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Submitted URL: http://www.wise-ny.org/
Effective URL: https://www.wise-ny.org/
Submission: On February 07 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.wise-ny.org/
Submission: On February 07 via api from US — Scanned from DE
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Text Content
Search for: W!se * Home * About * Mission & Vision * Founder & History * Impact * Annual Report * Leadership * Board * Partners * Programs & Services * Financial Literacy Certification * Financial Literacy Certification Volunteer * Personal Finance Certification for Educators * MoneyW!SE * MoneyW!SE Volunteer * Personal Finance Certification for Educators * Quality of Life INNOVATIONS * Quality of Life INNOVATIONS Volunteer * Past Winners * W!se Institute * W!se Institute Volunteer * Engineered Green Economics (EGE) * Euro Challenge * Euro Challenge Volunteer * Services * Program Resources * Financial Literacy Certification for High School Students * Quality of Life INNOVATIONS * News & Events * News * Events * Blog * Get Involved * Donate * Volunteer * Start/Promote a Program * Host an Intern * Join The Student Alumni Network * Shop * Contact * Contact * Shop * Donate × * W!se is an award-winning national educational non-profit dedicated to improving economic mobility through programs that develop financial literacy and readiness for college and careers. PROGRAMS & SERVICES Financial Literacy College & Career Readiness Assessments & Certifications Professional Services SUPPORT OUR PROGRAMS TODAY Support W!se's financial literacy and college and career readiness programs today. DONATE NOW 49 States Reached 24 Years of Experience 6,000,000 Hours of Instruction Donate Volunteer > "W!se was such an integral part of my high school experience and college > application. Thank you for the opportunity to learn more about economics and > financial literacy. It has helped me decide to pursue a career in economics." > – Adithya, Princeton HS, Undergraduate at Wharton School of Business NEW ON THE BLOG W!se Financial Literacy Video Contest W!se Announces 2022-2023 Blue Star Schools Supporting Domestic Violence Survivors Through Financial Education View All W!se * Home * About * Programs & Services * Program Resources * News & Events * Get Involved * Shop * Contact CONTACT US 227 E. 56th Street, Suite 201 New York, NY 10022 212.421.2700 info@wise-ny.org CONNECT WITH US * Facebook * Twitter * YouTube * LinkedIn * Instagram ©2024 Working in Support of Education | Privacy Policy | Sitemap