cs2go.cs.nuim.ie Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://cs2go.cs.nuim.ie/
Submission Tags: phishingrod
Submission: On December 02 via api from DE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST /login

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A free online learning platform designed with efficenty for maximum performance


Do you like solving problems? Designing and creating things?

This course will help introduce you to the exciting world of Computer Science.
Computers play a big part in all our lives, from the device you’re reading this
on, to our transport, our schools and workplaces as well as our free time.

From the Space X rocket project, to the latest video games and special effects,
to this picture of a horse that never ends . These were all designed and made in
some part by Computer Scientists.

This course will allow you to learn the basic skills and knowledge to get
started on your own projects and ideas. You’ll learn programming, website
design, cryptography and lots more!

Sign up here to get started!


Computer Science is a subject that’s been around for many years now, ever since
Alan Turing designed the first real computer during WWII and even back to the
ancient Greeks. Even though this is true it has taken a long time to enter
mainstream education. Thankfully this is changing and in Ireland it will now be
a Leaving Certificate subject in the coming years as well as being introduced to
the Junior Cycle as a short course.

There is a big desire from schools, students and administrative groups to see
more students involved in Computer Science related courses as the demand for
jobs continues to rise. As well as this programming and Computational Thinking
are seen more and more as vital skills that should be taught to children.

One of the main issues we’ve seen for teachers is a lack of training and
resourcing, the passion and desire is there but the tools to put that enthusiasm
to use hasn’t always been there. To help bridge that gap we have been working to
develop a course which can allow you to introduce your students and schools to
this exciting subject with little prior knowledge and with as little fuss as

You’ll find lesson plans, exercise sheets, PowerPoint slides, assessment tools
and loads more on this website. The course is aimed at Transition Year students
but it very flexible and can be used throughout secondary school and many
classes will also suit upper primary school.

The course is designed to be as flexible as possible to suit your timetable,
knowledge and facilities. We are on hand to help tailor a program that suits you
and to give you any additional support you might have. We also want to your
input so if there’s any topics you think are missing or if you have resources
you’ve used in the past that might benefit others we’ll incorporate them.


Everything you need to teach and assess the course is all here for you. Detailed
lesson plans, exercise sheets, feedback forms and extra resources are provided
for all topics. More content is being added all the time which we hope will be
useful as different topics come up and interest both you and your students.

All of the lessons are designed to make your job easier, to help you introduce
students to the exciting world of Computer Science. We welcome and need your
input to both existing lessons as well as any future development. If you find
resources that you think could supplement a lesson or you think a specific topic
would be worth doing, then please let us know and we’ll add it to our list and
include the resources in our lesson plans!

The course is broken into four large sections with all lessons being independent
whilst being interconnected. We provide example structures and are happy to talk
to you about your specific situation, but the aim is that the lessons can be
used in whatever way suits you best. Choose different lessons and activities in
those lessons based on your school, class and experience.


Computational Thinking is described as a "universally applicable attitude and
skill set everyone, not just computer scientists, would be eager to learn and
use" Many definitions of Computational Thinking agree and all touch on the truth
of what it is. One of the first defines it as solving problems, designing
systems, and understanding human behaviour, by drawing on the concepts
fundamental to computer science. We see Computational Thinking as more than just
a problem solving technique. It involves seeing a problem from multiple angles,
using human creativity and the power of computers to create systems and
solutions to real-life problems. One of the main aims of this course is to
introduce students to this idea of Computational Thinking. This includes
introducing them to ideas such as Algorithms, Decomposition, Abstraction and
many more. Through fun, engaging and challenging activities students will use
and develop these skills often without even realising it! As well as learning
foundational Computer Science topics they will develop these cross-discipline
skills which will help them in all walks of life. They’ll do this both
individually, on computers, in teams and in interactive and hands-on ways!


Computers have become a part of everybody’s daily life, and the study of them
has become more and more popular. Computer Science isn’t just about programming,
or fixing computers or designing websites, it’s about understanding how computer
systems can work to solve real-world problems. The hope is that this course will
introduce students to the exciting and wide-reaching subject that is Computer
Science in a fun, engaging and impactful way. Students will learn key skills
including programming and web development as well as seeing how Computer Science
can help people in all kinds of unexpected ways.

© Conor O'Keefe Incorporated







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 * Free and easy to use
 * Student-Centered/Active Learning
 * Multi-functional
 * Interactive
 * Helps personalize the classroom

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