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urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Submitted URL: https://dorutech.com.tr/assets/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/index-ver=5.6.4.js
Effective URL: https://www.dorutech.com.tr/assets/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/index-ver=5.6.4.js
Submission: On November 21 via api from US — Scanned from CA
Effective URL: https://www.dorutech.com.tr/assets/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/js/index-ver=5.6.4.js
Submission: On November 21 via api from US — Scanned from CA
Form analysis
0 forms found in the DOMText Content
!(function () { "use strict"; const e = (e) => Math.abs(parseInt(e, 10)), t = (e, t) => { const a = new Map([ ["init", "init"], ["validation_failed", "invalid"], ["acceptance_missing", "unaccepted"], ["spam", "spam"], ["aborted", "aborted"], ["mail_sent", "sent"], ["mail_failed", "failed"], ["submitting", "submitting"], ["resetting", "resetting"], ["validating", "validating"], ["payment_required", "payment-required"], ]); a.has(t) && (t = a.get(t)), Array.from(a.values()).includes(t) || (t = `custom-${(t = (t = t.replace(/[^0-9a-z]+/i, " ").trim()).replace(/\s+/, "-"))}`); const r = e.getAttribute("data-status"); return (e.wpcf7.status = t), e.setAttribute("data-status", t), e.classList.add(t), r && r !== t && e.classList.remove(r), t; }, a = (e, t, a) => { const r = new CustomEvent(`wpcf7${t}`, { bubbles: !0, detail: a }); "string" == typeof e && (e = document.querySelector(e)), e.dispatchEvent(r); }, r = (e) => { const { root: t, namespace: a = "contact-form-7/v1" } = wpcf7.api; return n.reduceRight( (e, t) => (a) => t(a, e), (e) => { let r, n, { url: o, path: c, endpoint: s, headers: i, body: l, data: d, ...p } = e; "string" == typeof s && ((r = a.replace(/^\/|\/$/g, "")), (n = s.replace(/^\//, "")), (c = n ? r + "/" + n : r)), "string" == typeof c && (-1 !== t.indexOf("?") && (c = c.replace("?", "&")), (c = c.replace(/^\//, "")), (o = t + c)), (i = { Accept: "application/json, */*;q=0.1", ...i }), delete i["X-WP-Nonce"], d && ((l = JSON.stringify(d)), (i["Content-Type"] = "application/json")); const u = { code: "fetch_error", message: "You are probably offline." }, f = { code: "invalid_json", message: "The response is not a valid JSON response." }; return window.fetch(o || c || window.location.href, { ...p, headers: i, body: l }).then( (e) => Promise.resolve(e) .then((e) => { if (e.status >= 200 && e.status < 300) return e; throw e; }) .then((e) => { if (204 === e.status) return null; if (e && e.json) return e.json().catch(() => { throw f; }); throw f; }), () => { throw u; } ); } )(e); }, n = []; function o(e) { var a, r, n, o; let i = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; const l = e; if (void 0 === (null === (a = e.wpcf7) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.schema)) return; const d = { ...e.wpcf7.schema }; if (null === (r = i.target) || void 0 === r || !r.closest(".wpcf7-form-control-wrap[data-name]")) return; if (null !== (n = i.target) && void 0 !== n && n.closest(".novalidate")) return; const p = new FormData(), u = []; for (const e of l.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-form-control-wrap")) if ( !e.closest(".novalidate") && (e.querySelectorAll(":where( input, textarea, select ):enabled").forEach((e) => { if (e.name) switch (e.type) { case "button": case "image": case "reset": case "submit": break; case "checkbox": case "radio": e.checked && p.append(e.name, e.value); break; case "select-multiple": for (const t of e.selectedOptions) p.append(e.name, t.value); break; case "file": for (const t of e.files) p.append(e.name, t); break; default: p.append(e.name, e.value); } }), e.dataset.name && (u.push(e.dataset.name), e.setAttribute("data-under-validation", "1"), e.dataset.name === i.target.name.replace(/\[.*\]$/, ""))) ) break; d.rules = (null !== (o = d.rules) && void 0 !== o ? o : []).filter((e) => { let { field: t } = e; return u.includes(t); }); const f = e.getAttribute("data-status"); Promise.resolve(t(e, "validating")) .then((t) => { if (void 0 !== swv) { const t = swv.validate(d, p, i); for (const [a, { error: r }] of t) s(e, a), void 0 !== r && c(e, a, r); } }) .finally(() => { t(e, f), e.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-form-control-wrap[data-under-validation]").forEach((e) => { e.removeAttribute("data-under-validation"); }); }); } r.use = (e) => { n.unshift(e); }; const c = (e, t, a) => { var r; const n = `${null === (r = e.wpcf7) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.unitTag}-ve-${t}`.replaceAll(/[^0-9a-z_-]+/gi, ""), o = e.querySelector(`.wpcf7-form-control-wrap[data-name="${t}"] .wpcf7-form-control`); (() => { const t = document.createElement("li"); t.setAttribute("id", n), o && o.id ? t.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<a href="#${o.id}">${a}</a>`) : t.insertAdjacentText("beforeend", a), e.wpcf7.parent.querySelector(".screen-reader-response ul").appendChild(t); })(), e.querySelectorAll(`.wpcf7-form-control-wrap[data-name="${t}"]`).forEach((t) => { if ("validating" === e.getAttribute("data-status") && !t.dataset.underValidation) return; const r = document.createElement("span"); r.classList.add("wpcf7-not-valid-tip"), r.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), r.insertAdjacentText("beforeend", a), t.appendChild(r), t.querySelectorAll("[aria-invalid]").forEach((e) => { e.setAttribute("aria-invalid", "true"); }), t.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-form-control").forEach((e) => { e.classList.add("wpcf7-not-valid"), e.setAttribute("aria-describedby", n), "function" == typeof e.setCustomValidity && e.setCustomValidity(a), e.closest(".use-floating-validation-tip") && (e.addEventListener("focus", (e) => { r.setAttribute("style", "display: none"); }), r.addEventListener("click", (e) => { r.setAttribute("style", "display: none"); })); }); }); }, s = (e, t) => { var a, r; const n = `${null === (a = e.wpcf7) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.unitTag}-ve-${t}`.replaceAll(/[^0-9a-z_-]+/gi, ""); null === (r = e.wpcf7.parent.querySelector(`.screen-reader-response ul li#${n}`)) || void 0 === r || r.remove(), e.querySelectorAll(`.wpcf7-form-control-wrap[data-name="${t}"]`).forEach((e) => { var t; null === (t = e.querySelector(".wpcf7-not-valid-tip")) || void 0 === t || t.remove(), e.querySelectorAll("[aria-invalid]").forEach((e) => { e.setAttribute("aria-invalid", "false"); }), e.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-form-control").forEach((e) => { e.removeAttribute("aria-describedby"), e.classList.remove("wpcf7-not-valid"), "function" == typeof e.setCustomValidity && e.setCustomValidity(""); }); }); }; function i(e) { let n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; if (wpcf7.blocked) return l(e), void t(e, "submitting"); const o = new FormData(e); n.submitter && n.submitter.name && o.append(n.submitter.name, n.submitter.value); const s = { contactFormId: e.wpcf7.id, pluginVersion: e.wpcf7.pluginVersion, contactFormLocale: e.wpcf7.locale, unitTag: e.wpcf7.unitTag, containerPostId: e.wpcf7.containerPost, status: e.wpcf7.status, inputs: Array.from(o, (e) => { const t = e[0], a = e[1]; return !t.match(/^_/) && { name: t, value: a }; }).filter((e) => !1 !== e), formData: o, }; r({ endpoint: `contact-forms/${e.wpcf7.id}/feedback`, method: "POST", body: o, wpcf7: { endpoint: "feedback", form: e, detail: s } }) .then((r) => { const n = t(e, r.status); return (s.status = r.status), (s.apiResponse = r), ["invalid", "unaccepted", "spam", "aborted"].includes(n) ? a(e, n, s) : ["sent", "failed"].includes(n) && a(e, `mail${n}`, s), a(e, "submit", s), r; }) .then((t) => { t.posted_data_hash && (e.querySelector('input[name="_wpcf7_posted_data_hash"]').value = t.posted_data_hash), "mail_sent" === t.status && (e.reset(), (e.wpcf7.resetOnMailSent = !0)), t.invalid_fields && t.invalid_fields.forEach((t) => { c(e, t.field, t.message); }), e.wpcf7.parent.querySelector('.screen-reader-response [role="status"]').insertAdjacentText("beforeend", t.message), e.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-response-output").forEach((e) => { e.innerText = t.message; }); }) .catch((e) => console.error(e)); } r.use((e, r) => { if (e.wpcf7 && "feedback" === e.wpcf7.endpoint) { const { form: r, detail: n } = e.wpcf7; l(r), a(r, "beforesubmit", n), t(r, "submitting"); } return r(e); }); const l = (e) => { e.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-form-control-wrap").forEach((t) => { t.dataset.name && s(e, t.dataset.name); }), (e.wpcf7.parent.querySelector('.screen-reader-response [role="status"]').innerText = ""), e.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-response-output").forEach((e) => { e.innerText = ""; }); }; function d(e) { const n = new FormData(e), o = { contactFormId: e.wpcf7.id, pluginVersion: e.wpcf7.pluginVersion, contactFormLocale: e.wpcf7.locale, unitTag: e.wpcf7.unitTag, containerPostId: e.wpcf7.containerPost, status: e.wpcf7.status, inputs: Array.from(n, (e) => { const t = e[0], a = e[1]; return !t.match(/^_/) && { name: t, value: a }; }).filter((e) => !1 !== e), formData: n, }; r({ endpoint: `contact-forms/${e.wpcf7.id}/refill`, method: "GET", wpcf7: { endpoint: "refill", form: e, detail: o } }) .then((r) => { e.wpcf7.resetOnMailSent ? (delete e.wpcf7.resetOnMailSent, t(e, "mail_sent")) : t(e, "init"), (o.apiResponse = r), a(e, "reset", o); }) .catch((e) => console.error(e)); } r.use((e, a) => { if (e.wpcf7 && "refill" === e.wpcf7.endpoint) { const { form: a, detail: r } = e.wpcf7; l(a), t(a, "resetting"); } return a(e); }); const p = (e, t) => { for (const a in t) { const r = t[a]; e.querySelectorAll(`input[name="${a}"]`).forEach((e) => { e.value = ""; }), e.querySelectorAll(`img.wpcf7-captcha-${a.replaceAll(":", "")}`).forEach((e) => { e.setAttribute("src", r); }); const n = /([0-9]+)\.(png|gif|jpeg)$/.exec(r); n && e.querySelectorAll(`input[name="_wpcf7_captcha_challenge_${a}"]`).forEach((e) => { e.value = n[1]; }); } }, u = (e, t) => { for (const a in t) { const r = t[a][0], n = t[a][1]; e.querySelectorAll(`.wpcf7-form-control-wrap[data-name="${a}"]`).forEach((e) => { (e.querySelector(`input[name="${a}"]`).value = ""), (e.querySelector(".wpcf7-quiz-label").textContent = r), (e.querySelector(`input[name="_wpcf7_quiz_answer_${a}"]`).value = n); }); } }; function f(t) { const a = new FormData(t); (t.wpcf7 = { id: e(a.get("_wpcf7")), status: t.getAttribute("data-status"), pluginVersion: a.get("_wpcf7_version"), locale: a.get("_wpcf7_locale"), unitTag: a.get("_wpcf7_unit_tag"), containerPost: e(a.get("_wpcf7_container_post")), parent: t.closest(".wpcf7"), schema: void 0, }), t.querySelectorAll(".has-spinner").forEach((e) => { e.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", '<span class="wpcf7-spinner"></span>'); }), ((e) => { e.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-exclusive-checkbox").forEach((t) => { t.addEventListener("change", (t) => { const a = t.target.getAttribute("name"); e.querySelectorAll(`input[type="checkbox"][name="${a}"]`).forEach((e) => { e !== t.target && (e.checked = !1); }); }); }); })(t), ((e) => { e.querySelectorAll(".has-free-text").forEach((t) => { const a = t.querySelector("input.wpcf7-free-text"), r = t.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]'); (a.disabled = !r.checked), e.addEventListener("change", (e) => { (a.disabled = !r.checked), e.target === r && r.checked && a.focus(); }); }); })(t), ((e) => { e.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-validates-as-url").forEach((e) => { e.addEventListener("change", (t) => { let a = e.value.trim(); a && !a.match(/^[a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:/i) && -1 !== a.indexOf(".") && ((a = a.replace(/^\/+/, "")), (a = "http://" + a)), (e.value = a); }); }); })(t), ((e) => { if (!e.querySelector(".wpcf7-acceptance") || e.classList.contains("wpcf7-acceptance-as-validation")) return; const t = () => { let t = !0; e.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-acceptance").forEach((e) => { if (!t || e.classList.contains("optional")) return; const a = e.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]'); ((e.classList.contains("invert") && a.checked) || (!e.classList.contains("invert") && !a.checked)) && (t = !1); }), e.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-submit").forEach((e) => { e.disabled = !t; }); }; t(), e.addEventListener("change", (e) => { t(); }), e.addEventListener("wpcf7reset", (e) => { t(); }); })(t), ((t) => { const a = (t, a) => { const r = e(t.getAttribute("data-starting-value")), n = e(t.getAttribute("data-maximum-value")), o = e(t.getAttribute("data-minimum-value")), c = t.classList.contains("down") ? r - a.value.length : a.value.length; t.setAttribute("data-current-value", c), (t.innerText = c), n && n < a.value.length ? t.classList.add("too-long") : t.classList.remove("too-long"), o && a.value.length < o ? t.classList.add("too-short") : t.classList.remove("too-short"); }, r = (e) => { (e = { init: !1, ...e }), t.querySelectorAll(".wpcf7-character-count").forEach((r) => { const n = r.getAttribute("data-target-name"), o = t.querySelector(`[name="${n}"]`); o && ((o.value = o.defaultValue), a(r, o), e.init && o.addEventListener("keyup", (e) => { a(r, o); })); }); }; r({ init: !0 }), t.addEventListener("wpcf7reset", (e) => { r(); }); })(t), window.addEventListener("load", (e) => { wpcf7.cached && t.reset(); }), t.addEventListener("reset", (e) => { wpcf7.reset(t); }), t.addEventListener("submit", (e) => { wpcf7.submit(t, { submitter: e.submitter }), e.preventDefault(); }), t.addEventListener("wpcf7submit", (e) => { e.detail.apiResponse.captcha && p(t, e.detail.apiResponse.captcha), e.detail.apiResponse.quiz && u(t, e.detail.apiResponse.quiz); }), t.addEventListener("wpcf7reset", (e) => { e.detail.apiResponse.captcha && p(t, e.detail.apiResponse.captcha), e.detail.apiResponse.quiz && u(t, e.detail.apiResponse.quiz); }), r({ endpoint: `contact-forms/${t.wpcf7.id}/feedback/schema`, method: "GET" }).then((e) => { t.wpcf7.schema = e; }), t.addEventListener("change", (e) => { e.target.closest(".wpcf7-form-control") && wpcf7.validate(t, { target: e.target }); }); } })();