Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On September 16 via api from IT — Scanned from IT

Form analysis 0 forms found in the DOM

Text Content

(function() {
	 |*|  A complete cookies reader/writer framework with full unicode support.
	 |*|  This framework is released under the GNU Public License, version 3 or later.
	 |*|  Syntaxes:
	 |*|  * docCookies.setItem(name, value[, end[, path[, domain[, secure]]]])
	 |*|  * docCookies.getItem(name)
	 |*|  * docCookies.removeItem(name[, path])
	 |*|  * docCookies.hasItem(name)
	 |*|  * docCookies.keys()
	var docCookies = {
		getItem: function (sKey) {
			return unescape(document.cookie.replace(new RegExp("(?:(?:^|.*;)\\s*" + escape(sKey).replace(/[\-\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$"), "$1")) || null;
		setItem: function (sKey, sValue, vEnd, sPath, sDomain, bSecure) {
			if (!sKey || /^(?:expires|max\-age|path|domain|secure)$/i.test(sKey)) { return false; }
			var sExpires = "";
			if (vEnd) {
				switch (vEnd.constructor) {
					case Number:
						sExpires = vEnd === Infinity ? "; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT" : "; max-age=" + vEnd;
					case String:
						sExpires = "; expires=" + vEnd;
					case Date:
						sExpires = "; expires=" + vEnd.toGMTString();
			document.cookie = escape(sKey) + "=" + escape(sValue) + sExpires + (sDomain ? "; domain=" + sDomain : "") + (sPath ? "; path=" + sPath : "") + (bSecure ? "; secure" : "");
			return true;
		removeItem: function (sKey, sPath) {
			if (!sKey || !this.hasItem(sKey)) { return false; }
			document.cookie = escape(sKey) + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" + (sPath ? "; path=" + sPath : "");
			return true;
		hasItem: function (sKey) {
			return (new RegExp("(?:^|;\\s*)" + escape(sKey).replace(/[\-\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "\\s*\\=")).test(document.cookie);
		keys: /* optional method: you can safely remove it! */ function () {
			var aKeys = document.cookie.replace(/((?:^|\s*;)[^\=]+)(?=;|$)|^\s*|\s*(?:\=[^;]*)?(?:\1|$)/g, "").split(/\s*(?:\=[^;]*)?;\s*/);
			for (var nIdx = 0; nIdx < aKeys.length; nIdx++) { aKeys[nIdx] = unescape(aKeys[nIdx]); }
			return aKeys;
	var mop_iframe_css = "@media (max-width:699px){body {margin:auto 0px;} #mop_iframe {width:100% !important;}}";
	var html_style = document.createElement('style');
	html_style.innerHTML = mop_iframe_css;
	var isMobile = function(){
		return screen.width < 700;
	var isSecureConnection = function(){
		return (document.location.protocol == 'https:');
	var querystringToArray = function( querystring ) {
		if (querystring == "") return {};
		var a = querystring.split('&');
		var b = {};
		for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i){
			var p=a[i].split('=');
			if( p[1] != undefined ){
				b[p[0]] = decodeURIComponent(p[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));
		return b;
	var serialize = function( obj ) {
    var str = [];
    for (var p in obj)
      if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
        str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
    return str.join("&");

	var loadMop = function( source, fullQuerystring, hash, instance_dbName, querystring, hostname ){
		////////////////////////////// MIGRATION to the MOP 3.0 ///////////////////////////////
		var use_new_mop = true;

		var mop_search_data = querystringToArray( fullQuerystring );

		if (mop_search_data['newMopPreview']) {
			use_new_mop = true;

		if (use_new_mop) {
			source = source.replace("mop_customer.php", "mop/index.php");

		if (mop_search_data['loadBetaVersion']) {
			source = source.replace('app.', 'beta.');
		var mop_url = source + '?' + fullQuerystring + (hash ? '#' + hash : '');

		var linkByName = document.getElementsByName('mop_link');

		if ( linkByName.length > 0 ) {
			for( var i=0; i < linkByName.length; i++ ){
				linkByName[i].href = mop_url;
		} else {
			if ( document.getElementById('mop_link') ){
				var mop_link = document.getElementById('mop_link');

				mop_link.href = mop_url;
			} else if ( document.getElementById('mop_iframe') ) {
        var fromMopLauncher = false;
				if( isMobile() && !fromMopLauncher){

          // Trasformiamo la querystring in un oggetto e rimuoviamo il dbName
          var querystringObj = querystringToArray(querystring);
          delete querystringObj.dbName;

          var scriptMopLauncher = document.createElement('script');
          scriptMopLauncher.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
          scriptMopLauncher.setAttribute('tt-mop-launcher-plugin', '');
          scriptMopLauncher.setAttribute("tt-instance", instance_dbName);          
          scriptMopLauncher.setAttribute("tt-mopfallbackurl", mop_url);
          scriptMopLauncher.setAttribute("tt-querystring", serialize(querystringObj));
          scriptMopLauncher.setAttribute("tt-hash", hash);
          scriptMopLauncher.setAttribute("origin", 'customer_embedded_redirect_mobile');
          scriptMopLauncher.src = hostname+'/mop/mop-launcher/index.php?mode=1';
				} else {
					var mop_iframe = document.getElementById('mop_iframe');
          // Ci permette di far funzionare la geolocalizzazione e fotocamera anche se siamo in iframe
          mop_iframe.setAttribute("allow", "geolocation; camera");
					mop_iframe.src = mop_url;
	if( typeof(mop_source) !== 'undefined' ){
		// Formatto eventuali codifiche non utf8, per far in modo che la regexp seguente estragga i valori corretti
		mop_source = mop_source.replace(/&amp;/g, "&");
		mop_source = mop_source.replace(/&#038;/g,"&");
		mop_source = mop_source.replace(/&#38;/g, "&");

		var mop_pathname = mop_source.slice().replace(/(.[^?#]*)[\?]?(.[^#]*)?[\#]?(.*)?/g, '$1');
		var querystring = mop_source.slice().replace(/(.[^?#]*)[\?]?(.[^#]*)?[\#]?(.*)?/g, '$2');
		var mop_hash = mop_source.slice().replace(/(.[^?#]*)[\?]?(.[^#]*)?[\#]?(.*)?/g, '$3');

		//1) Get parent querystring
		var parent_querystring =;
		if( parent_querystring ){
			// Tolgo il ? dalla querystring del parent e lo sostituisco con un &.
			parent_querystring = parent_querystring.replace(/\?/,'&');
			// Tolgo eventuali dbName presenti nella querystring del parent.
			parent_querystring = parent_querystring.replace(/(&)?dbName=(\w|_)+/g, '');

		//2) Add full parent querystring to mop querystring
    var mop_search = querystring;
		mop_search += (parent_querystring ? parent_querystring : '');

		//3) add parent_location to mop querystring
		mop_search += '&parent_location=' + encodeURIComponent(window.location);

		//4) Add utmz data to mop querystring
		var __utmz = docCookies.getItem('__utmz');

		if (__utmz) {
			mop_search += '&__utmz=' + encodeURIComponent(__utmz);

		//5) Manage an eventual secure connection and remove special chars from mop_source
    var fromLocalDev = false;
		if (!fromLocalDev) {
			mop_pathname = mop_pathname.replace("http://", "https://");
		//6) Retrieve server name from mop_source
		var mop_pathname_data = mop_pathname.split('/mop');
		var mop_server_name = mop_pathname_data[0];

		//7) Retrieve instance dbName from mop_source
		var mop_source_search_data = querystringToArray(mop_search);
		var instance_dbName = mop_source_search_data['dbName'];

		loadMop(mop_pathname, mop_search, mop_hash, instance_dbName, querystring, mop_server_name);

	function validateJson(val) {
		if (typeof val == 'object') {
			return true;

		var isValidJson = false;

		try {
			isValidJson = true;
		} catch (e) {}

		return isValidJson;

	function getNodePosition(node) {
		var top = 0;
		var left = 0;

		while (node) {
			if (node.tagName) {
				top = top + node.offsetTop;
				left = left + node.offsetLeft;
				node = node.offsetParent;
			} else {
				node = node.parentNode;

		return [top, left];
	// iFrame resizable behaviour
	// Create IE + others compatible event handler
	var eventMethod 	= window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent",
			eventer 		= window[eventMethod],
			messageEvent 	= eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message",
			old_height 		= 1000, // default height for iframed mop

	postMessageCallback = function postMessageCallback(e) {
		if (validateJson( {
			var stringCommunicationType = (typeof == 'string');
			var data = stringCommunicationType ? JSON.parse( :;
			var fn = data.fn;

			if (fn === 'updateIframeMopHeight') {
				// Forziamo 350px come altezza minima del MOP in iframe
				var THRESHOLD = 350; 
				var raw_height = data.value;
				var new_height = raw_height >= THRESHOLD ? raw_height : THRESHOLD;

				if (new_height != old_height) {
					var $mop_iframe = document.getElementById('mop_iframe');
					$ = new_height + 'px';
					old_height = new_height;

			} else if (fn === 'evalFunction') {
				var resp = data.resp || undefined;

				try {
				} catch (e) {

			} else if (fn === 'localStorage') {
				var method = data.method;
				var key = data.key;
				var value = data.value || undefined;
				var iframe = document.getElementById("mop_iframe").contentWindow;
				var result;
				var response;

				try {
					result = {
						result: 'OK',
						value: localStorage[method](key, value)
				} catch (err) {
					result = {
						result: 'ERROR',
						value: err

				response = {id:, response: result};

				iframe.postMessage(stringCommunicationType ? JSON.stringify(response) : response, '*');
			} else if (fn === 'sessionStorage') {
				var method = data.method;
				var key = data.key;
				var value = data.value || undefined;
				var iframe = document.getElementById("mop_iframe").contentWindow;
				var result;
				var response;

				try {
					result = {
						result: 'OK',
						value: sessionStorage[method](key, value)
				} catch (err) {
					result = {
						result: 'ERROR',
						value: err

				response = {id:, response: result};

				iframe.postMessage(stringCommunicationType ? JSON.stringify(response) : response, '*');
			} else if (fn === 'closeMopLauncher') {

	Storage.prototype.removeItemByRegExp = function(reg_exp){
		var regExp = new RegExp(reg_exp);

			if (regExp.test(key)) {
			if (regExp.test(key)) {

		return true;

	// Listen to message from child window
	eventer(messageEvent, postMessageCallback, false);