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    <div x-show="showSegmentInfo" class="mb-4 ml-6" style="display: none;"> Voorkeurscookies stellen een website in staat om informatie te onthouden die de manier waarop de website zich gedraagt of eruit ziet, verandert, zoals uw voorkeurstaal of de
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                                    <svg xmlns="" class="w-full h-auto" version="1.2" viewBox="0 0 709 712"><path d="M39.46 324.25C53.21 179.46 174.48 66 322.89 66c148.44 0 270.32 113.37 284.02 258.25h66.7c.03-1.9.29-3.76.29-5.66C673.9 142.84 531.44.38 355.7.38 179.96.38 37.5 142.84 37.5 318.59c0 1.9.19 3.78.28 5.66h1.68Z"></path><path fill="#231f20" d="M653.53 389.43v57.2h54.84v24.4h-54.84v57.98h-25.71v-57.98h-54.84v-24.4h54.84v-57.2h25.71ZM118.32 445.95v26.49H.41v-26.49h117.91Z"></path><path d="M12.05 608.63c8.12-1.38 17.78-2.3 28.35-2.3 19.15 0 32.78 4.6 41.82 12.87 9.34 8.42 14.71 20.37 14.71 37.07 0 16.85-5.37 30.64-14.86 40.14-9.81 9.65-25.74 14.86-45.81 14.86-9.65 0-17.47-.46-24.21-1.23V608.63Zm13.33 91.3c3.37.46 8.28.62 13.48.62 28.65 0 43.97-15.94 43.97-43.82.16-24.36-13.63-39.83-41.82-39.83-6.9 0-12.1.61-15.63 1.38v81.65ZM127.41 607.1v103.25h-13.48V607.1h13.48ZM237.71 665c-.76-14.4-1.68-31.86-1.68-44.58h-.31c-3.68 11.95-7.81 24.97-13.02 39.22l-18.23 50.1h-10.11l-16.86-49.18c-4.9-14.7-8.88-27.88-11.79-40.14h-.31c-.3 12.87-1.07 30.03-1.99 45.66l-2.76 44.27h-12.71l7.2-103.25h17l17.62 49.94c4.29 12.71 7.66 24.05 10.42 34.77h.3c2.76-10.41 6.44-21.75 11.03-34.77l18.39-49.94h17l6.44 103.25h-13.18L237.71 665ZM360.88 665c-.76-14.4-1.68-31.86-1.68-44.58h-.31c-3.68 11.95-7.81 24.97-13.02 39.22l-18.23 50.1h-10.11l-16.86-49.18c-4.9-14.7-8.88-27.88-11.79-40.14h-.31c-.31 12.87-1.07 30.03-1.99 45.66l-2.76 44.27h-12.71l7.2-103.25h17l17.62 49.94c4.29 12.71 7.66 24.05 10.42 34.77h.3c2.76-10.41 6.44-21.75 11.03-34.77l18.39-49.94h17l6.44 103.25h-13.18L360.88 665ZM412.2 677.87l-10.72 32.48h-13.79l35.24-103.25h15.93l35.23 103.25h-14.24l-11.03-32.48H412.2Zm34.01-10.41-10.26-29.72c-2.3-6.75-3.83-12.87-5.37-18.85h-.3c-1.53 5.98-3.07 12.41-5.21 18.69l-10.11 29.88h31.25ZM489.26 608.63c5.82-1.38 15.17-2.3 24.36-2.3 13.33 0 21.9 2.3 28.18 7.51 5.37 3.98 8.74 10.11 8.74 18.23 0 10.11-6.74 18.84-17.47 22.67v.46c9.81 2.3 21.3 10.42 21.3 25.74 0 8.88-3.53 15.78-8.89 20.68-7.04 6.59-18.69 9.65-35.54 9.65-9.19 0-16.24-.61-20.68-1.23V608.63Zm13.33 42.28h12.1c13.94 0 22.21-7.51 22.21-17.46 0-11.95-9.04-16.86-22.52-16.86-6.13 0-9.65.46-11.79.92v33.4Zm0 49.33c2.75.46 6.43.61 11.18.61 13.79 0 26.5-5.05 26.5-20.06 0-13.95-12.1-19.92-26.65-19.92h-11.03v39.37ZM572.14 607.1h13.48v92.07h44.12v11.18h-57.6V607.1ZM697.91 661.94h-39.98v37.23h44.73v11.18h-58.21V607.1h55.91v11.18h-42.43v32.63h39.98v11.03Z"></path></svg>
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                                    Halogeenlamp | GU5,3 | Spot | Helder | 50mm | 20W
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            <span class="price">€ 1,65</span>
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Merken chevron-down
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 * paper-plane
   Gratis bezorgd vanaf € 99,-
 * truck
   Voor 20:30 besteld, morgen bezorgd
 * fragile
   100% breukloze bezorging
 * 8.2
   24299 beoordelingen




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Voordelige LED, hoge kwaliteit
Lighto, duurzame LED voor elke ruimte
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 * Overstappen op LED



 * Gloeilampen
 * Halogeenlampen
 * LED lampen
 * LED filament
 * Smart lampen
 * TL lampen
 * Spaarlampen

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Halogeenlamp | GU5,3 | Spot | Helder | 50mm | 20W
€ 1,65
Gloeilamp | Kleine fitting E14 | Kaarslamp | Helder | 35mm | 15W
€ 1,85
Halogeenlamp | G4 | Insteeklamp | Helder | 8mm | 10W
€ 0,70
Halogeenlamp | GU4 | Spot | Helder | 35mm | 20W
€ 2,50
Halogeenlamp | GU10 | Spot | Helder | 50mm | 50W
€ 1,95
< >

LED GloeilampenBekijken
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Resultaten ()

 * paper-plane Gratis bezorgd vanaf € 99,-
 * truck Voor 20:30 besteld, morgen bezorgd
 * fragile 100% breukloze bezorging

 * paper-plane
   Gratis bezorgd vanaf € 99,-
 * truck
   Voor 20:30 besteld, morgen bezorgd
 * fragile
   100% breukloze bezorging
 * 8.2
   24299 beoordelingen


 * Buislampen
 * Kaarslampen
 * Kogellampen
 * Reflectorlampen
 * Globelampen
 * Kopspiegellampen
 * Standaardlampen
 * Insteeklampen

 * Philinea lampen
 * Lampen met een kleine fitting (E14)
 * Lampen met een grote fitting (E27)
 * Lampen met een bajonetfitting
 * Gekleurde lampen
 * Gouden lampen
 * Flamelampen


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Mercuriusstraat 5
6541 BM Nijmegen


 * Ontvang 2x per maand Superdeals






KvK: 56951795
BTW: NL852375682B01
Onderdeel van B.V.


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