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Budigere Road, Whitefield, East Bangalore

Unit Variants

4 BHK Row Houses & Villas

No. Of Floors

G + 2 Floors (Triplex Homes)

Possession Date

Row Houses:  OC Received - Ready To Move-In.

Villas: Delivery in 15 Months from Booking.

RERA Registration Number





Instance 1






Trifecta Verde En Resplandor

4 BHK Triplex Row Houses

   3053 - 3500 SqFt

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Trifecta Verde En Resplandor

4 BHK Triplex Villas

   2544 - 3712 SqFt

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Construction Linked Flexi Payment Plans.

OC Received for row houses.

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 5 56

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At 50,000 square feet, Club Verdant is the largest clubhouse in the
It hosts world class amenities designed and built around well-being, community,
and entertainment
Three Indoor Badminton Courts, Squash Court, Swimming Pool, Gymnasium,
Multipurpose Hall, Conference Hall, Yoga & Meditation Room, Salon & Spa, Toddler
Area, Outdoor Lounge, Roof Deck, Indoor Games (Carrom, Chess, Foosball, Table
Tennis & Billiards).

Full Basketball Court, Tennis Court, Volleyball Court, Cricket Pitch with Nets,
Meditation Pavilion, Amphitheatre, Climbing Wall, Child-safe Play Area,
Children's Sandpit, Outdoor Gym, Elder's Zone, Giant Chess.

Skating Rink, Pet Park, Child-safe Play Area, Children's Sandpit, Hopscotch,
Ludo, Snakes & Ladders.



Row Houses Floor Plans

Villas Floor Plans






A manifestation of nature in all her glory and splendour. With her innumerable
personas. shades. and colours. Melodies. sights. and bouquets of wonder. A haven
for well-being amidst verdure. This is green in radiance. this is Verde En

Exclusive. Luxurious. Serene. Reconnect with nature.
Contemporary design. Idyllically located. Commune with the like-minded: thought
leaders. achievers. the exceptional. Embrace space. Live the luxurious villa
life. Find your home at Trifecta Verde En Resplandor.

Rediscover fresh air. and breathe again Embrace space and stay safe. live a less
crowded life Embrace the integrated lifestyle at Club Verdant
Thrive in The Great Outdoors amidst bountiful and beautiful landscaping Private
garden space. just for you and no one else Personal space. enjoy being alone in
your thoughts
More rooms. more spaces. and multiple floors. great for growing families Nearly
double the undivided share than that of an apartment 10% to 40% premium on
rental income over an apartment Better appreciation and a sound investment.

Exclusive. Luxurious. Serene.
Reconnect with nature.
Contemporary design.
Idyllically located, near KIADB SEZ, Old Madras road, schools & malls.
Commune with the like-minded; thought leaders, achievers, the exceptional.
Embrace space at the largest township in the area. Live the luxurious villa
Find your home at Trifecta Verde En Resplandor.

The Great Outdoors at Verde En Resplandor are all about well-being. Divided into
six well-planned areas, you may be spoiled for options. Exercise your heart out
and into shape, meditate and take a moment to centre yourself, or play a game of
cricket and make new friends. Your weekend plans are limited only by your

Verde En Resplendor is blessed with green spaces, open to creativity. Football,
cricket, dodge ball, maybe the Verdant Olympics. The Sports Greens are your
canvases, paint them with whatever you like!

The Orchard
Fresh fruits are grown at Verde En Resplendor. How much better can it get?
Carefully selected trees line The Orchard, and their fruits will be ripe for the
picking for those that walk beneath their rich foliage.

The Kitchen
Your vegetable patch and floral garden. Herbs and tubers welcome too! Hone your
green thumb and aim for the prized pepper, the one pepper to rule them all. The
Kitchen is where you could start your meals!


Backed by over two decades of experience in the construction sector, Trifecta
Projects is a leading real-estate developer in Bengaluru.

We have consistently delivered over 40% average asset appreciation to our
customers, ensured on-time delivery, provided industry-leading value, maintained
transparency, as well as continuous customer support.

Our values and beliefs have held us in good stead through our journey thus far.

We are principled in our decisions and courageous to keep them. We are generous
and empathetic and remain steadfast in our path.


Click Here to Call Us

+91 80502 86677

Email Us: info@trifectaprojects.com
Office Address: Trifecta Projects Pvt. Ltd., Trifecta Adatto, 13th Floor, Site
No. 66/2. 67/1, Whitefield Main Road, Garudacharpalya, Mahadevpura Post,
Bangalore - 560048.


www.trifectaverdeenresplandor.com | Trifecta Verde En Resplandor Promoted by
Trifecta Projects Pvt. Ltd.

Digital Marketing Partner: A-Z Digital Marketing

Disclaimer: The plans, specifications, images and other details herein are only
indicative and subject to approval of the concerned authorities. The Developer /
Owner reserves the right to change any or all of these in the interest of the
development, without prior notice or obligation. Artist’s impressions are used
to illustrate amenities, specifications, images and other details and these may
be applicable to select apartments only. All brands stated are subject to final
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