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FED GOVERNOR CASTS DOUBT ON PLANS FOR STABLECOIN REGULATION Federal Reserve governor Christopher Waller has claimed that stablecoins should be left unfettered of traditional regulation, despite growing industry calls for treating stablecoin issuers like banks. BANK BOARDS SHOULD LEAD CLIMATE CHARGE, BASEL COMMITTEE SAYS As COP26 ends with a new pledge from the banking sector to achieve net zero by 2050, the Basel Committee has published its first principles on how to manage and supervise climate … O-SII BUFFERS TO EXCLUDE CENTRAL RESERVES UNDER NEW FPC PROPOSALS O-SIIs’ total assets “may no longer be a desirable metric” to determine their buffer rates, according to the Bank of England’s financial policy committee, as it proposes to reduce their buffer thresholds … EBA TARGETS BANK LICENSING IN LATEST HARMONISATION MOVE The European Banking Authority has released new banking licence guidelines in a bid to standardise the authorisation procedure across the bloc’s member states. Get more from GBRR Sign up to our daily email alert Sign up for GBRR email alerts Essential news with insight, data and horizon scanning for those who advise on and shape the technicalities of banking regulation. Get unlimited access to all Global Banking Regulation Review content Subscribe FROM LEXOLOGY CRYPTOCURRENCY AND BLOCKCHAIN REGULATION IN LAO PDR The rise of cryptocurrency has placed the decentralised system of finance in the spotlight with the recent record high in the price of Bitcoin… INITIAL CLIMATE CHANGE RISK MANAGEMENT EXPECTATIONS ISSUED BY US OCC On November 8, 2021, the acting head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (“OCC”), Michael J. 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IF IT WALKS LIKE A BANK… In the last year, the banking sector has weathered the covid-19 crisis, but the demises of non-banks Archegos, Greensill and Wirecard have raised questions about the distinctions between bank and non-bank regulation. As fintechs continue to innovate, and alternative lenders offer an increasingly wide range of services, do regulators need to widen their perimeter? 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