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Submitted URL: https://ciloa-vaccines.com/
Effective URL: https://www.ciloa.fr/
Submission: On December 01 via api from JP — Scanned from FR
Effective URL: https://www.ciloa.fr/
Submission: On December 01 via api from JP — Scanned from FR
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Text Content
search * COMPANY * MISSIONS * HISTORY * MANAGEMENT * PARTNERS * TECHNOLOGY * MEMBRANE PROTEINS * EXOSOMES * CILOA TECHNOLOGY * ADDED VALUE * APPLICATION FIELDS * ANTIBODIES * VACCINES * THERAPEUTIC VECTORS * WORKING WITH US * NEWS * CONTACT * CAREERS * Skip D R U G T H E U N D R U G G A B L E w i t h C i l o a ' s r e c o m b i n a n t e x o s o m e s ANTIBODIES Against challenging antigens VACCINES Virus and Adjuvant Free THERAPEUTIC VECTORS Virus Free WORKING TOGETHER to develop new high potential therapies NATIVE MEMBRANE PROTEIN COMPLEXES GPCRs, kinase receptors, ion channels... ON EXOSOMES OUT OF CELLS FULLY NATIVE MEMBRANE PROTEINS ON EXOSOMES TO OVERCOME UNDRUGGABLE TARGETS Ciloa is dedicated to the development of new high potential therapies. It was built on more than 15 years of research on bio-drug development technology using exosomes. Ciloa’s technology allows to address oncology, infectiology, cardiology, genetic and neurological diseases, and more. Our technology is the only one allowing to produce all types of membrane proteins with their native conformation on exosomes. It allows to load exosomes with cytosolic proteins as well. It thus makes it possible to reach the most difficult families of membrane protein targets, known as “undruggable”, some being the most promising for therapies. Ciloa takes advantage of the natural properties of exosomes; they are natural immuno-stimulators, biocompatible, intercellular membrane messengers, and able to cross all the human body barriers including the blood-brain barrier. MORE ABOUT CILOA COMPANY Ciloa exosomes offer a disruptive way to develop a new generation of high-potential therapies. TECHNOLOGY Our unique technology allow to produce any type of membrane protein (including GPCR and more.) with their fully native conformation on exosomes outside the cell. APPLICATIONS Therapeutic and preventive vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, immunotherapies, and therapeutic vectors carrying drug cargo WORKING WITH US Ciloa is uniquely positioned to support your scientific project with membrane proteins on exosomes and close partnerships with academic technology platforms and dedicated biotech structures. LATEST NEWS CILOA @ISEV 2022 FROM 25 TO 29 MAY (LYON, FRANCE) 12 May 2022 Ciloa’s team will be pleased to present its last progress on extracellular vesicle (EV) editing and production. Come visit us… Read More CILOA SECURES €5 MILLION FOR BIOMEDICINES AND VACCINES DEVELOPMENT 8 March 2022 Ciloa secures €5 million for the development of its new generation of biomedicines and vaccines using exosomes The company finalized… Read More CILOA @FRANCE BIOPRODUCTION 2021 14 June 2021 Ciloa is pleased to be a partner of the 5th edition of the France Bioproduction congress. Meet Robert Mamoun, Philippe… Read More CILOA @VIVATECH 2021 11 June 2021 Ciloa is pleased to join its partner Sanofi at the Viva Technology Conference 2021, the world’s rendezvous for startups and leaders… Read More Read more news Twitter LinkedIn YouTube RSS © Ciloa all rights reserved Legal Menu