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My Sugar Daddy gives men and women worldwide the exceptional freedom to discover
and live out the life they choose. We are a community that stands for a refined
lifestyle that offers access to unique experiences and the life they have dreamt
of. Sugar daddies and sugar babies are given what they deserve, a place to build
independent relationships the way they dreamt. As Eleanor Roosevelt famously
said "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"


Best thing since sliced bread! Found people to bring new energy in my life and
to accompany me on my business trips.

Thomas S. (San Francisco CA)


I've met Sugar Daddy all over the world, they expanded my life more than I can
imagine. Thank you so much, My Sugar Daddy.

Bella K. (New York City NY)


My Sugar Daddy allowed me to easily find dates to my award ceremony, won't have
to attend events alone anymore.

Alek S. (Washington DC)

Why should I choose mysugardaddy.com


My Sugar Daddy, is one of the fastest-growing sugar daddy websites worldwide and
the market leader in Europe, is now available in the United States. Here, you
can find many people who share the same interests as wherever and whenever it is
most convenient for you, be it in your hometown or on a business trip.



My Sugar Daddy offers you the perfect environment for you to find people with
similar goals, expectations and tastes as you. Our support team works around the
clock to guarantee our community is safe from fake profiles and to make sure you
have an enjoyable experience.



Unlike most dating websites, you don’t need a monthly membership to access our
site. Firstly, there are several free functions that can be used. Such as
signing up, visiting profiles and asking questions. Secondly, you can purchase
credits to unlock someone or request someone to unlock you so messages can be
exchanged or even video chat!


Welcome to MySugarDaddy, the worldwide fastest-growing sugar daddy websites!
Here, sugar daddies and sugar babies from all US-states and several European
countries can connect.

How does MySugarDaddy work?

Our sugar dating platform is simple, intuitive and easy to use. It will take you
less than 5 minutes to create an account. First, check the box that corresponds
to your role in a sugar relationship. If you are a male, it means you will be
the sugar daddy, if you are a female, sugar baby.

Then, choose between signing up with Facebook (we will never post anything in
your timeline!) or your email address. If you choose the latter, you will need
to create a safe password, an original username and inform your location and
date of birth.

After completing these two steps, you will be sent a confirmation e-mail. Please
make sure to check your spam folder in case you do not hear from us within 30
minutes. The confirmation link will take you back to our dating website, where
you can complete your profile.

The more effort you put into creating a representative, interesting profile, the
more likely you are to find a suitable sugar daddy or sugar baby. There, you’ll
be asked about your profession, hobbies and, most importantly, what you expect
from a sugar relationship. Be sure to be real about your answers and to write a
friendly welcome message that makes your intentions and expectations clear so
that you do not have to waste time with people who are not compatible with you.

Once your welcome message and profile photo (or photos) are approved by our
verification team – which is there to make sure our sugar dating website is free
from fake profiles, scammers and sex workers –, you are ready to go and the
images you uploaded will be visible on your profile. You will be able to browse
profiles, send kisses and ask users questions FOR FREE!

Is MySugarDaddy free?

Registration, which we described above, is free, as well as most functions. Here
is what you can do for free on our sugar daddy websites:

 * browse profiles and see profile pictures. However, users can create private
   albums with additional pictures only visible to VIP members,
 * send kisses — this a great way to signal your interest to another user,
 * ask a user to unblock you for chatting with them,
 * get to know people better by asking them questions from a list!
 * and much more!

In order to start a chat with someone, one of you has to unblock the other. To
do so, one of you has to have bought credits or be a VIP member. Since June 2020
it is possible to not only exchange messages and photos, but also have video
calls with them!

The advantage of a built-in video chat feature, which most sugar dating sites do
not have, is that you can get to know the other person much better without
having to leave the platform and giving them your phone number or revealing your
full name or nickname on social media. This way, you can be absolutely sure that
your privacy is safe.

What is a sugar daddy?

A sugar daddy (SD) is a successful man who is engaged or interested in a
mutually beneficial relationship with a usually much younger woman. He is
willing and happy to grant her every wish, mentor her and treat her like a
princess on every date and interaction in exchange for her company and

Most sugar daddies are businessmen who are too busy working to pursuit and
maintain a romantic relationship. Nevertheless, they feel lonely in their free
time and wish for company at business lunches, fundraisers, gala dinners,
business trips and vacations. Therefore, having someone they can always count on
to accompany them, such as a sugar baby, is a logical thing, as sugar
relationships are much more simple and straightforward than traditional ones.

Who can be a sugar daddy?

Any man above 18 years of age who has enough money to provide a woman with a
luxurious lifestyle in exchange for her company and the happiness she brings
into his life can be a sugar daddy. As it usually takes some time to build a
career that would allow for that, sugar daddies tend to be significantly older
than their sugar babies. However, this is not a must.

What is a sugar baby?

A sugar baby (SB) is a woman willing to or engaged in a relationship that is
based in an exchange. She offers attention and company and he, money, mentoring
and gifts. Most sugar babies are college students looking for financial support
and someone who can offer them stability, mentoring and the possibility to
travel the world for free.

Who can become a sugar baby?

Any woman above 18 years of age can become a sugar baby. Usually, an SB is much
younger than her sugar daddy. However, this does not mean that only girls in
their 20s can become an SB. There are sugar babies of every age.

To be a sugar baby, a woman must be self-confident, know her own value, have
clear boundaries and know how to present herself in a favorable way. As sugar
daddies are rich, well-educated people, it is important that an SB knows how to
behave in highly formal social situations and in a sophisticated atmosphere like
that of five-stars restaurants. Being a good listener and having an interesting
personality also helps to make these interactions more pleasant for the sugar

Obviously, the appearance of an SB matters too. For this reason, it is important
that she pays close attention to her eating and exercise habits. Moreover, she
should know how to do her make-up and how to dress appropriately for every

To become a sugar baby is easy. All it takes is to sign up for our dating
platform by following the steps described above! To set up the perfect profile
that will attract dozens of successful sugar daddies, you should:

include pictures of you that show your face and body clearly. For this reason,
do not post group pics. The more pictures, the better. Make sure to have at
least one portrait and another full-body shot that shows your body shape
clearly. Besides, these pictures should be recent and not photoshopped. complete
the profile and answer all questions sincerely. create a welcome message that
both sounds inviting and that makes potential sugar daddies interested in
knowing more about you and going on a date with you.

Then, you can either lay back and wait for the sugar daddies to come to you or
send kisses and questions to sugar daddies whose profile you liked or who showed
interest by visiting your profile.

You can find a sugar daddy absolutely for free by using our dating site and
sending them requests to unlock you so that you can chat over text and video
without having to leave or site or give them any private information like phone
number, email address or full name.

What is a sugar relationship?

A sugar relationship (SR) is a relationship between a sugar daddy and a sugar
baby. It is based on a mutually beneficial give and take. In it, the sugar daddy
offers financial support, mentoring and gifts while the sugar baby offers her
presence. It can, but must not, involve feelings and intimacy.

What is sugaring?

Sugaring refers to the act of being in or looking for an SR. It is the same as
sugar dating.

What is the sugar bowl?

Many sugar babies use the term sugar bowl to refer to the totality of people who
practice sugar dating; in other words, it is a general term for the totality of
sugar daddies and sugar babies out there.

What are the advantages of becoming a sugar daddy?

There are dozens of benefits to becoming an SD. Here are the top five:

 * You do not have to put lots of time and effort into keeping the relationship.
   You can see each other whenever it is most convenient for you.
 * A sugar relationship is not limited by any social constructs of how
   relationships have to be or what it has to encompass. You and your SB can
   decide exactly how you want it to be.
 * You will not feel lonely anymore. Whenever you wish for company on a dinner,
   business trip, vacation, etc., you can simply invite your SB to join you.
 * You will feel younger. You can choose an SB who is younger than you to bring
   more youth and joy into your life.
 * You will not have to waste your time and energy on fights. As sugar
   relationships can be ended at any moment, you do not have to struggle to make
   it work. Whenever you notice it is not working for you anymore, you can
   inform your SB that you would like to end things between the two of you.

What are the advantages of becoming a sugar baby?

There are so many benefits to becoming an SB that we could spend hours talking
about it. To save you time, here go the most important ones:

 * Full control over the relationship: each sugar relationship is different
   because each couple has their own agreement. Therefore, you can define your
   own terms, what you want and do not want to do and exactly what you need and
   wish from your partner.
 * It will expand your horizons in every way, especially by traveling: you will
   drive and fly to cities you had never imagined, experience new cultures and
 * Free mentorship: as sugar daddies tend to be experienced businessmen, you
   could learn a lot from them. Many sugar babies get their first job or
   financial support for implementing their own business ideas from their
 * Networking: you might get to know many of his business partners and
   influential people while accompanying him to business events and trips. We
   all know that networking is the key to professional growth and success.
 * Participating in exclusive events there are all kinds of events besides
   work-related ones you can accompany him to, such as gala dinners,
   fundraisers, awards ceremonies, etc. How else would you be introduced to high
 * New wardrobe: this can be a natural consequence of going to exclusive events
   often, since every event requires a new dress, right? Besides, sugar daddies
   are generous men who will be happy to shower you with gifts such as high
   heels, purses, lingerie, jewelry and clothes in general. Of the best brands,
   of course.
 * Being treated like a lady: all the time you spend with your SD, you will
   experience the joy of being treated like a lady and having a gentleman on
   your side.

Why should I sign up for MySugarDaddy?

The main reasons why you should join the MySugarDaddy community the transparency
and quality of the service we provide as well as our concern for your privacy.
Here, you will be sure to find the right person from you. You will be able to
pick from thousands upon thousands of real profiles, using our search function
to search by location, distance range, age range, hobbies, preferences and much

We have a verification system in place to filter out fake profiles, scammers,
sex workers and vulgar images. This way, we make sure our sugar daddy websites
stays classy, safe and with only real profiles of real people.

We also have a support team that is there for you around the clock to solve any
problem you might be having as soon as possible! You can easily reach us by
sending us a brief e-mail describing your problem.

Our services are very transparent too. We state very clearly which functions are
not free and how much they cost. You can either buy credits or a membership to
use them.

And last but not least: we now have an app! Our sugar dating app for Android has
been launched at the beginning of 2020 and our app for iOS will be launched soon
too! With our dating app, you have the same functions of our dating site in a
version for your smartphone that is just as easy to navigate!

So do not waste your time, sign up for MySugarDaddy today and find the perfect
sugar daddy or sugar baby for you in no time! Thousands of people from around
the US and many other South American and European countries are looking forward
to meeting you!


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