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Text Content



 * About Us
   * Welcome
   * Contact Details and Opening Times
   * Who's Who
   * Vacancies
 * Key Information
   * Admissions
   * British Values
   * Curriculum and Year Group Overviews
     * Art
     * Computing
     * Design Technology
     * Early Years
     * English
     * French
       * French Day 2023
     * Geography
     * History
     * Mathematics
     * Music
     * Online Safety
     * Phonics
       * Phonics Screening Check
     * Physical Education
       * Nursery
       * Reception
       * Year 1
       * Year 2
       * Year 3
       * Year 4
       * Year 5
       * Year 6
     * PSHE
     * Reading for Pleasure
     * Religious Education
     * Science
     * Nursery Overview
     * Reception Overview
     * Year 1 Overview
     * Year 2 Overview
     * Year 3 Overview
     * Year 4 Overview
     * Year 5 Overview
     * Year 6 Overview
   * GDPR
   * Governors
   * Ofsted and Performance Data
     * Exam and Assessment Results
   * Paper Copy of Website
   * PE and Sport Premium
     * PE statement & expectations
     * Sports Premium
     * Swimming at Audenshaw
     * School Games Mark
   * Personal Development
   * Policies
   * Pupil Premium
   * Relationships and Sex Education
   * Schools Financial Benchmarking
   * School Values
     * Our Aims
   * SEN
 * News & Events
   * Nursery
   * Calendar
   * Newsletters
   * Letters
   * Latest News Documents
 * Parents
   * Attendance and Time Keeping
   * eSafety
     * Online Safety Guides
     * Resources for Adults
     * Gaming
     * Safer Search Engines
     * Resources for Children
   * Free School Meals
   * Fund Raising
   * Kiddi Day Kare
   * Late/Absence Procedures
   * Lunch Menus
   * School Clubs
   * School Term Times
     * Bad weather routines
   * Uniform Information
   * Useful Links
   * Mental Health and Well-being
 * Children
   * Class Pages
     * Nursery
       * Communication and Language
       * Personal, Social and Emotional
       * Physical Development
       * All About Me
       * Celebrations
       * Christmas
       * Wild Animals
       * Lunar New Year
       * Pancake Celebrations
       * Football Workshop
       * World Book Day
       * Let Girls Play
     * Reception
       * FFT Phonics
       * Reading and Writing
       * Maths
       * Reception 2023-2024
       * Nursery Rhymes
         * Incy Wincy
         * ICT Spider
         * Humpty Dumpty
       * All About Me
       * Little Bikers
       * Harvest
       * Monsters
         * 2D Shape Monsters
         * 2D Shape Hunt
         * Monster Biscuits
         * Monster Outfits
         * Monster Construction
       * Halloween Disco
       * Turnip Soup
       * Bonfire Night
       * Toys
       * Christmas Festivities!
         * Christmas Partyyyy!
         * Christmas Dinner and Jumper
         * Nativity
         * Festive Fun Day
         * Elvis The Elf
         * Father Christmas
       * Lunar New Year
         * Lanterns
         * Noodles
         * ICT
       * Football Workshop
       * Space
         * New Planet
         * Alien Sock Puppets
         * Rockets
         * ICT
         * Maths
       * Dinosaurs
         * Fossils
         * Construction
         * Writing
       * Farms
         * Adult and their Young
         * Sharing
         * Reddish Vale Farm
         * Making Bread
         * Making Toast
     * Year 1
       * Maths
       * FFT Phonics
       * Reading and Writing
       * Autumn 1
       * Autumn 2
       * Spring 1
       * Spring 2
       * Summer 1
       * Summer 2
     * Year 2
       * Egg technology day
       * World Book Day
       * Chicks
       * Portland Basin
       * Christmas party!
       * DT - Windmills
       * Nativity
       * Science - Squashing
       * Festive Fun Day!
       * Science - How strong
       * Troll Party!
       * Science - Waterproof
       * Titanic Day
       * Science -Cornflour
     * Year 3
       * Flower Power
       * Egg Technology Day
       * Tie Dye T-Shirts
       * PT & Football Day
       * Pyramids
       * Manchester Museum
       * Mood Boards
       * Castles (Design & Technology)
       * Weaving
       * Material Weaving
       * Christmas Dinner 2023
     * Year 4
       * Autumn 1
         * Music - Recorders
         * Science - Sound
         * DT - Pavilions
       * Autumn 2
       * Spring 1
         * Year 3&4 PT & Football Day
       * Spring 2
         * Geography
         * Maths
         * Mini Medics
         * Science
       * Summer 1
       * Summer 2
     * Year 5
     * Year 6
       * Autumn 1
       * Autumn 2
       * Spring 1
       * Spring 2
       * Summer 1
       * Summer 2
     * Nursery
       * Newsletters
         * Summer 1
         * Spring 2
         * Spring 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Autumn 1
       * Wow moments
     * Reception
       * Newsletters
         * Summer 2
         * Spring 2
         * Spring 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Autumn 1
       * Homework
         * Summer 1
         * Spring 2
         * Spring 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Autumn 1
     * Year 1
     * Year 2
       * Autumn
       * Spring
       * Summer
     * Year 3
       * Autumn 1 Newsletters
       * Autumn 2 Newsletters
       * Spring 1 Newsletters
       * Spring 2 Newsletters
         * Spring 2 Spellings
       * Summer 1 Newsletters
         * Summer 1 Spellings
       * Summer 2 Newsletters
     * Year 4
     * Year 5
       * Spring 2 Newsletters
       * Spring 1 Newsletters
       * Autumn 2 Newsletters
       * Autumn 1 Newsletters
     * Year 6
       * Autumn 1 Newsletters
       * Autumn 2 Newsletters
       * Spring 1 Newsletters
   * Celebration Assembly
     * Kate Livesey Award
     * Termly Awards
     * Maths, Writing and Handwriting Awards
       * Autumn 1
       * Autumn 2
       * Spring 1
       * Spring 2
       * Summer 1
       * Summer 2
   * Gallery
     * Reception
     * Year 1
     * Year 2
     * Year 3
     * Year 4
     * Year 5
     * Year 6
     * Egg Technology Day
     * Science Quiz with Year 5 and 6 March 2022
     * World Book Day 2022
     * World book day 2021
     * Yellow Bus Project
   * Videos
   * Golden Wednesday
     * Golden Wednesday 17th July 2023
     * Golden Wednesday 21st June
     * Golden Wednesday 17th May 2023
     * Golden Wednesday 26th April 2023
     * Wednesday 22nd March 2023
     * Wednesday 15th February 2023
     * Golden Table 18th January
   * School Games and Sports
     * Tag Rugby
     * Hockey
     * Dodgeball
     * PT and Football Workshops
       * Nursery
       * Reception
       * Year 1
       * Year 2
       * Year 3 and 4
       * Year 5 and 6
     * Lioness Football
     * Let Girls Play
       * Assembly
       * Nursery/ Reception
       * Year 1/Year 2
       * Year 3/Year 4
       * Year 5/Year 6
     * Scooter and Skateboards
       * Year 1
       * Year 2
       * Year 3
       * Year 4
       * Year 5
       * Year 6
     * MUFC Talent Spotting
     * Wildcats Girls Football
     * Tag Rugby Competition
     * Quicksticks Hockey
     * Panathlon Events
     * Disney Wildcats Girls Football
     * Dodgeball
     * Ash Randall Freestyle Footballer
     * Olympic Torch
     * Basketball
     * Volleyball
     * Let Girls Play Football
     * Tag Rugby
     * Bee Proud Volleyball
     * Morning Football Club
   * Well-being
   * Forest School
     * Autumn 2022
     * Spring 2023
     * Summer 2023
   * Music
     * Rock Steady
       * Spring 2 Performance
     * Young Voices
   * School Council
   * Residential Visits
   * Aspirations
     * Olympic Athlete Visit
     * Aspirations Day
     * Career Talks
     * Aspirational Assemblies
     * Rock Star Assembly
   * NSPCC - Childline
   * Archive 2020/2021
     * Reception
       * Our First Day
       * Nursery Rhymes
       * All About Me
       * Autumn
       * MONSTERS!!!
       * Pets
         * Rhyming Pets
         * Laces
         * Mixing Colours
       * CHRISTMAS!
         * Elvis the Elf
         * Christmas Party!
       * Masked Book Character
       * Space
         * What we'd take to space
         * 1 more 1 less Rockets
       * Egg Technology
       * Place Value - Teen Numbers
       * Making Bread and Jam Sandwiches
         * Bread Making
         * Jam Sandwich
       * Sports Day
       * Minibeasts
         * Crafts
         * Ugly Bug Ball
       * UGLY BUG BALL
     * Year 1
       * All about Year 1
         * Year 1 class booklet
       * What we have been learning
         * Comparing groups of objects
         * Retelling Goldilocks and the Three Bears
         * Making cereal
         * Using a part whole model
         * Material rubbings in art
         * LS Lowry
         * Floating and sinking experiment
         * Biscuit houses
         * Using a number line
         * Clay kitchen tiles
         * Firework art
         * Poppy Art
         * Victorian Learning
         * Victorian Day
       * Class Superstars
       * Weekly newsletters
         * Autumn 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Spring 1
         * Spring 2
         * Summer 1
         * Summer 2
       * Homework
         * Autumn 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Spring 1
         * Spring 2
         * Summer 1
         * Summer 2
       * Spellings
         * Autumn 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Spring 1
         * Spring 2
         * Summer 1
         * Summer 2
       * Useful websites, links and notes
       * Phonics
         * Phase 2
         * Phase 3
         * Phase 4
         * Phase 5
         * Phonics screening check
       * Numbots
     * Year 2
     * Year 3
       * We had fun making 3D shapes out of sweets and cocktail sticks. The
         sweets represented the verticesand the sticks represented the edges of
         the shapes.
       * We created sculptures of a human figure using tin foil.
       * We experimented with different ways of modelling our clay.
       * We studied our faces, sketched them in pencil and painted them. They
         are now on display in the hall.
       * Look at our fantastic designs!
       * Cave Paintings by Year 3
       * Christmas Dinner Day
       * We hope you like our Christmas pictures.
       * As part of our instructions topic in English, we followed instructions
         to make a woolly mammoth. We all did a really job!
       * We have experimented with paint, pastels and chalks this term.
       * In science, we investigated how the size of a shadow changed according
         to how far away we held the light source.
     * Year 4
     * Year 5
     * Year 6
     * New Starters 20/21
     * Reception
       * Newsletters
         * Summer 2
         * Summer 1
         * Spring 2
         * Autumn 2
         * Autumn 1
       * Homework
         * Summer 2
         * Summer 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Autumn 1
     * Year 1
       * Newsletters
         * Autumn 1
         * Autumn 2
       * Homework
         * Autumn 1
         * Autumn 2
       * Spellings
         * Autumn 1
         * Autumn 2
     * Year 2
     * Year 3
       * Here are the weekly newsletters
     * Year 4
       * 11th December
       * Autumn
     * Year 5
       * Autumn 1
       * Autumn 2
         * Newsletters
       * Spring 2
       * Summer 1
       * Summer 2
     * Year 6
   * Archive 2021/2022
     * Reception
       * Our First Day
       * Nursery Rhymes
         * Incy Wincy
         * Humpty Dumpty
       * All About Me
         * Our Senses
         * ICT - Pizzas
       * Maths All Year
         * Measures
       * ICT All Year
         * Pizza Parlour!
       * Autumn
         * Turnip Soup
       * Monsters!
       * Halloween Disco
       * Diwali
       * Remembrance Day
       * Christmas Fair Fun Day!
       * Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day
       * Nativity
       * Elfie the Elf
       * Christmas Party Day
       * Dinosaurs
       * Chinese New Year
       * Valentine's Week
         * Who I Love
         * What food I love
         * What season I love
         * What toy I love
       * People Who Help Us
       * World Book Day
       * Little Bikers
       * Space
       * Egg Technology
       * Farms
         * Reddish Vale
         * ICT Farms
         * Bread Making
         * Making Toast
       * Jubilee Day
       * Sports Day
       * Minibeasts
       * Phonics/ Reading/ Writing
       * Maths
     * Year 1
       * All about Year 1
       * What we have been learning
         * Making biscuit houses
         * Retelling the Goldilocks story
         * Making cereal
         * Making chocolate apples
         * LS Lowry pictures
         * Lots of Maths
         * Talk for Writing - retelling Oliver's Vegetables
         * Spring 1 - food topic
         * PRIDE
           * Week A
           * Week B
           * Week C
           * Week D
         * Part whole models
         * Fruit tasting - Oliver's Fruit Salad
         * Marvellous Maths using ten frames
         * Tuck rolls in PE
         * Experimenting with drawing techniques in art
         * Fruit Salad
         * Senses test
         * Planting our beans
         * World Book Day
         * Jack and the Beanstalk
         * Investigating parts of a plant
         * Jack and the Beanstalk in PE
         * Fruit in the style of Paul Cezanne
         * Measuring using non-standard units
         * When the beanstalk grew in Year 1
         * Measuring using a ruler
         * Comparing weight using the balance scales
         * The Enormous Potato
         * George and the Dragon
         * Lost and Found
         * Making equal groups and sharing equally
         * Forest School
         * Jubilee Jubilations
         * Formby!
       * Letters
       * PRIDE awards
       * Weekly Newsletters
         * Autumn 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Spring 1
         * Spring 2
         * Summer 1
         * Summer 2
       * Homework
         * Autumn 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Spring 1
         * Spring 2
         * Summer 1
         * Summer 2
       * Spellings
         * Autumn 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Spring 1
         * Spring 2
         * Summer 1
         * Summer 2
       * Phonics
         * Phase 2
         * Phase 3
         * Phase 4
         * Phase 5
         * Phonics Screening Check
         * Phonics Meeting
       * Numbots
       * Useful websites, links & notes
       * PRIDE
         * Home activities
           * Folder front cover
           * Week A
           * Week B
           * Week C
           * Week D
       * Tutor group
         * Maths
           * Number bonds to 10
           * Odd and even numbers
         * English
           * Reading and phonics
             * 60 second comprehension activities
               * Dinosaurs
               * Keeping healthy
               * Traditional Tales
     * Year 2
       * Pictures
       * Phonics
       * Spellings
     * Year 3
       * Sports Day 2022
       * Tin Foil Sculptures
         * Tin Foil Sculptures
         * Our sculptures
       * Jubilee Games
       * Making S'Mores
       * Jubilee Crowns
       * Egyptian Death Masks
       * Egyptian Mummies
         * The stages of Mummification
         * Our completed mummies
       * Science Shadow Fun
       * Woolly Mammoths
       * Stone Age Cave Paintings
       * Stone Age Tools
       * Stone Age Shelters
     * Year 4
       * Autumn 1- Rampaging Romans
         * Maths
       * Autumn 2- Village Settlers
       * Spring 1- Terrific Tameside
         * Hats
       * Spring 2- Marvellous Maps
       * Summer 1- The Mayas
       * Summer 2- What's it like in South America?
       * Malham Information
         * Day 1- Malham Cove
         * Day 2- Janet's Foss & Gordale Scar
         * Janet's Foss Pics
       * World Book Day
     * Year 5
       * Photos
     * Year 6
       * Pictures
     * New Starters 22/23
     * Reception
       * Newsletters
         * Summer 2
         * Summer 1
         * Spring 2
         * Spring 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Autumn 1
       * Homework
         * Summer 2
         * Summer 1
         * Spring 2
         * Spring 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Autumn 1
     * Year 1
       * Autumn 1
       * Autumn 2
       * Spring 1
         * Newsletters
         * Homework
       * Spring 2
         * Newsletters
         * Homework
       * Summer 1
         * Newsletters
         * Homework
       * Summer 2
         * Newsletters
         * Homework
     * Year 2
     * Year 3
       * Autumn 1 Newsletters
     * Year 4
     * Year 5
     * Year 6
   * Archive 2022-2023
     * Reception
       * Reception 2022-2023
       * Nursery Rhymes
         * AB Pattern
         * Displays
         * ICT - Spider
       * All About Me
         * Counting People in the House
         * Midwife Visit
       * Little Bikers
       * Autumn
         * Autumn Window Display
         * Harvest Assembly
       * Monsters
         * 2D Shape Monsters
         * Monster Party DAY!
       * Halloween Disco
       * Nursery Rhyme Trip
       * Pets
       * Pudsey Bear
       * Christmas Events
         * Festive Fun Day
         * Christmas Dinner and Jumper Day
         * Nativity
         * Christmas Party
       * Toys
         * Old Toys
         * Our Favourite Toys
         * ICT
       * Chinese New Year
         * Lanterns
         * ICT
         * Noodles
       * Dinosaurs!
         * Dinosaur Pants
         * Dinosaur Reactions
         * Number Hunt
         * Dino Outfit
         * 2D Shape Dinosaurs
         * Fossils
         * Dino Construction
       * Art
         * Colour Mixing
         * Environmental Art
         * Painting to Music
         * Landscape Art
       * February Disco
       * People Who Help Us
       * World Book Day
       * Space
       * DT
         * Junk Modelling
       * Spring
       * Egg Technology
       * Farms
         * Reddish Vale
         * Our Recount to the Farm
         * ICT
         * Making Bread
         * Making Toast
         * Clay Farm Models
       * The King's Coronation
       * Plants
       * Sports Day
       * French Day
       * Minibeasts
       * Reading/ Phonics
       * Writing
       * Maths
     * Year 1
       * All About Year 1
       * Autumn 1
         * English
         * Forest School
         * Art and Design
         * History Trip to Portland Basin
       * Autumn 2
       * Spring 1
         * The Great Fire of London
         * Maths
         * Mental Health and Wellbeing
       * Spring 2
         * Maths
         * Forest school
         * Design Technology
       * Summer 1
       * Summer 2
     * Year 2
       * Chicks!
       * Science - Cornflower
       * Titanic Day
       * Disco
       * Rockets - DT
       * Portland Basin
       * World Book Day
       * DT- Clay tiles
       * Art- Repeated patterns
     * Year 3
       * The Coronation 2023
       * Sports Day
       * Food Technology- Japanese Fruit Skewers
       * Food Technology- Savoury Veg Tart
       * Food Technology- Apple Crumble
       * Tie Dye
       * Weaving
       * Mummification
       * Testing Rocks
       * Chocolate Rocks
       * Properties of Rocks
       * Cave Paintings
       * Harvest Festival 2022
     * Year 4
       * Autumn 1
         * Science
         * Maths
         * History
       * Autumn 2
         * Science- Electricity
       * Spring 2
         * Mini Medics
         * Science
         * Art
       * Malham Cove
       * Goredale Scar
       * Youth Hostel
       * Janet's Foss
       * Janet's Foss Waterfall
     * Year 5
       * Trip to Jodrell Bank
       * Egg Technology Day
       * Visit from Hrothgar the Viking
     * Year 6
     * Reception New Starters 23/24
     * Nursery New Starters 23/24
     * Reception
       * Newsletters
         * Summer 2
         * Summer 1
         * Spring 2
         * Spring 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Autumn 1
       * Homework
         * Summer 2
         * Summer 1
         * Spring 2
         * Spring 1
         * Autumn 2
         * Autumn 1
     * Year 1
     * Year 2
       * Autumn
       * Spring
       * Summer
     * Year 3
       * Summer 2
         * Spellings
       * Summer 1
         * Spellings
       * Spring 2
         * Spellings
       * Spring 1
         * Spellings
         * Beth of the Nile
       * Autumn 2
       * Autumn 1
     * Year 4
     * Year 5
       * Summer 2 Newsletters
       * Summer 1 Newsletters
       * Spring 2 Newsletters
       * Spring 1 Newsletters
       * Autumn 2 Newsletters
       * Autumn 1 Newsletters
     * Year 6
 * Log in


Home Page



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I Noticeboard
 * January 2024 17th January 2024
 * December 2023 24th November 2023
 * Summer 2023 17th May 2023

More Notices
D Calendar Dates
 * There are no events for the next 10 weeks.

More Dates
B Attendance
 * Nursery ---
 * Reception --- 95.2%
 * Year 1 --- 96.2%
 * Year 2 --- 95.4%
 * Year 3 --- 95.8%
 * Year 4 --- 96.5%
 * Year 5 --- 96.3%
 * Year 6 --- 96%

C Awards


 * Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led Nursery
 * Ash Street, Audenshaw, Manchester, M34 5NG
 * 0161 370 2504
 * admin@audenshaw-pri.tameside.sch.uk

 * Log in
 * Sitemap
 * Cookie Information
 * Website Policy

 * All website content copyright © Audenshaw Primary School and Governor Led
 * Website design byAPrimarySite





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