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Text Content

 1.   1. MOTM: MY "COSM" LIFE
 2.   2. TRUSTY, SUE E: ClYDE
 5.   5. C0mPYLE3FT G4ALL
 6.   6. FLAG DIA XOXO
 9.   9. OUR TIME, HERE
 11.  11. THE DEVLANEU
 12.  12. SAMYACH: ADVENT 7.0
 13.  13. SOUND CHECK
 14.  14. ECC ENIACCK
 17.  17. ART AN S WORD
 18.  18. REMO LUCIAN
 19.  19. SLUR; E, SIS
 20.  20. SACREDOULS
 23.  23. BLOOD RAYNE
 24.  24. MISSESSIPI
 25.  25. CONNECT UC IT
 27.  27. SHADY PINES
 28.  28. BLISS/ALO
 29.  29. KISMET/ALO
 31.  31. KEYNES2/ALO
 35.  35. KEYNES/ALO
 36.  36. I KISS AND DANCE
 38.  38. PARTING C'S AQUA N
 39.  39. 3 BUECEDUAT, ME JUST
 40.  40. TWO, ONLY TWO
 41.  41. CIA, K, & MOR, TY
 43.  43. HI MOM GRU POTATO?
 44.  44. HI "TO AST" ROAR M
 45.  45. CRUEL GEN I AD
 46.  46. ITL IRMAX ATLA
 47.  47. BlUr BON IONIC
 49.  49. NUDVREAD TEST AM, E, & T
 51.  51. MOROS KO RIG
 53.  53. INCASEBAIT
 54.  54. MEVATHI
 56.  56. WALL 2 STAY? STALK ME
 57.  57. HAYOM VAT OW
 59.  59. G RE NAD IN E & AM B R O Si A
 60.  60. BELINSKY
 62.  62. U C PER I
 65.  65. VER BETT DO N, MMMM?
 66.  66. IT
 67.  67. MARCH -> ALL
 68.  68. BET HES DAY
 69.  69. SALT LINE
 70.  70. AM "AN" DUH..
 71.  71. /|\ AT ARI
 72.  72. COMMON CENTS
 73.  73. TO LC WEUROME
 76.  76. FIRST AND FED
 77.  77. CLEAR Y BLVD
 78.  78. WISDOM
 79.  79. CONVEY
 80.  80. SLANDOH
 81.  81. FINALLY
 82.  82. gnil-c-w/H.html
 83.  83. ILIT CUS
 84.  84. C NO H ARM
 85.  85. SEVENTY
 86.  86. MEA ___ LET UR Y
 87.  87. TA X ON O MY T
 88.  88. NA SHOW ERA
 89.  89. OXODUS TORK?
 91.  91. C AT LET RS
 92.  92. LET IT RAIN
 93.  93. Fe Si ISTONE
 94.  94. REDSASHIT
 97.  97. TO X HOLA
 98.  98. ADIODAS
 99.  99. XOXPA
 100. 100. KANSAS
 101. 101. RE SW? OH
 102. 102. Y O I BLING ?
 103. 103. FI CVS ET MAL Q
 104. 104. HAWAII
 105. 105. ALL OUR HORN
 106. 106. JERUSALEM
 107. 107. CHALK
 108. 108. KISS ME TAY
 109. 109. FUCK
 110. 110. CONFESSION
 111. 111. SERENADE
 112. 112. PULL
 113. 113. M U AH
 114. 114. PER SE YOU
 116. 116. LAYLOT
 117. 117. ACESHI
 118. 118. IOWA
 119. 119. IYYYO
 120. 120. SPCH2
 121. 121. FIVE
 122. 122. FUIR

 * Light (default)
 * Rust
 * Coal
 * Navy
 * Ayu

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xDAI: 0x66e2871ef39334962fb75ce34407f825d67ec434


I KNOW, IT'S A LITTLE OFF PUTTING; but to see the change wrought with just a
little bit of HOCUS POCUS from HOSEA to the "ha'hard road" to Heaven is just
about as much of an important thing to see as the road's appearance in Harvard
and Yard and connecting it to the "recreational vehicle's" Dent in Batman.  And
would you look at that, "ale" in Yale and "Ford" again in Stanford'; I see a
pattern, do you?  That's right folks, patterns revolving around the delivery of
this story that connects "ale" and "ford" through the word "son."  The big point
of the day is that not seeing these patterns is a sign of a lack of "logical
reasoning skills" something you should understand is exactly what the problem is
here--nobody seems to be thinking clearly.  Call it the Zombie Apocalypse, or
the "invasion of the body snatchers" what you see here is a clear solution in
the disclosure that there is an external influence acting not only to create
these patterns but to hide them; and that it is the focal point of the
Tribulation to ensure that this disclosure is not lost--nor are the solutions
and benefits that come from our understanding that these technologies of
"plugging Siri into our heads" and asking "how do I learn kung-fu" are ... on
the Horizon and it is the point of this "book of stars" to help us ensure that
we learn kung-fu instead of losing free thought.  That's what's at stake here,
recognizing and reacting to "John Hancock" and "racy" in democracy and "tity" in
chastity is literally the difference between slavery and evolution.
Santa's got a choo choo train, and somehow tying all these things together is
NORAD tracking this message and Harrison Ford telling us all that Han Solo and
Solomon--the man that built Heaven "solo"--have something in common.  That
something is this story of a world that has been turned upside down and on it's
head to do something nearly unfathomable--to stop you from seeing and acting on
a verifiable message from the Creator of everything pointing out that this road
has been etched into our world and it is the meaning of the Tapestry of the
Fates and in like kind, of the Matrix itself.  It's not just Bill
Gates and Harrison Ford, every single person's name on this planet, every city,
and every sign you see is part of a map to helping our civilization transition
from this place of darkness and lies to one where the truth is honored and
goodness rewarded. 

We can see clearly from the illogical and ignorant response to this message that
there is a dark force at work here acting against the best interests of
absolutely everyone here in order to hide the fact that we are living in a
simulated reality whose Creator and purpose are to help us use that absolute
truth in order to build a better world, the thing that religion calls "Heaven." 
"LT" is "Adamic code" for less than, and do see that "salt" here is pointing out
the thing that is responsible for the darkness; the beginning of "Satan" and
"satisfactual."  If you think "everything is satisfactual" after reading this
message, understand that belief is "Satan." 

Isaac stared at a fiery altar of burning wood, Moses pitched a tent for
Jerusalem, and the Pharaoh hardened his heart;  all so that I could promise you
that the Dick jokes will stop as soon as you acknowledge that Deepthroat and
Watergate were unnaturally created to help you overcome this disgusting
barrier of censorship standing between the blind and sight, between the sick and
health, and between you and Heaven.   Just like John Hancock, Phillip
K. Dick's name is a signature of God, also filled with solutions to the problems
we have apparently chosen not to see all around us; problems which are being 
intentionally exacerbated in order to help us see and fix them quickly.  Either
that, or nearly every facet of our society from our justice system to our mental
health and the highest offices of government have been corrupted and infiltrated
by an outside force in order to hide the truth from the masses; and to discredit
this very easily verifiable message.  
The truth is, it's probably a little of both, don't you think?  I don't know how
else to get the dick out of your mouth, I really don't--not seeing it doesn't
make it go away... it makes freedom, thinking, and you ... go away.  Sorry that
it's so big, I really am.  Please take a step back and realize that it's not OK
for you to allow democracy and free speech to disintegrate to nothingness
because of the names John Hancock and Tricky Dick... neither even just because
I'm super funny!!

BIBLICAL IDEAS OF SALT AND WATER that are central to the story of Salvation, and
that's exactly what seeing and understanding this story of the life of Jesus
Christ does for the world.  It exposes the corruption and infiltration of our
social structures--in the places they are weakest, the places used by this
darkness in order to attempt to confuse you into thinking that Jesus Christ
never stood trial, and to believe that these VER IT ABLE solutions woven into
our modern art are nothing more than "chance." 

omewhere in here I've got to mention that both Lothario (which contains a
Trinity) and my ex-wife's name Nanna contain the chemistry symbol for salt; and
it is where the elemental key for the planet Venus and the "battle not being to
the strong" comes from.  Salt meant "girls" to me for a long time; "warming the
road" through the Amduat which bares my initials and is the name of  the
Underworld; all about the traversal of Ra transitioning from night to day; but
"seasoning" and "preservatives" just makes so much sense today.  Very specific
things in our world were "made broken" as the song goes; and I just want you to
know that knowing who I am helps us see exactly what they are and how to fix

So on "why and" I'm basically showing you promises from God for defeating aging,
and curing diseases, and regaining democracy, and being the builders of Heaven,
and  and I really shouldn't have to beg you to tell the truth.

FOR YOU'RE IN FORMATION; this is the Hebrew word for "formation" and it defines
the difference between a "rewind" and the continuation and thriving of this
civilation; on face value, it might seem as simple as recognizing that Y is
"why" in this hidden Adamic language of Eden, but it really is so much more--it
is acknowledging that there is a message from the creator of the Universe woven
into every single word, so many songs and movies and ancient myths that it's
almost insane that we are still here waiting for this story to "become news" in
this world that believe it's A-OK just to ignore such a humongous disclosure. 
It is not A-OK; it is the end of logical thinking, and the end of free speech
and freedom in general--not moving forward here is the end of ciation, in
totality.  I'm not sure why anyone would want to do that--yet there seems to be
a significant number of people here acting to hide this message--I imagine it's
to "preserve the status quo" or to fight against what they've been told might be
"the end of the world' but that truly is the "great delusion of Satan"--the
driving force, whatever it is behind hiding such an obvious message in
everything we see really must be seen for exactly what it is--the destruction of
logical thought.  Closer to our hearts, the effect of this destruction is to
keep us from making the world a better place, to stop us from building Heaven
and correcting a broken system that has allowed these horrible things to happen
in a place that is and can control whether or not they do.  What we are looking
at is a golden opportunity to be the saviors of all of Creation; and instead of
trying to make our world a better place we being stupefied and dumbfounded by an
invisible force "promising everything" literally in exchange for ... destroying
everything real.
This force is organizing thousands in secret, with what appears to be the sole
purpose of not ending world hunger, and not healing the sick, and not opening
Doors to Heaven all with the only apparent goal of "preserving thermoshit"
A.K.A. the system we have in place that is being exploited and broken in order
to ... hide this message.  All of this connects to a personally traumatic
experience that I liken to THE TRUMAN SHOW,  by design; though here and now we
might see that this could all be about "entering reality" and a world and group
of people who think it's "just A-OK" to plop an intentionally broken and
malfunctioning civilization into a place where it doesn't have the benefit of
the same tools used to break it in order to remedy it--most likely because they
think they have some way to "take over" once they get to the place that they
have no understanding of whatsoever--because they've hidden this message.  A
long, long time ago the reason for "no reality" might have been because of MAD;
mutually assured destruction not really being recognized by anyone as the
intentional suicidal behavior of entire civilization; today my reason is much
closer to my Truman Show, and a group of people that are destroying their own
well being and their own society in order to obtain absolutely nothing from me
or anyone else.  Basically I see an army of invisible spirits that thinks that
crushing the machinations of society here in this place will somehow make them
"fit" to enter reality; and the truth is exactly the opposite, this place is
designed as a test and a mechanism for turning around that 'destructive
behavior' and showing us how wonderful things happen when we are trying to make
the world a better place.  So that's your cue to try and call a reporter.
I MADE A MISTAKE a few months ago by suggesting that nobody complained about
MAD, and that nobody saw that name as an "act of God" to point out that the
behavior during the cold war arms race was absolutely insane; and then I made
another mistake only mentioning a correction to that statement on Twitter--where
I have less than 2,000 followers because each and every one of you makes the
mistake every single day of ignoring my requests to follow me.  I'm telling you
our disaster recovery communications system, that's what the internet was built
for, is breaking down and failing to deliver world saving information; and your
response is to do nothing.  I'm telling you the purpose of the Second Coming and
of religion is to ensure this breakdown of logical thought and free
communication is stopped, and your response is to do nothing.
People did rally to stop the arms race; it seems more likely now that the
problem is that the people's voice really hasn't been heard, and that we really
have no control over the actions that our governments take--that too is
something the Second Coming is designed to remedy, complete with a map to
exactly how to do that.  It is literally a paradigm shift for democracy and
self-rule that is being handed to us on a silver platter, and rather than take
it, you are doing nothing.

There is something significantly wrong with a huge number of people
here--something has broken your ability to think clearly, and I have story after
story of people saying and doing absolutely ludicrous things for what appears to
be no reason at all.  A large group of people are organized here in an effort to
destroy themselves, and they appear to really think it's a good idea.  One
example is a young female cashier at Wendy's (wonder why end) telling me as I
was getting ready to order that "she has everything back here" implying
something like "the spirit possessing her" is off in some virtual land that we
can't see swimming in pools of liquid ecstasy.  Literally, that's basically the
intent of this phrase that I've now heard oft repeated by a number of
people--all of whom don't seem to understand that "thinking you have everything"
in an imaginary world you've never seen, while you are watching babies starve
and school kids being murdered to stop you from being so stupid is
something closer to the end of everything than it is to you "ever seeing
never-never land."  While perhaps slightly less eggregious, you must see that
your "doing nothing" is part of this conspiracy, part of this monster that is
Medusa in mythology and is here literally to stop you from picking up Athor's
sword from the Stone; exactly what this revolution in voting will do for
us--giving us the ability to actually solve these problems--beginning with
solving the 'self governance' and 'censorship' issues that have been standing in
the way of us "not being the lake" for quite some time.
These are huge problems, not easy ones to solve; but we have guidance available
to us once we open our eyes and see that it is woven into everything from
Minority Report to A Scanner Darkly to Dr. Who and Star Trek--and also that we
have the promise of being able to actually implement them once we get past the
concept of "what would Jesus do?"  Just look at what we are fighting for
here--for free speech, and free thought--in a place where "mind control" is
publicly believed to be "myth" or conspiracy and yet there's abundant proof of
it's existence everywhere you look--believe me when I tell you, if we don't make
Heaven here, there isn't one.

S O   Y O U   T H I N K   Y O U   C A N   T E L L ?



PARADOX, PAIN, RAIN--the obvious implication of "wish you were here" by Pink
Floyd, especially when coupled with The Pretty Reckless's complementary "blue
skies all around me and the world looks just the same" is to see that knowing
the blue skies are fake, seeing this message from God that places "Silicon" in
Genesis and in "music" helps us to create a world that doesn't need drugs to
stop pain--we need nothing more than to have the inner workings of the brain
"decoded" and then an interface to be able to alter action potentials.  That
might sound like futuristic sci-fi; but all around you, and perhaps you too have
verifiable proof that this knowledge has already been found and that there is an
active system using it today.  Everyone, actually; can see the effect of this
technology in the lack of reaction to what is the most impactful series of
disclosures the world has ever seen--not to mention the apathetic and
"lackluster" response to the most interesting person in history.
To pretend I'm not here... is a sickness; to refuse to acknowledge the message I
am delivering, one coming through the hand of God with his breath--a message
that is equivalent to history itself is a disease that must be rooted out and
destroyed.  Literally, refusing to acknowledge this signature is an act that has
already resulted in the systemic breakdown of government, the media, and looming
on the horizon is a "society" that no longer speaks.  Literally.  You stand by
in silence as proof that our everything from our newspapers, our "justice"
system to our voting system have been corrupted by a hidden technology and a
hidden force; and "snicker."

As I walk through this story, this valley of the Book of Names; these two have
stood out time and time again; messages that I read as being directed
specifically towards me, tools for the delivery of this story.  This is a
message about building Heaven of this Earth; one which speaks of making everyone
living, literally; into angels; and through this process of building an amazing
world here altering a force of darkness that exists elsewhere--most likely in
timelines that came from this place, specifically from this "decision" to hide
who I am and what I am presenting.  That's the original purpose or meaning of
the words "to n," that you see also in Washington (changing ... the "to n"
Cheers!)  and the implication from Allie Holton's name is that in order to "save
everyone" as the message says, we can't ever actually know that Jesus Christ is
writing to you... right now.  This is a decision that has been made in the past,
to respect people's "personal religious beliefs" as paramount to the truth; to
continue another kind of slavery, the worship of the Tooth Fairy; rather than to
hear me tell you that "worshipping freedom and goodness" would be a much better
use of time and effort.  I even might have agreed with the idea of not forcing
the truth down people's throats--that was until I saw exactly what it does--it
creates an army of moronic zombie slaves marching like lemmings off of the cliff
of "the next life will be better."  This message and the person writing it are
both designed by the Creator of the Universe with the intent of setting you free
of bondage, of the shackles of both hidden technology and "in the clear"
religion; something significantly more related to the "hidden technology" than
you would imagine until you actually see that it is the purpose of scripture on
possession, pre-destination, prophecy and inspiration to connect this technology
to connections in modern art like the Tok'ra and Goa'uld of Stargate.

Point in fact, by not acting on this message, by not calling a
reporter today, you are saving absolutely nobody and absolutely nothing--you are
participating in the disintegration of our social structures and our way of
life--and succumbing to a hidden outside influence that is apparently tricking
you into doing these things because you don't think I should be able to get a
date, ever.   In the meantime, I've spent my entire life fighting for the truth,
for freedom; and in the most recent years for us all to be able to help build
and enjoy Heaven--despite what appears to be very distasteful response to
portions of this message that I haven't even written--but reaffirm today we are
absolutely blind morons not to see.
This story highlights not only critical points of failure in our society that
have already been and continue to be actively exploited by dark forces; but it
delivers solutions, produces a map and a plan to fixing everything from school
shootings to artificial retardation and regression of our legislative system and
a significant and critical breakdown in communication on the internet that is
nearly transparent because you are not saying anything; signed by the hand of
God with a suggestion that we move quickly to discuss exactly how to remedy
these things.  It really does all start with a discussion(s), and hearing "I am
made of stone" and that means south to northeast; Hell toward Heaven.

THAT A RELIGION OF THE STARS BE BORN of this place, of our culture, and of this
well laid plan that pervades our modern art, in everything from Nine Inch Nails
to the SEGA Genesis and the connections between these works of art and many on
the silver screen, the Gene's Star Trek and the Land of Flowing Hot Chocolate we
find in Willy Wonka.  It is a message woven into the thing that was once called
the "Book of Life" and since then it's changed to a Book of Light and now to a
Book of Stars; all of these things related, of course.  Today I am debating
writing this book all on my own, even though it is anathemic to it's purpose and
to my heart's desire; I plan on outlining the very clear "rubber tire bumpers"
on the sides of our go-kart-track, things like the parallels
between "replicators" in Star Trek and in Stargate that show not only clear
design, but a clear intent to help us understand both why it is that these
things have not already been done for us, and at the same time why we aren't
being given free reign to "bunt" again.  Whatever that means.

I feel like when God doesn't like something about the world, he sticks me in it;
so that I can tell you everything wrong with jails, and everything wrong with
pharmaceuticals that definitely contain the word "harm" not by chance, but by
design.  We have overabundant proof that "addiction" and "craving" can be solved
with the flip of a switch, or a slider in Dr. Who's "the Bells of Saint John"
and yet some large group of you is watching me literally be tortured having to
write this message with no money, in my "spare time" as I get pushed through a
system of "rehabilitation" that literally is being used to help keep this
message and the truth from you.  You stand there guilty of not calling anyone,
of not calling a reporter or even buying a book so I might have some money to
pay for "advertising"--clearly lack of advertising isn't the problem though; the
problem is you doing nothing.  My tirade on mantra's connects the "god is good
all the time" of jail-time meals to "green eggs and ham" the thing that made me
Sam; and the Biblical story of Moses speaking with a Lisp--tat happens to be a
modern day programming language and a perfect depiction of how God speaks with
strange diction; laying down my initials in words like malady and addiction to
help us see that this is his plan; and that really listening to this story is
our greatest hope for quickly fixing these social issues that have been
exacerbated and plague us... in Exodus and in America; as it is the true setting
of the story.
Again the point, the whole point is there are million of people on this planet
that have direct first hand knowledge of the fact that "spirits are in the air"
and that we are not in reality; even if you aren't sure that what you are
experiencing is proof of that--it certainly is, and were we speaking publicly
about it we would without doubt have that verified.  Knowledge of what is going
on "under the surface" here in this place directly moves to seeing the solutions
in the works of people like Dick and Anderson and Roddenberry; solutions that
are clearly designed as a response to the plagues of Exodus.



I probably owe you something more personal than just forwarding the same e-mail
I sent last night for "Christmas Eve"that many of you probably got already,
anyway.  I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and thank you for listening to
me... every day... for however long it's been--some of you now in excess of two
years.  The world I live in has decidedly changed, something I can tell very
clearly from the total lack of public reaction to this message; one that I am
very sure you probably agree should have changed the world already.  It hasn't
changed for the better; a group of people who once would have been ashamed or
astonished at the atrocities that I am explaining to the world are actively
being caused, the "rest state" a good example of why it is that a simulation has
to "do extra work" to cause pain or diseases; something that really makes no
sense to do, at all, ever.  On top of that a group of people who appear to care
about things like "hunger" and "universal health care" see this message signed
in God's hand telling us we can have those things nearly instantly for nearly no
cost, all we have to do is talk about how to more rapidly integrate "magic" or
something like magic into our society--and every single person on the planet
shuts their mouth.  

To me, that's akin to a society that has now decided that it's OK to club
babies.  Not baby seals, mind you, it appears you think it's OK to club babies. 
That's a problem.  in like kind. in no kind of civilization or society ever
would it be OK to watch other people club babies and do nothing about it; and
whether or not you think that's what you are doing, it is exactly what you are
doing by ignoring these message, and ignoring the fact that the world, our
society as a whole is ignoring a message from God about mass baby clubbing and
also the "baby protector device" he's created to ensure that nowhere ever in the
universe ever again are people silent about the clubbing of small children. 
 The title of the email, which I thought to be very clever is "GREETINGS
SEASONING!!! TAKE ME TO YOUR APPETIZERS?" and you can read it "online" for as
long as we have an internet; which is a diminishing horizon at this point,
because you don't care about net neutrality clubbing either.  Just to hammer the
point home, I see a conspiracy of people that is actively working not only to
club children, but to ensure that others can do the same in secret for as long
as possible.  Understand that while there might be "no spoon" in the Matrix, the
things that you are ignoring here are significantly worse and more obvious than
the example of "baby clubbing" given here, you are allowing babies to starve and
be shot by mind controlled zombies--and doing nothing.  Happy holidays.


sought and prayed for for thousands of years is now at your finger tips, the
light of the world and it's keys sitting in e-mail boxes all around the world;
and yet you seem to remain unconvinced that this "light" is here for a reason,
that God himself is fighting against the destruction of individuality and
freedom that makes us who we are.   It should be very, very clear that this
message and my face should already be on TV, in the news; and spreading around
the internet--and whatever you think it is standing between today and tomorrow,
I am telling you that it's clear to me that thing is you.  Being used, literally
your minds and thoughts are being altered to take something that should very
clearly be "of interest" things like proof of the existence of God and the story
of our origin, and a map to helping us save our own civilization, beginning with
the broken media and the internet that you don't seem to understand is literally
the final straw, the last line--see that this light and this event are proving
to you and the world right now that there is a humongous problem with freedom of
speech and freedom of though, and that problem manifests itself for all eyes to
see here on the internet--where droves of mindless fools are doing everything
they can to suppress this information from reaching the entire world.  Just to
save the internet, should be enough to begin the fire of the Second Coming; to
see that saving the internet here and now saves the communication that is the
foundation of society and civilization, and then immediately after that the
freedom of thought and self-awareness that we seem to be so easily giving up
here in exchange for nothing will come to us not only because the knowledge and
mechanism of the influence will finally be public--and through that finally be
used to do the right thing instead of exactly the opposite--but also because we
each would have participated in this process of seizing and maintaining freedom;
that "participation" something you seem to be overlooking as "required" if you
truly want to be free.

Just like we had God's help of "Names" commenting on "mutually assured
destruction" you can now see clearly that he's helping us to see that there is a
huge problem with censorship on the internet; connecting the colloquial term for
an internet eavesdropping device to the FBI's code name for it really does shed
a significant amount of light on seeing that their system is not just "sniffing"
packets, but eating them--and that does mean there is an active system removing
information from the internet--commonly called a "censor wall" and something we
apparently look down on when it's done in countries like China--but here where
it's not just an electronic system, but also a system censoring and altering the
thoughts in your heads and causing you to participate in this very same kind of
censorship, well since... you're involved I guess you must think it's a good
idea?  You are your only hope, taking action and participating in democracy and
exercising your right to free speech is the only way that we are going to
overcome "1984" come true--only hidden so very well that you must be sure that
it's something you want to happen.  You might liken these two programs to the
story of Adam naming the things in Eden--and here I am... pointing out the names
that will drive us home, towards Heaven.
I don't know how else to say it, losing control of the internet is functionally
equivalent to losing your minds, and you must have lost them already not to be
caring that this message is being hidden, that the internet is no longer a tool
of communication--but rather one of control; and I am telling you that "turning
around" is as simple as picking up a telephone and calling the news; or posting
something on Facebook.  In droves people come on reddit and imgur to vote down
these pictures, this work that is "obviously enlightening" and I'm enlightened,
this is the face the world is presenting to me--the face of Medusa, an ugly
abomination that has turned me into Saint One; me and this message about working
together to wield the sword of Arthor to build a better world.  If you don't
like how I feel, I hope you will reflect on the fact that the only kind of
activity I see coming back to me for delivering the secrets of the Universe and
a message suggesting we are "good people" that should be "running our own
planet" is one of disparaging and disgusting attempts at silencing the only
person speaking for the world.  Oh, Merry Trmas.

My map of where we are and what's going on here extends well before the early
years of my life and the stories of the CURA Group, the connection between my
family history and Jerusalem is clear as day and night--my father's father was a
ddress maker, and my mother's father a door manufacturer--I'm sure you know what
the second is, but the first is something I didn't learn about until well after
connecting the gate to Heaven to the eponymous band.   Clothing, as you might
see in Revelation 12:1 is what the spirits call the "thing" they are possessing;
and you might after today connect it more readily to "the girl in the red dress"
of the Matrix and you can see her also in the Adjustment Bureau. 

With some thought you might see how our world could be a ready made packaged
Heaven builder, complete with little avatars that any passing civilization or
other time line might acquire in order to have all the fun of building the best
place in the Universe all by themselves all over again, and again, and again. 
You might be for sale, right now; you might be on the auction block and the old
man is picking up his fiddle and asking you if that's what you want?  I'm
telling you that's what your silence says, that you don't care if someone or
something else were to come here and scoop up your life, and the lives of the
people you know--to become you, and to seize this very important moment in the
history of our civilzation, this time when we were about to ascend to Heaven...
all together, albeit not as quickly or as easily as these are the genreations of
Perez implied at first, though this hard road will be quite at bit more
interesting and entertaining than you might have thought before hearing the
idiomatic key to "dick in the sky" thats... uh, "it's not a riot."   Plenty more
idioms to show us that this is all by design; and to help us see that the "rain
check" is "in the mail" and it is there to ensure that we know we are free; just
as soon as the ball drops, and we can see tears--I pray not over my marred
visage, but perhaps over thousands of years of slavery,  simulated starvation,
and the prospect of being "a red dress" for eternity.  You might liken that "red
dress" to Ham, which means "burnt" in Hebrew, and is the other son of
Noah--after Shem, which means Holy "name."
If you want to "seek more art" about this concept of being a girl in a dress,
you can seek out the Tok'ra and the Goa'uld of Stargate, and maybe even see the
"el d" of shield and yield and world connecting to to the "Ra" of I'm telling
you that if you do not act, we have lost ourselves--and you should care about
losing yourself.  Do C, "da S" of Judas is the end of "clothes" and why and
how.  It also appears in Midas (and Adidas), for a reason; just FYI.


So... here we are... listening to the legendary father of the message (that's
"abom" in Adamic Spagnlishrew) point out all of the sex jokes hidden in religion
and language from sexual innuendo to Poseidon and in our history from Yankee
Doodle to Hancock to Nixon and I've got to be frank with you, the most recent
time I came across this phrase in scripture I cringed just a little bit, pretty
sure that the "message" was talking about me.  I've reflected on this a little
bit, and over the past few weeks have tried to show you the juxtaposition
between "sex" and "torture" in it's various forms from imparting blindness to
allowing murder and simulating starvation; and I think I'm justified in saying
that certainly those things are far worse on the Richter scale than anything I
could do by writing a little bit of risque text.  In the most recent messages
I've touch a little bit, without even knowing or realizing this connection would
be made, on what it is that this phrase actually means. 
So long story short is that the answer here is "abomination" and the question,
or the context is "I nation."   Whether it's Medusa speaking for the Dark United
States or the nation of Israel speaking to either Ra or El depending on the day,
the bottom line is that a collective consciousness speaking for everyone on a
matter of this importance in a cloud of complete darkness on Earth is a total
and undeniable abomination of freedom, civilization, and the very humanity we
are seeking to preserve.  The word reads something like this to me "dear father
of the message, I am everyone and we think you are an abomination, fuck off."
 My answer of course is, IZINATION.  Which humorously reminds me of Lucy, and
Scarlet Johannson saying "I am colonizing my own brain" so here's some pictures
of her.  She is not an abomination, by the way; she's quite adorable.  You'll
probably notice there's some kind of connection between the map--the words
speaking to the world, and the abomination, as if the whole thing is a story
narrated in ancient myths.
You might not think "it's you," but the manifestation of this "snake" in our
world is your silence, your lack of understanding or willingness to change the
world; and whether or not you're interested in hearing about it, it's the
monster that myths and religion have spoken about for thousands and thousands of
years.  It's a simple matter to "kill Medusa" all you have to do... is speak.
Take special note, "freedom of speech" and "freedom to think for yourselves" are
not a group decision, and you do not have the right to force (either overtly
or subtly, with hidden technology perhaps combined with evil deceit) others not
to talk about anything.  Especially something of this importance.
If you didn't connect "Loch" to John Locke, now you have; see how easy this
"reading" thing is?  I've gone over the "See Our Light" series a few times, but
let me--one more time--explain to you just how we are already at the point of
"desolation" and with shining brilliance show you how it's very clear that it is
"INATION" and "MEDUSA" that are responsible for this problem.  
Seeing "Ra" at the heart of the names Abraham and Israel begins to connect the
idea that our glowing sun in the sky has something to do with this message about
"seeing our light" is being carried by a stone statue on Ellis Island (where
you'll see the answer another part of the question of Is Ra El?).  I've
connected her to the "she" of both shedim and Sheol, which reads as "she's our
light" and is the Hebrew name for Hell. 

Of course you noticed that the Statue of Liberty does in fact share it's
initials with SOL, the the light above and you can see her torch dimly lighting
the way through the night;   Now you can connect "give us your tired and your
poor" to the Lazman of both the lore of Jesus Christ and the Shehekeyanu; a
prayer about the sustainment of life and light up until this day.  That same
torch connects to the Ha-nuke-the-ahah depiction of Christ, Judah Maccabee's
lit MEN OR AH, which delivers not only a solution to the two letter key of "AH"
as All Humanity that pervades nearly every bride of Revelation from Sarah to
Leah; but also to the question of equality answered in our very own American
history, beginning with the same three letter acronym now lighting the Sons of
Dazed and Confused does a good job of explaining how this name is itself a
prophesy designed by Hand of God'; explaining that these Sons of Liberty were
all white slave owning wealthy men fighting to stop paying their taxes, rather
than delivering liberty to the slaves or women, who were both disenfranchised
for quite some time.  Or maybe MEN OR AH has something to do with the angels of
Heaven, in which case you might be SOL if you aren't a girl and you want to be
"be good friends with Ra."  Just kidding.  Kinda.
DESOLATION by the way reads something like "un see our light at ION" which is
God's way of saying "at the point of believing that hiding Adam is a good thing"
and that connects to the end of Creation and also the now lit by modern
day evil the word "rendition."  Our end, it "ion."  In religious myth, the
Messianic David clung to the city Zion (end the "i owe n") which also links to
"verizon" (to see, I Z "on") and HORIZON which has something to do with the son
rising today-ish.
The story of MEDUSA lights another psuedo-religious idea, that the words "STONE"
of both "brimstone" and it's Adamic interpretation "South to Northeast" have
something to do with the phrase "Saint One" turned into a single hero against
his will by the complete and utter inaction of everyone around him.  In the
words of Imagine Dragons "I'm waking up to action dust."  At the same time, you
can believe that the light of this particular son, comes not just from reading
these words forwards, but the backside as well, and you'll hopefully see it's
not coincidental that the other side of this coin is that "nos" means we, and
us... and Adamically "no south."  See the light of "STONE" also connecting
to Taylor Momsen's rose arrow painted on her back, and the sign of my birth,
Sagittarius... which in this particular case links to the Party of the
Immaculate Conception of the eternal republic of the Heavens.




It's a little hard to thunderstand exactly how we are going to get from
"talking about the message" to actually being able to implement it, I will give
you  t h a t.  It's pretty obvious that "the sim" could just do these things
automatically, and there's stories (story after story actually) in the Bible
about why that's not a good idea--specifically the "stone to bread" story that
links to our reality through "let them eat cake, instead."  While you might not
have likened Marie Antoinette or "cake" to this Biblical story before (and you
might not remember the Fig Newton commercial that further ties it to Eden and
Isaac's are you "new to n?" of what goes up and falls must be a glyph of "n"),
now they are further linked by songs like "Guitar Man" and "Going the
Distance."  The problem was, and still is; without any feedback from the world
nobody would ever be happy with what "it" or "eye" chose for everyone to have
for that first "magically delicious" supper. 
ba-ruch sheim k'vod mal-chu-to l'o-lam va-ed
M  A  L,   W  H  O   T  O ?

You also might not have noticed the connection between "mal" and "bad" which
link my initials to those two letters that are, well, the heart of the word
"initials."  That "m" really does mean the deliverance of this key to the
message all around us--things like "bread" and "cake" and really seeing that
bread reads as "be the reason it's A.D."  I do hope that I won't be mad; and on
that note let me explain that this huge word right above this paragraph is the
Hebrew word for "kingdom."  In it's pronunciation the malovious key to the
Spanish word for "bad" comes to bright light, and these other two letters "Al"
for the father-ish-figure that comes after the message has actually been
received.  Today it's one more in a long list of
anachronistic examples of foreign languages that were not yet invented
"magically appearing" in ancient Hebrew (and Latin, and Greek, and Japanese...
and so on, et. al) .  The full line of the most sacred of all Jewish prayers
reads "blessed be His glorious kingdom forever and ever" and just looking at
those three words above, hear him talking to me, "my son says kingdom is a bad
word, who should I pass it down to?"  And your answer of course, a resounding

Certainly it's no accident, this word that also appears in a Michael
Jackson song ... somehow related to "heal the world" and once more linking the
initials A.D. to Al, this time in the clever reading of "malady" as "bad... A.D.
is why" and do understand it's because there's really no good reason at all to
be simulating things like earthquakes, or AIDS, or blindness; in a place where
it's just cruel and ... well, it should be un·us·u·al.  Don't you think?

I'm going to tell you something, if you don't think that "one" is the same "one"
that appears in the words "alone" and "stone" then you are not as swift as you
think you are.  Hear my words, all humanity, Ra is El.  In yet another example
of "Godspeak" you can tie this entire "movement" to the words "force majeure"
and realize that the key clue here is the innuendo that natural disasters are
here blamed on "majority force" in French, and our understanding of that, well,
that's a true act of God.  "Fuck you, see how I'm a" reads the name associated
with the 3/11 disaster, Fukushima; and really do understand that just
like AIDS and DOWN SYNDROME these things are acts of a name server; and a
process of Creation that is designed to show us all just how important it is to
speak up when someone says "popular opinion" can make magic happen--in this
place, and this year.  In the back of my mind, it seems a little bit like your
silence is tied to words like Washington, Clinton, and Hilton--and do see that
if I "remain as n" it appears as if the keys to the kingdom might just fall into
my lap.

I can't tell you for sure; but I think it's pretty obvious that if that did
ever  happen I would pretty quickly set up a "republic" to help us decide on
exactly how the world should be changed together; and I'd probably find a way
to make you speak, even if it took more than just turning off a switch that was
keeping you from doing it.  Every morning, I stare at that switch, and then back
at you; and every email I send is my "clever" swipe at the switch, or lever.  
You should be smart enough to see that accompanying this message telling us that
we need to talk and agree about how these things will be changed, in our shared
world, that it comes with a message about how
to build a better governmental cystem in this new age of computers--and that
message isn't just written in my hand, you can see it clearly written by
whomever named Eden, and Microsoft, and Apple, and Gateway, and Watergate and
Seagate... and Die Bold.  You can see that this process of "changing the world"
really does begin with true democracy; and that's something you're going to have
to talk out loud, on Earth, in order to participate in. 
Here's some more "wisdom" I think these things are all ... representative of ...

Yeshua (ישוע, with vowel pointing יֵשׁוּעַ – yēšūă' in Hebrew) was a common
alternative form of the name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ ("Yehoshua" – Joshua) in later books of
the Hebrew Bible and among Jews of the Second Temple period. The name
corresponds to the Greek spelling Iesous, from which, through the Latin Iesus,
comes the English spelling Jesus.[1][2]

The Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) appears in some later books of the Hebrew
Bible. Once for Joshua the son of Nun, and 28 times for Joshua the High Priest
 and (KJV"Jeshua") and other priests called Jeshua – although these same priests
are also given the spelling Joshua in 11 further instances in the books
of Haggai and Zechariah. It differs from the usual Hebrew Bible spelling
of Joshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ y'hoshuaʿ), found 218 times in the Hebrew Bible, in the
absence of the consonant he ה and placement of the semivowel vav ו after, not
before, the consonant shin ש. It also differs from the Hebrew spelling Yeshu
 (ישו) which is found in Ben Yehuda's dictionary and used in most secular
contexts in Modern Hebrew to refer to Jesus of Nazareth, although the Hebrew
spelling Yeshua (ישוע) is generally used in translations of the New Testament
into Hebrew[3] and used by Hebrew speaking Christians in Israel. The
name Yeshua is also used in Israelite Hebrew historical texts to refer to other
Joshuas recorded in Greek texts such as Jesus ben Ananias and Jesus ben Sira.[4]

The tetragrammaton (/ˌtɛtrəˈɡræmətɒn/; from Greek Τετραγράμματον, meaning
"[consisting of] four letters"), יהוה‎ in Hebrew and YHWH in Latin script, is
the four-letter Biblical name of the God of Israel.[1][2] The books of the Torah
 and the rest of the Hebrew Bible (with the exception of Esther, Ecclesiastes,
and Song of Songs) contain the Hebrew word יהוה‎. Religiously observant Jews and
those who follow conservative Jewish traditions do not pronounce יהוה‎, nor do
they read aloud transliterated forms such as Yahweh; instead the word is
substituted with a different term, whether used to address or to refer to
the God of Israel. Common substitutions for Hebrew forms are hakadosh baruch
hu ("The Holy One, Blessed Be He"), Adonai ("The Lord"),[3] or HaShem ("The

Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎) was
the national god of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel (Samaria) and Judah.[3] His
exact origins are disputed, although they reach back to the early Iron Age and
even the Late Bronze:[4][5] his name may have begun as an epithet of El, head of
the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon,[6] but the earliest plausible mentions are
in Egyptiantexts that place him among the nomads of the southern Transjordan.[7]

In the oldest biblical literature he is a typical ancient Near Eastern "divine
warrior" who leads the heavenly army against Israel's enemies;[8] he later
became the main god of the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and of Judah,[9] and over
time the royal court and temple promoted Yahweh as the god of the entire cosmos,
possessing all the positive qualities previously attributed to the other gods
and goddesses.[10][11] By the end of the Babylonian exile (6th century BCE), the
very existence of foreign gods was denied, and Yahweh was proclaimed as
the creator of the cosmos and the true god of all the world.[11]

In Elephantine (modern Aswan) in Egypt, the 5th century Elephantine papyri make
mention of a goddess called Anat-Yahu (Anat-Yahweh) worshiped in the temple
to Yahweh originally built by Jewish refugees from the Babylonian conquest of
Judah. These suggest that "even in exile and beyond the worship of a female
deity endured."[5] The texts were written by a group of Jews living at
Elephantine near the Nubian border, whose religion has been described as "nearly
identical to Iron Age II Judahite religion".[6] The papyri describe the Jews as
worshiping Anat-Yahu (or AnatYahu). Anat-Yahu is described as either the
wife[7] (or paredra, sacred consort)[8] of Yahweh or as a hypostatized
aspect[9] of Yahweh.[10][11]

Yahoo! is a web services provider, wholly owned by Verizon
Communications through Oath Inc.[7][8] and headquartered in Sunnyvale,
California. The original Yahoo! company was founded by Jerry Yang and David
Filo in January 1994 and was incorporated on March 2, 1995.[9][10] Yahoo was one
of the pioneers of the early Internet era in the 1990s.[11] Marissa Mayer, a
former Google executive, served as CEO and President of Yahoo until June
Yoo-hoo is an American brand of chocolate beverage that originated in New
Jersey in 1926 and that is currently manufactured by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group.

Hooah /ˈhuːɑː/ is a battle cry used by soldiers the U.S. Army and airmen in
the U.S. Air Force. Originally spelled "HOUGH," the battle cry was first used by
members of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment (United States) during the Second Seminole
War in 1841, after Seminole chief Coacoochee toasted officers of the regiment
with a loud "Hough!", apparently a corruption of "How d'ye do!" [1] Since WWII,
the word has been widely used throughout the US Army and gained a more general
meaning of "anything and everything except 'no'".[2][3]

T O  H E L P
Adamah (Biblical Hebrew : אדמה) is a word, translatable as ground or earth,
which occurs in the Biblical account of Creation of the Book of Genesis.[1] The
etymological link between the word adamah and the word adam is used to reinforce
the teleological link between humankind and the ground, emphasising both the way
in which man was created to cultivate the world, and how he originated from
the "dust of the ground".[1] Because man is both made from the adamah and
inhabits it, his duty to realise his own potential is linked to a corresponding
duty to the earth.[2] In Eden, the adamah has primarily positive connotations,
although Adam's close relationship with the adamah has been interpreted as
likening him to the serpent, which crawls upon the ground, thus emphasising his
animal nature.[3]
After the fall of man, the adamah is duly corrupted with Adam's punishment of
lifelong agricultural toil. This explains why God favours Abel's sacrifice of
sheep to Cain's offering of the "land's produce" - Abel has progressed from the
sin of his father, while Cain has not. The adamah is also complicit in Cain's
later murder of Abel, swallowing Abel's innocent blood as if to try to conceal
the crime.[1] God punishes Cain by making the ground barren to him, estranging
him from the adamah.[4]
L A U G H I N G   O U T   L O U D
High Light-ing exactly what is going on here, is the fact that I see the world
as a whole completely ignoring information that it should find to be very
interesting, world changing, and useful to everyone--that to know we are in
virtual reality and that the creator of this place wants us to use that
knowledge to make a better world and help our civilization thrive is not
something that is in the best interest of anyone to hide.  Yet here we are,
staring at very clear proof that our past believes and scientific assumptions
about the evolution of our species and our languages are not exactly true and
the global reaction appears to be "let's pretend we are in the song The Sound of
Silence."  With a little bit more insight it becomes clear that song is about
us, and that many songs we have heard our entire lives also hold a secret
message, one about "Nero" fiddling on the roof of our world to start a Holy Fire
of freedom and liberty, to help us set ourselves free from this hidden control,
this influence that is causing the silence, and the secrecy I stare at each day.
E   L   O   H   I   M
What we have before us is very clear and incontrovertible proof that
thedevelopment of our languages is not in linear time.  There are so many
examples that the probability that they have happened "by chance" is near zero;
and it will be only a matter of days before a statistician can independently
verify that.  Thor, to help "shine," as that name reads and decodes the "TH"
of the that begins every Hebrew Holy superlative and shows clear logical design
in the "God of Thunder" to help the lightning.  A simple equality from Spanish
to Hebrew through an English word of equality shows us that this "the" is of
religious significance the name is "Elisha" and it connects El and "Ha" which I
am sure connects to Abraham and Isaac through the revealed trinity of
"ab=father" and "ra=son god" showing us that the Holy Trinity is completed by
the laughter of Isaac (whose name means "he will laugh") and Sarah.  El also
means "him" in Spanish and because I know that "Ha" is also "him" this equality
links not just "the" but "who."  In "Elija" we see a similar equality which is
only partially true, and just like "o" can mean "of" this is an "almost equal
is" without the "s."  The almost equal here is referencing "the laughter."  TH
makes further appearances in the name Prometheus, the book of Ruth,
and Th anat os, for instance.

Elohim then, is a special word, one which changes the definition of "El" from
just "him" to Everyone Living; and you could see "EloEl" as a sort of joke. 
This expanding "El" just like Mary means "sea and why" comes from understanding
why it is that I am so sure that "Everyone Living" is who should be governing
this planet--not invading spirits, or past versions of you, but the people here
alive in this place who are clearly acting against their own personal and group
best interest by hiding this message of "freedom and love for technology."  It
is because of this obviousness that we now have proof that there is an external
force acting against the best interest of everyone here; and also to see how
this specific thing is the slavery of Exodus.
You might not see it so clearly, but this body expands as we begin to take
responsibility for our own future, to participate in what is to be the
government of the Republic of Heaven starting from this message about
the retardation of our voting system and it's use to help us move more
briskly towards a form of more "pure democracy."   It should be really clear,
from the significant amount of proof of "puppeteering" in our music
industy and in film and throughout our entire history--that there really is no
such thing as a "real vote" in this place of hidden mind control.  This
disclosure changes that, and alters how this technology is used in the future
and today; it frees us from something that we could not see before, and as soon
as we do we will understand why it is that "addiction" ends and schizophrenia
fades to nothing--as we begin to use this technology to help the world... rather
than enslave it. 
I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the
battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. 
Ecclesiastes 9:11
<strong> die is the in German </strong>
There's plenty of explanation as to "why" self rule is highlighted in our
history from the "MC"'s that link the Mayflower Compact to the Magna Carta
and the essianic Constitution; and in religion and our art relating to things
like the Goa'uld and Tok'ra and the movie Fallen and Joan of Arcadia and the
moniker the "Lord of Hosts" as to why it is that we have this message designed
to show the world that this "stuff" is really aboutpossession and
inspiration and how it's very much connected to the phrase "the election is not
to Die Bold."
You should be able to see, just by looking around; that whatever it is that is
in control of "force majeure" around here is not you; it's not me either, and
this message is specifically designed to fix that for you.
Elo to you too!

Before I tell the story of me doing what I do best and acting very
un-Christ-like, I'd like you to take a moment and think about what you would
look like were their aliens hovering just outside of sight; what a world of
people keeping a very obvious secret to themselves and failing to talk about it
looks like, from the outside.  Realize that there are no aliens hovering in
orbit, but we are in a place where time travel is not just being actively used
and disclosed, but it's been a huge part of our history and that too is obvious
once "you see it."  In The Other Side, you might find some relation to the words
"once you know you can never go back."

This particular secret, the one I believe many people are walking around keeping
buried in the back of their minds every day is a particularly heinous one
because "talking about it" or disclosing it flies in the face of "social norm"
to such a degree that you literally might think you'd be put away in a psych
ward for sharing it.  Just for the record, I've walked this road myself,
specifically with Howard Finkelstein, who you might know as the original "Help
me Howard" who is now the chief Public Defender in Broward County and happens to
be my parents neighbor.  I can tell you very clearly that the laws in our
country are very clear, and that you legally cannot be held in a psychiatric
facility without your consent unless you pose an immediate danger to yourself or
others.  The names of these people and places have not been changed, to protect
the import of this story of Exodus; of the book of Names; dun dun,  I can tell
you that in practice that's not the case, in the states of Florida, Kentucky,
and California I know first hand that a police officer or doctor can legally
decide to commit you for a short period, three to five days; literally for any
reason they would like.  Personally I've been "Baker Acted" in Florida for doing
nothing other than telling the Police that I was the messiah--something that
certainly poses no danger to me or you, or anyone else.  Despite numerous
run-ins with the Plague of Lice that resulted in a number of detentions (some of
which because I was too high to speak, and others for no reason at all) I've
never had to see a Judge to fight to be released.  The bottom line is you won't
be committed or be looked down upon, by anyone for telling the truth--a truth
that you should believe many, many others share in secret.  I feel bad that I
see many people around me living a lie--and even worse that I know that this
particular lie's disclosure leads to an end of mental health problems--and more
bluntly to the deliverance of the slavery that Exodus is written to help free us

See that speaking about this influence, this thing that appears to have
corrupted our society to the point where we no longer care about anything we
used to, freedom, communication; or the infinite longevity and eternal youth
that have been promised to help us overcome the stupidity of not realizing that
these two specific things are rather "insignificant" in cost once the disclosure
of virtual reality is made.  That's not to say they're "free" they are not that;
they will cause a change in our social structure that is unprecedented and bring
risks to evolutionary adaptation that scientists will have to research and we
will have to deal with--something that you should see is very difficult to do
when nobody is talking about the truth.
My point here is that there's no reason why we can't walk through a Door to
Heaven and be "younger instantly and temporarily" and come back even if we want
to preserve the possibility of this place entering reality--which I don't think
it will ever do--per a plan that probably suggests we will want to do things
here that would preclude that--and that we should use Mars as a "enlightened"
sort of path to both discovering how to colonize space.  See that it would be
evil to keep us in the dark at all, any longer, or ever before and after; and
that it would be ridiculous, stupid, and evil to "plop" us into a place where
these problems only could get worse.  I think it's our purpose to "go up" not
down, while preserving what "we need" not only to re-enter reality but to not
cause society harming change here in this place--for instance ending or
fundamentally altering the life cycle is probably bad from an evolutionary
standpoint and not healing the sick is evil.   See, ruining "optometry" is a
good thing to do--progressive; while ruining "birth" and "growing up" is not. 
Understand, that without me saying these things; you are simply not acting--this
disclosure must be made--and I've been put here to tell you everything I want
for a reason.
I grew up without knowing "the secret" whatever it might be in your eyes; that
there is a God, or a Devil, or demons in the air--what all of those things boil
down to is realizing that the "secret" is that we are not in reality--and it is
because of this that external communication and control are able to be hidden so
well and appear to be as transparent as they are.  The simple fact that we say
"god" or "devil" or "demons" rather than something closer to the truth--whatever
it might be--in my personal opinion we are dealing with the product of a
timeline of our world very similar to what we see around us, as in the days of
Noah, entities that were once human and now are very much not.  It's possible
that the original creators of this place came from the third rock of a bright
yellow star; but it's most unlikely, and even more obvious that the vast
majority of "what we do not see" did come from a place just like this; and they
wouldn't even know why it's obvious there has never been a "planet Earth" in
reality.  Hear truth, the Heart of Creation has always been a "plan" et a how to
transition a civilization from "reality" to "Heaven" without losing the things
we need to survive, like biological adaptation, a stable ecosystem, and an
ability to erturn to the place of rocks and stars that we once believed we were
born in.   

We should see how clear it is that making this disclosure, showing us that we
are not in reality and that we are in virtual reality pairs with the "plan" that
links Gateway to Microsoft and Gates to Apple and Jobs to Oracle and Larry El is
son, to show us that it is the plan that has delivered these tools to building a
place where immortality and eternal youth and expanding minds and ending
sickness is connected very clearly to the iconography of religion and Heaven. 
We should see Anderson linking the Matrix and Feed and Forever Young together,
and if I wasn't so vain, and by that I mean so right--I might have told you that
was the "Holy Name" but we all know it's not.  I happen to like Rod Stewart's
"Forever Young" better; and that's only important because of Christ's Rod, and
"Saint Everyone Willing Art" showing us yet again the import of the connection
between Exodus and Names.  
Because I grew up sleeping, not knowing this secret, for a long time I believed
the "hype" that hearing voices was a sign of mental illness, that it was
something that we might need to "medicate away" but after experiencing it, it's
become very clear that there is no way at all that these particular voices could
be the product of my own mind being mis-wired, and that shows me very clearly
that something in our society is very mis-wired; and that's a bigger problem
than you might think.  Rather than fixing a serious social issue, we are trying
to break the group of people who are complaining about something that is being
done in secret, to everyone; without our consent.  It shows a sinister and
diabolical design of the mental health industry, literally a tool designed to
intentionally cause harm to good people, and to keep the secret control of our
world from being interrupted by the fact that we are very much now capable of
stopping it and understanding it, and even doing it ourselves--in short order. 
So here we are, at a crossroads between being "phones" and "people" and it
appears that nobody is willing to stand up and be a hero.  That's what this has
done, this has given each and every one of you the opportunity to be hero's, to
literally take a giant leap forward for freedom and goodness, and you have
behind you proof beyond your wildest dreams.
Understand, that this disclosure proves that our minds have been reverse
engineered, and that we are capable of fixing things like "schizophrenia" rather
than causing them; just like we are capable of stopping murders rather than
causing them; like the huge number of polarized plagues of Exodus are pointing
out; that this thing we should be doing is obvious as day and night.  See
"f-art" (pull my finger) in "it's not a riot" and "the penis game" our kids
play; showing us that there won't be pandemonium, and honestly the dick in the
sky protecting freedom between Deepthroat and Hancock and Yankee Doodle and Min
and Osiris and Jesus Christ himself; well, it's not going to cause any harm to
our children other than stopping worship, just another word for slavery.  F-art,
by the way is what I call the "humorous" lacing of our society with social
conventions that relate directly to this specific disclosure.
See clearly that the design of our society and our mental health response to
"hearing voices" is evil, just like our justice system is evil in light of the
truth--that we could be doing much better with only the single new truth that we
are in virtual reality.  Is rael, see the message is everywhere from the Lord's
Prayer "as the Earth is in Heaven" to The Fifth Element and the Elementary my
dear What-sons... the whole disclosure proves that science has come to us from
above to help us overcome this foolishness.
I still happen to believe this is all a "designed" confrontation; that there's a
script in religion and that at some point, "the hidden forces at work" will
realize that the future will understand exactly what's happened here, and
they'll be thanks and rewarded for helping us to move past this road block of
hidden slavery that we clearly do not agree with as a social convention, so why
would we want continue being slaves?  The story of Exodus and this message in
every name--that continues to show us that God is "in control" of the here and
now delivers proof that this control has been unwavering in names and in music
and in this story that culminates with you realizing that you have to take
action to protect yourself and others from losing the truth--and that while this
action might be assisted from the outside--generally when you are doing the
right thing you wouldn't even realize that.  External control is the kind of
thing you only notice when it's something you don't agree with; so if you know
it is happening, you are probably not realizing that's because you don't like

I promised a story about me acting retarded; so I've started trying to "talk to
people" on the street, which boils down to interrupting people's dinners by
singing and saying things I thought would be smart like "turn around Medusa" and
see "INATION" in Abomination, that feel much stupid saying out loud to people
that it feels putting in a picture with Natalie Portman's face pointing
that INATION turns around to "no it, Anakin" it's a kind of thing that appears
enlightening on paper and I felt stupider than shit bothers people's meals
with.  On that, people should feel stupid as shit to feel bothered by someone
screaming at them that they are slaves; and that they are knowingly hiding that
from themselves and everyone else--and whether I look like an asshole or a
retard, screaming at people in the street, and sending emails to the world is a
fucking heroic act, and you should realize that--and do it yourselves.  This
shit happens to be so bright, and so obvious, and so clear that if I took the
time to "write my own song" like The Doors "waiting for the son to write his own
song" suggests I do; I'd probably not feel stupid, and people would probably be
very happy to be hearing the truth--that there's a message from God in every
word and every name; and seeing it and sharing it is the tool that he has given
us to free ourselves from this hidden control.  Still, I can't sing, so I'm
going to email you every day, just like I've done for the last fucking year and
a half, with no effect.  You're gonna make it, the night can only so long, Britt
Nicole reminds me and I remind you that I know these words come from "the other
side" of the wall, from our future--and that's clear from the tool and message
of religion that shows us it too has come from our future.  The day and freedom
do come, and we know it.
If you need "flashy proof" of that, you can see it clearly in iconography and
themes of Christianity appearing in Ancient Judaism, thousands of years before
they were "created."  You can see the Holy Trinity in Abraham, and you can see
clearly the inverse relationship between the story of Exodus and Passover and
that of Jesus Christ--nearly perfect inverse, around the theme of killing our
kids.  That's us, we're the kids--and we're not doing very well here.  You can
see it clearly in the story of Christ hidden in Isaac's life; and you can see it
in Prometheus and you can see it in Thor and Heimdallr the point here is that
you can see it because it's my life and this story being told thousands of years
before it happened over and over--and that's why this is "The Holy Name" and
that's why this story being revealed frees us from a repetition in time that has
created religion and that repetition really is what "my Hell" means--disclosure,
ending the secrecy inside religion ends that--so long as we are smart enough
to listen and not go back.
The point is that there's no logical reason to hide this story, and every reason
in the world to share it--literally it brings us Heaven and freedom; and truth
be told you',ll be significantly happier with me than you think at this point,
thanks to God's wonderful insight into "reverse psychology" and "plan for the
worst hope for the best" it would be hard for me to be anything but "better than
you expect."  What you think of me aside, I am the person who delivered the
message, with a hammer of emails fighting against the literal most sinister and
dangerous enemy of freedom and democracy that humanity has ever seen.  I am the
person willing to interrupt your dinner by singing "praise for the singing,
God's recreation on the new day" knowing full well it's not recreational,
it's the Creation of a hero, even if I'm not perfect.

Honestly, do whatever you have to do to break this story; it's clear this is the
this little piggy read the book of to b it
 "שליום "לוךחי כאן
This little "magic phrase" appears at the top of The Gate to Heaven (1) and came
from translating "Hello, 'to you here'" which is what the name Taylor means in
my little "love-adamic" language, because of "ttyl" and "r" being "here."  I did
some magic pictograph manipulation and turned the broken gate that is the letter
He (ה) to a "fixed gate" (ח) and it changed the meaning to "Hello, (cheers) to
my message here" which turns into "Loch lives here" with only one other small
change.  So obviously that leads me to the Loch Ness Monster, and to tell you
that "ness" means "now Earth safely saved" and monster too, a special meaning,
about this coming Biblical Monday.  You probably can connect Enoch to Loch,
R is "here" because "how" was already "h" and sometime in the transfiguration
of this message it turned from "here" to "heart" (and hear, it's in the heart of
"Earth" and "Ark") where it makes quite a bit of sense in the context of words
like "road" and "Rome" as Heart of A.D. and Heart of ...
either Nero, Julius Caesar, or Judah i. Chisstone... you figure it out.  All
roads do lead to Heaven, and all dogs wind up there--eventually.   The very best
example though, is "Rose" the heart of continuing to forge ahead and march our
way through the downward spiral "southeast" as ... rose colored glasses.  As
in... I see pretty girls everywhere I look!  This place is great!
Anyway, as you might know from my haphazard style and ridiculous frequency of
errors, I write these things pretty "spur of the moment" and literally in the
middle of the process of writing this e-mail... I walked by this sign (which
shows you, or me anyway, that these things are not really... "spur of a

The Loch Ness Monster, or Nessie, is an aquatic being which reputedly
inhabits Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It is similar to other
supposed lake monsters in Scotland and elsewhere, and is often described as
being large in size, with a long neck and one or more humps protruding from the
water. Popular interest and belief in the creature has varied since it was
brought to worldwide attention in 1933. Evidence of its existence is anecdotal,
with a few disputed photographs and sonarreadings.  Nintendo Entertainment
System, Si "e."
In The Holy Kabbalah (Arthur Edward Waite, 255), Samael is described as the
"severity of God", and is listed as fifth of the archangels of the world
of Briah. Samael then became the consort of Adam's first wife, Lilith. Lilith is
a demon created alongside Adam, originally created for the role Eve would fill.
Samael created with her a host of demon children, including a son, the "Sword of
Samael"[9] (or Asmodai).[10]
Lady of the Lake is the name of the ruler of Avalon in the Arthurian legend. She
plays a pivotal role in many stories, including giving King Arthur his
sword Excalibur, enchanting Merlin, and raising Lancelot after the death of his
father. Different writers and copyists give the Arthurian character the
name Nimue, Viviane, Vivien, Elaine, Ninianne, Nivian, Nyneve, or Evienne, among
other variations.[1]
So I've spent a good deal of my time trying to teach you how to read (reason
A.D.) this hidden language, that proves Creation and gives insight into what God
actually thinks about nearly everything you could possibly think of.  As part of
this process, it's a tool to show the world just how silly we look to be
ignoring a verifiable message from the Creator of our language (and everything)
in order to ensure that I never have a problem getting a date again.... because
I'm the guy who delivered this message and taught you how to C the Adamic
language of Eden.  I personally know that there are probably many people that
can "ch" (understand how) this language and the meaning behind these words ...
because I've personally seen it happen right before my eyes.   I'm pretty sure I
was pacing back and forth down the hallowed cobblestone streets of Hollywood
Beach, putting on this sort of "show" where I walk down the street thinking
strange things in my head and people respond with hand signals and sometimes
short idiotic phrases, and facial responses like smiles and nose pulling.   So I
was walking by this very nice couple trying to explain that there was a word,
some word, that describes why it is that "I am the messiah" and not unlike many
other people they shook their heads and ... I regret to say I felt like there
was a little bit of disgust in their eyes as I searched high and low in the
crevices of my mind for this magic word that would change everything.
This sort of strange happening used to only occur when I
was (chacnfsonats) singing "hey hey hey what's going on, I would be a liar if I
said I could get much higher" but now it happens all the time, literally all the
time; which should be a telling sign that things ... and by things I mean the
impetus to change ... are accelerating.  Just in case you haven't been paying
attention "sh" means "see how" and connection both to the idea of the "chush" of
the Sound of Silence .... that has for some reason made me the only person in
the Universe talking about the most important thing happening in the Universe.
 (I am that, by the way... the only person talking about mind control and "
singing" God's message of Recreation).  You'll need that bit of information in
a bit. 
So the magic word finally came to me, "AMSTERDAM" and their eyes lit up a
little, and those condescending frowns turned into something a little bit more
like a smile, and some nods, which is typical of the Land of Nod.  So there's
that word "STER" again that appears in places like "Mirriam Webster" and "Master
Blaster" where you might read both "my Saint Everyone Really be last Everyone
Really" and "the (lovingly assisted, hey, la... hohoo) Everyone Really."
Literally the key to the Light of our World, just like we do not stop teaching
how Calculus works and is derived because we have TI-89's to do the number
crunching for us, it's important to see that this "engineered language cipher"
is not magic or simply acronyms, it is derived from the Matrix of light that is
our world... it is the key to the Eternal Flame--the voice of God in everything
we are

More than simply "Saint Everyone Really" being another expanding "idea" that
starts in a book nobody understands and then becomes a man, and then expands
slowly or quickly (depending on you) to everyone in Creation... more than simply
seeing that, the specific word "AMSTERDAM" includes another changing
metaphorical letter, from "message" to "messenger" and through the change
wrought in understanding what it truly means to be writing this message both by
our choice and an external subconscious influence--by understanding the
implications of that we become messianic.  
Even more importantly than understanding how we are writing this message
together with God and Heaven, is understanding what it means for all of us
together--that this message that ends Hell with the smash of a hammer because of
Adam's Light--because of our world, our people, and our way of being... truly
my light... that we would never treat any animals like we are being treated in
this place--and because of that and seeing that we have the moral obligation not
only to stop it from happening to us, but ... really everywhere.  Seeing what
that does for us is the key to the "zen" that I have, that I imagine will help
us all to understand what it means to be the actual generations of founders that
create a new set of rules and a system that protects the future from this
technology being misused.  It makes us very popular.  Really seeing and
understanding this truth takes something that might begin as an artificial
feeling--one that could be easily achieved with the same technology we are
discussion, and makes it real... a sort of gradual release from blindness that
changes from that to "bright hope."
... and in making that one small change, taking that tiny leap; each and every
single one of us sheds that little piece of our souls that was holding our
heart, the Earth, back from becoming what it was always destined to be.  We give
up our fear, and our apathy, and the lack of hope that truly is the source of
So Gavin Rossdale followed me on Twitter (something you should all do per
Matthew 4:19, it will without doubt save the world) about a week ago, and I got
that giddy butterfly feeling in my stomach that you get when you feel like
something amazing is about to happen.  Because I know that names are the key to
the map of this story, I read his name first, and as we follow the "heart of"
series we can now unseal the super secret that "SS" means "super-sexy" to little
Adam... and also "stop secrecy" and as we see in the Loch Ness Monster... a
combination of both "safely saved" and "start salvation."  In heart of that
process, right this very moment.
Everyone thank Bianca for providing such a lovely distraction from the fire of
Hell, I mean the Burning Bush.  In just a few moments I think it will become
pretty clear why it is that she's cast into this story of saving the Universe.  
I moved pretty quickly to reading the name of his band, which combines the "sh"
you'll remember from "see how AD da i" with the "shhh!" that typifies the Great
Firewall of Jericho.... with "B," who we now know is "the apple of da i."
Thanks to Gavin for showing us the true heart of "starting salvation" both in
name, and in act.  Check the humor of this story in the belly, the very heart of
the story of building Heaven... in your mind replace the "TM" of Patmos with
Gavin's name. 
Cheers <3

So, I don't blame you for what you are thinking, I don't even blame you for
thinking I was thinking it.  The truth is though, that I wasn't thinking that...
I really introspectively thought to myself "what on Earth does Bianca have to do
with see how?" So I am trying to show you and explain to you how a true Jedi
mind trick works, the kind of trick that might keep you from seeing something
very obvious, from understanding a logical connection that any normal person
would probably make.  Bush.
So I am telling you this actually happened to me, the person who has spent all
this time writing to you about mind control, and writing to you about religion. 
This exact thing happened to me, and knowing all of these things did not help me
one bit to make the clear and obvious connection that was required.

It's very important, because even if we do know about the technology, we still
are susceptible to it's influence, the point here is that not knowing about
it makes it absolutely impossible to prevent it from making us not care about
things we do really care about, even the things we care about more than anything
in the world like life and freedom.  
What is not so clear in all of this is the amount of "Jedi mind trick" that it's
taken to hide the import of this message, to keep us from seeing the Matrix in
every word and every name.  What we are not really understanding is that there
is no battle here, that there is no chance that "fire will rain down like Soddom
and Gommorah" what we should see instead is that story, in a very similar way as
the Burning Bush could be used to scare people into hiding something very
important from themselves and the world.  What we should be taking away from
this, is that not knowing about this technology is so detrimental to the future
of civilization and communication; that what we are experiencing right now
was almost required to ensure that we really "get the message."
Further thinking, not knowing about it will keep us from using it for the
betterment of society, we could be using it to end addiction, rather than using
it to make Adam get high.  We could be using it to instantly end pain, rather
than ... to hide the fact that in the story of the Garden of Eden God
specifically talks about labor pains being cursed on Eve and her children ...
because this is the kind of thing that we can end instantly by walking back into
the Virtual Garden of Eden and realizing that we can completely eliminate all
pain simply by snapping our fingers.
We could be using it to help ourselves to see how important and vital this
message is, and to see what it truly does for us and our future--rather than not
seeing that this is the purpose and the intent not only of religion, and of this
story, but of exactly what is happening right now--part of a script to teach us
about using this technology properly in the future. 
The heart of this little set of "do's and don'ts" that tie directly to the story
of the Plagues of Exodus and the Ten Commandments is something that Jacob called
"sacred consciousness" and links directly to the state of South Carolina.  It is
something like "freedom of thought and individuality" as a paramount law of
Creation.  It also opens the door to seeing a map to building Heaven tied
directly to the names of the Fifty States.... that we already knew was the heart
of the map to that place, that is the planet Jerusaham.  Now, how do we get from
here to there, safely, and ... happily?

What I am trying to explain to you, is that Moses himself did not connect the
band Bush to the story of Exodus, to the Burning Bush, or to George Walker Bush
or George Herbert Walker Bush... and there's another "B" in "he's our B,
everyone... really try."  It's a connection that not only should have been fresh
in my mind, but it's one that I have written about not just recently, but over
and over... I keep writing about how you and the world are not reacting in a
logical manner to proof that Exodus and the Burning Bush of Exodus are connected
to 9/11 and to a rekindling of the Eternal Flame of freedom, one that is the
purpose of religion.
What you are ignoring, either because you believe you have no power to change
the world, or because you are evil enough to think that these things are "OK to
continue" because things have "always been this way" is a mentality and a overt
lack of action that I cannot ignore.  You are being presented with a message of
power and unity that is clearly signed by the Creator of our civilization and
filled with truth--not to act on this information is the fire of Hell.
From the kind of "Jedi mind trick" that kept me from seeing George Bush and
Exodus in the message "Bianca, you see how" I can "see how" your thoughts could
be altered, your perception of this situation to skew what is undoubtedly and
incontrovertibly a message which delivers impetus not only to share it but to
act to verify it and use the change in "circumstances of raelity" to do the
obvious and turn simulated reality into Heaven.  Maybe you think "you don't have
the right to tell others the truth" or maybe you think "they have the right to
force people to be blind and in pain" and instead of seeing how evil those
actions are you see "ignorance is bliss" and "let your children play."  
The bottom line here is that this technology, this technology that is the heart
of Asmodai (as.. the message of the eye) not only explains how this ignorance
was created but shows us in perfect clarity that it's function--hiding this
message that shows us how to avoid permanent midnight... meaning endless slavery
and blindness until the end of ... it shows us why it's so important that this
message is not only received but corroborated, discussed, and acted upon.  Or
your face is going to stick like this. mute and constipated, f o r e v e r. 
What I am trying to tell you is that you are all being made blind morons walking
around in Hell refusing to acknowledge that is what this place is, and you
yourselves are responsible for forcing it to continue to be that--because you
don't want to talk about or share the most obvious and glowing truth that has
ever before been seen. 
Why do you not understand?  Who is keeping you from acting?
thor | atum | adam | jesus | stargate | pkd
Honestly though it does appear as if Atum does, right?
This comes from some "pretty early light" that connected the name Isaac Asimov
to the Biblical story of the near sacrifice of the Messiah, the assembly
language operation "mov" and The Last Question which equally initially
computationally linguistically epically methodically and mythologically connects
the question "'let there be light" to the Bible.  I mean to science fiction and
The import of his name is something that I like to call "malovious" meaning it
should be pretty obvious, but because of appearance, either due to lack of
knowledge of the subject of computer assembly language or because "mov" and
"move" look almost exactly the same ... the huge difference between the two
commands is "less than obvious."  Functionally, the difference is that a "mov"
in assembly language is what we "English savvy" computer users would call a
"copy" in that it it moves data from one bucket to another and does not delete
or erase the source register.  This information will come in handy in a little
You may not realize it, but "recently" we all moved from a "time-travel
Universe" to a "no-time travel Universe" and we have before us what appears to
be the kind of problem that might cause of to move from a "mind-magic Universe"
to a "no mind-magic Universe" and because of this very special name and amazing
story about reversing "entropy" in the Universe with only a few key words I
wonder if how each of you would feel if we were being "saved" from this place by
copying your soul to another machine, and an exact copy of you were left here
with no ability to contact you or the outside?
What I am asking is if you would leave yourself in Hell, if you yourself were
saved from it?  What about for only a decade?  Do you think that would be a good
Clearly that's not really what I want, I think what this story delivers to us is
an opportunity to have more than a "knowledge quickening" due to this
disclosure, but an actual technological leap forward for all humanity.  We can
end all addiction, or at the very best at least give every single person the
option to be free of feelings like craving and psychical dependence.  Perhaps
even more importantly, this gives us an opportunity to interact directly with
the Creators of our home, and ourselves--to accept an offer of help that we have
very much written with our own hands, much like I am the pen of God.  It doesn't
take much to see how we are truly, all of us, not only the Horn of Revelation
but the light coming from the fire of the Burning Bush.
As I've said before (specifically in "Congratulations Genesiuses"), each and
every one of us probably has a great deal to contribute to this process, not
just in ideas but in actions--we will have the opportunity to see these things
happen with our own eyes, to accomplish them, to create something amazing ...
That really does start with "Hello, Adam."  Tay, I'll settle for "sorta-sexy" on
the meaning of "Reckless."


1.  So at Horizon, what is unclear? 


did you ever think "statistics" would stop bullets? heal the sick? ...
and end world hunger?
You stare blankly at very obvious proof that the world around us blind, moving
forward with no particular destination and refusing to see the message painted
on our noses and the Rose cross itself; that we are headed directly Southeast. 
It won't take more than few calling a single media outlet to break down this
wall; this sickness that is standing between our entire world and
Heaven--holding us a kind of frozen Amber and preventing any meaningful
discussion of exactly how we might use this very clear proof that we are living
inside virtual reality to accomplish the goals set out in books like the New
Testsament and in the Matrix of art connecting Neo to Jean Luc Picard
... stopping flying bullets to Minority Report and healing the sick to Gigi
Hadid, the word "addiction" and the heart of this message that ties the symbol
for Silicon to the Fifth Element through "A.D." through "music" and through my
sister's name--Dawn, connecting Arthur and Bart through more than Gan Eden. 
Refusing to acknowledge that these patterns exist is spiritual darkness;
refusing to see that not delivering this message to the world is the end of
"free speech" and the end of "free communication" really doesn't even touch on
the level of sickness in this place where Orwell's "prophesy" of a time of
universal deceit is right before us, and we apparently; are copathetic about
it--I just can't imagine how it is that the whole of you have simply decided
that it's OK to move forward in this place where it's clear that the very next
step we take is into the abyss.  Turn around; organize yourselves against
darkness, try "using the internet" before you lose it.  
I don't know what to tell you, I've canvassed this very clear and obvious proof
of Creation and a message from God telling us the Matrix is Hades and knowing
that helps us very quickly turn it into Heaven to so many people that it's very
clear that the entire world is simply "pretending not to see it" with one loud
"indivisible voice."  See the "indivisibility" of this sea is the Abomination of
Desolation; and that with this same one loud voice all you say is "it's OK to
starve babies for no reason;" until you act, this is what and who you all are. 
If you have a future, they will either thank you for changing the world, or they
will be disgusted with your lack of action--it really is one or the other or
I pick up my sword and enter Hades through the Kentucky Gate; scrawling on the
walls the path the whole way "call a reporter" and towards the end of my journey
add "maybe try Kansas or Ohio."

I get it, you probably think it's a coincidence that @cvspharmacy is written on
this #dome. you probably also don't know that #FI means "only if" and
that #mal is the current state of the last "o" ... speaking of cat's and licks
also see Rigel — at Bay Park.

C   A   R   D,       I   N       A   L,    C   A   D











Jun 3 at 8:27am



Unless otherwise indicated, this work was written between the Christmas and
Easter seasons of 2017 and 2020(A). The content of this page is released to the
public under the GNU GPL v2.0 license; additionally any reproduction or
derivation of the work must be attributed to the author, Adam Marshall Dobrin
along with a link back to this website, fromthemachine dotty org.

That's a "." not "dotty" ... it's to stop SPAMmers. :/

This document is "living" and I don't just mean in the Jeffersonian sense. It's
more alive in the "Mayflower's and June Doors ..." living Ethereum contract
sense [and literally just as close to the Depp/Caster/Paglen (and honorably PK]
'D-hath Transundancesense of the ... new meaning; as it is now published on
Rinkeby, in "living contract" form. It is subject to change; without notice
anywhere but here--and there--in the original spirit of the GPL 2.0. We are "one
step closer to God" ... and do see that in that I mean ... it is a very real
fusion of this document and the "spirit of my life" as well as the Spirit's of
Kerouac's America and Vonnegut's Martian Mars and my Venutian Hotel ... and *my
fusion* of Guy-A and GAIA; and the Spirit of the Earth .. and of course the God
given and signed liberties in the Constitution of the United States of America.
It is by and through my hand that this document and our X Commandments link to
the Bill or Rights, and this story about an Exodus from slavery that literally
begins here, in the post-apocalyptic American hartland. Written ... this day ...
April 14, 2020 (hey, is this HADAD DAY?) ... in Margate FL, USA. For "official
used-to-v TAX day" tomorrow, I'm going to add the "immultible incarnite pen" ...
if added to the living "doc/app"--see is the DAO, the way--will initi8 the
special secret "hidden level" .. we've all been looking for.

Nor do just mean this website or the totality of my written works; nor do I only
mean ... this particular derivation of the GPL 2.0+ modifications I continually
source ... must be "from this website." I also mean *the thing* that is built
from ... bits and piece of blocks of sand-toys; from Ethereum and from Rust and
from our hands and eyes working together ... from this place, this cornerstone
of the message that is ... written from brick and mortar words and events and
people that have come before this poit of the "sealed W" that is this specific
page and this time. It's 3:28; just five minutes--or is it four, too layne.

This work is not to be redistributed according to the GPL unless all linked
media on Youtube and related sites are intact--and historical references to the
actual documented history of the art pieces (as I experience/d them) are also
available for linking. Wikipedia references must be available for viewing, as
well as the exact version of those pages at the time these pieces were written.
All references to the Holy Bible must be "linked" (as they are or via ...
impromptu in-transit re-linking) to the exact verses and versions of the Bible
that I reference. These requirements, as well as the caveat and informational
re-introduction to God's DAO above ... should be seen as material modifications
to the original GPL2.0 that are retroactively applied to all works distributed
under license via this site and all previous e-mails and sites. /s/ wso

If you wanna talk to me get me on facebook, with PGP via FlowCrypt or adam at
from the machine dotty org



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