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Войти Скрытые поля КНИГИ Добавить в библиотеку Стр. 51 1. Моя библиотека 2. Справка 3. Расширенный поиск книг Стр. 4 ... development' is meant to serve. Moreover, today, for UNDP 'development'means the end of tyranny just as much as the end of poverty, which is the normative point. Second, those who favour UNDP often contrast the Programme's practice and ... Стр. 5 ... United Nations', the wartime anti-fascist alliance. That 'better way' was then institutionalized in the MarshallPlanandthereconstructionof GermanyandJapanfollowingthe SecondWorldWar.UNDP'sstoryisabouttheapplicationofthesameideas ... Стр. 7 ... development assistance, UNICEF (the UN Children's Fund), the World Food Programme, and even the Washington-based 'Bretton Woods'6 agencies, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Moreover, in some countries, UNDP has ... Стр. 8 ... programmes and funds', 'institutes', and 'commissions'. At least one-third of them were nurtured by UNDP. That is, they began as part of UNDP, their development activities were originally funded by UNDP, they are jointly governed bodies ... Стр. 9 ... UN's development network under different names, UNDP had become 'the development programme of the developing countries', the intergovernmental organization most trusted by governments in the developing world because it was the most ... Стр. 13 ... development network has always been about: getting things done to better people's lives, things that no one else can do. The special virtue of the Programme, according to Olver, is the trust it has ... United Nations. Стр. 14 ... UNDP's coordination work is also about building the capacity of governments, the capacity to take on the task themselves either individually, within each country, or collectively, through the United Nations. Nonetheless, the story of UNDP ... Стр. 16 ... UNDP rules built trust between the new leaders and an ever growing set of international partners. As one Iranian familiar with the Programme's work explained in early 2005, much of what is positive in today's Iran came . . . from UNDP ... Стр. 19 ... Programme's founders to an international relations of solidarity made them responsive to the entire range of actual development priorities of UN members; that is what saved UNDP from ever adopting a single 'theology'like that of the ... Стр. 22 ... UN development idea gains it the trust of developing governments, but it also means that the trust of donor governments is rarely complete because the Programme can never simply be an instrument of any donor's foreign policy. The United ... Стр. 25 ... development, relevant knowledge is always a combination of local understanding with the experience brought from other places. In addition, the early UNDP was surprisingly blind to most of the ultimate clients of development – to women ... Стр. 26 ... UNDP's continued adherence to the principle of solidarity made the Programme ever more popular with its main clients. It was in this decade that UNDP cemented its reputation as the development programme ofthe developing countries. The ... Стр. 34 ... UN development story, including Charles Malik, the Lebanese diplomat who was an early head of the UN Economic and. 28 Jackson quoted in UNDP, Generation: Portrait of the United Nations Development Programme 1950–1985(New York: UNDP ... Стр. 47 ... United States was focused on the 'efficiency' of the UN's few development operations. Truman's representatives in New York joined the Soviet Union's ambassador to water down the technical assistance resolution and give the Secretariat ... Стр. 48 ... programme that had been debated in the UN's first sessions.5 When the Soviets, the United States, Australia, or the Europeans complained about the explosion of programmes in the developing world, many of the original 'United Nations ... Стр. 53 ... United States. In fact, creating the Special Fund contributed to Hoffman's larger goal of gaining US support for a well-endowed development ... Nations, a 'Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development'– SUNFED. At UNDP's birth ... Стр. 61 ... United States). Many developing nations demanded that the possibility of a UN-based development financing facility be kept alive, which led to the establishment of the symbolically significant UN Capital Development Fund (CDF) at the same ... Стр. 62 ... Programme from scratch'.55 Owen was given the title of UNDP 'Coadministrator', but had little specific authority after the two programmes were fully merged, a process that took about three years. In 1969 Owen left the UN, and died ... Стр. 63 ... Programme's financial survival. First, it was essential to remain in constant dialogue with the US Congress, not ... United States had even set a timetable. It had pledged to provide 60 per cent of EPTA's funds through 1953, but ... Стр. 87 ... Development Reports, launched by UNDP in 1990, help toanswerthisquestionbyprovidingthreeindicators,threereliablesigns,of that much more complex capacity: improvements in health, in education, 11 Roger Owen, interview with the author ... Стр. 88 ... UNDP-like network to focus specifically on. United Nations Work, p. 26; Sharing Skills, pp. 28–30. 10 15 years and 150,000 Skills: An Anniversary Review of the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance (New York: United ... Стр. 88 ... development came from interventions like this? Beyond the early health programmes, the Haitians around the table remembered one intervention with long-lasting, positive impact: UNESCO's development of an orthography for the language ... Стр. 88 ... UNDP's backing, that first made Freire's human- development-oriented approach a part of governmental literacy campaigns in many of the countries that have been the most successful.16 In Tanzania,for example, the firstproject enrolled ... Стр. 92 ... UNDP role. 28 Hugh L. Keenleyside, International Aid: A Summary with Special Reference to the Programmes of the United Nations (New York: James H. Heinemann, 1966), pp. 181–2. 29 Mekong River Commission for Sustainable Development, 'The ... Стр. 93 ... Development, formed in 1995. Hoffman's UNDP gave even broader support to regional economic integration by providing financial backing to the various UN regional economic commissions when they attempted to create 'an infrastructure of ... Стр. 96 ... Programme's ninety-six country offices numbered fewer than400.39 It would be difficult to argue that the role of Programme staff and Specialized Agency experts in the Congo was effective. More than forty years later, the UN is still ... Стр. 68 ... development, and UNDP's role therein, would grow dramatically in the decades that followed, and a long period of self-assessment – based on that assumption – ended with the agreement among UN members that has governed the Programme ... Стр. 69 ... Programme's experience and resources. Consequently, by the mid-1980s, the UN network was, by many measures, both ... development community of the 1960s. John F. Kennedy had a commitment to international development that matched ... Стр. 72 ... UNDP not only to its staffmembers, but also to most people working on development in the 1960s, and to the developing countries themselves. Second, and moreover, Jackson reinforced this understanding of UNDP's essence by the particular ... Стр. 73 ... programmes of co-operation carried out on their behalf.11 The report took the position that development was a ... UN's 'cumbersome machinery', the focus needed to be on empowering the unique combination of forces within each ... Стр. 77 ... UN system could quickly develop the capacity to use the rapidly growing financial resources that the SPIN Study anticipated. Yet, given that overall development assistance – and contributions to UNDP, in particular – failed to grow, both ... Стр. 84 ... UNDP funds. This proportion was much higher than the US share of total, non-voluntary, assessments for the regular budget of the United Nations; until 1974, the dues paid by the United States covered 33 per cent of the UN's costs. In ... Стр. 87 ... Nations at the end of the First World War and forced the UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration to disband at the end of the Second. UNDP also ran foul of the bureaucratic interests of the thriving, bilateral development agency ... Стр. 88 ... UNDP experts, something the Programme failed to take into account. Moreover, in some situations, the Programme accounting had treated non-convertible currencies as if they were reliable assets.54 Finally, the shift to allocating the pool of ... Стр. 91 ... UN network Brown and Morse had two characteristics essential to the task of expanding the UN's development activities in the late 1970s: they accepted the argument behind the UN majority's NIEO and they were realists; they were willing ... Стр. 92 ... United States acted as the benefactor of EPTA, the Special Fund, and UNDP in the 1950s and 1960s.67 That many potential benefactors can be found for new development organizations is a result of the fundamental problem that 'development ... Стр. 94 ... UN programme.71 Similarly, in the early 1970s, the General Assembly gave UNDP responsibility for the UN Capital Development Fund (CDF), a programme with 'high intentions and low resources'72 whose origins went back to the early debates ... Стр. 96 ... programme to UNDP when Morse himself moved across the street from the Secretariat proper to UNDP's new 'skyscraper'.77 Brad Morse's realism extended beyond elaborating the UN development network in order to build different coalitions of ... Стр. 99 ... development programme of the developing world, even if not all the factors that moved UNDP in that direction had been anticipated or welcomed by its first generation of leaders. The downside was that the Programme risked becoming ... Стр. 102 ... programme that, earlier, had been run out of the UNDP office in Geneva, which also oversaw cold war-era programmes in Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland. UNDP and its predecessors had long had offices in non-aligned ... Стр. 103 ... UNDP] were the people who translated all those great [General Assembly] decolonization resolutions into practical terms.8 One of the most important Lusaka-based projects, the United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN), operated with ... Стр. 104 ... United Nations did not train SWAPO leaders to become aid-dependent crony capitalists indebted to the global status ... Development Discourse and Good Governance inAfrica (London: Zed Books, 2001). 15 Mwase, 'UNDP and the United ... Стр. 105 ... United Nations would in Namibia, where majority rule came ten years later. Shekou Sesay tells a story that better explains Morse's motivation: his love of Africa and the very personal level of his concern about development. In 1976 ... Стр. 107 ... UNDP.'21 That lesson had been learned, for example, in 1981, when UNDP had arranged for Jiang Zemin, then Vice-Minister for Foreign Trade, and other junior ministers to visit export-processing zones on four continents. They returned ... Стр. 115 ... United States, returned to Palestine shortly before the 1987 intifada, and proudly worked for UNDP for almost twenty years. In addition to the trust PAPP developed within the region, the Programme has also relied on a great deal of ... Стр. 117 ... United States and Israel see as 'terrorists'.51 On this dimension, therefore, the programme that Morse began in ... Nations in New York, Vietnam entered the United Nations and UNDP set up shop in war-ravaged Hanoi.52 As in China ... Стр. 118 ... UNDP, the Italian said, Morey would 'have better access to the senior leadership' than anyone else in the diplomatic corps. The government saw UNDP as interested only in helping the country, unlike the bilateral donors and the development ... Стр. 121 ... United Nations (especially the ministries concerned with agriculture and labour), and helped prepare a submission for the 1982 Governing Council, the first Country Programme ... development agencies that UNDP helped introduce to the ... Стр. 128 ... UNDP's work– would be built. UNDP's engagement with the Women in Development movement, and the embedding of the UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) within UNDP, helped shift the locus of the Programme's attention from countries to ... Стр. 129 ... United Nations'resources for development. These power centres – the Bureaux and new, associated programmes and funds – unintentionally gave UNDP some of the characteristics of a 'learning organization', one in which new ways of ... Стр. 133 ... UNDP stories, including Boserup, Snyder (representing ECA), and Joan Dunlop, who would later become Mark Malloch Brown's headhunter, the person in charge of bringing new expertise to the highest levels of the Programme.16 Boserup's ... Стр. 139 ... programme geared towards improved access to rights for women. Because UNDP is big on microcredit, the programme has to have a micro-credit bent. Then when UNDP implements, it's just down to micro-credit. Even if that space is there ... Стр. 140 ... development goals (e.g., economic growth and the equality of nations) that, earlier, were the only centre of ... programme, which brought Lagos back to Chile in 1978. In the 1980s he led Chile's Democratic Alliance, in the 1990s he ... Стр. 153 ... United Nations in the 1970s. In the new project Morse was assisted by a Canadian, Maurice Strong, who would continue to play a major role in UN development ... Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development, 1986–90 ... Стр. 161 ... UNDP. a. mammal. It was in 1989 – right after the UN–World Bank truce on structural adjustment in Africa – that I first thought a great deal about UNDP. What I thought was that the Programme's time had passed. At the time, I was using ... Стр. 1998 ... UNDP, does”.' Eventually, in 1990, the Governing Council would direct the Programme to focus on one version of the themes. 'Human development'was described as the overriding priority. UNDP's particular focus would be on 'poverty ... Стр. 2002 ... development was a volume that she and UNDP's Üner Kirdar edited from papers at the 1986 North–South Roundtable in Islamabad.44 Her husband's research throughout the 1980s further convinced him that, while income growth might (in the ... Стр. 2005 ... UNDP's ambiguous edge Hafiz Pasha, the distinguished Pakistani economist brought in by Malloch Brown to direct the Asia bureau, expects that the human development records of governments will continue to be an important standard of ... Стр. 2005 ... UNDP was just how fuzzy its boundaries are. I have at least thirty business cards that say 'UNDP'given to me by ... Programme would have a future. Sadly, Draper's last years at UNDP, and those immediately afterwards, were marked by ... Стр. 2005 ... UNDP programmes to increase the capacity of African states to deal with structural adjustment on their own terms, experimented with decentralization, and put in place the foundational programmes that would allow a human-development-oriented ... Стр. 2005 ... development', SHD. With a scholar's thoroughness, Speth attempted to make the organization a coherent instrument of this one purpose. That required adding new capacities to deal with the 13 Ruben P. Mendez, 'United Nations Development ... Стр. 2005 A Better Way? Craig N. Murphy. all UN development agencies. The third goal's slightly convoluted wording committed the Programme's own resources to protecting the environment, encouraging good governance, advancing women, and fighting ... Стр. 2005 ... UNDP's use. They amounted to more than US$150 million, three times the core funding of the autonomous programmes then embedded within UNDP (including the Capital Development Fund, UNIFEM, and UN Volunteers); at the time, the regular ... Стр. 2005 ... development priorities that Kurykin endorses]. But USAID proposes its own vision of local problems and its own model. UNDP is much more flexible; [everything is] done in active contact with local people. This creates a more effective ... Стр. 2005 ... UNDP mounted a peace-building programme that looked like a combination of the UN's earliest technical assistance in the 1950s with the new governance work in eastern Europe. UN Volunteers helped to reconstruct the National University in ... Стр. 2005 ... programmes.72 Not surprisingly, in terms of poverty alleviation UNDP's major accomplishments of the period have to do with coordinating funding and using it more effectively. In 1995, at the World Summit for Social Development (held in ... Стр. 2005 ... UNDP'.86 I followed the advice, and heard 'the volume of resources we raise locally' much more often than 'the consistency of our country programme with UNDP's overall goals'. Önder Yücer shakes his head at comments like that by Nafis ... Стр. 2005 ... UN network's first British leader, David Owen, more than fifty years before. Malloch Brown did change UNDP, although perhaps not as dramatically as he had hoped to. He put the Programme back on a solid financial footing and raised its ... Стр. 2005 ... United Nations Development Programme . . . has developed a surprisingly cut-throat solution. Send all your senior ... development').23 Many of the rest of the Malloch Brown-era efforts focused on turning UNDP into a learning ... Стр. 2005 ... UNDP still had so many 'brigadiers' on the books.) More significant are uses like this one reported by the Res Rep in Rwanda: When I first arrived . . . one of the major challenges was the US$60 million in unaccounted programme and ... Стр. 2005 ... United Nations Development Programme, p. 436. 52 Neil McKay, 'Former UN Chief: Bomb Was a Payback for Collusion with US', Sunday Herald, 29 Jan. 2006. 53 Denis Halliday, 'The UN and Its Conduct During the Invasion and Occupation of Iraq ... Стр. 2005 ... UNDP's website for each year, we can see the evolution of the Programme's goals under Speth, Malloch Brown, and Dervis. Every page includes a list of UNDP's 'focus' or 'practice' areas. (Originally, these foci were somewhat aspirational ... Стр. 2005 ... UNDP's focus lists, 1998-2006. empowerment Human Development Report. 58 Malloch Brown, 'Democracy and the Information Revolution', 27 June 2001, in Mark Malloch Brown at the United Nations Development Programme, p. 250. 59 N. Vijayaditya ... Стр. 2009 ... UNDP could do something that others really could not do. Malloch Brown ... Programme's traditions of neutrality and national ownership made it an effective advocate, as we have already seen in cases in which national human development ... Стр. 2013 ... UNDP, identifying HIV/AIDS as the greatest threat to China's development.74 It is the first issue Long Yong Tu cites when I ask about UNDP's role in the country over the next five years, 'China did not recognize it as a serious issue ... Стр. 2014 ... UNDP still needs a few Fabians to steer the ship beyond “efficiency” to “equity”.'76 Malloch Brown's organization was more open about its advocacy – of democracy, of the MDGs, and of many strands of human development – but, like Owen's ... Стр. 2015 ... UNDP staffers see a deep contradiction between the principles the Programme advocates and its close relationship ... Programme's dominant language) that placement stressed: we are the UN's Development Programme. Not surprisingly ... Стр. 2028 ... United Nations Country Team, Timor-Leste. 32 Jose Ramos-Horta, interview with Ray Suarez, 'Nation Building', News ... Development', unpublished paper, Dili, UNDP, n.d., and Augusto Barreto Soares, Hazem Galal, and Toshi Nakamura ... Стр. 2032 ... UNDP was only a very small part of a larger study, and he missed evidence that would have led him to a different conclusion. He wrote before the publication of the first Human Development Report in 1990, and at a time when UNDP kept its ... 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