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Friendship is gold. But what happens after it tarnishes?


March 16, 2015 by minqhee ♥ 0 Leave a Comment

Have you ever pondered why some friendships cease to be? Or how your chummy best
friend is now a mere acquaintance? Have you ever contemplated what stood between
you and him/her? Or did you simply dismiss the case and hold tightly to the
memories created?

I’ve had my fair share of broken relationships… Sadly, it doesn’t get easier
with experience. Part of what makes us human is the desire to connect, share and
be intimate with one another without qualms or fear of judgment. But when that
friendship fails, it’s time to move on. It’s time to re-examine what works for
you, and what doesn’t, and come to a conclusion as to whether or not your
approach to forming a bond with another needs improvement. Some friendships are
contingent on frequent communication. Some require more invested time to
flourish. Some stay old without much effort. But the underlying commonality is
that we never leave a friendship unscathed: we leave a piece of ourselves behind
and become that much more aware about ourselves. There and then, we have laid
another stone in our paths, waiting only so to be tread on.

Now the balancing charge: not all friendships are doomed to fail after the
elephant has slowly crept into the room… Every individual is blessed with a
choice: to accept status quo, or lay their cards on the table (tbh, the latter
option fills me with anxiety, because taking the first step to bridge
communication requires a healthy does of courage). Eleanor Roosevelt once said:

> You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
> really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I have
> lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ You
> must do the thing you think you cannot do.

I don’t know about you, but I hate to lose. I hate to lose the good feelings and
impressions people have towards me. Because of that fear, I sometimes choose to
walk away when circumstances indicate that those feelings are wavering.
Self-preservation; self-protection; self-denial. To the people I love, this is
my advice to you: start today – if you aren’t already intentionally doing
so, cherish those around you, let them know (platinum rule: treat others the way
they desire to be treated) – and whether or not it succeeds, at least you know
you’ve tried.

Licking that peanut butter off the spoon is simply *amazing*


March 7, 2015March 7, 2015 by minqhee ♥ 0 Leave a Comment

On a whim, I quickly grabbed a jar of skippy’s peanut butter off the shelves and
dunked it into my grocery basket. It was just one of those days whereby you
decided that it was time to give breakfast plates a new makeover, or that a
little treat will not hurt anyone – nut butters are chock full of
monounsaturated fats that are healthy, if taken in moderation. If you haven’t
tried, please go grab your favourite spoon, carefully dip it into that pool of
gooey goodness, give it a gentle swirl…. then pop it right into your mouth! It’s
fragrant, creamy, smooth yet nutty, and most importantly, you no longer crave
for other forms of desserts, in particular froyo/soft
serve/ice-cream/gelato/pastries… etc.

On a completely random note, may I just rant about how handsome Lee Sang Yoon
is? I was analysing what I like about him, and I narrowed his traits down to
this list: his forever smiling, moon-shaped eyes; the softness of his facial
features (I’m not sure how I may elaborate this in a more comprehensible manner,
but he appears very approachable and gentle); dem dimples… it’s like when they
appear, you know he’s gonna get away with anything. Beauty lies in the eyes of
its beholder.

P/s. Praise God, for I am offered an internship position at EY for Tax Services

The Liar Game


March 5, 2015March 5, 2015 by minqhee ♥ 0 Leave a Comment

May I have the honour of introducing you to the BEST drama I’ve watched this

A drama with 0% ‘romance’, yet romantic in every way? A drama that challenges
the notion of trust: if someone tells you not to trust anyone, should you
believe him… Or, in order to trust that one person, should we have to doubt
everything? A drama that is beyond intellectually stimulating and mind-blowing,
to the extent I’ll sacrifice sleep just to pacify my curious mind. A drama that
has handpicked its cast with elaborate care and skill (Lee Sang-Yoon is
too fitting for the role as Professor Ha… When he says “I have a way to win”, I
can’t help but think that he’s already won the hearts of all female viewers.) I
honestly cannot wait for the announcement of a season two…

Love Weaves Through A Millennium


March 1, 2015March 5, 2015 by minqhee ♥ 0 Leave a Comment

Recess week is here! I’m so happy because a well-deserved break has just crept
into my schedule without my knowing. It’s timely too, for I’ve just gotten
attached to a new Chinese drama that follows closely the plot of another korean
drama favourite: Queen In Hyun’s Man. I like that this new version is not a
blatant copy, but has incorporated elements that are more suited to the
audience’s culture. The main OTP has been carefully picked for the role, and
chemistry is evidently the spark of their interaction. It’s such a joy to
immerse myself in a drama, as doing so allows me to shed tears, laugh out loud
and feel frustrated; emotions I would otherwise not have experienced.

Another of my all-time favourite drama has to be “In Time With You”. I find the
main character, Chen You Qing, so relatable in terms of personality, character,
behaviour and attitude towards life. She’s confident, fiery and determined. Not
simply anyone can handle her honesty. At times she’s vulnerable, in particular,
to her thoughts and during times she’s alone. When the world seems to disagree
with what you believe to be true, the seed of doubt is planted. At our weaker
moments, we allow it to be watered when we entertain the thought that perhaps
we’ve miscalculated – our abilities and our worth.

As she struggles with finding love in the right places in the right person at
the right time, the drama leaves a string of questions open: Does love spring
from a spark; is it a ‘moment’? Should love move you to compromise and embrace
change, or should it encourage you to be who you are? How do you measure
love? This might be important, because perhaps, we love more deeply than we
think we do.

I’m sorry if none of these make any sense. It’s way past my bedtime… I needed to
consolidate some thoughts.



February 23, 2015February 24, 2015 by minqhee ♥ 0 Leave a Comment

Exhausted. But so, so, so good.
On a side note, I’m having best friend syndromes…

B.A.E (Before Anyone Else)


February 22, 2015February 23, 2015 by minqhee ♥ 0 Leave a Comment

Alternatively, ‘poop’. In Danish. I’m sorry, but knowing is crucial, for I would
like to avoid using unglamorous vocabulary while roaming in the streets of a
foreign land I’d be dwelling in for 5 months. Singaporeans aren’t supposed to
exude ignorance.

Back to the point: the topic of this post sprung out from a youth panel
discussion at church. It’s a pity I did not get invited to speak, because the
concept of BGR is one close to my heart, literally. I’m letting the cat(s) out
of the bag, because self-actualization begins with making mistakes, documenting
them, then effecting improvements. Here’s something I have to address: Am I
truly enjoying singlehood, or do I sometimes wish I had a significant other
to share my life with? What is my take on dating in today’s society? Am I facing
pressure to date? Regardless of whether I answer them adequately or not, I hope
that these penned thoughts will serve as a timeless anchor.

First things first. I’m single and I enjoy singlehood very much. I would not
attribute my enjoyment of singlehood to the copious amount of ‘freedom’ to check
off the items in my ‘singles’ bucket list, nor would I say that it is the lack
of accountability I have to give to another person.

> But because I hold the heart of the one who never turns away in
> disappointment, the one who always send his angels to protect me as I
> tread on darkened paths, the one who grants me the desires of my heart, who
> waits for me because I take time to be able to confront my problems or even
> vocalise them, who never leaves me for another; and because I am so
> dearly loved by my amazing family members and eternal friends; I have no
> capacity to feel discontented with where I am at.

When I finally get to meet my pastor-charming (HAHA), I would like to share my
wonderful life experiences with him – how I’d lived through societal
judgment with centre parting and thick bushy eyebrows, how I’ve slept at a
gas station along the streets of Venice, and how God’s footprints in my life had
been so evident yet I’ve missed them (but thankfully not him). This is the time
to nurture myself into Christlikeness. It’s the time to pray the same for
my partner.

So, will I ever confess to a guy if I am attracted to him (assuming he is of
good character and scores high on the compatibility scale)? I guess not. I blame
it on my fear of failure (of both being rejected and losing an established
friendship), or otherwise, plain unwillingness to put my pride on the line.  To
my comfort, the manner of pursuit should originate from the guy. This is
actually rooted in biblical doctrine:

> The God-given role to man is to initiate, as it is the woman’s God-given role
> to respond. Single men need to learn how to lead (whether they like it or
> not), single women need to learn what it is to let a man assume spiritual
> leadership in the relationship — and to respond to that leadership.
> Ultimately, this means learning to trust God’s goodness and sovereignty.

I hope that addresses your curiosity. Note that this does not contradict the
whole concept of ‘gender equality’. I am not suggesting that women are, in any
way, subservient and inferior, or that they can never be vocal about their
feelings (speak now or let silence end your game). But instead of consulting the
other party directly, consult the people around you or even, the people around
him! Sometimes they offer perspectives that you miss out on, simply because
you’re caught up with your own feelings and thoughts. I personally prefer the
‘prim and proper’ way of courtship. Hah. Hopeless romantic?

But then again, I always ask myself if I am truly ready. Or am I truly wanting?
My answer is always inconclusive – I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for anything
like that. I’m scared, because the arena of relationships is like unchartered
waters: mysteries lurking about in murky waters, unguaranteed safety, rocky
stretches and unwarranted seasickness. But the rewards are tenfold: sun dipping
in the horizon, exploration of inhabited islands and feeling the breeze flowing
over your face… Ok I think I better stop the poetic inspiration. But yeah, I’m
not ready, but I hope you realise that this realisation, in itself, is merely
indicative of my ‘true’ readiness. Is this confusing? If yes, you’re not suited
for a career in taxation. 哈哈!

To end on a convincing note, my advice to all singles (who are ready to commit
themselves to a relationship) is to put yourself out there, put away
presumptions and date with the intention to know the other person better.
Remain accountable to your mentors, but always, guard your heart (to an
appropriate level) (not paranoia) and set proper boundaries for yourself. Don’t
let societal pressure become your dreaded timer – enjoy the season. Quote me on
this: the pursuit of man’s heart is bound to end up in failure, while the
pursuit of God’s heart will lead you to the path of unending joy.



February 9, 2015 by minqhee ♥ 0 Leave a Comment

Becoming a Woman After God’s Own Heart


December 22, 2014February 9, 2015 by minqhee ♥ 0 Leave a Comment

> For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may
> strongly support those whose heart is completely His (2 Chronicles 16:9)

In the recent Disciple Class, we studied about Joshua, the various judges, King
Saul and King David. We were asked to define what it means to “chase after god’s
own heart”… I’ve never thought deeply about this matter… I assumed that as long
as I have that thought lingering in my mind, some day, just some day… I’ll
achieve it. But is it truly something that comes naturally? Or is it a choice
that we have to make in every moment from dawn to dusk?

What is God looking for: He is looking for men and women whose hearts are
His—completely. There are no locked closets. Nothing’s been swept under the
rugs. That means that when you do wrong, you admit it and come to terms with it.
You long to please Him in your actions. You care deeply about the motivations
behind your actions. God is not looking for magnificent specimens of humanity.
He’s looking for deeply spiritual, genuinely humble servants who
uphold integrity.

A Woman After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George: the time we spend in solitude
with our bible and our prayer list, our secret life spent with our Heavenly
Father, is time spent waiting upon the Lord. Then, in the fullness of time, in
God’s perfect timing, there is mounting up, taking flight like the eagle in
Isaiah 40:31. We are able to soar because we have been with the Lord.. We have
more to give to our neighbours if we regularly place ourselves before God and
let Him grow us, strengthen us and ultimately transform us.

Winter Wonderland


December 16, 2014December 16, 2014 by minqhee ♥ 0 Leave a Comment

> As for God, His way is perfect; The Lord’s word is flawless; he wields all who
> take refuge in Him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is rock except
> our God? It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.

Hello everybardieeeee. It’s been a while since I’ve last posted about anything…
I think it’s ultimately due to laziness and lack of motivation (hah, similar to
all the habits I’ve picked up and dropped anyway). But since there’s nothing
much to do in the days forward… I’m just lazing around the house and waiting for
my newly embroidered eyebrows to settle so that I may become active again (I
pray hard for this)!

Cambodia Mission Trip, 6-10th December 2014

The trip has proved to be more than amazing – It was also filled with reflective
moments, especially since I was the main scribe for the team and had to take
note of the details of the trip. Also, making the trip with really experienced
short-term mission trippers is very much different as compared to making the
trip with first-timers. Also, being the youngest means that everybody expects
less of you… So, I could (thank God) concentrate on tackling my exams and be
minimally involved in the planning :P But then again, part of the process is
learning on the go, being flexible/adaptable with unexpected changes and shock
events, etc. I think I’ve been most relaxed during this mission trip, and I
could direct my focus 100% into serving and interacting with those around me.

However, I came back with sore throat and flu, so I had to stay in for 3 days
and miss the youth camp “Greater”. But God is good, and he blessed me with some
culinary inspiration during my stay at home, and I’ve come to realise that
avocados are amazinggggg. I hope they don’t grow out of season and become so
ridiculously expensive in the near term… I’m trying to come up with more
#breakfastideas, but sometimes, old is gold (plus, eggs and avocado make a
superb healthy combination that is hard to beat)… Besides cooking, I’ve been
hooked onto a new drama (but now it’s not new, because I’ve finished the entire
series comprising of 35 episodes!!) called “Sound of the Desert”. I love the
characters and their chemistry on screen – in particular, Eddie Peng and Cecilia
Liu! I ship them all the way~ haha.

Cambodia Mission TripEyebrow EmbroideryHomemade BreakfastSound of the Desert
Hello, this week has been… Opps this is the title…


October 12, 2014October 12, 2014 by minqhee ♥ 0 Leave a Comment

> Society in general is lazy, and many people go with the flow. To accomplish
> something, you require the will to start, and the desire to see it to
> completion.

Monday was Hari Raya Haji, and my mom wasn’t interested in anything other than
her accounting notes, so I lonelily headed down town to Dean & DeLuca for a late
brunch. I’ve been wanting to visit that place for ages, but this thought always
escapes me. I was deciding between the New Yorker (smoked salmon scrambled eggs
bagel), the Berries Flapjack (always a favourite), and the cornflake-crusted
brioche french toast (looked super ugly, but the mantra goes: ugly food tastes
best). I chose the latter in the end, and the meal lasted for an entire hour
because somehow my bottomless pit of a stomach has met its match. Thank God for
homework to keep me company.

Tuesday = first day of school after recess week, and there was no AC2102 class.
Initially I planned to go to Cafe by the Quad (yes I know, again… this place is
becoming an all-time favourite hideout), but it was packed like sardines. CRAZY.
So I decided to starve and grab a raisin butter cake instead T.T In need of an
after-school adventure, I decided to visit Tiong Bahru and its
favourite Galicier Pastry, which is a gem of a place for nonya kueh lovers. I
loved their ondeh ondeh, kueh dadar and coconut tart! Their kueh lapis was too
sweet for my liking. Then, I walked to Thomson Medical Centre to visit my aunt
and her new-born baby (TOBY!) who is so adorbs, but even more adorbs is his
siblings’ response to seeing him for the first time. Theodore is so funny,
because he’s at an age where he’s able to articulate himself and express his
inquisitiveness. He’s very logical though, which makes everything more amusing:

Theodore: Mummy, what is in your tummy?
Mummy: It’s your baby brother, Toby.
Theodore: Huh? Did you eat him?

Wednesday. Another free day. I met Claire at Les Patisseries for some pastries.
I really loved their quiche lorraine, butter croissant and french apple tart. I
wish the service was a little friendlier, but I came in with high expectations
because neighbourhood gems tend to be more cosy. We weren’t quite satisfied with
having only sweets, so we headed to Yellow Submarines for some
value-for-money cheesesteak burgers. To pass time, I revised for my upcoming
tests while she read Kallos Magazines. We had a good time being in each other’s
presence. And sometimes, you know you’re at peace with someone when you’re
comfortable with silence *smiles* In the evening, I had plans to meet Emily and
Steph for home-cooked dinner at Steph’s. Her house is so spacious without being
unwelcoming. We had a good time of jamming together (even though I have no
musical instrument talent, I feel happy holding on to a guitar and
strumming only the G chord over and over again) and binging on almond
chocolates. HAHA. We decided that we needed to have more of such sessions.

Thursday was the day all hell broke loose. I found out that my class
participation for BF2207 was literally zilt, and even with the intention of
being heard, I could not find opportunities to demonstrate my flair for the
module. Sigh, I should have chosen to sit in front of the classroom. Not only
that, I was feeling physically exhausted from the night drama marathon
during the week. Nevertheless, BF2201 was so enjoyable (because of my crazy,
loveable members), that I momentarily forgot the pain. Haha. Also, I
finished Legend of Lu Zhen. The ending was so amazing, and even though the main
OTP did not become husband and wife in the eyes of the law, they had their
unique happy ending.

Friday was more bearable, as I did not add to my sleep debt. The only eventful
part of that day was visiting Hambaobao, located at the open-air food market
atop Beauty World Centre after school (and fasting for 8 hours). Their broiled
dory burger is commendable! Although the tartar sauce could be more sparingly
used. After hanging around, and completing more revision materials, I headed to
Oishii Bakery to check out their freshly baked bread, and got myself a walnut
raisin bread. It was huge for $1.80! Happy day.

Saturday was spent in school instead of Disciple Class, due to BF2207 midterms,
but it was alright. The quiz was manageable, all glory to God! After the test, I
headed to Cafe by the Quad to grab some healthy grub in the form of Samgyetang.
The half-chicken seems to have become malnourished from the last time I’ve
ordered it, and the amount of rice dished out in bowls were more miserly.
Ohwell. It was a satisfying meal nonetheless. I’ll still be back! After the BAF
ethics lecture (which was pretty much useless because I only focused on my own
revision for AB1102), mom picked me up from NTU and we headed to Oceans of
Seafood at Pasar Bella – Grand Stand for dinner. We ordered a half-dozen of USA
Taylor Bay oysters to share while I had to myself a bowl of jyou chirashi. For
the price paid ($35), I feel that they could have loaded up more on the sashimi…
compare their bowl to the one found at Chikuwa Tei, you’d realise that it
amounts daylight robbery. So, feeling unsatisfied, I grabbed an orange cranberry
scone from Da Paolo Gastronomia for my dessert. I love scones.

Sunday was spent mostly in church, because I had to be present for the mission
trip meeting/planning session. Before YM, I had the privilege of sharing with
Joy the reliability and origins of the bible, and how we are to respond to
certain difficult questions posed to us by people who do not share our faith. I
think being asked such challenging questions do help me shape my answers so that
they are more refined and understandable. Enhancing quality characteristics,
indeed. After YM, I headed to Bread King, which was located a fair distance
away, at Burghley Squash & Tennis Centre. I had their famed emmental cheese roll
and their vegetable pastry pie, which were equally delectable, though steeper on
the price side ($4 per piece). In the evening, I grabbed a cheese scallion scone
and an olive onion bread roll from Cedele before brisk walking to my aunt’s
place for a family dinner. Remind me never to buy any goods related to olives,
because I found out too late that it is incompatible with my taste buds. Haha.
Ohwellies. My aunt cooks an amazing dish comprising of korean beef, bell peppers
and snow peas stirfry. I also had some delightful homemade hainanese kueh kueh
(the Lord hears my prayers).

So, this was my week. How was yours? 

Bread KingCafe by the QuadDa Paolo GastronomiaDean & DeLucaHambaobaoKallos
MagazineLegend of Lu ZhenLes PatisseriesOceans of SeafoodOishii BakeryTiong
Bahru Galicier PastryTobyVisitation at Steph'sYellow Submarines


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