www.nokia.com Open in urlscan Pro
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Submitted URL: http://url7592.nokiaphones.com/ls/click?upn=uK-2BOC6HuVDqYF-2BwJ3NT0td4jAPok2uEr2dcuvBf0KiuxitmiFcfJGuCRYQ4atoWMe31b5-2BdMb7bL9...
Effective URL: https://www.nokia.com/phones/de_de/privacyportal
Submission: On February 18 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

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Text Content

Shopping bag with items Shopping bag loading Facebook Google Warning Chevron
right Arrow upward HMD Global External link Facebook Instagram YouTube Twitter
Mastercard Sofort Klarna

 * Smartphones
 * Feature Phones
 * Tablets
 * Zubehör

 * HMD Global Datenschutzerklärung für Produkte und Dienste
 * Privacy Policy Supplements
   * Zusatz zum Nutzererfahrungsprogramm
   * Ergänzung zu Nokia Phones Care
   * Nokia Smartphone-Konto – Ergänzung
   * Nokia mobile Tribe Supplement
   * CCPA Supplement
   * Zusatz zur Softlock-Lösung
 * B2B Privacy Notice
 * Recruitment Privacy Policy
 * HMD Global Cookie Policy
 * Nokia phones beta labs license terms
 * Nokia phones Android developer preview license terms
 * Nokia phones pilot license terms
 * HMD Global Supplier Code of Conduct
 * HMD Global Purchase Order Terms & Conditions
 * Statements
 * HMD Mobile Supplement

HMD Global Datenschutzerklärung für Produkte und Dienste


Gültig ab dem 1. November 2018

Gültig ab dem 1. November 2018


HMD Global Oy verpflichtet sich, Ihre Privatsphäre zu respektieren und die
geltenden Datenschutz- und Datenschutzgesetze einzuhalten. Diese
Datenschutzerklärung ("Datenschutzerklärung") beschreibt, wie wir
personenbezogene Daten erheben und verwenden, wenn HMD der Datenverantwortliche
ist oder wir auf die Anwendbarkeit dieser Datenschutzerklärung verweisen.
"Personenbezogene Daten" im Sinne dieser Datenschutzerklärung sind Informationen
mit Bezug auf eine identifizierte oder identifizierbare natürliche Person.

Gegebenenfalls werden speziell für ein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung
zusätzliche Datenschutzinformationen in Form von Zusätzen zu dieser
Datenschutzerklärung und weitern Hinweisen angezeigt, wenn Sie Ihre Produkte
oder Dienste benutzen. Bei eventuell auftretenden Widersprüchen haben diese
Informationen gegenüber dieser Datenschutzerklärung Vorrang.

Bitte nehmen Sie sich einen Moment Zeit, um sich mit unseren Richtlinien
vertraut zu machen, und lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn Sie Fragen haben.


Wir erheben Ihre personenbezogenen Daten und andere Informationen, wenn Sie
einen Kauf tätigen, sich für die Nutzung unserer Produkte und Dienste
registrieren, an Kampagnen oder Umfragen teilnehmen oder anderweitig mit uns
interagieren. Dies beinhaltet folgende Kategorien:

 * Aktivierungen von Produkten und Diensten. Produkte und Dienste von HMD
   erfordern möglicherweise eine elektronische Aktivierung. Dabei werden Ihr
   Geräte- und Programmtyp sowie eindeutige Geräte-, Programm-, Netzbetreiber-
   und Abonnementkennungen an HMD gesendet.

 * Verwendung von Produkten und Diensten.
    * Wenn Sie online auf unsere Dienste zugreifen, erstellen unsere Webserver
      automatisch Aufzeichnungen über Ihren Besuch. Zu diesen Daten zählen in
      der Regel: IP-Adresse, Zugriffszeiten, die verlinkten Seiten, besuchte
      Seiten, die verwendeten Links und Funktionen, der betrachtete oder
      angeforderte Inhalt, der Browser- oder Anwendungstyp, die Sprache und
      weitere Informationen dieser Art. Unsere Anwendungen kontaktieren unsere
      Server gegebenenfalls gelegentlich, um z. B. auf Aktualisierungen zu
      prüfen oder um uns Informationen über die Nutzung des Dienstes zu senden.
    * Verbesserungsprogramme. Wir können Sie zu freiwilligen Produkt- und
      Serviceverbesserungs- oder Umfrageprogrammen einladen, bei denen
      detaillierte Informationen erhoben werden. Weitere Informationen finden
      Sie im Zusatz zu unserem Nutzererfahrungsprogramm.
    * Positions- und Standortdaten. Standortbasierte Dienste ermitteln Ihren
      genauen oder ungefähren Standort entweder mithilfe von Satelliten-,
      Mobilfunk-, WLAN- oder anderen netzwerkbasierten Positionierungsmethoden.
      Diese Technologien können den Austausch Ihrer Standortdaten und
      eindeutigen Geräte- und Mobilfunk-, WLAN- oder anderen netzwerkbezogenen
      Kennungen mit HMD umfassen. Ohne Ihre Einwilligung nutzen wir diese Daten
      nicht, um Sie zu identifizieren.

 * Informationen, die Sie uns geben. Wenn Sie ein Konto erstellen, einen Kauf
   tätigen, Dienste anfordern, an Umfragen oder Kampagnen teilnehmen oder
   anderweitig mit uns interagieren, bitten wir Sie gegebenenfalls um die Angabe
   von Informationen über Sie. Dazu zählen unter anderem: Namen, E-Mail-Adresse,
   Telefonnummer, Adresse, Benutzername und Passwörter, Feedback, Geräteangaben,
   Alter, Geschlecht und Sprache, Bankkontonummer, Kreditkartendaten und andere
   solche finanzielle Informationen. Außerdem speichern wir Daten über Ihre
   Einwilligungen, Präferenzen und Einstellungen z. B. in Bezug auf
   Standortdaten, Marketing und Freigabe von personenbezogenen Daten.

 * Informationen, die wir von Dritten erhalten. Wir erhalten bestimmte
   Informationen von externen Drittanbietern von sozialen Netzwerkdiensten, z.
   B. wenn Sie sich bei Ihrem Konto anmelden, indem Sie die Anmeldedaten für Ihr
   soziales Netzwerkkonto verwenden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem
   Zusatz zum Konto für Nokia Telefonen.

 * Ihre Transaktionen mit uns. Wir speichern Daten über Ihre Einkäufe,
   Downloads, die Angaben, die Sie uns gegenüber gemacht haben, Ihre Anfragen,
   die Ihnen gelieferten Produkte und Dienste, Einzelheiten zu Zahlungen und
   Lieferungen, Ihre Kontakte und Kommunikation und andere Interaktionen mit
   uns. Soweit rechtlich zulässig, zeichnen wir möglicherweise Ihre
   Kommunikation mit unserem Kundendienst oder ähnlichen Anlaufstellen auf.


HMD verarbeitet Ihre personenbezogenen Daten zu den folgenden Zwecken. Es können
auch mehrere Zwecke gleichzeitig zutreffen.

 * Bereitstellung von Produkten und Diensten. Wir verwenden Ihre
   personenbezogenen Daten, um Ihnen unsere Produkte und Dienste zur Verfügung
   zu stellen, Ihre Anfragen zu bearbeiten oder auf andere erforderliche Weise,
   um den Vertrag zwischen Ihnen und HMD zu erfüllen, die Funktionalität und
   Sicherheit unserer Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu gewährleisten und Sie zu
   identifizieren sowie auch zur Verhinderung und Untersuchung von Betrug und
   anderen Missbrauch. Beispielsweise verwenden wir Geräteaktivierungsdaten, um
   Ihre Gerätegarantie zu aktivieren und Ihnen damit verbundene
   Kundendienstleistungen zur Verfügung zu stellen.
 * Produkte und Dienste personalisieren. Wir verwenden Ihre personenbezogenen
   Daten, um unsere Produkte und Dienste, die Sie verwenden, zu personalisieren
   und Ihnen weitere relevante Dienste anzubieten, die Ihrem Profil und Ihren
   Interessen entsprechen, z. B. um Empfehlungen zu geben und angepasste Inhalte
   in unseren Diensten anzuzeigen.
 * Konten. Für einige Dienste ist ein Konto erforderlich, mit dem Sie Ihre
   Inhalte und Einstellungen verwalten können. Weitere Informationen finden Sie
   in unserem Zusatz zum Konto für Nokia Telefone.
 * Entwicklung von Produkten und Diensten. Wir verwenden Ihre personenbezogenen
   Daten, um unsere Produkte, Dienstleistungen, Kundenbetreuung, Verkauf und
   Marketing zu entwickeln. Sie können beispielsweise an unserem
   Nutzererfahrungsprogramm teilnehmen, um uns Ihre personenbezogenen Daten zur
   Verbesserung der Qualität und Leistung unserer Produkte und Services zur
   Verfügung zu stellen. Weitere Informationen darüber, wie wir Ihre
   personenbezogenen Daten zur Entwicklung unserer Produkte und Dienste
   verwenden, finden Sie im Zusatz zu unserem Nutzererfahrungsprogramm. Wir
   können personenbezogene Daten, die im Zusammenhang mit Ihrer Nutzung eines
   bestimmten HMD Produkts und/oder Dienstes gesammelt werden, mit anderen
   personenbezogenen Daten, die wir über Sie haben, kombinieren, sofern diese
   personenbezogenen Daten nicht für einen anderen Zweck erhoben wurden.
 * Kommunikation mit Ihnen. Wir verwenden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, um mit
   Ihnen zu kommunizieren, zum Beispiel um Sie zu informieren, dass sich unsere
   Dienstleistungen geändert haben, oder um Ihnen wichtige Benachrichtigungen
   und andere solche Mitteilungen in Bezug auf unsere Produkte und/oder
   Dienstleistungen zu senden und Sie für Zwecke der Kundenbetreuung zu
   kontaktieren. Weitere Informationen darüber, wie wir Ihre personenbezogenen
   Daten nutzen, um Ihnen unsere Kundendienstleistungen bereitzustellen, finden
   Sie in unserem Zusatz zu Nokia Mobile Care.
 * Marketing. Falls Sie uns Ihre Einwilligung gegeben haben oder es anderweitig
   zulässig ist, nutzen wir Ihre Daten, um Kontakt mit Ihnen aufzunehmen, Sie
   über neue Produkte, Dienste oder Werbeaktionen zu informieren und
   Marktforschung zu betreiben. Wir können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten dazu
   verwenden, unser Angebot zu personalisieren und Ihnen relevantere
   Dienstleistungen anzubieten, die Ihrem Profil und Ihren Interessen
   entsprechen, beispielsweise für Marketingzwecke, um angepasste Inhalte in
   unseren Diensten anzuzeigen und Empfehlungen zu Zubehör zu geben. Dies können
   Inhalte von HMD und anderen Anbietern sein.


HMD verarbeitet Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nur, wenn dies gesetzlich zulässig
ist. Die Verarbeitung beruht auf folgenden Rechtsgrundlagen:

 * Vertrag. Die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten ist notwendig für die
   Erfüllung eines Vertrages zwischen Ihnen und HMD. Wir verwenden Ihre
   personenbezogenen Daten, um Ihnen unsere Produkte und Dienste zur Verfügung
   zu stellen und deren Funktionalität und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Wenn Sie
   uns die erforderlichen Informationen nicht zur Verfügung stellen, können wir
   Ihnen das Produkt oder den Dienst nicht bereitstellen. Der Vertrag ist die
   Grundlage für die Verarbeitung, zum Beispiel in den folgenden Fällen:
    * Wir erheben notwendige personenbezogene Daten, um die Zahlung zu
      verarbeiten und Ihre Einkäufe zu liefern.
    * Wir kommunizieren beispielsweise mit Ihnen, um Sie über Software-Updates
      zu informieren, Ihnen wichtige Warnmeldungen und andere wichtige Hinweise
      zu unseren Produkten und/oder Dienstleistungen zuzusenden und Sie für
      Kundendienstzwecke zu kontaktieren.

 * Berechtigtes Interesse. HMD verarbeitet personenbezogene Daten, wenn dies für
   berechtigte Interessen von HMD erforderlich ist. Berechtigtes Interesse
   bezieht sich auf ein Interesse, das für HMD rechtmäßig und wichtig ist. Bei
   der Verarbeitung berechtigter Interessen werden Ihre Rechte berücksichtigt
   und mit den Interessen von HMD in Einklang gebracht. Sie können weitere
   Informationen über die Tests zur Interessenabwägung erhalten, indem Sie uns
   kontaktieren. Sie haben das Recht, der Verarbeitung aufgrund berechtigter
   Interessen zu widersprechen. Weitere Informationen, was Ihre Rechte sind und
   wie Sie mit uns Kontakt aufnehmen können, finden Sie im Abschnitt "Was sind
   Ihre Rechte"? Berechtigtes Interesse bildet beispielsweise in den
   nachfolgenden Fällen die Grundlage für die Verarbeitung:
    * Sie aktivieren Produkte und Dienste von HMD elektronisch und Ihr Gerät und
      Anwendungstyp sowie eindeutige Geräte-, Anwendungs-, Netzwerk- und
      Abonnement-IDs werden an HMD gesendet.
    * Wir kontaktieren Sie, um Sie über neue ähnliche Produkte oder Dienste zu
      informieren, die Sie zuvor von uns erhalten haben.
    * Wir können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten dazu verwenden, unser Angebot zu
      personalisieren und Ihnen relevantere Dienstleistungen anzubieten, die
      Ihrem Profil und Ihren Interessen entsprechen, beispielsweise, um
      Empfehlungen zu geben und angepasste Inhalte und Marketinginformationen in
      unseren Diensten anzuzeigen. Die kann die Anzeige von Inhalten von HMD und
      Dritten beinhalten.
    * Wir analysieren Informationen über Ihre Interessen, Ihr Kaufverhalten und
      Ihr Feedback, um unsere Geschäftsabläufe, Produkte und Dienste zu
    * Wir verarbeiten personenbezogene Daten, um Betrug und andere
      missbräuchliche Verwendung zu verhindern und zu untersuchen sowie um die
      legitimen Interessen von HMD zu verteidigen, z. B. in zivil- oder
      strafrechtlichen Verfahren.

 * Einwilligung. Die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten kann von Ihrer
   Einwillung abhängig abhängen. In diesen Fällen bitten wir um Ihre
   Einwilligung, bevor Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeitet werden. Die
   Erteilung der Einwilligung ist immer freiwillig und Sie haben jederzeit die
   Möglichkeit, Ihre Einwilligung zu widerrufen. Der Widerruf der Einwilligung
   hat keinen Einfluss auf die Rechtmäßigkeit der Verarbeitung auf der Basis der
   Zustimmung vor dem Widerruf. Wir führen Aufzeichnungen über Ihre
   Einwilligungen, Präferenzen und Einstellungen, beispielsweise in Bezug auf
   Marketing, Standortdaten und den Austausch von personenbezogenen Daten. Die
   Einwilligung bildet die Grundlage für die Verarbeitung in den folgenden
    * Sie nehmen am Nutzererfahrungsprogramm teil, und wir erheben Details
      darüber, wie Sie ein bestimmtes Produkt und/oder einen bestimmten Service
      von HMD nutzen. Wir nutzen die Daten, um unsere Produkte und Dienste zu
      verbessern. Sie können Ihre Einwilligung in den Einstellungen Ihres Geräts
      widerrufen. Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Zusatz zu
      unserem Nutzererfahrungsprogramm.
    * Sie abonnieren unsere Mailingliste, um sich über neue Produkte, Dienste
      und Werbeaktionen zu informieren. Sie können Ihre Einwilligung für das
      Marketing widerrufen, indem Sie den Link zum Abbestellen unten im
      Newsletter verwenden.
    * Der Dienst erfordert ein Konto, mit dem Sie Ihre Inhalte und Einstellungen
      verwalten können. Sie können Ihre Einwilligungen für die Verarbeitung in
      den Einstellungen Ihres Kontos verwalten.
    * Die Verwendung von Produkten und Diensten von HMD kann die Verwendung von
      Standortdaten auf der Grundlage Ihrer Einwilligung beinhalten. Sie können
      Ihre Zustimmung zur Verarbeitung von Standortdaten in den Einstellungen
      Ihres Geräts oder Ihrer Anwendung widerrufen.

 * Rechtliche Verpflichtung. HMD muss möglicherweise Ihre personenbezogenen
   Daten verarbeiten, um die gesetzlichen Anforderungen zu erfüllen, denen HMD
   unterliegt. HMD kann zum Beispiel eine gesetzliche Verpflichtung haben, Ihre
   personenbezogenen Daten bei Aufforderung an die Behörden weiterzugeben.


Wir verkaufen oder vermieten Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht an Dritte. Wir
geben Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nur in folgenden Situationen an Dritte

 * HMD Unternehmen und autorisierte Dritte. Wir können Ihre personenbezogenen
   Daten an andere HMD Unternehmen oder autorisierten Dritten weitergeben, die
   personenbezogene Daten für HMD zu den in dieser Datenschutzerklärung
   beschriebenen Zwecken verarbeiten. Dazu zählen beispielsweise: Abrechnung
   über Ihren Netzwerkdienstanbieter oder auf andere Weise, Lieferung Ihrer
   Einkäufe, Bereitstellung von Dienstleistungen einschließlich Kundenservice,
   Verwaltung und Analyse von Kundendaten, Bonitätsprüfungen und Durchführung
   von Recherchen. Wenn Sie ein HMD Produkt erwerben, müssen wir möglicherweise
   Informationen mit Ihrem Netzwerkdienstanbieter austauschen. Diese Dritten
   sind nicht berechtigt, Ihre personenbezogenen Daten für andere Zwecke zu
   verwenden. Wir verpflichten sie, diese Richtlinien konsequent einzuhalten und
   angemessene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zum Schutz Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu
 * Marketing. Wir können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten mit unseren
   Marketing-Partnern teilen, zum Beispiel zur Verwaltung von
   Marketing-Kampagnen. Wir können gemeinsame Marketing- und andere
   Kommunikation mit unseren Partnern durchführen. Um mehrfache oder unnötige
   Kommunikation zu vermeiden und den Nachrichteninhalt an Sie anzupassen,
   müssen wir möglicherweise Informationen, die HMD gesammelt hat, mit
   Informationen, die der Partner gesammelt hat, abgleichen, sofern dies
   gesetzlich zulässig ist. Unsere Marketingpartner dürfen Ihre
   personenbezogenen Daten nicht für andere Zwecke verwenden. Wir verpflichten
   sie, diese Richtlinien konsequent einzuhalten und angemessene
   Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zum Schutz Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu ergreifen.
 * Internationale Übermittlungen personenbezogener Daten. Unsere Produkte und
   Dienste werden mithilfe von Ressourcen und Servern in verschiedenen Ländern
   und Regionen auf der ganzen Welt bereitgestellt. Dazu zählen beispielsweise
   die Europäische Union, die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Singapur und
   China. Daher können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten über internationale Grenzen
   hinweg außerhalb des Landes, in dem Sie unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen
   nutzen, übertragen werden, auch in Länder außerhalb des Europäischen
   Wirtschaftsraums (EWR), in denen keine spezifischen Datenschutzgesetze oder
   andere gesetzliche Bestimmungen zum Datenschutz existieren. In solchen Fällen
   stellen wir sicher, dass eine Rechtsgrundlage für eine solche Übertragung
   besteht und dass ein angemessener Schutz Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten gemäß
   geltendem Recht gewährleistet ist, z. B. durch die Verwendung von
   Standardvereinbarungen, die (gegebenenfalls) von den zuständigen Behörden
   genehmigt wurden, und durch Verpflichtung zur Verwendung anderer geeigneter
   technischer und organisatorischer Informationssicherheitsmaßnahmen.
 * Obligatorische Offenlegungen. Wir sind möglicherweise gesetzlich
   verpflichtet, Ihre personenbezogenen Daten an bestimmte Behörden oder andere
   Dritte weiterzugeben, beispielsweise an Strafverfolgungsbehörden in den
   Ländern, in denen wir oder Dritte, die in unserem Auftrag handeln, tätig
   sind. Wir können Ihre personenbezogenen Daten auch in Übereinstimmung mit
   geltendem Recht offenlegen und anderweitig verarbeiten, um die berechtigten
   Interessen von HMD zu verteidigen, beispielsweise in zivil- oder
   strafrechtlichen Verfahren.
 * Fusionen und Übernahmen. Wenn wir uns dazu entschließen, unsere
   Geschäftsbereiche in bestimmten Ländern zu verkaufen, zu kaufen, zu
   fusionieren oder anderweitig zu reorganisieren, können wir personenbezogene
   Daten an potenzielle oder tatsächliche Käufer und deren Berater weitergeben
   oder personenbezogene Daten von Verkäufern und ihren Beratern erhalten.


Produkte und Dienste von HMD sind normalerweise für allgemeine Zielgruppen
bestimmt. HMD erhebt wissentlich keine Informationen von Kindern ohne die
Zustimmung ihrer Eltern oder Erziehungsberechtigten.


Datenschutz und Sicherheit sind wichtige Aspekte bei der Erstellung und
Lieferung unserer Produkte und Dienste. Wir haben spezifische Zuständigkeiten
zugewiesen, um Datenschutz- und Sicherheitsfragen zu handhaben. Wir setzen
unsere internen Richtlinien und Weisungen durch eine angemessene Auswahl von
Aktivitäten durch. Dazu zählen proaktives und reaktives Risikomanagement,
Sicherheits- und Datenschutz-Engineering, Schulungen und Assessments. Wir
ergreifen geeignete Maßnahmen, um die Online-Sicherheit, die physische
Sicherheit, das Risiko von Datenverlusten und andere derartige Risiken zu
kontrollieren. Dabei berücksichtigen wir das Risiko, das durch die Verarbeitung
und die Art der geschützten Daten entsteht. Außerdem beschränken wir den Zugriff
auf unsere Datenbanken mit personenbezogenen Daten auf bevollmächtigte Personen
mit einer berechtigten Notwendigkeit zum Zugriff auf diese Informationen.


HMD verwendet Cookies und andere ähnliche Technologien, um unsere Websites zu
betreiben und unser Angebot zu verbessern. Außerdem nutzen wir Cookies zur
Individualisierung und Anzeige von Werbung. Einige HMD Websites nutzen
Werbetechnologien Dritter wie beispielsweise DoubleClick, um Anzeigen abrufen zu
können. Auf unseren Domains können sich auch Fremdelemente befinden, die im
Auftrag Dritter Cookies hinterlegen, z. B. in Bezug auf ein soziales Netzwerk.
Weitere Informationen zur Verwendung von Cookies finden Sie in unserer


Wir ergreifen angemessene Maßnahmen, um die in unserem Besitz befindlichen
personenbezogenen Daten korrekt zu halten und falsche oder unnötige
personenbezogene Daten zu löschen.

Die Aufbewahrungsfristen variieren je nach Art der Daten sowie des jeweiligen
Dienstes oder Produkts. Die Aufbewahrungsdauer Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten
richtet sich nach den folgenden Kriterien:

DatentypAufbewahrungsdauerInformationen zur Produkt- und Dienstaktivierung (z. B
eindeutige Geräte-, Anwendungs-, Netzwerk- und Subskriptionskennungen)Die Daten
bleiben während der Garantiezeit und 24 Monate nach Ablauf der Garantiezeit
erhalten.Daten zum Nutzererfahrungsprogramm (z. B. IMEI, Stabilität,
Akkustatus)Die Daten werden so lange aufbewahrt, bis 6 Monate nach der
Datenerhebung verstrichen sind oder Sie Ihre Einwilligung für die Verarbeitung
widerrufen.Kontoinformationen (z. B, Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Benutzernamen,
Passwörter)Die Daten werden so lange aufbewahrt, wie das Konto aktiv ist. Wenn
das Konto 24 Monate lang inaktiv war, werden die Daten gelöscht.Informationen
zum Kauf (z. B. Aufzeichnungen über Einkäufe und Downloads, Bankkontonummer,
Kreditkartendetails)Zur Einhaltung der Rechnungslegungsvorschriften werden die
Daten nach Erhebung der Daten für 10 Jahre aufbewahrt.Kommunikations- und
Interaktionsinformationen (z. B. Name, E-Mail, Anfragen)Die Daten bleiben 24
Monate nach der Datenerfassung erhalten.

Darüber hinaus unterliegt HMD den gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen, die Daten im
Einklang mit den geltenden Gesetzen aufzubewahren.


Sie haben das Recht zu erfahren, welche personenbezogenen Daten wir über Sie
besitzen, wie nachstehend angegeben. Sie haben das Recht, unvollständige,
falsche oder veraltete personenbezogene Daten zu vervollständigen oder zu
aktualisieren. In bestimmten Fällen haben Sie ein Recht auf Löschung,
Beschränkung oder Datenübertragbarkeit oder Sie können der Verarbeitung Ihrer
personenbezogenen Daten widersprechen. Sie können Ihre Rechte geltend machen,
indem Sie Ihr Konto und Ihre Auswahl über die verfügbaren Tools zur
Profilverwaltung auf Ihrem Gerät und unseren Services verwalten oder indem Sie
uns kontaktieren. In einigen Fällen, insbesondere wenn Sie möchten, dass wir
Ihre personenbezogenen Daten löschen oder deren Verarbeitung einstellen, kann
dies dazu führen, dass wir Ihnen die Dienste nicht mehr zur Verfügung stellen

 * Auskunftsrecht. Sie haben das Recht zu erfahren, welche personenbezogenen
   Daten wir über Sie besitzen, oder eine Bestätigung zu erhalten, dass wir
   keine Daten über Sie verarbeiten. Sie können über die Einstellungen Ihres
   Kontos auf Ihre Daten zugreifen. Sie können das Auskunftsrecht über Ihre
   Daten auch geltend machen, indem Sie die unten angegebenen Kontaktdaten
 * Recht auf Berichtigung. Sie haben das Recht, die Berichtigung unvollständiger
   oder unrichtiger personenbezogener Daten zu verlangen. Sie können Ihre Daten
   über die Einstellungen Ihres Kontos korrigieren und aktualisieren. Wir
   empfehlen Ihnen, dies von gelegentlich zu tun, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre
   personenbezogenen Daten auf dem neuesten Stand sind. Sie können auch eine
   Berichtigung oder Vervollständigung Ihrer Daten beantragen, indem Sie die
   unten angegebenen Kontaktdaten verwenden.
 * Recht auf Vergessenwerden. Sie haben das Recht, Ihre personenbezogenen Daten
   in bestimmten Situationen löschen zu lassen, beispielsweise wenn die
   Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten für die Zwecke, zu denen sie erhoben wurden, nicht
   mehr erforderlich ist oder wenn die Verarbeitung auf Ihrer Einwilligung
   beruht und Sie Ihre Einwilligung widerrufen möchten und keine anderen
   Grundlagen für die Verarbeitung vorliegen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Daten
   für die Durchführung des Vertrags zwischen Ihnen und HMD erforderlich sein
   können oder HMD zwingende Gründe für die Aufbewahrung bestimmter Daten haben
   kann. Wenn Sie solche Informationen löschen möchten, können wir Ihnen
   möglicherweise die Dienste nicht mehr bereitstellen. Sie können Ihre Daten
   über die Einstellungen Ihres Kontos oder über die unten angegebenen
   Kontaktdaten löschen.
 * Widerspruchsrecht. Wenn die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten auf
   einem berechtigten Interesse beruht, haben Sie das Recht, dieser Verarbeitung
   zu widersprechen. Sie können beantragen, dass wir Ihre personenbezogenen
   Daten nicht mehr für Direktmarketing- oder Profilierungszwecke verarbeiten.
   Sie können unseren Newsletter abbestellen, indem Sie auf den Abmelde-Link
   unten in unseren Newslettern klicken. Wichtige Warnungen und andere wichtige
   Hinweise werden möglicherweise noch an Sie gesendet. Sie Ihr Widerrufsrecht
   über die Einstellungen Ihres Kontos oder mithilfe der unten angegebenen
   Kontaktangaben geltend machen.
 * Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung. In bestimmten Situationen haben Sie
   möglicherweise das Recht, die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten einzuschränken. Wenn
   die Verarbeitung eingeschränkt wurde, werden Ihre Daten nur gespeichert und
   nicht weiter verarbeitet. Wenn Sie beispielsweise die Richtigkeit Ihrer Daten
   bestreiten, haben Sie das Recht, die beanstandeten Daten so lange einer
   Verarbeitungsbeschränkung zu unterwerfen, bis sichergestellt ist, dass Ihre
   Daten korrekt sind. Sie können die Verarbeitung mit den folgenden
   Kontaktdaten einschränken.
 * Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit. Wenn die Verarbeitung automatisiert und
   aufgrund eines Vertrags oder einer Einwilligung erfolgt, haben Sie das Recht,
   die Daten, die Sie HMD zur Verfügung gestellt haben, in einem
   maschinenlesbaren Format zu erhalten, damit Sie sie an einen anderen
   Verantwortlichen übertragen können. Dies kann über die Einstellungen Ihres
   Kontos oder über die unten angegebenen Kontaktdaten erfolgen.

Wenn Sie Ihre Rechte nicht direkt über die von Ihnen verwendeten HMD Produkte
und Dienste wahrnehmen können, erreichen Sie uns über das

 * Kontoportal für Nokia Telefone: www.nokia.com/phones/sso/login
 * Kundendienst: www.nokia.com/de_de/phones/support#contact-us
 * Support-Anwendung auf Ihrem Nokia Telefon
 * Mail: HMD Global Oy, c/o Privacy, Bertel Jungin aukio 9, 02600 Espoo,

Sie können Informationen über die Einzelheiten über die oben erwähnten
Übermittlungen an Dritte, Drittländer und Sicherheitsvorkehrungen anfordern,
indem Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung setzen. Wenn Sie der Meinung sind, dass HMD
ungeachtet der in der Datenschutzerklärung und den entsprechenden Ergänzungen
festgelegten Grundsätze Ihre Rechte gemäß geltendem Datenschutzrecht verletzt,
haben Sie das Recht, eine Beschwerde bei der Datenschutzbehörde einzureichen.


HMD Global Oy ist der Verantwortliche für Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, wenn die
personenbezogenen Daten in Verbindung mit Ihrem Nokia Telefon, Nokia
Telefon-Konto und anderen damit verbundenen Dienstleistungen verarbeitet werden.
Unser Datenschutzbeauftragter ist Jari Koljonen.

Für Angelegenheiten in Bezug auf die Datenschutzpraktiken von HMD erreichen Sie
uns auch unter:

HMD Global Oy, c/o Privacy, Bertel Jungin aukio 9, 02600 Espoo, Finnland

Unsere Produkte oder Dienste können Links auf Internetseiten und Dienste anderer
Unternehmen enthalten, die eigene Datenschutzerklärungen haben. Die Nennung
derartiger Links zu solchen Websites und Diensten erfolgt ausschließlich für
Ihren Komfort. Vor der Übermittlung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten an Dritte
empfiehlt HMD, sich mit den Datenschutzerklärungen dieser Drittanbieter vertraut
zu machen.


HMD behält sich vor, diese Datenschutzerklärung gelegentlich zu aktualisieren,
um Änderungen in unseren Verarbeitungsprozessen für personenbezogene Daten in
Bezug auf unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen oder geltendes Recht
einzuarbeiten. Änderungen an dieser Datenschutzerklärung finden Sie im Abschnitt
"Was wurde geändert?" des Datenschutzportals von HMD
(www.nokia.com/phones/privacyportal). Wir werden außerdem am Beginn dieser
Datenschutzerklärung angeben, wann diese zuletzt aktualisiert wurde.


Effective date May 25, 2018

Sie können HMD Global helfen, die Qualität und Leistung von Nokia Telefonen zu
verbessern. Wenn Sie am Nutzererfahrungsprogramm teilnehmen, erfassen wir
technische Details Ihres Telefons und Ihrer Dienste sowie Informationen dazu,
wie diese funktionieren und wie Sie sie verwenden.

Die Daten werden beispielsweise für folgende Zwecke verwendet:

 * Verbessern des Telefons und der Anwendungen
 * Verlängern der Akkulaufzeit
 * Bereitstellung weiterer nützlicher Funktionen und Dienste
 * Personalisieren unserer Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die Sie verwenden,
   sowie Anbieten weiterer relevanter Dienste, die Ihrem Profil und Ihren
   Interessen entsprechen, z. B. um Empfehlungen zu geben sowie angepasste
   Inhalte und Werbung in unseren Diensten anzuzeigen.

Zu den erhobenen Informationen zählen beispielsweise:

 * Telefon-Identifikationsnummer (IMEI)
 * Telefonmodell
 * Telefonsystem und Anwendungsversion
 * Mobile Landeskennzahl (MCC)
 * Geografischer Standort (in der Nähe des WLAN-Zugriffspunkts oder
 * Mobile Netzkennung (MNC)
 * IP-Adresse
 * Akkustand
 * Installierte Anwendungen und Software
 * Verwendete Links und Funktionen
 * Häufigkeit der Nutzung von Anwendungen
 * Informationen über Abstürze und Fehler der Software

Wir verwenden die erhobenen Daten nicht, um Sie als Person zu identifizieren. Es
ist jedoch möglich, die Nutzungsdaten mit Ihrem Telefon anhand der erfassten
Gerätekennungen (z. B. IMEI) zu kombinieren. Die Nutzungsdaten werden nur mit
Ihrem Telefon verknüpft, um die Funktionalität und Leistung des Telefons und der
Dienste zu verbessern und unser Angebot zu personalisieren. Wenn wir zum
Beispiel bemerken, dass das Mobiltelefon viel Akkuleistung verbraucht, können
wir Einstellungen empfehlen, um die Akkulaufzeit zu verlängern. Wir können die
erhobenen Daten an externe App-Entwickler weitergeben, um diese bei der
Verbesserung ihrer Anwendungen und Dienste zu unterstützen. Die weitergegebenen
Daten sind anonym und lassen keinen Rückschluss auf Ihre Person oder Ihr Gerät

Der Aktivierungsort (GPS) wird einmal während der Telefonaktivierung erfasst,
wenn der Benutzer dem Nutzererfahrungsprogramm beigetreten ist. Wenn der
Benutzer dem Nutzererfahrungsprogramm nicht beitritt, wird der Aktivierungsort
(GPS) nicht erfasst.

Sie können das Nutzererfahrungsprogramm über Ihre Geräteeinstellungen


Effective date October 07, 2021

Nokia Phones Care ist der Online-Verbraucherservice von HMD Global, an den du
dich wenden kannst, wenn du eine Frage oder ein Anliegen zu unseren Produkten
oder Dienstleistungen hast. Du kannst uns über die Support-Anwendung auf deinem
Smartphone oder über den Nokia Phones Care-Chat oder das E-Mail-Formular auf der
Website von Nokia Phones erreichen. In einigen Ländern bieten wir außerdem einen
telefonischen Service an.

Die von dir an Nokia Phones Care übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten werden
zum Zwecke der Kundenbetreuung, der Beantwortung von Verbraucheranfragen und der
Entwicklung unserer Dienste und Produkte verarbeitet.

Abhängig von deiner Anfrage und der Art der Kontaktaufnahme können wir die
folgenden Informationen erfassen:

 * Name
 * E-Mail-Adresse
 * Land
 * IP-Adresse
 * Gesprächsprotokoll
 * Technische Daten zum Smartphone
 * Mobilgeräte- und Software-Kennungen, z. B. IMEI, PSN und Software-Version
 * In den Ländern, in denen unser telefonischer Service verfügbar ist, erfassen
   wir außerdem deine Telefonnummer

Wir können deine Telefon-Identifikationsnummer (IMEI) oder Telefon-Seriennummer
(PSN) anfordern, um die Garantiezeit deines Telefons zu überprüfen.

Frühere Versionen dieses Dokuments findest du hier:

 * 16. September 2019
 * 25. Mai 2018


Effective date: May 25, 2018

Das Nokia Smartphone-Konto ermöglicht dir den Zugriff auf die Online-Dienste und
persönlichen Daten, die mit deinem Profil und Gerät verbunden sind. Deine
persönlichen Daten werden verarbeitet, um den Zugriff auf und die Kontrolle über
deine Daten zu ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus können wir damit unser Angebot
personalisieren und relevanter sowie sinnvoller mit dir kommunizieren.

Du kannst ein Nokia Smartphone-Konto erstellen, indem du deine E-Mail-Adresse
oder Konten von Google oder Facebook verwendest. Abhängig von der Anmeldemethode
werden die folgenden Informationen erfasst:

 * Name

 * E-Mail-Adresse und Passwort

 * Telefonnummer

 * Land

 * Registrierungsdatum

 * Eindeutige Kennung, die deinem Konto zugewiesen wurde

Die Kontoinformationen werden mit anderen persönlichen Daten kombiniert, die du
uns durch die Nutzung deines Nokia Smartphones und unserer Dienste zur Verfügung
gestellt hast. Zu den erfassten Daten gehören zum Beispiel:

 * Bestellverlauf aus dem Nokia Smartphone Onlineshop

 * Garantie- und Reparaturinformationen

 * Kommunikation mit dem Kundenservice

 * Teilnahme an Nokia Beta Labs


Effective date May 25, 2019

Nokia mobile Tribe is HMD’s voluntary program for both phone users and persons
who work for HMD or who promote, market, distribute or sells Nokia branded
mobile devices and accessories. The program is used for information sharing and
training purposes (learning program), as well as in selected markets for running
an incentive program for the phone retailers (incentive program) and for the
field force management program. You can use the program via the Nokia mobile
Tribe application on your phone. This app provides you access to the Nokia
mobile Tribe learning, field force and incentive programs and any other events
and activities which may be offered under Nokia mobile Tribe. The purpose of
Nokia mobile Tribe is to enable better information sharing and communication,
creating stronger sales based on performance and to act as an engagement tool
for salespeople.

Your personal data is processed, for example, for the following purposes:

 * Improvement of HMD’s services, including help desk improvements, research,
   marketing, product development and planning, marketing of products
 * Operations and development of the Nokia mobile Tribe application, including
   enabling the joining and using of the application and for mapping user
 * Connection of reported sales with right salespeople and identification of
   correct distributor and retailer for facilitation of stocking property
 * Compliance with legal obligations based on mandatory law
 * Fraud prevention purposes
 * Payment processing

The collected information includes, for example:

 * First name and last name
 * Phone number
 * Email address
 * Country of residence
 * Activity submissions such as photo card and video card submission
 * IP address
 * Date of birth (optional)
 * Address with city and zip code (optional)
 * User’s profile photo (optional)

We can share the collected personal data with a third-party app developer to
help them improving the application and the Nokia mobile Tribe program. In
connection with the incentive program, we also share your internal ID and e-mail
ID with payment vendors to enable them to perform the payments.
You can opt out from the Nokia mobile Tribe program by deleting your profile
from the application on your phone.


Effective date April 6, 2020

HMD is complying with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), which
is a California data protection regulation that enhances the rights and customer
protection of California residents. This supplement supplements HMD Global
Privacy Policy for products and services and applies only to individuals
residing in California from whom we collect personal information as defined in
the CCPA (“Personal Information”).

How do we collect, use and share your personal information?

Information regarding the categories of Personal Information we process, the
purposes for the processing of each category, and how we share your Personal
Information are described in detail in HMD Global Privacy Policy for products
and services.

In the preceding twelve (12) months, we have not sold Personal Information to
any third parties, including data aggregators.

What are your California consumer rights?

If you are a California resident, as defined in the California Code of
Regulations, you have the following rights under the CCPA:

 * Right to know and access

You have the right to submit a verifiable request for information regarding the:

 * Categories of Personal Information collected or disclosed by us,
 * purposes for which categories of Personal Information are collected by us,
 * categories of sources from which we collect Personal Information, and
 * specific pieces of Personal Information we have collected about you during
   the past twelve (12) months.

We will provide you with the information in a portable and, to the greatest
extent possible, readily useable format once we have received and validated your

You can find more information about the collection, use and sharing of your
Personal Information from HMD Global Privacy Policy for products and services.

 * Right to erasure

You have the right to request deletion of your Personal Information, subject to
certain exceptions. We will delete your Personal Information and direct our
service providers to do so once we have received and validated your request,
unless an exception applies.

 * Right to fair treatment

You have the right not to receive discriminatory treatment for the exercise of
your CCPA consumer rights, subject to certain limitations.

 * How can you exercise your rights?

If you cannot exercise the above described rights directly through the HMD
products and services you use, you can contact us and submit your request via:

 * Phone: +1 833 766 5420
 * Nokia phones account portal: www.nokia.com/phones/sso/login
 * Customer support: www.nokia.com/phones/en_int/support#contact-us
 * Support application in your Nokia phone
 * Mail: HMD Global Oy, c/o Privacy, Bertel Jungin aukio 9, 02600 Espoo, Finland

You have the right to make a free request two times in any 12-month period. We
will make the disclosure within 45 days of receiving your request, unless we
request an extension. In the event that we reasonably need a 45-day extension,
we will notify you of the extension within the initial 45-day period.

Changes to the CCPA Supplement

We reserve the right to amend this supplement at our discretion and at any time
(at least every 12 months). When we make changes to this supplement, we will
notify you by email or through a notice on our website.


Gültig ab: 15. Juni 2021.

Zur Finanzierung Ihrer Nokia-Gerätekäufe bieten die Partner von HMD Global ein
Finanzierungsprogramm an, das Ihnen den Kauf von Geräten mit einfachen
Abschlagszahlungen ermöglicht. Das Gerät kann mit vorinstallierten
Softlock-Lösungen verkauft werden. Softlock prüft die Berechtigung eines
Finanzierungsprogramms bei der erstmaligen Nutzung und nach jedem Zurücksetzen
auf die Werkseinstellungen. Ist das Gerät nicht Teil eines
Finanzierungsprogramms, bleiben die Softlock-Lösungen im Ruhezustand. Gehört das
Gerät zu einem Finanzierungsprogramm, funktionieren die Softlock-Lösungen gemäß
den Bedingungen des Finanzierungsprogramms. Beispielsweise kann das Gerät
gesperrt werden, wenn die Zahlungen überfällig sind oder bis die entsprechende
Zahlung gemäß Zahlungsplan geleistet wurde. 

Zu den von Softlock-Lösungen gesammelten Informationen gehören zum Beispiel:

• Telefon-Identifikationsnummer (IMEI)

• Telefonmodell

• IP-Adresse

• Informationen über Abstürze und Fehler der Software

Wir verarbeiten diese Informationen nur zum Zweck der Bereitstellung von
Softlock-Lösungen auf den Geräten und zur Identifizierung des Geräts, das gemäß
den Bedingungen des Finanzierungsprogramms gesperrt oder entsperrt werden soll.

Über Servicepartner in bestimmten Ländern können Softlock-Lösungen implementiert
werden. In solchen Fällen kann es zu Datenübertragungen zwischen dem Gerät und
den Servern der entsprechenden Servicepartner kommen.

Das Finanzierungsprogramm selbst wird von einem Drittanbieter bereitgestellt.
Durch den Kauf des Geräts gemeinsam mit dem Finanzierungsprogramm des
Drittpartners akzeptieren Sie daher die Geschäftsbedingungen und die
Datenschutzrichtlinie dieses Partners. Überprüfen Sie die entsprechenden
Bedingungen und Datenschutzbestimmungen sorgfältig.



We care about your privacy

We, HMD Global Oy, including our affiliates (herein after referred to as “HMD”),
are committed to respect your privacy and to comply with applicable data
protection and privacy laws. This Privacy Notice (“Notice”) applies to personal
data that is processed in the context of HMD’s business to business (B2B)
activities. In this context, HMD processes personal data concerning its
corporate clients, potential corporate clients, vendors, subcontractors and
other stakeholders.

“Personal data” refers to any information relating to an identified or
identifiable natural person.

“Processing” refers to any operation or set of operations which is performed on
personal data.

“Controller” refers to the body which alone or jointly with others determines
the purposes and means of processing of personal data, i.e. decides about the
processing activities.

What information do we collect?

We collect personal data directly from you when you contact us, meet us
personally or otherwise interact with us. The collected personal data includes,
for example:

 * name
 * email address
 * phone number
 * your contact preferences
 * your stance towards our offering
 * background information

Why do we process personal data?

We process your personal data to enter into and execute agreements, to provide
and market our services and products, to communicate with you and to develop our

We process personal data when it is necessary for the preparation and execution
of agreements. Please note that without your personal data we may not be able to
enter into an agreement or provide you with our products and services.

We also process personal data in connection with other commonly agreed testing
and supply arrangements relating to our products and services based on our
legitimate interest to market our products and services and grow our
professional network. In addition, we process personal data to develop our
business operations and offering. When a legitimate interest is regarded as the
basis for the processing, we have conducted a balancing test to ensure that your
rights are taken into account. You can object to such processing and request
more information about the balancing test by using the contact details below.

Processing of your personal data can be based on your consent, for example, if
you order our newsletter. In these situations, we ask your consent before your
personal data is processed. Giving a consent is always voluntary and you have
the possibility to withdraw your consent at any time. A withdrawal of consent
does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before the
withdrawal. You can withdraw your consent by clicking unsubscribe link at the
bottom of the newsletter or by contacting us by using the contact details
provided below.

Where necessary, we also process personal data to comply with the legal
requirements to which HMD is subject to. HMD can have, for example, a legal
obligation to disclose your personal data to the authorities when requested.

Do we share personal data?

Your personal data is processed within HMD entities. We do not disclose or
otherwise transfer your personal data unless otherwise stated below.

 * Service providers. We obtain assistance and use service providers, such as
   CRM tool providers, in processing personal data for the purposes described in
   this Notice. Service providers are required to process personal data only in
   accordance with the applicable laws and HMD’s instructions.

 * International transfers of personal data. Running our business involves using
   resources and servers located in various countries around the world.
   Therefore, your personal data can be transferred across international
   borders, including to countries outside the EU or EEA that do not have laws
   providing specific protection for personal data or that have different legal
   rules on data protection. In such cases, adequate protection for your
   personal data is provided as required by applicable law, for example, by
   using standard data protection clauses and by requiring the use of other
   appropriate technical and organisational information security measures. You
   may request information on the details of transfers to third countries and
   safeguards by using the contact details below.

 * Mandatory disclosures and legal proceedings. We can be obligated by mandatory
   law to disclose your personal data to certain authorities or other third
   parties to comply with our legal obligations. We may also need to disclose
   and otherwise process your personal data in accordance with applicable law to
   defend our legitimate interests, for example, in civil or criminal legal

 * Mergers and Acquisitions. If we decide to sell, buy, merge or otherwise
   reorganise our businesses in certain countries, this can involve us
   disclosing personal data to prospective or actual purchasers and their
   advisers, or receiving personal data from sellers and their advisers.

How long is the data retained?

We review personal data held in our systems on a periodic basis to ensure that
it is not retained longer than it is necessary. Contact details and other
information will be deleted within six (6) months after they are no longer
needed for the purposes they were collected for (for example, when the role of
the person changes in a way that s(he) is no longer representing the
organization of which contact person s(he) was).

What steps are taken to safeguard personal data?

We are committed to ensure that your personal data is secure. To prevent
unauthorised access or disclosure we implement technical, physical and
organizational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful
destruction, accidental loss or alteration, and unauthorized disclosure, or

We have assigned specific responsibilities to address privacy and security
related matters. We enforce our internal policies and guidelines through an
appropriate selection of activities, including proactive and reactive risk
management, security and privacy engineering, training and assessments. We take
appropriate steps to address online security, physical security, risk of data
loss and other such risks taking into consideration the risk represented by the
processing and the nature of the data being protected. Also, we limit access to
our data bases containing personal data to authorised persons having a justified
need to access such information. We have implemented appropriate access control
measures to ensure that personal data can only be accessed by those who need to
process it by virtue of their tasks.

What are your rights?

 * Right of access. You have a right to know what personal data we hold about
   you or to receive a confirmation that we do not process data concerning you.

 * Right to rectification. You have a right to have incomplete or incorrect
   personal data rectified. This means that if there are errors in the data
   concerning you, or if it is inaccurate or deficient, you have the right to
   ask HMD to rectify or complete that data.

 * Right to erasure (‘Right to be forgotten’). You have the right to have your
   personal data erased in certain situations, for example, when the processing
   of your data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was
   collected. Please note that the data can be necessary to perform the contract
   between you and HMD, or HMD can have compelling legitimate grounds to retain
   certain data.

 * Right to object. When the processing of your personal data is based on
   legitimate interest, you have a right to object to such processing on grounds
   relating to your particular situation. You have always a right to object to
   direct marketing.

 * Right to restriction of processing. In certain situations you might have a
   right to restrict the processing of your personal data. When the processing
   has been restricted, your data will only be stored and not processed further.
   For example, if you contest the accuracy of your data, you have the right to
   have the contested data under a restriction of processing during the time
   when it is ensured that the data is accurate.

 * Right to data portability. When the processing of your personal data is based
   on a contract or consent and carried out by automated means, you have a right
   to obtain the data you have provided to HMD in a machine-readable format so
   that you can transfer it to another controller.

You can exercise your rights by contacting us via the contact details provided

If you believe that HMD, regardless of the principles set out in this Notice,
infringed upon your rights according to applicable data protection law, you have
a right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority.

Who is the controller of your personal data?

The controller of your personal data is HMD Global Oy, Bertel Jungin aukio 9,
02600 Espoo, Finland. Our Data Protection Officer is Jari Koljonen.

In case you want to use your data protection rights or you have any questions
concerning the processing of your personal data, please contact us via

 * Customer support: www.nokia.com/en_int/phones/support#contact-us
 * Mail: HMD Global Oy, c/o Privacy, Bertel Jungin aukio 9, 02600 Espoo, Finland

Changes to this Notice

We update and modify this Notice from time to time, should it become necessary
to do so. Changes to this document can be seen behind the link in the heading:
“Look what has been changed”. For data processing that is specific to products
or services of HMD, see our Privacy Policy.



We care about your privacy

We, HMD Global Oy, including our affiliates, (herein after referred to as “HMD”)
are committed to respect your privacy and to comply with applicable data
protection and privacy laws. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) applies to personal
data obtained in the context of a recruitment process within HMD. This Policy
explains, inter alia, what kind of personal data we collect about you, how your
personal data is processed during the recruitment activities, and what rights
you have in relation to such processing of personal data.

This Policy will be supplemented by applicable local mandatory law where
necessary. In case mandatory law is in conflict with this Policy, mandatory
local law will prevail. We may also provide you with additional information
concerning the processing of your personal data in connection with recruitment
related systems or services.

“Personal data” refers to any information relating to an identified or
identifiable person.

“Processing” refers to any operation or set of operations which is performed on
personal data.

“Controller” refers to the body which alone or jointly with others determinates
the purposes and means of processing of personal data i.e. decides about the

What information do we collect?

We collect personal data primarily directly from you. In addition, when it is
necessary for assessing your suitability for the position you are applying for,
personal data can be collected from third party sources to the extent permitted
by applicable legislation, or based on your consent. When you apply for a
position with HMD, we only collect personal data which is relevant for making
the recruitment decision. We collect e.g. the following types of personal data
in the course of recruitment activities:

 * Basic candidate information such as your name and contact details;
 * Information concerning your competences, skills, experience and education;
 * Information concerning your preferences, such as preferred country of
   employment and areas of interest;
 * Right to work documentation and other security screening information when

The examples provided are not all-inclusive. We can also collect similar or
related information.

Your personal data is received and combined, as applicable, in connection with

 * using LinkedIn recruitment services (if you apply via LinkedIn, we are
   provided with your LinkedIn profile and/or with your CV, based on what you
   have chosen)
 * utilizing recruitment agency services (we receive CVs with professional
   background and salary details of candidates)
 * interviews or other communications with you
 * contacting the references you have provided
 * receiving right to work documentation
 * personality and aptitude assessments
 * background checks (realibility and security screenings)

Why do we process personal data?

Your personal data is processed for assessing your suitability for the role for
which you are applying for. We can also assess your suitability for the future
roles that may become available. In addition, we process your personal data,
inter alia, when communicating with you in relation to our recruitment
activities, when managing our recruitment and resourcing activities, for
developing our recruitment services and systems, and to comply with legal

Processing of your personal data is necessary for the preparation and execution
of an employment or other contract and for compliance with legal obligations.
Please notice that failure to provide necessary personal data may disqualify you
from employment or other engagement.

We process personal data based on our legitimate interests where applicable. Our
legitimate interests include interest to receive and process applications and
corresponding data for our recruitment purposes and lawful activities related to
running and developing our business, such as developing our recruitment and
resources systems and processes. When our legitimate interest is the basis for
the processing, we have conducted a balancing test to ensure that your interests
are not interfered more than necessary. You have a right to object to the
processing based on our legitimate interest. To request more information about
the balancing test, please contact us by using the contact details below.

We collect personal data also based on your consent. For example, we may ask you
to provide contact details of your references and your consent for contacting
them. When we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, you have
the right to withdraw your consent any time. You can withdraw your consent by
using the contact details below or, in case you have been directly contacted by
us, by using the contact details of your recruitment contact. Withdrawal of the
consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its

Do we share personal data?

Your personal data is processed only by those members of the staff who are
assessing your application and other related information for making the
recruitment decision or who are performing support functions to recruiting.
These include, for instance, recruiters, hiring managers and other interviewers
and individuals performing administrative and IT support functions.

We do not transfer or disclose your personal data to other parties unless
otherwise stated below.

 * Service providers and partners

We obtain assistance or use service providers for conducting our recruitment
activities. We utilize LinkedIn recruitment services in our recruitment
activities. When a person is hired, we will form a new employee record to our HR
system of which service provider is Sage People Limited. When we utilize service
providers, they will be required to process personal data only in accordance
with our instructions and to maintain appropriate organisational and technical
measures to ensure data security of such personal data. In some countries we
also use recruitment agencies as realible partners to help us find suitable
candidates and job boards to advertise our open positions. You may request more
information on the service provides we use and partners that we have by using
the contact details below.

 * International transfers of personal data

Our recruitment services are provided using resources and servers located in
various countries around the world due to the international nature of our
business. Primarily your personal data is only processed within the HMD entity
which you are applying for, but when it is necessary for making the recruitment
decision on the position you are applying for, your personal data can be
transferred across international borders within the HMD entities. This can
sometimes include countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) that do not
have laws providing specific protection for personal data or that have different
legal rules on data protection. This may come in question, for example, when the
hiring manager of the position is located within HMD entity outside of EEA. In
addition, when you are applying via LinkedIn, your personal data can be
transferred to United States (U.S.). When personal data is transferred outside
of EEA, the processing is organized by the data protection clauses approved by
the European Commission or by other valid mechanisms guaranteeing equal level of
protection as provided by the EU General Data Protection Regulation. You may
request information on the details of transfers to third countries and
safeguards by using the contact details below.

 * Mandatory disclosures and legal proceedings

In some cases we can be obligated by mandatory law to disclose your personal
data to certain authorities or other third parties, for example, to law
enforcement agencies. Exceptionally we may also need to disclose and otherwise
process your personal data in accordance with applicable law to defend our
legitimate interests, for example, in civil or criminal legal proceedings.

 * Mergers and acquisitions

If we decide to sell, buy, merge or otherwise reorganise our businesses in
certain countries, this can involve us disclosing personal data to prospective
or actual purchasers and their advisers, or receiving personal data from sellers
and their advisers.

How long is the data retained?

Depending whether you are hired or rejected, the personal data you provided will
either be used to create an employee record or it will be deleted.

If we choose to employ you, we retain the necessary personal data for the length
of your employment and as required by applicable laws.

If we do not employ you, your personal data will be deleted 24 months after the
recruitment process from our records. Background check as well as personality
and aptitude assessment results will be deleted immediately after the process.

How do we address data quality?

We take reasonable steps to ensure that personal data we process is accurate and
not excessive for the purposes for which it is processed. Please note that you
have shared responsibility regarding the accuracy of your personal data. You
should only submit information which is complete, accurate and up to date.

What steps are taken to safeguard personal data?

We are committed to ensure that your personal data is secure. To prevent
unauthorised access or disclosure we implement technical, physical and
organizational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful
destruction, accidental loss or alteration, and unauthorized disclosure or

We have assigned specific responsibilities to address privacy and security
related matters. We enforce our internal policies and guidelines through an
appropriate selection of activities, including proactive and reactive risk
management, security and privacy engineering, training and assessments. We take
appropriate steps to address online security, physical security, risk of data
loss and other such risks taking into consideration the risk represented by the
processing and the nature of the data being protected. Also, we limit access to
our data bases containing personal data to authorised persons having a justified
need to access such information.

What are your rights?

 * Right of access. You have a right to know what personal data we hold about
   you or to receive a confirmation that we do not process data concerning you.

 * Right to rectification. You have right to have incomplete or incorrect
   personal data rectified or completed.

 * Right to be forgotten. You have the right to have your personal data erased
   in certain situations, for instance, when the processing of your personal
   data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, or
   if the processing is based on your consent and you want to withdraw your
   consent and there are no other bases for processing. Please notice that
   sometimes we may have a legal obligation or other basis to retain your
   personal data and, thus, it cannot be erased.

 * Right to object. When the processing of your personal data is based on
   legitimate interest, you have the right to object to such processing on
   grounds relating to your particular situation.

 * Right to restriction of processing. In specific situations you might have the
   right to restrict the processing of your personal data. When the processing
   has been restricted, your personal data will only be retained and not
   processed further. For example, if you contest the accuracy of your personal
   data, you have the right to have the data in question under a restriction of
   processing during the time when it is assured that it is accurate.

 * Right to data portability. When processing of your personal data is based on
   a contract or your consent and carried out by automated means, you have the
   right to obtain the data you have provided to us in a machine readable format
   so that you can transfer it to another controller.

You can exercise your rights by making a request by using the contact details
below. Please notice that we need to be able to verify your identify in order to
be able to carry out your request.

If you believe that HMD, regardless of the principles set out in the Privacy
Policy, infringed upon your rights according to applicable data protection law,
you have a right to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority.

Who is the controller of your personal data?

The controller of your personal data during the recruitment phase is the entity
you are applying to have a role in, jointly with HMD Global Oy where applicable.
The affiliate and HMD Global Oy are jointly responsible for providing you
adequate information about the processing of your personal data. HMD Global Oy
will carry on your data protection related rights with the assistance of its
affiliates. Data Protection Officer of HMD is Jari Koljonen.

In case you want to use your data protection rights or you have any questions
concerning the processing of your personal data, please contact:

recruitment@hmdglobal.com or

HMD Global Oy, c/o Privacy, Bertel Jungin aukio 9, 02600 Espoo, Finland

In case you have been directly contacted by us, you can also use the contact
details of your recruitment contact.

Changes to this Policy

We may need to update and modify this Policy from time to time in case it
becomes necessary to do so. Changes to this document can be seen behind the link
in the heading: “Look what has been changed”. Where necessary, we will contact
you for informing about the changes to this Policy. For data processing that is
specific to a products or services of HMD and is not connected to the
recruitment activities, see HMD Global Privacy Policy.



Cookies and how we use them

This policy details how HMD Global Oy uses cookies and cookie-like files and
technologies on its websites, e.g. Local Shared Objects, also known as “Flash
cookies”, web beacons etc. We refer to these generically as “cookies”. If you
visit our websites and you opt-in to the use of cookies, we consider this as an
acceptance of our use of cookies.

What are cookies and how do they work?

Cookies are small text files that are sent to and stored in your computer by the
websites you visit. Cookies collect in some instances personal data, with which
a person can be identified. Cookies are stored in your browser’s file directory.
Next time you visit the site, your browser will read the cookie and relay the
information back to the website or element that originally set the cookie. Two
types of cookies used are "session-only" and "persistent". "Session-only"
cookies are deleted when you end your browser session. "Persistent cookies"
remain on your device for the time period set in the cookie after which time
they delete themselves. However, these cookies may be renewed every time you
visit the website. Web beacons are transparent graphic images which are used in
combination with cookies to monitor the use of the website.

Cookie types

It is common to distinguish between first-party cookies and-third party cookies.
First-party cookies are allocated to the website that you visit while
third-party cookies come from a third-party, such as a web analytics program.

Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to offer you a smoother experience with our web services. View
your options for managing cookies in the next chapter.

Necessary functions. These cookies are essential for running our web sites and
are the key to providing you a seamless experience. You can navigate
uninterrupted e.g. by remembering language and country choices you’ve made and
by preserving authentication to secure parts of the domain. These cookies also
enable the shopping cart to function and remember products of interest when you
are redirected to an Operator site for a possible purchase.

Statistics and site improvement. These cookies enable us to improve our websites
by looking at how they are used. We do analytical profiling to understand e.g.
unique users reading a particular article (to know what is popular) or if a
video file was viewed or abandoned half way through. We also look at where
content is accessed so we know how to arrange our sites for optimal user

Web push notifications. With your explicit consent, we may send push
notifications via desktop and mobile browser on the website Nokia.com/phones.
Web push notifications are notifications that can be sent to you anytime your
browser is open, regardless of whether or not you are on the website. We may
send you push notifications relating to your activity on our websites, or to
inform you about latest product releases and software updates, promotions,
online purchase orders and Nokia phones news.

Preferences and personalisation. These cookies help make the content as
personalised as possible, for example by showing you targeted banners and
relevant recommendations. We examine what type of reference was used to reach
our sites, e.g. an email campaign or a link from a referral site, so we can
estimate the effectiveness of our promotions and advertising campaigns.

Marketing. We use these cookies to dynamically serve our ads on our own and
selected third party websites. Our domains may also include elements that set
cookies on behalf of a third party.

How can I manage cookies?

You can review the options available to manage cookies in your browser. The
browser can be used to manage cookies relating to statistics and site
improvement, preferences and personalisation and marketing. Different browsers
use different ways to disable cookies, but they are usually found under a Tools
or Options menu. Please follow the instructions below, from the most common web
browser manufacturers directly, to configure your browser settings*.

Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE)
Google Chrome

In addition to cookie management, browsers usually let you control files similar
to cookies, for example Local Shared Objects, e.g. by enabling the browser’s
privacy mode. We use third party vendor managed advertising cookies to promote
our products in HMD controlled web sites. You may be able to opt-out from
certain third party managed advertising cookies through third party cookie
management sites.

You can deactivate web push notifications at any time by switching them off via
the settings icon of each notification and in your browser settings.

Can I still visit the website if the cookie-function is disabled?

Yes. Should you have cookies disabled on your online device, you will continue
to have the same access to the website content as with cookies enabled. However,
some functions such as surveys, tools and shopping cart might operate with
reduced functionality or not at all. If you manage or disable the use of cookies
your device might receive a cookie to remember this choice. However, this cookie
does not include any personal data, with which a person could be identified.

How long do we keep the information?

It depends based on the type of cookies. Session cookies expire when you close
the browser. Persistent cookies, including Local Shared Objects (“Flash
cookies”), have typical expiration dates ranging from two months up to a couple
of years. For more information on cookie expiry see the cookie declaration.

Cookies used, and data collected by third parties

In order to gain more information about the activities on our website and to
target advertising, we use 3rd-party cookies for analytics and advertising.

Some of our websites use 3rd-party advertising technologies, such as Google
Campaign Manager (previously known as DoubleClick) and the Facebook pixel, to
serve ads. These 3rd parties use tracking technologies to collect information
from our website and use the information for ad serving, targeting,
verification, and reporting. You can opt out from the collecting and manage your
preferences through e.g. the following websites:
http://www.aboutads.info/choices and http://www.youronlinechoices.eu/.

Our websites use third party analytics, like Google Analytics, a web analytics
service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”) and other third-party cookies for
advertising. Google Analytics uses Cookies to help the website analyze how users
use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the
website (including your anonymized IP address) will be transmitted to and stored
by Google on servers in the United States.

Google analytics can collect personal information (e.g. IP address). On behalf
of the website provider Google will use this information for the purpose of
evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for
website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and
internet usage to the website provider. You can find more information on the
data processing of Google Analytics here:

You can deactivate this data processing in Google’s privacy settings here:
https://myaccount.google.com/ and by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out
Browser Add-on here: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/.

HMD is not liable for the processing of data by third parties, including cookies
and other tracking technologies as well as the links. Privacy policies and terms
of use of the third parties are applied. You can find the privacy policy and
terms of service of Google below.

Terms of Service Privacy Policy

What else should you know?

We may from time to time change this Cookie Policy. However, if this Policy is
changed in a material, adverse way, we will post a notice advising of such
change at the beginning of this Policy and on this site's home page. We
recommend that you re-visit this Policy from time to time to learn of any such
changes to this Policy.

If you have additional questions, please contact us by writing to:

Bertel Jungin aukio 9 02600 Espoo Finland


Effective as of 15 September 2017

These license terms are an agreement between HMD Global Oy ("HMD Global") and
you. They apply to the pre-release software versions (the "Beta Software")
available on Nokia phones beta labs ("Beta Labs"). To participate in the Beta
Labs activities, you need to be at least 18 years of age. You understand and
agree that participation in the Beta Labs activities is voluntary. HMD Global
reserves a right to modify these terms from time to time.

 1.  LICENSE. Subject your compliance with these license terms, you may install
     and use the Beta Software on your Nokia device specified in the
     instructions of Nokia Phones Beta Labs for the purpose of testing and
     evaluating the Beta Software and providing HMD Global with feedback on
     quality and usability of the Beta Software.
 2.  LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. You may not (1) reverse engineer, decompile or
     disassemble the Beta Software, except to the extent that applicable law
     expressly permits; (2) use components of the Beta Software to run
     applications not running on the Beta Software; (3) publish the Beta
     Software for others to copy; (4) sublicense or sell the Beta Software; or
     (5) transfer the Beta Software or these terms to any third party.
 3.  TERM. The term of this agreement will expire upon the commercial release of
     the Beta Software. You have the right to use the Beta Software under the
     license terms of this agreement during this period.
 4.  PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE. The Beta Software is a pre-release version. It may
     not work the way a final version of the software will. HMD Global may
     significantly change it or decide not to release a final version. You
     understand that you may need to remove pre-loaded, commercial software from
     your device to install the Beta Software and that you may be unable to
     revert back to the commercial release of the software you were using prior
     to installing the Beta Software. Applications you have installed or been
     using may be unable to function in the same manner than earlier. HMD Global
     encourages you to back-up all data and information on your device before
     your participation in the Beta Labs activities. The Beta Software should
     not be used in business-critical devices. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT BY INSTALLING
 5.  PRIVACY. Data collected in connection with the Developer Preview activities
     will be treated in accordance with HMD Global Privacy Policy. We are using
     the data to help us to create, improve, operate or deliver our products,
     services and content. We may contact you based on your feedback, in order
     to correct malfunctions in our software or device. We are also using the
     collected data for internal purposes e.g. data analysis or research.
 6.  FEEDBACK. If you give feedback about the Beta Software to HMD Global, you
     acknowledge and agree that (1) HMD Global may have similar development
     ideas to the feedback; (2) your feedback does not contain confidential or
     proprietary information of you or any third party; (3) HMD Global is not
     under any obligation of confidentiality with respect to the feedback; (4)
     HMD Global and its licensors may freely use, distribute, exploit, further
     develop and modify feedback for any purpose; and (5) you are not entitled
     to any compensation from HMD Global.
 7.  OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. Parts of the Beta Software may be provided with
     notices and open source licenses from third parties that govern the use of
     those parts. Any licenses granted hereunder do not alter any rights and
     obligations you may have under such open source licenses.
 8.  WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. The Beta Software is licensed "AS-IS". HMD Global
     gives no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. HMD Global excludes
     the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose
     and non-infringement.
 10. GOVERNING LAW. These license terms will be governed by the laws of Finland.
     Any dispute resolution between you and HMD Global arising of or relating to
     these license terms shall take place in Finland, Helsinki in the Finnish



These license terms are an agreement between HMD Global Oy ("HMD Global") and
you. They apply to the developer preview software builds pre-release software
versions (the "Developer Preview Software") available on Nokia phones Android
developer preview ("Developer Preview"). To participate in the Developer Preview
activities, you need to be at least 18 years of age. You understand and agree
that participation in the Developer Preview activities is voluntary. HMD Global
reserves a right to modify these terms from time to time.

 1.  LICENSE. Subject your compliance with these license terms, you may install
     and use the Developer Preview Software on your Nokia device specified in
     the instructions of Developer Preview for the purpose of testing and
     evaluating the Developer Preview Software and providing HMD Global with
     feedback on quality and usability of the Developer Preview Software.
 2.  LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. You may not (1) reverse engineer, decompile or
     disassemble the Developer Preview Software, except to the extent that
     applicable law expressly permits; (2) use components of the Developer
     Preview Software to run applications not running on the Developer Preview
     Software; (3) publish the Developer Preview Software for others to copy;
     (4) sublicense or sell the Developer Preview Software; or (5) transfer the
     Developer Preview Software or these terms to any third party.
 3.  TERM. The term of this agreement will expire upon the commercial release of
     the Developer Preview Software. You have the right to use the Developer
     Preview Software under the license terms of this agreement during this
 4.  PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE. The Developer Preview Software is a pre-release
     version. It may not work the way a final version of the software will. HMD
     Global may significantly change it or decide not to release a final
     version. You understand that you may need to remove pre-loaded, commercial
     software from your device to install the Developer Preview Software and
     that you may be unable to revert back to the commercial release of the
     software you were using prior to installing the Developer Preview Software.
     Applications you have installed or been using may be unable to function in
     the same manner than earlier. HMD Global encourages you to back-up all data
     and information on your device before your participation in the Developer
     Preview activities. The Developer Preview Software should not be used in
 5.  PRIVACY. Data collected in connection with the Developer Preview activities
     will be treated in accordance with HMD Global Privacy Policy. We are using
     the data to help us to create, improve, operate or deliver our products,
     services and content. We may contact you based on your feedback, in order
     to correct malfunctions in our software or device. We are also using the
     collected data for internal purposes e.g. data analysis or research.
 6.  FEEDBACK. If you give feedback about the Developer Preview Software to HMD
     Global, you acknowledge and agree that (1) HMD Global may have similar
     development ideas to the feedback; (2) your feedback does not contain
     confidential or proprietary information of you or any third party; (3) HMD
     Global is not under any obligation of confidentiality with respect to the
     feedback; (4) HMD Global and its licensors may freely use, distribute,
     exploit, further develop and modify feedback for any purpose; and (5) you
     are not entitled to any compensation from HMD Global.
 7.  OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. Parts of the Developer Preview Software may be
     provided with notices and open source licenses from third parties that
     govern the use of those parts. Any licenses granted hereunder do not alter
     any rights and obligations you may have under such open source licenses.
 8.  WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. The Developer Preview Software is licensed "AS-IS".
     HMD Global gives no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. HMD
     Global excludes the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
     particular purpose and non-infringement.
 10. GOVERNING LAW. These license terms will be governed by the laws of Finland.
     Any dispute resolution between you and HMD Global arising of or relating to
     these license terms shall take place in Finland, Helsinki in the Finnish


Effective date February 9, 2021

These license terms are an agreement between HMD Global Oy ("HMD Global") and
you. They apply to the pre-release software versions (the "Pilot Software")
available on Nokia phones pilots ("Pilots"). To participate in the Pilots
activities, you need to be at least 18 years of age. You understand and agree
that participation in the Pilots activities is voluntary. HMD Global reserves a
right to modify these terms from time to time.

a. LICENSE. Subject your compliance with these license terms, you may install
and use the Pilot Software on your Nokia device specified in the instructions of
Nokia Phones Pilot for the purpose of testing and evaluating the Pilot Software
and providing HMD Global with feedback on quality and usability of the Pilot

b. LICENSE RESTRICTIONS. You may not (1) reverse engineer, decompile or
disassemble the Pilot Software, except to the extent that applicable law
expressly permits; (2) use components of the Pilot Software to run applications
not running on the Pilot Software; (3) publish the Pilot Software for others to
copy; (4) sublicense or sell the Pilot Software; or (5) transfer the Pilot
Software or these terms to any third party.

c. TERM. The term of this agreement will expire upon the commercial release of
the Pilot Software. You have the right to use the Pilots Software under the
license terms of this agreement during this period.

d. PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE. The Pilot Software is a pre-release version. It may not
work the way a final version of the software will. HMD Global may significantly
change it or decide not to release a final version. You understand that it may
require to manual flashing in some cases to bring devices to normal usage. Upon
reversion reflash, please note you will lose all user data - users are advised
to periodically back up any user data. In addition, after SW reversion,
previously installed applications may not function as intended and may require
uninstall/reinstall. HMD Global encourages you to back-up all data and
information before your participation in the Pilots activities. YOU UNDERSTAND

e. PRIVACY. Data collected in connection with the Pilot activities will be
treated in accordance with HMD Global Privacy Policy. We are using the data to
help us to create, improve, operate or deliver our products, services and
content. We may contact you based on your feedback, in order to correct
malfunctions in our software or device. We are also using the collected data for
internal purposes e.g. data analysis or research.

f. FEEDBACK. If you give feedback about the Pilot Software to HMD Global, you
acknowledge and agree that (1) HMD Global may have similar development ideas to
the feedback; (2) your feedback does not contain confidential or proprietary
information of you or any third party; (3) HMD Global is not under any
obligation of confidentiality with respect to the feedback; (4) HMD Global and
its licensors may freely use, distribute, exploit, further develop and modify
feedback for any purpose; and (5) you are not entitled to any compensation from
HMD Global.

g. OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. Parts of the Pilot Software may be provided with
notices and open source licenses from third parties that govern the use of those
parts. Any licenses granted hereunder do not alter any rights and obligations
you may have under such open source licenses.

h. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. The Pilot Software is licensed "AS-IS". HMD Global gives
no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. HMD Global excludes the implied
warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and


j. GOVERNING LAW. These license terms will be governed by the laws of Finland.
Any dispute resolution between you and HMD Global arising of or relating to
these license terms shall take place in Finland, Helsinki in the Finnish courts.


Effective date 27 July, 2017

 * Version: 1.0
 * Effective date 27 July, 2017
 * Audience: Suppliers
 * Owner: General Counsel
 * Approver: HMD Board
 * Related Policies: HMD Code of Conduct, HMD Business Ethics Policy, HMD
   Environmental, Health & Safety Policy, HMD Conflict Mineral Policy, HMD Human
   Rights and Labour Policy


In this document, HMD/our/we refer to HMD global Oy (“HMD”) and all its
affiliates. The Code of Conduct is global and covers all HMD global Oy’s legal
entities. This code outlines what HMD expects from our suppliers in relation to
Human Rights & Labour, Business Ethics, Environmental, Health and Safety and
Management practices. HMD will assess its suppliers by their conformance to this
code and any violation of it will result in remedial actions. Failure of our
supplier to comply with this code or the remedial actions set could result in
termination of the business contract.


This document has been made to comply with international laws and regulations as
well as HMDs values. In addition, we have looked to International Standards
including; the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition’s (EICC) Code of
Conduct; United Nations Declaration of Human Rights; United Nations’ Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights; International Labor Organisation’s
(ILO) Core Conventions; Environmental management standard ISO 14001;
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for
Multinational Enterprise; Occupational health and safety management standard
OHSAS18001 and the Social accountability standard SA 8000.


HMD is strongly committed to conducting ourselves in accordance with our
commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct. Our supplier shall
operate by the same Ethical standards we set ourselves and comply by the related
policies and procedures, and all applicable national and international laws.

3.1 Improper Payments

HMD believe in fairness and honesty; we obtain and retain our business
relationships with these principles firmly in mind. Our supplier shall adhere to
anti-corruption laws and shall not allow corrupt or inappropriate payments made
by, or on behalf of, our supplier to HMD, our employees or customers, government
officials or third parties. These payments can occur in many forms and include
among other things; bribes, gifts, entertainment, gratuities, favors, donations
or facilitation payments. We extend our understanding of improper payments to
include any transfer of value that is not consistent with HMD policies,
procedures or applicable laws.

3.2 Fair Competition

Our supplier shall adhere to marketplace regulations and anti-trust laws. These
laws protect the market from unethical agreements and collaborations among
competitors which may affect competition. Our supplier shall uphold these
standards of fair business, advertising and competition.

3.3 Privacy and Security

Privacy and security are key considerations in the creation and delivery of
HMD’s products and services. Our supplier shall commit to respect privacy and to
comply with applicable data protection and privacy laws. Our supplier shall have
in place internal policies and guidelines through an appropriate selection of
activities, including proactive and reactive risk management, security and
privacy engineering, training and assessments.

Our supplier shall take appropriate steps to address online security, physical
security, risk of data loss and other such risks; taking into consideration the
risk represented by the processing and the nature of the data being protected.
Our Supplier shall not transfer personal data without ensuring it is safe,
responsible and legal to do so. When confidential data is no longer needed, it
shall be destroyed securely.

3.4 Intellectual Property and Confidential Information

It is essential that Intellectual property rights are followed and respected.
Whenever our supplier has a need to transfer technology and know-how they shall
do so in a manner that protects intellectual property rights and any information
regarding HMD or our affiliates should be safeguarded. In addition, our supplier
shall have in place an ‘Incident Response Procedure’ (IRP) to manage breaches of
confidential information.

3.5 Dealing with Officials

We prohibit the use of “facilitating payments” which refers to small payments,
usually made in cash, which are typically provided to a government official to
speed up or guarantee a routine action that the official is already obligated to

3.6 Controllership

Our supplier shall ensure that they disclose requested information related to
aspects of this code, including; Human Rights & Labour, Business Ethics,
Environmental, Health and Safety and Management as well as general practices
such as business activities, financial situation/performance and company
structure. Such disclosures of information shall comply with applicable laws and
regulations wherever they operate and our supplier shall not condone the
falsification of records, misrepresentation of conditions, or practices
throughout the supply chain.

3.7 Responsible Sourcing of Minerals

Suppliers or partners who manufacture any aspect of our products (including
components and parts) containing tin, tantalum, tungsten or gold, shall have a
detailed policy or procedure in place to ensure that the products manufactured,
do not directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups, that are
perpetrators of serious human rights abuses in the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, or an adjoining country.

These same suppliers shall maintain a Conflict Mineral Policy outlining their
legal compliance, measures for implementation and commitment to responsible
sourcing. This includes due diligence on the source and chain of custody of all
related minerals. These documents shall be kept and made available for HMD to
view upon request for a period of 5 years.

3.8 Confidential Reporting and Non-Retaliation

Our Supplier shall maintain programs that ensure their employees and suppliers
have access to confidential and anonymous reporting channels, as well as
protection in place for acts of whistleblowing. Our supplier shall have in place
a clear, visible and communicated process for anyone working at their facility
to be able to raise concerns without fear of retaliation.


At HMD we believe that everyone in our supply chain deserves respect, fair
treatment and equal rights. Our suppliers create jobs all over the world and we
expect them to commit to making those jobs have a positive impact on their
lives. This is true for all workers from direct to indirect, permanent and
temporary workers as well as students and migrant workers or any other type of
worker. We refer to all types of workers as simply “employees” or “workers” in
this document.

4.1 Fair and Freely Chosen Employment

Work shall always be a voluntary act. Our supplier shall comply with this
statement and be committed to ensuring that no form of slavery or trafficking of
persons are used in any aspect of their business. This includes involuntary
prison labour, forced, bonded, debt bonded or indentured persons.

Our supplier shall ensure that every employee has a contract that covers the
terms and conditions of their employment agreement that is signed by both the
employee and the supplier. The terms and conditions should contain all relevant
aspects including but not limited to; working hours and guaranteed wage,
overtime rates of pay and compensation, payment and frequency of payment and
their notice period. In addition, the contract should be written in the native
language of the employee, to ensure they fully understand the terms. In the case
of migrant workers this contract should be available to them prior to leaving
their country of origin.

Our supplier shall ensure that all employees receive basic induction training
and have all the training, equipment and experience to conduct their work duties
safety. The employee shall be free to leave their work at any time and their
movement should never have their movement unreasonably restricted either within
their workplace or when entering or exiting the facility. No employee in our
supplier’s facilities, either of the company, or through an agency or any other
external employment agreement, should be required to submit possession of their
personal documents to anyone. This includes passports, identity and immigration
documents or work permits. These personal documents are owned by the individual
and should never be held, concealed, destroyed or confiscated. The only reason
for any documents being held is if it is required by law.

No employee shall be required to make any payment to either the employer or an
agent in order to secure their employment, training or as a form of punishment
of any kind or any other fees related to their employment. Our supplier shall
ensure that if they uncover any such fees being paid then the money shall be
returned to the employee promptly.

Our supplier shall ensure that adequate policies and procedures are in place to
protect workers and potential workers against any form of discrimination,
harassment, harsh or inhumane treatment or any other unlawful discrimination or
treatment, including disciplinary policies and procedures. No worker should be
subjected to sexual abuse or harassment, physical, mental or verbal abuse or
harassment, corporal punishment or any threats regarding treatment of this kind.

Our supplier shall ensure that they employ, retain and promote possible
candidates based on their qualifications, skills and competences only; they
shall not consider a person’s race, sex, religion, marital status, pregnancy,
nationality, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, expression and any other
characteristic covered by law. Our supplier shall provide workers with adequate
facilities for religious practice. Under no circumstances should employees or
potential employees be subjected to medical, physical or pregnancy examination
or testing that could be used in a discriminatory way.

4.2 Young Workers Protection

No one under the age of completing compulsory education or under the local legal
age of employment or under 15 years of age (whichever is the greatest) shall be
employed by, or on behalf of our supplier.

Young workers (under the age of 18) need to be protected and our supplier shall
not require them to perform tasks that could risk their health & safety. In
addition, young workers should not work overtime or night shifts. Student
workers shall be provided with training and support and our supplier shall
ensure that they maintain student records and conduct thorough due diligence of
educational partners protecting the rights of the student in accordance with
applicable laws and regulations. Young workers including; students, interns and
apprentices should be paid at least the same rate of pay as other employees that
perform equal or similar tasks.

4.3 Working Hours and Wages

Our supplier shall ensure that working weeks do not exceed the restrictions
placed on them by local law. No worker shall work in excess of 60 hours per week
including overtime and they must have at least one day off per six days worked.
Workers shall also be entitled to at least two weeks of paid leave per year. In
addition, overtime shall be limited to comply with local law or to a maximum of
12 hours per week. Overtime shall always be paid at a premium rate and be taken
as a choice by the employee. Overtime should be used in unusual or emergency
situations and not a regular request of workers.

Workers shall be compensated in accordance with local laws in relation to
minimum wage rates and legally mandated benefits. Workers shall be provided with
wage statement in a timely manner, that makes clear indication of the hours
worked, so that they can verify their wage is correct, for the hours they
worked. The document should be understandable to the worker in their native
language if required. Temporary workers of any kind as well as outsourced
workers shall be used within the restrictions of local law.

4.4 Communication, Collective Bargaining and Freedom of Association

Workers shall be provided with access to information that is relevant to them,
their employment and their work. They shall be made aware of changes as they
happen in order to conduct their work to the best of their ability. Our supplier
shall have in place the means to measure worker satisfaction and strive to
improve this metric where possible. Workers shall be able to discuss openly
their opinions, ideas and concerns without the fear of retaliation of any kind.

Our supplier shall respect the rights of all workers to form and join trade
unions of their choosing in conformance with local law. Collective bargaining is
an important right of employees and they should be allowed to engage in peaceful
assembly. In addition, worker shall be free to refrain for any such activity.

The rights of whistle-blowers shall be protected and confidential channels shall
be offered for the reporting of unfair conditions of any kind.

4.5 Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery is an umbrella term that includes; slavery, human trafficking,
forced or compulsory labour and servitude. Modern slavery as a term refers to a
situation where a person is coerced, deceived, taken unwillingly and/or indebted
into a position where they feel trapped, held, compelled or forced to work.

Our supplier shall ensure that anyone working for them or on their behalf is
free to choose who they work for, when they work and where they work. Our
supplier shall not trap, compel or force another person to work. In addition,
they shall have in place a system by which they can monitor anyone contracted to
work on their behalf by these same standards. Our supplier shall implement and
maintain as part of their due diligence a system to uncover any abuses that may
occur and to make this data available to HMD.

We expect our suppliers and their employees to respect human rights and to
report any suspected violation of the UK Modern Slavery Act to us through our
legal team to ethics@hmdglobal.com.

4.6 Non-Disclosure Agreements

Our supplier shall ensure that any workers that are in contact with confidential
information regarding HMD, its subsidiaries or the Nokia brand have signed a
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). It is important that the employee is made fully
aware of the meaning of this document and the extent of agreement being made.


HMD are committed to environmental protection and we manage our activities and
our supplychain closely to ensure we not only meet the relevant legislation and
international standards but wherever we can we strive for higher. We expect our
suppliers to be committed to preventing and reducing the impacts of our business
through open and ethical management practices.

5.1 Environmental Management System (EMS)

Our supplier shall have in place an Environmental Management System (EMS) that
effectively plans, operates and controls significant environmental aspects of
their operations and the electronics industry. They shall ensure at all times
these measures at least comply with legal and legislative requirements.

We are committed to ensure our suppliers are sharing our values regarding
environmental protection. Our suppliers are required to have an EMS in place
that is capable of planning, operating and controlling environmental aspects.
Our suppliers shall ensure that they periodically review their environmental
legislation, applicable regulations and customer requirements and shall supply
evidence of their compliance as requested. Additionally, our suppliers shall
conduct and/or cooperate with internal and external environmental risk audits.
Our supplier shall implement improvement targets and programs, necessary
employee training and communication, internal audits and management reviews.

We require our manufacturing partners to be certified as compliant with ISO14001
or the EcoManagement and Audit Scheme (EMAS).

5.2 Improving Environmental Performance

Our suppliers shall have in place continuous improvement projects aimed at
identifying, measuring, controlling and improving their environmental
performance. Environmental performance includes all significant environmental
aspects related to their activity including; energy usage, water access, usage
and conservation, waste and defect creation, reducing the materials per product
which in turn reduces the effects on mining and biodiversity, reducing the use
of hazardous materials and chemicals, improving the processes in place that
manage risks and ensuring the cleanest possible treatment and control of waste

Resource usage and waste creation of all kinds need to be reduced wherever
possible either at source or through modifying processes or substituting
materials. We expect our suppliers to look towards the “EU Waste Hierarchy”
model and where possible they should aim to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Reclaim
in that order of priority whenever and wherever possible.

5.3 Energy Efficiency & Green House Gas (GHG) Emissions

Our supplier shall be committed to reducing their carbon footprint and shall
measure, and report on their energy consumption and GHG emissions. This requires
them to identify the sources of their emission both internally and externally
and for them to define clearly the scope of their reporting.

Our supplier shall look to monitor the data they assemble and highlight areas
for cost effective improvements to minimise GHG emissions within their control.

5.4 Air Emissions

We require any emissions to the air created by the operations of our suppliers
be characterised, monitored, controlled and treated prior to discharge. These
emissions include aerosols and other ozone depleting chemicals, volatile organic
chemicals, corrosives, particulates, and combustion by-products. In addition,
our suppliers shall continuously improve the performance of their air emission
control systems through a routine identification and monitoring processes.

5.5 Water Use Reduction

As part of their EMS our suppliers shall identify and measure their water
consumption and investigate ways in which they can reduce it.

5.6 Storm Water Management

As part of their EMS we require our suppliers to take a systematic approach to
the way they routinely manage, monitor and report their storm water management.
Our suppliers shall minimise the risks of discharges or spills and they shall
have robust systems in place to protect against pollutants from entering public
drainage and ensure they comply with the law.

5.7 Waste & Wastewater Management

As part of their EMS we require our suppliers to implement a comprehensive
system that characterises, monitors, controls and treats waste and wastewater
created by their operations and products. We also expect our suppliers to work
towards reducing their waste creation and in turn increase the volume of
recycled waste. This process must adhere to legal requirements and environmental
best practice approaches before any discharge or disposal.

As part of their EMS we also require our suppliers to comply fully with
wastewater and solid waste management obligations. They must always maintain a
systematic approach to wastewater and solid waste management. This includes
having all the required permits and approvals in place (for instance, to store
hazardous waste).

5.8 Design for Environment

Our suppliers shall include environmental consideration for all areas of product
development. This also include adhering to our substance list and minimising or
removing negative environmental impacts whenever it is possible to do so, this
includes any hazardous constituents. These improvements can increase the
efficiency of our products, reduce the use of materials and enable greater
recycling capabilities.

5.9 Substance List

Our suppliers shall follow our Substance List and work closely with us and their
suppliers to reduce or ban these materials and chemicals as stated in our
Substance List.

5.10 Hazardous Substances

Chemicals and other materials that pose the risk of hazards to the environment
require special care and attention. At all times their use should be restricted
as much as possible and they should be clearly identified and managed. Their
use, handling, storage, movement, recycling, reuse or disposal should be done in
a controlled way that poses the least risk to the environment.


As part of their management systems our suppliers shall include aspects related
to reducing the risk of work-related injury and illness. This is required to
produce working environments that are conducive of productive, safe and healthy
work. This requires communication and training as well as processes, rules,
regulations and documentation.

6.1 Health & Safety Management System

Our supplier shall have in place an occupational health & safety management
system that complies with the OHSAS 18001 or similar internationally recognised
standards. The system must be cover aspects such as the planning, operation and
control of risks and hazards related to health & safety including; training and
communication/feedback sessions for employees, periodic auditing and assigned
improvement programs and targets.

As part of this system our supplier shall have a standard procedure in place to
access and control the risks of accidents and injuries as well as occupational
diseases in a proactive and preventative manner. Additionally, an appointed
senior manager shall be responsible for periodically ensuring the system is
functioning and is suitable.

6.2 Health & Safety Training and Communication

Our supplier shall ensure that those responsible for ensuring the health and
safety of workers are sufficiently trained and knowledgeable as well as given
adequate time and resources to perform their tasks. All employees shall be
trained on the health and safety aspects that are appropriate for their role in
their native language. Health and Safety signage and communications shall be
clearly present in and around the facility.

6.3 Occupational Health & Safety

Our supplier shall have measures in place to safeguard against preventable
accidents and emergencies. Nominated employees that are responsible for
Occupational Health and Safety shall be trained and workers shall be encouraged
to raise safety concerns. Employees shall be protected against exposure to
potential hazards such as; slip, trips or fall hazards, vehicles, fire or from
electrical/energy sources through adequate procedures that identify, minimise
and prevent hazards. These procedures include, an ongoing safety training
program and safety instructions, preventable maintenance and safe work
practices, clear signage, machine maintenance and safeguarding, chemical
controls, personal protective equipment and clothing, hearing protection and
excessive noise reduction. Additional care shall be taken with employees under
18 year of age (young workers). Supplier shall take responsibility for its
employees when they carry out work off premises.

6.4 Emergency Preparations

Emergency procedures shall be in place to identify potential emergency
situations and events. Our supplier shall have emergency plans, evacuation
procedures, employee training and drills, appropriate fire detection, sufficient
extinguishers, adequate exit facilities and recovery plans in place in case any
emergency should arise. Our supplier shall have a pro-active approach to
emergency risk and ensure that wherever possible risks to life, the environment
and property are minimised.

6.5 Occupational Injury and Illness

Our Supplier shall, as part of their Health and Safety Management system have
procedures to mitigate and manage injuries and illnesses sustained by their
employees. This requires prevention, management, tracking and reporting on
occupational injury and illness. Employees shall be provided with a means to
report discomfort, illness and/or injuries sustained. All suspected and actual
injuries and illnesses reported by employees shall be classified and recorded
and employees shall be provided with treatment or equipment to aid with their
recovery and prevent future problems. In addition, investigations shall be made
and corrective actions taken to eliminate their causes to ensure that workers
can return safely to work.

6.6 Industrial Hygiene

Our supplier shall have in place engineering and administrative measures to
identify, monitor, control and limit worker’s exposure to chemical, biological
and physical agents to prevent overexposures. Adequate personal protective
equipment shall be supplied to workers at risk.

6.7 Physically Demanding Work

Our supplier shall have processes to identify, evaluate and control hazards of
physically demanding work. Employees shall be protected and train on aspects
such as manual handling, repetitive tasks (i.e. in assembly), heavy lifting and
prolonged periods of standing or sitting. When such hazards are found, our
supplier shall monitor, aim to control and minimise their risks.

6.8 Equipment Safeguarding

Our supplier shall have adequate management systems in place to cover aspects
where employees are operating with dangerous or hazardous substances or with
equipment, production machines or other machinery. In all of these cases our
supplier shall ensure that workers are provided with the correct protective
equipment and the equipment/machinery should be fitted with properly maintained
guards, interlocks and barriers to ensure our employees safety.

6.9 Clean and Safe Buildings and Facilities

Our supplier shall provide workers with safe and clean buildings and facilities.
This includes workers having access to clean drinking water, adequate and clean
toilet facilities, sanitary food preparation and storage areas as well as safe
and clean eating facilities.

In those facilities that require workers to live on site their dormitories shall
be provided for by the supplier or their labour agent. Dormitories shall be well
maintained to ensure safety with reasonable personal space. They shall have
access to lockable storage for worker’s private belongings. They shall be clean
with appropriate emergency exits and signage, access to clean drinking water,
hot water for bathing/washing and adequate heating and ventilation. Workers
shall have reasonable privileges to enter and leave their accommodation and
these facilities shall comply with legal safety standards and regulations.


Our supplier shall have a Code of Conduct in place, to showcase their values and
commitment to; ethical; environmental; human rights; labour and health and
safety topics related to their business operations. Procedures and physical
controls that are put in place shall be in relative and adequate for the
associated risk and in accordance with our supplier’s Code of Conduct. This
document will have a continuous improvement methodology and be based on
Internationally recognised standards and management systems as well as comply
with all relevant laws and regulations. A copy of the Code of Conduct shall be
visible in the facility; written in the local language. In addition, we expect
our supplier to have a process for setting requirements in their Code of Conduct
on to their suppliers and monitoring their compliance. Our supplier’s management
shall ensure that the messages contained their Code of Conduct is transferred
throughout their business and relevant employees are trained on its contents and
related procedures, risks and policies. In addition, we expect our supplier to
be able to show supporting documentation and/or evidence that such actions are
taking place and training should be recorded as and when it is completed.
Training shall be in accordance applicable laws and regulations.

7.1 Management Systems

Our supplier shall identify the senior executive and company representatives
responsible for ensuring the management systems and associated programs are in
place. Additionally, senior management will review the systems periodically with
the focus on ensuring they are adequate.

7.2 Environmental and Social Objectives

Our supplier shall set performance objectives set to realistic timeframes with
implementation plans. These objectives shall look to improve on their
environmental and social performance and shall be available in written form if
required. The objectives shall also have clear processes in place for reviewing
the progress and amending expectations as appropriate.

7.3 Audits, Assessments and Corrective Actions

Our supplier shall conduct self-evaluations periodically and allow for external
auditors to conduct similar audits of their facilities to ensure that they
conform to legal and regulatory requirements. In cases where the contents of
this code are more detailed and/or stricter than local laws and regulations
audits shall check to ensure that they comply with the content of this Code of
Conduct and our contractual requirements on ethical, environmental and societal

Our supplier shall ensure that required corrective actions are taken in a timely
manner and these activities are monitored and reported following the correct
procedure, ensuring regulatory compliance whilst protecting privacy.

7.4 Communication and Worker Participation and Feedback

Our supplier shall make clearly available their policies and procedures as well
as clearly defined expectations and practices they expect their workers to
follow. Workers shall receive adequate training to mean these requirements and
be given the right to participate in and give feedback on practices and
conditions covered. This shall be an ongoing progress of continuous feedback and
improvement measure.

7.5 Documentation and Records

Our Supplier shall create and maintain relevant documentation to assure their
compliance and conformity on all the matters discussed in this Supplier Code of
Conduct. This documentation shall be made available to HMD or external auditors
working on behalf of ourselves or our customers. Appropriate measure shall be
taken to protect privacy rights.


Our supplier shall have adequate measures in place to set requirements and
manage the compliance of their suppliers. The term supplier used in this section
includes any company/person who, from HMD’s perspective, would be considered a
sub-supplier such as vendors, subcontractors, service providers, partners, etc.

Our supplier’s supplier base strategy and supplier base management systems must
ensure subsuppliers conform with HMD’s supplier requirements (including labour
and environmental aspects) as well as all applicable laws and regulations. Our
supplier shall take these conformance aspects into consideration when choosing
their suppliers and they shall have a structure by which they identify, evaluate
and select suppliers.

Purchase and Service agreements shall be used with all suppliers and shall
include valid NonDisclosure Agreements (NDAs). These NDAs shall align and
conform to the NDAs in place between HMD and the supplier.

Our supplier shall set environmental, labour (including health and safety, human
rights and ethics) and management requirements on our sub-suppliers. This also
includes aspects such as waste handling and recycling. In addition,
sub-suppliers who are responsible for waste disposal shall be appropriately
authorised and licenced to carry out these tasks and our supplier shall ensure
this compliance.




This purchase order ("Purchase Order") is between HMD Global Oy or its affiliate
defined in the Purchase Order ("HMD") issuing the Purchase Order and the
supplier identified herein ("Supplier") and covers:

 1. Goods: the purchase of software and tangible goods
 2. Services: The purchase/ordering of services
 3. Deliverables: Any intellectual property or other work product developed
    specifically for HMD by Supplier or a subcontractor of Supplier as part of
    the Services

This Purchase Order is effective upon Supplier’s commencement of performance or
the date of Supplier’s signature below, whichever is earlier. Except as set
forth in Section 2 below, Supplier’s acceptance of this Purchase Order is
expressly limited to these terms and conditions without counterproposal.


The terms and conditions of this Purchase Order are the complete and binding
agreement between HMD and Supplier except:

 1. If multiple agreements with similar or contradictory provisions could apply
    to this Purchase Order, the parties agree the most favourable terms to HMD
    will apply, unless the result would be unreasonable, unconscionable or
    prohibited by law.
 2. Except as stated above in this Section 2, and other than Order Changes
    described in Section 8 and the Termination provisions in Section 12,
    additional or different terms will not supersede this Purchase Order unless
    the parties mutually execute a written document.


Unless specifically provided in this Purchase Order:

 1. Packing.
    1. Price based on weight will include net weight only.
    2. Supplier will not charge HMD for packaging or pre-shipping costs, such as
       boxing, crating, handling damage, drayage, or storage.

 2. Shipping.
    1. Supplier will mark all containers with necessary handling and shipping
       information, Purchase Order number(s), date of shipment, and names of the
       consignee and consignor;
    2. An itemized invoice and packing list, and other documentation required
       for domestic or international transit, regulatory clearance or
       identification of the Goods or Deliverables will accompany each shipment;
    3. HMD will only pay for the quantity received, not to exceed the maximum
       quantity ordered;
    4. HMD or its agent will hold over-shipments at Supplier’s risk and expense
       for a reasonable time awaiting Supplier’s shipping instructions;
    5. HMD will not be charged for shipping or delivery costs;
    6. Goods and Deliverables will be delivered post issuance of the Purchase
       Order date:
       1. FOB to the HMD designated delivery location if the Goods and
          Deliverables originate in the same jurisdiction as the HMD designated
          delivery location; or
       2. DDP (Incoterms 2010) to the HMD designated delivery location for cross
          border delivery of Goods and Deliverables to the HMD designated
          delivery location; and
    7. Supplier will bear all risk of loss, damage, or destruction to the Goods
       or Deliverable, in whole or in part, occurring before final acceptance by
       HMD at the designated delivery location. HMD is responsible for any loss
       caused by the gross negligence of its employees before acceptance.
    8. Returns. Supplier will bear the expense of return shipping charges for
       over-shipped quantities or rejected items.


 1. To the extent that electronic invoicing is available, Supplier will follow
    that process. If there is no electronic invoicing, invoices will be sent to
    the following email: invoices@hmdglobal.com
 2. Invoice must contain the following information: Purchase Order number, item
    number, description of item, quantities, unit prices, extended totals,
    packing slip number, shipping, ship to city and state, taxes, and any other
    information reasonably required by HMD. Supplier will not charge HMD for
    researching, reporting on or correcting any errors relating to its invoices.
    In those circumstances, Supplier authorizes the electronic invoicing
    provider to receive
    Supplier’s invoice data not yet constituting an original invoice and
    subsequently to apply an electronic signature to the invoice data to issue
    electronic invoices "in the name and on behalf of" Supplier.
 3. HMD may dispute any invoice by providing oral or written notice or partial
    payment. HMD will make commercially reasonable efforts to notify Supplier in
    writing of any disputed amount within 60 days of receiving the applicable
    invoice. Neither failing to provide notice nor payment of an invoice is a
    waiver of any claim or right.


 1. After HMD accepts the Goods or Services and receives a correct and
    undisputed invoice (the "Create Date"), HMD will release payment by net 60
    days (unless otherwise agreed post issuance of this purchase order)
 2. HMD is not obligated to pay any invoice received from Supplier more than 120
    days after HMD accepts the Goods or Services.
 3. Payment of an invoice will not constitute acceptance of Goods, and is
    subject to adjustment for errors, shortages, defects or other failure of
    Supplier to meet the requirements of this Purchase Order.
 4. HMD may set-off amounts owed to HMD against an amount HMD owes Supplier or
    Supplier’s affiliated companies. HMD will provide notice to Supplier within
    a reasonable time after the setoff.
 5. Unless otherwise agreed, Supplier is responsible for all expenses incurred
    providing the Goods or Services and performing under this Purchase Order.


 1. Except as otherwise provided below, the amounts to be paid by HMD to
    Supplier do not include any taxes. HMD is not liable for any taxes that
    Supplier is legally obligated to pay, including, but not limited to net
    income or gross receipts taxes, franchise taxes, and property taxes. HMD
    will pay Supplier applicable GST or any other taxes it owes due to this
    Purchase Order and which the law requires Supplier to collect from HMD. If
    HMD provides Supplier a valid exemption certificate, Supplier will not
    collect the taxes covered by such certificate. Supplier will indemnify and
    hold HMD harmless from any claims, costs (including reasonable attorneys’
    fees) and liabilities related to Supplier’s taxes.
 2. If the law requires HMD to withhold taxes from payments to Supplier, HMD may
    withhold those taxes and pay them to the appropriate taxing authority. HMD
    will deliver to Supplier an official receipt for such taxes. HMD will use
    reasonable efforts to minimize any taxes withheld to the extent allowed by


 1. The Goods and Services must meet the standards and specifications in this
    Purchase Order. HMD may cancel this Purchase Order if Supplier fails to
    comply with the Purchase Order standards and specifications.
 2. All Goods and Services will be subject to HMD’s inspection and testing, at
    any time and place, including the period of manufacture and before final
 3. If any item provided under this Purchase Order is defective in materials or
    workmanship or not in conformity with the requirements, then HMD may reject
    it without correction, require its correction within a specified time,
    accept it with an adjustment in price, or return it to Supplier for full
    credit. When HMD provides notice to Supplier, Supplier will promptly replace
    or correct, at their expense, any item rejected or requiring correction. If,
    after HMD’s request, Supplier fails to promptly replace or correct a
    defective item within the delivery schedule, HMD may, at its sole option,
    (i) replace or correct such item and charge the cost to Supplier, (ii)
    without further notice terminate this Purchase Order for default, return the
    rejected item to Supplier at Supplier’s expense and Supplier will promptly
    refund any amounts paid by HMD for the returned item or (iii) require a
    reduction in price.


HMD may suspend Supplier’s performance, increase or decrease the ordered
quantities, or make changes for HMD’s reasonable business needs (each, a "Change
Order"), by written notice to Supplier, including via e-mail, and without any
notice to Supplier sureties, subcontractors or assignees. Unless mutually
agreed, a Change Order does not apply to change the Goods and Services timely
and fully delivered before the date of the Change Order. If any change causes an
increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the performance
of the Purchase Order, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the price or
delivery schedule, or both, and the Purchase order shall be modified accordingly
in writing.


All tools, equipment or materials acquired by Supplier for use in providing the
Goods and Services, which have been furnished to, paid for by or charged against
HMD, including but not limited to specifications, drawings, tools, dies, molds,
fixtures, patterns, hobs, electrodes, punches, artwork, screens, tapes,
templates, special test equipment, gauges, content, data, and software, will
remain or become HMD’s property, treated as confidential information, and
delivered in good condition, normal wear and tear excepted, by Supplier to HMD’s
designated delivery location.


 1. Each party will own and retain all rights to its pre-existing intellectual
    property and any intellectual property developed outside of the Goods and
    Services under this Purchase Order.
 2. If Supplier uses any Supplier or third party intellectual property in any
    Good or Service, Supplier will continue to own Supplier’s intellectual
    property. Supplier will grant HMD a worldwide, nonexclusive, perpetual,
    irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid up right and license, under all
    current and future intellectual property, to use Supplier’s and third party
    intellectual property consistent with HMD’s ownership interests.

 3. HMD intellectual property.
    1. Supplier may obtain "HMD Materials" meaning any tangible or intangible
       materials (including hardware, software, source code, documentation, met
       methodologies, know how, processes, techniques, ideas, concepts,
       technologies, and data) provided by or on behalf of HMD to perform the
       Services. HMD Materials include any modifications to, or derivative works
       of, the foregoing materials, the trademarks and any data entered into any
       Supplier database as part of the Services.
    2. HMD retains all interest in HMD Materials and related intellectual
       property. Supplier has no right to sublicense HMD Materials.
    3. Regarding Supplier’s use of HMD Materials:
       1. Supplier will not modify, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble
          HMD Materials except as allowed by HMD;
       2. Supplier will leave in place, and not alter or obscure, all
          proprietary notices and licenses contained in HMD Materials;
       3. HMD is not obligated to provide technical support, maintenance or
          updates for HMD Materials;
       4. Supplier assumes the risk of loss, damage, unauthorized access or use,
          or theft or disappearance of HMD Materials in Supplier’s (or
          subcontractor’s) care, custody or control.
    4. License to software and Intellectual Property in the Goods.
       1. Pass through warranties and indemnities. Supplier assigns and passes
          through to HMD all of the thirdparty manufacturers’ and licensors’
          warranties and indemnities for the Goods.
    5. Title to the Goods (other than software) will pass from Supplier to HMD
       on final acceptance.


Supplier represents and warrants that:

 1. Supplier has full rights and authority to enter into and perform according
    to this Agreement. Supplier’s performance will not violate any agreement or
    obligation between Supplier and any third party;


 3. The Services will be performed professionally and be of high grade, nature
    and quality;

 4. Supplier will provide to HMD all Goods and Services free from (i) any
    defects in design, workmanship and materials, (ii) any liability for
    royalties, and (iii) any mechanic’s liens or any other statutory lien or
    security interest or encumbrance;

 5. The Goods, Services, Deliverables and any Supplier IP or third-party IP
    provided to HMD under this Agreement:
    1. Are not governed, in whole or in part, by an Excluded License. "Excluded
       License" means any software license that requires as a condition of use,
       modification and/or distribution, that the software or other software
       combined and/or distributed with it be (a) disclosed or distributed in
       source code form; (b) licensed to make derivative works; or (c)
       redistributable at no charge; and
    2. Will not be subject to license terms that require any HMD IP, product,
       service, or any Supplier IP, or third party IP licensed to HMD, or
       documentation which incorporates or is derived from the Deliverables, to
       be licensed or shared with any third party;

 6. The Goods, Services, Deliverables and any Supplier IP or third-party IP
    provided to HMD under this Agreement will not:
    1. To the best of Supplier’s knowledge, infringe any patent, copyright,
       trademark, trade secret or other proprietary right of any third party; or
    2. Contain any viruses or other malicious code that will degrade or infect
       any Goods, product, service, or any other software or HMD’s network or

 7. Supplier will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations whether
    local, state, federal or foreign;

 8. Supplier will comply with and train its employees in all applicable laws
    against bribery, corruption, inaccurate books & records, inadequate internal
    controls and money-laundering. Supplier will not offer or give any employee,
    agent, or representative of HMD gratuities to secure any business from HMD
    or influence such person to alter the terms, conditions, or performance of
    any contract with or order from HMD, including but not limited to this
    Purchase Order.


HMD may terminate this Purchase Order with or without cause. Termination is
effective upon written notice. If HMD terminates for convenience, its only
obligation is to pay for

 1. Deliverables or Goods it accepts before the effective date of termination;
 2. Services performed, where HMD retains the benefit after the effective date
    of termination.


 1. "Personal Information" means any information provided by HMD or collected by
    Supplier under this Purchase Order:
    1. That identifies or can identify, contact, or locate the person to whom
       such information pertains; or
    2. That can be used to derive an individual person’s identification or
       contact information. Personal Information includes, but is not limited
       to: name, address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, social
       security number or other government-issued identifier, and credit card
       information. To the extent any other information (e.g., a personal
       profile, unique identifier, biometric information, and/or IP address) is
       associated or combined with Personal Information, then such information
       is also Personal Information.

 2. If Supplier collects or accesses any Personal Information as part of
    performing the Services, Supplier agrees to comply with the most current
    Data Protection Requirements applicable.
 3. Compliance with Supplier Guidelines and Supplier Code of Conduct. Supplier
    will comply with the most current Supplier Guidelines and the Supplier Code
    of Conduct as communicated from time to time by HMD.


Supplier will not subcontract with any third party to furnish any Goods or
Services without HMD’s prior written consent.


Supplier will defend, indemnify and hold harmless HMD against all claims,
demands, loss, costs, damages, and actions for (a) actual or alleged
infringements of any third party intellectual property or other proprietary
rights, which arise from the Goods and Services provided to HMD under this
Purchase Order, (b) any claim that, if true, would constitute a breach of any
Supplier warranty contained herein, (c) any act or omission of or failure to
comply with applicable laws, rules or regulations by Supplier or Supplier’s
agents, employees, or subcontractors, (d) any breach of confidentiality
obligations, (e) the negligent or willful acts or omissions of Supplier or its
subcontractors, which results in any bodily injury or death to any person or
loss, disappearance or damage to tangible or intangible property, and (f) any
claims of its employees, affiliated companies or subcontractors regardless of
the basis, including, but not limited to, the payment of settlements, judgments,
and reasonable attorneys’ fees.


Supplier shall obtain and maintain in force with a reputable insurance company,
and on request give evidence of, adequate insurance policies relating to its
obligations under the Purchase order. Service Provider's obligations under this
clause shall in no way limit or diminish its indemnification obligations, or
liability for claims covered, under the terms of the Agreement. If HMD
reasonably determines that Supplier’s coverage is not adequate, Supplier will
promptly buy additional coverage and notify HMD in writing.


If the parties have entered into a standard HMD Non-Disclosure Agreement, the
terms of such agreement will apply to and be incorporated in this Purchase Order
and all terms and conditions of this Purchase Order and HMD Materials will be
deemed Confidential Information. If the parties have not entered into a standard

HMD Non-Disclosure Agreement, then Supplier agrees that during the term of this
Purchase Order and for 5 years thereafter, Supplier will hold in strictest
confidence, and will not use or disclose to any third party, any HMD
Confidential Information. The term "HMD Confidential Information" means all
nonpublic information that HMD designates, either in writing or orally, as
confidential, or which, under the circumstances of disclosure ought to be
treated as confidential. HMD Confidential Information includes:

 1. The terms and conditions of this Purchase Order;
 2. Released or unreleased HMD software or hardware products;
 3. Marketing or promotion of any HMD product;
 4. Business policies or practices of HMD;
 5. Customers or suppliers of HMD;
 6. HMD Materials or any information provided by HMD under this Purchase Order
    or obtained or created by Supplier in the course of providing the Goods or
    Services; or
 7. Information received from others that HMD must treat as confidential.

If Supplier has questions regarding what comprises HMD Confidential Information,
Supplier will consult HMD. HMD Confidential Information will not include
information known to Supplier before HMD’s disclosure to Supplier, or
information that becomes publicly available through no fault of Supplier.


During the term of this Purchase Order and for 4 years after, Supplier agrees to
keep all usual and proper records and books of account and all usual and proper
entries related to its costs and expenses pertinent to this Purchase Order.
During the above referenced period, HMD may audit and/or inspect the applicable
records and facilities to verify statements or invoices issued by Supplier and
confirm Supplier’s compliance with this Purchase Order. Any such audit will be
conducted by HMD corporate internal audit personnel or by a certified public
accountant firm selected by HMD Supplier agrees to provide HMD’s designated
audit or inspection team reasonable access to the Supplier records and
facilities. If the auditors determine that HMD overpaid Supplier, Supplier will
reimburse HMD for any such overcharge. HMD will bear the expense of its auditors
or inspection team. However, if the audit shows Supplier overcharged HMD by 5%
or more during such audit period, Supplier will reimburse HMD for such expenses.


No right or obligation under this Purchase Order (including the right to receive
monies due) will be assigned without the prior written consent of HMD. Any
assignment without such consent will be void. HMD may assign its rights under
this Purchase Order.


Whenever an actual or potential labor dispute delays or threatens to delay the
timely performance of this Purchase Order, Supplier will immediately notify HMD
in writing of such dispute and furnish all relevant details. Supplier will
include a provision identical to the above in each subcontract and, immediately
upon receipt of such notice, give written notice to HMD.


Notwithstanding other conditions stated herein, if Supplier fails in performance
according to the terms of this Purchase Order, Supplier, as part of the
consideration for this Purchase Order and without further cost to HMD,
automatically grants to HMD an irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free right
and license to use, sell, manufacture, and cause to be manufactured any and all
products, which embody any and all inventions and discoveries made, conceived,
or actually reduced to practice by or on behalf of Supplier in connection with a
Deliverable under this Purchase Order.


This Purchase order shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the
laws of Finland, excluding its rules for choice of law. All disputes arising out
of or in connection with the present Purchase order shall be finally settled
under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one
or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules. The arbitration
shall be held in Helsinki, Finland. The language of the arbitration shall be
English. The award shall be final and binding and enforceable in any court of
competent jurisdiction. Nothing in the Purchase Order shall be deemed to limit
the Parties' rights to seek interim injunctive relief or to enforce an
arbitration award in a court of law.


Supplier will not use any HMD trademark, Nokia trademark/logo or service mark or
logo, or cause or permit to be released any publicity, advertisement, news
release, public announcement, or denial or confirmation of the same, in whatever
form regarding any aspect of this Purchase Order or the relationship between
Supplier and HMD without HMD’s prior written approval. If such approval is
granted, Supplier may only use HMD trademarks, service marks and logos
identified and provided by HMD for the Goods and Services in compliance with
prior agreed terms and conditions.


If any court of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision of this
Purchase Order is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, or if any terms are
illegal, invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the remaining provisions
will remain in full force and effect.


The provisions of this Purchase Order which, by their terms, require performance
after the termination or expiration or have application to events that may occur
after the termination or expiration of this Purchase Order, will survive the
termination or expiration of this Purchase Order. All indemnity obligations will
be deemed to survive the termination or expiration of this Purchase Order.


In case of the execution of an Agreement between the parties, the terms of the
Agreement will supersede the terms of this Purchase order and will be applicable
to the parties hereto.


 * Was Sie über Ihre Privatsphäre und die mutmaßliche „Datenschutzverletzung“
   bei Nokia 7 Plus-Smartphones wissen müssen.


Effective date April 27, 2021

HMD Mobile is a mobile telephone service for voice calling, messaging, data, and
voicemail (“HMD Mobile”). HMD provides a customer with a SIM card to be used for
accessing the service. In addition, HMD provides a customer with mobile
application and web application for managing the service.

In connection with HMD Mobile, we collect the following personal data from you:

• Name
• Address
• Mobile number
• Email
• Payment information
• SIM card details

This information is needed for offering the service to you. Payment data is
being processed by the payment service providers used in connection with HMD

While you are using HMD Mobile, we additionally process the following types of

• Traffic data: as part of connectivity, data like the numbers you call, the
time and duration of the call or how you are using data, are being processed.
• Location data: as part of location-based services or features, Global
Positioning System (GPS) data or by identifying nearby mobile phone masts and
Wi-Fi hotspots can be processed.

To provide the service, HMD operates as a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO)
meaning that HMD is communications services provider that does not own the
network infrastructure over which HMD provides services. The communications
services are provided by our service providers that are data processors of HMD.

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der Nokia Corporation. HMD Global Oy ist der exklusive Lizenznehmer der Marke
Nokia für Telefone und Tablets. Die Nokia Corporation ist kein Hersteller,
Importeur, Vertreiber oder Einzelhändler der von HMD Global Oy unter der Marke
Nokia angebotenen Produkte.

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