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Submitted URL: https://uk.kindofbook.com/redirect.php?red=https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00JU93M6Q/&asin=B00JU93M6Q&date=2023/08/04&uid=243...
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00JU93M6Q/
Submission: On August 05 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00JU93M6Q/
Submission: On August 05 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
10 forms found in the DOMPOST /privacyprefs/retail/v1/acceptall
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return true;
var onCheckoutClick = function() {
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$("#change-link").click(function() {
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if (counter) {
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// Fix for TT: https://t.corp.amazon.com/P25461968
// We should NOT freeze the 1-Click button when user returns to the DP page by hitting back buttton
// This is an issue in mshop since the page gets cached in history
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Claimed Applicable Promotions
Expose a jQuery event trigger here that will show a message about
what promotions will be applied to this purchase. Since the "You Save"
message and price is calculated pre-promotion, we'll hide that message
to avoid confusion.
A.on('kindle_price_block_show_promotions', function(promotionText, numberOfPromotions) {
//Show list of promotions
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<p class="a-spacing-small a-spacing-top-small"> These promotions will be applied to this item: </p>
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<p id="kindle_promo_multiple_promo_message" class="a-spacing-small a-color-tertiary"> Some promotions may be combined; others are not eligible to be combined with other offers. For details, please see the Terms & Conditions associated with
these promotions. </p>
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data-a-modal="{"closeButtonLabel":"Close","width":"780","name":"add-narration-learn-more","header":"\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/x-locale/common/transparent-pixel._V192234675_.gif\" id=\"ku-headphones\"/> \u003cspan id=\"kindle_narration_modal_title\"> Add Audible Narration to Your Kindle Book \u003c\/span>","popoverLabel":"Audible narration","inlineContent":"\u003cdiv class=\"a-section narration\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row a-spacing-base a-spacing-top-base\"> \u003cimg alt=\"Keep the story going\" src=\"https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/kindle/merch/global/narration-modal-title._CB485924231_.png\" class=\"narration-header\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6 narration-left\"> \u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-highlight\">Switch\u003c\/span> between reading the Kindle book and listening to the Audible audiobook without losing \u003cbr>your place with Whispersync for Voice.\u003c\/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-highlight\">Sync\u003c\/span> your book across different devices and always pick up where you left off.\u003c\/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-highlight\">Save\u003c\/span> on the Audible audiobook and get a reduced price with the Kindle book.\u003c\/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-bold\">Listen\u003c\/span> on the Kindle App (iOS/Android) when you buy. \u003cbr>You can also listen on Fire tablets, Kindle Touch, Kindle Keyboard, Bluetooth enabled Kindle eReaders and the Audible App (iOS/Android/Windows).\u003c\/p> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6 narration-right a-span-last\"> \u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/kindle/merch/global/narration-modal-devices._CB485979979_.png\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003chr aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"a-divider-normal\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-section narration-more\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row a-expander-container a-expander-inline-container\"> \u003ca data-csa-c-func-deps=\"aui-da-a-expander-toggle\" data-csa-c-type=\"widget\" data-csa-interaction-events=\"click\" aria-expanded=\"false\" role=\"button\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\" data-action=\"a-expander-toggle\" class=\"a-expander-header a-declarative a-expander-inline-header a-link-expander\" data-a-expander-toggle=\"{&quot;allowLinkDefault&quot;:true, &quot;expand_prompt&quot;:&quot;&quot;, &quot;collapse_prompt&quot;:&quot;&quot;}\">\u003ci class=\"a-icon a-icon-expand\">\u003c\/i>\u003cspan class=\"a-expander-prompt\"> Learn more \u003c\/span>\u003c\/a> \u003cdiv aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"a-expander-content a-expander-inline-content a-expander-inner\" style=\"display:none\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6\"> \u003ch4>What is an Audible audiobook?\u003c\/h4>\n\u003cp>An audiobook is an audio version of your book provided by Audible.\u003c\/p> \n\u003cp>With audiobooks, you can keep a book going, even during your commute, doing chores, working out, whenever your eyes are occupied but your mind is free.\u003c\/p> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6 a-span-last\"> \u003ch4>What are the advantages of adding an Audible audiobook to my Kindle eBooks?\u003c\/h4>\n\u003cp>You can seamlessly switch between reading and listening \u2013 your place is saved automatically, even when you switch devices. Listening can also bring the story to life, illuminate characters and take you deeper into the books that you love.\u003c\/p>\n\u003ch4>How do I activate this on my device?\u003c\/h4>\n\u003cp>No activation is required. You can start reading and listening once you add an Audible audiobook to your Kindle book.\u003c\/p> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row a-spacing-base a-spacing-top-base\"> \u003chr aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"a-divider-normal\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003ch4>Read and Listen\u003c\/h4>\n\u003cp>Read and listen at the same time with Immersion Reading, which immerses you in a story by narrating and highlighting the text as you read. Immersion Reading is available on the Kindle Apps (iOS/Android) and Fire tablets.\u003c\/p> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div>"}"
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Download the free Kindle app and start reading Kindle books instantly on your smartphone, tablet or computer – no Kindle device required. Learn more Read instantly on your browser with Kindle for Web. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. Read sample Audible sample Sample 0:00 0:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW THE AUTHOR S.L. Scott Follow Something went wrong. Please try your request again later. OK THE RESISTANCE (HARD TO RESIST BOOK 1) KINDLE EDITION by S.L. Scott (Author) Format: Kindle Edition 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 2,448 ratings Book 1 of 5: Hard to Resist See all formats and editions Sorry, there was a problem loading this page. Try again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amazon Price New from Used from Kindle Edition "Please retry" £0.00 — — Audible Audiobooks, Unabridged "Please retry" £0.00 Free with your Audible trial Paperback "Please retry" — £13.43 £13.43 * Kindle Edition £0.00 This title and over 1 million more are available with Kindle Unlimited £0.00 to buy * Audiobook £0.00 Free with your Audible trial * Paperback from £13.43 2 Used from £13.43 2 New from £13.43 New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Novel. Second Chance Rock Star Romance. This is a complete standalone book. If you fall in love with this story, you have the option of continuing the story in The Reckoning and following the band's stories in their own standalone books. You don't choose when. You don't choose where. And you don't get to choose who you fall in love with. The minute he opened his sexy mouth, Holliday Hughes should have known Jack Dalton was trouble. His smooth pickup lines, broad shoulders, and ridiculously handsome face charmed her right out of her clothes. She gave into her desires, the instant attraction blinding her to the obvious. One night. That was all it took for Holliday's world to be flipped on its axis. Jack Dalton was cocky. Smug. Volatile. Demanding. He ignited something deep inside her like no other, but there was something more to this brooding bad boy. There was a dark side to him she couldn't help but be drawn to. Torn between what she knew about him and a mysterious side he tried to hide, could she walk away or was he simply too hard to resist? Read more -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous page 1. Book 1 of 5 Hard to Resist 2. Print length 370 pages 3. Language English 4. Sticky notes On Kindle Scribe 5. Publication date 28 April 2014 6. File size 2834 KB 7. Page Flip Enabled 8. Word Wise Enabled 9. Enhanced typesetting Enabled 10. See all details Next page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Next 3 for you in this series £6.37 * * All 5 for you in this series £14.19 Next 3 for you in this series See full series * Book 1 * Book 2 * Book 3 Total Kindle Price: £6.37 Buy 3 items now with 1-Click By clicking on the above button, you agree to Amazon's Kindle Store Terms of Use Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. All 5 for you in this series See full series See included books Items included: Something went wrong. Please try again. Total Kindle Price: £14.19 Buy 5 items now with 1-Click By clicking on "Buy now" you agree to Amazon's Kindle Store Terms of Use Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Books In This Series (5 Books) Complete series Hard to Resist Kindle Edition Page 1 of 1Start AgainPage 1 of 1 Previous page 1. 1 The Resistance (Hard to Resist Book 1) S.L. Scott 4.3 out of 5 stars (2,448) Kindle Edition £0.00 2. 2 The Reckoning (Hard to Resist Book 2) S.L. Scott 4.6 out of 5 stars (874) Kindle Edition £4.01 3. 3 The Redemption (Hard to Resist Book 3) S.L. Scott 4.5 out of 5 stars (751) Kindle Edition £2.36 4. 4 The Revolution (Hard to Resist Book 4) S.L. Scott 4.5 out of 5 stars (478) Kindle Edition £3.91 5. 5 The Rebellion (Hard to Resist Book 5) S.L. Scott 4.5 out of 5 stars (620) Kindle Edition £3.91 Next page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMERS WHO READ THIS BOOK ALSO READ Page 1 of 1 Start overPage 1 of 1 Previous page 1. The Reckoning (Hard to Resist Book 2) S.L. Scott 4.6 out of 5 stars 874 Kindle Edition £4.01£4.01 2. The Redemption (Hard to Resist Book 3) S.L. Scott 4.5 out of 5 stars 751 Kindle Edition £2.36£2.36 3. The Rebellion (Hard to Resist Book 5) S.L. Scott 4.5 out of 5 stars 620 Kindle Edition £3.91£3.91 4. The Revolution (Hard to Resist Book 4) S.L. Scott 4.5 out of 5 stars 478 Kindle Edition £3.91£3.91 5. Spark (Crow Brothers series) S.L. Scott 4.5 out of 5 stars 963 Kindle Edition £3.91£3.91 6. Crazy in Love: Enemies to Lovers, Second Chance Romance S.L. Scott 4.4 out of 5 stars 966 Kindle Edition £3.91£3.91 Next page PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ABOUT THE AUTHOR S.L. Scott is a New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author. She has a degree in Journalism and is the author of the novel, Naturally, Charlie, A Prior Engagement, The Welcome to Paradise Series,and several best selling novellas, including Sleeping with Mr. Sexy and Morning Glory--all currently available on Amazon. Pursuing her passion for telling stories, she spends her days escaping into her characters, letting them lead her on their adventures. She is a Contributor to Huffington Post as well as writes for her own blog along with several other popular sites. Travelling, music festivals, and surfing are a few of her hobbies she loves, but she doesn't get to enjoy on a regular basis. She has an obsession with movies, a varied taste in books, and collects Fitz & Floyd teapots. With a memory full of useless trivia facts, and a Keurig addiction, she loves a fun night in with her family as much as a loud night out with her friends. Scott lives in the lively city of Austin with her husband, two young sons, and two Papillons, enjoying life in the beautiful hill country of Texas. --This text refers to the paperback edition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT DETAILS * ASIN : B00JU93M6Q * Publisher : S.L. Scott (28 April 2014) * Language : English * File size : 2834 KB * Text-to-Speech : Enabled * Screen Reader : Supported * Enhanced typesetting : Enabled * X-Ray : Enabled * Word Wise : Enabled * Sticky notes : On Kindle Scribe * Print length : 370 pages * Page numbers source ISBN : 1940071143 * Best Sellers Rank: #242 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store) * 1 in Rockstar Romance (Kindle Store) * 25 in Contemporary Romance Fiction * 46 in Contemporary Romance (Kindle Store) * Customer reviews: 4.3 4.3 out of 5 stars 2,448 ratings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE AUTHOR Follow authors to get new release updates, plus improved recommendations. Follow S.L. SCOTT Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, S.L. Scott, writes character driven, heart-racing suspense, and swoony romances that will leave you glued to the page. With stories ranging from witty beach reads to heart wrenching and heart healing, her stories are highly regarded as emotional, relatable, and captivating. Her books are more than escapes for the voracious readers of today. They are journeys of the heart that always come with a happily ever after reward at the end. For more information, visit her website and sign up for her newsletter. She also loves to connect with readers on social media. This is where you can find her: Website: www.slscottauthor.com or https://geni.us/slscott Newsletter: https://geni.us/intheknow Amazon Author Page: https://geni.us/SLSAm Goodreads: https://geni.us/SLGR Pinterest: https://geni.us/SLPin Instagram: https://geni.us/IGSLS Tiktok: https://geni.us/SLTikTok Facebook: https://geni.us/SLSPage Bookbub: https://geni.us/SLScottBB Facebook Reader Group: https://geni.us/SLScottBooks Twitter: https://geni.us/SLTwitter Youtube: https://geni.us/SLSYoutube *** Make sure to Follow her here on Amazon for her latest releases. Read moreRead less -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW WOULD YOU RATE YOUR EXPERIENCE SHOPPING FOR BOOKS ON AMAZON TODAY? 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Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsored * Sort reviews by Top reviews Most recent Top reviews TOP REVIEWS FROM UNITED KINGDOM THERE WAS A PROBLEM FILTERING REVIEWS RIGHT NOW. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER. Booksobsessive18 5.0 out of 5 stars LOVED it! Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 May 2022 Verified Purchase right now i’m kicking myself that i’ve only just read this incredible story… im a huge fan of SL Scott but didn’t discover her from the start so i’ve read everything since i did but The Resistance has been something sat on my tbr for what actually feels like forever … but better late than never right ? i have fallen and fallen hard for Jack Dalton and think i’ve fallen harder for Holliday! Both strong characters i admire and adore in opposite ways. Dalton, besides the fact he’s a hot intense rockstar, he’s a little broken and waiting on the right person to love him. He is possessive, dominating and beyond freaking hot! I mean this has to be Scott’s spiciest story i’ve read. and i loved every dirty steamy scene! But Holliday is no groupie. she’s no walk over she’s a successful woman all on her own and she won’t put up with anything no matter who Jonny Outlaw is! Her confidence, self belief and worth is awe inspiring. Dalton and Holliday have something beyond special, it’s real and deep. Their passion is constant explosions, their chemistry constantly sizzling and in the bedroom they are an inferno. I loved every bit of their physical connections and i loved every part when it’s just them two in their own bubble being them. As i read the last chapter (bonus chapter) beautifully written, showing us exactly where they had become but also showing us where the journey was heading, tears fell in happiness but my stomach churns as i feel it’s setting me up to take on the next chapter in their life ….. “A wandering soul is only lost until it finds a home. I found mine in him just as he found his in me.” ~ Holliday Hughes Read more Helpful Report Rowan 5.0 out of 5 stars The Resistance Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 30 April 2014 Verified Purchase Picked up this book because I just loved the chunky guy on the cover and thought I would give it a try thinking it would be another bad boy tamed by the girl. Ooooh what a shock I was in for as the story had me completely hooked with its depth, humour and characters. Dalton is a yummy world famous rock star and meets Holliday who is at the hotel for a conference when she goes to the bar for a quiet drink away from the busy conference. Dalton is there and pretends to be part of hotel security and asks to see her I.D. which gets up her nose, and when a drunk hits on her Dalton steps in and they get talking, and end up in Daltons room with Holliday having no clue he's famous. They spend the night together with him flying off in the morning. Dalton carries a lot of baggage and has a dark side with a fiery temper and my heart went out to him and my knees went weak as he's such a sweetheart. Holliday has a great nature with a lot of strength and a good attitude. I loved the way they stumbled through their relationship trying not to get too heavy but really wanting to. I couldn't wait to find out how it ends but didn't want it to end, if that makes any sense. Read this book you will not be disappointed and I will definitely be reading more by this author. Read more Helpful Report Yogibearandbellaboo 4.0 out of 5 stars Resistance Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 29 June 2020 Verified Purchase Good storyline hidden by sex on almost every other page. Personally I would have liked the actual story to have been given more space on the pages as it was a rollercoaster of emotions that kept me guessing where it would go next. But if you want regular sexual interludes in your book then this will be for you. This can be read as a standalone but from the info at the back of the book , it does like Jack and Holliday have got further to go. Read more Helpful Report Pinklisar 4.0 out of 5 stars 4 stars Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 13 June 2021 Verified Purchase A really good book. The first I've read by this author. I'm intrigues for the next book. 4 star read Read more Helpful Report Sandra 5.0 out of 5 stars Yet another 5 star read!!! Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 28 April 2014 Verified Purchase I have high expectations from the lovely S L Scott as all her previous work have been 5 star reads for me!!!!! The Resistance did not disappoint!! Dare I say I have a new book boyfriend in Dalton ( although I do feel like I'm cheating on Evan ever so slightly!! ) Who can resist a bad boy rocker and in Dalton we've been given a damn fine one!! I cannot tell you the amount of times this man had me swooning at some of his words!!! 'I want you,all of you. I want to be inside you and feel the peace you've found,even if just for a short time 'Be my Angel,just for tonight' I could go on and on and onnnnnnnnnn but I won't spoil it for you as I want u to experience the awesomeness that is Dalton for yourselves!!!! Whether u are familiar with this author's work or not I 100% encourage u to take a chance on this book as u won't regret it!!! I have read so many fantastic reads already this year and this one goes straight to the top with the rest of them! Read more Helpful Report Sandra Loves Reading 5.0 out of 5 stars Enjoyable naughty read! Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 1 January 2021 Verified Purchase This is the first book by S.L. Scott that I've read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Holliday runs her own business and is successful at what she does. While at a work conference she meets Dalton, a man who captures her interest immediately. She's prepared for a one night stand but that's not quite what he wants... So there's a bit of a mystery about Dalton...hmmm...is he all he seems to Holliday? There's lots of sex in this book. It can safely be said that this is a raunchy book! Enjoyable, naughty read! Read more Helpful Report Miss M McLaughlin 5.0 out of 5 stars WARNING !!!!! THIS BOOK MAY LEAD TO HOT FLUSHES AND HEART PALPITATIONS... Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 29 April 2014 Verified Purchase One Click NOW!!!! DON'T MISS OUT What I love most about a great book is that I can get totally lost in a fictional world forgetting real life problems. Not every book I pick up leads to this. However, The Resistance managed this within the first few chapters. This book was one of those magical gifts that had me glued to one spot for 6 solid hours. Holliday, now there's a girl I could be friends with. Loyal, kind, understanding, forgiving, generous but not afraid to pull punches. I could totally have a few cocktails with Holliday. Then we meet Dalton, charming, cocky, swaggering, funny, swoon worthy and HOTT.... Without giving too much away there where times on this journey where I just wanted to wray my arms around Dalton to give him a hug. Throughout their journey you get moments that just take your breath away. You will also get moments that make you angry. Once again S L Scott created a magical escape from Real Life.. A god given talent that will never know how important her books are to readers.. 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