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Submitted URL: http://wordpress-1002835-3552198.cloudwaysapps.com/author/admin
Effective URL: https://wordpress-1002835-3552198.cloudwaysapps.com/author/admin
Submission: On October 25 via api from US — Scanned from SG

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Text Content

/*! elementor-pro - v3.20.0 - 11-03-2024 */ "use strict";
(self["webpackChunkelementor_pro"] = self["webpackChunkelementor_pro"] ||
[]).push([["lottie"],{ /***/ "../modules/lottie/assets/js/frontend/handler.js":
/*!*******************************************************!*\ !***
../modules/lottie/assets/js/frontend/handler.js ***!
\*******************************************************/ /***/
((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { Object.defineProperty(exports,
"__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports["default"] = void 0; class
lottieHandler extends elementorModules.frontend.handlers.Base {
getDefaultSettings() { return { selectors: { container: '.e-lottie__container',
containerLink: '.e-lottie__container__link', animation: '.e-lottie__animation',
caption: '.e-lottie__caption' }, classes: { caption: 'e-lottie__caption' } }; }
getDefaultElements() { const { selectors } = this.getSettings(); return {
$widgetWrapper: this.$element, $container:
this.$element.find(selectors.container), $containerLink:
this.$element.find(selectors.containerLink), $animation:
this.$element.find(selectors.animation), $caption:
this.$element.find(selectors.caption), $sectionParent:
this.$element.closest('.elementor-section'), $columnParent:
this.$element.closest('.elementor-column'), $containerParent:
this.$element.closest('.e-con') }; } onInit() { super.onInit(...arguments);
this.lottie = null; this.state = { isAnimationScrollUpdateNeededOnFirstLoad:
true, isNewLoopCycle: false, isInViewport: false, loop: false,
animationDirection: 'forward', currentAnimationTrigger: '', effectsRelativeTo:
'', hoverOutMode: '', hoverArea: '', caption: '', playAnimationCount: 0,
animationSpeed: 0, linkTimeout: 0, viewportOffset: { start: 0, end: 100 } };
this.intersectionObservers = { animation: { observer: null, element: null },
lazyload: { observer: null, element: null } }; this.animationFrameRequest = {
timer: null, lastScrollY: 0 }; this.listeners = { collection: [], elements: {
$widgetArea: { triggerAnimationHoverIn: null, triggerAnimationHoverOut: null },
$container: { triggerAnimationClick: null } } }; this.initLottie(); }
initLottie() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(); if
(lottieSettings.lazyload) { this.lazyloadLottie(); } else {
this.generateLottie(); } } lazyloadLottie() { const
bufferHeightBeforeTriggerLottie = 200;
this.intersectionObservers.lazyload.observer =
elementorModules.utils.Scroll.scrollObserver({ offset: `0px 0px
${bufferHeightBeforeTriggerLottie}px`, callback: event => { if
(event.isInViewport) { this.generateLottie();
} } }); this.intersectionObservers.lazyload.element =
} generateLottie() { this.createLottieInstance(); this.setLottieEvents(); }
createLottieInstance() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings();
this.lottie = bodymovin.loadAnimation({ container: this.elements.$animation[0],
path: this.getAnimationPath(), renderer: lottieSettings.renderer, autoplay:
false, // We always want to trigger the animation manually for considering
start/end frame. name: 'lottie-widget' }); // Expose the lottie instance in the
frontend. this.elements.$animation.data('lottie', this.lottie); }
getAnimationPath() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(); if
(lottieSettings.source_json?.url && 'json' ===
lottieSettings.source_json.url.toLowerCase().substr(-4)) { return
lottieSettings.source_json.url; } else if
(lottieSettings.source_external_url?.url) { return
lottieSettings.source_external_url.url; } // Default animation path. return
elementorProFrontend.config.lottie.defaultAnimationUrl; } setCaption() { const
lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(); if ('external_url' ===
lottieSettings.source || 'media_file' === lottieSettings.source && 'custom' ===
lottieSettings.caption_source) { const $captionElement =
this.getCaptionElement(); $captionElement.text(lottieSettings.caption); } }
getCaptionElement() { if (!this.elements.$caption.length) { const { classes } =
this.getSettings(); this.elements.$caption = jQuery('

', { class: classes.caption });
this.elements.$container.append(this.elements.$caption); return
this.elements.$caption; } return this.elements.$caption; } setLottieEvents() {
this.lottie.addEventListener('DOMLoaded', () => this.onLottieDomLoaded());
this.lottie.addEventListener('complete', () => this.onComplete()); }
saveInitialValues() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(); /* These
values of the animation are being changed during the animation runtime and saved
in the lottie instance (and not in the state) for the instance expose in the
frontend. */ this.lottie.__initialTotalFrames = this.lottie.totalFrames;
this.lottie.__initialFirstFrame = this.lottie.firstFrame;
this.state.currentAnimationTrigger = lottieSettings.trigger;
this.state.effectsRelativeTo = lottieSettings.effects_relative_to;
this.state.viewportOffset.start = lottieSettings.viewport ?
lottieSettings.viewport.sizes.start : 0; this.state.viewportOffset.end =
lottieSettings.viewport ? lottieSettings.viewport.sizes.end : 100;
this.state.animationSpeed = lottieSettings.play_speed?.size;
this.state.linkTimeout = lottieSettings.link_timeout; this.state.caption =
lottieSettings.caption; this.state.loop = lottieSettings.loop; }
setAnimationFirstFrame() { const frame = this.getAnimationFrames(); /* We need
to subtract the initial first frame from the first frame for handling scenarios
when the animation first frame is not 0, this way we always get the relevant
first frame. example: when start point is 70 and initial first frame is 60, the
animation should start at 10. */ frame.first = frame.first -
this.lottie.__initialFirstFrame; this.lottie.goToAndStop(frame.first, true); }
initAnimationTrigger() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(); switch
(lottieSettings.trigger) { case 'none': this.playLottie(); break; case
'arriving_to_viewport': this.playAnimationWhenArrivingToViewport(); break; case
'bind_to_scroll': this.playAnimationWhenBindToScroll(); break; case 'on_click':
this.bindAnimationClickEvents(); break; case 'on_hover':
this.bindAnimationHoverEvents(); break; } }
playAnimationWhenArrivingToViewport() { const offset = this.getOffset();
this.intersectionObservers.animation.observer =
elementorModules.utils.Scroll.scrollObserver({ offset: `${offset.end}% 0%
${offset.start}%`, callback: event => { if (event.isInViewport) {
this.state.isInViewport = true; this.playLottie(); } else {
this.state.isInViewport = false; this.lottie.pause(); } } });
this.intersectionObservers.animation.element = this.elements.$widgetWrapper[0];
} getOffset() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(), start =
-lottieSettings.viewport.sizes.start || 0, end = -(100 -
lottieSettings.viewport.sizes.end) || 0; return { start, end }; }
playAnimationWhenBindToScroll() { const lottieSettings =
this.getLottieSettings(), offset = this.getOffset(); // Generate scroll
detection by Intersection Observer API
this.intersectionObservers.animation.observer =
elementorModules.utils.Scroll.scrollObserver({ offset: `${offset.end}% 0%
${offset.start}%`, callback: event => this.onLottieIntersection(event) });
this.intersectionObservers.animation.element = 'viewport' ===
lottieSettings.effects_relative_to ? this.elements.$widgetWrapper[0] :
} updateAnimationByScrollPosition() { const lottieSettings =
this.getLottieSettings(); let percentage; if ('page' ===
lottieSettings.effects_relative_to) { percentage =
this.getLottiePagePercentage(); } else if ('fixed' ===
this.getCurrentDeviceSetting('_position')) { percentage =
this.getLottieViewportHeightPercentage(); } else { percentage =
this.getLottieViewportPercentage(); } let nextFrameToPlay =
this.getFrameNumberByPercent(percentage); nextFrameToPlay = nextFrameToPlay -
this.lottie.__initialFirstFrame; this.lottie.goToAndStop(nextFrameToPlay, true);
} getLottieViewportPercentage() { return
this.getOffset()); } getLottiePagePercentage() { return
elementorModules.utils.Scroll.getPageScrollPercentage(this.getOffset()); }
getLottieViewportHeightPercentage() { return
window.innerHeight); } /** * @param {number} percent - Percent value between
0-100 */ getFrameNumberByPercent(percent) { const frame =
this.getAnimationFrames(); /* In mobile devices the document height can be
'stretched' at the top and bottom points of the document, this 'stretched' will
make percent to be either negative or larger than 100, therefore we need to
limit percent between 0-100. */ percent = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, percent));
// Getting frame number by percent of range, considering start/end frame values
if exist. return frame.first + (frame.last - frame.first) * percent / 100; }
getAnimationFrames() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(),
currentFrame = this.getAnimationCurrentFrame(), startPoint =
this.getAnimationRange().start, endPoint = this.getAnimationRange().end; let
firstFrame = this.lottie.__initialFirstFrame, lastFrame = 0 ===
this.lottie.__initialFirstFrame ? this.lottie.__initialTotalFrames :
this.lottie.__initialFirstFrame + this.lottie.__initialTotalFrames; // Limiting
min start point to animation first frame. if (startPoint && startPoint >
firstFrame) { firstFrame = startPoint; } // Limiting max end point to animation
last frame. if (endPoint && endPoint < lastFrame) { lastFrame = endPoint; } /*
Getting the relevant first frame after loop complete and when not bind to
scroll. when the animation is in progress (no when a new loop start), the first
frame should be the current frame. when the trigger is bind_to_scroll we DON'T
need to get this functionality. */ if (!this.state.isNewLoopCycle &&
'bind_to_scroll' !== lottieSettings.trigger) { // When we have a custom start
point, we need to check if the start point is larger than the last pause stop of
the animation. firstFrame = startPoint && startPoint > currentFrame ? startPoint
: currentFrame; } // Reverse Mode. if ('backward' ===
this.state.animationDirection && this.isReverseMode()) { firstFrame =
currentFrame; lastFrame = startPoint && startPoint >
this.lottie.__initialFirstFrame ? startPoint : this.lottie.__initialFirstFrame;
} return { first: firstFrame, last: lastFrame, current: currentFrame, total:
this.lottie.__initialTotalFrames }; } getAnimationRange() { const lottieSettings
= this.getLottieSettings(); return { start:
this.getInitialFrameNumberByPercent(lottieSettings.start_point.size), end:
this.getInitialFrameNumberByPercent(lottieSettings.end_point.size) }; }
getInitialFrameNumberByPercent(percent) { percent = Math.min(100, Math.max(0,
percent)); return this.lottie.__initialFirstFrame +
(this.lottie.__initialTotalFrames - this.lottie.__initialFirstFrame) * percent /
100; } getAnimationCurrentFrame() { // When pausing the animation (when out of
viewport) the first frame of the animation changes. return 0 ===
this.lottie.firstFrame ? this.lottie.currentFrame : this.lottie.firstFrame +
this.lottie.currentFrame; } setLinkTimeout() { const lottieSettings =
this.getLottieSettings(); if ('on_click' === lottieSettings.trigger &&
lottieSettings.custom_link?.url && lottieSettings.link_timeout) {
this.elements.$containerLink.on('click', event => { event.preventDefault(); if
(!this.isEdit) { setTimeout(() => { const tabTarget = 'on' ===
lottieSettings.custom_link.is_external ? '_blank' : '_self';
window.open(lottieSettings.custom_link.url, tabTarget); },
lottieSettings.link_timeout); } }); } } bindAnimationClickEvents() {
this.listeners.elements.$container.triggerAnimationClick = () => {
this.playLottie(); }; this.addSessionEventListener(this.elements.$container,
'click', this.listeners.elements.$container.triggerAnimationClick); }
getLottieSettings() { const lottieSettings = this.getElementSettings(); return {
...lottieSettings, lazyload: 'yes' === lottieSettings.lazyload, loop: 'yes' ===
lottieSettings.loop }; } playLottie() { const frame = this.getAnimationFrames();
this.lottie.stop(); this.lottie.playSegments([frame.first, frame.last], true);
// We reset the loop cycle state after playing the animation.
this.state.isNewLoopCycle = false; } bindAnimationHoverEvents() {
this.createAnimationHoverInEvents(); this.createAnimationHoverOutEvents(); }
createAnimationHoverInEvents() { const lottieSettings =
this.getLottieSettings(), $widgetArea = this.getHoverAreaElement();
this.state.hoverArea = lottieSettings.hover_area;
this.listeners.elements.$widgetArea.triggerAnimationHoverIn = () => {
this.state.animationDirection = 'forward'; this.playLottie(); };
this.addSessionEventListener($widgetArea, 'mouseenter',
this.listeners.elements.$widgetArea.triggerAnimationHoverIn); } /** * @param
{jQuery} $el * @param {string} event - event type * @param {Function} callback
*/ addSessionEventListener($el, event, callback) { $el.on(event, callback);
this.listeners.collection.push({ $el, event, callback }); }
createAnimationHoverOutEvents() { const lottieSettings =
this.getLottieSettings(), $widgetArea = this.getHoverAreaElement(); if ('pause'
=== lottieSettings.on_hover_out || 'reverse' === lottieSettings.on_hover_out) {
this.state.hoverOutMode = lottieSettings.on_hover_out;
this.listeners.elements.$widgetArea.triggerAnimationHoverOut = () => { if
('pause' === lottieSettings.on_hover_out) { this.lottie.pause(); } else {
this.state.animationDirection = 'backward'; this.playLottie(); } };
this.addSessionEventListener($widgetArea, 'mouseleave',
this.listeners.elements.$widgetArea.triggerAnimationHoverOut); } }
getHoverAreaElement() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(); switch
(lottieSettings.hover_area) { case 'section': return
this.elements.$sectionParent; case 'column': return this.elements.$columnParent;
case 'container': return this.elements.$containerParent; } return
this.elements.$container; } setLoopOnAnimationComplete() { const lottieSettings
= this.getLottieSettings(); this.state.isNewLoopCycle = true; if
(lottieSettings.loop && !this.isReverseMode()) { this.setLoopWhenNotReverse(); }
else if (lottieSettings.loop && this.isReverseMode()) {
this.setReverseAnimationOnLoop(); } else if (!lottieSettings.loop &&
this.isReverseMode()) { this.setReverseAnimationOnSingleTrigger(); } }
isReverseMode() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(); return 'yes'
=== lottieSettings.reverse_animation || 'reverse' ===
lottieSettings.on_hover_out && 'backward' === this.state.animationDirection; }
setLoopWhenNotReverse() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(); if
(lottieSettings.number_of_times > 0) { this.state.playAnimationCount++; if
(this.state.playAnimationCount < lottieSettings.number_of_times) {
this.playLottie(); } else { this.state.playAnimationCount = 0; } } else {
this.playLottie(); } } setReverseAnimationOnLoop() { const lottieSettings =
this.getLottieSettings(); /* We trigger the reverse animation: either when we
don't have any value in the 'Number of Times" field, and then it will be an
infinite forward/backward loop, or, when we have a value in the 'Number of
Times" field and then we need to limit the number of times of the loop cycles.
*/ if (!lottieSettings.number_of_times || this.state.playAnimationCount <
lottieSettings.number_of_times) { this.state.animationDirection = 'forward' ===
this.state.animationDirection ? 'backward' : 'forward'; this.playLottie(); /* We
need to increment the count only on the backward movements, because forward
movement + backward movement are equal together to one full movement count. */
if ('backward' === this.state.animationDirection) {
this.state.playAnimationCount++; } } else { // Reset the values for the loop
counting for the next trigger. this.state.playAnimationCount = 0;
this.state.animationDirection = 'forward'; } }
setReverseAnimationOnSingleTrigger() { if (this.state.playAnimationCount < 1) {
this.state.playAnimationCount++; this.state.animationDirection = 'backward';
this.playLottie(); } else if (this.state.playAnimationCount >= 1 && 'forward'
=== this.state.animationDirection) { this.state.animationDirection = 'backward';
this.playLottie(); } else { this.state.playAnimationCount = 0;
this.state.animationDirection = 'forward'; } } setAnimationSpeed() { const
lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(); if (lottieSettings.play_speed) {
this.lottie.setSpeed(lottieSettings.play_speed.size); } } onElementChange() {
this.updateLottieValues(); this.resetAnimationTrigger(); } updateLottieValues()
{ const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(), valuesComparison = [{
sourceVal: lottieSettings.play_speed?.size, stateProp: 'animationSpeed',
callback: () => this.setAnimationSpeed() }, { sourceVal:
lottieSettings.link_timeout, stateProp: 'linkTimeout', callback: () =>
this.setLinkTimeout() }, { sourceVal: lottieSettings.caption, stateProp:
'caption', callback: () => this.setCaption() }, { sourceVal:
lottieSettings.effects_relative_to, stateProp: 'effectsRelativeTo', callback: ()
=> this.updateAnimationByScrollPosition() }, { sourceVal: lottieSettings.loop,
stateProp: 'loop', callback: () => this.onLoopStateChange() }];
valuesComparison.forEach(item => { if ('undefined' !== typeof item.sourceVal &&
item.sourceVal !== this.state[item.stateProp]) { this.state[item.stateProp] =
item.sourceVal; item.callback(); } }); } onLoopStateChange() { const
isInActiveViewportMode = 'arriving_to_viewport' ===
this.state.currentAnimationTrigger && this.state.isInViewport; if
(this.state.loop && (isInActiveViewportMode || 'none' ===
this.state.currentAnimationTrigger)) { this.playLottie(); } }
resetAnimationTrigger() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(),
isTriggerChange = lottieSettings.trigger !== this.state.currentAnimationTrigger,
isViewportOffsetChange = lottieSettings.viewport ? this.isViewportOffsetChange()
: false, isHoverOutModeChange = lottieSettings.on_hover_out ?
this.isHoverOutModeChange() : false, isHoverAreaChange =
lottieSettings.hover_area ? this.isHoverAreaChange() : false; if
(isTriggerChange || isViewportOffsetChange || isHoverOutModeChange ||
isHoverAreaChange) { this.removeAnimationFrameRequests();
this.removeObservers(); this.removeEventListeners();
this.initAnimationTrigger(); } } isViewportOffsetChange() { const lottieSettings
= this.getLottieSettings(), isStartOffsetChange =
lottieSettings.viewport.sizes.start !== this.state.viewportOffset.start,
isEndOffsetChange = lottieSettings.viewport.sizes.end !==
this.state.viewportOffset.end; return isStartOffsetChange || isEndOffsetChange;
} isHoverOutModeChange() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings();
return lottieSettings.on_hover_out !== this.state.hoverOutMode; }
isHoverAreaChange() { const lottieSettings = this.getLottieSettings(); return
lottieSettings.hover_area !== this.state.hoverArea; } removeEventListeners() {
this.listeners.collection.forEach(listener => { listener.$el.off(listener.event,
null, listener.callback); }); } removeObservers() { // Removing all observers.
for (const type in this.intersectionObservers) { if
(this.intersectionObservers[type].observer &&
this.intersectionObservers[type].element) {
} } } removeAnimationFrameRequests() {
cancelAnimationFrame(this.animationFrameRequest.timer); } onDestroy() {
super.onDestroy(); this.destroyLottie(); } destroyLottie() {
this.removeAnimationFrameRequests(); this.removeObservers();
this.removeEventListeners(); this.elements.$animation.removeData('lottie'); if
(this.lottie) { this.lottie.destroy(); } } onLottieDomLoaded() {
this.saveInitialValues(); this.setAnimationSpeed(); this.setLinkTimeout();
this.setCaption(); this.setAnimationFirstFrame(); this.initAnimationTrigger(); }
onComplete() { this.setLoopOnAnimationComplete(); } onLottieIntersection(event)
{ if (event.isInViewport) { /* It's required to update the animation progress on
first load when lottie is inside the viewport on load but, there is a problem
when the browser is refreshed when the scroll bar is not in 0 position, in this
scenario, after the refresh the browser will trigger 2 scroll events one trigger
on immediate load and second after a f ew ms to move the scroll bar to previous
position (before refresh) therefore, we use the
this.state.isAnimationScrollUpdateNeededOnFirstLoad flag to make sure that
this.updateAnimationByScrollPosition() function will be triggered only once. */
if (this.state.isAnimationScrollUpdateNeededOnFirstLoad) {
this.state.isAnimationScrollUpdateNeededOnFirstLoad = false;
this.updateAnimationByScrollPosition(); } this.animationFrameRequest.timer =
requestAnimationFrame(() => this.onAnimationFrameRequest()); } else { const
frame = this.getAnimationFrames(), finalFrame = 'up' ===
event.intersectionScrollDirection ? frame.first : frame.last;
this.state.isAnimationScrollUpdateNeededOnFirstLoad = false;
cancelAnimationFrame(this.animationFrameRequest.timer); // Set the animation
values to min/max when out of viewport. this.lottie.goToAndStop(finalFrame,
true); } } onAnimationFrameRequest() { // Making calculation only when there is
a change with the scroll position. if (window.scrollY !==
this.animationFrameRequest.lastScrollY) {
this.updateAnimationByScrollPosition(); this.animationFrameRequest.lastScrollY =
window.scrollY; } this.animationFrameRequest.timer = requestAnimationFrame(() =>
this.onAnimationFrameRequest()); } } exports["default"] = lottieHandler; /***/
}) }]); //# sourceMappingURL=lottie.a00fda0bbf10f9b99eae.bundle.js.map

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