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Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei intelligente Lsungsvorschlge, Schritt fr Schritt Lsungen der Aufgaben und ein Trainings und Test Modus. Die MATH 4. 2 App hilft Schlern der 5. Klasse bei den Mathematik Aufgaben Bild CogeonRedaktionSchritt fr Schritt Lsungen individuell anpassen. Die detaillierten Schritt fr Schritt Lsungen kann der Schler in der MATH4. App auf Wunsch individuell anpassen. Weitere hilfreiche Funktionen sind die intuitive Eingabe von Formeln, intelligente Lsungsvorschlge, wie eine Aufgabe anzugehen ist, und ausfhrliche mathematische Erklrungen mit Beispielen. Ntzlich zum Verstehen sind die interaktiven Graphen, die eine Aufgabe visualisieren und automatisch generierte bungsaufgaben und Tests, welche przises ben und schnelles Verbessern ermglichen. Ein Instant Taschenrechner ist mit an Bord, der whrend der Eingabe mitrechnet. Testmodus zur Identifikation von Strken und Schwchen. 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Wer weitere Mathematik Apps und Programme zum kostenlosen Download sucht, findet diese in unserem gut sortierten Software Angebot. 12/23/2017admin WINUSB SYS WINDOWS XP var q winusbsyswindowsxpWhy CDC Serial Device installation fails on Windows Vista and 7 Because of Microchips INF file bug, you may succeed or fail on installation of CDC device driver to. SYSWindowsSYS. SYS. Get the latest Windows Hardware Development Kit Windows HDK for Windows 10 and start developing Universal Windows drivers, and testing and deploying Windows 10. For certain Universal Serial Bus USB devices, such as devices that are accessed by only a single application, you can install WinUSB Winusb. sys in the devices. Win. USB Winusb. Installation Windows DriversFor certain Universal Serial Bus USB devices, such as devices that are accessed by only a single application, you can install Win. USB Winusb. sys in the devices kernel mode stack as the USB devices function driver instead of implementing a driver. This topic contains these sections Automatic installation of Win. USB without an INF file. As an OEM or independent hardware vendor IHV, you can build your device so that the Winusb. Windows 8 and later versions of the operating system. Such a device is called a Win. USB device and does not require you to write a custom INF file that references in box Winusb. When you connect a Win. USB device, the system reads device information and loads Winusb. For more information, see Win. USB Device. Installing Win. USB by specifying the system provided device class. When you connect your device, you might notice that Windows loads Winusb. IHV has defined the device as a Win. USB Device. Otherwise follow these instructions to load the driver Plug in your device to the host system. Open Device Manager and locate the device. Right click the device and select Update driver software. In the wizard, select Browse my computer for driver software. Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer. From the list of device classes, select Universal Serial Bus devices. The wizard displays Win. Usb Device. Select it to load the driver. If Universal Serial Bus devices does not appear in the list of device classes, then you need to install the driver by using a custom INF. The preceding procedure does not add a device interface GUID for an app Windows Store app or Windows desktop app to access the device. You must add the GUID manually by following this procedure. Load the driver as described in the preceding procedure. The Windows System Assessment Tool WinSAT is a module of Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 that is available in the Control Panel under. Generate a device interface GUID for your device, by using a tool such as guidgen. Find the registry key for the device under this key HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetEnumUSBlt VIDvvvv PIDpppp Under the Device Parameters key, add a String registry entry named Device. Interface. GUID or a Multi String entry named Device. Interface. GUIDs. Set the value to the GUID you generated in step 2. Disconnect the device from the system and reconnect it to the same physical port. Note If you change the physical port then you must repeat steps 1 through 4. Writing a custom INF for Win. USB installation As part of the driver package, you provide an. Winusb. sys as the function driver for the USB device. The following example. Win. USB installation for most USB devices with some modifications, such as changing USBInstall in section names to an appropriate DDInstall value. You should also change the version, manufacturer, and model sections as necessary. For example, provide an appropriate manufactures name, the name of your signed catalog file, the correct device class, and the vendor identifier VID and product identifier PID for the device. Also notice that the setup class is set to USBDevice. Vendors can use the USBDevice setup class for devices that do not belong to another class and are not USB host controllers or hubs. If you are installing Win. USB as the function driver for one of the functions in a USB composite device, you must provide the hardware ID that is associated with the function, in the INF. You can obtain the hardware ID for the function from the properties of the devnode in Device Manager. The hardware ID string format is USBVIDvvvv PIDpppp. The following INF installs Win. USB as the OSR USB FX2 boards function driver on a x. Installs Win. Usb. Signature Windows NT. Class USBDevice. Class. GUID 8. BAE0. 32 5. A8. 1 4. BC3. D A4. FF1. 38. D6. Provider Manufacturer. Name. Catalog. File Win. USBInstallation. cat. Driver. Ver0. 90. ManufacturerModels sections. Manufacturer. Name Standard,NTamd. Standard. NTamd. 64. Device. Name USBInstall, USBVID0. PID1. 00. 2. Class definition. Class. Install. 32. Add. Reg Class. InstallAdd. Reg. Class. InstallAdd. Reg. HKR,Class. Name. HKR,No. Install. Class,1. HKR,Icon. Path,REGMULTISZ,systemrootsystem. HKR,Lower. Logo. Version,5. 2. Installation. Include winusb. Needs WINUSB. NT. USBInstall. Services. Include winusb. inf. Needs WINUSB. NT. Services. USBInstall. HW. Add. RegDevAdd. Reg. HKR,Device. Interface. GUIDs,0x. Destination. Dirs. If your INF needs to copy files, you must not use the Default. Dest. Dir directive here. You must explicitly reference all file list section names in this section. Strings. Manufacturer. Name. Class. NameUniversal Serial Bus devices. Device. NameFx. Learning Kit Device. REGMULTISZ 0x. Except for device specific values and several issues that are noted in the following list, you can use these sections and directives to install Win. USB for any USB device. These list items describe the Includes and Directives in the preceding. USBInstall The Include and Needs directives in the USBInstall section are required for installing Win. USB. You should not modify these directives. USBInstall. Services The Include directive in the USBInstall. Services section includes the system supplied. Win. USB Win. USB. This. inf file is installed by the Win. USB co installer if it isnt already on the target system. The Needs directive specifies the section within Win. USB. inf that contains information required to install Winusb. You should not modify these directives. Note Because Windows XP doesnt provide Win. USB. inf, the file must either be copied to Windows XP systems by the co installer, or you should provide a separate decorated section for Windows XP. USBInstall. HW This section is the key in the. It specifies the device interface globally unique identifier GUID for your device. The Add. Reg directive sets the specified interface GUID in a standard registry value. When Winusb. sys is loaded as the devices function driver, it reads the registry value Device. Interface. GUIDs key and uses the specified GUID to represent the device interface. You should replace the GUID in this example with one that you create specifically for your device. If the protocols for the device change, create a new device interface GUID. Note User mode software must call Setup. Di. Get. Class. Devs to enumerate the registered device interfaces that are associated with one of the device interface classes specified under the Device. Interface. GUIDs key. Setup. Di. Get. Class. Devs returns the device handle for the device that the user mode software must then pass to the Win. UsbInitialize routine to obtain a Win. USB handle for the device interface. For more info about these routines, see How to Access a USB Device by Using Win. USB Functions. The following INF installs Win. USB as the OSR USB FX2 boards function driver on a x. The example shows INF with WDF coinstallers. Installs Win. Usb. Signature Windows NT. Class USBDevice. Class. GUID 8. BAE0. 32 5. A8. 1 4. BC3. D A4. FF1. 38. D6. Provider Manufacturer. Name. Catalog. File Win. USBInstallation. cat. Driver. Ver0. 90. ManufacturerModels sections. Manufacturer. Name Standard,NTamd. Standard. NTamd. 64. Device. Name USBInstall, USBVID0. PID1. 00. 2. Class definition. Class. Install. 32. Add. Reg Class. InstallAdd. Reg. Class. InstallAdd. 12/23/2017admin EA SPORTS CRICKET 07 GAMES DOWNLOAD var q easportscricket07gamesdownloadEA Sports Wikipedia. EA Sports is a division and brand of Electronic Arts that creates and develops sports video games. Formerly a marketing gimmick of Electronic Arts, in which they tried to imitate real life sports networks by calling themselves the EA Sports Network EASN with pictures or endorsements with real commentators such as John Madden, it soon grew up to become a sub label on its own, releasing game series such as NBA Live, FIFA, NHL, Madden NFL, and NASCAR. The best selling EA Sports series is the FIFA series with over 1. Most games under this brand are developed by EA Canada, the studio of Electronic Arts in Burnaby, British Columbia, as well as EA Blackbox, Vancouver, British Columbia and EA Tiburon in Maitland, Florida. The main rival to EA Sports is 2. How To Download Install cricket 2017 game Full version on Windows 8 100 WorkingUNIQUE Tutor Duration 527. UNIQUE Tutor 152 views. External links. Official portal of EA Games List of Electronic Arts games from MobyGames. EA Sports Cricket 2002 PC Download Before downloading make sure that your PC meets minimum system requirements. Minimum System Requirements OS Windows 9598ME2000. K Sports. Notably, both companies compete over the realm of NBA games. Konami is its rival in association football games. EA Sports inherits its motto Its in the game from the parent company, Electronic Arts. It was voiced by journalist Andrew Anthony. Unlike some other sports game companies, EA Sports has no special ties to a single platform, which means that all games are released for the best selling active platforms, sometimes long after most of the other companies abandon them. For example, FIFA 9. Sports journalists and bloggers covering NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, MMA, college football and basketball, NASCAR, fantasy sports and more. News, photos, mock drafts, game. EA SPORTS CRICKET 2017 PC Game Full Version Free Download Description The EA Cricket 2017 for Free cricket video games published by EA Sports and designed for. Download Ra One The Game for PC and included the complete information of installing and doing the setting of PlayStation 2 emulator. Madden NFL 9. 8, NBA Live 9. NHL 9. 8 were released for the Sega Genesis and the Super NES throughout 1. Madden NFL 2. 00. FIFA 2. 00. 5 had Play. Station released in 2. FIFA 2. 00. 5 was also the last Play. Station title to be released and NCAA Football 0. Xbox released in 2. Madden NFL 0. 8 also had Xbox and Nintendo Game. Cube releases in 2. Game. Cube, with Madden NFL 0. Xbox title. Additionally, NASCAR Thunder 2. NASCAR Thunder 2. Play. Station 2, but for the original Play. Station as well. EA Sports brand name is used to sponsor English Football League One team Swindon Town F. C. from the 2. 00. EA Sports Cup in the Republic of Ireland. Series and games. Most EA Sports games are distinguished by year, as most games are released on a yearly basis. Nevertheless, as EA Sports is the leading purchaser of official licenses, it is not uncommon that in a short span several games of the same sport but with different licenses are released FIFA 9. World Cup 9. 8 as EA has the license for the FIFA World Cup and the European Football Championship, each happening regularly in four year intervals, and college football and basketball games are released that are based on Madden NFL and NBA Live, respectively. Current. Former. Exclusivity deals. In 2. 00. 2, EA purchased the license to NASCAR for six years, ending competition from Papyrus and Infogrames. They lost the NASCAR license in 2. NASCAR license would be owned by Polyphony Digital for the Gran Turismo series starting with Gran Turismo 5, and also Eutechnyx for NASCAR The Game series until its inception in 2. On December 1. 3, 2. EA Sports signed an exclusive deal with the National Football League NFL and its Players Union for five years. On February 1. 2, 2. EA Sports announced the extension of its exclusive deal until the 2. NFL season. Less than a month after the NFL Exclusive deal, EA Sports signed a four year exclusive deal with the Arena Football League AFL. On April 1. 1, 2. National Collegiate Athletic Association NCAA and EA Sports signed a deal to grant EA Sports the sole rights to produce college football games for six years. EA lost the rights for Major League Baseball MLB games to 2. K Sports in 2. 00. EAs MVP series however, EA made NCAA Baseball games in 2. MLB license. In January 2. EA Sports decided not to renew their NCAA College Baseball license while they evaluate the status of their MVP game engine. 4In 2. EA Sports and ESPN signed a massive 1. ESPN to be integrated into EA Sports video games from 2. K Sports and Sega. EAs use of the ESPN license has steadily increased over the early life of the deal. EAs early usage of the ESPN license began with ESPN Radio and a sports ticker in titles like Madden NFL, NBA Live, Tiger Woods PGA Tour, and NCAA Baseball and Football. The ESPN integration now includes streaming podcasts, text articles including content only available previously to ESPN Insider subscribers, and ESPN Motion video including such programs as Pardon the Interruption. In 2. 01. 2, EA signs a multi year, multi product partnership with the Ultimate Fighting Championship, taking over from THQ. PC games. In June 2. EA Sports announced that for 2. Madden NFL, NCAA Football, NASCAR, NHL, NBA Live, and Tiger Woods PGA Tour would not be shipped for PC platforms Microsoft Windows andor Mac OS X. 56 The NCAA Football series hadnt been released on the PC since 1. The Tiger Woods series last PC game was Tiger Woods PGA Tour 0. NASCAR series hadnt had a PC version since NASCAR Sim. Racing in 2. 00. 5, and the Madden series last PC game was Madden NFL 0. The NHL series last PC game was NHL 0. Likewise, NBA Live 0. PC version for NBA Live. The head of EA Sports at that time, Peter Moore, cited piracy and the fact that the PC as a platform for authentic, fully licensed, simulation sports games has declined radically in the past three years as the next generation consoles. have attracted millions of consumers. 78EA Sports released FIFA World as a free to play massively multi player game which is exclusive to the PC on the 1. November 2. 01. 3. The company noted that the FIFA and FIFA Manager series would still be released for the PC platform. Play. Station Home. On April 2. 3, 2. EA Sports released the long awaited EA Sports Complex space for the Play. Station 3s online community based service, Play. Station Home in the European and North American versions. 9 In the Complex, users can play a series of mini games, including poker, kart racing, golf, and it also features a Virtual EA Shop. There are also a number of advertisements for upcoming EA Sports games. Each mini game that the Complex features has a reward or rewards. Heavy Water, a company dedicated to developing for Home, developed the EA Sports Complex for EA Sports. 1. Originally, the Complex just featured two rooms the EA Sports Complex and the EA Sports Complex Upstairs. The EA Sports Complex featured racing and had a golfing range that was unavailable to play. The Upstairs had four poker tables that users could play at any time. With the June 1. 8, 2. Complexs name changed to the EA Sports Racing Complex and the Upstairs changed to the EA Sports Complex Green Poker Room. 1. Other than the name change, the update took away the golfing range and added four more karts for users to play Racing at and it also added one red poker table to the poker room. The July 2, 2. 00. Complex the EA Sports Racing Complex, the EA Sports Golf Complex, the EA Sports Complex Green Poker Room, and the EA Sports Complex Red Poker Room. The Racing Complex features Racing with a total of eight karts four on each side of the Complex. The Golf Complex features two Practice Ranges for golfing one range on each side of the Complex. A Golf Pro shop is coming soon for the Golf Complex. The Green Poker Room featured four green poker tables that users can play anytime. The Red Poker Room featured four red poker tables but requires users to have 2,0. On July 1. 6, 2. 00. EA Sports released another room for the Complex making five rooms for the Complex. This room is the game space for Fight Night Round 4 called Club Fight Night featuring a mini game called Club DJ and coming soon, robot boxing. 1. On July 3. 0, 2. 00. EA SPORTS CRICKET 2. Game. EA SPORTS CRICKET 2. PC Game Full Version Free Download. The EA Cricket 2. Free cricket video games published by EA Sports and designed for Microsoft Windows. This EA CRICKET 1. Game contains all HQ textures, New Players, the stadiums kits,EA SPORTS CRICKET 2. PC Game is an Sports game and the series of EA Cricket. Other Search Terms You can also find this game The EA Cricket 2. PC Game Free Download, The EA Cricket 2. Free download full version for pc, The EA Cricket 2. Download free full version, The EA Cricket 2. Direct download link keywords. EA SPORTS CRICKET 2. Game. File Size 9. MBEA Cricket 1. 7 System Requirements CPU Intel Pentium 4 2. GHz. RAM 1 Gb. OS Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows. Windows Vista, Windows 1. Video Card Direct. X 9. 0c Compatible 3. D accelerated 3. MB video card NVIDIA Ge. Force. 2 ATI Radeon 7. Intel 8. 65, 9. 15Free Disk Space 2 GBDirect. 12/22/2017admin FONTS 2015 var q fonts2015Based on a German website, these are the top 100 best fonts of all time. Check out these top 100 Best, Cool, Most Popular Professional Fonts In English. Boost your branding projects with our goto list of best logo fonts. Is there a keyboard layout for typing in Marathi I have Kiran fonts but all the fonts given on above page do not work in that. How can I use these fonts to type. Our Favorite Typefaces of 2. Typographica. Welcome to our tenth annual celebration of what is fresh and interesting in type design. Who decides what meets that standard No single writer. No editorial board. No consensus by committee. No superstar studded jury though there are some luminaries in this bunch. 300 Kruti Dev Fonts Free Download New Hindi Fonts Zip file Hindi ke badhte chalan ne aaj hindi ko wo mukaam diya hai ki aaj hindi internet par chhayi hui hai. dekha. Fonts,Download free fonts. Cool PC fonts and Mac fonts and dingbats. All fonts are in truetype format. Font editors and font managers available. Padasalai. net 10th, 12th, tntet, trb, tnpsc, study materials, online tests, latest educational tamil news. Alles, was man ber Schrift Typografie wissen mu, verstndlich und anschaulich aufbereitet. What are Optotypes About the history of eye charts and their fonts. New list of 40 Free Fonts for Hipsters Vintage, Retro Fonts for designers. For more high quality commercial fonts, check best fonts of 2015. Those formats all have value. But what makes this list different and maybe a little weird but, to me, always insightful is that each contributor makes their own pick. They bring their own views and voices to their selections. They speak from a range of experience in nearly every facet of typography from letter drawing to font programming, from print publication to UX design, from education to art direction. Of the thousands of typefaces released in 2. If there is a common thread among the selections, it is as often seems to be the case variety. In typography, a serif s r f is a small line attached to the end of a stroke in a letter or symbol. A typeface with serifs is called a serif typeface. This year, though, we benefit from an exceptional diversity of gender in both contributors and type designers and scripts writing systems beyond Latin. Im especially pleased with and humbled by the non Latin reviews. Typographica primarily reaches a Western audience, but globalization affects everyone who makes or uses fonts. We all can gain from learning about what makes a good Arabic, Cyrillic, Devanagari, or Hebrew typeface. This year, weve enlisted some experts to guide us on that multiscript path, both throughout the main selections and in a special addendum to the Other Notable Releases. The Year in Type. Aside from the ever expanding crop of fine new typefaces, other exciting typographic developments unfolded in 2. Alphabettes, a collaborative blog and showcase for women in type, came onto the scene. The writing on the site is approachable, smart, and often hilarious. The bettes even picked their own Favourite Typefaces of a certain year. I cant wait for 1. The group is incredibly active, pushing out new content every week, yet maintains a high standard. Although it has only been around for a few months, Alphabettes has already established itself as a force in the typographic community. Another new platform launched last year, this one commercial Fontstand. Designers Andrej Krtky, Peter Biak, and Ondrej Jb teamed up to respond to several needs of the market. The core selling point is a try before you buy and rental system that makes testing and short term font use effortless and inexpensive. That wasnt an entirely novel idea font subscriptions and cloud activation for desktop app use were already available via services from Monotype and Adobe but what sets Fontstand apart from most retailers is what it doesnt offer. Its all about quality control. Fontstands initial group of twenty or so foundries reads like a whos who of premium, independent labels. The collection has grown since then but slowly and deliberately. Nearly every major foundry now offers fonts in a web format or service, and by the end of the year WOFF was well on its way to becoming the de facto standard webfont format. Housekeeping. Our annual arrives a bit late this year. The main reason for the delay is that we just rebuilt the place. Most of these pages should look familiar, but the seven year old code behind the site was substantially rewritten to improve the experience on mobile devices and facilitate future updates. Each of the 2. 01. Commentary archives, are phone friendly at last. So now you can read about type while sitting on the toilet, as God intended. Finally, a note about Typographicas editorial policy and values. This site does not make anyone a living. It is largely a labor of love for the three people you see in the colophon. We are supported by our nameplate sponsor and the Deck. We also receive nominal affiliate fees from font retailers such as Fontspring and My. Fonts. When a selected typeface is available from these shops, we link to them. I believe distributors provide useful services for both makers and users when they treat type designers fairly, they can play a constructive role in the industry. That said, I recognize that editorial publishers are not the only creators struggling to remain independent. I strongly endorse indie foundries and recommend licensing fonts directly from their makers whenever possible. In these annual reviews, our policy has always been to link directly to foundries from the bold typeface reference in the main text. Starting this year, we also include foundry sources in the sidebar. Those who sell their type directly from their own site will now be first on the Get the Fonts list. Read more about our policy. Stephen Coles, Editor. Caren Litherlands deft editing helps make this feature possible. Huge thanks to Chris Hamamoto for his significant work on the redesign. Our new headline and text face is Contemporary Sans, kindly donated by Ludwig bele, who indulged and continues to endure my many customization requests. It joins Eksell Display for the Type of 2. Florian Hardwig and Tnia Raposo also pitched in, helping with the list of nominees, creating specimens, and linking to our sister site, Fonts In Use. Most of all, thanks to the contributors for lending their expertise and patience. 12/22/2017admin IMPROVE DOWNLOAD SPEED FIREFOX var q improvedownloadspeedfirefoxFirefox Wikipedia. Mozilla Firefox. DevelopersInitial release. September 2. 3, 2. Stable releasesStandard. December 2. 01. 7 1 day ago 2. ESR5. 2. 5. 2 7 December 2. Preview releasesBeta Developer Edition. November 8, 2. 01. Nightly. 59. 0a. 1 November 1. Written in. C, Java. Script, HTML, C, Rust7Operating system. Here are some simple tips and tricks to optimize your Internet Explorer browser Uninstall toolbars Disable toolbars and extensions directly from your browser. Mashable is a global, multiplatform media and entertainment company. Powered by its own proprietary technology, Mashable is the goto source for tech. Windows, mac. OS, Linux, Android, i. OS8 Unofficial ports to BSDs, Solaris, Open. Solaris, illumosIncluded with. Firefox OS, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Manjaro Linux. Engines. Quantum, Spider. Monkey, Web. Kit i. OS onlySize. Windows, IA 3. MB9Windows, x. 64 3. MB1. 0mac. OS 5. MB1. 1Linux, IA 3. MB1. 2Linux, x. MB1. 3Android, ARM 4. MB1. 4Android, ARM6. MB1. 5Android, x. MB1. 6i. OS 9. MB1. 7Available in. Type. Web browser, mobile web browser, feed reader. License. MPL 2. 01. Websitefirefox. com. StandardsHTML5, CSS3, RSS, Atom. Experience a fast, smart and personal Web. Firefox is the independent, peoplefirst browser made by Mozilla, voted the Most Trusted Internet Company for. Install Google Chrome. Googles Chrome application program has become one amongst the foremost widespread within the world, because of sleek performance, support. Download mozilla firefox setup 2017 Mozilla Firefox 54. 0. 1 Mozilla sets the benchmark for free web browsers, and much more programs. Free Internet Browsers Comodo offers secure web browsers for super fast browsing with reliable private web features. Download Now Browser speed these days actually comes down to performance and how you use the program. For Mozilla Firefox users, this means choosing the right settings, the right. How to Improve Your Broadband Speed. Your Internet broadband speed depends on many factors your computer, browser, software, ISP, WiFi and hardware. Mozilla Firefox or simply Firefox is a free and open source2. Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox is available for Windows, mac. OS and Linuxoperating systems, with its Firefox for Android available for Android formerly Firefox for mobile, it also ran on the discontinued Firefox OS, and uses the Quantumlayout engine to render web pages, which implements current and anticipated web standards. 2. An additional version, Firefox for i. OS, was released in late 2. Gecko due to Apples restrictions limiting third party web browsers to the Web. Kit based layout engine built into i. OS. Firefox was created in 2. Phoenix by Mozilla community members who desired a standalone browser, rather than the Mozilla Application Suite bundle. Even during its beta phase, Firefox proved to be popular with its testers and was praised for its speed, security, and add ons compared to Microsofts then dominant Internet Explorer 6. Firefox was released in November 2. Internet Explorers dominance was challenged. 2. Firefox is considered the spiritual successor of Netscape Navigator, as the Mozilla community was created by Netscape in 1. AOL. 2. 5Firefox usage grew to a peak of 3. Usage then declined in competition with Google Chrome. 2. As of September 2. Firefox has between 5. Firefox is still the most popular desktop browser in Cuba even most popular overall at 6. Eritrea, and Germany, with 8. It is also the most popular desktop browser in many African and Oceanic countries. 3. According to Mozilla, as of December 2. Firefox users around the world. 3. HistoryeditThe Firefox project began as an experimental branch of the Mozilla project by Dave Hyatt, Joe Hewitt, and Blake Ross. They believed the commercial requirements of Netscapes sponsorship and developer driven feature creep compromised the utility of the Mozilla browser. 4. To combat what they saw as the Mozilla Suites software bloat, they created a stand alone browser, with which they intended to replace the Mozilla Suite. 4. On April 3, 2. 00. Mozilla Organization announced that they planned to change their focus from the Mozilla Suite to Firefox and Thunderbird. 4. The community driven Sea. Monkey was formed and eventually replaced the Mozilla Application Suite in 2. The Firefox project has undergone several name changes. It was originally titled Phoenix, which carried the implication of the mythical firebird that rose triumphantly from the ashes of its dead predecessor, in this case from the ashes of Netscape Navigator after it had been killed off by Microsoft Internet Explorer in the First browser war. Phoenix was renamed due to trademark issues with Phoenix Technologies the replacement name, Firebird, provoked an intense response from the Firebird database software project. 4. In response, the Mozilla Foundation stated that the browser would always bear the name Mozilla Firebird to avoid confusion. After further pressure, on February 9, 2. Mozilla Firebird became Mozilla Firefox. 4. The name Firefox was said to be derived from a nickname of the red panda,4. For the abbreviation of Firefox, Mozilla prefers Fx or fx, though it is often abbreviated as FF. 4. The Firefox project went through many versions before the version 1. November 9, 2. 00. FeatureseditFeatures include tabbed browsing, spell checking, incremental find, live bookmarking, Smart Bookmarks, a download manager, private browsing, location aware browsing also known as geolocation based on a Google service,4. Google by default in most markets. 5. Additionally, Firefox provides an environment for web developers in which they can use built in tools, such as the Error Console or the DOM Inspector, or extensions, such as Firebug and more recently there has been an integration feature with Pocket. Firefox Hello was an implementation of Web. RTC, added in October 2. Firefox and other compatible systems to have a video call, with the extra feature of screen and file sharing by sending a link to each other. Firefox Hello is scheduled to be removed in September 2. Functions can be added through add ons created by third party developers. Add ons are primarily implemented by means of the XUL and XPCOMAPIs, which allow them to directly access and manipulate much of the browsers internal functionality. On August 2. 1, 2. Firefox developers announced that due to planned changes to Firefoxs internal operations, including the planned implementation of a new multi process architecture codenamed Electrolysis E1. Firefox adopted a new extension architecture known as Web. Extensions, available to desktop version and Firefox for Android considered stable in version 4. Web. Extensions uses HTML and Java. Script APIs and is designed to be similar to the Google Chrome5. Microsoft Edge extension systems, and run within a multi process environment, but does not enable the same level of access to the browser. Solutions will be available to allow older add ons to operate within the new architecture, but by 2. XPCOM and XUL add ons will no longer be supported. 5. Firefox can have themes added to it, which users can create or download from third parties to change the appearance of the browser. The Firefox add on website also gives users the ability to add other applications such as games, ad blockers, screenshot apps, and many other apps. 5. Standardsedit. The result of the Acid. Firefox 1. 7Firefox implements many web standards, including HTML4 almost full HTML5, XML, XHTML, Math. ML, SVG 2 partial,5. CSS with extensions,5. ECMAScript Java. Script, DOM, XSLT, XPath, and APNG Animated PNG images with alpha transparency. 5. Firefox also implements standards proposals created by the WHATWG such as client side storage,5. These standards are implemented through the Gecko layout engine, and Spidermonkey Java. Script engine. Firefox has passed the Acid. Mozilla had originally stated that they did not intend for Firefox to pass the Acid. SVG fonts part of the test had become outdated and irrelevant, due to WOFF being agreed upon as a standard by all major browser makers. 6. Because the SVG font tests were removed from the Acid. September 2. 01. 1, Firefox 4 and greater scored 1. Firefox also implements6. Google called Safe Browsing, used to exchange data related with phishing and malware protection. Since version 3. 8 on Windows Vista and newer, Firefox supports the playback of video content protected by HTML5 Encrypted Media Extensions EME. For security and privacy reasonswhich, EME is implemented within a wrapper of open source code that allows execution of a proprietary. 12/22/2017admin GAME MAKER PUNCH OUT THEME var q gamemakerpunchoutthemeThe Iris Cutscene From Mega Man X4 Is Somehow Even Better When Its Skipping. Speedrunner Calebhart. Mega Man X4 at the 2. Smash The Record event when he got to one of the games more infamous cutscenes and it started to skip. Like at Awesome Games Done Quick, Smash The Record runs have donation thresholds that unlock special audience requests when met the money raised is for St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital. For Mega Man X4, that meant unlocking the Iris cutscene, one of the games most laughable conversations in which Zero holds a dying character in his arms and breakdowns like an out of breath toddler. When Calebhart. 42 got there though, the game started to skip. As the first Mega Man X game to be on PS1, and thus a disc, Mega Man X4 has all the downsides you might associate with that era, including inconsistent disc reading and some really questionable voice acting. Prior to the scene the speedrunner noted that it might not work. Treat the fam to 1 free month of YouTube Red. Adfree music for up to 6 household accounts. Game Maker Punch Out Theme RemixHis hedge turned out to be prescient. Sure enough, only a few lines into the Shakespearean exchange, Zero started to stutter before getting caught in an inescapable vortex of Hang in thereFor those of you who are too young to remember, PS1 discs scratched easily and the disc readers inside the machines werent very good either. Fortunately for Calebhart. PS1 disc began starting and stopping as the data loading from it failed to get read correctly. You can re watch the entire run here. BeepBox is an online tool for sketching and sharing chiptune melodies. A copyright claim by a composer with a tendency to attract legal drama has led Steam to remove the game River City Ransom Underground. The developers are disputing. Ron Burgundy Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast. Champ Kind It jumped up a notch. Ron Burgundy It did, didnt it Acid Rain action figures, toys, oritoy, anime, marine infantry, world figures, collectibles, and merchandise for sale at Entertainment Earth. Get yours now 12/22/2017admin SPRING MVC EMAIL TEMPLATE var q springmvcemailtemplateDocumentation Thymeleaf. These are both learning and reference materials for Thymeleaf. If you want to know how to use Thymeleaf, then start here. Using Thymeleaf Updated to Thymeleaf 3. All the Thymeleaf basics from an introduction to Thymeleaf and how. A must. read for new and veteran Thymeleaf users. Thymeleaf Spring Updated to Thymeleaf 3. Docs and reference specific to Spring integration. Be sure to give. Using Thymeleaf a read before venturing here. 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Which of the following should be considered to mitigate data theft when using CAT5 wiring EMI Shielding refers to the process of preventing electronic emissions from your computer systems from being used to gather intelligence and preventing outside electronic emissions from disrupting your information processing abilities. Thus all wiring should be shielded to mitigate data theft. Question No 2. 45 Topic 2Which of the following policies is implemented in order to minimize data loss or theft PII handling. Password policy. Chain of custody. Zero day exploits. Answer A Explanation Although the concept of PII is old, it has become much more important as information technology and the Internet have made it easier to collect PII through breaches of internet security, network security and web browser security, leading to a profitable market in collecting and reselling PII. PII can also be exploited by criminals to stalk or steal theidentity of a person, or to aid in the planning of criminal acts. Personally identifiable information PII is a catchall for any data that can be used to uniquely identify an individual. This data can be anything from the persons name to a fingerprint think biometrics, credit card number, or patient record. Thus a PII handling policy can be used to protect data. Question No 2. 46 Topic 2Which of the following security account management techniques should a security analyst implement to prevent staff, who has switched company roles, from exceeding privileges Internal account audits. Account disablement. Time of day restriction. Password complexity. Answer A Explanation Internal account auditing will allow you to switch the appropriate users to the proper accounts required after the switching of roles occurred and thus check that the principle of least privilege is followed. Question No 2. 47 Topic 2Although a vulnerability scan report shows no vulnerabilities have been discovered, a subsequent penetration test reveals vulnerabilities on the network. Which of the following has been reported by the vulnerability scan Passive scan. Active scan. False positive. False negative. Answer D Explanation With a false negative, you are not alerted to a situation when you should be alerted. AFalse negative is exactly the opposite of a false positive. Question No 2. 48 Topic 2The use of social networking sites introduces the risk of Disclosure of proprietary information. Data classification issues. Data availability issues. Broken chain of custody. Answer A Explanation People and processes must be in place to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or proprietary information and sensitive information s these pose a security risk to companies. With social networking your company can be exposed to as many threats as the amount of users that make use of social networking and are not advised on security policy regarding the use of social networking. Question No 2. 49 Topic 2The security officer is preparing a read only USB stick with a document of important personal phone numbers, vendor contacts, an MD5 program, and other tools to provide to employees. At which of the following points in an incident should the officer instruct employees to use this information Business Impact Analysis. First Responder. Damage and Loss Control. Contingency Planning. Answer B Explanation Incident response procedures involves Preparation Incident identification Escalation and notification Mitigation steps Lessons learned Reporting Recoverreconstitution procedures First responder Incident isolation Quarantine Device removal Data breach Damage and loss control. In this scenario the security officer is carrying out an incident response measure that will address and be of benefit to those in the vanguard, i. Venice Marco Polo Airport Wikipedia. Venice Marco Polo Airport IATA VCE, ICAO LIPZ is the international airport of Venice, Italy. It is located on the mainland 4. Tessera, a Frazione of the Comune of Venice nearest to Mestre. Due to the importance of Venice as a leisure destination, it features flights to many European metropolitan areas as well as some partly seasonal long haul routes to the United States, Canada and the Middle East. With 9,6. 24,7. 48 passengers having passed through the airport in 2. Italy as number of passengers and the fourth as number of movements. The airport is christened after Marco Polo and serves as a base for Volotea and easy. Jet. 5There is another airport located in the Venice area, Treviso Airport, which is sometimes unofficially labelled as Venice Treviso and mostly serves low cost airlines, mainly Ryanair and Wizz Air. OvervieweditA modern terminal was opened in 2. The airport is managed by SAVE S. A., a company partially owned by local authorities which also controls the smaller Treviso Airport, dedicated mainly to low cost carriers. The airport was named after the Venetian traveller Marco Polo, whose book introduced Central Asia and China to Europeans. In August 2. 01. 4, Air One announced the closure of its operations including the shutdown of its Venice base on 3. September 2. 01. 4. 7TerminaleditThe airport terminal has three floors the ground floor for arrivals and the second floor for departures. The departure area has 7. The two departure lounges are the Tintoretto Lounge for Sky. Team customers and the Marco Polo Room for customers of all other companies. The third floor of the terminal has offices for the operating company and airlines. The departure gates area is separated for Schengen and non Schengen flights. Airlines and destinationsedit. View of the check in area. PassengereditThe following airlines operate regular scheduled and charter flights to and from Venice 8Airlines. Destinations. Aegean Airlines. Athens. Seasonal Heraklion, Rhodes. Aer Lingus. Dublin. Aeroflot. MoscowSheremetyevo. Air Arabia Maroc. Casablancaair. Baltic. Seasonal Riga. Air Canada Rouge. Seasonal Montral Trudeau, Toronto Pearson. Air Dolomiti. Munich. Air Europa. Madrid begins 2. March 2. 01. 8Seasonal Barcelona. Air France. ParisCharles de Gaulle. Air Franceoperated by HOP Lyon. Air Malta. Malta resumes 2. March 2. 01. 89Air Moldova. Chiinu. Air Serbia. Belgrade1. 0Air Transat. Seasonal Montral Trudeau, Toronto Pearson. Albawings. Tirana. Alitalia. Catania resumes 2. March 2. 01. 8, RomeFiumicino, Palermo resumes 2. March 2. 01. 8Alitaliaoperated by Alitalia City. Liner. Rome Fiumicino. Seasonal Ibiza. American Airlines. Seasonal Chicago OHare begins 5 May 2. Philadelphia. Armenia Aircompany. Seasonal Charter Yerevan. Asiana Airlines. SeoulIncheon resumes 1 May 2. Austrian Airlines. Vienna. British Airways. LondonGatwick, LondonHeathrow. British Airwaysoperated by BA City. Flyer. Seasonal London City. Seasonal charter Edinburgh, Glasgow. Brussels Airlines. Brussels. Croatia Airlines. Seasonal Dubrovnik. Czech Airlines. Prague. Delta Air Lines. Seasonal Atlanta, New York JFKeasy. Jet. Amsterdam, Berlin Schnefeld, Bordeaux, Bristol, Edinburgh, Hamburg, Krakw, Lille, Liverpool1. London Gatwick, London Luton, Lyon, Manchester, Marseille, Naples, Nice, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Paris Orly, Prague, Stuttgart, Toulouse, Zrich. Seasonal Alghero, Copenhagen, Ibiza, Menorca, Mykonos, Olbia, Palma de Mallorca, Santorini, Tel Aviv Ben Gurion1. Jet Switzerland. BaselMulhouse, Geneva. El Al. Tel AvivBen Gurion. Emirates. DubaiInternational. Ernest Airlines. Lviv begins 8 December 2. Tirana1. 5Eurowingsoperated by Air Berlin. Seasonal Stuttgart begins 2. March 2. 01. 81. Eurowingsoperated by Germanwings. CologneBonn, Dsseldorf. Seasonal Hamburg, Stuttgart begins 4 May 2. Finnair. Seasonal Helsinki. Flybe. Cardiff begins 2. March 2. 01. 81. Fly. One. Chiinu. Iberia. Madrid. Jet. Seasonal Birmingham begins 2. May 2. 01. 8, Edinburgh, LeedsBradford, Manchester. KLMAmsterdam. LOT Polish Airlines. WarsawChopin. Lufthansa. Frankfurt, Munich. Luxair. Luxembourg. Meridiana. Seasonal Ibiza, Olbia. Neos. Seasonal Ibiza, Menorca. Norwegian Air Shuttle. Seasonal Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo Gardermoen, Stockholm Arlanda. Primera Air. Seasonal Billund. Qatar Airways. Doha. Royal Air Maroc. Casablanca. Ryanair. Bristol, Barcelona. Scandinavian Airlines. Seasonal Copenhagen, Stockholm Arlanda. Sun. Express Deutschland. Seasonal Dsseldorf begins 2. July 2. 01. 81. Swiss International Air Linesoperated by Swiss Global Air Lines. Zrich. TAP Portugal. Lisbon. Thomas Cook Airlines. Seasonal charter Manchester. Transavia. Rotterdam. Transavia France. Paris Orly. Seasonal Lille, Nantes. TUI Airways. Seasonal London Gatwick, Manchester. Tunisair. Tunis. Turkish Airlines. IstanbulAtatrk. Ukraine International Airlines. Kiev Boryspil. United Airlines. Seasonal Newark. Ural Airlines. Moscow Domodedovo. Volotea. Bari, Bordeaux, Catania, Marseille, Nantes, Palermo, Toulouse. Seasonal Alicante, Athens, Asturias, Alicante, Bilbao, Brindisi, Cagliari, Corfu, Dubrovnik, Heraklion, Karpathos begins 3 July 2. Kefalonia,1. 9Kos, Lamezia Terme, Lampedusa, Mlaga,1. Mykonos, Olbia, Palma de Mallorca, Pantelleria, Prague, PrevezaLefkada, Rhodes, Samos, Santander, Santorini, Skiathos, Split, Strasbourg, Zakynthos, Zaragoza begins 4 June 2. Vueling. Barcelona, Paris Charles de Gaulle. Ground transportationeditThe airport is connected to the nearby railway station of Venice Mestre and to the bus terminal of Piazzale Roma in Venice by scheduled bus services to several destinations in Venice itself by the Alilaguna water shuttle Blue, Red and Orange lines and to Piazza San Marco by the express Gold Line or water taxi. From the airport it is possible to reach Venice Piazzale Roma by ATVO provincial company buses2. ACTV city company buses route 5 aerobus 2. Venice, Lido and Murano by Alilaguna private company motorboats Mestre, the mainland and Venice Mestre railways station convenient for connections to Milan, Padua, Trieste, Verona and the rest of Italy by ACTV buses route 1. ATVO buses regional destinations Treviso, Padua, beaches. by ATVO buses and by Busitalia Sita Nord2. Accidents and incidentseditOn 6 March 1. Short Brothers. SC. Skyvan 21. 02, operated by Soc. Aeralpi, crashed while attempting to land in bad weather, crashing into the lagoon. All 3 on board survived. 2. On 1. 4 September 1. Italian Air Force. Piaggio. PD. 8. 08 crashed while attempting to land in bad weather, killing all 3 on board. 2. On 1. 0 May 2. 01. US Airways Flight 7. Philadelphia from Venice, made an emergency landing at Dublin Airport in Ireland after nine flight attendants complained of nausea, dizziness and running eyes. There were no reports of the pilots or passengers falling ill. 2. ReferenceseditExternal linksedit Media related to Venice Marco Polo Airport at Wikimedia Commons. 12/21/2017admin FREE DOWNLOAD DEADLY BOSS MODS 3.3 5.0 var q freedownloaddeadlybossmods3. 35. 0Portal video game Wikipedia. Portal. Portals box art displays a figure falling into a portal. DevelopersValve Corporation. PublishersValve Corporation. Noregistration upload of files up to 250MB. Not available in some countries. XNXX delivers free sex movies and fast free porn videos tube porn. Now 10 million sex vids available for free Featuring hot pussy, sexy girls in xxx rated porn clips. DesignersKim Swift. WritersErik Wolpaw. Chet Faliszek. ComposersKelly Bailey. Mike Morasky. Series. Portal. Engine. Source. PlatformsMicrosoft Windows, Play. Station 3, Xbox 3. OS X, Linux, Android. Release. October 9, 2. Windows, Xbox 3. 60. NA October 9, 2. EU October 1. 8, 2. AU October 2. 5, 2. Play. Station 3. AU November 2. EU November 2. 3, 2. NA December 1. 1, 2. OS X1Linux1Android23GenresPuzzle platform game. ModesSingle player. Portal is a puzzle platformvideo game developed and published by Valve Corporation. It was released in a bundle package called The Orange Box for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 3. Play. Station 3 in 2. Usage Statistics for communitygaze. com Summary Period July 2017 Search String Generated 08Oct2017 0211 PDT. ChampagneArdenne. Corsica. FrancheComte. Portal is a puzzleplatform video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. It was released in a bundle package called The Orange Box for Microsoft Windows. Free Download Menu. Download Adult Messenger. 19523 123396. The game has since been ported to other systems, including OS X, Linux, and Android. Portal consists primarily of a series of puzzles that must be solved by teleporting the players character and simple objects using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, a device that can create inter spatial portals between two flat planes. The player character, Chell, is challenged and taunted by an artificial intelligence named GLa. DOS Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System to complete each puzzle in the Aperture Science Enrichment Center using the portal gun with the promise of receiving cake when all the puzzles are completed. The games unique physics allows momentum to be retained through portals, requiring creative use of portals to maneuver through the test chambers. This gameplay element is based on a similar concept from the game Narbacular Drop many of the team members from the Digi. Pen Institute of Technology who worked on Narbacular Drop were hired by Valve for the creation of Portal, making it a spiritual successor to the game. Portal was acclaimed as one of the most original games of 2. The game received praise for its originality, unique gameplay and dark story with a humorous series of dialogue. GLa. DOS, voiced by Ellen Mc. Lain in the English language version, received acclaim for her unique characterization, and the end credits song Still Alive, written by Jonathan Coulton for the game, was acclaimed for its original composition and humorous twist. Excluding Steam download sales, over four million copies of the game have been sold since its release, spawning official merchandise from Valve including plush Companion Cubes, as well as fan recreations of the cake and portal gun, a standalone version, titled Portal Still Alive, on the Xbox Live Arcade service in October 2. Portal 2, which was released in 2. GameplayeditA representation of how the magnitude of linear momentum is conserved through portals. By jumping into the blue portal, the character is launched out of the orange portal and onto the platform on the right. A more advanced portal technique. The character builds up speed using two blue portals, to reach an otherwise unreachable area. The second blue portal is carefully created in mid air, after exiting the orange portal for the first time, destroying the first blue portal in the process. In Portal, the player controls the protagonist, Chell, from a first person perspective as she is challenged to navigate through a series of rooms using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, or portal gun, under the watchful supervision of the artificial intelligence GLa. DOS. The portal gun can create two distinct portal ends, orange and blue. The portals create a visual and physical connection between two different locations in three dimensional space. Neither end is specifically an entrance or exit all objects that travel through one portal will exit through the other. An important aspect of the games physics is momentum redirection. As moving objects pass through portals, they come through the exit portal at the same direction that the exit portal is facing and with the same speed with which they passed through the entrance portal. 6 For example, a common maneuver is to jump down to a portal on the floor and emerge through a wall, flying over a gap or another obstacle. This allows the player to launch objects or Chell over great distances, both vertically and horizontally, referred to as flinging by Valve. As GLa. DOS puts it, In laymans terms speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out. If portal ends are not on parallel planes, the character passing through is reoriented to be upright with respect to gravity after leaving a portal end. Chell and all other objects in the game that can fit into the portal ends will pass through the portal. However, a portal shot cannot pass through an open portal it will simply deactivate or create a new portal in an offset position. Creating a portal end instantly deactivates an existing portal end of the same color. Moving objects, glass, special wall surfaces, liquids, or areas that are too small will not be able to anchor portals. Chell is sometimes provided with cubes that she can pick up and use to climb on or to hold down large buttons that open doors or activate mechanisms. Particle fields known as emancipation grills, occasionally called fizzlers in the developer commentary, exist at the end of all and within some test chambers when passed through, they will deactivate any active portals and disintegrate any object carried through. The fields also block attempts to fire portals through them. 7Although Chell is equipped with mechanized heel springs to prevent damage from falling, she can be killed by various other hazards in the test chambers, such as turret guns, bouncing balls of energy, and toxic liquid. She can also be killed by objects falling through portals, and by a series of crushers that appear in certain levels. Unlike most action games at the time, there is no health indicator Chell dies if she is dealt a certain amount of damage in a short time period, but returns to full health fairly quickly. Some obstacles, such as the energy balls and crushing pistons, deal fatal damage with a single blow. Game. Spot noted, in its initial review of Portal, that many solutions exist for completing each puzzle, and that the gameplay gets even crazier, and the diagrams shown in the trailer showed some incredibly crazy things that you can attempt. 8 Two additional modes are unlocked upon the completion of the game that challenge the player to work out alternative methods of solving each test chamber. Challenge maps are unlocked near the halfway point and Advanced Chambers are unlocked when the game is completed. 9 In Challenge mode, levels are revisited with the added goal of completing the test chamber either with as little time, with the least number of portals, or with the fewest footsteps possible. In Advanced mode, certain levels are made more complex with the addition of more obstacles and hazards. 1. SynopsiseditCharacterseditThe game features two characters the player controlledsilent protagonist named Chell, and GLa. DOS Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, a computer artificial intelligence that monitors and directs the player. In the English language version, GLa. DOS is voiced by Ellen Mc. Lain, though her voice has been altered to sound more artificial. The only background information presented about Chell is given by GLa. DOS the credibility of these facts, such as Chell being adopted, an orphan, and having no friends, is questionable at best, as GLa. DOS is a liar by her own admission. 12/21/2017admin DOWNLOAD FREE MASCHINE MASTERS SAMPLE PACK FULL CRACK var q downloadfreemaschinemasterssamplepackfullcrackFree Download in Torrents. Download Free Maschine Masters Sample Pack Full Crack GamesRV Samplepacks Sample Diggers Sample. what Maschine Expansion are included in the pack. VST plugins Free VST plugins Maschine Courses DJ. Maschine Masters The Ghetto Gospel 2 Sample Pack. crack. Full Free Download Maschine Masters The Ghetto Gospel 2 Sample Pack WAV Ni MASCHiNE 161113 Fast. 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