www.tascperformance.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://tascperformance.com/
Effective URL: https://www.tascperformance.com/
Submission Tags: tranco_l324
Submission: On April 02 via api from DE — Scanned from CA

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      Men's New ArrivalsIntroducing our newest colors of our bestselling
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      Women's New ArrivalsIntroducing our new colors featuring the new trending
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 * New
   Seaside Wash Pocket T-Shirt
   Seaside Wash Pocket T-Shirt
   $ 54
 * new colors
   Carrollton Long Sleeve Fitness T-Shirt
    * +7
   Carrollton Long Sleeve Fitness T-Shirt
   $ 54
   4.9 star rating 931 Reviews
 * New
   Cloud Polo - Flash
   Cloud Polo - Flash
   $ 88
   5.0 star rating 1 Review
 * 30x30 30x32 32x30 32x32 33x30 33x32 34x30 34x32 34x34 35x30 35x32 36x30 36x32
   36x34 38x30 38x32 38x34 40x30 40x32 32x34 33x34 35x34
   Motion Pant Tailored Fit - Granite
   Motion Pant Tailored Fit - Granite
   $ 118
   4.4 star rating 287 Reviews
 * New
   Cloud Polo - Droplets
   Cloud Polo - Droplets
   $ 88
   Cloud Lightweight Polo Brookline Stripe
   Cloud Lightweight Polo Brookline Stripe
   $ 84
   4.8 star rating 104 Reviews
   Varsity French Terry Sweatshirt Stripe
   Varsity French Terry Sweatshirt Stripe
   $ 88
   4.7 star rating 3 Reviews
 * New
   Swift Hooded Windbreaker
   Swift Hooded Windbreaker
   $ 118
   5.0 star rating 1 Review



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   XS S M L XL
   Energetic Featherweight Jacket
   Energetic Featherweight Jacket
   $ 94
 * New
   XS S M L XL
   Weekend Wide Leg Pant 22in
   Weekend Wide Leg Pant 22in
   $ 98
 * XS S M L XL
   Microluxe Rib Midi Dress
   Microluxe Rib Midi Dress
   $ 88
 * New
   XS S M L XL
   Sculptive 7/8 Pocket Legging
    * +1
   Sculptive 7/8 Pocket Legging
   $ 98
   4.7 star rating 9 Reviews
 * New
   XS S M L XL
   Weekend Wide Leg Pant 25in
   Weekend Wide Leg Pant 25in
   $ 98
 * XS S M L XL
   Clubhouse Sweatshirt
   Clubhouse Sweatshirt
   $ 88
 * XS S M L XL
   Riverwalk Sweatshirt 2.0
   Riverwalk Sweatshirt 2.0
   $ 78
   4.0 star rating 1 Review
 * XS S M L XL
   TwentyFourSeven Jacket
   TwentyFourSeven Jacket
   $ 98
   5.0 star rating 1 Review



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   Proprietary fabrics created from renewable materials and responsibly made.

   The primary attribute of every tasc garment is our signature-soft feel and
   better wearing experience.

   Thoughtfully designed for greater flexibility and adaptability in
   modern life.

   Features that are lasting, for the life cycle of the product, and less
   reliant on chemical performance treatments.


Family-founded in the heart of New Orleans, tasc believes in southern
hospitality and quality over quantity.  Through the support of our community and
years of team collaboration, tasc has expanded its roots - from our original
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(713) 297-8312

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Mountain Brook, AL 35223

(659) 599-9240

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Dallas, TX 75209

(214) 945-0943

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Fitted Supportive Fit
Semi-Fitted Athletic Fit
Relaxed Classic Fit
Tailored Sophisticated Fit


Tasc Size S M L XL XXL Chest S: 36-38" M: 38-40" L: 42-44" XL: 46-48" XXL:
50-52" Waist S: 30-31" M: 32-33" L: 34-35" XL: 36-38" XXL: 40-42" Inseam* S: 30"
M: 31" L: 32" XL: 33" XXL: 34"

 *Men's Inseam measurements exclude the Estate Pant, Motion Pant, Drive Pant and
Switchback Pant.


Tasc Size S/M L/XL Men's Size S/M: 5-9 L/XL: 9.5-14 Women's Size S/M: 6-10.5
L/XL: 11-15

Next To Skin Sophisticated Fit
Fitted Supportive Fit
Semi-Fitted Athletic Fit
Relaxed Classic Fit


Tasc Size XS S M L XL US Size XS: 0-2 S: 4-6 M: 6-8 L: 10-12 XL: 14 Chest XS:
30" S: 32-34" M: 34-36" L: 36-38" XL: 38-40" Waist XS: 24-25" S: 26-27" M:
28-29" L: 30-31" XL: 32-33"


Tasc Size XS S M L XL US Size XS: 0-2 S: 4-6 M: 6-8 L: 10-12 XL: 14 Bra Size XS:
30 S: 32 M: 34 L: 36 XL: 38 Cup Size XS: A S: B M: B/C L: C XL: C/D


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Carrollton Fitness T-Shirt - Core
Price $48.00
Black / SBlack / MBlack / LBlack / XLBlack / XXLWhite / SWhite / MWhite / LWhite
/ XLWhite / XXLCloud Heather / SCloud Heather / MCloud Heather / LCloud Heather
/ XLCloud Heather / XXLClassic Navy / SClassic Navy / MClassic Navy / LClassic
Navy / XLClassic Navy / XXLGunmetal / SGunmetal / MGunmetal / LGunmetal /
XLGunmetal / XXLKelp Heather / SKelp Heather / MKelp Heather / LKelp Heather /
XLKelp Heather / XXLIron Heather / SIron Heather / MIron Heather / LIron Heather
/ XLIron Heather / XXLClassic Navy Heather / SClassic Navy Heather / MClassic
Navy Heather / LClassic Navy Heather / XLClassic Navy Heather / XXLHeather Gray
/ SHeather Gray / MHeather Gray / LHeather Gray / XLHeather Gray / XXL
Carrollton Long Sleeve Fitness T-Shirt
Price $54.00
Jade Heather / SJade Heather / MJade Heather / LJade Heather / XLJade Heather /
XXLLimelight Heather / SLimelight Heather / MLimelight Heather / LLimelight
Heather / XLLimelight Heather / XXLSerene Heather / SSerene Heather / MSerene
Heather / LSerene Heather / XLSerene Heather / XXLApricot Crush Heather /
SApricot Crush Heather / MApricot Crush Heather / LApricot Crush Heather /
XLApricot Crush Heather / XXLAdventure Blue Heather / SAdventure Blue Heather /
MAdventure Blue Heather / LAdventure Blue Heather / XLAdventure Blue Heather /
XXLChambray Heather / SChambray Heather / MChambray Heather / LChambray Heather
/ XLChambray Heather / XXLMineral Heather / SMineral Heather / MMineral Heather
/ LMineral Heather / XLMineral Heather / XXLIron Heather / SIron Heather / MIron
Heather / LIron Heather / XLIron Heather / XXLGunmetal / SGunmetal / MGunmetal /
LGunmetal / XLGunmetal / XXLWhite / SWhite / MWhite / LWhite / XLWhite /
XXLClassic Navy / SClassic Navy / MClassic Navy / LClassic Navy / XLClassic Navy
/ XXLBlack / SBlack / MBlack / LBlack / XLBlack / XXLHeather Gray / SHeather
Gray / MHeather Gray / LHeather Gray / XLHeather Gray / XXL
Carrollton Fitness T-Shirt - Seasonal
Price $48.00
Limelight Heather / SLimelight Heather / MLimelight Heather / LLimelight Heather
/ XLLimelight Heather / XXLCapri Heather / SCapri Heather / MCapri Heather /
LCapri Heather / XLCapri Heather / XXLPunch Heather / SPunch Heather / MPunch
Heather / LPunch Heather / XLPunch Heather / XXLApricot Crush Heather / SApricot
Crush Heather / MApricot Crush Heather / LApricot Crush Heather / XLApricot
Crush Heather / XXLSerene Heather / SSerene Heather / MSerene Heather / LSerene
Heather / XLSerene Heather / XXLSilver / SSilver / MSilver / LSilver / XLSilver
/ XXLHarmony Green Heather / SHarmony Green Heather / MHarmony Green Heather /
LHarmony Green Heather / XLFox / SFox / MFox / LFox / XLFox / XXLChambray
Heather / SChambray Heather / MChambray Heather / LChambray Heather / XLChambray
Heather / XXLPolar / MMineral Heather / SMineral Heather / MMineral Heather /
LMineral Heather / XLMineral Heather / XXL
Carrollton Long Sleeve Fitness T-Shirt
Price $54.00
Radiant Blue Heather / SRadiant Blue Heather / MRadiant Blue Heather / LRadiant
Blue Heather / XXLLake Blue / SStorm / SStorm / MStorm / LStorm / XLStorm /
XXLImperial Blue Heather / SImperial Blue Heather / MImperial Blue Heather /
LImperial Blue Heather / XLImperial Blue Heather / XXLMallard Heather / XXLEarth
Red Heather / SCloud Heather / SCloud Heather / MCloud Heather / LCloud Heather
/ XLCloud Heather / XXLPolar / SPolar / XXLTidewater Heather / STidewater
Heather / MLagoon / SLagoon / XLLagoon / XXL
Motion 7in Short
Price $88.00
Deep Indigo / 30Deep Indigo / 32Deep Indigo / 33Deep Indigo / 34Deep Indigo /
35Deep Indigo / 36Deep Indigo / 38Deep Indigo / 40Light Stone / 30Light Stone /
32Light Stone / 33Light Stone / 34Light Stone / 35Light Stone / 36Light Stone /
38Light Stone / 40Khaki / 30Khaki / 32Khaki / 33Khaki / 34Khaki / 35Khaki /
36Khaki / 38Khaki / 40Black / 30Black / 32Black / 33Black / 34Black / 35Black /
36Black / 38Black / 40Glacier Gray / 30Glacier Gray / 32Glacier Gray / 33Glacier
Gray / 34Glacier Gray / 35Glacier Gray / 36Glacier Gray / 38Glacier Gray /
40Classic Navy / 30Classic Navy / 32Classic Navy / 33Classic Navy / 34Classic
Navy / 35Classic Navy / 36Classic Navy / 38Classic Navy / 40Olive / 30Olive /
32Olive / 33Olive / 34Olive / 35Olive / 36Olive / 38Olive / 40Granite /
30Granite / 32Granite / 33Granite / 34Granite / 35Granite / 36Granite /
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/ 35Mid-Khaki / 36Mid-Khaki / 38Mid-Khaki / 40Shale / 30Shale / 32Shale /
33Shale / 34Shale / 35Shale / 36Shale / 38Shale / 40
Carrollton Performance Crew
Price $48.00
Storm / SStorm / LBlack Heather / SFire Heather / SGolden Heather / SGolden
Heather / MImperial Blue / SRed Heather / MSahara Heather / SSahara Heather /
MSummer Yellow / SAqua Green / SSun Heather / SSun Heather / MSun Heather / LSun
Heather / XLSun Heather / XXLAdventure Blue Heather / SAdventure Blue Heather /
MAdventure Blue Heather / LAdventure Blue Heather / XLAdventure Blue Heather /
XXLGrape Heather / SGrape Heather / XLGrape Heather / XXL
BamBare Boxer Brief
Price $28.00
Cloud Heather / SCloud Heather / MCloud Heather / XLCloud Heather / XXLClassic
Navy Heather / SClassic Navy Heather / MClassic Navy Heather / LClassic Navy
Heather / XLClassic Navy Heather / XXLRed Heather / SRed Heather / MRed Heather
/ XXLBlack Heather / SBlack Heather / MBlack Heather / LBlack Heather / XLBlack
Heather / XXLBlack / SBlack / MBlack / LBlack / XLBlack / XXLLight Heather Gray
/ SLight Heather Gray / MLight Heather Gray / LLight Heather Gray / XLLight
Heather Gray / XXLIndigo Heather / SIndigo Heather / MIndigo Heather / LIndigo
Heather / XLIndigo Heather / XXL
Carrollton Lightweight Hoodie
Price $68.00
Silver / SSilver / MSilver / LSilver / XLSilver / XXLSerene / SSerene / MSerene
/ LSerene / XLSerene / XXLChambray Heather / SChambray Heather / MChambray
Heather / LChambray Heather / XLChambray Heather / XXLMineral Heather / SMineral
Heather / MMineral Heather / LMineral Heather / XLMineral Heather / XXLIron
Heather / SIron Heather / MIron Heather / LIron Heather / XLIron Heather /
XXLCloud Heather / SCloud Heather / MCloud Heather / LCloud Heather / XLCloud
Heather / XXLClassic Navy Heather / SClassic Navy Heather / MClassic Navy
Heather / LClassic Navy Heather / XLClassic Navy Heather / XXLKelp Heather /
SKelp Heather / MKelp Heather / LKelp Heather / XLKelp Heather / XXLCapri
Heather / LCapri Heather / MCapri Heather / SCapri Heather / XLCapri Heather /
XXLPunch Heather / LPunch Heather / MPunch Heather / SPunch Heather / XLPunch
Heather / XXL
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