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<div>Game id: <span id="cf_pf_id"></span></div><br>
<div>Private seed hash: <span id="cf_pf_public"></span></div><br>
<div>Private seed:</div><span id="cf_pf_private"></span><br><br>
<div>EOS block number: <span id="cf_pf_eos"></span></div><br><br>
<div id="cf_pf_eos_hide" style="display: none">EOS block id (public seed):</div><span id="cf_pf_eos_id"></span><br><br>
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<div>Current client seed: <span id="pf_dc_client" status="Not created yet">Not created yet</span></div><br>
<div>Current server seed (hashed): <span id="dc_pf_server_hasheed">Not created yet</span></div><br>
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CONGRATULATIONS! YOU JUST WON THE JACKPOT 0 Your bet CONGRATULATIONS! YOU JUST WON THE JACKPOT * 80 * 80 * 80 * 80 * 80 * 80 * $ Your bet * Home * Deposit * Withdraw * Provably Fair * Bonuses * Contacts & Support * Blog * Setting * Profile settings * Get my ID * Telegram bot LANGUAGE * EN * RU * Home * Deposit * Withdraw * Provably Fair * Bonuses * Blog * * * Sign in CODE ACTIVATION ENTER PROMO CODE Activate promo code ENTER BONUS CODE Activate Bonus code TELEGRAM BONUS Get 200 coins by fulfilling 2 conditions: * Connect Telegram account * Subscribe to telegram channel VERIFY INVITE CODE NAME USERNAME Activate Bonus code Cancel MY ID Copy Cancel JACKPOT WINNERS User Bet Jackpot CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS Confirm all bets over 10,000 coins Hide my profile link in chat Hide other people's bets in Dice Hide chat messages Hide users names and avatars Disable snow Save Changes Close SIGN IN Sign in through steam Войти через VK ID OR USERNAME OR MAIL PASSWORD Forgot password? login to account Create an account SIGN UP USERNAME EMAIL PASSWORD CONFIRM PASSWORD Create an account * Get ID * Reply * Send coins * Ignore MUTE USER UID REASON Other reason Asking for coins — 5000 min Reasking for coins — 10000 min Regular asking for coins — 20000 min Insulting — 60 min Insulting — 360 min Severe Insult — 1440 min Severe Insult — 5000 min Caps — 10 min Promo code in chat — 5000 min Bonus code in chat — 1440 min Appealing to third-parties resources — 1440 min Appealing to third-parties resources — 14400 min Violation of the chat room language — 360 min Spam — 15 min Private predictions — 1440 min Links to third-party resources — 720 min Links to third-party resources — 5000 min Links to third-party resources — 20000 min Provocation — 60 min Provocation — 360 min Provocation — 1440 min Advertising — 5000 min Buying/Selling in the chat room — 2500 min Mute Cancel CHAT RULES Actions that will result in restricted chat abilities: * — Messages not in room language * — Spam, including predictions on any of the site's games * — Policy discussions * — Racism, harmful speech, or attacking any players * — Inviting site users to third-party resources * — Asking for coins * — CAPS LOOK messages * — Buying or selling coins, cryptocurrencies, game items * — Advertising any external website * — Advertising promo codes, including promo codes in username * — Sending bonus codes from social networks * — Advertising scripts or browser extensions * — disclosure of confidential information of players Moderators can block a user without giving a reason. Please do not contact the site support if you have received a chat block. Support does not review the decisions of chat moderators. OK! COINFLIP PROVABLY FAIR Game id: Private seed hash: Private seed: EOS block number: EOS block id (public seed): Read more Close CRASH PROVABLY FAIR Game id: Game hash: Game secret: Read more Close DICE PROVABLY FAIR Current client seed: Not created yet Current server seed (hashed): Not created yet CHANGE SEEDS New client seed: save Next server seed (hashed): Read more Close RECOVER ACCOUNT LOGIN OR EMAIL Recover Close RECOVER ACCOUNT RECOVERY CODE NEW PASSWORD CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD Recover Close SWAP COINS/PLG Enter amount to swap: COINS minimum You will receive: PLG fee: (0.2$ + 1%) Swap Congratulations You received a gift! Max deposit $ Max bet $ Bets sum $ Open gift $ Maximum possible win Your gift $ * * Slots * * * BETS English Room 52 / 209 * English Room (52) * Russian Room (179) * Polish Room (0) * Turkish Room (0) * VIP Room (0) Picolo#banditcamp14:33 ight add me Mchedlo14:33 come dm Hecim14:33 Mchedlo14:36 w Hecim14:36 @Nightmare, gl bro Picolo#banditcamp14:36 bruh Picolo#banditcamp14:36 fucking polygon ass shit why i need to depo for tip Hecim14:37 Hecim14:37 have money but didnt deposit Hecim14:37 Kimpembe ツ14:37 @Hecim, better that Picolo#banditcamp14:37 what u talking about dog Hecim14:38 Picolo#banditcamp14:38 talk in english next time please Hecim14:38 azazel (BIG DICK)14:38 xc414:39 hi fam Hecim14:39 hi bro Kimpembe ツ14:39 @xc4, hiii broski xc414:39 @Kimpembe_ツ, sup Kimpembe ツ14:41 @xc4, u will play today xc414:43 no bal rn Boramamba win x10.81$108.14 Big Bass Chri.. Picolo#banditcamp14:43 @Nightmare, wassup mf Picolo#banditcamp14:43 ba xc4 dami add azazel (BIG DICK)14:44 -150k today ty polygon xD gOBLIN14:44 Mchedlo14:44 @azazel_(BIG_DICK), ri[ gOBLIN14:44 5day for 10 dollar lfg azazel (BIG DICK)14:47 xD azazel (BIG DICK)14:47 3 days guys.. half a mill -_-* win x94.00$80.07 Crazy Time Odin14:48 Balance: 0 Picolo#banditcamp14:48 @LIONJHON_OFICIAL, blud was trying to win that triple 0 xc414:49 @azazel_(BIG_DICK), you lost 150k ? Picolo#banditcamp14:50 xc4 ceck dms Pizevs14:50 I lost 70k witch gain from 300 coni bonuscode dd Picolo#banditcamp14:51 @Pizevs, add me in steam g Kimpembe ツ14:51 @Pizevs, xDD i lost 500k in 2 days] azazel (BIG DICK)14:51 @xc4, uessir azazel (BIG DICK)14:51 yes Kimpembe ツ14:51 @azazel_(BIG_DICK), when did u lost ? Bakabaka14:51 d0ba14:55 @Andzysk_<3, nice man Boramamba win x19.17$383.36 The Dog House.. Alert * Minimum bet: 1 coin. * Maximum bet: 5,000,000 coins. * Maximum bets per roll: 10 bets. * Roll cooldown: 35 sec. * Chat cooldown: 5 sec. * Total bet for chat: (200,000+ all rooms, 500,000+ russian room, 200,000+ english room). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Pause chat Chat Rules 209 players online LANGUAGE * EN * RU Invite referrals and get 5000 coins for the first invited user every day Rolling in 22.42... Rolling in 22.42... * 2 * 13 * 8 * 8 * 4 * 5 * 8 * 5 * 5 * 11 JACKPOT * 87 * 85 * 81 * 87 * 80 * 83 * 83 Balance: Balance: * Clear * +10 * +100 * +1000 * 1 / 2 * X2 * Max All Red * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 0 1 Total bet: 2044 Show users * Sunoptek 2044 0 0 1 Total bet: 150 Show users * 火 150 All Black * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 0 1 Total bet: 1 Show users * SHEIKH 1 PLG.BET CS:GO SKIN GAMBLING PLG.BET IS THE BEST PLACE FOR CS:GO GAMBLING PLG.BET is one of the biggest CSGO gambling sites out there. Thousands of gamblers use our service every day, with their number only increasing. Fans of Counter-Strike choose our website for the many unique benefits it offers: * An easy and quick registration process. * Lots of interesting and cool games. * An amazing free bonus for new gamblers. * Play for CSGO skins, cryptocurrency and real money. * A constantly growing community. * Esport and CSGO betting. * A large selection of slots and classic online gambling games. * 100% fair play, fast withdrawal and friendly 24/7 support. * Wonderful bonuses for regular and VIP users. * Multilingual CSGO gambling and entertainment. * Regular challenges with big cash prizes. * Bulletproof anonymity of bets and transactions. We offer gambling services which are very convenient and easy to use. To register, you don't have to fill out long forms. Just confirm your registration by email. Unlike other gambling sites, we highly respect our users and provide them with the best conditions for playing! CHECK OUT OUR BONUSES If you're looking for a good CSGO gambling site with an excellent bonus policy, PLG.BET will satisfy all your wishes! First, we have a TELEGRAM BONUS. Connect your Telegram account, subscribe to our channel and 100 coins are yours. You can also use promocodes and bonus codes. We regularly post them on our Telegram channel. You can also find special offers on the best CS:GO gambling sites of our partners. For example, independent rating platforms or review websites. For regular users, our CSGO gambling site provides rakeback (a return on every bet). Let's say your rate is 10%. That's the percentage you'll get from the House Edge. This term means the mathematical advantage of our service. Its value varies from game to game. To increase rakeback in CSGO gambling, you need to perform certain actions. The easiest of them is to make deposits. Another simple way to boost your kickback rate is to bet using PLG coins. These are our cashback tokens, which we created in order to encourage gamblers. Having our own token sets our service apart from other CSGO gambling sites. Users can either use PLG coins for betting or stake them at a favorable percentage. Earn crypto with us and make your wildest dreams come true! NOT ONLY A CS:GO BETTING BUT ALSO A CASINO Our site combines CSGO gambling games and classic slots, blackjack, baccarat, etc. We're officially partnered with leading providers. PLG.BET has partnerships with Amatic, Betsoft, Endorphina, Thunderkick and other respected companies. Industry leaders allow only selected gambling sites to use their products. We are proud to be one of them. Cooperation with companies that are well known to millions of gamblers from all over the world is the perfect evidence of the crystal-clear reputation of our service. Besides the CSGO gambling section, we have 2 betting services. The first one is for esport fans. We accept bets on matches of popular competitive online games: Counter-Strike, Dota 2, Valorant, Overwatch, League of Legends, etc. If you like to bet on the outcome of ordinary sports matches, after registering, you won't have to look for betting sites. We'll provide you with a modern and convenient service for making bets. Football, basketball, hockey, handball, boxing – just a small list of games available to you. PLAY FOR CS:GO SKINS OR REAL MONEY Do you have unwanted CSGO skins? Use them as bets on our site! We guarantee the security of your Steam account and personal data. Our service respects the privacy of our gamblers and doesn't share information about their activities with third parties. PLG.BET doesn't violate the rules of the Steam Games service. Any interaction with our site doesn't endanger your account. We are well aware that some CSGO skins are of great value. For this reason, the team of our site pays great attention to the safety of users. To make deposits, you can also use crypto. The main advantage of cryptocurrency is the anonymity of money transfers. Since many users of CSGO sites where they play for money wish to remain anonymous, we have implemented cryptographic payments for their convenience. Finally, we accept non-crypto payment methods as well: Visa, MasterCard, Qiwi, etc. If you have any problems with making the deposit, be sure to contact player support. PLG.BET is your favorite CSGO gambling site where user problems are fixed in no time! EASY WITHDRAWALS You can also withdraw funds to crypto wallets. Receive your money in PLG, BNB, BUSD, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. If cryptocurrencies aren’t really your thing, use services like Piastrix. It allows you to accept transfers in euros, dollars, rubles and Kazakhstani tenge. You can also withdraw funds to crypto wallets. Receive your money in PLG, BNB, BUSD, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. If cryptocurrencies aren’t really your thing, use services like Piastrix. It allows you to accept transfers in euros, dollars, rubles and Kazakhstani tenge. PROVABLY FAIR POLITICS As a trusted gambling and especially Counter-Strike roulette site, we strictly adhere to fair play standards. That's why PLG.BET implemented the provably fair algorithm. Draw results are generated before the rounds start. Once a bet has been placed, our website cannot adjust or change it in any way. If you wish, you can easily verify the integrity of our CSGO gambling site. To do this, visit the Provably Fair page and read the instructions there. We are convinced that fair play is the key to trust among users. Therefore, our team strictly follows its basic principles. As for the classic games that are presented on our website, their fairness is guaranteed by the providers. Well-known developers are monitoring how their products are used, including on CSGO gambling sites. For the slightest violation of their rules, casinos are fined or even closed entirely. The work of our betting services is also regulated by strict rules that exclude cheating by the casino. Winnings are always paid according to match results. Meaning, we are one of the CSGO gambling sites where you can play absolutely safe. PLG.BET is the best service among gambling websites for fans of Counter-Strike, esports, sports betting and classic casino games! SHOW MORE © 2016 - 2023 CSGOPolygon. All rights reserved * Blog * Terms of Service * FAQ * Powered by Steam * Contacts & Support Support