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 4. AWS Identity and Access Management
 5. User Guide




 * What is IAM?
    * When do I use IAM
    * How IAM works
    * Users in AWS
    * Permissions and policies in IAM
    * What is ABAC?
    * Security features outside IAM
    * Quick links to common tasks
    * IAM console search
    * Working with AWS SDKs

 * Getting set up
 * Getting started
 * Tutorials
    * Delegate access to the billing console
    * Delegate access across AWS accounts using roles
    * Create a customer managed policy
    * Use attribute-based access control (ABAC)
       * Use SAML session tags for ABAC
    * Permit users to manage their credentials and MFA settings

 * Identities
    * Users
       * Adding a user
       * Controlling user access to the console
       * How IAM users sign in to AWS
          * Using MFA devices with your IAM sign-in page
       * Managing users
       * Changing permissions for a user
       * Managing passwords
          * Changing the root user password
          * Setting a password policy
          * Managing user passwords
          * Permitting IAM users to change their own passwords
          * How an IAM user changes their own password
       * Access keys
       * Retrieving lost passwords or access keys
       * Multi-factor authentication (MFA)
          * Enabling MFA devices
             * Enabling a virtual MFA device (console)
             * Enabling a FIDO security key (console)
                * Supported configurations for using FIDO security keys
             * Enabling a hardware TOTP token (console)
             * Enabling and managing virtual MFA devices (AWS CLI or AWS API)
          * Checking MFA status
          * Resynchronizing virtual and hardware MFA devices
          * Deactivating MFA devices
          * What if an MFA device is lost or stops working?
          * Configuring MFA-protected API access
          * Sample code: MFA
       * Finding unused credentials
       * Getting credential reports
       * Using IAM with CodeCommit
       * Using IAM with Amazon Keyspaces
       * Managing server certificates
    * User groups
       * Creating user groups
       * Managing user groups
          * Listing IAM user groups
          * Adding and removing users in an IAM user group
          * Attaching a policy to an IAM user group
          * Renaming an IAM user group
          * Deleting a user group
    * Roles
       * Terms and concepts
       * Common scenarios
          * Providing access across AWS accounts
          * Providing access for non AWS workloads
          * Providing access to third-party AWS accounts
             * Using an external ID for third-party access
          * Providing access to AWS services
          * The confused deputy problem
          * Providing access through identity federation
       * Identity providers and federation
          * About web identity federation
             * Using Amazon Cognito for mobile apps
             * Using web identity federation API operations for mobile apps
             * Identifying users with web identity federation
             * Additional resources for web identity federation
          * About SAML 2.0 federation
          * Creating IAM identity providers
             * Creating OIDC identity providers
                * Obtaining the thumbprint for an OIDC Identity Provider
             * Creating IAM SAML identity providers
                * Configuring relying party trust and claims
                * Integrating third-party SAML solution providers with AWS
                * Configuring SAML assertions for the authentication response
          * Enable SAML 2.0 federated users to access the AWS console
          * Enabling custom identity broker access to the AWS console
       * Service-linked roles
       * Creating roles
          * Creating a role for an IAM user
          * Creating a role for an AWS service
          * Creating a role for identity federation
             * Creating a role for web Identity/OIDC federation
             * Creating a role for SAML 2.0 federation
          * Creating a role using custom trust policies
          * Examples of policies for delegating access
       * Using roles
          * Granting a user permissions to switch roles
          * Granting permissions to pass a role to a service
          * Switching roles (console)
          * Switching roles (AWS CLI)
          * Switching roles (Tools for Windows PowerShell)
          * Switching roles (AWS API)
          * Using roles for applications on Amazon EC2
             * Using instance profiles
          * Revoking role temporary credentials
       * Managing roles
          * Modifying a role
             * Modifying a role (console)
             * Modifying a role (AWS CLI)
             * Modifying a role (AWS API)
          * Deleting roles or instance profiles
       * Roles vs. resource-based policies
    * Tagging IAM resources
       * Tagging IAM users
       * Tagging IAM roles
       * Tagging customer managed policies
       * Tagging IAM identity providers
          * Tagging OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers
          * Tagging IAM SAML identity providers
       * Tagging instance profiles
       * Tagging server certificates
       * Tagging virtual MFA devices
       * Session tags
    * Temporary security credentials
       * Requesting temporary security credentials
       * Using temporary credentials with AWS resources
       * Controlling permissions for temporary security credentials
          * Permissions for AssumeRole API operations
          * Monitor and control actions taken with assumed roles
          * Permissions for GetFederationToken
          * Permissions for GetSessionToken
          * Disabling permissions
          * Granting permissions to create credentials
       * Managing AWS STS in an AWS Region
       * Using AWS STS interface VPC endpoints
       * Using bearer tokens
       * Sample applications that use temporary credentials
       * Additional resources for temporary credentials
    * AWS account root user
    * Log events with CloudTrail

 * Access management
    * Policies and permissions
       * Managed policies and inline policies
          * Deprecated AWS managed policies
       * Permissions boundaries
       * Identity vs resource
       * Controlling access using policies
       * Control access to IAM users and roles using tags
       * Control access to AWS resources using tags
       * Example policies
          * AWS: Specific access during a date range
          * AWS: Enable or disable AWS Regions
          * AWS: Self-manage credentials with MFA (My security credentials)
          * AWS: Specific access with MFA during a date range
          * AWS: Self-manage credentials no MFA (My security credentials)
          * AWS: Self-manage MFA device (My security credentials)
          * AWS: Self-manage console password (My security credentials)
          * AWS: Self-manage password, access keys, & SSH public keys (My
            security credentials)
          * AWS: Deny access based on requested Region
          * AWS: Deny access based on source IP
          * AWS: Deny access to Amazon S3 resources outside your account except
            AWS Data Exchange
          * Data Pipeline: Deny access to pipelines not created by user
          * DynamoDB: Access specific table
          * DynamoDB: Allow access to specific attributes
          * DynamoDB: Allow item access based on a Amazon Cognito ID
          * EC2: Attach or detach volumes to an EC2 instance
          * EC2: Attach or detach tagged EBS volumes
          * EC2: Launch instances in a subnet (includes console)
          * EC2: Manage security groups with the same tags (includes console)
          * EC2: Start or stop instances a user has tagged (includes console)
          * EC2: Start or stop instances based on tags
          * EC2: Start or stop for matching tags
          * EC2: Full access within a Region (includes console)
          * EC2: Start or stop an instance, modify security group (includes
          * EC2: Requires MFA (GetSessionToken) for operations
          * EC2: Limit terminating instances to IP range
          * IAM: Access the policy simulator API
          * IAM: Access the policy simulator console
          * IAM: Assume tagged roles
          * IAM: Allows and denies multiple services (includes console)
          * IAM: Add specific tag to tagged user
          * IAM: Add a specific tag
          * IAM: Create only tagged users
          * IAM: Generate credential reports
          * IAM: Manage group membership (includes console)
          * IAM: Manage a tag
          * IAM: Pass a role to a service
          * IAM: Read-only console access (no reporting)
          * IAM: Read-only console access
          * IAM: Specific users manage group (includes console)
          * IAM: Setting account password requirements (includes console)
          * IAM: Access the policy simulator API based on user path
          * IAM: Access the policy simulator console based on user path
            (includes console)
          * IAM: MFA self-management
          * IAM: Rotate credentials (includes console)
          * IAM: View Organizations service last accessed information for a
          * IAM: Apply limited managed policies
          * AWS: Deny access to resources outside your account except AWS
            managed IAM policies
          * Lambda: Service access to DynamoDB
          * RDS: Full access within a Region
          * RDS: Restore databases (includes console)
          * RDS: Full access for tag owners
          * S3: Access bucket if cognito
          * S3: Access federated user home directory (includes console)
          * S3: Full access with recent MFA
          * S3: Access IAM user home directory (includes console)
          * S3: Restrict management to a specific bucket
          * S3: Read and write objects to a specific bucket
          * S3: Read and write to a specific bucket (includes console)
    * Managing IAM policies
       * Creating IAM policies
          * Creating IAM policies (console)
          * Creating IAM policies (CLI)
          * Creating IAM policies (API)
       * Validating policies
       * Generating policies
       * Testing IAM policies
       * Add or remove identity permissions
       * Versioning IAM policies
       * Editing IAM policies
       * Deleting IAM policies
       * Refining permissions using access information
          * View IAM access information
          * View access information for Organizations
          * Example scenarios
    * Understanding policies
       * Policy summary (list of services)
          * Access levels in policy summaries
       * Service summary (list of actions)
       * Action summary (list of resources)
       * Example policy summaries
    * Permissions required
       * Example policies for IAM

 * Code examples
    * IAM examples
       * Actions
          * Attach a policy to a role
          * Attach a policy to a user
          * Attach an inline policy to a role
          * Create a policy
          * Create a policy version
          * Create a role
          * Create a service-linked role
          * Create a user
          * Create an access key
          * Create an alias for an account
          * Create an inline policy for a user
          * Delete a policy
          * Delete a role
          * Delete a role policy
          * Delete a server certificate
          * Delete a service-linked role
          * Delete a user
          * Delete an access key
          * Delete an account alias
          * Delete an inline policy from a user
          * Detach a policy from a role
          * Detach a policy from a user
          * Generate a credential report
          * Get a credential report
          * Get a detailed authorization report for your account
          * Get a policy
          * Get a policy version
          * Get a role
          * Get a server certificate
          * Get a summary of account usage
          * Get a user
          * Get data about the last use of an access key
          * Get the account password policy
          * List SAML providers
          * List a user's access keys
          * List account aliases
          * List groups
          * List inline policies for a role
          * List inline policies for a user
          * List policies
          * List policies attached to a role
          * List roles
          * List server certificates
          * List users
          * Update a server certificate
          * Update a user
          * Update an access key
       * Scenarios
          * Create a user and assume a role
          * Create read-only and read-write users
          * Manage access keys
          * Manage policies
          * Manage roles
          * Manage your account
          * Roll back a policy version
       * Cross-service examples
          * Create a long-lived Amazon EMR cluster and run several steps
          * Create a short-lived Amazon EMR cluster and run a step
    * AWS STS examples
       * Actions
          * Assume a role
          * Get a session token
       * Scenarios
          * Assume an IAM role that requires an MFA token
          * Construct a URL for federated users
          * Get a session token that requires an MFA token

 * Security
    * Data protection
    * Logging and monitoring
    * Compliance validation
    * Resilience
    * Infrastructure security
    * Configuration and vulnerability analysis
    * Security best practices and use cases
       * Security best practices
       * Business use cases
    * AWS managed policies

 * IAM Access Analyzer
    * Findings for public and cross-account access
       * How IAM Access Analyzer findings work
       * Getting started with IAM Access Analyzer findings
       * Working with findings
       * Reviewing findings
       * Filtering findings
       * Archiving findings
       * Resolving findings
       * Supported resource types
       * Settings
       * Archive rules
       * Monitoring with EventBridge
       * Security Hub integration
       * Logging with CloudTrail
       * IAM Access Analyzer filter keys
       * Using service-linked roles
    * Preview access
       * Previewing access in Amazon S3 console
       * Previewing access with IAM Access Analyzer APIs
    * IAM Access Analyzer policy validation
       * Policy check reference
    * IAM Access Analyzer policy generation
       * IAM Access Analyzer policy generation and action last accessed support
    * IAM Access Analyzer quotas

 * Troubleshooting IAM
    * General issues
    * Access denied error messages
    * IAM policies
    * FIDO security keys
    * IAM roles
    * IAM and Amazon EC2
    * IAM and Amazon S3
    * SAML 2.0 federation
       * Viewing a SAML response in your browser

 * Reference
    * IAM identifiers
    * Quotas, name requirements, and character limits
    * Services that work with IAM
    * Policy reference
       * JSON element reference
          * Version
          * Id
          * Statement
          * Sid
          * Effect
          * Principal
          * NotPrincipal
          * Action
          * NotAction
          * Resource
          * NotResource
          * Condition
             * Condition operators
             * Conditions with multiple keys or values
             * Single-valued vs. multivalued condition keys
          * Variables and tags
          * Supported data types
       * Policy evaluation logic
          * Cross-account policy evaluation logic
       * Policy grammar
       * AWS managed policies for job functions
          * Creating roles and attaching policies (console)
       * Global condition keys
       * IAM condition keys
       * Actions, resources, and condition keys

 * Resources
 * Making HTTP query requests
 * Document history

Listing IAM user groups - AWS Identity and Access Management
AWSDocumentationAWS Identity and Access ManagementUser Guide



You can list all the user groups in your account, list the users in a user
group, and list the user groups a user belongs to. If you use the AWS CLI or AWS
API, you can list all the user groups with a particular path prefix.


Do any of the following:

 * AWS Management Console: In the navigation pane, choose User groups.

 * AWS CLI: aws iam list-groups

 * AWS API: ListGroups


Do any of the following:

 * AWS Management Console: In the navigation pane, choose User groups, choose
   the name of the group, and then choose the Users tab.

 * AWS CLI: aws iam get-group

 * AWS API: GetGroup


Do any of the following:

 * AWS Management Console: In the navigation pane, choose Users, choose the user
   name, and then choose the Groups tab.

 * AWS CLI: aws iam list-groups-for-user

 * AWS API: ListGroupsForUser

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Document Conventions
Managing user groups
Adding and removing users in an IAM user group
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