvement throughout their operations. All
suppliers should be able to demonstrate compliance with these requirements at
the request of Simon Property Group. These guidelines introduce the minimum
requirements that all Suppliers must meet to conduct business with Simon
Property Group.


Suppliers will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and other
governmental directives in the country in which it operates or any other
location where production or work is under taken to ensure a safe and healthy
workplace for all personnel. At a minimum, Suppliers should implement recognized
workplace systems, procedures and controls for the health and safety of all
personnel in compliance with nationally recognized standards.


Suppliers will meet or exceed all applicable state and federal wage and hour
laws and regulations, including those relating to minimum wages, overtime hours,
piece rates and other elements of compensation, and provide legally mandated


Suppliers, and their subcontractors must treat all workers with respect and
dignity. No worker shall be subject to corporal punishment, or physical, sexual,
psychological, or verbal harassment or abuse. In addition, Suppliers will not
use monetary fines as a disciplinary practice.

Non-Use of Child labor

Simon Property Group will not tolerate the use of child labor. We recognize the
rights of every child to be protected from the economic exploitation or from
performing any work that is likely to be hazardous, to interfere with the
child’s education, or to be harmful to the child’s health or physical, mental,
spiritual, moral or social development. Suppliers will comply with all
applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which they operate.


Suppliers must not use illegal labor as defined by applicable law. Suppliers
must not use forced, bonded (including debt bondage) or indentured labor, or
prison labor, nor shall suppliers participate in slavery or trafficking of
persons. This includes transporting, harboring, recruiting, transferring, or
receiving persons by means of threat, force, coercion, abduction or fraud for
labor or services. All work, including overtime work, will be voluntary and
workers should be free to terminate their employment. Suppliers will not mandate
that workers hand over government issued identification passports or work
permits as condition of payment.


Suppliers will provide equal employment opportunities to all qualified
candidates and employees. Suppliers will not discriminate based upon age,
ancestry, color, family, or medical care leave, gender identity or expression,
genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin,
physical or mental disability, political affiliation, protected veteran status,
race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other
characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations, and ordinances.


Suppliers must comply with all local environmental laws and regulations
applicable to the workplace. Suppliers should conduct business in a manner which
minimizes their impact on the environment.  Suppliers should choose to work with
or procure products with the lowest environmental impact and should discuss with
Simon and products used which can negatively impact the environmental impact of
the shopping center.


Suppliers will establish and maintain controls to eliminate hazardous substances
and materials from products and services, and will promote the use of suitable
alternatives, whenever practicable. Where substitution is not possible,
Suppliers will distribute information on product hazardous substances as well as
appropriate handling instructions for safe end of life treatment and disposal.


A conflict of interest occurs whenever your private interests interfere with the
interests of the Company as a whole. In order for the Company to carry out its
business effectively, it must be assured of the loyalty of each of its directors
and employees. Directors and employees must refrain from entering into
relationships that might impair their judgment as to what is best for the
Company. Even relationships that give the appearance of a conflict of interest
should be avoided. You cannot avoid these standards by acting through someone
else, such as a friend or family member.

There are many different ways in which conflicts of interest arise. For example,
personal financial interests, obligations to another company or governmental
entity, or the desire to help a relative or friend are all factors that might
divide our loyalties. To clarify what we mean, we have set out our policies
about the most common types of conflicts of interest in or Code of Business
Conduct and Ethics.  


Suppliers are responsible for understanding and complying with the
anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws applicable to their organization. Simon
Property Group strictly prohibits corrupt or illegal practices including, but
not limited to, the payment of bribes or kickbacks (or the receipt of bribes or
kickbacks from) government officials, representatives of commercial
organizations or any other person.


Suppliers are expected to protect the privacy of our data, comply with
applicable data protection laws and contractual requirements, and secure our
data against unauthorized access or use, where applicable, including:

 * Abiding with Center of Internet Security (CIS) standards, which may include
   security controls, and assessments against industry standards.
 * Not accessing or disclosing personal information except as authorized for our
   business purposes.
 * Notifying us promptly of any unauthorized access or disclosures.
 * Not disclosing personal information after the termination of the engagement
   unless required by law.
 * Following Simon Property Group’s instructions on data retention and
   destruction practices.


We are committed to strictly comply with all applicable Anti-Money Laundering
(“AML”) and Counter Terrorist Financing (“CTF”) laws and regulations. While
acting on our behalf, we expect our suppliers to:

 * Not knowingly engage or attempt to engage in any transaction involving
   proceeds derived from unlawful activity.
 * Perform applicable AML / CTF related responsibilities in utmost good faith
   and immediately report to us any matter suspected to be related to money
   laundering or terrorist financing.
 * Not have dealings with designated individuals and entities (such as suspected
   terrorists or narcotics traffickers) who are subject to international
   economic sanctions.


 * This Suppliers Code of Conduct shall be incorporated by reference into all
   versions of Standard Shopping Center Service Agreement, Fire Safety Service
   Agreement(s) Design Professional Service Agreement and Play Area Service
   Agreement forms.
 * This Suppliers Code of Conduct shall be enforced by the Simon Property Group
   Legal Department whose determination shall be binding upon all Suppliers.

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