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Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM


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We use cookies, tags and similar technologies for operational and marketing
purposes. You can manage your cookies preferences by clicking settings dropdown.
See Cookies Policy.

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Cookie declarationAbout
 Essential (36)  Functionality (8)  Analytics (72)  Marketing (94) Unclassified
These cookies are strictly essential for enabling your movement around the
Website and providing access to some of our Website’s features. We further
provided the name of the cookie we use and the identity of the provider. 

NameProviderPurposeExpiryTypetest_cookieGoogleUsed to check if the user's
browser supports cookies.1 dayHTTPembed/v3/counters.gifHubspotUsed to implement
forms on the website.SessionPixel__cf_bmHubspotThis cookie is used to
distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in
order to make valid reports on the use of their website.1
dayHTTPli_gcLinkedInStores the user's cookie consent state for the current
domain2 yearsHTTPCookieConsent [x4]CookiebotStores the user's cookie consent
state for the current domain1 yearHTTPincap_ses_# [x2]Comeet
www.comeet.comPreserves users states across page
requests.SessionHTTPnlbi_# [x2]Comeet
www.comeet.comUsed to ensure website security and fraud
detection.SessionHTTPvisid_incap_# [x2]Comeet
www.comeet.comPreserves users states across page requests.1
yearHTTP_GRECAPTCHAGoogleThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and
bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the
use of their website.179 daysHTTPrc::aGoogleThis cookie is used to distinguish
between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make
valid reports on the use of their website.PersistentHTMLrc::bGoogleThis cookie
is used to distinguish between humans and bots. SessionHTMLrc::cGoogleThis
cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
SessionHTML_grecaptcha [x2]GoogleThis cookie is used to distinguish between
humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid
reports on the use of their website.PersistentHTMLCONSENTYouTubeUsed to detect
if the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. This
cookie is necessary for GDPR-compliance of the website. 2 cookie is used to determine if the
visitor has accepted the cookie consent box.SessionHTTPdebugGoogleThis cookie is
used to detect errors on the website - this information is sent to the website's
support staff in order to optimize the visitor's experience on the in context with the
website's WordPress theme. The cookie allows the website owner to implement or
change the website's content in cookie is used
internally by the website’s owners, when uploading or renewing website content.1 user session state across page id that identifies the user's for the shopping
cart functionality on the website. for the shopping cart
functionality on the website to remember the chosen products - This also allows
the website to promote related products to the visitor, based on the content of
the shopping cart.
for the shopping cart functionality on the website to remember the chosen
products - This also allows the website to promote related products to the
visitor, based on the content of the shopping cart. to check if the user's
browser supports visitor
browsing-security by preventing cross-site request forgery. This cookie is
essential for the security of the website and visitor. 1
dayHTTPrc::d-#GoogleThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.

Functionality cookies remember your settings and preferences and the choices you
make (such as language or regional preferences) in order to help us personalize
your experience and offer you enhanced functionality and content.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryTypelang [x2]LinkedInRemembers the user's selected
language version of a
websiteSessionHTTPCookieConsentBulkSetting-#CookiebotEnables cookie consent
across multiple websitesPersistentHTMLloglevelSpotifyMaintains settings and
outputs when using the Developer Tools Console on current
session.PersistentHTMLintercom.intercom-stateGoogleStores a unique ID string for
each chat-box session. This allows the website-support to see previous issues
and reconnect with the previous supporter. cookie is used to determine the
preferred language of the visitor and sets the language accordingly on the
website, if possible.1 the country code that
is calculated based on the user's IP address. Used to determine what language
should be used for the visitor.1 dayHTTPyt-player-bandaid-hostYouTubeUsed to
determine the optimal video quality based on the visitor's device and network
settings. PersistentHTML

Analytics cookies collect information about how visitors use the Website. Our
service providers can transfer relevant information to third parties where
required by law or where such third parties process such information on their

NameProviderPurposeExpiryTypeAnalyticsSyncHistoryLinkedInUsed in connection with
data-synchronization with third-party analysis service. 29
daysHTTP__hssc [x4]Hubspot Inc
js.hs-banner.comIdentifies if the cookie data needs to be updated in the
visitor's browser.1 dayHTTP__hssrc [x4]Hubspot Inc
js.hs-banner.comUsed to recognise the visitor's browser upon reentry on the
website.SessionHTTP__hstc [x4]Hubspot Inc
js.hs-banner.comSets a unique ID for the session. This allows the website to
obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical purposes.179
daysHTTPhubspotutk [x4]Hubspot Inc
js.hs-banner.comSets a unique ID for the session. This allows the website to
obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical purposes.179
daysHTTP_ga [x4]GoogleRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical
data on how the visitor uses the website.2 yearsHTTP_ga_# [x2]GoogleUsed by
Google Analytics to collect data on the number of times a user has visited the
website as well as dates for the first and most recent visit. 2
yearsHTTPcollectGoogleUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's
device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing
channels.SessionPixel_scribd_sessionScribdImplements audio-files on the website,
and determines how many and who have listened to these files. 3
yearsHTTPvuidVimeoCollects data on the user's visits to the website, such as
which pages have been read.2 yearsHTTP_gat [x3]GoogleUsed by Google Analytics to
throttle request rate1 dayHTTP_gid [x4]GoogleRegisters a unique ID that is used
to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.1
dayHTTPjserrors/1/#New RelicPendingSessionPixelCLIDMicrosoftCollects data on the
user’s navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to compile
statistical reports and heatmaps for the website owner.1
yearHTTP_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgressHotjarThis cookie is used to count how many
times a website has been visited by different visitors - this is done by
assigning the visitor an ID, so the visitor does not get registered twice.1
dayHTTP__utm.gifGoogleGoogle Analytics Tracking Code that logs details about the
visitor's browser and computer.SessionPixel_clckMicrosoftCollects data on the
user’s navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to compile
statistical reports and heatmaps for the website owner.1
yearHTTP_clskMicrosoftRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the
website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. 1
dayHTTP_dc_gtm_UA-# [x2]GoogleUsed by Google Tag Manager to control the loading
of a Google Analytics script tag.1 dayHTTP_hjFirstSeenHotjarThis cookie is used
to determine if the visitor has visited the website before, or if it is a new
visitor on the website.1 dayHTTP_hjidHotjarSets a unique ID for the session.
This allows the website to obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical
purposes.1 yearHTTP_hjTLDTestHotjarRegisters statistical data on users'
behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. the date of the visitor's first visit
to the website. 1 cookie is used to
determine if the visitor has any adblocker software in their browser – this
information can be used to make website content inaccessible to visitors if the
website is financed with third-party advertisement.1 cookie is used to collect non-personal
information on the visitor's website behavior and non-personal visitor
statistics.1 yearHTTPajs_anonymous_idperfalytics.comThis cookie is used to
identify a specific visitor - this information is used to identify the number of
specific visitors on a website.1 yearHTTPvisitor/v200/svrGP.aspxOracleThis
cookie is used to count how many times a website has been visited by different
visitors - this is done by assigning the visitor an ID, so the visitor does not
get registered twice.SessionPixel__utmaGoogleCollects data on the number of
times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first and most
recent visit. Used by Google Analytics.2 yearsHTTP__utmbGoogleRegisters a
timestamp with the exact time of when the user accessed the website. Used by
Google Analytics to calculate the duration of a website visit.1
dayHTTP__utmcGoogleRegisters a timestamp with the exact time of when the user
leaves the website. Used by Google Analytics to calculate the duration of a
website visit.SessionHTTP__utmtGoogleUsed to throttle the speed of requests to
the server.1 dayHTTP__utmzGoogleCollects data on where the user came from, what
search engine was used, what link was clicked and what search term was used.
Used by Google Analytics.6 data
on visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website
optimization. SessionHTML_at.hist.#OracleUsed by the social sharing platform
AddThis to store the user's usage history of the AddThis sharing
widgetPersistentHTML_hjidHotjarSets a unique ID for the session. This allows the
website to obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical
purposes.PersistentHTML_hjIncludedInPageviewSampleHotjarUsed to detect whether
the user navigation and interactions are included in the website’s data
analytics. 1 dayHTTP_hjIncludedInSessionSampleHotjarRegisters data on visitors'
website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization.
1 statistical data on users'
behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator. data on the user’s navigation and
behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and
heatmaps for the website owner.PersistentHTMLajs_anonymous_idperfalytics.comThis
cookie is used to count how many times a website has been visited by different
visitors - this is done by assigning the visitor an ID, so the visitor does not
get registered twice.PersistentHTMLapc_local_idAppcuesUsed in context with the
VR-content on website. Collects data on who, what and when the content has been
viewed for statistical purposes. PersistentHTMLymexYandexRegisters data on
visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website
optimization. 1 yearHTTPyt-player-headers-readableYouTubeUsed to determine the
optimal video quality based on the visitor's device and network settings.
PersistentHTMLapc_userAppcuesUsed in context with the VR-content on website.
Collects data on who, what and when the content has been viewed for statistical
purposes. data such as visitors' IP
address, geographical location and website navigation - This information is used
for internal optimization and statistics for the website's operator. 29 by the website's owners to
identify how the visitor accessed the website - This is used for statistical
purposes. 29 by the website's owners to
identify how the visitor accessed the website - This is used for statistical
purposes. 29 daysHTTPub-emb-idassets.ubembed.comEnables the website to make
variations of their landing-page. This is used to minimize bounce-rates, which
means that fewer users leave the page
immediately.PersistentHTMLyandexuidYandexRegisters data on visitors'
website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and website optimization.

Marketing cookies collect personal information such as your name, which pages
you have visited on the Website, your history arriving at the Website, your
purchases from us, and so on. Collected information is used to evaluate and
improve the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryTypeIDEGoogleUsed by Google DoubleClick to register and
report the website user's actions after viewing or clicking one of the
advertiser's ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to
present targeted ads to the user.1 yearHTTPpagead/landing [x2]GoogleCollects
data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more
relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of
times that they are shown the same advertisement. SessionPixelfrMeta Platforms,
Inc.Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real
time bidding from third party advertisers.3 monthsHTTPtrMeta Platforms, Inc.Used
by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time
bidding from third party
advertisers.SessionPixelpagead/1p-user-list/#GoogleTracks if the user has shown
interest in specific products or events across multiple websites and detects how
the user navigates between sites. This is used for measurement of advertisement
efforts and facilitates payment of referral-fees between
websites.SessionPixel__ptq.gifHubspotSends data to the marketing platform
Hubspot about the visitor's device and behaviour. Tracks the visitor across
devices and marketing channels.SessionPixelbcookieLinkedInUsed by the social
networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services.2
yearsHTTPbscookieLinkedInUsed by the social networking service, LinkedIn, for
tracking the use of embedded services.2 yearsHTTPlidcLinkedInUsed by the social
networking service, LinkedIn, for tracking the use of embedded services.1
dayHTTPUserMatchHistoryLinkedInUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in
order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. 29
daysHTTP_fbp [x3] Meta Platforms, Inc.Used by Facebook to deliver a series of
advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.3
monthsHTTP_gcl_au [x3]Google
www.wnwd.comUsed by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement
efficiency across websites using their services. 3
monthsHTTPads/ga-audiencesGoogleUsed by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors
that are likely to convert to customers based on the visitor's online behaviour
across websites.SessionPixelNIDGoogleRegisters a unique ID that identifies a
returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.6
monthsHTTPfbssls_#ScribdCollects data on the visitor’s use of the comment system
on the website, and what blogs/articles the visitor has read. This can be used
for marketing purposes. SessionHTMLscribd_ubtcScribdCollects information on user
behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize
the relevance of advertisement on the website.15 yearsHTTPsp_landingSpotifyUsed
to implement audio-content from Spotify on the website. Can also be used to
register user interaction and preferences in context with audio-content - This
can serve statistics and marketing purposes. 1 dayHTTPsp_tSpotifyUsed to
implement audio-content from Spotify on the website. Can also be used to
register user interaction and preferences in context with audio-content - This
can serve statistics and marketing purposes. 1
yearHTTPVISITOR_INFO1_LIVEYouTubeTries to estimate the users' bandwidth on pages
with integrated YouTube videos.179 daysHTTPYSCYouTubeRegisters a unique ID to
keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has
seen.SessionHTTPyt.innertube::nextIdYouTubeRegisters a unique ID to keep
statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has
seen.PersistentHTMLyt.innertube::requestsYouTubeRegisters a unique ID to keep
statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has
seen.PersistentHTMLytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYYouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-cast-availableYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-cast-installedYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-connected-devicesYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-device-idYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-fast-check-periodYouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-appYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-nameYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube videoSessionHTMLlocOracleGeolocation, which
is used to help providers determine how users who share information with each
other are geographically located (state level).13 monthsHTTPuvcOracleDetects how
often the social sharing service, AddThis, encounters the same user.13
monthsHTTPxtcOracleRegisters the user's sharing of content via social media.13
monthsHTTPuuid2AppnexusRegisters a unique ID that identifies a returning user's
device. The ID is used for targeted ads.3 monthsHTTPevents/1/#New RelicPresents
the user with relevant content and advertisement. The service is provided by
third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for
advertisers.SessionPixelMUID [x2]MicrosoftUsed widely by Microsoft as a unique
user ID. The cookie enables user tracking by synchronising the ID across many
Microsoft domains.1 yearHTTPSRM_BMicrosoftTracks the user’s interaction with the
website’s search-bar-function. This data can be used to present the user with
relevant products or services. 1 yearHTTPANONCHKMicrosoftRegisters data on
visitors from multiple visits and on multiple websites. This information is used
to measure the efficiency of advertisement on websites. 1
dayHTTPSMMicrosoftRegisters a unique ID that identifies the user's device during
return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to
allow targeted ads.SessionHTTPELOQUAOracleRegisters a unique ID that identifies
the user's device upon return visits. Used for auto-populating forms and to
validate if a certain contact is registered to an email group.13
monthsHTTPELQSTATUSOracleUsed to auto-populate forms and validate if a given
contact has subscribed to an email group. The cookie is only set if the user
allows tracking.13 monthsHTTP__tld__perfalytics.comUsed to track visitors on
multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the
visitor's preferences. to track
visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based
on the visitor's preferences. 3 monthsHTTP_uetsidMicrosoftCollects data on
visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to present more relevant
advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the number of times that
they are shown the same advertisement. 1 dayHTTP_uetvidMicrosoftUsed to track
visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based
on the visitor's preferences. 1
information of actions that have been carried out by the user during the current
visit to the website, including searches with keywords included.1
dayHTTPajs%3Acookiesperfalytics.comCollects data on visitors. This information
is used to assign visitors into segments, making website advertisement more
efficient. 1 yearHTTPajs%3Atestperfalytics.comCollects data on visitors. This
information is used to assign visitors into segments, making website
advertisement more efficient. 1 yearHTTPmetrika_enabled [x2]
to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant
advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. statistical data
related to the user's website visits, such as the number of visits, average time
spent on the website and what pages have been loaded. The purpose is to segment
the website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical
location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and
understand their target groups to enable customised online advertising.13
monthsHTTPunifiedPixelOutbrainCollects data on the user’s navigation and
behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and
heatmaps for the website owner.SessionPixelvisitor/v200/svrGPOracleCollects data
on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make
advertisement on the website more relevant. SessionPixel__atuvcOracleUpdates the
counter of a website's social sharing features.13 monthsHTTP__atuvsOracleEnsures
that the updated counter is displayed to the user if a page is shared with the
social sharing service, AddThis.1 dayHTTP_at.cwwOracleUsed by the social sharing
platform AddThisPersistentHTML_uetsidMicrosoftUsed to track visitors on multiple
websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's
preferences. PersistentHTML_uetsid_expMicrosoftContains the expiry-date for the
cookie with corresponding name. PersistentHTML_uetvidMicrosoftUsed to track
visitors on multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based
on the visitor's preferences. PersistentHTML_uetvid_expMicrosoftContains the
expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding name.
PersistentHTMLat-lojson-cache-#v1.addthisedge.comUsed by the social sharing
platform AddThisPersistentHTMLat-randOracleUsed by the social sharing platform
AddThisPersistentHTMLeng_mtTaboolaTracks the conversion rate between the user
and the advertisement banners on the website - This serves to optimise the
relevance of the advertisements on the website.
PersistentHTMLoutbrain_cid_fetchOutbrainCollects data on the user’s navigation
and behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and
heatmaps for the website owner.1 in
context with pop-up advertisement-content on the website. The cookie determines
which ads the visitor should be shown, as well as ensuring that the same ads
does not get shown more than intended.29 in context with pop-up
advertisement-content on the website. The cookie determines which ads the
visitor should be shown, as well as ensuring that the same ads does not get
shown more than pop-up
advertisement on the website. pop-up advertisement on the
website. in context with pop-up
advertisement-content on the website. The cookie determines which ads the
visitor should be shown, as well as ensuring that the same ads does not get
shown more than intended.1 pop-up advertisement
on the website. in context with
pop-up advertisement-content on the website. The cookie determines which ads the
visitor should be shown, as well as ensuring that the same ads does not get
shown more than intended.1
pop-up advertisement on the website. 1
in context with pop-up advertisement-content on the website. The cookie
determines which ads the visitor should be shown, as well as ensuring that the
same ads does not get shown more than intended.1 statistical data related
to the user's website visits, such as the number of visits, average time spent
on the website and what pages have been loaded. The purpose is to segment the
website's users according to factors such as demographics and geographical
location, in order to enable media and marketing agencies to structure and
understand their target groups to enable customised online information on
user preferences and/or interaction with web-campaign content - This is used on
CRM-campaign-platform used by website owners for promoting events or information on user
preferences and/or interaction with web-campaign content - This is used on
CRM-campaign-platform used by website owners for promoting events or how the user accessed
the website. This information is used by the website operator in order to
measure the efficiency of their marketing. SessionHTTPyabs-sidYandexRegisters
data on visitors' website-behaviour. This is used for internal analysis and
website optimization. SessionHTTPyuidssYandexCollects information on user
behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize
the relevance of advertisement on the website.1 yearHTTPmp_#_mixpanel [x2]Google
yearsHTTPATNMeta Platforms, Inc. Targets ads based on behavioural profiling and
geographical location.2 yearsHTTP___utmvcComeetCollects information on user
behaviour on multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize
the relevance of advertisement on the website.1 dayHTTPRULGoogleUsed by
DoubleClick to determine whether website advertisement has been properly
displayed - This is done to make their marketing efforts more efficient. 1

Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying,
together with the providers of individual cookies.

NameProviderPurposeExpiryTypeloglevel:c-form-hubspot [x3]
RelicPendingSessionPixelcookie_31.002_queryStringParamsComeetPendingSessionHTMLreferrer31_002 [x3]ComeetPending29
daysHTTPc.gifMicrosoftPendingSessionPixelmp_5375ce67-77a0-4133-8c44-67d0176dc671_perfalytics [x2]Google

Cookie declaration last updated on 6/17/2020 by Cookiebot

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   * Defense & intelligence
 * Solutions
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   * Due diligence
   * Know Your Vessel
   * Sanctions screening
   * Vetting
   * Lead investigation
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