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Posted on  24-05-2021  by   admin

Electromagnetic finite-element analysis software. Can anyone recommend a
trustworthy finite-element analysis software for MAC OS with electromagnetic and
thermal coupling? Induction Heating. This free software is compatible with the
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will be visual front where all the calculations can be set up and run.

 1. Mac Os Electromagnetic Fea Software Reviews
 2. Mac Os Electromagnetic Fea Software Pdf
 3. Mac Os Electromagnetic Fea Software Download
 4. Mac Os Electromagnetic Fea Software Free

This is a list of software packages that implement the finite element method for
solving partial differential equations.

open source application for the solution of physical problems based on the
Hermes libraryUniversity of West Bohemia3.22014-03-03GNU GPLFreeLinux,
WindowsCalculiXIt is an Open Source FEA project. The solver uses a partially
compatible ABAQUS file format. The pre/post-processor generates input data for
many FEA and CFD applicationsGuido Dhondt, Klaus Wittig2.142018-04-27GNU
GPLFreeLinux, WindowsDIANA FEAGeneral purpose finite element package utilised by
civil, structural and geotechnical engineers.DIANA FEA BV, The
Netherlands10.12016-11-14PaidWindows, Linuxdeal.IIComprehensive set of tools for
finite element codes, scaling from laptops to clusters with 10,000+ cores.
Written in C++.Wolfgang Bangerth, Timo Heister, Guido Kanschat, Matthias Maier
et al.9.02018-05-12LGPLFreeLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, WindowsDUNEDistributed and
Unified Numerics Environment, written in C++DUNE Developer
team2.4.12016-02-29GPL Version 2 with Run-Time ExceptionFreeLinux, Unix, Mac OS
XElmerOpen source multiphysical simulation software developed by Finnish
Ministry of Education's CSC, written primarily in Fortran (written in Fortran90,
C and C++)CSC8.22016-03-15GPLFreeLinux, Mac OS X, WindowsFEBioFinite Elements
for BiomechanicsUniversity of Utah (MRL), Columbia University (MBL)2.7April,
2018CustomFreeLinux, Mac OS X, WindowsFEniCS ProjectSoftware package developed
by American and European researchers with the goal to enable automated solution
of differential equationsFEniCS Team1.6.02015-07-29LGPL (Core) & GPL/LGPL
(Non-Core)[1]FreeLinux, Unix, Mac OS X, WindowsFEATool MultiphysicsMATLAB FEM
and PDE multiphysics simulation toolboxPrecise Simulation1.102019-05-17Free for
personal use[2]Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, UnixFreeFEM[3]FreeFEM is a free and
open-source parallel FEA software for multiphysics simulations. The problems are
defined in terms of their variational formulation and can be easily implemented
using FreeFEM language. Written in C++.Sorbonne University[4] and Jacques-Louis
Lions Laboratory[5]4.2.12019-06-06LGPLFreeLinux, MacOS, Windows, SolarisGOMAGOMA
is an open-source, parallel, and scalable multiphysics software package for
modeling and simulation of real-life physical processes, with a basis in
computational fluid dynamics for problems with evolving geometry.Sandia National
Laboratories, University of New Mexico6.1Aug 28, 2015GPL Version
2FreeLinuxGetFEM++A generic finite element library written in C++ with
interfaces for Python, Matlab and Scilab. It focuses on modeling of contact
mechanics and discontinuities (e.g. cracks).Yves Renard, Julien
Pommier5.02015-07LGPLFreeUnix, Mac OS X, WindowsHermes ProjectModular C/C++
library for rapid development of space- and space-time adaptive hp-FEM
solvershp-FEM group3.02014-03-01LGPLFreeLinux, Unix, Mac OS X,
WindowsMathematica[6]General purpose computation software.Wolfram Research12.1.1
(June 17, 2020; 25 days ago) [±][7]RegularlyProprietaryLinux, Mac OS X, Windows,
Raspbian, Online service.MATLAB Partial Differential Equation ToolboxMATLAB
Toolbox for solving structural, thermal, electromagnetics, and other general
PDEsMathWorks3.3 (R2019b)2019-09-11Linux, Mac OS X, WindowsMFEMMFEM is a free,
lightweight, scalable C++ library for finite element methods that features
arbitrary high-order finite element meshes and spaces, support for a wide
variety of discretizations, and emphasis on usability, generality, and
high-performance computing efficiency.MFEM team4.12020-03-10BSDFreeLinux, Unix,
Mac OS X, WindowsMoFEM JosePHMesh Oriented hp-FE code, written in C++University
of Glasgow0.6.82017-11-16LGPLFreeUnix, Mac OS XMOOSEObject Oriented FE
framework, written in C++Idaho National LaboratoryregularlyLGPLFreeUnix, Mac OS
XOOFEMObject Oriented Finite EleMent solver, written in C++Bořek
Patzák2.42016-02-15GPL Version 2FreeUnix, WindowsOpenSeesOpen System for
Earthquake Engineering SimulationNon CommercialFreeUnix, Linux, WindowsSESAM
(FEM)Software suite for structural and hydrodynamic analysis of ships and
offshore structuresDNV GLregularlyProprietary, SaaSWindows, Web browserRange
SoftwareMultiphysics Finite Element Analysis SoftwareTomáš
Šoltys3.02018-04-30GPLFreeLinux, WindowsZ88/Z88AuroraFreeware finite element
package; The present version Z88Aurora V4 offers, in addition to static strength
analysis modules such as non-linear strength calculations (large displacements),
simulations with non-linear materials, natural frequency, static thermal
analysis and a contact module.Frank RiegZ88 V15, Z88Aurora V42017-07-17,
2017-04-24GNU GPL, CustomFreeLinux, Windows, Mac OS XAbaqusAdvanced Franco-USA
software from SIMULIA, owned by Dassault SystemesAbaqus Inc.20192019-12Linux,
WindowsCONSELFCAE simulation from your browserCONSELF
SRL2.92015-10SaaSFreemiumWeb browserFreeCADParametric 3D modeler with a FEM
workbench allowing it to use external solvers like CalculiX, Z88, Elmer, and
OpenFoamFreeCAD Team0.1812 March 2019LGPL 2FreeLinux, Windows, Mac OS
XADINAFinite element software for structural, fluid, heat transfer,
electromagnetic, and multiphysics problems, including fluid-structure
interaction and thermo-mechanical couplingAdina R&DAdvance DesignBIM software
for FEM structural analysis, including international design
eurocodesGRAITEC20142013-09Autodesk SimulationFinite Element software of
AutodeskAutodeskWindowsANSYSUS-based and -developed full CAE software
packageAnsys Inc.19.22018-09-18Free student version available, up to 32,000
nodes/elements[8]Windows, LinuxCOMSOL MultiphysicsCOMSOL Multiphysics Finite
Element Analysis Software (formerly FEMLAB)COMSOL Inc.5.52019-11-14Linux, Mac OS
X, Windows, Web browserCosmosWorksPart of SolidWorksDassault Systèmes SolidWorks
Corp.WindowsQuickfieldEM, Heat Transfer and Stress Analysis [9]Tera Analysis
Ltd6.4 [10]2020-04-17Free Student Edition available[11]WindowsLS-DYNABest known
for explicit dynamics / crash analysisLSTC - Livermore Software Technology
CorporationR8.02015-03Linux, WindowsNastranOriginally developed for NASA, now
available commercially from several software companiesMSC NASTRAN, Siemens PLM
NX Nastran[12]20142014Linux, Mac OS X, WindowsRFEM3D finite element analysis
softwareDlubal Software5.062016-02Free student license
available[13]WindowsSimScaleGerman 100% web-based CAE platformSimScale
GmbH142013-07SaaSFree community version available[14]Web browserVisualFEAFinite
element software for structural, geotechnical, heat transfer and seepage
analysisIntuition Software5.112016-01Proprietary softwareFree educational
version available[15]Mac OS X, WindowsJCMsuiteFinite element software for the
analysis of electromagnetic waves, elasticity and heat conductionJCMwave
GmbH3.6.12017-01-27Linux, WindowsJMAG2D and 3D finite element analysis software
for electromagnetic field, thermal, structuralJSOL18.12019-06Education pack
availableLinux, Windows, Web browserStressCheckFinite element analysis software
based on p-FEM with a focus on solid mechanics applicationsESRD,
Inc.10.42018-04Student version available (limited to 15k DOF)WindowsSDC
VerifierAn extension for Ansys Mechanical, Femap and Simcenter with out of the
box predefined standards on fatigue, stiffener and plate buckling, beam member
checks, joint checks and weld. Such as AISC 360-10, API 2A RP, ISO 19902, Norsok
N004, DIN15018, Eurocode 3, FEM 1.001, ABS 2004, ABS 2014, DNV RP-C201 2010, DNV
CN30/1995, FKM etc.SDC Verifier5.3.12020-03Student version availableWindows



This table is contributed by a FEA-compare[16] project, which provides an
alternative view of this table with the first row and Feature column being fixed
for ease of table exploration.


FeatureCOMSOL MultiphysicsMFEMGetFEM++deal.IIRange SoftwareElmerMOOSEFEniCS
ProjectFEATool Multiphysicslicense:ProprietaryBSDLGPLLGPLGPLGNU (L)GPLLGPLGNU
GPLLGPLProprietaryGUI:YesNoNoNoYesYes, partial functionalityYesPostprocessing
onlyMatlab and Octave GUIDocumentation:User guides, reference manuals, API
documentation, application libraries with solved examples, online
tutorialsexamples, miniapps, Doxygen, online documentationUser doc, tutorials,
demos, developer's guidetutorials, video lectures, Doxygenuser manual,
tutorialsElmerSolver Manual, Elmer Models Manual, ElmerGUI Tutorials, etc. LaTeX
documentation available in PDFsDoxygen, Markdown, example codes, test
inputsTutorial, demos, bookOnline FEATool documentation, tutorials, and model
examplesMeshmesh elements:Intervals (1D); triangles, quadrilaterals (2D and 3D
boundaries); tetrahedra, pyramids, prisms, hexahedra (3d)segments, triangles,
quadrilaterals, tetrahedra, hexahedra, prismsintervals, triangles, tetrahedra,
quads, hexes, prisms, some 4D elements, easily extensible.intervals (1d), quads
(2d), and hexes (3d) onlypoints(0d), segments (1d), triangles, quadrilaterals
(2d), tetrahedra, hexahedra (3d)intervals (1d), triangles, quadrilaterals (2d),
tetrahedra, pyramids, wedges, hexahedra (3d)Tria, Quad, Tetra, Prism,
etc.intervals, triangles, tetrahedra (quads, hexes - work in progress)intervals,
triangles, tetrahedra, quads, hexesmesh high-order mapping:Any? Second-order is
the default for most cases.arbitrary-order meshes and NURBS meshesany orderYes,
for Lagrange elements(Any - work in progress)mesh generation:Built-inmeshing
miniapps and target-matrix mesh optimizationExperimental in any dimension +
predefined shapes + Extrusion.external+predefined shapesYes (TetGen)Limited own
meshing capabilities with ElmerGrid and netgen/tetgen APIs. Internal extrusion
and mesh multiplication on parallel level.Built-inYes, Constructive Solid
Geometry (CSG) supported via mshr (CGAL and Tetgen used as backends)Integrated
DistMesh, Gmsh, and Triangle GUI and CLI interfacesmesh adaptive-refinement:Yes,
full adaptive mesh refinement (h-refinement); no p-refinement but several
higher-order elements are included. Mesh adaptation on the whole or parts of the
geometry, for stationary, eigenvalue, and time-dependent simulations and by
rebuilding the entire mesh or refining chosen mesh elements.conforming and
non-conforming adaptive refinement for tensor product and simplex meshesOnly hh,
p, and hp for CG and DGh-refinement for selected equationsh, p, mached hp,
singular hpOnly hmesh inputoutput:STL, PLY, NASTRAN, 3MF, VRML (import only),
native formatVTK, Gmsh, CUBIT, NETGEN, TrueGrid, and MFEM formatgmsh, GiD,
Ansysrbm, stlExodusII, Nemesis, Abaqus, Ensight, Gmsh, GMV, OFF, TecPlot TetGen,
etc.XDMF (and FEniCS XML)FeatFlow, FEniCS XML, GiD, Gmsh, GMV, Trianglemesh
check:Avoids inverted and degenerated elements; various mesh quality
measures?limited features (double nodes, degenerated elements, intersected
elements)intersections (collision testing)CAD files support:STEP, IGES,
others.NoIGES, STEP (with OpenCascade wrapper)Yes (stl)Limited support via
OpenCASCADE in ElmerGUImesh operation:Merge, copy, refine; convert; boundary
layers; extrude, revolve, sweep, loft for 3D geometiesExtrude, rotate,
translation, refineExtrude, rotate, translation, refineMerge, join, extrude,
modular mesh modifier systemMerge, join, extrude, and revolve operationsParallel
possibilitiesautomatic mesh partitioning:METIS and space-filling curve
partitioningYes (METIS)yes, shared (METIS/Parmetis) and distributed
(p4est)Nopartitioning with ElmerGrid using Metis or geometric division, internal
partitioning in ElmerSolver using ZoltanMetis, Parmetis, Hilbert (shared and
distributed meshes)Yes (ParMETIS and SCOTCH)MPI:YesYesYesYes (up to 147k
processes)NoYesYesYesthreads:Supports multithreadingUsing OpenMP, RAJA, or OCCA
backendsThreading Build BlocksYesthreadsafe, some modules threaded and
vectorized.YesOpenMP:YesYesYesYes (vectorization only)YesYes,
partiallyYesOpenCL:NoThrough OCCA backendsNoNoNoNoCUDA:NoYesNosince 9.1, see
step-64 for matrix-free GPU+MPI exampleNoPreliminary API for sparse linear
algebraSolverDimension:0D, 1D, 2D, 3D (can coexist)1D/2D/3DAny, possibility to
mix and couple problem of different dimension1/2/3D0D/1D/2D/3D (dimensions may
coexist)1D/2D/3D (dimensions may coexist)1/2/3D1/2/3D1/2/3DFE:Lagrange (order
1-7), Hermite (order 3-7), discontinuous Lagrange (order 0-7), bubble, Gauss
point, serendipity, NedelecArbitrary-order Lagrange elements (continuous and
discontinuous), Bernstein basis, Nedelec and Raviart-Thomas elements, support
for NURBS spaces (IGA)Continuous and discontinuous Lagrange, Hermite, Argyris,
Morley, Nedelec, Raviart-Thomas, composite elements (HCT, FVS), Hierarchical
elements, Xfem, easily extensible.Lagrange elements of any order, continuous and
discontinuous; Nedelec and Raviart-Thomas elements of any order; BDM and
Bernstein; elements composed of other elements.Lagrange elementsLagrange
elements, p-elements up to 10th order, Hcurl conforming elements (linear and
quadratic) forLagrange, Hierarchic, Discontinuous Monomials, NedelecLagrange,
BDM, RT, Nedelic, Crouzeix-Raviart, all simplex elements in the Periodic Table
(, anyLagrange (1st-5th order), Crouzeix-Raviart,
HermiteQuadrature:Gauss-Legendre, Gauss-Lobatto, and uniform quadrature
rules.Gauss-Legendre, Gauss-Lobatto, midpoint, trapezoidal, Simpson, Milne and
Weddle (closed Newton-Cotes for 4 and 7 order polinomials), Gauss quadrature
with logarithmic or 1/R weighting function, Telles quadrature of arbitrary
order.Gauss-Legendre (1D and tensor product rules in 2D and 3D) tabulated up to
44th-order to high precision, best available rules for triangles and tetrahedra
to very high order, best available monomial rules for quadrilaterals and
hexahedra.Transient problems:Yes, BDF, Runge-Kutta (RK34, Cash-Karp 5,
Dormand-Prince 5), and generalized alpha time steppingRunge-Kutta, SSP, SDIRK,
Adams-Bashforth, Adams-Moulton, Symplectic Integration Algorithm, Newmark
method, Generalized-alpha methodAny user implemented and/or from a set of
predifined. Explicit methods: forward Euler, 3rd and 4th order Runge-Kutta.
Implicit methods: backward Euler, implicit Midpoint, Crank-Nicolson, SDIRK.
Embedded explicit methods: Heun-Euler, Bogacki-Shampine, Dopri, Fehlberg,
Cash-Karp.Yesimplicit-euler explicit-euler crank-nicolson bdf2 explicit-midpoint
dirk explicit-tvd-rk-2 newmark-betaBE, CN, and Fractional-Step-Theta
schemesPredifined equations:Incompressible Navier-Stokes, heat transfer,
convection-diffusion-reaction, linear elasticity, electromagnetics, pressure
acoustics, Darcy’s law, and support for custom PDE equationsMiniapps and
examples for Laplace, elasticity, Maxwell, Darcy, advection, Euler, Helmholtz,
and othersLaplace?Yes (Incompressible Navier-Stokes, Heat transfer
(convection-conduction-radiation), Stress analysis, Soft body dynamics, Modal
analysis, Electrostatics, Magnetostatics )Around 50 predefined solversPhase
Field, Solid Mechanics, Navier-Stokes, Porous Flow, Level Set, Chemical
Reactions, Heat Conduction, support for custom PDEsIncompressible Navier-Stokes,
Heat transfer, convection-diffusion-reaction, linear elasticity,
electromagnetics, Darcy's, Brinkman equations, and support for custom PDE
equationsAutomated assembly:YesYesYesYesVisualization:Built-inIn situ
visualization with GLVis. Export to VisIt and ParaView.External or with the
Scilab/Matlab/Python interface. Possibility to perform complex slices.External
(export to *.vtk and many others)GUI (built-in)ElmerGUI comes VTK based
visualization tool (but Paraview is recommended)Yes, VTK-based GUI, Python
visualizatuion libraryBuil-in simple plotting + ExternalBuilt-in with optional
Plotly and GMV exportOutput format:Text and unstructured VTK-file for
data.BMP,PNG, GIF, TIFF, JPEG, glTF, Windows clipboard, Microsoft PowerPoint
(for images). GIF, Flash, AVI, WebM (for animatios). Touchstone data (for
networks).VisIt, ParaView (VTU), GLVis formatvtk, gmsh, OpenDX.*.dx *.ucd
*.gnuplot *.povray *.eps *.gmv *.tecplot *.tecplot_binary *.vtk *.vtu *.svg
*.hdf5Several output formats (VTU, gmsh,...)ExodusII, Xdr, etc.VTK(.pvd, .vtu)
and XDMF/HDF5GMV and PlotlyBoundary elements solver:YesNoYesExisting but without
multipole acceleration (not usable for large problems)NoUse multiple meshes:Yes
including different dimensions and taking account of any transformation.Yes,
autorefined from same initial mesh for each variable of a coupled
problemContinuity of non-conforming interfaces ensured by mortar finite
elementsYes, including non-matching meshesLinear algebraUsed libs:MUMPS,
PARDISO, SPOOLES; ARPACK, BLAS, BLIS, Intel MKL, LAPACKBuilt-in and integrated
with hypre. Optional integrations with PETSc, Ginkgo, SuperLU, Suite Sparse,
libCEED, and moreSuperLU, MUMPS, Built-in.Built-in + Trilinos, PETSc, and
SLEPcNoBuilt-in, Hypre, Trilinos, umfpack, MUMPS, Pardiso, etc. (optional)PETSc,
Trilinos, LASPack, SLEPcPETSc, Trilinos/TPetra, Eigen.Matlab/Octave built-in
(Umfpack), supports integration with the FEniCS and FeatFlow solversIterative
matrix solvers:GMRES, FGMRES, BiCGStab, conjugate gradients, TFQMR, or any
precoditioner. Algebraic and geometric multigrid. Domain decomponsition
(Schwarz, Schur)Krylov methods (CG, MINRES, GMRES, BiCGStab)All KrylovAll Krylov
(CG, Minres, GMRES, BiCGStab, QMRS)GMRES, CGBuilt-in Krylov solvers, Krylov and
multigrid solvers from external librariesLASPack serial, PETSc
parallelMatlab/Octave built-inPreconditioners:Direct preconditioner, Krylov,
SOR, SSOR, SORU, SOR line, SOR gauge, SOR vector, Jacobi, incomplete and
hierarchical LU, SAI, SCGS, Vanka, AMSAlgebraic, Geometric, and p-multigrid.
Block ILU preconditioning. Support for hypre's AMS and ADS preconditioners for
H(curl) and H(div).Basic ones (ILU, ILUT)Many, including algebraic multigrid
(via Hypre and ML) and geometric multigridILU, JacobiBuilt-in preconditioners
(ILU, diagonal, vanka, block) andLASPack serial, PETSc parallel, algebraic
multigrid (via Hypre)Matlab/Octave
implementationmatrix-free save memory:YesNoYesNomatrix-free
speed-up:YesNoYesNoUsed languageNative language:Primarily C++ and
JavaC++C++C++C++Fortran (2008 standard)C++C++Matlab / OctaveBindings to
language:Full API for Java and Matlab (the latter via add-on
product)PyMFEMPython, Scilab or MatlabNoNoPythonOtherPredefined equations:Yes,
many predefined physics and multiphysics interfaces in COMSOL Multiphysics and
its add-ons.A large number of Bilinear and Linear formsModel bricks: Laplace,
linear and nonlinear elasticity, Helmholtz, plasticity, Mindlin and K.L. plates,
boundary conditions including contact with friction.Coupled nonlinear
problems:YesYesYesBinary:Windows, Linux, macOSYes, via OpenHPC. Also available
as part of Spack, xSDK, E4S, FASTMath, RADIUSS and CEED.Linux
(Debian/Ubuntu)Linux, Windows (work in progress), MacWindows, Linux (launchpad:
Debian/Ubuntu), Mac (homebrew) (all with MPI)Linux (DebianUbuntu), MacWindows,
Linux, Macfullname:Elmer finite element softwareTesting:Comprehensive unit and
regression tests. Continuous integration through Travis CI3500+ testsMore than
700 consistency tests ensuring backward compatibility4300+ tests, Testing as a
service for derived applicationsscripting:Full API for Java and, through add-on
product, MatlabRuntime parsed mathematical expression in input filesFully
scriptable in as m-file Matlab scripts and the GUI supports exporting models in
script formatautomatic differentiation:YesForward-mode for Jacobian computation,
symbolic differentiation capabilitiesmultiphysics:Yes, full custom and
predefined multiphysics couplings between all kinds of physicsArbitrary
multiphysics couplings are supportedArbitrary multiphysics couplings are
supportedArbitrary multiphysics couplings are supportedOptimization Solvers:With
the Optimization Module add-on: Coorinate search, Nelder-Mead, Monte Carlo,
BOBYQA, COBYLA, SNOPT, MMA, Levenberg-MarquardtIntegration with HiOp. Built-in
SLBQP optimizerSupport for TAO- and nlopt-based constrained optimization solvers
incorporating gradient and Hessian information.HIP:YesSymbolic derivation of the
tangent system for nonlinear problems:YesSupport for fictitious domain



 1.  ^'FEniCS Project'. Retrieved 2017-06-21.
 2.  ^'FEATool Multiphysics - Product Information'. Retrieved 2018-06-12.
 3.  ^'FreeFem++'. Retrieved 2018-11-30.
 4.  ^'Sorbonne Université | Lettres, Médecine, Sciences'. Retrieved 2018-11-30.
 5.  ^Curie, UPMC - Université Pierre et Marie. 'Jacques-Louis Lions Laboratory
     (LJLL) - UMR 7598 - SCIENCE'. Retrieved
 6.  ^Mathematica Documentation
 7.  ^'Mathematica Quick Revision History'. Retrieved 2019-04-16.
 8.  ^'Student Products - Free Simulation Software'. Retrieved
 9.  ^
 10. ^
 11. ^
 12. ^'NX Nastran: Siemens PLM Software'. Retrieved
 13. ^'Free Student License | Dlubal Software'. Retrieved
 14. ^'Plans & Pricing - SimScale Simulation Platform'. Retrieved
 15. ^'Browsing VisualFEA (Finite Element Analysis) by Title'. 2016-03-01. Retrieved 2017-05-28.
 16. ^GitHub For ease of maintaince of this table, please, first consider to
     contribute changes directly to the project instead of editing the table
     below, however, direct wiki edits are also valid and will be backported


Retrieved from

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