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Name: searchFormGET /en-us/Search/results

<form class="c-search ng-scope ng-pristine ng-valid" autocomplete="off" id="searchForm" name="searchForm" role="search" action="/en-us/Search/results" method="GET"
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GET /search/results

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Name: smartFeedbackForm javascript:void(0);

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Restore deleted files or folders in OneDrive


SharePoint Server 2019 OneDrive (work or school) Office for business
OneDrive (home or personal) OneDrive (work or school) operated by 21Vianet
OneDrive for Business OneDrive for Mac OneDrive for Windows More...Less

If you accidentally delete a file or folder in OneDrive, you may be able to
recover it later from the OneDrive recycle bin.

For info about restoring a SharePoint file or folder, see how to restore items
from the SharePoint recycle bin. For info about restoring SharePoint files
stored in OneDrive, see Restore a previous version of a file in OneDrive.

Tip: As an Microsoft 365 subscriber, you can even restore your entire OneDrive
if something goes wrong.

Note: The video shows a OneDrive work or school account. See this video for
deleting or restoring files with a Microsoft account.

Go to the OneDrive website, and sign in with either your Microsoft account or
your work or school account. 

 1. In the navigation pane, select Recycle bin.

 2. Select the files or folders you want to restore by pointing to each item and
    clicking the circle check box that appears, and then click Restore.
    Tip: If you're using OneDrive with your personal account, you can select
    Restore all items to restore everything in your recycle bin. This option
    isn't available in your work or school OneDrive. Files deleted from your
    Personal Vault will only show up in your recycling bin if your Personal
    Vault is unlocked before you check the recycle bin. You can use the Show
    Personal Vault items command in the recycle bin to unlock the Personal Vault
    and see those items.
     * If you're signed into OneDrive with a Microsoft account, items in the
       recycle bin are automatically deleted 30 days after they're put there.
     * If you're signed in with a work or school account, items in the recycle
       bin are automatically deleted after 93 days, unless the administrator has
       changed the setting. See more information about how long deleted items
       are kept for work or school accounts.


If you deleted the files or folders from your OneDrive, check your Recycle Bin
(Windows) or Trash (Mac) to see if your files are there.

Note: Deleted online-only () files will not appear in your computer's Recycle
Bin or Trash.

 * To restore files from your Recycle Bin in Windows, open the Recycle Bin,
   select the files or folders you want to recover, then right-click them and
   select Restore. The file or folder will be restored to its original folder.

 * To restore files from your Trash on a Mac, open the Trash, select the files
   or folders you want to recover, then right-click them and select Put back.
   The file or folder will be restored to its original folder.


 * Learn to Find lost or missing files in OneDrive

 * View historical versions of Office files


Get online help
See more support pages for OneDrive and OneDrive for work or school.
For the OneDrive mobile app, see Troubleshoot OneDrive mobile app problems.

OneDrive Admins can also view the OneDrive Tech Community, Help for OneDrive for

Contact Support
If you still need help, contact support through your browser or shake your
mobile device while you're in the OneDrive app.

OneDrive Admins can contact Microsoft 365 for business support.

Got feedback?
You can suggest features you’d like to see us add to OneDrive. Go to How do I
give feedback on Microsoft Office? for more information.


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