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Skip to content Technical Documentation Welcome to the Flare Network Technical Documentation Type to start searching GitHub * 7 * 49 * Home * Flare Fundamentals * User Guides * Infrastructure Guides * Exchange Guides * Developer Docs * APIs Technical Documentation GitHub * 7 * 49 * Home Home * Flare Fundamentals Flare Fundamentals * What is Flare? * Automatic Claiming * The FlareDrop * Flare Launch Process * Flare API Portal * FTSO * Governance * Personal Delegation Accounts * State Connector * Tokenomics * Validator Nodes * Glossary * User Guides User Guides * Automatic Claiming * Block Explorers Block Explorers * Finding the Reward Epoch * Managing Delegations * Managing Rewards * Verifying the Vote-Power Block * Viewing NFTs * Viewing Token Balances * Viewing Token Transfers * Viewing Transactions * Block Explorer Dashboard * Claiming the FlareDrop * FTSO Delegation FTSO Delegation * Managing Delegations * Managing Rewards * Governance Governance * Voting * Personal Delegation Accounts * Wallets Wallets * Bifrost Wallet * Brave Wallet * D'CENT Wallet * Enkrypt Wallet * Ledger Nano X and Nano S * MetaMask * SafePal S1 Wallet * Trezor T * Wrapping Flare Tokens * Infrastructure Guides Infrastructure Guides * FTSO Data Providers FTSO Data Providers * Operating a Data Provider * Working with Whitelists * Managing the Ecosystem * Observer Nodes Observer Nodes * Deploying an Observer Node * FAQ * Validator Nodes Validator Nodes * Deploying a Validator Node * Exchange Guides Exchange Guides * Architecture of an Exchange * Delegating on the User's Behalf * Troubleshooting Guide * Developer Docs Developer Docs * Getting Started Getting Started * Setting Up Your Environment Setting Up Your Environment * Using Remix * Using Hardhat * Using Truffle * Using Foundry * Retrieving Contract Addresses * Tutorials Tutorials * Accessing the Network Accessing the Network * Checking Transaction Finalization * Reliable Event Reading * Obtaining a Transaction's Revert Reason * Reference Guides Reference Guides * Network Configuration * Automatic Claiming * Block Explorers and Indexers * The FlareDrop * Personal Delegation Accounts * Wallets * Tools and Projects * APIs APIs WELCOME TO THE FLARE NETWORK TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION# * Flare Fundamentals Descriptions of Flare's key concepts, technology and tools. * User Guides Step-by-step guides for tools like the Explorer or the different wallets. * Infrastructure Guides Step-by-step guides to deploy your own Flare network components. * Exchange Guides Advice for exchanges willing to support the Flare blockchain. * Developer Docs Programming tutorials to help you build your app using Flare's tech. * API Reference Guides API documentation and access RPC nodes. These pages are a Work In Progress. Use the contact buttons at the bottom of the page if there is anything you cannot find here! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last update: 2023-05-24 Back to top © 2023 Flare Networks. Cookie settings. Terms of Service. Made with Material for MkDocs COOKIE CONSENT We use cookies to recognize your repeated visits and preferences, as well as to measure the effectiveness of our documentation and whether users find what they're searching for. With your consent, you're helping us to make our documentation better. * Google Analytics Accept Manage settings